Theory Lib

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from misc/lem_lib_stub/lib.lem›.›

theory "Lib" 



― ‹
   Extensions to Lem's built-in library to target things we need in HOL.
― ‹open import Pervasives›
― ‹import List_extra›
― ‹import String›

― ‹ TODO: look for these in the built-in library ›

― ‹val rtc : forall 'a. ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'a -> bool)›

― ‹val disjoint : forall 'a. set 'a -> set 'a -> bool›

― ‹val all2 : forall 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> list 'a -> list 'b -> bool›

fun  the  :: " 'a  'a option  'a "  where 
     " the _ (Some x) = ( x )" |" the x None = ( x )"

― ‹val fapply : forall 'a 'b. MapKeyType 'b => 'a -> 'b -> 'b 'a -> 'a›
definition fapply  :: " 'a  'b ('b,'a)  'a "  where 
     " fapply d x f = ( (case   f x of Some d => d | None => d ))"

function (sequential,domintros) 
lunion  :: " 'a list  'a list  'a list "  where 
lunion [] s = ( s )"
lunion (x # xs) s = (
  if Set.member x (set s)
  then lunion xs s
  else x #(lunion xs s))" 
by pat_completeness auto

― ‹ TODO: proper support for nat sets as sptrees... ›
― ‹open import {hol} `sptreeTheory`›
― ‹type nat_set›
― ‹val nat_set_empty : nat_set›
― ‹val nat_set_is_empty : nat_set -> bool›
― ‹val nat_set_insert : nat_set -> nat -> nat_set›
― ‹val nat_set_delete : nat_set -> nat -> nat_set›
― ‹val nat_set_to_set : nat_set -> set nat›
― ‹val nat_set_elem : nat_set -> nat -> bool›
― ‹val nat_set_from_list : list nat -> nat_set›
― ‹val nat_set_upto : nat -> nat_set›

― ‹type nat_map 'a›
― ‹val nat_map_empty : forall 'a. nat_map 'a›
― ‹val nat_map_domain : forall 'a. nat_map 'a -> set nat›
― ‹val nat_map_insert : forall 'a. nat_map 'a -> nat -> 'a -> nat_map 'a›
― ‹val nat_map_lookup : forall 'a. nat_map 'a -> nat -> maybe 'a›
― ‹val nat_map_to_list : forall 'a. nat_map 'a -> list 'a›
― ‹val nat_map_map : forall 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> nat_map 'a -> nat_map 'b›

― ‹ TODO: proper support for lazy lists ›

― ‹open import {hol} `llistTheory`›
― ‹open import {isabelle} `Coinductive.Coinductive_List`›
― ‹type llist 'a›
― ‹val lhd : forall 'a. llist 'a -> maybe 'a›
― ‹val ltl : forall 'a. llist 'a -> maybe (llist 'a)›
― ‹val lnil : forall 'a. llist 'a›
― ‹val lcons : forall 'a. 'a -> llist 'a -> llist 'a›

― ‹ TODO: proper support for words... ›
― ‹open import {hol} `wordsTheory` `integer_wordTheory`›
― ‹type word8›
― ‹val natFromWord8 : word8 -> nat›
― ‹val word_to_hex_string : word8 -> string›
― ‹val word8FromNat : nat -> word8›
― ‹val word8FromInteger : integer -> word8›
― ‹val integerFromWord8 : word8 -> integer›
― ‹type word64›
― ‹val natFromWord64 : word64 -> nat›
― ‹val word64FromNat : nat -> word64›
― ‹val word64FromInteger : integer -> word64›
― ‹val integerFromWord64 : word64 -> integer›
― ‹val word8FromWord64 : word64 -> word8›
― ‹val word64FromWord8 : word8 -> word64›
― ‹val W8and : word8 -> word8 -> word8›
― ‹val W8or : word8 -> word8 -> word8›
― ‹val W8xor : word8 -> word8 -> word8›
― ‹val W8add : word8 -> word8 -> word8›
― ‹val W8sub : word8 -> word8 -> word8›
― ‹val W64and : word64 -> word64 -> word64›
― ‹val W64or : word64 -> word64 -> word64›
― ‹val W64xor : word64 -> word64 -> word64›
― ‹val W64add : word64 -> word64 -> word64›
― ‹val W64sub : word64 -> word64 -> word64›

― ‹val W8lsl : word8 -> nat -> word8›
― ‹val W8lsr : word8 -> nat -> word8›
― ‹val W8asr : word8 -> nat -> word8›
― ‹val W8ror : word8 -> nat -> word8›
― ‹val W64lsl : word64 -> nat -> word64›
― ‹val W64lsr : word64 -> nat -> word64›
― ‹val W64asr : word64 -> nat -> word64›
― ‹val W64ror : word64 -> nat -> word64›

― ‹open import {hol} `alistTheory`›
type_synonym( 'a, 'b) alist =" ('a * 'b) list "
― ‹val alistToFmap : forall 'k 'v. alist 'k 'v -> 'k 'v›

― ‹val opt_bind : forall 'a 'b. maybe 'a -> 'b -> alist 'a 'b -> alist 'a 'b›
fun opt_bind  :: " 'a option  'b ('a*'b)list ('a*'b)list "  where 
     " opt_bind None v2 e = ( e )"
|" opt_bind (Some n') v2 e = ( (n',v2)# e )"

― ‹ Lists of indices ›

lshift  :: " nat (nat)list (nat)list "  where 
lshift (n :: nat) ls = ( (λ v2 .  v2 - n) (List.filter (λ v2 .  n  v2) ls))"

― ‹open import {hol} `locationTheory`›
datatype_record locn = 
 row ::" nat " 
  col ::" nat " 
 offset ::" nat " 

type_synonym locs =" (locn * locn)"
― ‹val unknown_loc : locs›