Theory CakeML_Correctness

subsection ‹Correctness of compilation›

theory CakeML_Correctness

context cakeml' begin

lemma mk_rec_env_related:
  assumes "fmrel (λcs (n, e). related_fun cs n e) css (fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name (map_prod Name id)) funs))"
  assumes "fmrel_on_fset (fbind (fmran css) (ids  Sabs)) related_v ΓΛ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v envΛ))"
  shows "fmrel related_v (mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) (cake_mk_rec_env funs envΛ)"
proof (rule fmrelI)
  fix name
  have "rel_option (λcs (n, e). related_fun cs n e) (fmlookup css name) (map_of (map (map_prod Name (map_prod Name id)) funs) name)"
    using assms by (auto simp: fmap_of_list.rep_eq)

  then have "rel_option (λcs (n, e). related_fun cs (Name n) e) (fmlookup css name) (map_of funs (as_string name))"
    unfolding name.map_of_rekey'
    by cases auto

  have *: "related_v (Vrecabs css name ΓΛ) (Recclosure envΛ funs (as_string name))"
    using assms by (auto intro: related_v.rec_closure)

  show "rel_option related_v (fmlookup (mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) name) (fmlookup (cake_mk_rec_env funs envΛ) name)"
    unfolding mk_rec_env_def cake_mk_rec_env_def fmap_of_list.rep_eq
    apply (simp add: map_of_map_keyed name.map_of_rekey option.rel_map)
    apply (rule option.rel_mono_strong)
     apply fact
    apply (rule *)

lemma mk_exp_correctness:
  "ids t |⊆| S  all_consts |⊆| S  ¬ shadows_consts t  related_exp t (mk_exp S t)"
  "ids (Sabs cs) |⊆| S  all_consts |⊆| S  ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)  list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs (mk_clauses S cs)"
  "ids t |⊆| S  all_consts |⊆| S  ¬ shadows_consts t  related_exp t (mk_con S t)"
proof (induction rule: mk_exp_mk_clauses_mk_con.induct)
  case (2 S name)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "name |∈| C")
      case True
      hence "related_exp (name $$ []) (mk_exp S (Sconst name))"
        by (auto intro: related_exp.intros simp del: list_comb.simps)
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: const_sterm_def)
    qed (auto intro: related_exp.intros)
  case (4 S cs)

  have "fresh_fNext (S |∪| all_consts) |∉| S |∪| all_consts"
    by (rule fNext_not_member)
  hence "fresh_fNext S |∉| S |∪| all_consts"
    using all_consts |⊆| S by (simp add: sup_absorb1)
  hence "fresh_fNext S |∉| ids (Sabs cs) |∪| all_consts"
    using 4 by auto

  show ?case
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    apply (rule
      apply (rule "4.IH"[unfolded mk_clauses.simps])
         apply (rule refl)
        apply fact+
    using fresh_fNext S |∉| ids (Sabs cs) |∪| all_consts by auto
  case (5 S t)
  show ?case
    apply (simp add: mk_con.simps split!: prod.splits sterm.splits if_splits)
    subgoal premises prems for args c
      proof -
        from prems have "t = c $$ args"
          apply (fold const_sterm_def)
          by (metis fst_conv list_strip_comb snd_conv)
        show ?thesis
          unfolding t = _
          apply (rule related_exp.constr)
           apply fact
          apply (simp add: list.rel_map)
          apply (rule list.rel_refl_strong)
          apply (rule 5(1))
                apply (rule prems(1)[symmetric])
               apply (rule refl)
          subgoal by (rule prems)
          subgoal by assumption
            using ids t |⊆| S unfolding t = _
            apply (auto simp: ids_list_comb)
            by (meson ffUnion_subset_elem fimage_eqI fset_of_list_elem fset_rev_mp)
          subgoal by (rule 5)
            using ¬ shadows_consts t unfolding t = _
            unfolding shadows.list_comb
            by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)
    using 5 by (auto split: prod.splits sterm.splits)
  case (6 S cs)

  have "list_all2 (λx y. rel_prod related_pat related_exp x (case y of (pat, t)  (mk_ml_pat (mk_pat pat), mk_con (frees pat |∪| S) t))) cs cs"
    proof (rule list.rel_refl_strong, safe intro!: rel_prod.intros)
      fix pat rhs
      assume "(pat, rhs)  set cs"

      hence "consts rhs |⊆| S"
        using ids (Sabs cs) |⊆| S
        unfolding ids_def
        apply auto
        apply (drule ffUnion_least_rev)+
        apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem elim!: fBallE)

      have "frees rhs |⊆| frees pat |∪| S"
        using ids (Sabs cs) |⊆| S (pat, rhs)  set cs
        unfolding ids_def
        apply auto
        apply (drule ffUnion_least_rev)+
        apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem elim!: fBallE)

      have "¬ shadows_consts rhs"
        using (pat, rhs)  set cs 6
        by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)

      show "related_exp rhs (mk_con (frees pat |∪| S) rhs)"
        apply (rule 6)
            apply fact
        subgoal by simp
          unfolding ids_def
          using consts rhs |⊆| S frees rhs |⊆| frees pat |∪| S
          by auto
        subgoal using 6(3) by auto
        subgoal by fact

  thus ?case
    by (simp add: list.rel_map)
qed (auto intro: related_exp.intros simp: ids_def fdisjnt_alt_def)

