Theory Ast

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from semantics/ast.lem›.›

theory "Ast" 



― ‹open import Pervasives›
― ‹open import Lib›
― ‹open import Namespace›
― ‹open import FpSem›

― ‹ Literal constants ›
datatype lit =
    IntLit " int "
  | Char " char "
  | StrLit " string "
  | Word8 " 8 word "
  | Word64 " 64 word "

― ‹ Built-in binary operations ›
datatype opn = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Modulo
datatype opb = Lt | Gt | Leq | Geq
datatype opw = Andw | Orw | Xor | Add | Sub
datatype shift = Lsl | Lsr | Asr | Ror

― ‹ Module names ›
type_synonym modN =" string "

― ‹ Variable names ›
type_synonym varN =" string "

― ‹ Constructor names (from datatype definitions) ›
type_synonym conN =" string "

― ‹ Type names ›
type_synonym typeN =" string "

― ‹ Type variable names ›
type_synonym tvarN =" string "

datatype word_size = W8 | W64

datatype op0 =
  ― ‹ Operations on integers ›
    Opn " opn "
  | Opb " opb "
  ― ‹ Operations on words ›
  | Opw " word_size " " opw "
  | Shift " word_size " " shift " " nat "
  | Equality
  ― ‹ FP operations ›
  | FP_cmp " fp_cmp_op "
  | FP_uop " fp_uop_op "
  | FP_bop " fp_bop_op "
  ― ‹ Function application ›
  | Opapp
  ― ‹ Reference operations ›
  | Opassign
  | Opref
  | Opderef
  ― ‹ Word8Array operations ›
  | Aw8alloc
  | Aw8sub
  | Aw8length
  | Aw8update
  ― ‹ Word/integer conversions ›
  | WordFromInt " word_size "
  | WordToInt " word_size "
  ― ‹ string/bytearray conversions ›
  | CopyStrStr
  | CopyStrAw8
  | CopyAw8Str
  | CopyAw8Aw8
  ― ‹ Char operations ›
  | Ord
  | Chr
  | Chopb " opb "
  ― ‹ String operations ›
  | Implode
  | Strsub
  | Strlen
  | Strcat
  ― ‹ Vector operations ›
  | VfromList
  | Vsub
  | Vlength
  ― ‹ Array operations ›
  | Aalloc
  | AallocEmpty
  | Asub
  | Alength
  | Aupdate
  ― ‹ Configure the GC ›
  | ConfigGC
  ― ‹ Call a given foreign function ›
  | FFI " string "

― ‹ Logical operations ›
datatype lop =
  | Or

― ‹ Type constructors.
 * 0-ary type applications represent unparameterised types (e.g., num or string)
datatype tctor =
  ― ‹ User defined types ›
    TC_name " (modN, typeN) id0 "
  ― ‹ Built-in types ›
  | TC_int
  | TC_char
  | TC_string
  | TC_ref
  | TC_word8
  | TC_word64
  | TC_word8array
  | TC_fn
  | TC_tup
  | TC_exn
  | TC_vector
  | TC_array

― ‹ Types ›
datatype t =
  ― ‹ Type variables that the user writes down ('a, 'b, etc.) ›
    Tvar " tvarN "
  ― ‹ deBruijn indexed type variables.
     The type system uses these internally. ›
  | Tvar_db " nat "
  | Tapp " t list " " tctor "

― ‹ Some abbreviations ›
definition Tint  :: " t "  where 
     " Tint = ( Tapp [] TC_int )"

definition Tchar  :: " t "  where 
     " Tchar = ( Tapp [] TC_char )"

definition Tstring  :: " t "  where 
     " Tstring = ( Tapp [] TC_string )"

definition Tref  :: " t  t "  where 
     " Tref t1 = ( Tapp [t1] TC_ref )"

fun  TC_word  :: " word_size  tctor "  where 
     " TC_word W8 = ( TC_word8 )"
|"     TC_word W64 = ( TC_word64 )"

definition Tword  :: " word_size  t "  where 
     " Tword wz = ( Tapp [] (TC_word wz))"

definition Tword8  :: " t "  where 
     " Tword8 = ( Tword W8 )"

definition Tword64  :: " t "  where 
     " Tword64 = ( Tword W64 )"

definition Tword8array  :: " t "  where 
     " Tword8array = ( Tapp [] TC_word8array )"

definition Tfn  :: " t  t  t "  where 
     " Tfn t1 t2 = ( Tapp [t1,t2] TC_fn )"

definition Texn  :: " t "  where 
     " Texn = ( Tapp [] TC_exn )"

