Theory CAVA_Impl

section ‹Actual Implementation of the CAVA Model Checker›
theory CAVA_Impl


  LTL_to_GBA.LTL_to_GBA_impl (* LTL to BA *)

  Gabow_SCC.Gabow_GBG_Code (* Gabow's Algorithm *)
  "Nested_DFS/NDFS_SI" (* Nested-DFS, standard-invars formalization *)

  "BoolProgs/BoolProgs"                   (* Boolean Programs *)
  "BoolProgs/Programs/BoolProgs_Programs" (* the actual programs *)
  "BoolProgs/BoolProgs_LTL_Conv"          (* LTL parsing setup *)

  Promela.PromelaLTL     (* Promela *)
  Promela.PromelaLTLConv (* LTL parsing setup *)


hide_const (open) SM_Cfg.cfg

subsection ‹Miscellaneous Lemmata›

(* TODO: Move *)
instantiation uint32 :: hashable begin
  definition "hashcode x = x"
  definition "def_hashmap_size (T::uint32 itself)  8"  
    apply intro_classes
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_uint32_def
    by auto


subsection ‹Exporting Graphs›

(* TODO: frv_export is going to be replaced by more explicit implementation 
  of graphs.
  For the moment, we just keep it here.
definition "frv_edge_set G  g_E G  (g_V G × UNIV)"

definition "frv_edge_set_aimpl G  FOREACHi (λit r. r = g_E G  ((g_V G - it) × UNIV))
  (g_V G) 
  (λu r. do {
    let E = (λv. (u,v))`(succ_of_E (g_E G) u);
    ASSERT (E  r = {});
    RETURN (E  r)

lemma frv_edge_set_aimpl_correct: 
  "finite (g_V G)  frv_edge_set_aimpl G  SPEC (λr. r = frv_edge_set G)"
  unfolding frv_edge_set_aimpl_def frv_edge_set_def
  apply (refine_rcg refine_vcg)
  apply auto []
  apply auto []
  apply (auto simp: succ_of_E_def) []
  apply auto []

schematic_goal frv_edge_set_impl_aux:
  assumes [autoref_rules]: "(eq,(=))R  R  bool_rel"
  assumes [relator_props]: "single_valued R"
  shows "(?c, frv_edge_set_aimpl)  Rx,Rfrgv_impl_rel_ext  R ×r Rlist_set_relnres_rel"
  unfolding frv_edge_set_aimpl_def[abs_def]
  apply (autoref (trace,keep_goal))
concrete_definition frv_edge_set_impl uses frv_edge_set_impl_aux
lemmas [autoref_rules] = frv_edge_set_impl.refine[OF GEN_OP_D PREFER_sv_D]

schematic_goal frv_edge_set_code_aux: "RETURN ?c  frv_edge_set_impl eq G"
  unfolding frv_edge_set_impl_def by (refine_transfer (post))
concrete_definition frv_edge_set_code for eq G uses frv_edge_set_code_aux
lemmas [refine_transfer] = frv_edge_set_code.refine

lemma frv_edge_set_autoref[autoref_rules]:
  assumes EQ[unfolded autoref_tag_defs]: "GEN_OP eq (=) (R  R  bool_rel)"
  assumes SV[unfolded autoref_tag_defs]: "PREFER single_valued R"
  shows "(frv_edge_set_code eq,frv_edge_set)  Rx,Rfrgv_impl_rel_ext  R ×r Rlist_set_rel"
proof (intro fun_relI)
  fix Gi G
  assume Gr: "(Gi, G)  Rx, Rfrgv_impl_rel_ext" 
  hence [simp]: "finite (g_V G)"
    unfolding frgv_impl_rel_ext_def g_impl_rel_ext_def
    apply (simp add: list_set_rel_def br_def)
    apply fastforce

  note frv_edge_set_code.refine
  also note frv_edge_set_impl.refine[OF EQ SV, THEN fun_relD, OF Gr, THEN nres_relD]
  also note frv_edge_set_aimpl_correct
  finally show "(frv_edge_set_code eq Gi, frv_edge_set G)  R ×r Rlist_set_rel" 
    by (rule RETURN_ref_SPECD) simp_all

definition "frv_export G  do {
  nodes  SPEC (λl. set l = g_V G  distinct l);
  V0  SPEC (λl. set l = g_V0 G  distinct l);
  E  SPEC (λl. set l = frv_edge_set G  distinct l);
  RETURN (nodes,V0,E)

schematic_goal frv_export_impl_aux:
  fixes R :: "('vi × 'v) set"
  notes [autoref_tyrel] = TYRELI[where R = "R ×r Rlist_set_rel"]
  assumes EQ[autoref_rules]: "(eq,(=))R  R  bool_rel"
  assumes SVR[relator_props]: "single_valued R"
  shows "(?c, frv_export) 
   Rlist_rel ×r Rlist_rel ×r R ×r Rlist_relnres_rel"
  unfolding frv_export_def[abs_def]
  using [[autoref_trace_failed_id]]
  apply (autoref (keep_goal, trace))

concrete_definition frv_export_impl for eq uses frv_export_impl_aux
lemmas [autoref_rules] = frv_export_impl.refine[OF GEN_OP_D PREFER_sv_D]

schematic_goal frv_export_code_aux: "RETURN ?c  frv_export_impl eq G"
  unfolding frv_export_impl_def
  apply (refine_transfer (post))
concrete_definition frv_export_code for eq G uses frv_export_code_aux
lemmas [refine_transfer] = frv_export_code.refine


subsection ‹Setup›

subsubsection ‹LTL to GBA conversion›

text ‹In the following, we set up the algorithms for LTL to GBA conversion.›

definition is_ltl_to_gba_algo 
  :: "('a ltlc  (nat, 'a  bool, unit) igbav_impl_scheme)  bool"
  ― ‹Predicate that must be satisfied by an LTL to GBA conversion›
  "is_ltl_to_gba_algo algo  (algo, ltl_to_gba_spec) 
     igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel nat_rel (Idfun_set_rel)plain_nres_rel"

definition gerth_ltl_to_gba 
  ― ‹Conversion based on Gerth's Algorithm›
  where "gerth_ltl_to_gba φ  create_name_igba (ltln_to_ltlr (simplify Slow (ltlc_to_ltln φ)))"

lemma gerth_ltl_to_gba_refine:
  "gerth_ltl_to_gba φ  Id (ltl_to_gba_spec φ)"
apply simp
unfolding ltl_to_gba_spec_def gerth_ltl_to_gba_def
apply (rule order_trans[OF create_name_igba_correct])
apply (rule SPEC_rule)
proof (safe del: equalityI)
  fix G :: "(nat, 'a set) igba_rec"
  assume "igba G"
  interpret igba G by fact
  assume 1: "finite (g_V G)"
  assume 2: " ξ. accept ξ  ξ r ltln_to_ltlr (simplify Slow (ltlc_to_ltln φ))"
  show "lang = language_ltlc φ"
     using 2 unfolding lang_def language_ltlc_def ltln_to_ltlr_semantics simplify_correct ltlc_to_ltln_semantics by auto
  show "finite ((g_E G)* `` g_V0 G)" using 1 reachable_V by auto

definition "gerth_ltl_to_gba_code φ  create_name_igba_code (ltln_to_ltlr (simplify Slow (ltlc_to_ltln φ)))"
lemma gerth_ltl_to_gba_code_refine: "is_ltl_to_gba_algo gerth_ltl_to_gba_code"
proof -
  have "φ. RETURN (gerth_ltl_to_gba_code φ) 
     (igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel nat_rel (Idfun_set_rel)) 
      (gerth_ltl_to_gba φ)"
    unfolding gerth_ltl_to_gba_def[abs_def] gerth_ltl_to_gba_code_def[abs_def]
    apply (rule order_trans[OF create_name_igba_code.refine])
    apply (rule create_name_igba_impl.refine[THEN fun_relD, THEN nres_relD])
    apply simp
    apply simp
  also note gerth_ltl_to_gba_refine
  finally show ?thesis 
    unfolding is_ltl_to_gba_algo_def 
    by (blast intro: plain_nres_relI)

text ‹We define a function that chooses between the possible conversion 
  algorithms. (Currently there is only one)›
datatype config_l2b = CFG_L2B_GERTHS

