Theory Polygon
theory Polygon
imports Counterclockwise_2D_Strict
subsection ‹Polygonal chains›
definition "polychain xs = (∀i. Suc i<length xs ⟶ snd (xs ! i) = (fst (xs ! Suc i)))"
lemma polychainI:
assumes "⋀i. Suc i < length xs ⟹ snd (xs ! i) = fst (xs ! Suc i)"
shows "polychain xs"
by (auto intro!: assms simp: polychain_def)
lemma polychain_Nil[simp]: "polychain [] = True"
and polychain_singleton[simp]: "polychain [x] = True"
by (auto simp: polychain_def)
lemma polychain_Cons:
"polychain (y # ys) = (if ys = [] then True else snd y = fst (ys ! 0) ∧ polychain ys)"
by (auto simp: polychain_def nth_Cons split: nat.split)
lemma polychain_appendI:
"polychain xs ⟹ polychain ys ⟹ (xs ≠ [] ⟹ ys ≠ [] ⟹ snd (last xs) = fst (hd ys)) ⟹
polychain (xs @ ys)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
(auto simp add: polychain_Cons nth_append hd_conv_nth split: if_split_asm)
fun pairself where "pairself f (x, y) = (f x, f y)"
lemma pairself_apply: "pairself f x = (f (fst x), f (snd x))"
by (cases x, simp)
lemma polychain_map_pairself: "polychain xs ⟹ polychain (map (pairself f) xs)"
by (auto simp: polychain_def pairself_apply)
definition "convex_polychain xs ⟷
(polychain xs ∧
(∀i. Suc i < length xs ⟶ det3 (fst (xs ! i)) (snd (xs ! i)) (snd (xs ! Suc i)) > 0))"
lemma convex_polychain_Cons2[simp]:
"convex_polychain (x#y#zs) ⟷
snd x = fst y ∧ det3 (fst x) (fst y) (snd y) > 0 ∧ convex_polychain (y#zs)"
by (auto simp add: convex_polychain_def polychain_def nth_Cons split: nat.split)
lemma convex_polychain_ConsD:
assumes "convex_polychain (x#xs)"
shows "convex_polychain xs"
using assms by (auto simp: convex_polychain_def polychain_def nth_Cons split: nat.split)
"convex_polygon xs ⟷ (convex_polychain xs ∧ (xs ≠ [] ⟶ fst (hd xs) = snd (last xs)))"
lemma convex_polychain_Nil[simp]: "convex_polychain [] = True"
and convex_polychain_Cons[simp]: "convex_polychain [x] = True"
by (auto simp: convex_polychain_def)
lemma convex_polygon_Cons2[simp]:
"convex_polygon (x#y#zs) ⟷ fst x = snd (last (y#zs)) ∧ convex_polychain (x#y#zs)"
by (auto simp: convex_polygon_def convex_polychain_def polychain_def nth_Cons)
lemma polychain_append_connected:
"polychain (xs @ ys) ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ ys ≠ [] ⟹ fst (hd ys) = snd (last xs)"
by (auto simp: convex_polychain_def nth_append not_less polychain_def last_conv_nth hd_conv_nth
dest!: spec[where x = "length xs - 1"])
lemma convex_polychain_appendI:
assumes cxs: "convex_polychain xs"
assumes cys: "convex_polychain ys"
assumes pxy: "polychain (xs @ ys)"
assumes "xs ≠ [] ⟹ ys ≠ [] ⟹ det3 (fst (last xs)) (snd (last xs)) (snd (hd ys)) > 0"
shows "convex_polychain (xs @ ys)"
proof -
fix i
assume "i < length xs" "length xs ≤ Suc i" "Suc i < length xs + length ys"
hence "xs ≠ []" "ys ≠ []" "i = length xs - 1" by auto
thus ?thesis
using assms
by (auto simp: hd_conv_nth convex_polychain_def nth_append Suc_diff_le last_conv_nth )
lemma convex_polychainI:
assumes "polychain xs"
assumes "⋀i. Suc i < length xs ⟹ det3 (fst (xs ! i)) (snd (xs ! i)) (snd (xs ! Suc i)) > 0"
shows "convex_polychain xs"
by (auto intro!: assms simp: convex_polychain_def ccw'_def)
lemma convex_polygon_skip:
assumes "convex_polygon (x # y # z # w # ws)"
assumes "ccw'.sortedP (fst x) (map snd (butlast (x # y # z # w # ws)))"
shows "convex_polygon ((fst x, snd y) # z # w # ws)"
using assms by (auto elim!: ccw'.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'_def[symmetric])
primrec polychain_of::"'a::ab_group_add ⇒ 'a list ⇒ ('a*'a) list" where
"polychain_of xc [] = []"
| "polychain_of xc (xm#xs) = (xc, xc + xm)#polychain_of (xc + xm) xs"
lemma in_set_polychain_ofD: "ab ∈ set (polychain_of x xs) ⟹ (snd ab - fst ab) ∈ set xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x) auto
lemma fst_polychain_of_nth_0[simp]: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ fst ((polychain_of p xs) ! 0) = p"
by (cases xs) (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma fst_hd_polychain_of: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ fst (hd (polychain_of x xs)) = x"
by (cases xs) auto
lemma length_polychain_of_eq[simp]:
