Theory Set_Thms

  File: Set_Thms.thy
  Author: Bohua Zhan

  Setup of proof steps related to sets.

section ‹Setup for sets and multisets›

theory Set_Thms
imports Logic_Thms "HOL-Library.Multiset"

subsection ‹Set›

subsubsection ‹Injective functions›

setup add_backward_prfstep @{thm injI}

subsubsection ‹AC property of intersection and union›

setup fold Auto2_HOL_Extra_Setup.ACUtil.add_ac_data [
  {cfhead = @{cterm inf}, unit = SOME @{cterm inf},
   assoc_th = @{thm inf_assoc}, comm_th = @{thm inf_commute},
   unitl_th = @{thm inf_top_left}, unitr_th = @{thm inf_top_right}},

  {cfhead = @{cterm sup}, unit = SOME @{cterm bot},
   assoc_th = @{thm sup_assoc}, comm_th = @{thm sup_commute},
   unitl_th = @{thm sup_bot_left}, unitr_th = @{thm sup_bot_right}}]

subsubsection ‹Collection and bounded quantification›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.mem_Collect_eq}
lemma ball_single [rewrite]: "(x{x}. P x) = P x" by auto

subsubsection ‹Membership›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.singleton_iff}
setup add_forward_prfstep (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.empty_iff})
lemma set_membership_distinct [forward]: "x  s  y  s  x  y" by auto
lemma non_empty_exist_elt [backward]: "U  {}  x. x  U" by blast
lemma non_univ_exist_compl [backward]: "U  UNIV  x. x  U" by blast
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Set.UNIV_I}

subsubsection ‹Insert›

setup add_backward_prfstep_cond (equiv_backward_th @{thm Set.insert_iff}) [with_cond "?A ≠ {}"]
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.insert_iff})
  [with_score 500, with_cond "?A ≠ {}"]
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.insert_subset}) [with_cond "?A ≠ {}"]
setup add_backward_prfstep_cond (equiv_backward_th @{thm Set.insert_subset})
  [with_score 500, with_cond "?A ≠ {}"]

subsubsection ‹Extensionality›

lemma set_ext [forward]: "a. a  S  a  T  S = T" by auto
setup add_backward_prfstep_cond @{thm set_ext} [with_score 500, with_filt (order_filter "S" "T")]

lemma set_pair_ext [forward]: "a b. (a, b)  S  (a, b)  T  S = T" by auto

subsubsection ‹Union›

setup add_forward_prfstep_cond (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.Un_iff}) [with_score 500]
setup add_backward_prfstep (equiv_backward_th @{thm Set.Un_iff})

lemma UnD1 [forward]: "c  A  B  c  A  c  B" by auto
lemma UnD2 [forward]: "c  A  B  c  B  c  A" by auto
lemma UnD1_single [forward]: "c  {a}  B  c  a  c  B" by auto
lemma UnD2_single [forward]: "c  A  {b}  c  b  c  A" by auto
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm Set.UnI1} [with_term "?A ∪ ?B"]
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm Set.UnI2} [with_term "?A ∪ ?B"]
lemma UnI1_single: "a  {a}  B" by auto
lemma UnI2_single: "b  A  {b}" by auto
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm UnI1_single} [with_term "{?a} ∪ ?B"]
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm UnI2_single} [with_term "?A ∪ {?b}"]

lemma union_single_eq [rewrite, backward]: "x  p  {x}  p = p" by auto

subsubsection ‹Intersection›

setup add_forward_prfstep (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.Int_iff})
setup add_backward_prfstep_cond (equiv_backward_th @{thm Set.Int_iff}) [with_score 500]

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.Int_empty_left}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.Int_empty_right}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.Int_absorb}
lemma set_disjoint_mp [forward, backward2]: "A  B = {}  p  A  p  B" by auto
lemma set_disjoint_single [rewrite]: "{x}  B = {}  x  B" by simp

subsubsection ‹subset›

setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm subsetI}
setup add_backward_prfstep_cond @{thm subsetI} [with_score 500]

setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm empty_subsetI}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm subsetD}
lemma subset_single [rewrite]: "{a}  B  a  B" by simp
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Set.basic_monos(1)}
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Set.Un_upper1}
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Set.Un_upper2}
lemma union_is_subset [forward]: "A  B  C  A  C  B  C" by simp
setup add_backward1_prfstep @{thm Set.Un_least}
setup add_backward2_prfstep @{thm Set.Un_least}
lemma subset_union_same1 [backward]: "B  C  A  B  A  C" by auto
lemma subset_union_same2 [backward]: "A  B  A  C  B  C" by auto

subsubsection ‹Diff›

setup add_forward_prfstep (equiv_forward_th @{thm Set.Diff_iff})
setup add_backward_prfstep_cond (equiv_backward_th @{thm Set.Diff_iff}) [with_score 500]

