(* Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins *)

sectionFUNCT› and Funct› as semicategories\label{sec:smc_FUNCT}›


The subsection presents the theory of the semicategories of α›-functors
between two α›-categories.
It continues the development that was initiated in section
A general reference for this section is Chapter II-4 in 

named_theorems smc_FUNCT_cs_simps
named_theorems smc_FUNCT_cs_intros

lemmas [smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = cat_map_cs_simps
lemmas [smc_FUNCT_cs_intros] =  cat_map_cs_intros


subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

definition smc_FUNCT :: "V  V  V  V"
  where "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 =
      cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅,
      ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅,
      (λ𝔑ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTDom),
      (λ𝔑ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTCod),
      (λ𝔐𝔑composable_arrs (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔐𝔑1)


lemma smc_FUNCT_components:
  shows "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Obj = cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
    and "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Arr = ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
    and "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Dom = (λ𝔑ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTDom)"
    and "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Cod = (λ𝔑ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTCod)"
    and "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp =
      (λ𝔐𝔑composable_arrs (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔐𝔑1)"
  unfolding smc_FUNCT_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)


lemma smc_dg_FUNCT: "smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsv_eqI)
  show "vsv (smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅))" unfolding smc_dg_def by auto
  show "vsv (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" unfolding dg_FUNCT_def by auto
  have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 4" 
    unfolding smc_dg_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  have dom_rhs: "𝒟 (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = 4"
    unfolding dg_FUNCT_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  show "𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 𝒟 (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
    unfolding dom_lhs dom_rhs by simp
  show "a  𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅))  
    smc_dg (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)a = dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅a"
    for a
        unfold dom_lhs, 
        unfold smc_dg_def dg_field_simps smc_FUNCT_def dg_FUNCT_def
      (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)

context is_ntcf

lemmas_with [folded smc_dg_FUNCT, unfolded slicing_simps]: 
  smc_FUNCT_Dom_app = dg_FUNCT_Dom_app
  and smc_FUNCT_Cod_app = dg_FUNCT_Cod_app


lemmas [smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = 

lemmas_with [folded smc_dg_FUNCT, unfolded slicing_simps]: 
  smc_FUNCT_Dom_vsv[intro] = dg_FUNCT_Dom_vsv
  and smc_FUNCT_Dom_vdomain[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = dg_FUNCT_Dom_vdomain
  and smc_FUNCT_Cod_vsv[intro] = dg_FUNCT_Cod_vsv
  and smc_FUNCT_Cod_vdomain[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = dg_FUNCT_Cod_vdomain
  and smc_FUNCT_Dom_vrange = dg_FUNCT_Dom_vrange
  and smc_FUNCT_Cod_vrange = dg_FUNCT_Cod_vrange
  and smc_FUNCT_is_arrI = dg_FUNCT_is_arrI
  and smc_FUNCT_is_arrI'[smc_FUNCT_cs_intros] = dg_FUNCT_is_arrI'
  and smc_FUNCT_is_arrD = dg_FUNCT_is_arrD
  and smc_FUNCT_is_arrE[elim] = dg_FUNCT_is_arrE

subsubsection‹Composable arrows›

lemma smc_FUNCT_composable_arrs_dg_FUNCT: 
  "composable_arrs (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = composable_arrs (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
  unfolding composable_arrs_def smc_dg_FUNCT[symmetric] slicing_simps by auto

lemma smc_FUNCT_Comp: 
  "smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp =
    (λ𝔊𝔉composable_arrs (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔊𝔉0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔊𝔉1)"
  unfolding smc_FUNCT_components smc_FUNCT_composable_arrs_dg_FUNCT ..


lemma smc_FUNCT_Comp_vsv[intro]: "vsv (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)" 
  unfolding smc_FUNCT_Comp by simp

lemma smc_FUNCT_Comp_vdomain:
  "𝒟 (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp) = composable_arrs (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" 
  unfolding smc_FUNCT_Comp by auto

lemma smc_FUNCT_Comp_app[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps]:
  assumes "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
  shows "𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 = 𝔐NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔑"
  from assms have "[𝔐, 𝔑]  composable_arrs (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" 
    by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
  then show "𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 = 𝔐NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔑"
    unfolding smc_FUNCT_Comp by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)

lemma smc_FUNCT_Comp_vrange: " (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)  ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsubsetI)
  fix 𝔏 assume prems: "𝔏   (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)"
  then obtain 𝔐𝔑
    where 𝔏_def: "𝔏 = smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp𝔐𝔑" 
      and "𝔐𝔑  𝒟 (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)"
    unfolding smc_FUNCT_components by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
  then obtain 𝔐 𝔑 𝔉 𝔊  
    where "𝔐𝔑 = [𝔐, 𝔑]" 
      and 𝔐: "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅" 
      and 𝔑: "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
    by (auto simp: smc_FUNCT_Comp_vdomain) 
  with 𝔏_def have 𝔏_def': "𝔏 = 𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑" by simp
  note 𝔐 = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔐]
    and 𝔑 = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔑]
  from 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show "𝔏  ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅" 
    unfolding 𝔏_def'
    by (subst 𝔐(2), subst 𝔑(2), remdups)
          cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros smc_FUNCT_cs_intros

