Theory BPlusTree_ImpSplitCE

theory BPlusTree_ImpSplitCE

subsection "Obtaining executable code"

text "In order to obtain fully defined functions,
we need to plug our split function implementations
into the locales we introduced previously."

text "Obtaining actual code turns out to be slightly more difficult
  due to the use of locales. However, we successfully obtain
the B-tree insertion and membership query with binary search splitting."

global_interpretation bplustree_imp_binary_split_list: spliti_list_smeq bin'_split
  defines bplustree_isin_list = bplustree_imp_binary_split_list.isin_listi
    and bplustree_ins_list = bplustree_imp_binary_split_list.ins_listi
    and bplustree_del_list = bplustree_imp_binary_split_list.del_listi
    and bplustree_lrange_list = bplustree_imp_binary_split_list.lrange_listi
  apply unfold_locales
  apply(sep_auto heap: bin'_split_rule)


global_interpretation bplustree_imp_binary_split: 
  spliti_full_smeq bin_split bin'_split 
  defines bplustree_isin = bplustree_imp_binary_split.isini
    and bplustree_ins = bplustree_imp_binary_split.insi
    and bplustree_insert = bplustree_imp_binary_split.inserti
    (*and bplustree_del = bplustree_imp_binary_split.del
    and bplustree_delete = bplustree_imp_binary_split.delete*)
    and bplustree_empty = bplustree_imp_binary_split.emptyi
    and bplustree_leaf_nodes_lrange = bplustree_imp_binary_split.leaf_nodes_lrangei
    and bplustree_lrange = bplustree_imp_binary_split.concat_leaf_nodes_lrangei
  apply unfold_locales
  apply(sep_auto heap: bin_split_rule)

lemma [code]:
"bplustree_isin p x =
    case node of
    Btnode ts t 
      bin_split ts x 
      (λi. pfa_length ts 
            (λtsl. if i < tsl
                    then pfa_get ts i 
                         (λs. let (sub, sep) = s in bplustree_isin (the sub) x)
                    else bplustree_isin t x))
    | Btleaf xs xa  bplustree_isin_list x xs)"
  unfolding bplustree_isin_list_def
  by (simp add: bplustree_imp_binary_split.isini.simps)
lemma [code]:
"bplustree_ins k x p =
    case node of
    Btnode tsi ti 
      bin_split tsi x 
      (λi. pfa_length tsi 
            (λtsl. if i < tsl
                    then pfa_get tsi i 
                         (λs. let (sub, sep) = s
                               in bplustree_ins k x (the sub) 
                                  (λr. case r of
                                        bplustree_imp_binary_split.Ti lp 
                                          pfa_set tsi i (Some lp, sep) 
                                          (λ_. return (bplustree_imp_binary_split.Ti p))
                                        | bplustree_imp_binary_split.Upi lp x' rp 
                                            pfa_set tsi i (Some rp, sep) 
  pfa_insert_grow tsi i (Some lp, x') 
  (λtsi'. p := Btnode tsi' ti  (λ_. bplustree_imp_binary_split.nodei k p)))))
                    else bplustree_ins k x ti 
                         (λr. case r of
                               bplustree_imp_binary_split.Ti lp 
                                 p := Btnode tsi lp 
                                 (λ_. return (bplustree_imp_binary_split.Ti p))
                               | bplustree_imp_binary_split.Upi lp x' rp 
                                   pfa_append_grow' tsi (Some lp, x') 
                                       p := Btnode tsi' rp 
                                       (λ_. bplustree_imp_binary_split.nodei k p)))))
    | Btleaf ksi nxt 
         bplustree_ins_list x ksi 
        (λksi'. p := Btleaf ksi' nxt  (λ_. bplustree_imp_binary_split.Lnodei k p)))"
  unfolding bplustree_ins_list_def
  by (simp add: bplustree_imp_binary_split.insi.simps)

declare bplustree_imp_binary_split.leaf_nodes_lrangei.simps[code]
lemma [code]:
"bplustree_lrange ti x =
    bplustree_leaf_nodes_lrange ti x 
    (λlp. !the lp 
           (λli. case li of
                  Btleaf xs nxt 
                    bplustree_lrange_list x xs 
                    (λarr_it. leaf_values_adjust (nxt, None) arr_it  return)))"
  unfolding bplustree_lrange_list_def
  by (simp add: bplustree_imp_binary_split.concat_leaf_nodes_lrangei_def)

export_code bplustree_empty bplustree_isin bplustree_insert bplustree_lrange leaf_values_init leaf_values_next leaf_values_has_next checking OCaml SML Scala
export_code bplustree_empty bplustree_isin bplustree_insert bplustree_lrange leaf_values_init leaf_values_next leaf_values_has_next in OCaml module_name BPlusTree
export_code bplustree_empty bplustree_isin bplustree_insert bplustree_lrange leaf_values_init leaf_values_next leaf_values_has_next in SML module_name BPlusTree
export_code bplustree_empty bplustree_isin bplustree_insert bplustree_lrange leaf_values_init leaf_values_next leaf_values_has_next in Scala module_name BPlusTree