context begin

private lemma semantic_correctness0:
  fixes exp
  assumes "cupcake_evaluate_single env exp r" "is_cupcake_all_env env"
  assumes "fmrel_on_fset (ids t) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
  assumes "related_exp t exp"
  assumes "wellformed t" "wellformed_venv Γ"
  assumes "closed_venv Γ" "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)"
  assumes "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') Γ" "consts t |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C"
  assumes "fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ)"
  assumes "¬ shadows_consts t" "not_shadows_vconsts_env Γ"
  shows "if_rval (λml_v. v. Γ v t  v  related_v v ml_v) r"
using assms proof (induction arbitrary: Γ t)
  case (con1 env cn es ress ml_vs ml_v')
  obtain name ts where "cn = Some (Short (as_string name))" "name |∈| C" "t = name $$ ts" "list_all2 related_exp ts es"
    using related_exp t (Con cn es)
    by cases auto
  with con1 obtain tid where "ml_v' = Conv (Some (id_to_n (Short (as_string name)), tid)) (rev ml_vs)"
    by (auto split: option.splits)

  have "ress = map Rval ml_vs"
    using con1 by auto

  define ml_vs' where "ml_vs' = rev ml_vs"

  note IH = list_all2_shortcircuit _ _ _[
              unfolded ress = _ list_all2_shortcircuit_rval list_all2_rev1,
              folded ml_vs'_def]
  moreover have
    "list_all wellformed ts" "list_all (λt. ¬ shadows_consts t) ts"
    "list_all (λt. consts t |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C) ts" "list_all (λt. closed_except t (fmdom Γ)) ts"
      using wellformed t unfolding t = _ wellformed.list_comb by simp
      using ¬ shadows_consts t unfolding t = _ shadows.list_comb
      by (simp add: list_all_iff list_ex_iff)
      using consts t |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C
      unfolding list_all_iff
      by (metis Ball_set t = name $$ ts con1.prems(9) special_constants.sconsts_list_comb)
      using closed_except t (fmdom Γ) unfolding t = _ closed.list_comb by simp
  moreover have
    "list_all (λt'. fmrel_on_fset (ids t') related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))) ts"
    proof (standard, rule fmrel_on_fsubset)
      fix t'
      assume "t'  set ts"
      thus "ids t' |⊆| ids t"
        unfolding t = _
        apply (simp add: ids_list_comb)
        apply (subst (2) ids_def)
        apply simp
        apply (rule fsubset_finsertI2)
        apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem intro!: ffUnion_subset_elem)
      show "fmrel_on_fset (ids t) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
        by fact

  ultimately obtain us where "list_all2 (veval' Γ) ts us" "list_all2 related_v us ml_vs'"
    using list_all2 related_exp ts es
    proof (induction es ml_vs' arbitrary: ts thesis rule: list.rel_induct)
      case (Cons e es ml_v ml_vs ts0)
      then obtain t ts where "ts0 = t # ts" "related_exp t e" by (cases ts0) auto
      with Cons have "list_all2 related_exp ts es" by simp
      with Cons obtain us where "list_all2 (veval' Γ) ts us" "list_all2 related_v us ml_vs"
        unfolding ts0 = _
        by auto

      from Cons.hyps[simplified, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, of t Γ]
      obtain u where "Γ v t  u " "related_v u ml_v"
            "is_cupcake_all_env env" "related_exp t e" "wellformed_venv Γ" "closed_venv Γ"
            "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') Γ" "fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ)"
            "not_shadows_vconsts_env Γ"
            by fact+
            "wellformed t" "¬ shadows_consts t" "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)"
            "consts t |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C" "fmrel_on_fset (ids t) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
            using Cons unfolding ts0 = _
            by auto
        qed blast

      show ?case
        apply (rule Cons(3)[of "u # us"])
        unfolding ts0 = _
         apply auto
           apply fact+
    qed auto

    show ?case
      apply simp
      apply (intro exI conjI)
      unfolding t = _
       apply (rule veval'.constr)
        apply fact+
      unfolding ml_v' = _
      apply (subst ml_vs'_def[symmetric])
      apply simp
      apply (rule related_v.conv)
      apply fact
  case (var1 env id ml_v)

  from related_exp t (Var id) obtain name where "id = Short (as_string name)"
    by cases auto
  with var1 have "cupcake_nsLookup (sem_env.v env) (as_string name) = Some ml_v"
    by auto

  from related_exp t (Var id) consider
      (var) "t = Svar name"
    | (const) "t = Sconst name" "name |∉| C"
    unfolding id = _
    apply (cases t)
    using name.expand by blast+
  thus ?case
    proof cases
      case var
      hence "name |∈| ids t"
        unfolding ids_def by simp

      have "rel_option related_v (fmlookup Γ name) (cupcake_nsLookup (sem_env.v env) (as_string name))"
        using fmrel_on_fset (ids t) _ _ _
        apply -
        apply (drule fmrel_on_fsetD[OF name |∈| ids t])
        apply simp
      then obtain v where "related_v v ml_v" "fmlookup Γ name = Some v"
        using cupcake_nsLookup (sem_env.v env) _ = _
        by cases auto

      show ?thesis
        unfolding t = _
        apply simp
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (rule conjI)
         apply (rule veval'.var)
         apply fact+
      case const
      hence "name |∈| ids t"
        unfolding ids_def by simp

