Theory CZH_ECAT_CSimplicial

(* Copyright 2020 (C) Mihails Milehins *)

section‹Simplicial category›
theory CZH_ECAT_CSimplicial
  imports CZH_ECAT_Ordinal


The content of this section is based, primarily, on the elements of the 
content of Chapter I-2 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010".

named_theorems cat_simplicial_cs_simps
named_theorems cat_simplicial_cs_intros

subsection‹Composable arrows for simplicial category›

definition composable_cat_simplicial :: "V  V  V"
  where "composable_cat_simplicial α A = set
      [g, f] | g f. m n p.
        g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p 
        f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n 
        m  A  n  A  p  A

lemma small_composable_cat_simplicial[simp]:
      [g, f] | g f. m n p.
        g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p 
        f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n 
        m  A  n  A  p  A
  (is small ?S)
proof(rule down)
  show "?S  elts (all_cfs α × all_cfs α)"
      intro subsetI, 
      unfold mem_Collect_eq, elim exE conjE; simp only:; intro ftimesI2
    fix m n p g f 
    assume prems: 
      "m  A"
      "n  A"
      "p  A"
      "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
      "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    interpret g: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal n cat_ordinal p g
      by (rule prems(4))
    interpret f: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal m cat_ordinal n f
      by (rule prems(5))
    from g.is_functor_axioms show "g  all_cfs α" by auto
    from f.is_functor_axioms show "f  all_cfs α" by auto


lemma composable_cat_simplicialI:
  assumes "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
    and "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
    and "p  A"
    and "gf = [g, f]"
  shows "gf  composable_cat_simplicial α A"
  using assms
  unfolding composable_cat_simplicial_def
  by (intro in_small_setI small_composable_cat_simplicial) auto

lemma composable_cat_simplicialE[elim]:
  assumes "gf  composable_cat_simplicial α A"
  obtains g f m n p where "gf = [g, f]" 
    and "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
    and "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
    and "p  A"
  from assms obtain g f m n p where 
    "gf = [g, f]"
    "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
    "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    "m  A" 
    "n  A" 
    "p  A"
    unfolding composable_cat_simplicial_def
    by (elim in_small_setE, intro small_composable_cat_simplicial) auto
  with that show ?thesis by auto

subsection‹Simplicial category›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

definition cat_simplicial :: "V  V  V"
  where "cat_simplicial α A =
      set {cat_ordinal m | m. m  A},
          f. m n.
            f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A
        λf set
            f. m n.
              f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A
          }. fHomDom
        λf set
            f. m n.
              f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A
          }. fHomCod
      (λgfcomposable_cat_simplicial α A. gf0 CF gf1),
      (λmset {cat_ordinal m | m. m  A}. cf_id m)


lemma cat_simplicial_components:
  shows "cat_simplicial α AObj = set {cat_ordinal m | m. m  A}"
    and "cat_simplicial α AArr = 
      set {f. m n. f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A}"
    and "cat_simplicial α ADom =
            f. m n.
              f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A
          }. fHomDom
    and "cat_simplicial α ACod =
            f. m n.
              f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A
          }. fHomCod
    and "cat_simplicial α AComp =
      (λgfcomposable_cat_simplicial α A. gf0 CF gf1)"
    and "cat_simplicial α ACId =
      (λmset {cat_ordinal m | m. m  A}. cf_id m)"
  unfolding cat_simplicial_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)


lemma cat_simplicial_ObjI[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]:
  assumes "m  A" and "a = cat_ordinal m"
  shows "a  cat_simplicial α AObj "
  using assms unfolding cat_simplicial_components by auto

lemma cat_simplicial_ObjD:
  assumes "cat_ordinal m  cat_simplicial α AObj "
  shows "m  A" 
  using assms cat_ordinal_inj unfolding cat_simplicial_components by auto

lemma cat_simplicial_ObjE:
  assumes "M  cat_simplicial α AObj "
  obtains m where "M = cat_ordinal m" and "m  A" 
  using assms cat_ordinal_inj that unfolding cat_simplicial_components by auto