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.empty_Diff}
lemma mem_diff [rewrite]: "x  A - B  x  A  x  B" by simp
lemma set_union_minus_same1 [rewrite]: "(A  B) - B = A - B" by auto
lemma set_union_minus_same2 [rewrite]: "(B  A) - B = A - B" by auto
lemma set_union_minus_distinct [rewrite]: "a  c  {a}  (B - {c}) = {a}  B - {c}" by auto
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm Set.Diff_subset} [with_term "?A - ?B"]
lemma union_subtract_elt1 [rewrite]: "x  B  ({x}  B) - {x} = B" by simp
lemma union_subtract_elt2 [rewrite]: "x  B  (B  {x}) - {x} = B" by simp
lemma subset_sub1 [backward]: "x  A  A - {x}  A" by auto
lemma member_notin [forward]: "x  S - {y}  x  y" by simp
lemma member_notin_contra: "x  S  x  y  x  S - {y}" by simp
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm member_notin_contra} [with_term "?S - {?y}"]

subsubsection ‹Results on finite sets›

setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Finite_Set.finite.emptyI}
lemma set_finite_single [resolve]: "finite {x}" by simp
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Finite_Set.finite_Un}
lemma Max_ge' [forward]: "finite A  x > Max A  ¬(x  A)" using Max_ge leD by auto
setup add_backward_prfstep @{thm finite_image_set}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm finite_atLeastAtMost}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm rev_finite_subset}
setup add_backward1_prfstep @{thm rev_finite_subset}

subsubsection ‹Cardinality›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm card.empty}
lemma card_emptyD [rewrite]: "finite S  card S = 0  S = {}" by simp
lemma card_minus1 [rewrite]: "x  S  card (S - {x}) = card S - 1" by (simp add: card_Diff_subset)
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm finite_Diff}
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm card_mono}

subsubsection ‹Image set›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set.image_Un}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm image_set_diff}

subsection ‹Multiset›

subsubsection ‹Basic properties›

lemma mset_member_empty [resolve]: "¬p ∈# {#}" by simp
lemma mem_multiset_single [rewrite]: "x ∈# {#y#}  x = y" by simp
setup add_backward2_prfstep @{thm subset_mset.antisym}
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm Multiset.empty_le}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm mset_subsetD}

lemma multi_contain_add_self1 [resolve]: "A ⊂# {#x#} + A" by simp
lemma multi_contain_add_self2 [resolve]: "A ⊂# A + {#x#}" by simp
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm Multiset.multi_member_this} [with_term "{#?x#} + ?XS"]
lemma multi_member_this2: "x ∈# XS + {#x#}" by simp
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm multi_member_this2} [with_term "?XS + {#?x#}"]
setup add_backward_prfstep @{thm Multiset.subset_mset.add_left_mono}
setup add_backward_prfstep @{thm Multiset.subset_mset.add_right_mono}

subsubsection ‹Case checking and induction›

lemma multi_nonempty_split' [resolve]: "M  {#}  M' m. M = M' + {#m#}"
  using multi_nonempty_split by auto

lemma multi_member_split' [backward]: "x ∈# M  M'. M = M' + {#x#}"
  by (metis insert_DiffM2)

setup add_strong_induct_rule @{thm full_multiset_induct}

subsubsection ‹Results on mset›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm set_mset_empty}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm set_mset_single}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm set_mset_union}

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm image_mset_empty}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm image_mset_single}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm image_mset_union}

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm prod_mset_empty}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm prod_mset_singleton}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm prod_mset_Un}

subsubsection ‹Set interval›

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set_Interval.ord_class.lessThan_iff}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Set_Interval.ord_class.atLeastAtMost_iff}