      have "rel_option related_v (fmlookup Γ name) (cupcake_nsLookup (sem_env.v env) (as_string name))"
        using fmrel_on_fset (ids t) _ _ _
        apply -
        apply (drule fmrel_on_fsetD[OF name |∈| ids t])
        apply simp
      then obtain v where "related_v v ml_v" "fmlookup Γ name = Some v"
        using cupcake_nsLookup (sem_env.v env) _ = _
        by cases auto

      show ?thesis
        unfolding t = _
        apply simp
        apply (rule exI)
        apply (rule conjI)
         apply (rule veval'.const)
          apply fact+
  case (fn env n u)
  obtain n' where "n = as_string n'"
    by (metis name.sel)
  obtain cs ml_cs
    where "t = Sabs cs" "u = Mat (Var (Short (as_string n'))) ml_cs" "n' |∉| ids (Sabs cs)" "n' |∉| all_consts"
      and "list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs ml_cs"
    using related_exp t (Fun n u) unfolding n = _
    by cases (auto dest: name.expand)

  obtain ns where "fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env) = fmap_of_list ns"
    apply (cases env)
    apply simp
    subgoal for v by (cases v) simp

  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule exI)
    apply (rule conjI)
    unfolding t = _
     apply (rule veval'.abs)
    unfolding n = _
    apply (rule related_v.closure)
    unfolding u = _
     apply (subst related_fun_alt_def; rule conjI)
      apply fact
     apply (rule conjI; fact)
    using fmrel_on_fset (ids t) _ _ _
    unfolding t = _ fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env) = _
    by simp
  case (app1 env exps ress ml_vs env' exp' bv)
  from related_exp t _ obtain exp1 exp2 t1 t2
    where "rev exps = [exp2, exp1]" "exps = [exp1, exp2]" "t = t1 $s t2"
      and "related_exp t1 exp1" "related_exp t2 exp2"
    by cases auto
  moreover from app1 have "ress = map Rval ml_vs"
    by auto
  ultimately obtain ml_v1 ml_v2 where "ml_vs = [ml_v2, ml_v1]"
    using app1(1)
    by (smt list_all2_shortcircuit_rval list_all2_Cons1 list_all2_Nil)

  have "is_cupcake_exp exp1" "is_cupcake_exp exp2"
    using app1 unfolding exps = _ by (auto dest: related_exp_is_cupcake)
  moreover have "fmrel_on_fset (ids t1) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
    using app1 unfolding ids_def t = _
    by (auto intro: fmrel_on_fsubset)
  moreover have "fmrel_on_fset (ids t2) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
    using app1 unfolding ids_def t = _
    by (auto intro: fmrel_on_fsubset)
  ultimately have
    "cupcake_evaluate_single env exp1 (Rval ml_v1)" "cupcake_evaluate_single env exp2 (Rval ml_v2)" and
    "t1'. Γ v t1  t1'  related_v t1' ml_v1" "t2'. Γ v t2  t2'  related_v t2' ml_v2"
    using app1 related_exp t1 exp1 related_exp t2 exp2
    unfolding ress = _ exps = _ ml_vs = _ t = _
    by (auto simp: closed_except_def)

  then obtain v1 v2
    where "Γ v t1  v1" "related_v v1 ml_v1"
      and "Γ v t2  v2" "related_v v2 ml_v2"
    by blast

  have "is_cupcake_value ml_v1"
    by (rule cupcake_single_preserve) fact+
  moreover have "is_cupcake_value ml_v2"
    by (rule cupcake_single_preserve) fact+
  ultimately have "list_all is_cupcake_value (rev ml_vs)"
    unfolding ml_vs = _ by simp

  hence "is_cupcake_exp exp'" "is_cupcake_all_env env'"
    using do_opapp _ = _ by (metis cupcake_opapp_preserve)+

  have "vclosed v1"
    proof (rule veval'_closed)
      show "closed_except t1 (fmdom Γ)"
        using closed_except _ (fmdom Γ)
        unfolding t = _
        by (simp add: closed_except_def)
      show "wellformed t1"
        using wellformed t unfolding t = _
        by simp
    qed fact+
  have "vclosed v2"
    apply (rule veval'_closed)
        apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by (auto simp: closed_except_def)

  have "vwellformed v1"
    apply (rule veval'_wellformed)
      apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto
  have "vwellformed v2"
    apply (rule veval'_wellformed)
      apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto

  have "vwelldefined' v1"
    apply (rule veval'_welldefined')
           apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto
  have "vwelldefined' v2"
    apply (rule veval'_welldefined')
           apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto

  have "not_shadows_vconsts v1"
    apply (rule veval'_shadows)
      apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto
  have "not_shadows_vconsts v2"
    apply (rule veval'_shadows)
      apply fact
    using app1 unfolding t = _ by auto

  show ?case
    proof (rule if_rvalI)
      fix ml_v
      assume "bv = Rval ml_v"
      show "v. Γ v t  v  related_v v ml_v"
        using do_opapp _ = _
        proof (cases rule: do_opapp_cases)
          case (closure envΛ n)
          then have closure':
            "ml_v1 = Closure envΛ (as_string (Name n)) exp'"
            "env' = update_v (λ_. nsBind (as_string (Name n)) ml_v2 (sem_env.v envΛ)) envΛ"
            unfolding ml_vs = _ by auto
          obtain ΓΛ cs
            where "v1 = Vabs cs ΓΛ" "related_fun cs (Name n) exp'"
              and "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v ΓΛ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v envΛ))"
            using related_v v1 ml_v1 unfolding ml_v1 = _
            by cases auto

