chapter ‹Generated by Lem from ‹semantics/alt_semantics/smallStep.lem›.› theory "SmallStep" imports Main "HOL-Library.Datatype_Records" "LEM.Lem_pervasives_extra" "Lib" "Namespace" "Ast" "SemanticPrimitives" "Ffi" begin ― ‹‹open import Pervasives_extra›› ― ‹‹open import Lib›› ― ‹‹open import Ast›› ― ‹‹open import Namespace›› ― ‹‹open import SemanticPrimitives›› ― ‹‹open import Ffi›› ― ‹‹ Small-step semantics for expression only. Modules and definitions have * big-step semantics only ›› ― ‹‹ Evaluation contexts * The hole is denoted by the unit type * The env argument contains bindings for the free variables of expressions in the context ››