definition "ltl_to_gba_code cfg 
   case cfg of CFG_L2B_GERTHS  gerth_ltl_to_gba_code"

lemma ltl_to_gba_code_refine:
  "is_ltl_to_gba_algo (ltl_to_gba_code cfg)"
  apply (cases cfg)
  unfolding ltl_to_gba_code_def

  using gerth_ltl_to_gba_code_refine
  apply simp

subsubsection ‹Counterexample Search›
definition is_find_ce_algo 
  :: "(('a, unit)igbg_impl_scheme  'a lasso option option)  bool" 
  ― ‹Predicate that must be satisfied by counterexample search algorithm›
  "is_find_ce_algo algo  (algo, find_ce_spec) 
     igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id 

definition gabow_find_ce_code :: "_  'a::hashable lasso option option"
  ― ‹Emptiness check based on Gabow's SCC Algorithm›
  where "gabow_find_ce_code
   map_option (Some o lasso_of_prpl) o Gabow_GBG_Code.find_lasso_tr (=) bounded_hashcode_nat (def_hashmap_size TYPE('a))"

lemma gabow_find_ce_code_refine: "is_find_ce_algo 
    :: ('a::hashable, unit) igbg_impl_scheme  'a lasso option option)"
proof -
  have AUX_EQ: 
    "gbgi::('a, unit) igbg_impl_scheme. RETURN (gabow_find_ce_code gbgi)
    = (do {
      l  RETURN (find_lasso_tr (=) bounded_hashcode_nat (def_hashmap_size TYPE('a)) gbgi);
      RETURN (map_option (Some  lasso_of_prpl) l)
    })" by (auto simp: gabow_find_ce_code_def)

  show ?thesis
    (* TODO: Clean up this proof! *)
    unfolding is_find_ce_algo_def 
    apply (intro fun_relI plain_nres_relI)
    unfolding find_ce_spec_def AUX_EQ
    apply (refine_rcg)
    apply (rule order_trans[
      OF bind_mono(1)[OF Gabow_GBG_Code.find_lasso_tr_correct order_refl]])
    apply assumption
    apply (simp; fail)
    apply (rule autoref_ga_rules;simp; fail)
    apply (rule autoref_ga_rules;simp; fail)
    apply (rule igb_fr_graphI)
    apply assumption
    apply assumption
    unfolding igb_graph.find_lasso_spec_def
    apply (simp add: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
    apply (clarsimp simp: lasso_run_rel_sv option_rel_sv split: option.split_asm)
    apply (metis igb_graph.is_lasso_prpl_of_lasso igb_graph.accepted_lasso 
    apply (simp add: option_rel_def lasso_run_rel_def br_def)
    by (metis igb_graph.is_lasso_prpl_conv igb_graph.lasso_accepted)

definition ndfs_find_ce 
  :: "('q::hashable,_) igb_graph_rec_scheme  'q lasso option option nres" 
  ― ‹Emptiness check based on nested DFS›
  "ndfs_find_ce G  do {
    ASSERT (igb_graph G);
    let G = igb_graph.degeneralize G;
    l  blue_dfs G;
    case l of
      None  RETURN None
    | Some l  do { 
        ASSERT (snd l  []); 
        RETURN (Some (Some (map_lasso fst (lasso_of_prpl l)))) 

lemma ndfs_find_ce_refine: "(G',G)Id  
  ndfs_find_ce G'  (Idlasso_run_reloption_reloption_rel) (find_ce_spec G)"
  apply simp
  unfolding find_ce_spec_def
proof (refine_rcg SPEC_refine refine_vcg)
  assume [simp]: "igb_graph G"
  then interpret igb_graph G .

  assume fr: "finite ((g_E G)* `` g_V0 G)"

  have [simp]: "b_graph degeneralize" by (simp add: degen_invar)
  (*then interpret bg: b_graph degeneralize .*)

  show "ndfs_find_ce G
    (SPEC (λres. res'. 
        (case res' of None  r. ¬ is_acc_run r
         | Some None  Ex is_acc_run 
         | Some (Some x)  is_acc_run x)))"
    unfolding ndfs_find_ce_def find_lasso_spec_def ce_correct_def
    apply (refine_rcg refine_vcg order_trans[OF blue_dfs_correct])
    apply (clarsimp_all)

    apply (auto intro: degen_finite_reachable fr) []

    apply (auto
      elim!: degen_acc_run_complete[where m="λ_. ()"]
      dest!: degen.accepted_lasso[OF degen_finite_reachable[OF fr]]
      simp: degen.is_lasso_prpl_of_lasso[symmetric] prpl_of_lasso_def
      simp del: degen.is_lasso_prpl_of_lasso) []

    apply (auto 
      simp: b_graph.is_lasso_prpl_def graph.is_lasso_prpl_pre_def) []

    apply (auto split: option.split
      simp: degen.is_lasso_prpl_conv lasso_run_rel_def br_def
      dest: degen.lasso_accepted degen_acc_run_sound
    ) []

schematic_goal ndfs_find_ce_impl_aux: "(?c, ndfs_find_ce) 
   igbg_impl_rel_ext Rm Id 
    unit_rel,Id::('a::hashable×_) setlasso_rel_extoption_reloption_rel
  unfolding ndfs_find_ce_def[abs_def]
  using [[autoref_trace_failed_id]]
  apply (autoref (trace, keep_goal))
concrete_definition ndfs_find_ce_impl uses ndfs_find_ce_impl_aux

schematic_goal ndfs_find_ce_code_aux: "RETURN ?c  ndfs_find_ce_impl G"
  unfolding ndfs_find_ce_impl_def
  by (refine_transfer (post))
concrete_definition ndfs_find_ce_code uses ndfs_find_ce_code_aux

lemma ndfs_find_ce_code_refine: "is_find_ce_algo ndfs_find_ce_code"
  unfolding is_find_ce_algo_def
proof (intro fun_relI plain_nres_relI)
  fix gbgi :: "('a,unit) igbg_impl_scheme" and gbg :: "'a igb_graph_rec"
  assume R: "(gbgi, gbg)  igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id"
  note ndfs_find_ce_code.refine
  also note ndfs_find_ce_impl.refine[param_fo, THEN nres_relD, OF R]
  also note ndfs_find_ce_refine[OF IdI]
  finally show "RETURN (ndfs_find_ce_code gbgi)
      (find_ce_spec gbg)"
    by (simp add: lasso_rel_ext_id)

text ‹We define a function that chooses between the emptiness check 

datatype config_ce = CFG_CE_SCC_GABOW | CFG_CE_NDFS

definition find_ce_code where "find_ce_code cfg  case cfg of 
  CFG_CE_SCC_GABOW  gabow_find_ce_code
| CFG_CE_NDFS  ndfs_find_ce_code"

lemma find_ce_code_refine: "is_find_ce_algo (find_ce_code cfg)"
  apply (cases cfg)
  unfolding find_ce_code_def
  using gabow_find_ce_code_refine ndfs_find_ce_code_refine
  apply (auto split: config_ce.split)
subsection ‹System-Agnostic Model-Checker›
text ‹
  In this section, we implement the part of the model-checker that does not 
  depend on the language used to describe the system to be checked. 