          then obtain ml_cs
            where "exp' = Mat (Var (Short (as_string (Name n)))) ml_cs" "Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs)" "Name n |∉| all_consts"
              and "list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs ml_cs"
            by (auto elim: related_funE)

          hence "cupcake_evaluate_single env' (Mat (Var (Short (as_string (Name n)))) ml_cs) (Rval ml_v)"
            using cupcake_evaluate_single env' exp' bv
            unfolding bv = _
            by simp

          then obtain m_env v' ml_rhs ml_pat
            where "cupcake_evaluate_single env' (Var (Short (as_string (Name n)))) (Rval v')"
              and "cupcake_match_result (sem_env.c env') v' ml_cs Bindv = Rval (ml_rhs, ml_pat, m_env)"
              and "cupcake_evaluate_single (env'  sem_env.v := nsAppend (alist_to_ns m_env) (sem_env.v env') ) ml_rhs (Rval ml_v)"
            by cases auto

            "closed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ)" "wellformed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ)"
            "not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ)" "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ)"
            using vclosed v1 vclosed v2
            using vwellformed v1 vwellformed v2
            using not_shadows_vconsts v1 not_shadows_vconsts v2
            using vwelldefined' v1 vwelldefined' v2
            unfolding v1 = _
            by auto

          have "closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))"
            using vclosed v1 unfolding v1 = _
            apply (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
            apply (auto simp: closed_except_def)

          have "consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) |∪| C"
            using vwelldefined' v1 unfolding v1 = _
            unfolding sconsts_sabs
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff)

          have "¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)"
            using not_shadows_vconsts v1 unfolding v1 = _
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff list_ex_iff)

          have "fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ)"
            using vwelldefined' v1 unfolding v1 = _
            by simp

          have "if_rval (λml_v. v. fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ v Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)  v  related_v v ml_v) bv"
            proof (rule app1(2))
              show "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))) related_v (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env'))"
                unfolding closure'
                apply (simp del: frees_sterm.simps(3) consts_sterm.simps(3) name.sel add: ids_def split!: sem_env.splits)
                apply (rule fmrel_on_fset_updateI)
                 apply (fold ids_def)
                using fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v ΓΛ _ apply simp
                apply (rule related_v v2 ml_v2)
              show "wellformed (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))"
                using vwellformed v1 unfolding v1 = _
                by simp
              show "related_exp (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) exp'"
                unfolding exp' = _
                using list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs ml_cs
                by (auto intro:related_exp.intros simp del: name.sel)
              show "closed_except (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))"
                using closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ)) by (simp add: closed_except_def)
              show "¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))"
                using ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs) Name n |∉| all_consts by simp
              show "consts (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) |∪| C"
                using consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) |∪| C by simp
              show "fdisjnt C (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))"
                using Name n |∉| all_consts fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ)
                unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def all_consts_def by auto
            qed fact+
          then obtain v where "fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ v Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)  v" "related_v v ml_v"
            unfolding bv = _
            by auto

          then obtain env pat rhs
            where "vfind_match cs v2 = Some (env, pat, rhs)"
              and "fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env v rhs  v"
            by (auto elim: veval'_sabs_svarE)
          hence "(pat, rhs)  set cs" "vmatch (mk_pat pat) v2 = Some env"
            by (metis vfind_match_elem)+
          hence "linear pat" "wellformed rhs"
            using vwellformed v1 unfolding v1 = _
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
          hence "frees pat = patvars (mk_pat pat)"
            by (simp add: mk_pat_frees)
          hence "fmdom env = frees pat"
            apply simp
            apply (rule vmatch_dom)
            apply (rule vmatch (mk_pat pat) v2 = Some env)

          obtain v' where "ΓΛ ++f env v rhs  v'" "v' e v"
            proof (rule veval'_agree_eq)
              show "fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env v rhs  v" by fact
              have *: "Name n |∉| ids rhs" if "Name n |∉| fmdom env"
                  assume "Name n |∈| ids rhs"
                  thus False
                    unfolding ids_def
                    proof (cases rule: funion_strictE)
                      case A
                      moreover have "Name n |∉| frees pat"
                        using that unfolding fmdom env = frees pat .
                      ultimately have "Name n |∈| frees (Sabs cs)"
                        apply auto
                        unfolding ffUnion_alt_def
                        apply simp
                        apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                         apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
                        apply (rule (pat, rhs)  set cs)
                      thus ?thesis
                        using Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs) unfolding ids_def
                        by blast
                      case B
                      hence "Name n |∈| consts (Sabs cs)"
                        apply auto
                        unfolding ffUnion_alt_def
                        apply simp
                        apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                         apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
                        apply (rule (pat, rhs)  set cs)
                      thus ?thesis
                        using Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs) unfolding ids_def
                        by blast

