Theory RBTree_Impl

  File: RBTree_Impl.thy
  Author: Bohua Zhan

section ‹Implementation of red-black tree›

theory RBTree_Impl
  imports SepAuto "../Functional/RBTree"

text ‹
  Verification of imperative red-black trees.

subsection ‹Tree nodes›

datatype ('a, 'b) rbt_node =
  Node (lsub: "('a, 'b) rbt_node ref option") (cl: color) (key: 'a) (val: 'b) (rsub: "('a, 'b) rbt_node ref option")
setup fold add_rewrite_rule @{thms rbt_node.sel}

fun color_encode :: "color  nat" where
  "color_encode B = 0"
| "color_encode R = 1"

instance color :: heap
  apply (rule heap_class.intro)
  apply (rule countable_classI [of "color_encode"])
  apply (metis color_encode.simps(1) color_encode.simps(2) not_B zero_neq_one)

fun rbt_node_encode :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) rbt_node  nat" where
  "rbt_node_encode (Node l c k v r) = to_nat (l, c, k, v, r)"

instance rbt_node :: (heap, heap) heap
  apply (rule heap_class.intro)
  apply (rule countable_classI [of "rbt_node_encode"])
  apply (case_tac x, simp_all, case_tac y, simp_all)

fun btree :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) rbt  ('a, 'b) rbt_node ref option  assn" where
  "btree Leaf p = (p = None)"
| "btree (rbt.Node lt c k v rt) (Some p) = (Alp rp. p r Node lp c k v rp * btree lt lp * btree rt rp)"
| "btree (rbt.Node lt c k v rt) None = false"
setup fold add_rewrite_ent_rule @{thms btree.simps}

lemma btree_Leaf [forward_ent]: "btree Leaf p A (p = None)" by auto2

lemma btree_Node [forward_ent]:
  "btree (rbt.Node lt c k v rt) p A (Alp rp. the p r Node lp c k v rp * btree lt lp * btree rt rp * (p  None))"
@proof @case "p = None" @qed

lemma btree_none: "emp A btree Leaf None" by auto2

lemma btree_constr_ent:
  "p r Node lp c k v rp * btree lt lp * btree rt rp A btree (rbt.Node lt c k v rt) (Some p)" by auto2

setup fold add_entail_matcher [@{thm btree_none}, @{thm btree_constr_ent}]
setup fold del_prfstep_thm @{thms btree.simps}

type_synonym ('a, 'b) btree = "('a, 'b) rbt_node ref option"

subsection ‹Operations›

subsubsection ‹Basic operations›

definition tree_empty :: "('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "tree_empty = return None"

lemma tree_empty_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<emp> tree_empty <btree Leaf>" by auto2

definition tree_is_empty :: "('a, 'b) btree  bool Heap" where
  "tree_is_empty b = return (b = None)"

lemma tree_is_empty_rule:
  "<btree t b> tree_is_empty b <λr. btree t b * (r  t = Leaf)>" by auto2

definition btree_constr ::
  "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  color  'a  'b  ('a, 'b) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_constr lp c k v rp = do { p  ref (Node lp c k v rp); return (Some p) }"

lemma btree_constr_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree lt lp * btree rt rp>
   btree_constr lp c k v rp
   <btree (rbt.Node lt c k v rt)>" by auto2

definition set_color :: "color  ('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  unit Heap" where
  "set_color c p = (case p of
    None  raise STR ''set_color''
  | Some pp  do {
      t  !pp;
      pp := Node (lsub t) c (key t) (val t) (rsub t)

lemma set_color_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node a c x v b) p>
   set_color c' p
   <λ_. btree (rbt.Node a c' x v b) p>" by auto2

definition get_color :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  color Heap" where
  "get_color p = (case p of
     None  return B
   | Some pp  do {
       t  !pp;
       return (cl t)

lemma get_color_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p> get_color p <λr. btree t p * (r = t)>"
@proof @case "t = Leaf" @qed

definition paint :: "color  ('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  unit Heap" where
  "paint c p = (case p of
    None  return ()
  | Some pp  do {
     t  !pp;
     pp := Node (lsub t) c (key t) (val t) (rsub t)
lemma paint_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p>
   paint c p
   <λ_. btree (RBTree.paint c t) p>"
@proof @case "t = Leaf" @qed

