Theory ArityTransformSafe

theory ArityTransformSafe
imports ArityTransform ArityConsistent ArityAnalysisSpec ArityEtaExpansionSafe AbstractTransform ConstOn

locale CardinalityArityTransformation = ArityAnalysisLetSafeNoCard
  sublocale AbstractTransformBoundSubst
    "λ a . inca"
    "λ a . preda"
    "λ Δ e a . (a, Aheap Δ ea)"
    "λ _. 0"
  apply standard
  apply (simp add: Aheap_subst)
  apply (rule subst_Aeta_expand)

  abbreviation ccTransform where "ccTransform  transform"

  lemma supp_transform: "supp (transform a e)  supp e"
    by (induction rule: transform.induct)
       (auto simp add: exp_assn.supp Let_supp dest!: subsetD[OF supp_map_transform] subsetD[OF supp_map_transform_step] )
  interpretation supp_bounded_transform transform
    by standard (auto simp add: fresh_def supp_transform) 

  fun transform_alts :: "Arity list  stack  stack"
      "transform_alts _ [] = []"
    | "transform_alts (a#as) (Alts e1 e2 # S) = (Alts (ccTransform a e1) (ccTransform a e2)) # transform_alts as S"
    | "transform_alts as (x # S) = x # transform_alts as S"

  lemma transform_alts_Nil[simp]: "transform_alts [] S = S"
    by (induction  S) auto

  lemma Astack_transform_alts[simp]:
    "Astack (transform_alts as S) = Astack S"
   by (induction rule: transform_alts.induct) auto

  lemma fresh_star_transform_alts[intro]: "a ♯* S  a ♯* transform_alts as S"
   by (induction as S  rule: transform_alts.induct) (auto simp add: fresh_star_Cons)

  fun a_transform :: "astate  conf  conf"
  where "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, S) =
    (map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform ccTransform ae Γ), 
     ccTransform a e,
     transform_alts as  S)"

  fun restr_conf :: "var set  conf  conf"
    where "restr_conf V (Γ, e, S) = (restrictA V Γ, e, restr_stack V S)"

  inductive consistent :: "astate  conf  bool" where
    "a_consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, S)
     ( x. x  thunks Γ   ae x = up0)
     consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, S)"  
  inductive_cases consistentE[elim!]: "consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, S)"

  lemma closed_consistent:
    assumes "fv e = ({}::var set)"
    shows "consistent (, 0, []) ([], e, [])"
  by (auto simp add: edom_empty_iff_bot closed_a_consistent[OF assms])

  lemma arity_tranform_safe:
    fixes c c'
    assumes "c * c'" and "¬ boring_step c'" and "heap_upds_ok_conf c" and "consistent (ae,a,as) c"
    shows "ae' a' as'. consistent (ae',a',as') c'  a_transform (ae,a,as) c * a_transform (ae',a',as') c'"
  using assms(1,2) heap_upds_ok_invariant assms(3-)
  proof(induction c c' arbitrary: ae a as rule:step_invariant_induction)
  case (app1 Γ e x S)
    from app1 have "consistent (ae, inca, as) (Γ, e, Arg x # S)"
      by (auto intro: a_consistent_app1)
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, App e x, S)  a_transform (ae, inca, as) (Γ, e, Arg x # S)"
      by simp rule
    show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
  case (app2 Γ y e x S)
    have "consistent (ae, preda, as) (Γ, e[y::=x], S)" using app2
      by (auto 4 3 intro: a_consistent_app2)
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Lam [y]. e, Arg x # S)  a_transform (ae, pred  a, as) (Γ, e[y::=x], S)" by (simp add: subst_transform[symmetric]) rule
    show ?case by (blast  del: consistentI consistentE)
  case (thunk Γ x e S)
    hence "x  thunks Γ" by auto
    hence [simp]: "x  domA Γ" by (rule subsetD[OF thunks_domA])

    from heap_upds_ok_conf (Γ, Var x, S)
    have "x  upds S"  by (auto dest!: heap_upds_okE)
    have "x  edom ae" using thunk by auto
    have "ae x = up0" using thunk x  thunks Γ by (auto)

