Theory BPlusTree_Iter

theory BPlusTree_Iter

(* TODO use list_zip? → not well defined return type *)

fun bplustree_assn_leafs :: "nat  ('a::heap) bplustree  'a btnode ref  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref list  assn" where
  "bplustree_assn_leafs k (Leaf xs) a r z leafptrs = 
 (A xsi fwd.
      a r Btleaf xsi fwd
    * is_pfa (2*k) xs xsi
    * (fwd = z)
    * (r = Some a)
    * (leafptrs = [a])
  )" |
  "bplustree_assn_leafs k (Node ts t) a r z leafptrs = 
 (A tsi ti tsi' tsi'' rs split.
      a r Btnode tsi ti
    * bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (r#rs)) (last (rs@[z])) (last split)
    * is_pfa (2*k) tsi' tsi
    * (concat split = leafptrs)
    * (length tsi' = length rs)
    * (length split = length rs + 1)
    * (tsi'' = zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r#rs)) (zip (butlast (rs@[z])) (butlast split)))) (map snd tsi'))
    * list_assn ((λ t (ti,r',z',lptrs). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) r' z' lptrs) ×a id_assn) ts tsi''

(*fun make_list_list where "make_list_list xs = [xs]"

lemma make_list_list_concat: "concat (make_list_list ys) = ys"
  by auto

lemma ex_concat: "∃xs. concat xs = ys"
  using make_list_list_concat by blast*)

lemma inst_same: "(x. P x = Q x)  (A x. P x) = (A x. Q x)"
  by simp

lemma reorder_ex: 
  "z. (Aa b c d e f g. z a b c d e f g) = (Ab c d e f a g. z a b c d e f g)"
  "z. (Aa b . z a b) = (Ab a. z a b)"
  "z. (Aa b c d. z a b c d) = (Ab c a d. z a b c d)"
  apply(intro ent_iffI; sep_auto)+

lemma inst_same2: "(x. P = Q x)  P = (A x. Q x)"
  by simp

lemma pure_eq_pre:
 "(P  Q = R)  (Q * P = R * P)"
  by fastforce

lemma otf_lem_comm_ex:
"a b c d e f g. (A x. a * b x * c * d x * e x * f x * g x) = a * c * (A x.  b x * d x * e x * f x * g x)"
"a b c d e. (Aaa x. a * b x * c * d aa * e aa) = (a * c * (A aa x. b x * d aa * e aa))"
"b d e. (A aa x. b x * d aa * e aa) = (A x. b x) * (A aa. d aa * e aa)"
  by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma bplustree_extract_leafs:
 "bplustree_assn k t ti r z = (Aleafptrs. bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti r z leafptrs)"
proof(induction arbitrary: r rule: bplustree_assn.induct )
  case (1 k xs a r z)
  then show ?case
  (*apply auto*)
    apply (rule ent_iffI)
      apply(inst_ex_assn "[a]")
      apply sep_auto
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
      apply clarsimp
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
      subgoal for x xsi fwd
      apply(inst_ex_assn xsi fwd)
        apply simp
  case Istep: (2 k ts t a r z)
  show ?case
    apply(simp (no_asm))
    thm bplustree_assn_leafs.simps(2)
    apply(subst reorder_ex(1))
    apply(intro inst_same)
    thm reorder_ex(2)
    apply(subst reorder_ex(2))
    apply(subst reorder_ex(3))
    apply(rule inst_same)
(* pre-massage term for an explicit treatment. ignore inductive assumptions in simp s.t.
bplustree of the last tree does not get simplified away immediately *)
    case (1 tsi ti tsi' rs)
    have *: "
        length tsi's = length tss 
        length tss = length rss 
        set tsi's  set tsi' 
        set rss  set rs 
        set tss  set ts 
       blist_assn k tss
        (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) rss)) (separators tsi's)) =
       (Asplit. list_assn ((λ t (ti,r',z',lptrs). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) r' z' lptrs) ×a id_assn) tss 
        (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) (zip rss split))) (separators tsi's)) *
        (length split = length rss))"
      for rss tsi's tss ra
    proof (induct arbitrary: ra rule: list_induct3)
      case Nil
      then show ?case
        apply sep_auto
        apply(subst ex_one_point_gen[where v="[]"])
        apply simp_all
    case (Cons subsepi tsi's subsep tss subleaf rss r)
      then show ?case 
        apply (auto simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
        apply(auto simp add: prod_assn_def split: prod.splits)
        case (1 sub sep)
        then have *: "bplustree_assn k sub (the (fst subsepi)) r subleaf = (As. bplustree_assn_leafs k sub (the (fst subsepi)) r subleaf s)"
        proof -
          have "subsep  set ts"
            by (simp add: "1"(10) "1"(8))
          moreover obtain temp1 temp2 where "((fst subsepi, (temp1:: 'a btnode ref option), subleaf), (temp2::'a))  set [((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf), temp2)]"
            by auto
          ultimately  show ?thesis
            using Istep(2)[of "(sub,sep)" "((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf), temp2)" "[((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf), temp2)]" "fst subsepi" "(temp1, subleaf)" temp1 subleaf r]
            using 1
            by simp
        show ?case
          apply (simp add: * 1(3)[of subleaf])
          apply(intro ent_iffI)
            apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
            subgoal for split x
            apply(inst_ex_assn "x#split")
              apply simp
            apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
            subgoal for split
              apply(cases split)
              apply simp
            subgoal for hdsplit tlsplit
            apply(inst_ex_assn "tlsplit" "hdsplit")
              apply (auto)
  have **: "bplustree_assn k t ti (last (r # rs)) z = (Alsplit. bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (r # rs)) z lsplit)" 
    using Istep(1)[of ti "last(r #rs)" "[]"]
    by (auto simp add: last.simps)
  show ?case
(* apply IH to last tree *)
    apply(subst **)
    apply(simp add: inst_same[OF bplustree_assn_leafs.simps(2)])
  proof(intro ent_iffI, goal_cases)
    case _: (1)
    show ?case
(* apply IH to list via rule just shown *)
    apply(rule entails_preI)
      apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
      apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply (subst *[of tsi' ts rs])
    apply simp_all
(* show that the remainder is equivalent *)
      apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
    apply(rule entails_preI)
      apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      subgoal for lsplit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ split
        find_theorems "A_._"
      apply(inst_ex_assn "concat (split@[lsplit])" "zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r # rs)) (zip rs (butlast (split@[lsplit])))))
           (separators tsi')"  "split@[lsplit]")
        apply (sep_auto simp add: last.simps butlast.simps)
  case _: (2)
  show ?case
(* apply IH to list via rule just shown (other direction) *)
    apply(rule entails_preI)
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
      apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
  apply(subst merge_pure_star[symmetric] mult.left_assoc)+
  apply(subst otf_lem_comm_ex)+
  apply(rule ent_star_mono)
  subgoal by sep_auto
  case (1 c aa d ae bd af be ag bf)
  have **: "(Ax. bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (r # rs)) z (last x) *
               ((λt (ti, r', x, y). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) r' x y) ×a id_assn)
               ts aa *
               (concat x = c) *
               (length x = Suc (length rs)) *
               (aa =
                 zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r # rs)) (zip rs (butlast x))))
                  (separators tsi'))) A ((Asplit. list_assn ((λt (ti, r', x, y). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) r' x y) ×a id_assn) ts (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r # rs)) (zip rs split))) (separators tsi')) *
                   (length split = length rs)) * (Alsplit. bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (r # rs)) z lsplit) 
    using 1 by sep_auto
  from ** show ?case
    apply(rule ent_trans)
    apply(subst mult.commute[of "ex_assn (bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (r # rs)) z)"])
  apply(rule ent_star_mono)
    prefer 2
    subgoal by sep_auto
          apply(subst *[of tsi' ts rs r, symmetric])
          apply(simp_all add: 1)
          apply sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