subsubsectionFUNCT› is a semicategory›

lemma (in 𝒵) tiny_semicategory_smc_FUNCT: 
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β"
  shows "tiny_semicategory β (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
proof(intro tiny_semicategoryI)
  show "vfsequence (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" by (simp add: smc_FUNCT_def)
  show "vcard (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = 5"
    unfolding smc_FUNCT_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  show "(𝔐𝔑  𝒟 (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)) =
      𝔐 𝔑 𝔊  𝔉.
        𝔐𝔑 = [𝔐, 𝔑] 
        𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 
        𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊
    for 𝔐𝔑 
    unfolding smc_FUNCT_Comp by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
  show Comp_is_arr: "𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
    if "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
    for 𝔐 𝔊  𝔑 𝔉
    note g = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
    note f = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
    from g(1) f(1) show "𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
      by (subst g(2), subst g(4), subst f(2), subst f(3), remdups)
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps
            cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
  fix 𝔏  𝔎 𝔐 𝔊 𝔑 𝔉
  assume prems:
    "𝔏 :  smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔎"
    "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
    "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
  note 𝔏 = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems(1)]
  note 𝔐 = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems(2)]
  note 𝔑 = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems(3)]
  from 𝔏(1) 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show 
    "(𝔏 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔐) Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 =
      𝔏 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅(𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑)"    
    by (subst (1 2) 𝔏(2), subst (1 2) 𝔐(2), subst (1 2) 𝔑(2), remdups)
          cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
          cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
    simp_all add: 
      tiny_digraph_dg_FUNCT[OF assms(1,2)]  


subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

definition smc_Funct :: "V  V  V  V"
  where "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 =
      tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅,
      tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅,
      (λ𝔑tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTDom),
      (λ𝔑tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTCod),
      (λ𝔐𝔑composable_arrs (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔐𝔑1)


lemma smc_Funct_components: 
  shows "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Obj = tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
    and "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Arr = tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
    and "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Dom = (λ𝔑tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTDom)"
    and "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Cod = (λ𝔑tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑NTCod)"
    and "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp =
      (λ𝔐𝔑composable_arrs (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔐𝔑1)"
  unfolding smc_Funct_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)


lemma smc_dg_Funct: "smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅) = dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsv_eqI)
  show "vsv (smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅))" unfolding smc_dg_def by auto
  show "vsv (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" unfolding dg_Funct_def by auto
  have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 4" 
    unfolding smc_dg_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  have dom_rhs: "𝒟 (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅) = 4"
    unfolding dg_Funct_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  show "𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 𝒟 (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)"
    unfolding dom_lhs dom_rhs by simp
  show "a  𝒟 (smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) 
    smc_dg (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)a = dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅a"
    for a
        unfold dom_lhs, 
        unfold smc_dg_def dg_field_simps smc_Funct_def dg_Funct_def
      (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)

context is_tm_ntcf

lemmas_with [folded smc_dg_Funct, unfolded slicing_simps]: 
  smc_Funct_Dom_app = dg_Funct_Dom_app
  and smc_Funct_Cod_app = dg_Funct_Cod_app


lemmas [smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = 

lemmas_with [folded smc_dg_Funct, unfolded slicing_simps]: 
  smc_Funct_Dom_vsv[intro] = dg_Funct_Dom_vsv
  and smc_Funct_Dom_vdomain[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = dg_Funct_Dom_vdomain
  and smc_Funct_Cod_vsv[intro] = dg_Funct_Cod_vsv
  and smc_Funct_Cod_vdomain[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] = dg_Funct_Cod_vdomain
  and smc_Funct_Dom_vrange = dg_Funct_Dom_vrange
  and smc_Funct_Cod_vrange = dg_Funct_Cod_vrange
  and smc_Funct_is_arrI = dg_Funct_is_arrI
  and smc_Funct_is_arrI'[smc_FUNCT_cs_intros] = dg_Funct_is_arrI'
  and smc_Funct_is_arrD = dg_Funct_is_arrD
  and smc_Funct_is_arrE[elim] = dg_Funct_is_arrE

subsubsection‹Composable arrows›

lemma smc_Funct_composable_arrs_dg_FUNCT: 
  "composable_arrs (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅) = composable_arrs (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)"
  unfolding composable_arrs_def smc_dg_Funct[symmetric] slicing_simps by auto

lemma smc_Funct_Comp: 
  "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp =
    (λ𝔊𝔉composable_arrs (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔊𝔉0NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔊𝔉1)"
  unfolding smc_Funct_components smc_Funct_composable_arrs_dg_FUNCT ..


