Theory Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.Prob_Lemmas

theory Prob_Lemmas

section‹Lemmas about probabilities›

text‹In this section, auxiliary lemmas for computing bounds on expectation and probabilites
of random variables are set up.›

subsection‹Indicator variables and valid probability values›

abbreviation rind :: "'a set  'a  real" where
"rind  indicator"

lemma product_indicator:
  "rind A x * rind B x = rind (A  B) x"
unfolding indicator_def
by auto

text‹We call a real number `valid' iff it is in the range 0 to 1, inclusively, and additionally
`nonzero' iff it is neither 0 nor 1.›

abbreviation "valid_prob (p :: real)  0  p  p  1"
abbreviation "nonzero_prob (p :: real)  0 < p  p < 1"

text‹A function @{typ "'a  real"} is a `valid probability function' iff each value in the image
is valid, and similarly for `nonzero'.›

abbreviation "valid_prob_fun f  (n. valid_prob (f n))"
abbreviation "nonzero_prob_fun f  (n. nonzero_prob (f n))"

lemma nonzero_fun_is_valid_fun: "nonzero_prob_fun f  valid_prob_fun f"
by (simp add: less_imp_le)

subsection‹Expectation and variance›

context prob_space

text‹Note that there is already a notion of independent sets (see @{term indep_set}), but we use
the following -- simpler -- definition:›

definition "indep A B  prob (A  B) = prob A * prob B"

text‹The probability of an indicator variable is equal to its expectation:›

lemma expectation_indicator:
  "A  events  expectation (rind A) = prob A"
  by simp

text‹For a non-negative random variable @{term X}, the Markov inequality gives the following
upper bound: \[ \Pr[X \ge a] \le \frac{\Ex[X]}{a} \]›

lemma markov_inequality:
  assumes "a. 0  X a" and "integrable M X" "0 < t"
  shows "prob {a  space M. t  X a}  expectation X / t"
proof -
  ― ‹proof adapted from @{thm [source] edge_space.Markov_inequality}, but generalized to arbitrary
       @{term prob_space}s›
  have "(+ x. ennreal (X x) M) = (x. X x M)"
    using assms by (intro nn_integral_eq_integral) auto
  thus ?thesis
    using assms nn_integral_Markov_inequality[of X "space M" M "1 / t"]
    by (auto cong: nn_integral_cong simp: emeasure_eq_measure ennreal_mult[symmetric])

text‹$\Var[X] = \Ex[X^2] - \Ex[X]^2 $›

lemma variance_expectation:
  fixes X :: "'a  real"
  assumes "integrable M (λx. (X x)^2)" and "X  borel_measurable M"
    "integrable M (λx. (X x - expectation X)^2)" (is ?integrable)
    "variance X = expectation (λx. (X x)^2) - (expectation X)^2" (is ?variance)
proof -
  have int: "integrable M X"
    using integrable_squareD[OF assms] by simp

  have "(λx. (X x - expectation X)^2) = (λx. (X x)^2 + (expectation X)^2 - (2 * X x * expectation X))"
    by (simp only: power2_diff)
    "variance X = expectation (λx. (X x)^2) + (expectation X)^2 + expectation (λx. - (2 * X x * expectation X))"
    using integral_add by (simp add: int assms prob_space)+

  thus ?variance ?integrable
    by (simp add: int power2_eq_square)+

text‹A corollary from the Markov inequality is Chebyshev's inequality, which gives an upper
bound for the deviation of a random variable from its expectation:
\[ \Pr[\left| Y - \Ex[Y] \right| \ge s] \le \frac{\Var[X]}{a^2} \]›

lemma chebyshev_inequality:
  fixes Y :: "'a  real"
  assumes Y_int: "integrable M (λy. (Y y)^2)"
  assumes Y_borel: "Y  borel_measurable M"
  fixes s :: "real"
  assumes s_pos: "0 < s"
  shows "prob {a  space M. s  ¦Y a - expectation Y¦}  variance Y / s^2"
proof -
  let ?X = "λa. (Y a - expectation Y)^2"
  let ?t = "s^2"

  have "0 < ?t"
    using s_pos by simp
  hence "prob {a  space M. ?t  ?X a}  variance Y / s^2"
    using markov_inequality variance_expectation[OF Y_int Y_borel] by (simp add: field_simps)
  moreover have "{a  space M. ?t  ?X a} = {a  space M. s  ¦Y a - expectation Y¦}"
    using abs_le_square_iff s_pos by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