(* even without the existential quantifier, we get our general assertion, used in insertion etc back*)
lemma bplustree_discard_leafs:
 "bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti r z leafptrs A bplustree_assn k t ti r z"
  by (simp add: bplustree_extract_leafs)

fun leaf_nodes_assn :: "nat  ('a::heap) bplustree list  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref list  assn" where
  "leaf_nodes_assn k ((Leaf xs)#lns) (Some r) z (r'#lptrs) = 
 (A xsi fwd.
      r r Btleaf xsi fwd
    * is_pfa (2*k) xs xsi
    * leaf_nodes_assn k lns fwd z lptrs
    * (r = r')
  )" | 
  "leaf_nodes_assn k [] r z [] = (r = z)" |
  "leaf_nodes_assn _ _ _ _ _ = false"

fun trunk_assn :: "nat  ('a::heap) bplustree  'a btnode ref  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref list  assn" where
  "trunk_assn k (Leaf xs) a r z lptrs = (r = Some a  lptrs = [a])" |
  "trunk_assn k (Node ts t) a r z lptrs = 
 (A tsi ti tsi' tsi'' rs split.
      a r Btnode tsi ti
    * trunk_assn k t ti (last (r#rs)) (last (rs@[z])) (last split)
    * is_pfa (2*k) tsi' tsi
    * (concat split = lptrs)
    * (length tsi' = length rs)
    * (length split = length rs + 1)
    * (tsi'' = zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r#rs)) (zip (butlast (rs@[z])) (butlast split)))) (map snd tsi'))
    * list_assn ((λ t (ti,r',z',lptrs). trunk_assn k t (the ti) r' z' lptrs) ×a id_assn) ts tsi''

lemma leaf_nodes_assn_split:
"length xs = length xsi  ysi = (yi#ysr) 
  leaf_nodes_assn k (xs @ ys) r z (xsi @ ysi) = leaf_nodes_assn k xs r (Some yi) xsi * leaf_nodes_assn k ys (Some yi) z ysi"
proof(induction arbitrary: r rule: list_induct2)
  case (Nil r)
  then show ?case
    apply(cases r; cases ys)
    apply clarsimp_all
    subgoal for _ t _
    apply(cases t)
    apply clarsimp
      apply(intro inst_same)
      apply(rule pure_eq_pre)
      apply clarsimp_all
  case (Cons x xs xi xsi r)
  show ?case
    apply(cases r; cases x)
    apply clarsimp_all
      apply(intro inst_same)
      apply(rule pure_eq_pre)
      subgoal for a x1 xsi' fwd
      using Cons.IH[of fwd, OF Cons.prems]
      apply (clarsimp simp add: mult.assoc)

lemma "length xs  length xsi  leaf_nodes_assn k xs r z xsi = false"
  by (induction rule: leaf_nodes_assn.induct) auto

lemma imp_eq_pure: "(h. h  P  Q) = (P = P * (Q))"
  apply(intro iffI)
  subgoal using ent_iffI by force
  subgoal by (metis mod_pure_star_dist)

lemma imp_imp_pure: "(h. h  P  Q)  (P = P * (Q))"
  using imp_eq_pure by blast

thm concat_append
lemma concat_append_butlast: "xs  []  concat (butlast xs) @ last xs = concat xs"
  apply(induction xs)
  apply auto