lemma small_cat_simplicial_Arr[simp]: 
  "small {f. m n. f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n  m  A  n  A}"
  (is small ?S)
proof(rule down)
  show "?S  elts (all_cfs α)" by auto

lemma cat_simplicial_ArrI[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]:
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" and "m  A" and "n  A" 
  shows "f  cat_simplicial α AArr"
  using assms 
  unfolding cat_simplicial_components
  by (intro in_small_setI small_cat_simplicial_Arr) auto

lemma cat_simplicial_ArrE:
  assumes "f  cat_simplicial α AArr"
  obtains m n 
    where "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" and "m  A" and "n  A" 
  from assms cat_ordinal_inj obtain m n 
    where "m  A" "n  A" "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    unfolding cat_simplicial_components
    by (elim in_small_setE, intro small_cat_simplicial_Arr) auto
  with that show ?thesis by simp


mk_VLambda cat_simplicial_components(3)
  |vsv cat_simplicial_Dom_vsv[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]|
      folded cat_simplicial_components, cat_simplicial_cs_simps
  |app cat_simplicial_Dom_app[folded cat_simplicial_components]|

lemma cat_simplicial_Dom_app'[cat_simplicial_cs_simps]:
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" and "m  A" and "n  A" 
  shows "cat_simplicial α ADomf = cat_ordinal m"
  interpret f: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal m cat_ordinal n f 
    by (rule assms(1))
  from assms show "cat_simplicial α ADomf = cat_ordinal m"
        cs_concl cs_shallow 
          cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_simplicial_Dom_app 
          cs_intro: cat_simplicial_cs_intros


mk_VLambda cat_simplicial_components(4)
  |vsv cat_simplicial_Cod_vsv[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]|
      folded cat_simplicial_components, cat_simplicial_cs_simps
  |app cat_simplicial_Cod_app[folded cat_simplicial_components]|

lemma cat_simplicial_Cod_app'[cat_simplicial_cs_simps]:
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" and "m  A" and "n  A" 
  shows "cat_simplicial α ACodf = cat_ordinal n"
  interpret f: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal m cat_ordinal n f 
    by (rule assms(1))
  from assms show "cat_simplicial α ACodf = cat_ordinal n"
        cs_concl cs_shallow
          cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_simplicial_Cod_app 
          cs_intro: cat_simplicial_cs_intros

subsubsection‹Arrow with a domain and a codomain›

lemma cat_simplicial_is_arrI: 
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
  shows "f : cat_ordinal m cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal n"
proof(intro is_arrI cat_simplicial_ArrI, rule assms; (intro assms(2,3))?)
  from assms show 
    "cat_simplicial α ADomf = cat_ordinal m"
    "cat_simplicial α ACodf = cat_ordinal n"
    by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_simplicial_cs_simps)+

lemma cat_simplicial_is_arrI'[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]: 
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
    and "a = cat_ordinal m"
    and "b = cat_ordinal n"
  shows "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
  using assms(1-3) unfolding assms(4-5) by (rule cat_simplicial_is_arrI)

lemma cat_simplicial_is_arrD[dest]: 
  assumes "f : cat_ordinal m cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
  shows "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
  note f = is_arrD[OF assms(1)]
  from f(1) obtain m' n' 
    where f_is_preorder_functor: "f : cat_ordinal m' C.PEOαcat_ordinal n'" 
      and "m'  A"
      and "n'  A"
    by (elim cat_simplicial_ArrE)  
  then have 
    "cat_simplicial α ADomf = cat_ordinal m'"
    "cat_simplicial α ACodf = cat_ordinal n'"
    by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_simplicial_cs_simps)+
  with f(2,3) have 
    "cat_ordinal m' = cat_ordinal m" "cat_ordinal n' = cat_ordinal n"
    by auto
  with f(2,3) cat_ordinal_inj have [simp]: "m' = m" "n' = n" by auto
  from f_is_preorder_functor show ?thesis by simp

