Theory CoCallAnalysisBinds
theory CoCallAnalysisBinds
imports CoCallAnalysisSig AEnv "AList-Utils-HOLCF" "Arity-Nominal" "CoCallGraph-Nominal"
context CoCallAnalysis
definition ccBind :: "var ⇒ exp ⇒ ((AEnv × CoCalls) → CoCalls)"
where "ccBind v e = (Λ (ae, G). if (v--v∉G) ∨ ¬ isVal e then cc_restr (fv e) (fup⋅(ccExp e)⋅(ae v)) else ccSquare (fv e))"
lemma ccBind_eq:
"ccBind v e⋅(ae, G) = (if v--v∉G ∨ ¬ isVal e then 𝒢⇧⊥⇘ae v⇙ e G|` fv e else (fv e)⇧2)"
unfolding ccBind_def
apply (rule cfun_beta_Pair)
apply (rule cont_if_else_above)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (auto dest: subsetD[OF ccField_cc_restr])[1]
apply (case_tac p, auto, transfer, auto)[1]
apply (rule adm_subst[OF cont_snd])
apply (rule admI, thin_tac "chain _", transfer, auto)
lemma ccBind_strict[simp]: "ccBind v e ⋅ ⊥ = ⊥"
by (auto simp add: inst_prod_pcpo ccBind_eq simp del: Pair_strict)
lemma ccField_ccBind: "ccField (ccBind v e⋅(ae,G)) ⊆ fv e"
by (auto simp add: ccBind_eq dest: subsetD[OF ccField_cc_restr])
definition ccBinds :: "heap ⇒ ((AEnv × CoCalls) → CoCalls)"
where "ccBinds Γ = (Λ i. (⨆v↦e∈map_of Γ. ccBind v e⋅i))"
lemma ccBinds_eq:
"ccBinds Γ⋅i = (⨆v↦e∈map_of Γ. ccBind v e⋅i)"
unfolding ccBinds_def
by simp
lemma ccBinds_strict[simp]: "ccBinds Γ⋅⊥=⊥"
unfolding ccBinds_eq
by (cases "Γ = []") simp_all
lemma ccBinds_strict'[simp]: "ccBinds Γ⋅(⊥,⊥)=⊥"
by (metis CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds_strict Pair_bottom_iff)
lemma ccBinds_reorder1:
assumes "map_of Γ v = Some e"
shows "ccBinds Γ = ccBind v e ⊔ ccBinds (delete v Γ)"
from assms
have "map_of Γ = map_of ((v,e) # delete v Γ)" by (metis map_of_delete_insert)
thus ?thesis
by (auto intro: cfun_eqI simp add: ccBinds_eq delete_set_none)
lemma ccBinds_Nil[simp]:
"ccBinds [] = ⊥"
unfolding ccBinds_def by simp
lemma ccBinds_Cons[simp]:
"ccBinds ((x,e)#Γ) = ccBind x e ⊔ ccBinds (delete x Γ)"
by (subst ccBinds_reorder1[where v = x and e = e]) auto
lemma ccBind_below_ccBinds: "map_of Γ x = Some e ⟹ ccBind x e⋅ae ⊑ (ccBinds Γ⋅ae)"
by (auto simp add: ccBinds_eq)
lemma ccField_ccBinds: "ccField (ccBinds Γ⋅(ae,G)) ⊆ fv Γ"
by (auto simp add: ccBinds_eq dest: subsetD[OF ccField_ccBind] intro: subsetD[OF map_of_Some_fv_subset])
:: "heap ⇒ ((AEnv × CoCalls) → CoCalls)"
where "ccBindsExtra Γ = (Λ i. snd i ⊔ ccBinds Γ ⋅ i ⊔ (⨆x↦e∈map_of Γ. ccProd (fv e) (ccNeighbors x (snd i))))"
lemma : "ccBindsExtra Γ ⋅ i =snd i ⊔ ccBinds Γ ⋅ i ⊔ (⨆x↦e∈map_of Γ. ccProd (fv e) (ccNeighbors x (snd i)))"
unfolding ccBindsExtra_def by simp
lemma : "ccBindsExtra Γ⋅(ae,G) =
G ⊔ ccBinds Γ⋅(ae,G) ⊔ (⨆x↦e∈map_of Γ. fv e G× ccNeighbors x G)"
unfolding ccBindsExtra_def by simp
lemma [simp]: "ccBindsExtra Γ ⋅ ⊥ = ⊥"
by (auto simp add: ccBindsExtra_simp inst_prod_pcpo simp del: Pair_strict)
lemma :
"ccField (ccBindsExtra Γ⋅(ae,G)) ⊆ fv Γ ∪ ccField G"
by (auto simp add: ccBindsExtra_simp elem_to_ccField
dest!: subsetD[OF ccField_ccBinds] subsetD[OF ccField_ccProd_subset] map_of_Some_fv_subset)
lemma ccBind_eqvt[eqvt]: "π ∙ (CoCallAnalysis.ccBind cccExp x e) = CoCallAnalysis.ccBind (π ∙ cccExp) (π ∙ x) (π ∙ e)"
fix π ae G
have "π ∙ ((CoCallAnalysis.ccBind cccExp x e) ⋅ (ae,G)) = CoCallAnalysis.ccBind (π ∙ cccExp) (π ∙ x) (π ∙ e) ⋅ (π ∙ ae, π ∙ G)"
unfolding CoCallAnalysis.ccBind_eq
by perm_simp (simp add: Abs_cfun_eqvt)
thus ?thesis by (auto intro: cfun_eqvtI)
lemma ccBinds_eqvt[eqvt]: "π ∙ (CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds cccExp Γ) = CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds (π ∙ cccExp) (π ∙ Γ)"
apply (rule cfun_eqvtI)
unfolding CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds_eq
apply (perm_simp)
apply rule
lemma [eqvt]: "π ∙ (CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra cccExp Γ) = CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra (π ∙ cccExp) (π ∙ Γ)"
by (rule cfun_eqvtI) (simp add: CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra_def)
lemma ccBind_cong[fundef_cong]:
"cccexp1 e = cccexp2 e ⟹ CoCallAnalysis.ccBind cccexp1 x e = CoCallAnalysis.ccBind cccexp2 x e "
apply (rule cfun_eqI)
apply (case_tac xa)
apply (auto simp add: CoCallAnalysis.ccBind_eq)
lemma ccBinds_cong[fundef_cong]:
"⟦ (⋀ e. e ∈ snd ` set heap2 ⟹ cccexp1 e = cccexp2 e); heap1 = heap2 ⟧
⟹ CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds cccexp1 heap1 = CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds cccexp2 heap2"
apply (rule cfun_eqI)
unfolding CoCallAnalysis.ccBinds_eq
apply (rule arg_cong[OF mapCollect_cong])
apply (rule arg_cong[OF ccBind_cong])
apply auto
by (metis imageI map_of_SomeD snd_conv)
lemma [fundef_cong]:
"⟦ (⋀ e. e ∈ snd ` set heap2 ⟹ cccexp1 e = cccexp2 e); heap1 = heap2 ⟧
⟹ CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra cccexp1 heap1 = CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra cccexp2 heap2"
apply (rule cfun_eqI)
unfolding CoCallAnalysis.ccBindsExtra_simp
apply (rule arg_cong2[OF ccBinds_cong mapCollect_cong])
apply simp+