subsubsection ‹Rotation›

definition btree_rotate_l :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_rotate_l p = (case p of
    None  raise STR ''Empty btree''
  | Some pp  do {
     t  !pp;
     (case rsub t of
        None  raise STR ''Empty rsub''
      | Some rp  do {
          rt  !rp;
          pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) (key t) (val t) (lsub rt);
          rp := Node p (cl rt) (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
          return (rsub t) })})"

lemma btree_rotate_l_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node a c1 x v (rbt.Node b c2 y w c)) p>
   btree_rotate_l p
   <btree (rbt.Node (rbt.Node a c1 x v b) c2 y w c)>" by auto2

definition btree_rotate_r :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_rotate_r p = (case p of
    None  raise STR ''Empty btree''
  | Some pp  do {
     t  !pp;
     (case lsub t of
        None  raise STR ''Empty lsub''
      | Some lp  do {
          lt  !lp;
          pp := Node (rsub lt) (cl t) (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
          lp := Node (lsub lt) (cl lt) (key lt) (val lt) p;
          return (lsub t) })})"

lemma btree_rotate_r_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node (rbt.Node a c1 x v b) c2 y w c) p>
   btree_rotate_r p
   <btree (rbt.Node a c1 x v (rbt.Node b c2 y w c))>" by auto2

subsubsection ‹Balance›

definition btree_balanceR :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_balanceR p = (case p of None  return None | Some pp  do {
     t  !pp;
     cl_r  get_color (rsub t);
     if cl_r = R then do {
       rt  !(the (rsub t));
       cl_lr  get_color (lsub rt);
       cl_rr  get_color (rsub rt);
       if cl_lr = R then do {
         rp'  btree_rotate_r (rsub t);
         pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) (key t) (val t) rp';
         p'  btree_rotate_l p;
         t'  !(the p');
         set_color B (rsub t');
         return p'
       } else if cl_rr = R then do {
         p'  btree_rotate_l p;
         t'  !(the p');
         set_color B (rsub t');
         return p'
        } else return p }
     else return p})"

lemma balanceR_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node l B k v r) p>
   btree_balanceR p
   <btree (balanceR l k v r)>"
@proof @unfold "balanceR l k v r" @qed

definition btree_balance :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_balance p = (case p of None  return None | Some pp  do {
     t  !pp;
     cl_l  get_color (lsub t);
     if cl_l = R then do {
       lt  !(the (lsub t));
       cl_rl  get_color (rsub lt);
       cl_ll  get_color (lsub lt);
       if cl_ll = R then do {
         p'  btree_rotate_r p;
         t'  !(the p');
         set_color B (lsub t');
         return p' }
       else if cl_rl = R then do {
         lp'  btree_rotate_l (lsub t);
         pp := Node lp' (cl t) (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
         p'  btree_rotate_r p;
         t'  !(the p');
         set_color B (lsub t');
         return p'
       } else btree_balanceR p }
     else do {
       p'  btree_balanceR p;
       return p'}})"

lemma balance_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node l B k v r) p>
   btree_balance p
   <btree (balance l k v r)>"
@proof @unfold "balance l k v r" @qed

subsubsection ‹Insertion›

partial_function (heap) rbt_ins ::
  "'a::{heap,ord}  'b::heap  ('a, 'b) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "rbt_ins k v p = (case p of
     None  btree_constr None R k v None
   | Some pp  do {
      t  !pp;
      (if cl t = B then
        (if k = key t then do {
           pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) k v (rsub t);
           return (Some pp) }
         else if k < key t then do {
           q  rbt_ins k v (lsub t);
           pp := Node q (cl t) (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
           btree_balance p }
         else do {
           q  rbt_ins k v (rsub t);
           pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) (key t) (val t) q;
           btree_balance p })
        (if k = key t then do {
           pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) k v (rsub t);
           return (Some pp) }
         else if k < key t then do {
           q  rbt_ins k v (lsub t);
           pp := Node q (cl t) (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
           return (Some pp) }
         else do {
           q  rbt_ins k v (rsub t);
           pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) (key t) (val t) q;
           return (Some pp) }))})"

lemma rbt_ins_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p>
   rbt_ins k v p
   <btree (ins k v t)>"
@proof @induct t arbitrary p @qed

