Theory CakeML_Setup
section ‹Basic CakeML setup›
theory CakeML_Setup
global_interpretation name: rekey Name
rewrites "inv Name = as_string"
proof -
have "bij Name"
by (metis bijI' name.exhaust name.inject)
show "rekey Name"
by standard fact
show "inv Name = as_string"
by (metis inv_equality name.exhaust_sel name.sel)
global_interpretation name_as_string: rekey as_string
by (rule name.inv)
hide_const (open) Lem_string.concat
hide_const (open) sem_env.c
hide_const (open) sem_env.v
definition empty_locn :: locn where
"empty_locn = ⦇ row = 0, col = 0, offset = 0 ⦈"
definition empty_locs :: locs where
"empty_locs = (empty_locn, empty_locn)"
definition empty_state :: "unit SemanticPrimitives.state" where
"empty_state = ⦇ clock = 0, refs = [], ffi = empty_ffi_state, defined_types = {}, defined_mods = {} ⦈"
fun fmap_of_ns :: "('b, string, 'a) namespace ⇒ (name, 'a) fmap" where
"fmap_of_ns (Bind xs _) = fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name id) xs)"
lemma fmlookup_ns[simp]: "fmlookup (fmap_of_ns ns) k = cupcake_nsLookup ns (as_string k)"
by (cases ns) (simp add: fmlookup_of_list map_prod_def name.map_of_rekey option.map_ident)
lemma fmap_of_nsBind[simp]: "fmap_of_ns (nsBind (as_string k) v0 ns) = fmupd k v0 (fmap_of_ns ns)"
by (cases ns) auto
lemma fmap_of_nsAppend[simp]: "fmap_of_ns (nsAppend ns1 ns2) = fmap_of_ns ns2 ++⇩f fmap_of_ns ns1"
by (cases ns1; cases ns2) simp
lemma fmap_of_alist_to_ns[simp]: "fmap_of_ns (alist_to_ns xs) = fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name id) xs)"
unfolding alist_to_ns_def by simp
lemma fmap_of_nsEmpty[simp]: "fmap_of_ns nsEmpty = fmempty"
unfolding nsEmpty_def by simp
context begin
private lemma build_rec_env_fmap0:
"fmap_of_ns (foldr (λ(f, x, e). nsBind f (Recclosure env⇩Λ funs' f)) funs env) =
fmap_of_ns env ++⇩f fmap_of_list (map (λ(f, _). (Name f, Recclosure env⇩Λ funs' f)) funs)"
apply (induction funs arbitrary: env)
apply auto
by (metis (no_types, lifting) fmap_of_nsBind name.sel)
definition cake_mk_rec_env where
"cake_mk_rec_env funs env = fmap_of_list (map (λ(f, _). (Name f, Recclosure env funs f)) funs)"
lemma build_rec_env_fmap:
"fmap_of_ns (build_rec_env funs env⇩Λ env) = fmap_of_ns env ++⇩f cake_mk_rec_env funs env⇩Λ"
unfolding build_rec_env_def cake_mk_rec_env_def
by (rule build_rec_env_fmap0)
section ‹Constructors according to CakeML›
definition cake_tctor :: "string ⇒ tctor" where
"cake_tctor name = (if name = ''fun'' then Ast.TC_fn else Ast.TC_name (Short name))"
primrec typ_to_t :: "typ ⇒ Ast.t" where
"typ_to_t (TVar name) = Ast.Tvar (as_string name)" |
"typ_to_t (TApp name args) = Ast.Tapp (map typ_to_t args) (cake_tctor (as_string name))"
context constructors begin
definition as_static_cenv :: c_ns where
"as_static_cenv = Bind (rev (map (map_prod id (map_prod id (TypeId ∘ Short))) flat_C_info)) []"
lemma as_static_cenv_cakeml_static_env: "cakeml_static_env as_static_cenv"
unfolding cakeml_static_env_def as_static_cenv_def
by (auto simp: list.pred_map split: prod.splits)
sublocale cake_static_env?: cakeml_static_env as_static_cenv
by (rule as_static_cenv_cakeml_static_env)
definition as_cake_type_def :: Ast.type_def where
"as_cake_type_def =
map (λ(name, dt_def). (map as_string (tparams dt_def), as_string name,
map (λ(C, params). (as_string C, map typ_to_t params))
(sorted_list_of_fmap (constructors dt_def))))
(sorted_list_of_fmap C_info)"
definition cake_dt_prelude :: Ast.dec where
"cake_dt_prelude = Ast.Dtype empty_locs as_cake_type_def"
definition cake_all_types :: "tid_or_exn set" where