subsubsection ‹Default Implementation of Lazy Intersection›

locale cava_inter_impl_loc =
  igba_sys_prod_precond G S
  for S :: "('s, 'l set) sa_rec"
  and G :: "('q,'l set) igba_rec" +
  fixes Gi Si Rq Rs Rl eqq
  assumes [autoref_rules]: "(eqq,(=))  Rq  Rq  bool_rel"
  assumes [autoref_rules]: "(Gi,G)  igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rq Rl"
  assumes [autoref_rules]: "(Si,S)  sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rs Rl"

  lemma cava_inter_impl_loc_this: "cava_inter_impl_loc S G Gi Si Rq Rs Rl eqq"
    by unfold_locales

  text ‹TODO/FIXME:
    Some black-magic is going on here: The performance of the mc seems to depend on the ordering of states,
    so we do some adjustments of the ordering here.
  lemma prod_impl_aux_alt_cava_reorder:
    "prod = (
      g_V = Collect (λ(q,s). q  igba.V  s  sa.V),
      g_E = E_of_succ (λ(q,s). 
        if igba.L q (sa.L s) then     
          (λ(s,q). (q,s))`(LIST_SET_REV_TAG (succ_of_E (sa.E) s) 
           × (succ_of_E (igba.E) q))
      g_V0 = igba.V0 × sa.V0,
      igbg_num_acc = igba.num_acc,
      igbg_acc = λ(q,s). if ssa.V then igba.acc q else {}
    unfolding prod_def
    apply (auto simp: succ_of_E_def E_of_succ_def split: if_split_asm)

  schematic_goal vf_prod_impl_aux_cava_reorder:
    shows "(?c, prod)  igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs)"
    unfolding prod_impl_aux_alt_cava_reorder[abs_def]
    using [[autoref_trace_failed_id]]
    apply (autoref (trace, keep_goal))

  lemma (in -) map_concat_map_map_opt: 
    "map f (concat (map (λxa. map (f' xa) (l1 xa)) l2)) 
      = List.maps (λxa. map (f o f' xa) (l1 xa)) l2"
    "((λ(xd, xe). (xe, xd))  Pair xa) = (λx. (x,xa))"
    ― ‹Very specific optimization used in the next refinement›
    apply -
    apply (induction l2) 
    apply (auto simp: List.maps_def) [2]

    apply auto []

  concrete_definition (in -) gbav_sys_prod_impl_cava_reorder 
    for eqq Gi Si
    uses cava_inter_impl_loc.vf_prod_impl_aux_cava_reorder[
    param_fo, unfolded map_concat_map_map_opt]

  lemmas [autoref_rules] = 
    gbav_sys_prod_impl_cava_reorder.refine[OF cava_inter_impl_loc_this]
  context begin interpretation autoref_syn .
    (* HACK: Overwrite pattern that rewrites outer-level prod, such that
      local rules apply here. *)
    lemma [autoref_op_pat]: "prod  OP prod" by simp


  definition dflt_inter :: "('q × 's) igb_graph_rec × ('q × 's  's)" 
    where "dflt_inter  (prod, snd)"

  lemma dflt_inter_refine: 
    shows "RETURN dflt_inter  inter_spec S G"
    unfolding inter_spec_def dflt_inter_def
    apply (refine_rcg le_ASSERTI refine_vcg)
  proof clarsimp_all
    show "igb_graph prod" by (rule prod_invar)

    fix r

    assume "finite (igba.E* `` igba.V0)" "finite ((g_E S)* `` g_V0 S)"
    thus "finite ((g_E prod)* `` g_V0 prod)" using prod_finite_reachable by auto

    show "(r'. prod.is_acc_run r'  r = snd  r') 
          (sa.is_run r  sa.L  r  igba.lang)"
      using gsp_correct1 gsp_correct2 
      apply (auto simp: comp_assoc)

  schematic_goal dflt_inter_impl_aux: 
    shows "(?c, dflt_inter) 
     igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs) ×r (Rq ×r Rs  Rs)"
    unfolding dflt_inter_def[abs_def]
    using [[autoref_trace_failed_id]]
    apply (autoref (keep_goal))
  concrete_definition (in -) dflt_inter_impl
    for eqq Si Gi
    uses cava_inter_impl_loc.dflt_inter_impl_aux

  lemmas [autoref_rules] = dflt_inter_impl.refine[OF cava_inter_impl_loc_this]

definition [simp]: "op_dflt_inter  cava_inter_impl_loc.dflt_inter"
lemma [autoref_op_pat]: "cava_inter_impl_loc.dflt_inter  op_dflt_inter"
  by simp

context begin interpretation autoref_syn .
lemma dflt_inter_autoref[autoref_rules]:
  fixes G :: "('q,'l set) igba_rec"
  fixes S :: "('s, 'l set) sa_rec"
  fixes Gi Si Rq Rs Rl eqq
  assumes "SIDE_PRECOND (igba G)"
  assumes "SIDE_PRECOND (sa S)"
  assumes "GEN_OP eqq (=) (Rq  Rq  bool_rel)"
  assumes "(Gi,G)  igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rq Rl"
  assumes "(Si,S)  sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rs Rl"
  shows "(dflt_inter_impl eqq Si Gi,
    (OP op_dflt_inter 
     ::: sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rs Rl
       igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rq Rl 
       igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs) ×r (Rq ×r Rs  Rs))$S$G
  )  igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs) ×r (Rq ×r Rs  Rs)"
proof -
  from assms interpret igba: igba G by simp
  from assms interpret sa: sa S by simp
  from assms interpret cava_inter_impl_loc S G Gi Si Rq Rs Rl eqq
    by unfold_locales simp_all

  show ?thesis
    apply simp
    apply (rule dflt_inter_impl.refine)
    apply unfold_locales


lemma inter_spec_refineI: 
  assumes " sa S; igba G   m  R (inter_spec S G)"
  shows "m  R (inter_spec S G)"
  using assms
  unfolding inter_spec_def
  apply refine_rcg
  apply simp
lemma dflt_inter_impl_refine: 
  fixes Rs :: "('si × 's) set"
  fixes Rq :: "('qi × 'q) set"
  fixes Rprop :: "('pi × 'p) set"
  assumes [relator_props]: "single_valued Rs" "Range Rs = UNIV" 
    "single_valued Rq" "Range Rq = UNIV"

  assumes EQ: "(eqq,(=))  Rq  Rq  bool_rel"

  shows "(dflt_inter_impl eqq, inter_spec)
   sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rs (Rpropfun_set_rel) 
    igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rq (Rpropfun_set_rel) 
    igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs) ×r ((Rq ×r Rs)  Rs)plain_nres_rel"
  apply (intro fun_relI plain_nres_relI)
  apply (rule inter_spec_refineI)
proof -
  fix Si S Gi G

  assume R:"(Si,S)  sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rs (Rpropfun_set_rel)"
    "(Gi, G)  igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Rq (Rpropfun_set_rel)"

  assume "sa S" and "igba G"
  then interpret sa: sa S + igba: igba G .
  interpret cava_inter_impl_loc S G Gi Si Rq Rs "Rpropfun_set_rel" eqq
    apply unfold_locales
    using EQ R by simp_all

  note RETURN_refine[OF dflt_inter_impl.refine[OF cava_inter_impl_loc_this]]
  also note dflt_inter_refine
  finally show "RETURN (dflt_inter_impl eqq Si Gi)
    (igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Rq ×r Rs) ×r (Rq ×r Rs  Rs))
     (inter_spec S G)" .

subsubsection ‹Definition of Model-Checker›
text ‹In this section, we instantiate the parametrized model checker
  with the actual implementations.›

setup Locale_Code.open_block
interpretation cava_sys_agn: impl_model_checker 
  "sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (Idfun_set_rel)" 
  "igbav_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (Idfun_set_rel)"
  "igbg_impl_rel_ext unit_rel (Id ×r Id)"
  "Id ×r Idlasso_run_rel" "Idlasso_run_rel"

  "λ_::unit. dflt_inter_impl (=)"
  apply unfold_locales
  apply tagged_solver

  apply (rule ltl_to_gba_code_refine[unfolded is_ltl_to_gba_algo_def])
  using dflt_inter_impl_refine[of Id Id "(=)" Id] apply simp

  using find_ce_code_refine[unfolded is_find_ce_algo_def] 
  apply simp apply assumption

  using map_lasso_run_refine[of Id Id] apply simp
setup Locale_Code.close_block

definition "cava_sys_agn  cava_sys_agn.impl_model_check"

text ‹The correctness theorem states correctness of the model checker wrt.\ 
  a model given as system automata. In the following sections, we will then 
  refine the model description to Boolean programs and Promela.›
theorem cava_sys_agn_correct:
  fixes sysi :: "('s::hashable, 'p::linorder  bool, unit) sa_impl_scheme" 
    and sys :: "('s, 'p set) sa_rec" 
    and φ :: "'p ltlc" 
    and cfg :: "config_l2b × unit × config_ce" 
  assumes "(sysi, sys)  sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (Idfun_set_rel)"
    and "sa sys" "finite ((g_E sys)* `` g_V0 sys)"
  shows "case cava_sys_agn cfg sysi φ of
         None  sa.lang sys  language_ltlc φ 
         | Some None  ¬ sa.lang sys  language_ltlc φ
         | Some (Some L)  
             graph_defs.is_run sys (run_of_lasso L) 
            sa_L sys  (run_of_lasso L)  language_ltlc φ"
  using cava_sys_agn.impl_model_check_correct[OF assms, of φ cfg]
  unfolding cava_sys_agn_def
  by (auto split: option.splits simp: lasso_run_rel_def br_def)