definition rbt_insert ::
  "'a::{heap,ord}  'b::heap  ('a, 'b) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "rbt_insert k v p = do {
    p'  rbt_ins k v p;
    paint B p';
    return p' }"
lemma rbt_insert_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p>
   rbt_insert k v p
   <btree (RBTree.rbt_insert k v t)>" by auto2

subsubsection ‹Search›

partial_function (heap) rbt_search ::
  "'a::{heap,linorder}  ('a, 'b::heap) btree  'b option Heap" where
  "rbt_search x b = (case b of
     None  return None
   | Some p  do {
      t  !p;
      (if x = key t then return (Some (val t))
       else if x < key t then rbt_search x (lsub t)
       else rbt_search x (rsub t)) })"

lemma btree_search_correct [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t b * (rbt_sorted t)>
   rbt_search x b
   <λr. btree t b * (r = RBTree.rbt_search t x)>"
@proof @induct t arbitrary b @qed
subsubsection ‹Delete›
definition btree_balL :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_balL p = (case p of
     None  return None
   | Some pp  do {
      t  !pp;
      cl_l  get_color (lsub t);
      if cl_l = R then do {
        set_color B (lsub t);  ― ‹Case 1›
        return p}
      else case rsub t of
        None  return p  ― ‹Case 2›
      | Some rp  do {  
         rt  !rp;
         if cl rt = B then do {
           set_color R (rsub t);  ― ‹Case 3›
           set_color B p;
           btree_balance p}
         else case lsub rt of
           None  return p  ― ‹Case 4›
         | Some lrp  do {
            lrt  !lrp;
            if cl lrt = B then do {
              set_color R (lsub rt);  ― ‹Case 5›
              paint R (rsub rt);
              set_color B (rsub t); 
              rp'  btree_rotate_r (rsub t);
              pp := Node (lsub t) (cl t) (key t) (val t) rp';
              p'  btree_rotate_l p;
              t'  !(the p');
              set_color B (lsub t');
              rp''  btree_balance (rsub t');
              the p' := Node (lsub t') (cl t') (key t') (val t') rp'';
              return p'}
            else return p}}})"

lemma balL_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node l R k v r) p>
   btree_balL p
   <btree (balL l k v r)>"
@proof @unfold "balL l k v r" @qed

definition btree_balR :: "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_balR p = (case p of
     None  return None
   | Some pp  do {
      t  !pp;
      cl_r  get_color (rsub t);
      if cl_r = R then do {
        set_color B (rsub t);  ― ‹Case 1›
        return p}
      else case lsub t of
        None  return p  ― ‹Case 2›
      | Some lp  do {  
         lt  !lp;
         if cl lt = B then do {
           set_color R (lsub t);  ― ‹Case 3›
           set_color B p;
           btree_balance p}
         else case rsub lt of
           None  return p  ― ‹Case 4›
         | Some rlp  do {
            rlt  !rlp;
            if cl rlt = B then do {
              set_color R (rsub lt);  ― ‹Case 5›
              paint R (lsub lt);
              set_color B (lsub t); 
              lp'  btree_rotate_l (lsub t);
              pp := Node lp' (cl t) (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
              p'  btree_rotate_r p;
              t'  !(the p');
              set_color B (rsub t');
              lp''  btree_balance (lsub t');
              the p' := Node lp'' (cl t') (key t') (val t') (rsub t');
              return p'}
            else return p}}})"

lemma balR_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree (rbt.Node l R k v r) p>
   btree_balR p
   <btree (balR l k v r)>"
@proof @unfold "balR l k v r" @qed