lemma cat_simplicial_is_arrE[elim]: 
  assumes "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
  obtains m n where "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A"
    and "a = cat_ordinal m"
    and "b = cat_ordinal n"
  note f = is_arrD[OF assms(1)]
  from f(1) obtain m n
    where f_is_preorder_functor: "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" 
      and m: "m  A"
      and n: "n  A"
    by (elim cat_simplicial_ArrE)  
  then have 
    "cat_simplicial α ADomf = cat_ordinal m"
    "cat_simplicial α ACodf = cat_ordinal n"
    by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_simplicial_cs_simps)+
  with f(2,3) have "cat_ordinal m = a" "cat_ordinal n = b"
    by auto
  with f_is_preorder_functor m n that show ?thesis by auto


mk_VLambda cat_simplicial_components(5)
  |vsv cat_simplicial_Comp_vsv[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]|
  |vdomain cat_simplicial_Comp_vdomain[cat_simplicial_cs_simps]|

lemma cat_simplicial_Comp_app[cat_simplicial_cs_simps]:
  assumes "g : cat_ordinal n cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal p"
    and "f : cat_ordinal m cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal n"
    and "m  A" 
    and "n  A" 
    and "p  A"
  shows "g Acat_simplicial α Af = g CF f"
  note g = cat_simplicial_is_arrD[OF assms(1,4,5)]
  note f = cat_simplicial_is_arrD[OF assms(2,3,4)]
  interpret g: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal n cat_ordinal p g
    by (rule g)
  interpret f: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal m cat_ordinal n f
    by (rule f)
  have "[g, f]  composable_cat_simplicial α A"
        intro composable_cat_simplicialI, rule g, rule f; 
        (intro assms refl)?
  then show "g Acat_simplicial α Af = g CF f"
    unfolding cat_simplicial_components by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)


  fixes α A :: V

mk_VLambda cat_simplicial_components(6)[where α=α and A=A]
  |vsv cat_simplicial_CId_vsv[cat_simplicial_cs_intros]|
      folded cat_simplicial_components(1)[where α=α and A=A]
  |app cat_simplicial_CId_app'[
    folded cat_simplicial_components(1)[where α=α and A=A]

lemmas cat_simplicial_CId_vdomain[cat_simplicial_cs_simps] = 
lemmas cat_simplicial_CId_app[cat_simplicial_cs_simps] = 


subsubsection‹Simplicial category is a category›

lemma (in 𝒵) category_simplicial:
  assumes "Ord A" and "A  α"
  shows "category α (cat_simplicial α A)"

  show ?thesis 
  proof(intro categoryI')

    show "vfsequence (cat_simplicial α A)" unfolding cat_simplicial_def by simp
    show "vcard (cat_simplicial α A) = 6"
      unfolding cat_simplicial_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)

    show " (cat_simplicial α ADom)  cat_simplicial α AObj"
    proof(rule vsv.vsv_vrange_vsubset, unfold cat_simplicial_cs_simps)
      fix f assume "f  cat_simplicial α AArr"
      then obtain m n 
        where "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" 
          and "m  A" 
          and "n  A"
        by (elim cat_simplicial_ArrE)
      then show "cat_simplicial α ADomf  cat_simplicial α AObj"
        by (auto simp: cat_simplicial_Dom_app' intro: cat_simplicial_ObjI)
    qed (auto simp: cat_simplicial_components)

    show " (cat_simplicial α ACod)  cat_simplicial α AObj"
    proof(rule vsv.vsv_vrange_vsubset, unfold cat_simplicial_cs_simps)
      fix f assume "f  cat_simplicial α AArr"
      then obtain m n 
        where "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n" 
          and "m  A" 
          and "n  A"
        by (elim cat_simplicial_ArrE)
      then show "cat_simplicial α ACodf  cat_simplicial α AObj"
        by (auto simp: cat_simplicial_Cod_app' intro: cat_simplicial_ObjI)
    qed (auto simp: cat_simplicial_components)