              show "fmrel_on_fset (ids rhs) erelated (ΓΛ ++f env) (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env)"
                apply rule
                apply auto
                   apply (rule option.rel_refl; rule erelated_refl)
                using * apply auto[]
                 apply (rule option.rel_refl; rule erelated_refl)+
              show "closed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env)"
                apply rule
                 apply fact
                apply (rule vclosed.vmatch_env)
                 apply fact
                apply fact
              show "wellformed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env)"
                apply rule
                 apply fact
                apply (rule vwellformed.vmatch_env)
                 apply fact
                apply fact
              show "closed_except rhs (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env))"
                using fmdom env = frees pat (pat, rhs)  set cs
                using closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))
                by (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
              show "wellformed rhs" by fact
              show "consts rhs |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env) |∪| C"
                using consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) |∪| C (pat, rhs)  set cs
                unfolding sconsts_sabs
                by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
              have "fdisjnt C (fmdom env)"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)
                unfolding fmdom env = frees pat
                by (auto simp: list_ex_iff fdisjnt_alt_def all_consts_def)
              thus "fdisjnt C (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env))"
                using Name n |∉| all_consts fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ)
                unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def
                by (auto simp: all_consts_def)
              show "¬ shadows_consts rhs"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)
                by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)
              have "not_shadows_vconsts_env env"
                by (rule not_shadows_vconsts.vmatch_env) fact+
              thus "not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env)"
                using not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) by blast
              have "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') env"
                by (rule vmatch_welldefined') fact+
              thus "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ ++f env)"
                using fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) by blast
            qed blast

          show ?thesis
            apply (intro exI conjI)
            unfolding t = _
             apply (rule veval'.comb)
            using Γ v t1  v1 unfolding v1 = _
                apply blast
               apply fact
              apply fact+
            apply (rule related_v_ext)
             apply fact+
          case (recclosure envΛ funs name n)
          with recclosure have recclosure':
            "ml_v1 = Recclosure envΛ funs name"
            "env' = update_v (λ_. nsBind (as_string (Name n)) ml_v2 (build_rec_env funs envΛ (sem_env.v envΛ))) envΛ"
            unfolding ml_vs = _ by auto
          obtain ΓΛ css
            where "v1 = Vrecabs css (Name name) ΓΛ"
              and "fmrel_on_fset (fbind (fmran css) (ids  Sabs)) related_v ΓΛ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v envΛ))"
              and "fmrel (λcs (n, e). related_fun cs n e) css (fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name (map_prod Name id)) funs))"
            using related_v v1 ml_v1 unfolding ml_v1 = _
            by cases auto
          from fmrel _ _ _ have "rel_option (λcs (n, e). related_fun cs (Name n) e) (fmlookup css (Name name)) (find_recfun name funs)"
            apply -
            apply (subst option.rel_sel)
            apply auto
              apply (drule fmrel_fmdom_eq)
              apply (drule fmdom_notI)
            using v1 = Vrecabs css (Name name) ΓΛ vwellformed v1 apply auto[1]
            using recclosure(3) apply auto[1]
            apply (erule fmrel_cases[where x = "Name name"])
             apply simp
            apply (subst (asm) fmlookup_of_list)
            apply (simp add: name.map_of_rekey')
            by blast

          then obtain cs where "fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs" "related_fun cs (Name n) exp'"
            using find_recfun _ _ = _
            by cases auto

          then obtain ml_cs
            where "exp' = Mat (Var (Short (as_string (Name n)))) ml_cs" "Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs)" "Name n |∉| all_consts"
              and "list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs ml_cs"
            by (auto elim: related_funE)

          hence "cupcake_evaluate_single env' (Mat (Var (Short n)) ml_cs) (Rval ml_v)"
            using cupcake_evaluate_single env' exp' bv
            unfolding bv = _
            by simp

          then obtain m_env v' ml_rhs ml_pat
            where "cupcake_evaluate_single env' (Var (Short n)) (Rval v')"
              and "cupcake_match_result (sem_env.c env') v' ml_cs Bindv = Rval (ml_rhs, ml_pat, m_env)"
              and "cupcake_evaluate_single (env'  sem_env.v := nsAppend (alist_to_ns m_env) (sem_env.v env') ) ml_rhs (Rval ml_v)"
            by cases auto

          have "closed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ))"
            using vclosed v1 vclosed v2
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            unfolding v1 = _ mk_rec_env_def
            apply auto
            apply rule
             apply rule
              apply (auto intro: fmdomI)
          have "wellformed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ))"
            using vwellformed v1 vwellformed v2
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            unfolding v1 = _ mk_rec_env_def
            apply auto
            apply rule
             apply rule
              apply (auto intro: fmdomI)
          have "not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ))"
            using not_shadows_vconsts v1 not_shadows_vconsts v2
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            unfolding v1 = _ mk_rec_env_def
            apply auto
            apply rule
             apply rule
              apply (auto intro: fmdomI)
          have "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ))"
            using vwelldefined' v1 vwelldefined' v2
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            unfolding v1 = _ mk_rec_env_def
            apply auto
            apply rule
             apply rule
              apply (auto intro: fmdomI)

          have "closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))"
            using vclosed v1 unfolding v1 = _
            apply (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            apply (auto simp: closed_except_def dest!: fmpredD[where m = css])

          have "consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ) |∪| (C |∪| fmdom css)"
            using vwelldefined' v1 unfolding v1 = _
            unfolding sconsts_sabs
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff dest!: fmpredD[where m = css])