shows "length (polychain_of p qs) = length qs"
by (induct qs arbitrary: p) simp_all
assumes "Suc i < length qs"
shows "snd (polychain_of p qs ! i) = fst (polychain_of p qs ! Suc i)"
using assms
by (induct qs arbitrary: p i) (auto simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split)
lemma polychain_of_eq_empty_iff[simp]: "polychain_of p xs = [] ⟷ xs = []"
by (cases xs) (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma in_set_polychain_of_imp_sum_list:
assumes "z ∈ set (polychain_of Pc Ps)"
obtains d where "z = (Pc + sum_list (take d Ps), Pc + sum_list (take (Suc d) Ps))"
using assms
apply atomize_elim
proof (induction Ps arbitrary: Pc z)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons P Ps)
hence "z = (Pc, Pc + P) ∨ z ∈ set (polychain_of (Pc + P) Ps)"
by auto
thus ?case
assume "z ∈ set ((polychain_of (Pc + P) Ps))"
from Cons.IH[OF this]
obtain d
where "z = (Pc + P + sum_list (take d Ps), Pc + P + sum_list (take (Suc d) Ps))"
by auto
thus ?case
by (auto intro!: exI[where x="Suc d"])
qed (auto intro!: exI[where x=0])
lemma last_polychain_of: "length xs > 0 ⟹ snd (last (polychain_of p xs)) = p + sum_list xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: p) simp_all
lemma polychain_of_singleton_iff: "polychain_of p xs = [a] ⟷ fst a = p ∧ xs = [(snd a - p)]"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma polychain_of_add: "polychain_of (x + y) xs = map (((+) (y, y))) (polychain_of x xs)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x y) (auto simp: algebra_simps)
subsection ‹Dirvec: Inverse of Polychain›
primrec dirvec where "dirvec (x, y) = (y - x)"
lemma dirvec_minus: "dirvec x = snd x - fst x"
by (cases x) simp
lemma dirvec_nth_polychain_of: "n < length xs ⟹ dirvec ((polychain_of p xs) ! n ) = (xs ! n)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: p n) (auto simp: nth_Cons split: nat.split)
lemma dirvec_hd_polychain_of: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ dirvec (hd (polychain_of p xs)) = (hd xs)"
by (simp add: hd_conv_nth dirvec_nth_polychain_of)
lemma dirvec_last_polychain_of: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ dirvec (last (polychain_of p xs)) = (last xs)"
by (simp add: last_conv_nth dirvec_nth_polychain_of)
lemma map_dirvec_polychain_of[simp]: "map dirvec (polychain_of x xs) = xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x) simp_all
subsection ‹Polychain of Sorted (@{term polychain_of}, @{term ccw'.sortedP})›
lemma ccw'_sortedP_translateD:
"linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' x0) (map ((+) x ∘ g) xs) ⟹
linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' (x0 - x)) (map g xs)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: x0 x)
case Nil thus ?case by (auto simp: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil)
case (Cons a xs x0 x)
hence "∀y∈set xs. ccw' (x0 - x) (g a) (g y)"
by (auto elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'.translate_origin algebra_simps)
thus ?case
using Cons.prems(1)
by (auto elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons simp: Cons.hyps)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_translateI:
"linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' (x0 - x)) (map g xs) ⟹
linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' x0) (map ((+) x ∘ g) xs)"
using ccw'_sortedP_translateD[of "x0 - x" "-x" "(+) x o g" xs]
by (simp add: o_def)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_translate_comp[simp]:
"linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' x0) (map ((+) x ∘ g) xs) ⟷
linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' (x0 - x)) (map g xs)"
by (metis ccw'_sortedP_translateD ccw'_sortedP_translateI)
lemma snd_plus_commute: "snd ∘ (+) (x0, x0) = (+) x0 o snd"
by auto
lemma ccw'_sortedP_renormalize:
"ccw'.sortedP a (map snd (polychain_of (x0 + x) xs)) ⟷
ccw'.sortedP (a - x0) (map snd (polychain_of x xs))"
by (simp add: polychain_of_add add.commute snd_plus_commute)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of01:
shows "ccw'.sortedP 0 [u] ⟹ ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 [u]))"