"cake_all_types = (TypeId ∘ Short ∘ as_string) ` fset all_tdefs"
definition empty_state_with_types :: "unit SemanticPrimitives.state" where
"empty_state_with_types =
⦇ clock = 0, refs = [], ffi = empty_ffi_state, defined_types = cake_all_types, defined_mods = {} ⦈"
lemma empty_state_with_types_alt_def:
"empty_state_with_types = empty_state ⦇ defined_types := cake_all_types ⦈"
unfolding empty_state_with_types_def empty_state_def
by (auto simp: datatype_record_update)
subsection ‹Running the generated type declarations through the semantics›
context constants begin
context begin
private lemma state_types_update:
"update_defined_types (λ_. cake_all_types ∪ defined_types empty_state) empty_state =
unfolding empty_state_with_types_def empty_state_def
by (simp add: datatype_record_update)
private lemma env_types_update: "build_tdefs [] as_cake_type_def = as_static_cenv"
unfolding as_cake_type_def_def as_static_cenv_def build_tdefs_def alist_to_ns_def flat_C_info_def
apply (auto simp: List.bind_def map_concat)
apply (rule arg_cong[where f = concat])
by (auto simp: map_concat comp_def split_beta)
private lemmas evaluate_type =
where new_tdecs = cake_all_types and s = empty_state and mn = "[]" and tds = as_cake_type_def,
unfolded state_types_update env_types_update,
folded empty_sem_env_def]
private lemma type_defs_to_new_tdecs:
"type_defs_to_new_tdecs [] as_cake_type_def =
set (map (λname. TypeId (Short (as_string name))) (sorted_list_of_fset (fmdom C_info)))"
unfolding cake_all_types_def type_defs_to_new_tdecs_def as_cake_type_def_def all_tdefs_def
by (simp add: case_prod_twice sorted_list_of_fmap_def)
private lemma cakeml_convoluted1: "foldr (λ(n, ts). (#) n) ys xs = map fst ys @ xs"
by (induction ys arbitrary: xs) auto
private lemma cakeml_convoluted2: "foldr (λx y. f x @ y) xs ys = concat (map f xs) @ ys"
by (induction xs arbitrary: ys) auto
private lemma check_dup_ctors_alt_def: "check_dup_ctors tds ⟷ distinct (tds ⤜ (λ(_, _, cons). map fst cons))"
unfolding check_dup_ctors_def
apply simp
apply (rule arg_cong[where f = distinct])
apply (subst foldr_cong[OF refl refl, where g = "λx a. map fst (snd (snd x)) @ a"])
apply (subst split_beta)
apply (subst split_beta)
by (rule cakeml_convoluted1)
apply (subst cakeml_convoluted2)
apply auto
unfolding List.bind_def
apply (rule arg_cong[where f = concat])
by auto
lemma evaluate_dec_prelude:
"evaluate_dec t [] env empty_state cake_dt_prelude (empty_state_with_types, Rval empty_sem_env)"
unfolding cake_dt_prelude_def
proof (rule evaluate_type, intro conjI)
show "check_dup_ctors as_cake_type_def"
using distinct_ctr'
unfolding check_dup_ctors_alt_def List.bind_def as_cake_type_def_def all_constructors_def
by (auto simp: comp_def split_beta map_concat)
show "allDistinct (map (λx. case x of (tvs, tn, ctors) ⇒ tn) as_cake_type_def)"
unfolding all_distinct_alt_def as_cake_type_def_def
apply (auto simp: comp_def case_prod_twice)
apply (rule name_as_string.fst_distinct)
unfolding sorted_list_of_fmap_def
by (auto simp: comp_def)
show "cake_all_types = type_defs_to_new_tdecs [] as_cake_type_def"
unfolding cake_all_types_def type_defs_to_new_tdecs all_tdefs_def
by simp
show "disjnt cake_all_types (defined_types empty_state)"
unfolding empty_state_def disjnt_def by simp
text ‹Computability›
declare constructors.as_static_cenv_def[code]
declare constructors.as_cake_type_def_def[code]
declare constructors.cake_dt_prelude_def[code]
export_code constructors.as_static_cenv constructors.cake_dt_prelude
checking Scala