    have "a_consistent (ae, 0, as) (delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S)" using thunk ae x = up0
      by (auto intro!: a_consistent_thunk_0 simp del: restr_delete)
    hence "consistent (ae, 0, as) (delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S)" using thunk ae x = up0 
      by (auto simp add:  restr_delete_twist)
    from  map_of Γ x = Some e ae x = up0
    have "map_of (map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform ccTransform ae Γ)) x = Some (transform 0 e)"
      by (simp add: map_of_map_transform)
    with ¬ isVal e
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Var x, S)  a_transform (ae, 0, as) (delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S)"
      by (auto simp add: map_transform_delete restr_delete_twist intro!: step.intros  simp del: restr_delete)
    show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
  case (lamvar Γ x e S)
    from lamvar(1) have [simp]: "x  domA Γ" by (metis domI dom_map_of_conv_domA)

    have "upa  (Aexp (Var x)a f|` (domA Γ  upds S)) x"
      by (simp) (rule Aexp_Var)
    also from lamvar have "Aexp (Var x)a f|` (domA Γ  upds S)  ae" by (auto simp add: join_below_iff env_restr_join a_consistent.simps)
    obtain u where "ae x = upu" by (cases "ae x") (auto simp add: edom_def)
    hence "x  edom ae" by (auto simp add: edomIff)

    have "a_consistent (ae, u, as) ((x,e) # delete x Γ, e, S)" using lamvar ae x = upu
      by (auto intro!: a_consistent_lamvar simp del: restr_delete)
    hence "consistent (ae, u, as) ((x, e) # delete x Γ, e, S)"
      using lamvar by (auto simp add:  thunks_Cons restr_delete_twist elim: below_trans)

    from a_consistent _ _
    have "Astack (transform_alts as S)  u" by (auto elim: a_consistent_stackD)
    from isVal e
    have "isVal (transform u e)" by simp
    hence "isVal (Aeta_expand u (transform u e))" by (rule isVal_Aeta_expand)
    from  map_of Γ x = Some e  ae x = up  u  isVal (transform u e)
    have "map_of (map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform transform ae Γ)) x = Some (Aeta_expand u (transform u e))"
      by (simp add: map_of_map_transform)
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Var x, S) *
          ((x, Aeta_expand u (transform u e)) # delete x (map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform transform ae Γ)), Aeta_expand u (transform u e), transform_alts as S)"
       by (auto intro: lambda_var simp del: restr_delete)
    also have " = ((map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform transform ae ((x,e) # delete x Γ))), Aeta_expand u (transform u e), transform_alts as S)"
      using ae x = up  u isVal (transform u e)
      by (simp add: map_transform_Cons map_transform_delete  del: restr_delete)
    also(subst[rotated]) have " * a_transform (ae, u, as) ((x, e) # delete x Γ, e, S)"
      by (simp add: restr_delete_twist) (rule Aeta_expand_safe[OF Astack _  u])
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Var x, S) * a_transform (ae, u, as) ((x, e) # delete x Γ, e, S)".
    ultimately show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
  case (var2 Γ x e S)
    from var2
    have "a_consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, Upd x # S)" by auto
    from a_consistent_UpdD[OF this]
    have "ae x = up0" and "a = 0".

    have "a_consistent (ae, a, as) ((x, e) # Γ, e, S)"
      using var2 by (auto intro!: a_consistent_var2)
    hence "consistent (ae, 0, as) ((x, e) # Γ, e, S)"
      using var2 a = 0
      by (auto simp add: thunks_Cons elim: below_trans)
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, e, Upd x # S)  a_transform (ae, 0, as) ((x, e) # Γ, e, S)"
      using ae x = up0 a = 0 var2
      by (auto intro!: step.intros simp add: map_transform_Cons)
    ultimately show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
    case (let1 Δ Γ e S)
    let ?ae = "Aheap Δ ea"
    have "domA Δ  upds S = {}" using fresh_distinct_fv[OF let1(2)] by (auto dest: subsetD[OF ups_fv_subset])
    hence *: " x. x  upds S  x  edom ?ae" by (auto simp add:  dest!: subsetD[OF edom_Aheap])
    have restr_stack_simp2: "restr_stack (edom (?ae  ae)) S = restr_stack (edom ae) S"
      by (auto intro: restr_stack_cong dest!: *)

    have "edom ae  domA Γ  upds S" using let1 by (auto dest!: a_consistent_edom_subsetD)
    from subsetD[OF this] fresh_distinct[OF let1(1)] fresh_distinct_fv[OF let1(2)]
    have "edom ae  domA Δ = {}" by (auto dest: subsetD[OF ups_fv_subset])

