Theory Logic_Thms

  File: Logic_Thms.thy
  Author: Bohua Zhan

  Setup for proof steps related to logic.

theory Logic_Thms
imports Auto2_HOL_Setup

(* Trivial contradictions. *)
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm HOL.refl}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm contra_triv}
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm TrueI}
theorem FalseD [resolve]: "¬False" by simp
lemma exists_triv_eq [resolve]: "x. x = x" by auto

(* Not. *)
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm HOL.not_sym}
  [with_filt (Auto2_Setup.ProofStep.not_type_filter "s" boolT)]

(* Iff. *)
setup add_gen_prfstep ("iff_intro1",
  [WithGoal @{term_pat "(?A::bool) = ?B"},
   CreateCase @{term_pat "?A::bool"},
   WithScore 25])
theorem iff_goal:
  "A  B  A  ¬B" "A  B  B  ¬A"
  "A  B  ¬A  B" "A  B  ¬B  A"
  "(¬A)  B  A  B" "A  (¬B)  B  A" by auto
setup fold (fn th => add_forward_prfstep_cond th [with_score 1]) @{thms iff_goal}

(* Quantifiers: normalization *)
theorem exists_split: "(x y. P x  Q y) = ((x. P x)  (y. Q y))" by simp
setup add_backward_prfstep (equiv_backward_th @{thm exists_split})

(* Case analysis. *)
setup add_gen_prfstep ("case_intro",
  [WithTerm @{term_pat "if ?cond then (?yes::?'a) else ?no"},
   CreateCase @{term_pat "?cond::bool"}])
setup add_gen_prfstep ("case_intro_fact",
  [WithFact @{term_pat "if ?cond then (?yes::bool) else ?no"},
   CreateCase @{term_pat "?cond::bool"}])
setup add_gen_prfstep ("case_intro_goal",
  [WithGoal @{term_pat "if ?cond then (?yes::bool) else ?no"},
   CreateCase @{term_pat "?cond::bool"}])
lemma if_eval':
  "P  (if ¬P then x else y) = y" by auto
lemma ifb_eval:
  "P  (if P then (x::bool) else y) = x"
  "¬P  (if P then (x::bool) else y) = y"
  "P  (if ¬P then (x::bool) else y) = y" by auto
setup fold (fn th => add_rewrite_rule_cond th [with_score 1])
  ([@{thm HOL.if_P}, @{thm HOL.if_not_P}, @{thm if_eval'}] @ @{thms ifb_eval})

(* THE and ∃! *)
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm theI'} [with_term "THE x. ?P x"]
setup add_gen_prfstep ("ex1_case",
  [WithGoal @{term_pat "∃!x. ?P x"}, CreateConcl @{term_pat "x. ?P x"}])
theorem ex_ex1I' [backward1]: "y. P y  x = y  P x  ∃!x. P x" by auto
theorem the1_equality': "P a  ∃!x. P x  (THE x. P x) = a" by (simp add: the1_equality)
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm the1_equality'} [with_term "THE x. ?P x"]

(* Hilbert choice. *)
setup add_gen_prfstep ("SOME_case_intro",
  [WithTerm @{term_pat "SOME k. ?P k"}, CreateConcl @{term_pat "k. ?P k"}])
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm someI} [with_term "SOME x. ?P x"]
setup add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm someI_ex} [with_term "SOME x. ?P x"]

(* Axiom of choice *)
setup add_prfstep_custom ("ex_choice",
  [WithGoal @{term_pat "EX f. !x. ?Q f x"}],
  (fn ((id, _), ths) => fn _ => fn _ =>
      val choice = @{thm choice} |> apply_to_thm (Conv.rewr_conv Auto2_UtilBase.backward_conv_th)
      [Auto2_Setup.Update.thm_update (id, (ths MRS choice))]
    handle THM _ => []))

(* Least operator. *)
theorem Least_equality' [backward1]:
  "P (x::('a::order))  y. P y  x  y  Least P = x" by (simp add: Least_equality)

(* Pairs. *)
lemma pair_inj: "(a,b) = c  a = fst c  b = snd c" by auto
setup Auto2_Setup.Normalizer.add_inj_struct_data @{thm pair_inj}

setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm fst_conv}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm snd_conv}
setup add_forward_prfstep (equiv_forward_th @{thm prod.simps(1)})
setup add_rewrite_rule_cond @{thm surjective_pairing} [with_cond "?t ≠ (?a, ?b)"]
setup Auto2_Setup.Normalizer.add_rewr_normalizer ("rewr_case", (to_meta_eq @{thm case_prod_beta'}))

(* Let. *)
setup Auto2_Setup.Normalizer.add_rewr_normalizer ("rewr_let", @{thm Let_def})

(* Equivalence relations *)
definition trans :: "('a × 'a) set  bool" where
  "trans r = Relation.trans r"

lemma transD [forward]:
  "trans r  (x, y)  r  (y, z)  r  (x, z)  r"
  unfolding trans_def by (meson transD)

lemma transI [backward]:
  "(x y z. (x, y)  r  (y, z)  r  (x, z)  r)  trans r"
  unfolding trans_def using transI by blast

setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm Relation.symD}
setup add_backward_prfstep @{thm Relation.symI}
(* setup ‹add_forward_prfstep @{thm Relation.transD}› *)
(* setup ‹add_backward_prfstep @{thm Relation.transI}› *)

(* Options *)
setup add_resolve_prfstep @{thm option.distinct(1)}
setup add_rewrite_rule @{thm Option.option.sel}
setup add_forward_prfstep @{thm option.collapse}
setup add_forward_prfstep (equiv_forward_th @{thm option.simps(1)})
setup fold (fn th => add_rewrite_rule_cond th [with_score 1]) @{thms}