subsection ‹Model Checker for Boolean Programs›

definition bpc_to_sa 
  :: "bprog × BoolProgs.config  (BoolProgs.config,nat set) sa_rec" 
  ― ‹Conversion of a Boolean program to a system automata.›
  "bpc_to_sa bpc  let (bp,c0)=bpc in
    g_V = UNIV,
    g_E = E_of_succ (set o BoolProgs.nexts bp),
    g_V0 = {c0},
    sa_L = λc. bs_α (snd c)

definition bpc_to_sa_impl 
  :: "bprog × BoolProgs.config 
   (BoolProgs.config,nat  bool,unit) sa_impl_scheme" 
  "bpc_to_sa_impl bpc  let (bp,c0)=bpc in
   gi_V = λ_. True,
    gi_E = remdups o BoolProgs.nexts bp,
    gi_V0 = [c0],
    sai_L = λc i. bs_mem i (snd c)

lemma bpc_to_sa_impl_refine: "(bpc_to_sa_impl bpc, bpc_to_sa bpc) 
   sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (nat_relfun_set_rel)"
  unfolding bpc_to_sa_impl_def bpc_to_sa_def 
  unfolding sa_impl_rel_eext_def g_impl_rel_ext_def
  unfolding gen_sa_impl_rel_eext_def gen_g_impl_rel_ext_def
  apply (clarsimp split: prod.split)
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def) []

  apply (rule E_of_succ_refine[param_fo])
  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def) []

  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def) []

  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def) []

  shows bpc_to_sa_invar: "sa (bpc_to_sa bpc)"
  and bpc_to_sa_fr: "finite ((g_E (bpc_to_sa bpc))* `` g_V0 (bpc_to_sa bpc))"
proof -
  obtain bp c where [simp]: "bpc = (bp,c)" by (cases bpc)
  show "sa (bpc_to_sa bpc)"
    apply unfold_locales

    apply (simp add: bpc_to_sa_def)
    apply (simp add: bpc_to_sa_def)
  show "finite ((g_E (bpc_to_sa bpc))* `` g_V0 (bpc_to_sa bpc))"
    apply (simp add: bpc_to_sa_def)
    apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ BoolProgs.reachable_configs_finite[of bp c]])
    apply (rule rtrancl_reachable_induct)
    apply (auto 
      intro: BoolProgs.reachable_configs.intros 
      simp: E_of_succ_def)

interpretation bpc_to_sa: sa "bpc_to_sa bpc"
  using bpc_to_sa_invar .

lemma bpc_to_sa_run_conv[simp]: 
  "graph_defs.is_run (bpc_to_sa bpc) = bpc_is_run bpc"
  apply (rule ext)
  unfolding graph_defs.is_run_def
  unfolding bpc_to_sa_def bpc_is_run_def 
    ipath_def E_of_succ_def
  by auto

lemma bpc_to_sa_L_conv[simp]: "sa_L (bpc_to_sa bpc) = bpc_props"
  apply (rule ext)
  unfolding bpc_to_sa_def bpc_props_def
  apply (auto simp: E_of_succ_def split: prod.split)

lemma bpc_to_sa_lang_conv[simp]: "sa.lang (bpc_to_sa bpc) = bpc_lang bpc"
  unfolding bpc_to_sa.lang_def bpc_to_sa.accept_def[abs_def] bpc_lang_def
  by auto

definition "cava_bpc cfg bpc φ  cava_sys_agn cfg (bpc_to_sa_impl bpc) φ"

text ‹
  Correctness theorem for the model checker on boolean programs.
  Note that the semantics of Boolean programs is given 
  by @{const "bpc_lang"}.
theorem cava_bpc_correct:
  "case cava_bpc cfg bpc φ of 
    None  bpc_lang bpc  language_ltlc φ
  | Some None  (¬(bpc_lang bpc  language_ltlc φ))
  | Some (Some ce)  
      bpc_is_run bpc (run_of_lasso ce) 
     bpc_props o run_of_lasso ce  language_ltlc φ"
  using cava_sys_agn_correct[OF bpc_to_sa_impl_refine bpc_to_sa_invar bpc_to_sa_fr, 
    of bpc φ cfg]
  unfolding cava_bpc_def
  by (auto split: option.split simp: lasso_run_rel_def br_def)

export_code cava_bpc checking SML

subsection ‹Model Checker for Promela Programs›

definition promela_to_sa 
  :: "PromelaDatastructures.program × APs × gState  (gState, nat set) sa_rec" 
  ― ‹Conversion of a Promela model to a system automata.›
  where "promela_to_sa promg  let (prog,APs,g0)=promg in
    g_V = UNIV,
    g_E = E_of_succ (ls.α o Promela.nexts_code prog),
    g_V0 = {g0},
    sa_L = promela_props_ltl APs

definition promela_to_sa_impl 
  :: "PromelaDatastructures.program × APs × gState
   (gState, nat  bool, unit) sa_impl_scheme" where 
  "promela_to_sa_impl promg  let (prog,APs,g0)=promg in
   gi_V = λ_. True,
    gi_E = ls.to_list o Promela.nexts_code prog,
    gi_V0 = [g0],
    sai_L = propValid APs

lemma promela_to_sa_impl_refine:
  shows "(promela_to_sa_impl promg, promela_to_sa promg) 
   sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (nat_relfun_set_rel)"
  unfolding promela_to_sa_impl_def promela_to_sa_def 
  unfolding sa_impl_rel_eext_def g_impl_rel_ext_def
  unfolding gen_sa_impl_rel_eext_def gen_g_impl_rel_ext_def

  apply (clarsimp split: prod.split)
  apply (intro conjI)

  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def) []

  apply (rule E_of_succ_refine[param_fo])
  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def ls.correct) []

  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def) []
  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def in_set_member promela_props_ltl_def) []

definition "cava_promela cfg ast φ  
      (promg,φi) = PromelaLTL.prepare cfg ast φ
     cava_sys_agn (fst cfg) (promela_to_sa_impl promg) φi"

text ‹
  The next theorem states correctness of the Promela model checker.

  The correctness is specified for some AST.
lemma cava_promela_correct:
  "case cava_promela cfg ast φ of 
    None  promela_language ast  language_ltlc φ
  | Some None  (¬(promela_language ast  language_ltlc φ))
  | Some (Some ce)  promela_is_run ast (run_of_lasso ce) 
     promela_props o run_of_lasso ce  language_ltlc φ"
proof -
  obtain APs φi where conv: "PromelaLTL.ltl_convert φ = (APs,φi)" 
    by (metis prod.exhaust)
  obtain prog g0 where ast: "Promela.setUp ast = (prog,g0)" 
    by (metis prod.exhaust)

  let ?promg = "(prog,APs,g0)"

  have promela_to_sa_invar: "sa (promela_to_sa ?promg)"
    apply unfold_locales
    apply (simp add: promela_to_sa_def)
    apply (simp add: promela_to_sa_def)

  have promela_to_sa_fr: "finite ((g_E (promela_to_sa ?promg))* `` g_V0 (promela_to_sa ?promg))"
    apply (simp add: promela_to_sa_def)
    apply (rule 
      finite_subset[OF _ Promela.reachable_states_finite[of prog g0]])
    apply (rule rtrancl_reachable_induct)
    apply (auto 
      intro: Promela.reachable_states.intros 
      simp: E_of_succ_def) [2]
    apply (fact setUp_program_inv[OF ast])
    apply (fact setUp_gState_inv[OF ast])

  interpret promela_to_sa: sa "promela_to_sa ?promg"
    using promela_to_sa_invar .