partial_function (heap) btree_combine ::
  "('a::heap, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "btree_combine lp rp =
   (if lp = None then return rp
    else if rp = None then return lp
    else do {
      lt  !(the lp);
      rt  !(the rp);
      if cl lt = R then
        if cl rt = R then do {
          tmp  btree_combine (rsub lt) (lsub rt);
          cl_tm  get_color tmp;
          if cl_tm = R then do {
            tmt  !(the tmp);
            the lp := Node (lsub lt) R (key lt) (val lt) (lsub tmt);
            the rp := Node (rsub tmt) R (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
            the tmp := Node lp R (key tmt) (val tmt) rp;
            return tmp}
          else do {
            the rp := Node tmp R (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
            the lp := Node (lsub lt) R (key lt) (val lt) rp;
            return lp}}
        else do {
          tmp  btree_combine (rsub lt) rp;
          the lp := Node (lsub lt) R (key lt) (val lt) tmp;
          return lp}
      else if cl rt = B then do {
        tmp  btree_combine (rsub lt) (lsub rt);
        cl_tm  get_color tmp;
        if cl_tm = R then do {
          tmt  !(the tmp);
          the lp := Node (lsub lt) B (key lt) (val lt) (lsub tmt);
          the rp := Node (rsub tmt) B (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
          the tmp := Node lp R (key tmt) (val tmt) rp;
          return tmp}
        else do {
          the rp := Node tmp B (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
          the lp := Node (lsub lt) R (key lt) (val lt) rp;
          btree_balL lp}}
      else do {
        tmp  btree_combine lp (lsub rt);
        the rp := Node tmp R (key rt) (val rt) (rsub rt);
        return rp}})"

lemma combine_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree lt lp * btree rt rp>
   btree_combine lp rp
   <btree (combine lt rt)>"
@proof @fun_induct "combine lt rt" arbitrary lp rp @with
  @subgoal "(lt = rbt.Node l1 c1 k1 v1 r1, rt = rbt.Node l2 c2 k2 v2 r2)"
    @unfold "combine (rbt.Node l1 c1 k1 v1 r1) (rbt.Node l2 c2 k2 v2 r2)"
  @endgoal @end

partial_function (heap) rbt_del ::
  "'a::{heap,linorder}  ('a, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "rbt_del x p = (case p of
     None  return None
   | Some pp  do {
      t  !pp;
      (if x = key t then btree_combine (lsub t) (rsub t)
       else if x < key t then case lsub t of
         None  do {
           set_color R p;
           return p}
       | Some lp  do {
           lt  !lp;
           if cl lt = B then do {
             q  rbt_del x (lsub t);
             pp := Node q R (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
             btree_balL p }
           else do {
             q  rbt_del x (lsub t);
             pp := Node q R (key t) (val t) (rsub t);
             return p }}
       else case rsub t of
         None  do {
           set_color R p;
           return p}
       | Some rp  do {
           rt  !rp;
           if cl rt = B then do {
             q  rbt_del x (rsub t);
             pp := Node (lsub t) R (key t) (val t) q;
             btree_balR p }
           else do {
             q  rbt_del x (rsub t);
             pp := Node (lsub t) R (key t) (val t) q;
             return p }})})"

lemma rbt_del_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p>
   rbt_del x p
   <btree (del x t)>t"
@proof @induct t arbitrary p @with
  @subgoal "t = rbt.Node l c k v r"
    @unfold "del x (rbt.Node l c k v r)"
  @endgoal @end

definition rbt_delete ::
  "'a::{heap,linorder}  ('a, 'b::heap) btree  ('a, 'b) btree Heap" where
  "rbt_delete k p = do {
    p'  rbt_del k p;
    paint B p';
    return p'}"
lemma rbt_delete_to_fun [hoare_triple]:
  "<btree t p>
   rbt_delete k p
   <btree (RBTree.delete k t)>t" by auto2

subsection ‹Outer interface›

text ‹Express Hoare triples for operations on red-black tree in terms of
  the mapping represented by the tree.›
definition rbt_map_assn :: "('a, 'b) map  ('a::{heap,linorder}, 'b::heap) rbt_node ref option  assn" where
  "rbt_map_assn M p = (At. btree t p * (is_rbt t) * (rbt_sorted t) * (M = rbt_map t))"
setup add_rewrite_ent_rule @{thm rbt_map_assn_def}

theorem rbt_empty_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<emp> tree_empty <rbt_map_assn empty_map>" by auto2

theorem rbt_insert_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<rbt_map_assn M b> rbt_insert k v b <rbt_map_assn (M {k  v})>" by auto2

theorem rbt_search [hoare_triple]:
  "<rbt_map_assn M b> rbt_search x b <λr. rbt_map_assn M b * (r = Mx)>" by auto2

theorem rbt_delete_rule [hoare_triple]:
  "<rbt_map_assn M b> rbt_delete k b <rbt_map_assn (delete_map k M)>t" by auto2