and "ccw'.sortedP 0 [] ⟹ ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 []))"
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons simp: ac_simps)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of2:
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 [u, v]"
shows "ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 [u, v]))"
using assms
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ac_simps ccw'.translate_origin)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of3:
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 (u#v#w#xs)"
shows "ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 (u#v#w#xs)))"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: x0 u v w)
case Nil
then have *: "ccw' 0 u v" "ccw' 0 v w" "ccw' 0 u w"
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ac_simps)
moreover have "ccw' 0 (u + v) (u + (v + w))"
by (metis add.assoc ccw'.add1 ccw'.add3_self *(2-))
ultimately show ?case
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ac_simps ccw'.translate_origin ccw'.add3)
case (Cons y ys)
have s1: "linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' 0) ((u + v)#w#y#ys)" using Cons.prems
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'.add1)
have s2: "linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' 0) (u#(v + w)#y#ys)" using Cons.prems
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'.add3 ccw'.add1)
have s3: "linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' 0) (u#v#(w + y)#ys)" using Cons.prems
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'.add3 ccw'.add1)
show ?case
using Cons.hyps[OF s1, of x0] Cons.hyps[OF s2, of x0] Cons.hyps[OF s3, of x0] Cons.prems
by (auto intro!: linorder_list0.sortedP.Nil linorder_list0.sortedP.Cons
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons simp: ac_simps)
lemma ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of_snd:
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 xs"
shows "ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 xs))"
using assms
by (metis ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of01 ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of2 ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of3
lemma ccw'_sortedP_implies_distinct:
assumes "ccw'.sortedP x qs"
shows "distinct qs"
using assms
proof induct
case Cons thus ?case by (meson ccw'_contra distinct.simps(2))
qed simp
lemma ccw'_sortedP_implies_nonaligned:
assumes "ccw'.sortedP x qs"
assumes "y ∈ set qs" "z ∈ set qs" "y ≠ z"
shows "¬ coll x y z"
using assms
by induct (force simp: ccw'_def det3_def' algebra_simps)+
lemma list_all_mp: "list_all P xs ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ P x ⟹ Q x) ⟹ list_all Q xs"
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
assumes "e ∈ UNIV → {0<..<1}"
assumes "x ∈ set (polychain_of Pc (P # QRRs))"
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 (P # QRRs)"
assumes "ccw' (fst x) (snd x) (P + (Pc + (∑P∈set QRRs. e P *⇩R P)))"
shows "ccw' (fst x) (snd x) (e P *⇩R P + (Pc + (∑P∈set QRRs. e P *⇩R P)))"
proof -
from assms(2) have "fst x = Pc ∧ snd x = Pc + P ∨ x ∈ set (polychain_of (Pc + P) QRRs)" by auto
thus ?thesis
assume x: "x ∈ set (polychain_of (Pc + P) QRRs)"
define q where "q = snd x - fst x"
from Polygon.in_set_polychain_of_imp_sum_list[OF x]
obtain d where d: "fst x = (Pc + P + sum_list (take d QRRs))" by (auto simp: prod_eq_iff)
from in_set_polychain_ofD[OF x]
have q_in: "q ∈ set QRRs" by (simp add: q_def)
define R where "R = set QRRs - {q}"
hence QRRs: "set QRRs = R ∪ {q}" "q ∉ R" "finite R" using q_in by auto
have "ccw' 0 q (-P)"
using assms(3)
by (auto simp: ccw'.sortedP_Cons_iff q_in)
hence "ccw' 0 q ((1 - e P) *⇩R (-P))"
using assms(1) by (subst ccw'.scaleR2_eq) (auto simp: algebra_simps)
from assms(4) have "ccw' 0 q ((∑P∈set QRRs. e P *⇩R P) - sum_list (take d QRRs))"
by (auto simp: q_def ccw'.translate_origin d)
have "ccw' 0 q ((1 - e P) *⇩R (-P) + ((∑P∈set QRRs. e P *⇩R P) - sum_list (take d QRRs)))"
by (intro ccw'.add3) auto
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp: ccw'.translate_origin q_def algebra_simps d)