  have promela_to_sa_run_conv[simp]: 
    "graph_defs.is_run (promela_to_sa ?promg) = promela_is_run_ltl ?promg"
    apply (rule ext)
    unfolding graph_defs.is_run_def
    unfolding promela_to_sa_def promela_is_run_ltl_def promela_is_run'_def ipath_def E_of_succ_def
    by auto

  have promela_to_sa_L_conv[simp]: 
    "sa_L (promela_to_sa ?promg) = promela_props_ltl APs"
    apply (rule ext)
    unfolding promela_to_sa_def promela_props_ltl_def[abs_def]
    by (auto simp: E_of_succ_def)

  have promela_to_sa_lang_conv[simp]: 
    "sa.lang (promela_to_sa ?promg) = promela_language_ltl ?promg"
    unfolding promela_to_sa.lang_def promela_to_sa.accept_def[abs_def]
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using cava_sys_agn_correct[OF 
      promela_to_sa_impl_refine promela_to_sa_invar promela_to_sa_fr, of φi "fst cfg"]
    using promela_language_sub_iff[OF conv ast] promela_run_in_language_iff[OF conv]
    unfolding cava_promela_def PromelaLTL.prepare_def
    by (auto split: option.split prod.splits simp: lasso_run_rel_def br_def conv ast promela_is_run_ltl_def)

export_code cava_promela checking SML

subsection ‹Model Checker for SM›

definition test_aprop_impl :: "exp  valuation_impl  bool" where
  "test_aprop_impl e s  case eval_exp_impl e ( local_state_impl.variables = vi_empty ,
     global_state_impl.variables = s ) of None  False | Some v  bool_of_val_impl v"

definition sm_to_sa 
  :: "program  (ident  bool)  (pid_global_config_impl,exp set) sa_rec" 
  ― ‹Conversion of a Boolean program to a system automata.›
  "sm_to_sa prog is_vis_var  let
    cinf = comp_info_of prog
      g_V = UNIV,
      g_E = E_of_succ (set o impl4_succ_impl prog cinf is_vis_var),
      g_V0 = {pid_init_gc_impl_impl prog cinf},
      sa_L = λv. {e. test_aprop_impl e (global_state_impl.variables (pid_global_config.state v))}

lemma local_state_rel:
  assumes "(s', s)  vi_rel"
  shows "( local_state_impl.variables = s' ,  local_state.variables = s )  local_state_rel"
  using assms vi_rel_rew unfolding local_state_rel_def by blast
lemma global_state_rel:
  assumes "(s', s)  vi_rel"
  shows "( global_state_impl.variables = s' ,  global_state.variables = s )  global_state_rel"
  using assms vi_rel_rew unfolding global_state_rel_def by blast

lemma test_aprop_impl: "(test_aprop_impl, test_aprop)  Id  vi_rel  bool_rel"
proof clarsimp
  fix e s' s
  have 0: "(vi_empty, Map.empty)  (vi_rel :: (valuation_impl × valuation) set)"
    using vi_rel_rew vi_empty_correct by blast
  assume 1: "(s', s)  (vi_rel :: (valuation_impl × valuation) set)"
  have 2: "(test_aprop_impl e s', test_aprop e s)  bool_rel"
    unfolding test_aprop_def test_aprop_impl_def
    apply (parametricity add: eval_exp_impl bool_of_val_impl)
    apply (intro IdI)
    apply (intro local_state_rel 0)
    apply (intro global_state_rel 1)
  show "test_aprop_impl e s'  test_aprop e s" using 2 by simp

lemma restrict_parametric:
  includes lifting_syntax
  assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A"
  shows "((A ===> rel_option B) ===> rel_set A ===> (A ===> rel_option B)) (|`) (|`)"
  apply rule
  apply rule
  apply rule
  by (metis (full_types) assms bi_uniqueDl bi_uniqueDr option.rel_intros(1)
    rel_funD rel_setD1 rel_setD2 restrict_map_def)

lift_definition restrict :: "('a, 'b) mapping  'a set  ('a, 'b) mapping"
  is "(|`)" parametric restrict_parametric .

lift_definition vi_restrict :: "valuation_impl  ident set  valuation_impl"
  is "(|`) :: valuation  ident set  valuation" by this

lemma [code]: "vi_restrict = restrict" by transfer simp
lemma vi_restrict_correct: "vi_α (vi_restrict s A) = vi_α s |` A"
  unfolding vi_α_def by transfer (simp add: Fun.comp_def option.map_ident)

definition (in -) pid_test_gc_impl 
  :: "pid_global_config_impl  exp  bool"
  "pid_test_gc_impl gci ap  test_aprop_impl ap
    ((global_state_impl.variables (pid_global_config.state gci)))"

definition sm_to_sa_impl 
  :: "program  (ident  bool) 
   (pid_global_config_impl,exp  bool,unit) sa_impl_scheme" 
  "sm_to_sa_impl prog is_vis_var  let
    cinf = comp_info_of prog
     gi_V = λ_. True,
      gi_E = remdups o impl4_succ_impl prog cinf is_vis_var, ― ‹TODO: This remdups is unnecessary!›
      gi_V0 = [pid_init_gc_impl_impl prog cinf],
      sai_L = pid_test_gc_impl  

lemma sm_to_sa_impl_refine: "(sm_to_sa_impl prog is_vis_var, sm_to_sa prog is_vis_var) 
   sa_impl_rel_ext unit_rel Id (Idfun_set_rel)"
  unfolding sm_to_sa_impl_def sm_to_sa_def 
  unfolding sa_impl_rel_eext_def g_impl_rel_ext_def
  unfolding gen_sa_impl_rel_eext_def gen_g_impl_rel_ext_def
  apply (clarsimp split: prod.split)
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def) []

  apply (rule E_of_succ_refine[param_fo])
  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def) []
  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def) []
  apply (auto simp: fun_set_rel_def br_def pid_test_gc_impl_def) []

lemma E_of_succ_is_rel_of_succ: "E_of_succ = rel_of_succ"
  by (auto intro!: ext simp: E_of_succ_def rel_of_succ_def)

definition vi_γ :: "valuation  valuation_impl" where
  "vi_γ v = (Mapping.Mapping (map_option Abs_uint32  v))"

lemma [simp]: "vi_α (vi_γ v) = v"
  unfolding vi_α_def vi_γ_def
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (auto simp: Mapping_inverse option.map_comp option.map_ident Abs_uint32_inverse o_def)

lemma [simp]: "vi_γ (vi_α v) = v"
  unfolding vi_α_def vi_γ_def
  apply (auto simp: Mapping.rep_inverse option.map_comp option.map_ident Rep_uint32_inverse o_def)

definition lsi_α :: "local_state_impl  local_state"  where
  "lsi_α lsi   local_state.variables = vi_α (local_state_impl.variables lsi) "
definition lsi_γ :: "local_state  local_state_impl"  where
  "lsi_γ lsi   local_state_impl.variables = vi_γ (local_state.variables lsi) "

lemma [simp]: 
  "lsi_α (lsi_γ ls) = ls"
  "lsi_γ (lsi_α lsi) = lsi"
  unfolding lsi_α_def lsi_γ_def
  by auto

lemma local_state_rel_as_br: "local_state_rel = br lsi_α (λ_. True)"
  by (force simp: local_state_rel_def br_def lsi_α_def)

definition gsi_α :: "global_state_impl  global_state"  where
  "gsi_α gsi   global_state.variables = vi_α (global_state_impl.variables gsi) "
definition gsi_γ :: "global_state  global_state_impl"  where
  "gsi_γ gs   global_state_impl.variables = vi_γ (global_state.variables gs) "

lemma [simp]: 
  "gsi_α (gsi_γ gs) = gs"
  "gsi_γ (gsi_α gsi) = gsi"
  unfolding gsi_α_def gsi_γ_def
  by auto

lemma global_state_rel_as_br: "global_state_rel = br gsi_α (λ_. True)"
  by (force simp: global_state_rel_def br_def gsi_α_def)

definition map_local_config 
  :: "('a'c)  ('b'd)  ('a,'b) Gen_Scheduler.local_config  ('c,'d) Gen_Scheduler.local_config"
  "map_local_config mc ms ls   
    local_config.command = mc (local_config.command ls),
    local_config.state = ms (local_config.state ls)

lemma [simp]:
  "map_local_config (λx. x) (λx. x) = (λx. x)"
  "map_local_config f g (map_local_config f' g' lc) = map_local_config (f o f') (g o g') lc"
  by (auto simp: map_local_config_def)