    { fix x e'
      assume "x  thunks Γ"
      with let1
      have "(?ae  ae) x = up0" by auto
    { fix x e'
      assume "x  thunks Δ" 
      hence "(?ae  ae) x = up0" by (auto simp add: Aheap_heap3)
    have "a_consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, Let Δ e, S)"
      using let1 by auto
    hence "a_consistent (?ae  ae, a, as) (Δ @ Γ, e, S)"
      using let1(1,2) edom ae  domA Δ = {} 
      by (auto intro!:  a_consistent_let simp del: join_comm)
    have "consistent (?ae  ae, a, as) (Δ @ Γ, e, S)"
      by auto
      have " x. x  domA Γ  x  edom ?ae"
        using fresh_distinct[OF let1(1)]
        by (auto dest!: subsetD[OF edom_Aheap])
      hence "map_transform Aeta_expand (?ae  ae) (map_transform transform (?ae  ae) Γ)
         = map_transform Aeta_expand ae (map_transform transform ae Γ)"
         by (auto intro!: map_transform_cong restrictA_cong simp add: edomIff)
      from edom ae  domA Γ  upds S
      have  " x. x  domA Δ  x  edom ae"
         using fresh_distinct[OF let1(1)] fresh_distinct_fv[OF let1(2)] 
         by (auto dest!:  subsetD[OF ups_fv_subset])
      hence "map_transform Aeta_expand (?ae  ae) (map_transform transform (?ae  ae) Δ)
         = map_transform Aeta_expand ?ae (map_transform transform ?ae Δ)"
         by (auto intro!: map_transform_cong restrictA_cong simp add: edomIff)
      have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Let Δ e, S)  a_transform (?ae  ae,  a, as) (Δ @ Γ, e, S)"
        using restr_stack_simp2 let1(1,2)
        apply (auto simp add: map_transform_append restrictA_append  restr_stack_simp2[simplified] map_transform_restrA)
        apply (rule step.let1)
        apply (auto dest: subsetD[OF edom_Aheap])
    show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
    case (if1 Γ scrut e1 e2 S)
    have "consistent (ae, 0, a#as) (Γ, scrut, Alts e1 e2 # S)"
      using if1  by (auto dest: a_consistent_if1)
    have "a_transform (ae,  a, as) (Γ, scrut ? e1 : e2, S)  a_transform (ae, 0, a#as) (Γ, scrut, Alts e1 e2 # S)"
      by (auto intro: step.intros)
    show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
    case (if2 Γ b e1 e2 S)
    hence "a_consistent (ae, a, as) (Γ, Bool b, Alts e1 e2 # S)" by auto
    then  obtain a' as' where [simp]: "as = a' # as'" "a = 0"
      by (rule a_consistent_alts_on_stack)

    have "consistent (ae, a', as') (Γ, if b then e1 else e2, S)" 
      using if2 by (auto dest!: a_consistent_if2)
    have "a_transform (ae, a, as) (Γ, Bool b, Alts e1 e2 # S)  a_transform (ae,  a', as') (Γ, if b then e1 else e2, S)"
      by (auto intro: step.if2[where b = True, simplified] step.if2[where b = False, simplified])
    show ?case by (blast del: consistentI consistentE)
    case refl thus ?case by auto
    case (trans c c' c'')
      from trans(3)[OF trans(5)]
      obtain ae' a' as' where "consistent (ae', a', as') c'" and *: "a_transform (ae, a, as) c * a_transform (ae', a', as') c'" by blast
      from trans(4)[OF this(1)]
      obtain ae'' a'' as'' where "consistent (ae'', a'', as'') c''" and **: "a_transform (ae', a', as') c' * a_transform (ae'', a'', as'') c''" by blast
      from this(1) rtranclp_trans[OF * **]
      show ?case by blast