          have "¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)"
            using not_shadows_vconsts v1 unfolding v1 = _
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff list_ex_iff)

          have "fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ)"
            using vwelldefined' v1 unfolding v1 = _
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            by auto

          have "if_rval (λml_v. v. fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) v Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)  v  related_v v ml_v) bv"
            proof (rule app1(2))
              have "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v ΓΛ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v envΛ))"
                apply (rule fmrel_on_fsubset)
                 apply fact
                apply (subst funion_image_bind_eq[symmetric])
                apply (rule ffUnion_subset_elem)
                apply (subst fimage_iff)
                apply (rule fBexI)
                 apply simp
                apply (rule fmranI)
                apply fact

              have "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v (mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) (cake_mk_rec_env funs envΛ)"
                apply rule
                apply (rule mk_rec_env_related[THEN fmrelD])
                 apply (rule fmrel _ css _)
                apply (rule fmrel_on_fset (fbind _ _) related_v ΓΛ _)

              show "fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))) related_v (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)) (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env'))"
                unfolding recclosure'
                apply (simp del: frees_sterm.simps(3) consts_sterm.simps(3) name.sel add: ids_def split!: sem_env.splits)
                apply (rule fmrel_on_fset_updateI)
                unfolding build_rec_env_fmap
                 apply (rule fmrel_on_fset_addI)
                  apply (fold ids_def)
                  using fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v ΓΛ _ by simp
                  using fmrel_on_fset (ids (Sabs cs)) related_v (mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) _ by simp
                apply (rule related_v v2 ml_v2)
              show "wellformed (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))"
                using vwellformed v1 unfolding v1 = _
                using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
                by auto
              show "related_exp (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) exp'"
                unfolding exp' = _
                apply (rule related_exp.intros)
                 apply fact
                apply (rule related_exp.intros)
              show "closed_except (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)))"
                using closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))
                by (auto simp: list_all_iff closed_except_def)
              show "¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n))"
                using ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs) Name n |∉| all_consts by simp
              show "consts (Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)) |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)) |∪| C"
                using consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| _ unfolding mk_rec_env_def
                by auto
              show "fdisjnt C (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)))"
                using Name n |∉| all_consts fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ) vwelldefined' v1
                unfolding mk_rec_env_def v1 = _
                by (auto simp: fdisjnt_alt_def all_consts_def)
            qed fact+
          then obtain v
            where "fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) v Sabs cs $s Svar (Name n)  v" "related_v v ml_v"
            unfolding bv = _
            by auto

          then obtain env pat rhs
            where "vfind_match cs v2 = Some (env, pat, rhs)"
              and "fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env v rhs  v"
            by (auto elim: veval'_sabs_svarE)
          hence "(pat, rhs)  set cs" "vmatch (mk_pat pat) v2 = Some env"
            by (metis vfind_match_elem)+
          hence "linear pat" "wellformed rhs"
            using vwellformed v1 unfolding v1 = _
            using fmlookup css (Name name) = Some cs
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
          hence "frees pat = patvars (mk_pat pat)"
            by (simp add: mk_pat_frees)
          hence "fmdom env = frees pat"
            apply simp
            apply (rule vmatch_dom)
            apply (rule vmatch (mk_pat pat) v2 = Some env)

          obtain v' where "ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ ++f env v rhs  v'" "v' e v"
            proof (rule veval'_agree_eq)
              show "fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env v rhs  v" by fact
              have *: "Name n |∉| ids rhs" if "Name n |∉| fmdom env"
                  assume "Name n |∈| ids rhs"
                  thus False
                    unfolding ids_def
                    proof (cases rule: funion_strictE)
                      case A
                      moreover have "Name n |∉| frees pat"
                        using that unfolding fmdom env = frees pat .
                      ultimately have "Name n |∈| frees (Sabs cs)"
                        apply auto
                        unfolding ffUnion_alt_def
                        apply simp
                        apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                         apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
                        apply (rule (pat, rhs)  set cs)
                      thus ?thesis
                        using Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs) unfolding ids_def
                        by blast
                      case B
                      hence "Name n |∈| consts (Sabs cs)"
                        apply auto
                        unfolding ffUnion_alt_def
                        apply simp
                        apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                         apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
                        apply (rule (pat, rhs)  set cs)
                      thus ?thesis
                        using Name n |∉| ids (Sabs cs) unfolding ids_def
                        by blast