lemma smc_Funct_Comp_vsv[intro]: "vsv (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)" 
  unfolding smc_Funct_Comp by simp

lemma smc_Funct_Comp_vdomain:
  "𝒟 (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp) = composable_arrs (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" 
  unfolding smc_Funct_Comp by auto

lemma smc_Funct_Comp_app[smc_FUNCT_cs_simps]:
  assumes "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
  shows "𝔐 Asmc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 = 𝔐NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔑"
  from assms have "[𝔐, 𝔑]  composable_arrs (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" 
    by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
  then show "𝔐 Asmc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 = 𝔐NTCF𝔄,𝔅𝔑"
    unfolding smc_Funct_Comp by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)

lemma smc_Funct_Comp_vrange: 
  assumes "category α 𝔅"
  shows " (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)  tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsubsetI)
  fix 𝔏 assume "𝔏   (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)"
  then obtain 𝔐𝔑
    where 𝔏_def: "𝔏 = smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp𝔐𝔑" 
      and "𝔐𝔑  𝒟 (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)"
    unfolding smc_Funct_components 
    by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
  then obtain 𝔐 𝔑 𝔉 𝔊  
    where "𝔐𝔑 = [𝔐, 𝔑]" 
      and 𝔐: "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅" 
      and 𝔑: "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
    by (auto simp: smc_Funct_Comp_vdomain) 
  with 𝔏_def have 𝔏_def': "𝔏 = 𝔐 Asmc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑" by simp
  note 𝔐 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF 𝔐]
    and 𝔑 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF 𝔑]
  from assms 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show "𝔏  tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅" 
    unfolding 𝔏_def'
    by (subst 𝔐(2), use nothing in subst 𝔑(2))
          cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps 
          cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros

subsubsectionFunct› is a semicategory›

lemma semicategory_smc_Funct:
  assumes "tiny_category α 𝔄" and "category α 𝔅"
  shows "semicategory α (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" (is semicategory α ?Funct)
  interpret tiny_category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(1))
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro semicategoryI)
    show "vfsequence ?Funct" by (simp add: smc_Funct_def)
    show "vcard ?Funct = 5" 
      unfolding smc_Funct_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
    show "(𝔐𝔑  𝒟 (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅Comp)) =
      (𝔐 𝔑 𝔊  𝔉. 𝔐𝔑 = [𝔐, 𝔑]  𝔐 : 𝔊 ?Funct  𝔑 : 𝔉 ?Funct𝔊)"
      for 𝔐𝔑 
      unfolding smc_Funct_Comp by (auto intro: smc_cs_intros)
    show Comp_is_arr: "𝔐 A?Funct𝔑 : 𝔉 ?Funct"
      if "𝔐 : 𝔊 ?Funct" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 ?Funct𝔊"
      for 𝔐 𝔊  𝔑 𝔉
      note 𝔐 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
      note 𝔑 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
      from assms 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show 
        "𝔐 A?Funct𝔑 : 𝔉 ?Funct"
        by (subst 𝔐(2), use nothing in subst 𝔐(4), subst 𝔑(2), subst 𝔑(3))
              cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
    show "𝔏 A?Funct𝔐 A?Funct𝔑 = 𝔏 A?Funct(𝔐 A?Funct𝔑)"
      if "𝔏 :  ?Funct𝔎" "𝔐 : 𝔊 ?Funct" "𝔑 : 𝔉 ?Funct𝔊"
      for 𝔏  𝔎 𝔐 𝔊 𝔑 𝔉
      note 𝔏 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
      note 𝔐 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
      note 𝔑 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(3)]
      from assms 𝔏(1) 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show
        "(𝔏 A?Funct𝔐) A?Funct𝔑 = 𝔏 A?Funct(𝔐 A?Funct𝔑)"    
            subst (1 2) 𝔏(2),
            use nothing in subst (1 2) 𝔐(2), subst (1 2) 𝔑(2)
              cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_cs_simps cat_small_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
  qed (auto simp: assms smc_dg_Funct smc_Funct_components digraph_dg_Funct)

subsubsectionFunct› is a subsemicategory of FUNCT›

lemma subsemicategory_smc_Funct_smc_FUNCT:
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β" and "tiny_category α 𝔄" and "category α 𝔅"
  shows "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 SMCβsmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(intro subsemicategoryI, unfold smc_dg_FUNCT smc_dg_Funct)
  interpret category α 𝔅 by (rule assms(4))
  interpret smc_Funct: semicategory α smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅
    by (rule semicategory_smc_Funct[OF assms(3,4)])
  show "semicategory β (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)"
    by (rule semicategory.smc_semicategory_if_ge_Limit[OF _ assms(1,2)]) 
      (auto simp: smc_cs_simps intro: smc_cs_intros)
  from assms show "semicategory β (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
          cs_intro: smc_small_cs_intros tiny_semicategory_smc_FUNCT
  show "dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 DGβdg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
    by (rule subdigraph_dg_Funct_dg_FUNCT[OF assms])
  show "𝔐 Asmc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑 = 𝔐 Asmc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅𝔑"
    if "𝔐 : 𝔊 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅𝔊"
    for 𝔊  𝔐 𝔉 𝔑
    note 𝔐 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
    note 𝔑 = smc_Funct_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
    from 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) show ?thesis
      by (subst (1 2) 𝔐(2), use nothing in subst (1 2) 𝔑(2))
          cs_concl cs_shallow 
            cs_simp: smc_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_small_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: smc_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros