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma bplustree_assn_leafs_len_imp: "h  bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs  length leafptrs = length (leaf_nodes t)"  
proof(induction k t a r z leafptrs arbitrary: h rule: bplustree_assn_leafs.induct)
  case (1 k xs a r z leafptrs)
  then show ?case
  case (2 k ts t a r z leafptrs h)
  from "2.prems" show ?case
    case (1 tsia tsin ti tsi' rs split)
    have *: "
length tss = length splits 
length splits = length tsi's 
length tsi's = length rss 
set tss  set ts  
set tsi's  set tsi'  
set rss  set rs  
h  list_assn
        ((λt (ti, r', x, y). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) r' x y) ×a id_assn) tss
        (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) (zip rss splits))) (separators tsi's))
 (length (concat splits)) = length (concat (map (leaf_nodes  fst) tss))" for h tss tsi's splits rss ra
    proof(induction arbitrary: ra h rule: list_induct4)
      case Nil
      then show ?case
        by sep_auto
      case (Cons x xs y ys z zs w ws)
      from Cons.prems show ?case
        apply (auto simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
        apply(auto simp add: prod_assn_def split: prod.splits)
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      using Cons.IH
      using "2.IH"(2)
      apply sep_auto
      by (meson list.set_intros(1))
    have **: "length ts = length rs" "split  []"
      using 1 by (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    from 1 show ?case
      apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      apply(subst concat_append_butlast[symmetric])
      subgoal using ** by sep_auto
      subgoal for h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8
      using *[of ts "butlast split" tsi' rs r "(h1,h2)"] "2.IH"(1)[of ti rs split "(h7,h8)"]
      using **
      by sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

lemma bplustree_assn_leafs_len_aux: "bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs = bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs * (length leafptrs = length (leaf_nodes t))"  
  by (meson bplustree_assn_leafs_len_imp imp_imp_pure)

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma trunk_assn_leafs_len_imp: "h  trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs  length leafptrs = length (leaf_nodes t)"  
(* same procedure as for bplustree_nodes_assn_leaf *)
proof(induction k t a r z leafptrs arbitrary: h rule: trunk_assn.induct)
  case (1 k xs a r z leafptrs)
  then show ?case
  case (2 k ts t a r z leafptrs h)
  from "2.prems" show ?case
    case (1 tsia tsin ti tsi' rs split)
    have *: "
length tss = length splits 
length splits = length tsi's 
length tsi's = length rss 
set tss  set ts  
set tsi's  set tsi'  
set rss  set rs  
h  list_assn
        ((λt (ti, r', x, y). trunk_assn k t (the ti) r' x y) ×a id_assn) tss
        (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) (zip rss splits))) (separators tsi's))
 (length (concat splits)) = length (concat (map (leaf_nodes  fst) tss))" for h tss tsi's splits rss ra
    proof(induction arbitrary: ra h rule: list_induct4)
      case Nil
      then show ?case
        by sep_auto
      case (Cons x xs y ys z zs w ws)
      from Cons.prems show ?case
        apply (auto simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
        apply(auto simp add: prod_assn_def split: prod.splits)
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      using Cons.IH
      using "2.IH"(2)
      apply sep_auto
      by (meson list.set_intros(1))
    have **: "length ts = length rs" "split  []"
      using 1 by (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    from 1 show ?case
      apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      apply(subst concat_append_butlast[symmetric])
      subgoal using ** by sep_auto
      subgoal for h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8
      using *[of ts "butlast split" tsi' rs r "(h1,h2)"] "2.IH"(1)[of ti rs split "(h7,h8)"]
      using **
      by sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

lemma trunk_assn_leafs_len_aux: "trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs = trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs * (length leafptrs = length (leaf_nodes t))"  
  by (meson trunk_assn_leafs_len_imp imp_imp_pure)

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma bplustree_assn_leafs_not_empty_aux: "bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs = bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs * (leafptrs  [])"
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
    apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_len_aux)
    using leaf_nodes_not_empty
    apply sep_auto
  subgoal by sep_auto

lemma trunk_assn_not_empty_aux: "trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs = trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs * (leafptrs  [])"
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
    apply(subst trunk_assn_leafs_len_aux)
    using leaf_nodes_not_empty
    apply sep_auto
  subgoal by sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma bplustree_assn_leafs_hd:
  "h  bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs  r = Some (hd leafptrs)"  
proof(induction k t a r z leafptrs arbitrary: h rule: bplustree_assn_leafs.induct)
  case (1 k xs a r z leafptrs)
  then show ?case
  case (2 k ts t a r z leafptrs h)
  from "2.prems" show ?case
    apply(sep_auto dest!: mod_starD)
    case (1 a b ti tsi' rs split ab bb ad bd ae be af bf)
    have  "length ts = length rs"
      using 1 by (auto dest!: list_assn_len)
    then show ?case
    proof(cases ts)
      case Nil
      then have "length split = 1" "rs = []"
        using "1"(4) length ts = length rs by auto
      then have *: "split = [last split]"
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id list.distinct(1) list_decomp_1 list_se_match(4))
      then have "concat split = last split"
        apply(subst *)
        unfolding concat.simps 
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using 1
        using "2.IH"(1)[of ti rs split "(af,bf)"] 
        using rs = []
        by (auto simp add: last.simps)
      case (Cons a list)
      then obtain ra rss ss1 ss2 splits tss tsi's  where *:
        "rs = ra#rss"
        "split = ss1 # ss2 # splits"
        "tsi' = tss # tsi's"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1"(3) "1"(4) Suc_length_conv length ts = length rs)
      obtain h1 h2 where first_subtree: "(h1, h2)  bplustree_assn_leafs k (fst a) (the (fst tss)) r ra ss1"
        using 1 
        apply (auto simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons * Cons)
        apply (auto simp add: prod_assn_def split: prod.splits )
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      then have "ss1  []"
        using bplustree_assn_leafs_not_empty_aux[of k "(fst a)" "(the (fst tss))" r ra ss1] 
        by auto
      then have "hd (concat split) = hd ss1"
        by (simp add: "*"(2))
      then show ?thesis 
        using first_subtree
        apply auto
        by (metis "2.IH"(2) fst_conv list.set_intros(1) local.Cons)
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

lemma bplustree_assn_leafs_hd_aux:
  "bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs = bplustree_assn_leafs k t a r z leafptrs * (r = Some (hd leafptrs))"  
  by (meson bplustree_assn_leafs_hd imp_imp_pure)