definition map_pid_global_config 
  :: "('a'd)  ('b'e)  ('c'f)  ('a,'b,'c) Pid_Scheduler.pid_global_config  ('d,'e,'f) Pid_Scheduler.pid_global_config"
  "map_pid_global_config mp ml mg gc   
    pid_global_config.processes = map (map_local_config mp ml) (pid_global_config.processes gc),
    pid_global_config.state = mg (pid_global_config.state gc)

lemma [simp]:
  "map_pid_global_config (λx. x) (λx. x) (λx. x) = (λx. x)"
  "map_pid_global_config f g h (map_pid_global_config f' g' h' gc) 
  = map_pid_global_config (f o f') (g o g') (h o h') gc"
  by (auto simp: map_pid_global_config_def)

abbreviation lci_α :: "local_config_impl  local_config" 
  where "lci_α  map_local_config (λx. x) lsi_α"

abbreviation lci_γ :: "local_config  local_config_impl" 
  where "lci_γ  map_local_config (λx. x) lsi_γ"

abbreviation gci_α :: "pid_global_config_impl  pid_global_config" 
  where "gci_α  map_pid_global_config (λx. x) lsi_α gsi_α"

abbreviation gci_γ :: "pid_global_config  pid_global_config_impl" 
  where "gci_γ  map_pid_global_config (λx. x) lsi_γ gsi_γ"

lemma local_config_rel_as_br: "local_config_rel = br lci_α (λ_. True)"
  by (force simp: local_config_rel_def br_def map_local_config_def local_state_rel_as_br)
thm list_all2_induct
(* TODO: Move *)
lemma list_all2_map_conv[simp]: 
  "list_all2 (λx y. x=f y) xs ys  xs = map f ys"
  "list_all2 (λx y. y=f x) ys xs  xs = map f ys"
  apply (rule iffI)
  apply (induction rule: list_all2_induct, auto) []
  apply (induction ys arbitrary: xs, auto) []
  apply (rule iffI)
  apply (induction rule: list_all2_induct, auto) []
  apply (induction ys arbitrary: xs, auto) []

lemma pid_global_config_rel_as_br: "global_config_rel = br gci_α (λ_. True)"
  by (force 
    simp: global_config_rel_def br_def map_pid_global_config_def 
    simp: global_state_rel_as_br local_config_rel_as_br
    simp: list_rel_def)

lemma global_config_rel_inv_sv: "single_valued (global_config_rel¯)"
  apply (rule single_valuedI)
  apply (clarsimp simp: pid_global_config_rel_as_br br_def)
proof -
  fix x y
  assume "gci_α x = gci_α y"  
  hence "gci_γ (gci_α x) = gci_γ (gci_α y)" by simp
  thus "x=y" by (simp add: o_def)

(* TODO: Move *)
lemma pred_of_enex_mono: 
  assumes "en c  en' c"
  assumes "pred_of_enex (en,ex) c c'"
  shows "pred_of_enex (en',ex) c c'"
  using assms
  by (auto)

lemma finite_ample_reachable[simp, intro!]: 
  assumes "ty_program prog"
  shows "finite
     ((E_of_succ ((set ∘∘ impl4_succ_impl prog (comp_info_of prog)) is_vis_var))* ``
      {pid_init_gc_impl_impl prog (comp_info_of prog)})" (is "finite ?S")
proof -
  interpret visible_prog prog is_vis_var using assms by unfold_locales
  have "E_of_succ ((set ∘∘ impl4_succ_impl prog (comp_info_of prog)) is_vis_var) 
    = ample_step_impl4 is_vis_var"
    by (simp 
          add: impl4_succ_pred[symmetric] E_of_succ_is_rel_of_succ
          add: impl4_succ_impl)
  also note ample_step_impl4[simplified]
  finally have "E_of_succ ((set ∘∘ impl4_succ_impl prog (comp_info_of prog)) is_vis_var) 
    = ample_step_impl3" .
  hence S_eq: "?S = ample_step_impl3* `` {pid_init_gc_impl}"
    by (simp add: pid_init_gc_impl_impl)

  (* TODO: Move as sublocale to SM_Ample_Impl in visible_prog-context,
    before interpretation as impl3_sim.b ! *)  
  interpret impl2: sa " g_V = UNIV, g_E = ample_step_impl2,
    g_V0 = {pid_init_gc}, sa_L = pid_interp_gc " by unfold_locales auto

  (* TODO: Duplicated from prf of cr_ample_impl2_reduction *)
  have 1: "ample_step_impl2 = rel_of_enex (cr_ample_impl1, ga_ex)"
    unfolding ample_step_impl2_def cr_ample_impl1_def cr_ample_impl2_def
    unfolding ga_gample_mi2_impl[abs_def]
    by simp

    fix gc :: pid_global_config
    have "cr_ample  SPEC (λr. r gc  ga_en gc)"
      unfolding cr_ample_def
      apply (refine_vcg order_trans[OF find_fas_init_correct])
      apply unfold_locales[]
      apply simp
    proof -
      fix sticky_E
      show "ga_ample sticky_E gc  ga_en gc"
        apply (cases "ga_ample sticky_E gc = ga_en gc")
        apply simp
        apply (drule ga_ample_neq_en_eq[of sticky_E gc])
        using ga_gample_subset[of sticky_E gc]
        apply auto
    from order_trans[OF cr_ample_impl1.refine[THEN nres_relD, simplified] this]
    have "cr_ample_impl1 gc  ga_en gc" by simp
  } note aux1=this

  interpret simulation Id
    " g_V = UNIV, g_E = rel_of_enex (cr_ample_impl1,ga_ex), g_V0 = {pid_init_gc} "
    " g_V = UNIV, g_E = ga_step, g_V0 = {pid_init_gc} "
    unfolding ga_step_alt
    apply unfold_locales
    using pred_of_enex_mono[of cr_ample_impl1 _ ga_en ga_ex,OF aux1]
    apply auto

  have FIN2: "finite (ample_step_impl2* `` {pid_init_gc})"
    unfolding 1
    unfolding graph_rec.simps
    apply (rule reachable_finite_sim[unfolded graph_rec.simps])
    using jsys.reachable_finite
    using reachable_alt
    apply simp
    apply simp

  show "finite ?S"
    unfolding S_eq
    using impl3_sim.s1.reachable_finite_sim FIN2 finite_Image_sv[OF global_config_rel_inv_sv]
    by simp

  assumes "ty_program prog"
  shows sm_to_sa_invar: "sa (sm_to_sa prog is_vis_var)"
  and sm_to_sa_fr: "finite ((g_E (sm_to_sa prog is_vis_var))* `` g_V0 (sm_to_sa prog is_vis_var))"
  unfolding sm_to_sa_def by (unfold_locales, auto intro: assms)

definition "mapping_val_hashcode m  ((hashcode o Mapping.lookup m)`Mapping.keys m)"

instantiation local_config_ext :: (hashable,hashable,hashable)hashable begin
  definition "hashcode lc  
      hashcode (local_config.command lc) 
    + hashcode (local_config.state lc)
    + hashcode (local_config.more lc)"

  definition "def_hashmap_size (T::('a,'b,'c) local_config_ext itself)  8"  

    apply intro_classes
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_local_config_ext_def
    by auto


instantiation Pid_Scheduler.pid_global_config_ext :: (hashable,hashable,hashable,hashable) hashable begin
  definition "hashcode gc  
      hashcode (pid_global_config.processes gc)
    + hashcode (pid_global_config.state gc)
    + hashcode (pid_global_config.more gc)"

  definition "def_hashmap_size (T::('a,'b,'c,'d) pid_global_config_ext itself)  8"

    apply intro_classes
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_pid_global_config_ext_def
    by auto


instantiation local_state_impl_ext :: (hashable)hashable begin
  term "rm.iterate r (λ(k,v) s. hashcode k + hashcode v + s) 0"

  (* TODO: Derive sensible hashcode! *)
  definition "hashcode ls 
     mapping_val_hashcode (local_state_impl.variables ls) 
     + hashcode (local_state_impl.more ls)"

  definition "def_hashmap_size (T::('a) local_state_impl_ext itself)  8"

    apply intro_classes
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_local_state_impl_ext_def
    by auto


instantiation global_state_impl_ext :: (hashable)hashable begin
  term "rm.iterate r (λ(k,v) s. hashcode k + hashcode v + s) 0"