    show "(gf  𝒟 (cat_simplicial α AComp)) 
        g f b c a.
          gf = [g, f] 
          g : b cat_simplicial α Ac 
          f : a cat_simplicial α Ab
      for gf
    proof(intro iffI; (elim exE conjE)?)
      assume "gf  𝒟 (cat_simplicial α AComp)"
      then have "gf  composable_cat_simplicial α A"
        unfolding cat_simplicial_components by simp
      then obtain g f m n p 
        where gf_def: "gf = [g, f]" 
          and g: "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
          and f: "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
          and m: "m  A" 
          and n: "n  A"
          and p: "p  A"
        by auto
      show "g f b c a.
        gf = [g, f] 
        g : b cat_simplicial α Ac 
        f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
      proof(intro exI conjI)
        from g n p show "g : cat_ordinal n cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal p"
          by (intro cat_simplicial_is_arrI) simp_all
        from f m n show "f : cat_ordinal m cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal n"
          by (intro cat_simplicial_is_arrI) simp_all
      qed (simp add: gf_def)
      fix g f a b c assume prems:
        "gf = [g, f]" 
        "g : b cat_simplicial α Ac"
        "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
      from prems(2) obtain n p 
        where g: "g : cat_ordinal n C.PEOαcat_ordinal p"
          and n: "n  A" 
          and p: "p  A"
          and b_def: "b = cat_ordinal n" 
          and "c = cat_ordinal p"
        by auto
      from prems(3) obtain m n'
        where f: "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n'"
          and m: "m  A" 
          and n': "n'  A"
          and a_def: "a = cat_ordinal m" 
          and b_def': "b = cat_ordinal n'"
        by auto
      from b_def b_def' have n'n: "n' = n" by (auto simp: cat_ordinal_inj)
      show "gf  𝒟 (cat_simplicial α AComp)"
        unfolding prems(1) cat_simplicial_Comp_vdomain
        by (intro composable_cat_simplicialI, rule g, rule f[unfolded n'n])
          (simp_all add:  m n p)
    show "g Acat_simplicial α Af : a cat_simplicial α Ac"
      if "g : b cat_simplicial α Ac" and "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
      for b c g a f
      using that  
      by (elim cat_simplicial_is_arrE; simp only: cat_ordinal_inj)
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_simplicial_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_order_cs_intros cat_simplicial_cs_intros

    show "h Acat_simplicial α Ag Acat_simplicial α Af =
      h Acat_simplicial α A(g Acat_simplicial α Af)"
      if "h : c cat_simplicial α Ad"
        and "g : b cat_simplicial α Ac"
        and "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
      for c d h b g a f
      using that
      apply(elim cat_simplicial_is_arrE; simp only:)
      subgoal for m n m' n' m'' n'' (*FIXME: investigate comp_no_flatten*)
            cs_concl cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_simplicial_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: cat_order_cs_intros cat_simplicial_cs_intros

    show "cat_simplicial α ACIda : a cat_simplicial α Aa"
      if "a  cat_simplicial α AObj" for a
      using that
    proof(elim cat_simplicial_ObjE; simp only:)
      fix m assume prems: "m  A" "cat_ordinal m  cat_simplicial α AObj"
      moreover from prems(1) assms(1) have "Ord m" by auto
      moreover from prems assms have "m  α" 
        by (meson Ord_trans vsubsetI rev_vsubsetD)
      ultimately show "cat_simplicial α ACIdcat_ordinal m :
        cat_ordinal m cat_simplicial α Acat_ordinal m"
              cs_simp: cat_simplicial_cs_simps 
    show "cat_simplicial α ACIdb Acat_simplicial α Af = f"
      if "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab" for a b f
      using that
      by (elim cat_simplicial_is_arrE; simp only:)
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_simplicial_cs_simps
            cs_intro: cat_order_cs_intros cat_simplicial_cs_intros
    show "f Acat_simplicial α Acat_simplicial α ACIdb = f"
      if "f : b cat_simplicial α Ac" for b c f
      using that
      by (elim cat_simplicial_is_arrE; simp only:)
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_simplicial_cs_simps
            cs_intro: cat_order_cs_intros cat_simplicial_cs_intros
    show "cat_simplicial α AObj  Vset α"
    proof(intro vsubsetI, elim cat_simplicial_ObjE; simp only:)
      fix m assume prems: "m  A"
      then have "Ord m" using assms(1) by auto
      moreover from prems have "m  α" using assms(2) by auto
      ultimately interpret m: cat_tiny_linear_order α cat_ordinal m
        by (intro cat_tiny_linear_order_cat_ordinal)
      show "cat_ordinal m  Vset α" by (rule m.tiny_cat_in_Vset)