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma trunk_assn_hd:
  "h  trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs  r = Some (hd leafptrs)"  
proof(induction k t a r z leafptrs arbitrary: h rule: trunk_assn.induct)
  case (1 k xs a r z leafptrs)
  then show ?case
  case (2 k ts t a r z leafptrs h)
  from "2.prems" show ?case
    apply(sep_auto dest!: mod_starD)
    case (1 a b ti tsi' rs split ab bb ad bd ae be af bf)
    have  "length ts = length rs"
      using 1 by (auto dest!: list_assn_len)
    then show ?case
    proof(cases ts)
      case Nil
      then have "length split = 1" "rs = []"
        using "1"(4) length ts = length rs by auto
      then have *: "split = [last split]"
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id list.distinct(1) list_decomp_1 list_se_match(4))
      then have "concat split = last split"
        apply(subst *)
        unfolding concat.simps 
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using 1
        using "2.IH"(1)[of ti rs split "(af,bf)"] 
        using rs = []
        by (auto simp add: last.simps)
      case (Cons a list)
      then obtain ra rss ss1 ss2 splits tss tsi's  where *:
        "rs = ra#rss"
        "split = ss1 # ss2 # splits"
        "tsi' = tss # tsi's"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1"(3) "1"(4) Suc_length_conv length ts = length rs)
      obtain h1 h2 where first_subtree: "(h1, h2)  trunk_assn k (fst a) (the (fst tss)) r ra ss1"
        using 1 
        apply (auto simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons * Cons)
        apply (auto simp add: prod_assn_def split: prod.splits )
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD)
      then have "ss1  []"
        using trunk_assn_not_empty_aux[of k "(fst a)" "(the (fst tss))" r ra ss1] 
        by auto
      then have "hd (concat split) = hd ss1"
        by (simp add: "*"(2))
      then show ?thesis 
        using first_subtree
        apply auto
        by (metis "2.IH"(2) fst_conv list.set_intros(1) local.Cons)
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

lemma trunk_assn_hd_aux:
  "trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs = trunk_assn k t a r z leafptrs * (r = Some (hd leafptrs))"  
  by (simp add: imp_imp_pure trunk_assn_hd)

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma subleaf_at_head_of_concat_inner: "length tsi's = length rss 
        length rss = length tss 
        length tss = length splits 
list_assn ((λt (ti, x, xa, y). trunk_assn k t (the ti) x xa y) ×a R) tss
     (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (subleaf # rss)) (zip rss splits)))
       (separators tsi's)) *
    trunk_assn k t ti (last (subleaf # rss)) z ss
list_assn ((λt (ti, x, xa, y). trunk_assn k t (the ti) x xa y) ×a R) tss
     (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (subleaf # rss)) (zip rss splits)))
       (separators tsi's)) *
    trunk_assn k t ti (last (subleaf # rss)) z ss * (Some (hd (concat splits@ss)) = subleaf)"
  apply(cases splits)
    apply (sep_auto simp add: last.simps)
    apply (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) trunk_assn_hd_aux pure_assn_eq_conv)
  apply(cases tss; cases rss; cases tsi's)
  apply simp_all
        apply (sep_auto
                simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
      apply(subst trunk_assn_hd_aux)
      apply(subst trunk_assn_not_empty_aux)
      apply sep_auto
    subgoal by sep_auto