text‹Hence, we can derive an upper bound for the probability that a random variable is $0$.›

corollary chebyshev_prob_zero:
  fixes Y :: "'a  real"
  assumes Y_int: "integrable M (λy. (Y y)^2)"
  assumes Y_borel: "Y  borel_measurable M"
  assumes μ_pos: "expectation Y > 0"
  shows "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  expectation (λy. (Y y)^2) / (expectation Y)^2 - 1"
proof -
  let ?s = "expectation Y"

  have "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  prob {a  space M. ?s  ¦Y a - ?s¦}"
    using Y_borel by (auto intro!: finite_measure_mono borel_measurable_diff borel_measurable_abs borel_measurable_le)
  also have "  variance Y / ?s^2"
    using assms by (fact chebyshev_inequality)
  also have " = (expectation (λy. (Y y)^2) - ?s^2) / ?s^2"
    using Y_int Y_borel by (simp add: variance_expectation)
  also have " = expectation (λy. (Y y)^2) / ?s^2 - 1"
    using μ_pos by (simp add: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .


subsection‹Sets of indicator variables›

This section introduces some inequalities about expectation and other values related to the sum of
a set of random indicators.›

locale prob_space_with_indicators = prob_space +
  fixes I :: "'i set"
  assumes finite_I: "finite I"

  fixes A :: "'i  'a set"
  assumes A: "A ` I  events"

  assumes prob_non_zero: "i  I. 0 < prob (A i)"

text‹We call the underlying sets @{term "A i"} for each @{term "i  I"}, and the corresponding
indicator variables @{term "X i"}. The sum is denoted by @{term Y}, and its expectation by
@{term μ}.›

definition "X i = rind (A i)"
definition "Y x = (i  I. X i x)"

definition "μ = expectation Y"

text‹In the lecture notes, the following two relations are called $\sim$ and $\nsim$,
respectively. Note that they are not the opposite of each other.›

abbreviation ineq_indep :: "'i  'i  bool" where
"ineq_indep i j  (i  j  indep (A i) (A j))"

abbreviation ineq_dep :: "'i  'i  bool" where
"ineq_dep i j  (i  j  ¬indep (A i) (A j))"

definition "Δa = (i  I. j | j  I  i  j. prob (A i  A j))"
definition "Δd = (i  I. j | j  I  ineq_dep i j. prob (A i  A j))"

lemma Δ_zero:
  assumes "i j. i  I  j  I  i  j  indep (A i) (A j)"
  shows "Δd = 0"
proof -
    fix i
    assume "i  I"
    hence "{j. j  I  ineq_dep i j} = {}"
      using assms by auto
    hence "(j | j  I  ineq_dep i j. prob (A i  A j)) = 0"
      using sum.empty by metis
  hence "Δd = (0 :: real) * card I"
    unfolding Δd_def by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by simp

lemma A_events[measurable]: "i  I  A i  events"
using A by auto

lemma expectation_X_Y: "μ = (iI. expectation (X i))"
unfolding μ_def Y_def[abs_def] X_def
by (simp add: less_top[symmetric])

lemma expectation_X_non_zero: "i  I. 0 < expectation (X i)"
unfolding X_def using prob_non_zero expectation_indicator by simp

corollary μ_non_zero[simp]: "0 < μ"
unfolding expectation_X_Y
using expectation_X_non_zero
by (auto intro!: sum_lower finite_I
         simp add: expectation_indicator X_def)

lemma Δd_nonneg: "0  Δd"
unfolding Δd_def
by (simp add: sum_nonneg)

corollary μ_sq_non_zero[simp]: "0 < μ^2"
by (rule zero_less_power) simp

lemma Y_square_unfold: "(λx. (Y x)^2) = (λx. i  I. j  I. rind (A i  A j) x)"
unfolding fun_eq_iff Y_def X_def
by (auto simp: sum_square product_indicator)

lemma integrable_Y_sq[simp]: "integrable M (λy. (Y y)^2)"
unfolding Y_square_unfold
by (simp add: sets.Int less_top[symmetric])

lemma measurable_Y[measurable]: "Y  borel_measurable M"
unfolding Y_def[abs_def] X_def by simp

lemma expectation_Y_Δ: "expectation (λx. (Y x)^2) = μ + Δa"
proof -
  let ?ei = "λi j. expectation (rind (A i  A j))"