                show "fmrel_on_fset (ids rhs) erelated (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ ++f env) (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env)"
                  apply rule
                  apply auto
                         apply (rule option.rel_refl; rule erelated_refl)
                  using * apply auto[]
                       apply (rule option.rel_refl; rule erelated_refl)+
                  using * apply auto[]
                   apply (rule option.rel_refl; rule erelated_refl)+
                show "closed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env)"
                  apply rule
                   apply fact
                  apply (rule vclosed.vmatch_env)
                   apply fact
                  apply fact
                show "wellformed_venv (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env)"
                  apply rule
                   apply fact
                  apply (rule vwellformed.vmatch_env)
                   apply fact
                  apply fact
                show "closed_except rhs (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env))"
                  using fmdom env = frees pat (pat, rhs)  set cs
                  using closed_except (Sabs cs) (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 ΓΛ))
                  apply (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
                  apply (erule ballE[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                   apply (auto simp: closed_except_def)
              show "wellformed rhs" by fact
              show "consts rhs |⊆| fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env) |∪| C"
                using consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| _ (pat, rhs)  set cs
                unfolding sconsts_sabs mk_rec_env_def
                by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
              have "fdisjnt C (fmdom env)"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)
                unfolding fmdom env = frees pat
                by (auto simp: list_ex_iff all_consts_def fdisjnt_alt_def)
              moreover have "fdisjnt C (fmdom css)"
                using vwelldefined' v1 unfolding v1 = _
                by simp
              ultimately show "fdisjnt C (fmdom (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env))"
                using Name n |∉| all_consts fdisjnt C (fmdom ΓΛ)
                unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def mk_rec_env_def
                by (auto simp: all_consts_def)
              show "¬ shadows_consts rhs"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs ¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)
                by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)
              have "not_shadows_vconsts_env env"
                by (rule not_shadows_vconsts.vmatch_env) fact+
              thus "not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env)"
                using not_shadows_vconsts_env (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)) by blast
              have "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') env"
                by (rule vmatch_welldefined') fact+
              thus "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ) ++f env)"
                using fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (fmupd (Name n) v2 (ΓΛ ++f mk_rec_env css ΓΛ)) by blast
            qed simp

          show ?thesis
            apply (intro exI conjI)
            unfolding t = _
             apply (rule veval'.rec_comb)
            using Γ v t1  v1 unfolding v1 = _ apply blast
                apply fact+
            apply (rule related_v_ext)
             apply fact+
  case (mat1 env ml_scr ml_scr' ml_cs ml_rhs ml_pat env' ml_res)

  obtain scr cs
    where "t = Sabs cs $s scr" "related_exp scr ml_scr"
      and "list_all2 (rel_prod related_pat related_exp) cs ml_cs"
    using related_exp t (Mat ml_scr ml_cs)
    by cases

  have "sem_env.c env = as_static_cenv"
    using is_cupcake_all_env env
    by (auto elim: is_cupcake_all_envE)

  obtain scr' where "Γ v scr  scr'" "related_v scr' ml_scr'"
    using mat1(4) unfolding if_rval.simps
        "is_cupcake_all_env env" "related_exp scr ml_scr" "wellformed_venv Γ"
        "closed_venv Γ" "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') Γ" "fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ)"
        "not_shadows_vconsts_env Γ"
        by fact+
      show "fmrel_on_fset (ids scr) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
        apply (rule fmrel_on_fsubset)
         apply fact
        unfolding t = _ ids_def
        apply auto
        "wellformed scr" "consts scr |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C"
        "closed_except scr (fmdom Γ)" "¬ shadows_consts scr"
        using mat1 unfolding t = _ by (auto simp: closed_except_def)
    qed blast

  have "list_all (λ(pat, _). linear pat) cs"
    using mat1 unfolding t = _ by (auto simp: list_all_iff)

  obtain rhs pat Γ'
    where "ml_pat = mk_ml_pat (mk_pat pat)" "related_exp rhs ml_rhs"
      and "vfind_match cs scr' = Some (Γ', pat, rhs)"
      and "var_env Γ' env'"
    using list_all2 _ cs ml_cs list_all _ cs related_v scr' ml_scr' mat1(2)
    unfolding sem_env.c env = as_static_cenv
    by (auto elim: match_all_related)

  hence "vmatch (mk_pat pat) scr' = Some Γ'"
    by (auto dest: vfind_match_elem)
  hence "patvars (mk_pat pat) = fmdom Γ'"
    by (auto simp: vmatch_dom)

  have "(pat, rhs)  set cs"
    by (rule vfind_match_elem) fact

  have "linear pat"
    using (pat, rhs)  set cs wellformed t unfolding t = _
    by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
  hence "fmdom Γ' = frees pat"
    using patvars (mk_pat pat) = fmdom Γ'
    by (simp add: mk_pat_frees)

  show ?case
    proof (rule if_rvalI)
      fix ml_rhs'
      assume "ml_res = Rval ml_rhs'"

      obtain rhs' where "Γ ++f Γ' v rhs  rhs'" "related_v rhs' ml_rhs'"
        using mat1(5) unfolding ml_res = _ if_rval.simps
          show "is_cupcake_all_env (env  sem_env.v := nsAppend (alist_to_ns env') (sem_env.v env) )"
            proof (rule cupcake_v_update_preserve)
              have "list_all (is_cupcake_value  snd) env'"
                proof (rule match_all_preserve)
                  show "cupcake_c_ns (sem_env.c env)"
                    unfolding sem_env.c env = _ by (rule static_cenv)
                  have "is_cupcake_exp (Mat ml_scr ml_cs)"
                    apply (rule related_exp_is_cupcake)
                    using mat1 by auto
                  thus "cupcake_clauses ml_cs"
                    by simp

                  show "is_cupcake_value ml_scr'"
                    apply (rule cupcake_single_preserve)
                      apply (rule mat1)
                     apply (rule mat1)
                    using is_cupcake_exp (Mat ml_scr ml_cs) by simp
                qed fact+
              hence "is_cupcake_ns (alist_to_ns env')"
                by (rule cupcake_alist_to_ns_preserve)
              moreover have "is_cupcake_ns (sem_env.v env)"
                by (rule is_cupcake_all_envD) fact
              ultimately show "is_cupcake_ns (nsAppend (alist_to_ns env') (sem_env.v env))"
                by (rule cupcake_nsAppend_preserve)
          qed fact
          show "related_exp rhs ml_rhs"
            by fact
          have *: "fmdom (fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name id) env')) = fmdom Γ'"
            using var_env Γ' env'
            by (metis fmrel_fmdom_eq)