  (* TODO: Derive sensible hashcode! *)
  definition "hashcode gs 
     mapping_val_hashcode (global_state_impl.variables gs)
    + hashcode (global_state_impl.more gs)"

  definition "def_hashmap_size (T::('a) global_state_impl_ext itself)  8"

    apply intro_classes
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_global_state_impl_ext_def
    by auto


(* TODO: Move. TODO: Can we generate a more efficient comparator. 
  Perhaps using code_printing? *)
local_setup Comparator_Generator.register_foreign_comparator @{typ String.literal}
    @{term "comparator_of :: String.literal  _"}
    @{thm comparator_of[where 'a=String.literal]}

derive linorder un_op
derive linorder bin_op
derive linorder exp

datatype sm_result = TY_ERR | SAT | UNSAT | UNSAT_CE "pid_global_config_impl lasso"

definition "cava_sm cfg prog φ  
  let prog = dloc prog in (
  if ty_program prog  ltlc_next_free φ then
    case cava_sys_agn cfg (sm_to_sa_impl prog (λx. xvars_of_ltlc φ)) φ of
      None  SAT
    | Some None  UNSAT
    | Some (Some ce)  UNSAT_CE ce
  else TY_ERR)"

text ‹ Relation that relates states of computed counterexample with
  states of actual run in reference point semantics. Unfortunately,
  we cannot exactly recompute the reference point run b/c we cannot undo
  the effect of the locality decider. ›
definition "sm_gc_rel prog  {(gci, gc). map_option dloc_gc gc = Some (cprog.gc_α prog (pidgc_α (gci_α gci)))}"

definition "sm_props_of_gc gc  sm_props (global_state.variables (global_config.state (the gc)))"

lemma lang_eq_on_ss_ltlc:
  fixes interp interp' P
  defines "L  {w. r. P r  w = interp o r }"
  defines "L'  {w. r. P r  w = interp' o r }"
  assumes 1: "r. P r  pw_eq_on (atoms_ltlc φ) (interp o r) (interp' o r)"
  shows "L  language_ltlc φ  L'  language_ltlc φ"
proof -
  from 1 have 2: "r. P r  pw_eq_on (atoms_ltlc φ) (interp' o r) (interp o r)"
    by (simp add: pw_eq_on_sym)

  thus ?thesis
    unfolding L_def L'_def language_ltlc_def
    apply (auto simp: ltlc_eq_on)
    apply (subst ltlc_eq_on)
    apply (erule 2) apply auto

    apply (subst ltlc_eq_on)
    apply (erule 1) apply auto

text ‹Correctness theorem for the model checker on SM programs.›
(* TODO: variables occurring in the formula but not as global variables in the
  program should also be a type error *)
theorem cava_sm_correct:
  "case cava_sm config prog φ of 
    TY_ERR  ¬ty_program (dloc prog)  ¬ltlc_next_free φ
  | SAT  Collect (ap_accept prog)  language_ltlc φ
  | UNSAT  (¬(Collect (ap_accept prog)  language_ltlc φ))
  | UNSAT_CE ce  ¬(Collect (ap_accept prog)  language_ltlc φ) 
     (r. (run_of_lasso ce, r)  run_rel (sm_gc_rel (dloc prog))  ref_is_run prog r
         sm_props_of_gc o r  language_ltlc φ)"
  unfolding cava_sm_def
  apply (clarsimp split: option.splits)
  apply safe
proof -
  let ?is_vis_var = "(λx. x  vars_of_ltlc φ)"
  let ?csa = "cava_sys_agn config (sm_to_sa_impl (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var) φ"
  assume TY: "ty_program (dloc prog)"
  then interpret visible_prog "(dloc prog)" "(λx. xvars_of_ltlc φ)" by unfold_locales
  interpret sm_to_sa: sa "(sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)"
    using sm_to_sa_invar[OF TY] .

  assume NF: "ltlc_next_free φ"

  note csa_correct = cava_sys_agn_correct[OF sm_to_sa_impl_refine sm_to_sa_invar sm_to_sa_fr,
      of "(dloc prog)" ?is_vis_var φ config]
  have aprop_impl_conv: "e v. test_aprop_impl e v = test_aprop e (vi_α v)"  
    apply (rule IdD)
    apply (parametricity add: test_aprop_impl)
    apply (auto simp: br_def)

  have lang_ss_conv: "sa.lang (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ
     Collect (ample_impl.accept ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
    unfolding sm_to_sa.lang_def sm_to_sa.accept_def[abs_def] graph_defs.is_run_def
    unfolding sm_to_sa_def
    apply simp
    unfolding ample_impl.accept_def[abs_def] graph_defs.is_run_def
    unfolding impl4_succ_impl ample_step_impl4_impl
    unfolding impl4_succ_pred[symmetric] E_of_succ_is_rel_of_succ
    apply (simp add: eq_commute[of "pid_init_gc_impl_impl (dloc prog) (comp_info_of (dloc prog))"])
    unfolding conj_assoc[symmetric] (* TODO: Hack *)
    apply (rule lang_eq_on_ss_ltlc)
    apply (auto simp: pw_eq_on_def pid_interp_gc_impl_def aprop_impl_conv sm_props_def test_aprop_vars_cong)

    fix w
    assume N: "?csa=None" 
    assume "ap_accept prog w"
    with dloc_sim.accept_bisim[of prog] have ACC: "ap_accept (dloc prog) w" 
      unfolding ap_accept_def by simp

    from csa_correct N TY have "sa.lang (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
      by simp
    hence "Collect (ample_impl.accept ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
      by (simp add: lang_ss_conv)
    with ample_reduction_correct[OF TY NF] have "Collect (ap_accept (dloc prog))  language_ltlc φ" 
      by simp

    thus "wlanguage_ltlc φ" using ACC by blast

    fix w
    assume N: "?csa=Some None" 
    from csa_correct N TY have "¬sa.lang (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
      by simp
    hence "¬Collect (ample_impl.accept ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
      by (simp add: lang_ss_conv)

    with ample_reduction_correct[OF TY NF] have "¬Collect (ap_accept (dloc prog))  language_ltlc φ" 
      by simp
    moreover assume "Collect (ap_accept prog)  language_ltlc φ"
    hence "Collect (ap_accept (dloc prog))  language_ltlc φ"
      using dloc_sim.accept_bisim[of prog] unfolding ap_accept_def[abs_def] 
      by auto
    ultimately show False ..

    fix w ce
    assume N: "?csa=Some (Some ce)" 

    from csa_correct N TY have R:
      "graph_defs.is_run (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) (λx. x  vars_of_ltlc φ)) (run_of_lasso ce)"
      and NL:  
      "(sa_L (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) (λx. x  vars_of_ltlc φ))  (run_of_lasso ce)) 
         language_ltlc φ"
      by auto  

    from R have "graph_defs.is_run  g_V = UNIV, g_E = ample_step_impl4_impl (dloc prog)
      (comp_info_of (dloc prog)) ?is_vis_var, g_V0 = {pid_init_gc_impl_impl (dloc prog)
      (comp_info_of (dloc prog))}, sa_L = pid_interp_gc_impl ?is_vis_var  (run_of_lasso ce)"
      unfolding graph_defs.is_run_def
      by (auto simp: ipath_def impl4_succ_pred[symmetric]
        sm_to_sa_def E_of_succ_def  pid_init_gc_impl_impl ample_step_impl4_impl impl4_succ_impl)

    with ample_step_impl4 have R3: "graph_defs.is_run  g_V = UNIV,
      g_E = visible_prog.ample_step_impl3 (dloc prog) (λ x. x  vars_of_ltlc φ),
      g_V0 = {cprog.pid_init_gc_impl (dloc prog)},
      sa_L = pid_interp_gc_impl (λ x. x  vars_of_ltlc φ)  (run_of_lasso ce)"  
      by (auto simp: pid_init_gc_impl_impl ample_step_impl4_impl)

    from impl3_sim.br_run_conv[OF pid_global_config_rel_as_br] R3 
    have R2: "graph_defs.is_run  g_V = UNIV, g_E = visible_prog.ample_step_impl2 (dloc prog)
      (λ x. x  vars_of_ltlc φ), g_V0 = {cprog.pid_init_gc (dloc prog)},
      sa_L = visible_prog.pid_interp_gc (λ x. x  vars_of_ltlc φ)  (gci_α o run_of_lasso ce)"
      by auto