lemma subleaf_at_head_of_concat_bplustree: "length tsi's = length rss 
        length rss = length tss 
        length tss = length splits 
list_assn ((λt (ti, x, xa, y). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) x xa y) ×a R) tss
     (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (subleaf # rss)) (zip rss splits)))
       (separators tsi's)) *
    bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (subleaf # rss)) z ss
list_assn ((λt (ti, x, xa, y). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) x xa y) ×a R) tss
     (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (subleaf # rss)) (zip rss splits)))
       (separators tsi's)) *
    bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (subleaf # rss)) z ss * (Some (hd (concat splits@ss)) = subleaf)"
  apply(cases splits)
    apply (sep_auto simp add: last.simps)
    apply (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) bplustree_assn_leafs_hd_aux pure_assn_eq_conv)
  apply(cases tss; cases rss; cases tsi's)
  apply simp_all
        apply (sep_auto
                simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
      apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_hd_aux)
      apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_not_empty_aux)
      apply sep_auto
    subgoal by sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma bplustree_leaf_nodes_sep:
  "bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti r z lptrs = leaf_nodes_assn k (leaf_nodes t) r z lptrs * trunk_assn k t ti r z lptrs"
proof(induction arbitrary: r rule: bplustree_assn_leafs.induct)
  case (1 k xs a r z)
  then show ?case
    apply(intro ent_iffI)
    apply sep_auto+
  case (2 k ts t a r z lptrs ra)
  show ?case
      apply simp
    apply(intro inst_same)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: mult.left_assoc)
    apply(intro pure_eq_pre)
      case (1 tsia tsin ti tsi' rs split)
      have *: "
          length tsi's = length rss 
          length rss = length tss 
          length tss = length splits 
          set tsi's  set tsi' 
          set rss  set rs 
          set tss  set ts 
          set splits  set split 
         bplustree_assn_leafs k t ti (last (ra # rss)) z (last split)* 
         list_assn ((λt (ti, x, y, s). bplustree_assn_leafs k t (the ti) x y s) ×a id_assn) tss
         (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) (zip rss splits))) (separators tsi's)) =
         leaf_nodes_assn k (concat (map (leaf_nodes  fst) tss) @ leaf_nodes t) ra z (concat splits @ last split) *
         list_assn ((λt (ti, x, y, s). trunk_assn k t (the ti) x y s) ×a id_assn) tss
         (zip (zip (subtrees tsi's) (zip (butlast (ra # rss)) (zip rss splits))) (separators tsi's)) *
        trunk_assn k t ti (last (ra#rss)) z (last split)"
        for rss tsi's tss splits
      proof (induct arbitrary: ra rule: list_induct4)
        case (Nil r)
        then show ?case
          using 2(1)[of ti r "[]" "split"]
          apply (simp add: last.simps)
        case (Cons subsepi tsi's subleaf rss subsep tss fsplit splits r)
        show ?case 
        apply (sep_auto
                simp add: butlast_double_Cons last_double_Cons)
          apply(subst prod_assn_def)+
        apply(simp split!: prod.splits add: mult.left_assoc)
          subgoal for sub sep
(* extract fact that length of leaf nodes of subleaf matches leaf_nodes_assn_split req *)
          apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_len_aux[of k sub])
          apply(subst trunk_assn_leafs_len_aux[of k sub])
            apply sep_auto
            apply(intro pure_eq_pre)
(* extract fact that the remaining list is not empty *)
          apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_not_empty_aux[of k t])
          apply(subst trunk_assn_not_empty_aux[of k t])
            apply sep_auto
            apply(intro pure_eq_pre)
          supply R = leaf_nodes_assn_split[of "leaf_nodes sub" fsplit
                                        "concat splits @ last split" "hd (concat splits @ last split)" "tl (concat splits @ last split)"]
          thm R
        apply(subst R)
          subgoal by simp
          subgoal by simp
          (* show that r = hd fsplit *)
          apply(subst bplustree_assn_leafs_hd_aux[of k sub])
          apply(subst trunk_assn_hd_aux[of k sub])
            apply sep_auto
            apply(intro pure_eq_pre)
(* refactor multiplication s.t. we can apply the lemma about two mult. factors with an OTF lemma *)
          supply R = subleaf_at_head_of_concat_inner[of tsi's rss tss splits k id_assn subleaf t ti z "last split"]
          thm R
          apply (subst_mod_mult_ac R)
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          apply(simp add: mult.left_assoc)?
(* refactor multiplication s.t. we can apply the lemma about two mult. factors with an OTF lemma *)
          supply R=subleaf_at_head_of_concat_bplustree[of tsi's rss tss splits k id_assn subleaf t ti z "last split"]
          thm R
          apply (subst_mod_mult_ac R)
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          subgoal using Cons by simp
          apply(simp add: mult.left_assoc)?
            apply(intro pure_eq_pre)
          case 1
          moreover have p: "set tsi's  set tsi'"
               "set rss  set rs"
               "set tss  set ts"
               "set splits  set split"
            using Cons.prems by auto
          moreover have "(sub,sep)  set ts"
            using "1" Cons.prems(3) by force
          moreover obtain temp1 temp2 where "((fst subsepi, (temp1:: 'a btnode ref option), subleaf, fsplit), (temp2::'a))  set [((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf, fsplit), temp2)]"
            by auto
          ultimately show ?case
            apply(inst_ex_assn subleaf)
            using "Cons.hyps"(4)[of subleaf, OF p, simplified]
            apply (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
            using "2.IH"(2)[of subsep "((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf, fsplit),temp2)" "[((fst subsepi, temp1, subleaf, fsplit),temp2)]"
                "fst subsepi" "(temp1, subleaf, fsplit)" temp1 "(subleaf, fsplit)" subleaf fsplit r, simplified]
            apply auto
            using assn_times_assoc ent_refl by presburger
      show ?case
        apply(intro ent_iffI)
         apply(rule entails_preI)
          using 1
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
          apply(subst_mod_mult_ac *[of tsi' rs ts "butlast split", simplified])
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by (meson in_set_butlastD subset_code(1))
          apply(subgoal_tac "concat (butlast split) @ (last split) = concat split") 
            prefer 2
                apply(subst concat_append_butlast)
                apply auto
              subgoal by sep_auto
         apply(rule entails_preI)
        using 1
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
          apply(subgoal_tac "concat split = concat (butlast split) @ (last split)") 
            prefer 2
                apply(subst concat_append_butlast)
                apply auto
              apply simp
              apply(subst_mod_mult_ac *[of tsi' rs ts "butlast split", simplified, symmetric])
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by auto
          subgoal by (meson in_set_butlastD subset_code(1))
          subgoal by sep_auto
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

fun leaf_node:: "('a::heap) bplustree  'a list  assn" where
  "leaf_node (Leaf xs) xsi = (xs = xsi)" |
  "leaf_node _ _ = false"

fun leafs_assn :: "('a::heap) pfarray list  'a btnode ref list  'a btnode ref option  'a btnode ref option  assn" where
  "leafs_assn (ln#lns) (r'#lptrs) (Some r) z = 
 (A fwd.
      r r Btleaf ln fwd
    * leafs_assn lns lptrs fwd z
    * (r' = r)
  )" | 
  "leafs_assn [] [] r z = (r = z)" |
  "leafs_assn _ _ _ _ = false"

lemma leafs_assn_aux_append:
   "length xs = length xsi  leafs_assn (xs@ys) (xsi@ysi) r z = (Al. leafs_assn xs xsi r l * leafs_assn ys ysi l z)"
  apply(induction xs xsi r z rule: leafs_assn.induct)
  apply(sep_auto intro!: ent_iffI)+

abbreviation "leaf_lists  λt. map leaves (leaf_nodes t)"  