― ‹ Patterns ›
datatype pat =
  | Pvar " varN "
  | Plit " lit "
  ― ‹ Constructor applications.
     A Nothing constructor indicates a tuple pattern. ›
  | Pcon "  ( (modN, conN)id0)option " " pat list "
  | Pref " pat "
  | Ptannot " pat " " t "

― ‹ Expressions ›
datatype exp0 =
    Raise " exp0 "
  | Handle " exp0 " " (pat * exp0) list "
  | Lit " lit "
  ― ‹ Constructor application.
     A Nothing constructor indicates a tuple pattern. ›
  | Con "  ( (modN, conN)id0)option " " exp0 list "
  | Var " (modN, varN) id0 "
  | Fun " varN " " exp0 "
  ― ‹ Application of a primitive operator to arguments.
     Includes function application. ›
  | App " op0 " " exp0 list "
  ― ‹ Logical operations (and, or) ›
  | Log " lop " " exp0 " " exp0 "
  | If " exp0 " " exp0 " " exp0 "
  ― ‹ Pattern matching ›
  | Mat " exp0 " " (pat * exp0) list "
  ― ‹ A let expression
     A Nothing value for the binding indicates that this is a
     sequencing expression, that is: (e1; e2). ›
  | Let "  varN option " " exp0 " " exp0 "
  ― ‹ Local definition of (potentially) mutually recursive
     The first varN is the function's name, and the second varN
     is its parameter. ›
  | Letrec " (varN * varN * exp0) list " " exp0 "
  | Tannot " exp0 " " t "
  ― ‹ Location annotated expressions, not expected in source programs ›
  | Lannot " exp0 " " locs "

type_synonym type_def =" ( tvarN list * typeN * (conN * t list) list) list "

― ‹ Declarations ›
datatype dec =
  ― ‹ Top-level bindings
   * The pattern allows several names to be bound at once ›
    Dlet " locs " " pat " " exp0 "
  ― ‹ Mutually recursive function definition ›
  | Dletrec " locs " " (varN * varN * exp0) list "
  ― ‹ Type definition
     Defines several data types, each of which has several
     named variants, which can in turn have several arguments.
  | Dtype " locs " " type_def "
  ― ‹ Type abbreviations ›
  | Dtabbrev " locs " " tvarN list " " typeN " " t "
  ― ‹ New exceptions ›
  | Dexn " locs " " conN " " t list "

type_synonym decs =" dec list "

― ‹ Specifications
   For giving the signature of a module ›
datatype spec =
    Sval " varN " " t "
  | Stype " type_def "
  | Stabbrev " tvarN list " " typeN " " t "
  | Stype_opq " tvarN list " " typeN "
  | Sexn " conN " " t list "

type_synonym specs =" spec list "

datatype top0 =
    Tmod " modN " "  specs option " " decs "
  | Tdec " dec "

type_synonym prog =" top0 list "

― ‹ Accumulates the bindings of a pattern ›
― ‹val pat_bindings : pat -> list varN -> list varN›
function (sequential,domintros) 
pats_bindings  :: "(pat)list (string)list (string)list "  
pat_bindings  :: " pat (string)list (string)list "  where 
pat_bindings Pany already_bound = (
  already_bound )"
pat_bindings (Pvar n) already_bound = (
  n # already_bound )"
pat_bindings (Plit l) already_bound = (
  already_bound )"
pat_bindings (Pcon _ ps) already_bound = (
  pats_bindings ps already_bound )"
pat_bindings (Pref p) already_bound = (
  pat_bindings p already_bound )"
pat_bindings (Ptannot p _) already_bound = (
  pat_bindings p already_bound )"
pats_bindings [] already_bound = (
  already_bound )"
pats_bindings (p # ps) already_bound = (
  pats_bindings ps (pat_bindings p already_bound))" 
by pat_completeness auto
