Theory Card_Partial_Equiv_Relations

(*  Author: Lukas Bulwahn <> *)

section ‹Cardinality of Partial Equivalence Relations›

theory Card_Partial_Equiv_Relations

subsection ‹Definition of Partial Equivalence Relation›

definition partial_equiv :: "'a set  ('a × 'a) set  bool"
  "partial_equiv A R = (R  A × A  sym R  trans R)"

lemma partial_equivI:
  assumes "R  A × A" "sym R" "trans R"
  shows "partial_equiv A R"
using assms unfolding partial_equiv_def by auto

lemma partial_equiv_iff:
  shows "partial_equiv A R  (A'  A. equiv A' R)"
  assume "partial_equiv A R"
  from partial_equiv A R have "R `` A  A"
    unfolding partial_equiv_def by blast
  moreover have "equiv (R `` A) R"
  proof (rule equivI)
    from partial_equiv A R show "sym R"
      unfolding partial_equiv_def by blast
    from partial_equiv A R show "trans R"
      unfolding partial_equiv_def by blast
    show "refl_on (R `` A) R"
    proof (rule refl_onI)
      show "R  R `` A × R `` A"
        fix p
        assume "p  R"
        obtain x y where "p = (x, y)" by fastforce
        moreover have "x  R `` A"
          using p  R p = (x, y) partial_equiv A R
            partial_equiv_def sym_def by fastforce
        moreover have "y  R `` A"
          using p  R p = (x, y) R `` A  A x  R `` A by blast
        ultimately show "p  R `` A × R `` A" by auto
      fix y
      assume "y  R `` A"
      from this obtain x where "(x, y)  R" by auto
      from (x, y)  R have "(y, x)  R"
        using sym R by (meson symE)
      from (x, y)  R (y, x)  R show "(y, y)  R"
        using trans R by (meson transE)
  ultimately show "A'A. equiv A' R" by blast
  assume "A'A. equiv A' R"
  from this obtain A' where "A'  A" and "equiv A' R" by blast
  show "partial_equiv A R"
  proof (rule partial_equivI)
    from equiv A' R A'  A show "R  A × A"
      using equiv_class_eq_iff by fastforce
    from equiv A' R show "sym R"
      using equivE by blast
    from equiv A' R show "trans R"
      using equivE by blast

subsection ‹Construction of all Partial Equivalence Relations for a Given Set›

definition all_partial_equivs_on :: "'a set  (('a × 'a) set) set"
  "all_partial_equivs_on A =
    do {
      k  {0..card A};
      A'  {A'. A'  A  card A' = k};
      {R. equiv A' R}

lemma all_partial_equivs_on:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "all_partial_equivs_on A = {R. partial_equiv A R}"
  show "all_partial_equivs_on A  {R. partial_equiv A R}"
    fix R
    assume "R  all_partial_equivs_on A"
    from this obtain A' where "A'  A" and "equiv A' R"
      unfolding all_partial_equivs_on_def by auto
    from this have "partial_equiv A R"
      using partial_equiv_iff by blast
    from this show "R  {R. partial_equiv A R}" ..
  show "{R. partial_equiv A R}  all_partial_equivs_on A"
    fix R
    assume "R  {R. partial_equiv A R}"
    from this obtain A' where "A'  A" and "equiv A' R"
      using partial_equiv_iff by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
    moreover have "card A'  {0..card A}"
      using A'  A finite A by (simp add: card_mono)
    ultimately show "R  all_partial_equivs_on A"
      unfolding all_partial_equivs_on_def
      by (auto simp del: atLeastAtMost_iff)

subsection ‹Injectivity of the Set Construction›

lemma equiv_inject:
  assumes "equiv A R" "equiv B R"
  shows "A = B"
proof -
  from assms have "R  A × A" "R  B × B" by (simp add: equiv_type)+
  moreover from assms have "xA. (x, x)  R" "xB. (x, x)  R"
    by (simp add: eq_equiv_class)+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using mem_Sigma_iff subset_antisym subset_eq by blast

lemma injectivity:
  assumes "(A'  A  card A' = k)  (A''  A  card A'' = k')"
  assumes "equiv A' R  equiv A'' R'"
  assumes "R = R'"
  shows "A' = A''" "k = k'"
proof -
  from R = R' assms(2) show "A' = A''"
    using equiv_inject by fast
  from this assms(1) show "k = k'" by simp

subsection ‹Cardinality Theorem of Partial Equivalence Relations›

theorem card_partial_equiv:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "card {R. partial_equiv A R} = Bell (card A + 1)"
proof -
  let ?expr = "do {
      k  {0..card A};
      A'  {A'. A'  A  card A' = k};
      {R. equiv A' R}
  have "card {R. partial_equiv A R} = card (all_partial_equivs_on A)"
    using finite A by (simp add: all_partial_equivs_on)
  also have "card (all_partial_equivs_on A) = card ?expr"
    unfolding all_partial_equivs_on_def ..
  also have "card ?expr = (k = 0..card A. (card A choose k) * Bell k)"
  proof -
    let "?S  ?comp" = ?expr
      fix k
      assume k: "k  {..card A}"
      let ?expr = "?comp k"
      let "?S  ?comp" = ?expr
      have "finite ?S" using finite A by simp
      moreover {
        fix A'
        assume A': "A'  {A'. A'  A  card A' = k}"
        from this have "A'  A" and "card A' = k" by auto
        let ?expr = "?comp A'"
        have "finite A'"
          using finite A A'  A by (simp add: finite_subset)
        have "card ?expr = Bell k"
          using finite A finite A' A'  A card A' = k
          by (simp add: card_equiv_rel_eq_Bell)
        moreover have "finite ?expr"
          using finite A' by (simp add: finite_equiv)
        ultimately have "finite ?expr  card ?expr = Bell k" by blast
      } note inner = this
      moreover have "disjoint_family_on ?comp ?S"
        by (injectivity_solver rule: injectivity(1))
      moreover have "card ?S = card A choose k"
        using finite A by (simp add: n_subsets)
      ultimately have "card ?expr = (card A choose k) * Bell k" (is "_ = ?formula")
        by (subst card_bind_constant) auto
      moreover have "finite ?expr"
        using finite ?S inner by (auto intro!: finite_bind)
      ultimately have "finite ?expr  card ?expr = ?formula" by blast
    moreover have "finite ?S" by simp
    moreover have "disjoint_family_on ?comp ?S"
      by (injectivity_solver rule: injectivity(2))
    ultimately show "card ?expr = (k = 0..card A. (card A choose k) * Bell k)"
      by (subst card_bind) auto
  also have " = (kcard A. (card A choose k) * Bell k)"
    by (auto intro: sum.cong)
  also have " = Bell (card A + 1)"
    using Bell_recursive_eq by simp
  finally show ?thesis .