lemma leaf_nodes_assn_flatten_help:
  "length ts = length lptrs  leaf_nodes_assn k ts r z lptrs = (Aps. list_assn leaf_node ts (map leaves ts) * list_assn (is_pfa (2*k)) (map leaves ts) ps * leafs_assn ps lptrs r z)"
proof (induction ts lptrs arbitrary: r rule: list_induct2)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
    subgoal by sep_auto
    subgoal by sep_auto
  case (Cons a xs r' lptrs r)
  then show ?case
  proof(intro ent_iffI, goal_cases)
    case 1
    show ?case
      apply(cases r; cases a)
      apply simp_all
      find_theorems "A_._ A_"
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
      subgoal for aa x1 xsi fwd
      apply (subst "Cons.IH"[of fwd]) 
        apply simp
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
        subgoal for ps
          apply(inst_ex_assn "xsi#ps")
          apply simp_all
          apply(inst_ex_assn fwd)
          apply (sep_auto)
    case 2
    have *: "list_assn leaf_node xs (map leaves xs) * list_assn (is_pfa (2 * k)) (map leaves xs) ps' * leafs_assn ps' lptrs r'' z 
          A leaf_nodes_assn k xs r'' z lptrs" 
      for ps' r''
      using assn_eq_split(1)[OF sym[OF "Cons.IH"[of r'']]]
             ent_ex_inst[where Q="leaf_nodes_assn k xs r'' z lptrs" and y=ps']
      by blast
    show ?case
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
      subgoal for ps
        apply(cases ps; cases r; cases a)
      apply simp_all
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
        subgoal for aa list aaa x1 fwd
          apply(inst_ex_assn aa fwd)
          apply sep_auto
          using *[of list fwd]
          by (smt (z3) assn_aci(9) assn_times_comm fr_refl)

lemma leaf_nodes_assn_impl_length: "h  leaf_nodes_assn k xs r z lptrs  length xs = length lptrs" 
  apply(induction xs arbitrary: h r lptrs)
  subgoal for h r lptrs
    apply(cases r; cases lptrs)
    apply sep_auto+
  subgoal for a xs h r lptrs
    apply(cases r; cases lptrs; cases a)
    apply (sep_auto dest: mod_starD)+

lemma leafs_assn_impl_length: "h  leafs_assn xs lptrs r z  length xs = length lptrs" 
  apply(induction xs arbitrary: h r lptrs)
  subgoal for h r lptrs
    apply(cases r; cases lptrs)
    apply sep_auto+
  subgoal for a xs h r lptrs
    apply(cases r; cases lptrs)
    apply (sep_auto dest: mod_starD)+

lemma leaf_nodes_assn_flatten:
  "leaf_nodes_assn k ts r z lptrs = (Aps. list_assn leaf_node ts (map leaves ts) * list_assn (is_pfa (2*k)) (map leaves ts) ps * leafs_assn ps lptrs r z)"
proof(intro ent_iffI, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case
  apply(rule entails_preI)
  apply (subst leaf_nodes_assn_flatten_help)
    subgoal by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD leaf_nodes_assn_impl_length)
    subgoal by sep_auto
  case 2
  then show ?case
  apply(rule entails_preI)
  apply (subst leaf_nodes_assn_flatten_help)
    subgoal by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length list_assn_len)
    subgoal by sep_auto

subsection "Iterator"

partial_function (heap) first_leaf :: "('a::heap) btnode ref  'a btnode ref option Heap"
    "first_leaf p = do {
  node  !p;
  (case node of
    Btleaf _ _  do { return (Some p) } |
    Btnode tsi ti  do {
        s  pfa_get tsi 0;
        let (sub,sep) = s in do { 
          first_leaf (the sub)

partial_function (heap) last_leaf :: "('a::heap) btnode ref  'a btnode ref option Heap"
    "last_leaf p = do {
  node  !p;
  (case node of
    Btleaf _ z  do { return z } |
    Btnode tsi ti  do {
        last_leaf ti

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma first_leaf_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  first_leaf ti
  <λu. bplustree_assn k t ti r z * (u = r)>t"
  using assms
proof(induction t arbitrary: ti z)
  case (Leaf x)
  then show ?case
    apply(subst first_leaf.simps)
    apply (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD)
  case (Node ts t)
  then obtain sub sep tts where Cons: "ts = (sub,sep)#tts"
    apply(cases ts) by auto
  then show ?case 
    apply(subst first_leaf.simps)
    apply (sep_auto simp add: butlast.simps)
    subgoal for tsia tsil ti tsi' rs subi sepi
    apply(cases rs; cases tsi')
    apply simp_all
      subgoal for subleaf rrs _ ttsi'
        supply R = "Node.IH"(1)[of "(sub,sep)" sub "(the subi)" subleaf]
        thm R
    using  "Node.prems"(1)
    apply (sep_auto heap add: R)
    subgoal by (metis Node.prems(2) assms(1) bplustree.inject(2) bplustree.simps(4) Cons list.set_intros(1) order_impl_root_order root_order.elims(2) some_child_sub(1))
    apply (sep_auto eintros del: exI)
    apply(inst_existentials tsia tsil ti "(subi, sepi) # ttsi'" "((subi, (r, subleaf)),sepi)#(zip (zip (subtrees ttsi') (zip (butlast (subleaf # rrs)) rrs)) (separators ttsi'))" "subleaf # rrs")
    apply (sep_auto simp add: last.simps butlast.simps)+
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma last_leaf_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  last_leaf ti
  <λu. bplustree_assn k t ti r z * (u = z)>t"
  using assms
proof(induction t arbitrary: ti r)
  case (Leaf x)
  then show ?case
    apply(subst last_leaf.simps)
    apply (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD)
  case (Node ts t)
  show ?case 
    apply(subst last_leaf.simps)
        supply R = "Node.IH"(2)
    apply (sep_auto heap add: R)
    subgoal using "Node.prems" by simp
    subgoal by (metis Node.prems(2) assms(1) bplustree.inject(2) bplustree.simps(4) Cons list.set_intros(1) order_impl_root_order root_order.elims(2) some_child_sub(1))
    apply (sep_auto eintros del: exI)
    subgoal for tsia tsil ti tsi' rs
    apply(inst_existentials tsia tsil ti "tsi'" " (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r # rs)) rs)) (separators tsi'))" rs)
    apply (sep_auto simp add: last.simps butlast.simps)+
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