    show "(aA'. bB'. Hom (cat_simplicial α A) a b)  Vset α"
      if "A'  cat_simplicial α AObj"
        and "B'  cat_simplicial α AObj"
        and "A'  Vset α"
        and "B'  Vset α"
      for A' B' 
      define Q where "Q i =
          if i = 0  VPow ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj))
           | i = 1  VPow 
              (((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
              ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj)))
           | i = 2  A'
           | i = 3  B'
           | otherwise  0
        for i
      let ?Q = 
          [fo, fa, a, b] | fo fa a b.
            fo  ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj)) 
              ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
              ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj)) 
            a  A' 
            b  B'

      have QQ: "?Q  elts (iset {0, 1, 2, 3}. Q i)"
      proof(intro subsetI, unfold mem_Collect_eq, elim exE conjE)
        fix x fo fa a b assume prems: 
          "x = [fo, fa, a, b]"
          "fo  ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj))"
            ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
            ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj))"
          "a  A'"
          "b  B'"
        show "x  (iset {0, 1, 2, 3}. Q i)"
        proof(intro vproductI, unfold Ball_def; (intro allI impI)?)
          show "𝒟 x = set {[], 1, 2, 3}"
            unfolding prems(1) by (force simp: nat_omega_simps)
          fix i assume "i  set {0, 1, 2, 3}"
          then consider i = 0 | i = 1 | i = 2 | i = 3 by auto
          then show "xi  Q i" 
            by cases (auto simp: Q_def prems nat_omega_simps)
        qed (auto simp: prems)
      then have small_Q[simp]: "small ?Q" by (intro down)