    (* TODO: The whole next 100 lines duplicated from finiteness proof *)  
    (* TODO: Duplicated from prf of cr_ample_impl2_reduction *)
    have 1: "ample_step_impl2 = rel_of_enex (cr_ample_impl1, ga_ex)"
      unfolding ample_step_impl2_def cr_ample_impl1_def cr_ample_impl2_def
      unfolding ga_gample_mi2_impl[abs_def]
      by simp
      fix gc :: pid_global_config
      have "cr_ample  SPEC (λr. r gc  ga_en gc)"
        unfolding cr_ample_def
        apply (refine_vcg order_trans[OF find_fas_init_correct])
        apply unfold_locales[]
        apply simp
      proof -
        fix sticky_E
        show "ga_ample sticky_E gc  ga_en gc"
          apply (cases "ga_ample sticky_E gc = ga_en gc")
          apply simp
          apply (drule ga_ample_neq_en_eq[of sticky_E gc])
          using ga_gample_subset[of sticky_E gc]
          apply auto
      from order_trans[OF cr_ample_impl1.refine[THEN nres_relD, simplified] this]
      have "cr_ample_impl1 gc  ga_en gc" by simp
    } note aux1=this

    interpret simulation Id
      " g_V = UNIV, g_E = ample_step_impl2, g_V0 = {pid_init_gc} "
      " g_V = UNIV, g_E = ga_step, g_V0 = {pid_init_gc} "
      unfolding ga_step_alt 1
      apply unfold_locales
      apply simp
      using pred_of_enex_mono[of cr_ample_impl1 _ ga_en ga_ex,OF aux1]
      apply auto

    have run_rel_eq_simp[simp]: " a b. (a, b)  run_rel Id  a = b"
      by (auto simp: run_rel_def)

    have 1: "graph_defs.is_run  g_V = UNIV, g_E = ample_step_impl2,
      g_V0 = {pid_init_gc}  (gci_α o run_of_lasso ce)"
      using R2 unfolding graph_defs.is_run_def by simp

    have "graph_defs.is_run (Pid_Gen_Scheduler_linit.ga_automaton (sl_graph.astep_impl
      (approx_reachable_list (dloc prog)) cfg'_succ_list) la_en' la_ex'
      (cprog.pid_init_gc (dloc prog)) (visible_prog.pid_interp_gc (λ x. x  vars_of_ltlc φ)))
      (gci_α o run_of_lasso ce)"
      unfolding ga_automaton_def
      apply (rule run_sim)
      apply (rule 1)
      unfolding ga_automaton_def[symmetric]
      unfolding graph_defs.is_run_def
      by simp

    from ga_run_sim'[OF this]  
    have "ref_is_run (dloc prog) (Some  gc_α  pidgc_α  gci_α o (run_of_lasso ce))"
      by (simp add: o_def)

    from dloc_sim.br_run_conv[OF refl, THEN iffD1, OF this]
    obtain r where RUN: "ref_is_run prog r"
      and RR: "(run_of_lasso ce, r)  run_rel (sm_gc_rel (dloc prog))"
      and NL': "pid_interp_gc_impl ?is_vis_var  (run_of_lasso ce)  language_ltlc φ"
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rule that)
      apply assumption
      unfolding run_rel_def sm_gc_rel_def fun_eq_iff
      apply (simp add: o_def map_option_def)

      apply (thin_tac "r. a r  b r  c r  thesis" for a b c)
      apply (thin_tac a for a)
      using NL
      unfolding language_ltlc_def
      apply simp
      apply (subst ltlc_eq_on) prefer 2 apply assumption
      apply (thin_tac "¬a" for a)
      apply (auto simp: pw_eq_on_def sm_to_sa_def pid_interp_gc_impl_def 
        aprop_impl_conv sm_props_def test_aprop_vars_cong)

    have "pw_eq_on (atoms_ltlc φ) 
      (sm_props_of_gc o r) (pid_interp_gc_impl ?is_vis_var o run_of_lasso ce)"
      using RR
      apply (auto 
        simp: pw_eq_on_def run_rel_def sm_gc_rel_def sm_props_of_gc_def
        simp: pid_interp_gc_impl_def)
      apply (drule_tac x=i in spec, clarsimp)
      apply (auto simp: sm_props_def)
      apply (case_tac z, clarsimp)
      apply (auto
        simp: dloc_gc_def gc_α_def pidgc_α_def map_pid_global_config_def gsi_α_def
        dest: test_aprop_vars_cong
        ) []

      apply (drule_tac x=i in spec, clarsimp)
      apply (case_tac z, clarsimp)
      apply (auto
        simp: dloc_gc_def gc_α_def pidgc_α_def map_pid_global_config_def gsi_α_def
        dest: test_aprop_vars_cong
        ) []
    from NL' ltlc_eq_on[of φ, OF this] have "sm_props_of_gc  r  language_ltlc φ"
      by (auto simp: language_ltlc_def)
    with RUN RR show "r. (run_of_lasso ce, r)  run_rel (sm_gc_rel (dloc prog)) 
               ref_is_run prog r 
               sm_props_of_gc  r  language_ltlc φ"  
      by auto

      from R NL have "¬sa.lang (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ" 
        by (auto simp: sm_to_sa.lang_def sm_to_sa.accept_def[abs_def])
      from csa_correct N TY have "¬sa.lang (sm_to_sa (dloc prog) ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
        apply simp
        apply (auto simp: sm_to_sa.lang_def sm_to_sa.accept_def[abs_def])
      hence "¬Collect (ample_impl.accept ?is_vis_var)  language_ltlc φ"
        by (simp add: lang_ss_conv)
      with ample_reduction_correct[OF TY NF] have "¬Collect (ap_accept (dloc prog))  language_ltlc φ" 
        by simp
      moreover assume "Collect (ap_accept prog)  language_ltlc φ"
      hence "Collect (ap_accept (dloc prog))  language_ltlc φ"
        using dloc_sim.accept_bisim[of prog] unfolding ap_accept_def[abs_def] 
        by auto
      ultimately show False ..

export_code cava_sm checking SML

subsection ‹Extraction of SML Code›

definition "dflt_cfg  (CFG_L2B_GERTHS,(),CFG_CE_SCC_GABOW)"

export_code (* Cava MC *)
            cava_bpc cava_promela dflt_cfg CAVA_Impl.CFG_CE_NDFS
            (* BP *)
            BoolProgs.print_config chose_prog list_progs
            BoolProgs_LTL_Conv.ltl_conv BoolProgs_LTL_Conv.CProp 
            BoolProgs_Programs.default_prog BoolProgs_Programs.keys_of_map
            (* Promela *)
            printProcesses Promela.printConfigFromAST lookupLTL

            (* stat printing *)
            frv_export_code LTL_to_GBA_impl.create_name_gba_code

            (* Lasso *)
            lasso_v0 lasso_va lasso_reach lasso_cycle
            (* Arith *)
            nat_of_integer int_of_integer
            integer_of_nat integer_of_int
  checking SML 

  code_module String  (SML) HOLString |
  code_module Code_Target_Int  (SML) Code_Target_Int

export_code (* Cava MC *)
            cava_bpc cava_promela dflt_cfg CAVA_Impl.CFG_CE_NDFS
            (* BP *)
            BoolProgs.print_config chose_prog list_progs
            BoolProgs_LTL_Conv.ltl_conv BoolProgs_LTL_Conv.CProp 
            BoolProgs_Programs.default_prog BoolProgs_Programs.keys_of_map
            (* Promela *)
            printProcesses Promela.printConfigFromAST lookupLTL
            PromelaLTLConv.ltl_conv PromelaLTLConv.CProp PromelaLTLConv.Eq PromelaLTLConv.Ident

            (* stat printing *)
            frv_export_code LTL_to_GBA_impl.create_name_gba_code

            (* Lasso *)
            lasso_v0 lasso_va lasso_reach lasso_cycle
            (* Arith *)
            nat_of_integer int_of_integer
            integer_of_nat integer_of_int

            (* String *)
            String.explode String.implode
  in SML
  file ‹code/CAVA_Export.sml›