definition tree_leaf_iter_init where
"tree_leaf_iter_init p = do {
  r  first_leaf (the p);
  z  last_leaf (the p);
  return  (r, z)

lemma tree_leaf_iter_init_rule_help:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  tree_leaf_iter_init (Some ti)
  <λ(u,v). bplustree_assn k t ti r z * (u = r  v = z)>t"
  using assms
  unfolding tree_leaf_iter_init_def
  by (sep_auto)

lemma tree_leaf_iter_init_rule:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  tree_leaf_iter_init (Some ti)
  <λ(u,v). A lptrs. leaf_nodes_assn k (leaf_nodes t) r z lptrs * trunk_assn k t ti r z lptrs * (u = r  v = z)>t"
  using assms
  apply(vcg heap add: tree_leaf_iter_init_rule_help)
  by (simp add: bplustree_extract_leafs bplustree_leaf_nodes_sep)

lemma tree_leaf_iter_init_rule_alt:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  tree_leaf_iter_init (Some ti)
  <λ(u,v). A lptrs ps. list_assn leaf_node (leaf_nodes t) (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) * list_assn (is_pfa (2*k)) (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) ps * leafs_assn ps lptrs r z * trunk_assn k t ti r z lptrs * (u = r  v = z)>t"
  using assms
  apply(vcg heap add: tree_leaf_iter_init_rule)
  apply(sep_auto simp add: leaf_nodes_assn_flatten)

(* TODO derive version that yields leaf_iter_assn *)

definition leaf_iter_next where
"leaf_iter_next = (λ(r,z). do {
  p  !(the r);
  return (vals p, (fwd p, z))

lemma leaf_iter_next_rule_help:
  "<leafs_assn (x#xs) (l#lptrs) r z>
      leaf_iter_next (r,z)
   <λ(p,(n,z')). leafs_assn [x] [l] r n * leafs_assn xs lptrs n z' * (p = x) * (z=z')>"
  apply(subst leaf_iter_next_def)
  apply(cases r; cases x)

definition leaf_iter_assn where "leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs2 = (λ(n,z). 
  (Axs1 lptrs1 lptrs2. (xs = xs1@xs2) * (lptrs = lptrs1@lptrs2) * leafs_assn xs1 lptrs1 r n * leafs_assn xs2 lptrs2 n z * (z=None)))" 

lemma leaf_nodes_assn_imp_iter_assn:
  "leafs_assn xs lptrs r None A leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs (r,None)"
  unfolding leaf_iter_assn_def
  by sep_auto

definition leaf_iter_init where
"leaf_iter_init p = do {
  return  (p, None)

lemma leaf_iter_init_rule:
  shows "<leafs_assn xs lptrs r None>
  leaf_iter_init r
  <λu. leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs u>"
  unfolding leaf_iter_init_def
  using leaf_nodes_assn_imp_iter_assn
  by (sep_auto)

lemma leaf_iter_next_rule: "<leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r (x#xs2) it>
leaf_iter_next it
<λ(p, it'). leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs2 it' * (p = x)>"
  unfolding leaf_iter_assn_def
  apply(clarsimp split: prod.splits)
  apply(intro norm_pre_ex_rule)
  subgoal for n z xs1 lptrs1 lptrs2
    apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
  apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)
    apply(cases lptrs2; clarsimp)
    subgoal for l llptrs2
   apply (sep_auto heap add: leaf_iter_next_rule_help eintros del: exI)
      apply(inst_existentials "xs1@[x]" "lptrs1@[l]" llptrs2)
      subgoal by sep_auto
      subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: leafs_assn_aux_append)

definition leaf_iter_has_next where
"leaf_iter_has_next  = (λ(r,z). return (r  z))"

(* TODO this so far only works for the whole tree (z = None)
for subintervals, we would need to show that the list of pointers is indeed distinct,
hence r = z can only occur at the end *)
lemma leaf_iter_has_next_rule:
  "<leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs2 it> leaf_iter_has_next it <λu. leaf_iter_assn xs lptrs r xs2 it * (u  xs2  [])>"
  unfolding leaf_iter_has_next_def leaf_iter_assn_def
  apply(cases it; simp)
  apply(intro norm_pre_ex_rule)
  apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
  apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)
  apply(sep_auto split!: prod.splits dest!: mod_starD)
  by (metis leafs_assn.simps list.exhaust mod_false option.exhaust)

(* copied from peter lammichs lseg_prec2, don't ask what happens in the induction step
(or ask peter lammich) *)
declare mult.left_commute[simp add]
lemma leafs_assn_prec2: 
  "l l'. (h
      (leafs_assn l lptrs p None * F1) A (leafs_assn l' lptrs p None * F2)) 
  apply (intro allI)
  subgoal for l l'
  proof (induct l arbitrary: lptrs p l' F1 F2)
    case Nil thus ?case
      apply (cases l')
      apply simp
      apply (cases p)
      apply (auto simp add: mod_and_dist dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)
    case (Cons y l)
    from Cons.prems show ?case
      apply (cases p)
      apply simp
      apply (cases l')
      subgoal by (auto simp add: mod_and_dist dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)[]
      apply(cases lptrs)
      subgoal by (auto simp add: mod_and_dist dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)[]
      apply (rule)
      apply clarsimp
      apply(subgoal_tac "y = (aa, b)  fwd = fwda", simp)
      using Cons.hyps apply (erule prec_frame')
      apply frame_inference
      apply frame_inference
      apply (drule_tac p=a in prec_frame[OF sngr_prec])
      apply frame_inference
      apply frame_inference
      apply simp
declare mult.left_commute[simp del]