      have "(aA'. bB'. Hom (cat_simplicial α A) a b)  set ?Q" 
      proof(intro vsubsetI in_small_setI small_Q)
        fix f assume "f  (aA'. bB'. Hom (cat_simplicial α A) a b)"
        then obtain a b 
          where a: "a  A'" 
            and b: "b  B'" 
            and "f : a cat_simplicial α Ab"
          by auto
        then obtain m n 
          where f: "f : cat_ordinal m C.PEOαcat_ordinal n"
            and m: "m  A" 
            and n: "n  A" 
            and a_def: "a = cat_ordinal m" 
            and b_def: "b = cat_ordinal n"
          by auto
        interpret f: is_preorder_functor α cat_ordinal m cat_ordinal n f 
          by (rule f)
        show "f  ?Q"
        proof(unfold mem_Collect_eq, intro exI conjI)
          show "fObjMap  (a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj)"
          proof(intro vsubsetI)
            fix x assume prems: "x  fObjMap"
            obtain xl xr 
              where x_def: "x = xl, xr" 
                and xl: "xl  cat_ordinal mObj" 
                and xr: "xr  ( (fObjMap))"
              by (elim f.ObjMap.vbrelation_vinE[OF prems, unfolded cat_cs_simps])
            show "x  (a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj)"
              unfolding x_def
            proof(standard; (intro vifunionI))
              from xr f.cf_ObjMap_vrange show "xr  cat_ordinal nObj" by auto
            qed (use a b in auto intro: xl simp: a_def b_def)
          show "fArrMap 
            ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
            ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj))"
          proof(intro vsubsetI)
            fix x assume prems: "x  fArrMap"
            obtain xl xr 
              where x_def: "x = xl, xr" 
                and xl: "xl  cat_ordinal mArr" 
                and xr: "xr  ( (fArrMap))"
              by (elim f.ArrMap.vbrelation_vinE[OF prems, unfolded cat_cs_simps])
            from xr vsubsetD have xr: "xr  cat_ordinal nArr"
              by (auto intro: f.cf_ArrMap_vrange)
            from xl obtain xll xlr where xl_def: "xl = [xll, xlr]" 
              and xll_m: "xll  m" 
              and xlr_m: "xlr  m" 
              and "xll  xlr" 
              unfolding ordinal_arrs_def cat_ordinal_components by clarsimp
            from xr obtain xrl xrr where xr_def: "xr = [xrl, xrr]" 
              and xrl_n: "xrl  n"
              and xrr_n:"xrr  n"
              and "xrl  xrr"
              unfolding ordinal_arrs_def cat_ordinal_components by clarsimp
            show "x 
              ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
              ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj))"
              unfolding x_def
              by (standard; (intro vifunionI ftimesI1)?)
                  use a b in auto
                      simp: xl_def xr_def a_def b_def cat_ordinal_components
                      intro: xrr_n xrl_n xlr_m xll_m
              simp: cat_cs_simps 
              intro: a[unfolded a_def] b[unfolded b_def] f.cf_def
      moreover have "set ?Q  (iset {0, 1, 2, 3}. Q i)"
            intro vsubset_if_subset, 
            unfold small_elts_of_set[OF small_Q], 
            intro QQ
      moreover have "(iset {0, 1, 2, 3}. Q i)  Vset α"
      proof(intro Limit_vproduct_in_VsetI)
        show "set {0, 1, 2, 3}  Vset α"
          unfolding four[symmetric] by simp
        have "(a'A'. a'Obj)  (rA'.  r)"
        proof(intro vsubsetI)
          fix x assume "x  (a'A'. a'Obj)"
          then obtain a' where a': "a'  A'" and x: "x  a'Obj" by auto
          from a' that(1) have "a'  cat_simplicial α AObj" by auto
          then obtain m where a'_def: "a' = cat_ordinal m" and m: "m  A"
            unfolding cat_simplicial_components by clarsimp
          show "x  (rA'.  r)"
          proof(rule VUnionI, rule vifunionI)
            from a'_def have "vsv a'" and "Obj  𝒟 a'"
              unfolding a'_def cat_ordinal_def Obj_def by auto
            then show "a'Obj   a'" by auto
          qed (auto simp: x a')
        moreover have "(rA'.  r)  Vset α"
          by (intro Limit_VUnion_vrange_in_VsetI[OF Limit_α] that)
        ultimately have UA': "(a'A'. a'Obj)  Vset α" by blast
        have B': "(b'B'. b'Obj)  (rB'.  r)"
          (*FIXME: code duplication*)
        proof(intro vsubsetI)
          fix x assume "x  (b'B'. b'Obj)"
          then obtain b' where b': "b'  B'" and x: "x  b'Obj" by auto
          from b' that(2) have "b'  cat_simplicial α AObj" by auto
          then obtain m where b'_def: "b' = cat_ordinal m" and m: "m  A"
            unfolding cat_simplicial_components by clarsimp
          show "x  (rB'.  r)"
          proof(rule VUnionI, rule vifunionI)
            from b'_def have "vsv b'" and "Obj  𝒟 b'"
              unfolding b'_def cat_ordinal_def Obj_def by auto
            then show "b'Obj   b'" by auto
          qed (auto simp: x b')
        moreover have "(rB'.  r)  Vset α"
          by (intro Limit_VUnion_vrange_in_VsetI[OF Limit_α] that)
        ultimately have UB': "(a'B'. a'Obj)  Vset α" by blast
        have [simp]: 
          "VPow ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (b'B'. b'Obj))  Vset α"
          by (intro Limit_VPow_in_VsetI Limit_vtimes_in_VsetI UA' UB') auto
        have [simp]:
              ((a'A'. a'Obj) × (a'A'. a'Obj)) ×
              ((a'B'. a'Obj) × (a'B'. a'Obj))
            )  Vset α"
                UA' UB'
        fix i assume "i  set {0, 1, 2, 3}"
        then consider i = 0 | i = 1 | i = 2 | i = 3 by auto
        then show "Q i  Vset α" 
          by cases (simp_all add: Q_def that nat_omega_simps)
      qed auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: vsubset_in_VsetI)
  qed (auto simp: cat_simplicial_components)