          have **: "id |∈| ids t" if "id |∈| ids rhs" "id |∉| fmdom Γ'" for id
            using id |∈| ids rhs unfolding ids_def
            proof (cases rule: funion_strictE)
              case A
              from that have "id |∉| frees pat"
                unfolding fmdom Γ' = frees pat by simp
              hence "id |∈| frees t"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs
                unfolding t = _
                apply auto
                apply (subst ffUnion_alt_def)
                apply simp
                apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                using A apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
              thus "id |∈| frees t |∪| consts t" by simp
              case B
              hence "id |∈| consts t"
                using (pat, rhs)  set cs
                unfolding t = _
                apply auto
                apply (subst ffUnion_alt_def)
                apply simp
                apply (rule fBexI[where x = "(pat, rhs)"])
                 apply (auto simp: fset_of_list_elem)
              thus "id |∈| frees t |∪| consts t" by simp

          have "fmrel_on_fset (ids rhs) related_v (Γ ++f Γ') (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env) ++f fmap_of_list (map (map_prod Name id) env'))"
            apply rule
            apply simp
            apply safe
              apply (rule fmrelD)
              apply (rule var_env Γ' env')
              unfolding *[symmetric]
              using fmdom_of_list fset_of_list_map fset.set_map image_image fst_map_prod
              by simp
            subgoal using *
              by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) comp_def fimageI fmdom_fmap_of_list fset_of_list_map fst_comp_map_prod)
            subgoal using **
              by (metis fmlookup_ns fmrel_on_fsetD mat1.prems(2))

          thus "fmrel_on_fset (ids rhs) related_v (Γ ++f Γ') (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v (env  sem_env.v := nsAppend (alist_to_ns env') (sem_env.v env) )))"
            by (auto split: sem_env.splits)
          show "wellformed_venv (Γ ++f Γ')"
            apply rule
             apply fact
            apply (rule vwellformed.vmatch_env)
             apply fact
            apply (rule veval'_wellformed)
              apply fact
            using mat1 unfolding t = _ by auto
          show "closed_venv (Γ ++f Γ')"
            apply rule
             apply fact
            apply (rule vclosed.vmatch_env)
             apply fact
            apply (rule veval'_closed)
                apply fact
            using mat1 unfolding t = _ by (auto simp: closed_except_def)
          show "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') (Γ ++f Γ')"
            apply rule
             apply fact
            apply (rule vmatch_welldefined')
             apply fact
            apply (rule veval'_welldefined')
                   apply fact
            using mat1 unfolding t = _ by auto
          show "not_shadows_vconsts_env (Γ ++f Γ')"
            apply rule
             apply fact
            apply (rule not_shadows_vconsts.vmatch_env)
             apply fact
            apply (rule veval'_shadows)
              apply fact
            using mat1 unfolding t = _ by auto
          show "wellformed rhs"
            using (pat, rhs)  set cs wellformed t unfolding t = _
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
          show "closed_except rhs (fmdom (Γ ++f Γ'))"
            apply simp
            unfolding fmdom Γ' = frees pat
            using (pat, rhs)  set cs closed_except t (fmdom Γ) unfolding t = _
            by (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
          have "consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C"
            using mat1 unfolding t = _ by auto
          show "consts rhs |⊆| fmdom (Γ ++f Γ') |∪| C"
            apply simp
            unfolding fmdom Γ' = frees pat
            using (pat, rhs)  set cs consts (Sabs cs) |⊆| _
            unfolding sconsts_sabs
            by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
          have "fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ')"
            unfolding fmdom Γ' = frees pat
            using ¬ shadows_consts t (pat, rhs)  set cs
            unfolding t = _
            by (auto simp: list_ex_iff fdisjnt_alt_def all_consts_def)

          thus "fdisjnt C (fmdom (Γ ++f Γ'))"
            using fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ)
            unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def by auto
          show "¬ shadows_consts rhs"
            using (pat, rhs)  set cs ¬ shadows_consts t unfolding t = _
            by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)
        qed blast

      show "t'. Γ v t  t'  related_v t' ml_rhs'"
        unfolding t = _
        apply (intro exI conjI seval.intros)
         apply (rule veval'.intros)
            apply (rule veval'.intros)
           apply fact+
qed auto

theorem semantic_correctness:
  fixes exp
  assumes "cupcake_evaluate_single env exp (Rval ml_v)" "is_cupcake_all_env env"
  assumes "fmrel_on_fset (ids t) related_v Γ (fmap_of_ns (sem_env.v env))"
  assumes "related_exp t exp"
  assumes "wellformed t" "wellformed_venv Γ"
  assumes "closed_venv Γ" "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)"
  assumes "fmpred (λ_. vwelldefined') Γ" "consts t |⊆| fmdom Γ |∪| C"
  assumes "fdisjnt C (fmdom Γ)"
  assumes "¬ shadows_consts t" "not_shadows_vconsts_env Γ"
  obtains v where "Γ v t  v" "related_v v ml_v"
using semantic_correctness0[OF assms]
by auto

end end