interpretation leaf_node_it: imp_list_iterate
    "λx y. leafs_assn x lptrs y None"
    "λx y. leaf_iter_assn x lptrs y"
    by (simp add: leafs_assn_prec2 precise_def)
  subgoal for l p 
    by (sep_auto heap add: leaf_iter_init_rule)
  subgoal for l' l p it
    thm leaf_iter_next_rule
    apply(cases l'; cases it)
    by (sep_auto heap add: leaf_iter_next_rule)+
  subgoal for l p l' it'
    thm leaf_iter_has_next_rule
    apply(cases it')
    apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
    apply(sep_auto heap add: leaf_iter_has_next_rule)
  subgoal for l p l' it
  unfolding leaf_iter_assn_def
  apply(cases it)
    apply simp_all
  apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
  apply(rule entails_preI)
  apply(clarsimp dest!: mod_starD leafs_assn_impl_length)
  by (sep_auto simp add: leafs_assn_aux_append)

global_interpretation leaf_values_iter: flatten_iter
  "λx y. leafs_assn x lptrs y None" "λx y. leaf_iter_assn x lptrs y"
  leaf_iter_init leaf_iter_has_next leaf_iter_next
  "is_pfa (2*k)" "pfa_is_it (2*k)" pfa_it_init pfa_it_has_next pfa_it_next
  defines leaf_values_adjust = leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_adjust
      and leaf_values_init = leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_init
      and leaf_values_next = leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_next
      and leaf_values_has_next = leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_has_next
  by (unfold_locales)

thm leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_list.simps
thm leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_it.simps
thm leaf_values_init_def
thm leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_init_def

fun bplustree_iter_init :: "('a::heap) btnode ref  _" where
  "bplustree_iter_init ti = do {
        rz  tree_leaf_iter_init (Some ti);
        it  leaf_values_init (fst rz);
        return it

lemma leaf_nodes_imp_flatten_list:
  "leaf_nodes_assn k ts r None lptrs A
   list_assn leaf_node ts (map leaves ts) *
   leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_list lptrs k (map leaves ts) (concat (map leaves ts)) r"
  apply(simp add: leaf_nodes_assn_flatten)
  apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
  subgoal for ps
    apply(inst_ex_assn ps "map leaves ts")
    apply sep_auto

lemma leaf_nodes_imp_flatten_list_back:
   "list_assn leaf_node ts (map leaves ts) *
leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_list lptrs k (map leaves ts) (concat (map leaves ts)) r A
  leaf_nodes_assn k ts r None lptrs"
  apply(simp add: leaf_nodes_assn_flatten)
  apply(intro ent_ex_preI)
  subgoal for ps
    apply(inst_ex_assn ps "map leaves ts")
    apply sep_auto

lemma leaf_nodes_flatten_list: "leaf_nodes_assn k ts r None lptrs =
   list_assn leaf_node ts (map leaves ts) *
   leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_list lptrs k (map leaves ts) (concat (map leaves ts)) r"
  apply(intro ent_iffI)
  subgoal by (rule leaf_nodes_imp_flatten_list)
  subgoal by (rule leaf_nodes_imp_flatten_list_back)

definition "bplustree_iter_list k t ti r = (A lptrs.
  leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_list lptrs k (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) (leaves t) r *
  list_assn leaf_node (leaf_nodes t) (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) *
  trunk_assn k t ti r None lptrs)"

lemma bplustree_iff_leaf_view: "bplustree_assn k t ti r None = bplustree_iter_list k t ti r"
  unfolding bplustree_iter_list_def
  apply(simp add:
  apply (auto simp add: algebra_simps)

definition "bplustree_iter k t ti r vs it = (A fringe.
  leaf_values_iter.is_flatten_it fringe k (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) (leaves t) r vs it *
  list_assn leaf_node (leaf_nodes t) (map leaves (leaf_nodes t)) *
  trunk_assn k t ti r None fringe)"

(* Now finally, we can hide away that we extracted anything
and just provide the user with some pretty definitions *)

lemma bplustree_iter_init_rule:
  assumes "k > 0" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r None>
bplustree_iter_init ti
<λit. bplustree_iter k t ti r (leaves t) it>t"
  unfolding bplustree_iter_init.simps
  unfolding bplustree_iter_def
  using assms 
  apply (sep_auto heap add: tree_leaf_iter_init_rule)
  apply(subst leaf_nodes_flatten_list)
  apply(vcg heap add: leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_init_rule)
  subgoal for lptrs
    apply(inst_ex_assn lptrs)
    apply(sep_auto simp add: concat_leaf_nodes_leaves)

(* using is_flatten_it we can now iterate through elements in the leafs *)

abbreviation "bplustree_iter_next  leaf_values_next" 

lemma bplustree_iter_next_rule: "vs  [] 
    <bplustree_iter k t ti r vs it>
  bplustree_iter_next it
  <λ(a, it'). bplustree_iter k t ti r (tl vs) it' *  (a = hd vs)>t"
  unfolding bplustree_iter_def
  apply(sep_auto heap add: leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_next_rule)

abbreviation "bplustree_iter_has_next  leaf_values_has_next" 

lemma bplustree_iter_has_next_rule: "
    <bplustree_iter k t ti r vs it>
  bplustree_iter_has_next it
  <λr'. bplustree_iter k t ti r vs it *  (r' = (vs  []))>t"
  unfolding bplustree_iter_def
  apply(sep_auto heap add: leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_has_next_rule)

lemma bplustree_iter_quit: 
"bplustree_iter k t ti r vs it A bplustree_assn k t ti r None * true"
  unfolding bplustree_iter_def
  apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
  subgoal for lptrs
  apply(rule ent_frame_fwd[OF leaf_values_iter.flatten_quit_iteration, where F="list_assn leaf_node (leaf_nodes t) (leaf_lists t) *
    trunk_assn k t ti r None lptrs"])
  apply solve_entails
  apply(simp add:
  apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
  subgoal for lsi'
  apply(inst_ex_assn lptrs lsi')
  apply sep_auto

declare first_leaf.simps[code]
declare last_leaf.simps[code]
(* declare leaf_values_iter.flatten_it_adjust.simps[code] *)
(* Code exports can be found with in ImpSplitCE *)