  have "expectation (λx. (Y x)^2) = (i  I. j  I. ?ei i j)"
    unfolding Y_square_unfold by (simp add: less_top[symmetric])
  also have " = (i  I. j  I. if i = j then ?ei i j else ?ei i j)"
    by simp
  also have " = (i  I. (j | j  I  i = j. ?ei i j) + (j | j  I  i  j. ?ei i j))"
    by (simp only: sum_split[OF finite_I])
  also have " = (i  I. j | j  I  i = j. ?ei i j) + (i  I. j | j  I  i  j. ?ei i j)" (is "_ = ?lhs + ?rhs")
    by (fact sum.distrib)
  also have " =  μ + Δa"
    proof -
      have "?lhs = μ"
        proof -
            fix i
            assume i: "i  I"
            have "(j | j  I  i = j. ?ei i j) = (j | j  I  i = j. ?ei i i)"
              by simp
            also have " = (j | i = j. ?ei i i)"
              using i by metis
            also have " = expectation (rind (A i))"
              by auto
            finally have "(j | j  I  i = j. ?ei i j) = " .
          hence "?lhs = (iI. expectation (rind (A i)))"
            by force
          also have " = μ"
            unfolding expectation_X_Y X_def ..
          finally show "?lhs = μ" .
      moreover have "?rhs = Δa"
        proof -
            fix i j
            assume "i  I" "j  I"
            with A have "A i  A j  events" by blast
            hence "?ei i j = prob (A i  A j)"
              by (fact expectation_indicator)
          thus ?thesis
            unfolding Δa_def by simp
      ultimately show "?lhs + ?rhs = μ + Δa"
        by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Δ_expectation_X: "Δa  μ^2 + Δd"
proof -
  let ?p = "λi j. prob (A i  A j)"
  let ?p' = "λi j. prob (A i) * prob (A j)"
  let ?ie = "λi j. indep (A i) (A j)"

  have "Δa = (i  I. j | j  I  i  j. if ?ie i j then ?p i j else ?p i j)"
    unfolding Δa_def by simp
  also have " = (i  I. (j | j  I  ineq_indep i j. ?p i j) + (j | j  I  ineq_dep i j. ?p i j))"
    by (simp only: sum_split2[OF finite_I])
  also have " = (i  I. j | j  I  ineq_indep i j. ?p i j) + Δd" (is "_ = ?lhs + _")
    unfolding Δd_def by (fact sum.distrib)
  also have "  μ^2 + Δd"
    proof (rule add_right_mono)
      have "(iI. j | j  I  ineq_indep i j. ?p i j) = (i  I. j | j  I  ineq_indep i j. ?p' i j)"
        unfolding indep_def by simp
      also have "  (i  I. j  I. ?p' i j)"
        proof (rule sum_mono)
          fix i
          assume "i  I"
          show "(j | j  I  ineq_indep i j. ?p' i j)  (jI. ?p' i j)"
            by (rule sum_upper[OF finite_I]) (simp add: zero_le_mult_iff)
      also have " = (i  I. prob (A i))^2"
        by (fact sum_square[symmetric])
      also have " = (i  I. expectation (X i))^2"
        unfolding X_def using expectation_indicator A by simp
      also have " = μ^2"
        using expectation_X_Y[symmetric] by simp
      finally show "?lhs  μ^2" .
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma prob_μ_Δa: "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  1 / μ + Δa / μ^2 - 1"
proof -
  have "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  expectation (λy. (Y y)^2) / μ^2 - 1"
    unfolding μ_def by (rule chebyshev_prob_zero) (simp add: μ_def[symmetric])+
  also have " = (μ + Δa) / μ^2 - 1"
    using expectation_Y_Δ by simp
  also have " = 1 / μ + Δa / μ^2 - 1"
    unfolding power2_eq_square by (simp add: field_simps add_divide_distrib)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma prob_μ_Δd: "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  1/μ + Δd/μ^2"
proof -
  have "prob {a  space M. Y a = 0}  1/μ + Δa/μ^2 - 1"
    by (fact prob_μ_Δa)
  also have " = (1/μ - 1) + Δa/μ^2"
    by simp
  also have "  (1/μ - 1) + (μ^2 + Δd)/μ^2"
    using divide_right_mono[OF Δ_expectation_X] by simp
  also have " = 1/μ + Δd/μ^2"
    using μ_sq_non_zero by (simp add: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