qed (metis (no_types, lifting) add.left_commute assms(4) ccw'.add3_self ccw'.scale_add3
lemma polychain_of_ccw_convex:
assumes "e ∈ UNIV → {0 <..< 1}"
assumes sorted: "linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' 0) (P#Q#Ps)"
shows "list_all
(λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (Pc + (∑P ∈ set (P#Q#Ps). e P *⇩R P)))
(polychain_of Pc (P#Q#Ps))"
using assms(1) assms(2)
proof (induct Ps arbitrary: P Q Pc)
case Nil
have eq: "e P *⇩R P + e Q *⇩R Q - P = (1 - e P) *⇩R (- P) + e Q *⇩R Q"
using ‹e ∈ _›
by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
from Nil ccw'_sortedP_implies_distinct[OF Nil(2)]
have "P ≠ Q" "e P < 1" "0 < e Q" "ccw' 0 P Q"
by (auto elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons)
thus ?case
by (auto simp: ccw'_not_coll ccw'.translate_origin eq)
case (Cons R Rs)
hence "ccw' 0 P Q" "P ≠ Q" using ccw'_sortedP_implies_distinct[OF Cons(3)]
by (auto elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons)
have "list_all (λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj ((Pc + P) + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P)))
(polychain_of (Pc + P) (Q # R # Rs))"
using Cons(2-)
by (intro Cons(1)) (auto elim: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons)
also have "polychain_of (Pc + P) (Q # R # Rs) = tl (polychain_of Pc (P # Q # R # Rs))"
by simp
finally have "list_all (λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (Pc + P + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P)))
(tl (polychain_of Pc (P # Q # R # Rs)))" .
have "list_all
(λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (P + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P)))
(polychain_of P (Q # R # Rs))"
using Cons(2-)
by (intro Cons(1)) (auto elim: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons)
have "(λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (Pc + P + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P)))
(hd (polychain_of Pc (P # Q # R # Rs)))"
using ccw'_sortedP_implies_nonaligned[OF Cons(3), of P Q]
ccw'_sortedP_implies_nonaligned[OF Cons(3), of Q R]
ccw'_sortedP_implies_nonaligned[OF Cons(3), of P R]
by (auto simp add: Pi_iff add.assoc simp del: scaleR_Pair intro!: ccw'.sum
elim!: linorder_list0.sortedP_Cons)
have "list_all
(λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (P + (Pc + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P))))
(polychain_of Pc (P # Q # R # Rs))"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "list_all
(λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (e P *⇩R P + (Pc + (∑P∈set (Q # R # Rs). e P *⇩R P))))
(polychain_of Pc (P # Q # R # Rs))"
unfolding split_beta'
by (rule list_all_mp, intro ccw'_scale_origin[OF assms(1)])
(auto intro!: ccw'_scale_origin Cons(3))
thus ?case
using ccw'_sortedP_implies_distinct[OF Cons(3)] Cons
by (simp add: ac_simps)
lemma polychain_of_ccw:
assumes "e ∈ UNIV → {0 <..< 1}"
assumes sorted: "ccw'.sortedP 0 qs"
assumes qs: "length qs ≠ 1"
shows "list_all (λ(xi, xj). ccw' xi xj (Pc + (∑P ∈ set qs. e P *⇩R P))) (polychain_of Pc qs)"
using assms
proof (cases qs)
case (Cons Q Qs)
note CQ = this
show ?thesis using assms
proof (cases Qs)
case (Cons R Rs)
thus ?thesis using assms
unfolding CQ Cons
by (intro polychain_of_ccw_convex) (auto simp: CQ Cons intro!: polychain_of_ccw_convex)
qed (auto simp: CQ)
qed simp
lemma in_polychain_of_ccw:
assumes "e ∈ UNIV → {0 <..< 1}"
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 qs"
assumes "length qs ≠ 1"
assumes "seg ∈ set (polychain_of Pc qs)"
shows "ccw' (fst seg) (snd seg) (Pc + (∑P ∈ set qs. e P *⇩R P))"
using polychain_of_ccw[OF assms(1,2,3)] assms(4)
by (simp add: list_all_iff split_beta)
lemma distinct_butlast_ne_last: "distinct xs ⟹ x ∈ set (butlast xs) ⟹ x ≠ last xs"
by (metis append_butlast_last_id distinct_butlast empty_iff in_set_butlastD list.set(1)
assumes "ccw'.sortedP 0 (zs)" "ccw'.sortedP x (map snd (polychain_of x (zs)))"
shows "ccw'.sortedP (snd (last (polychain_of x (zs)))) (map snd (butlast (polychain_of x (zs))))"
using assms
proof (induct zs arbitrary: x rule: list.induct)
case (Cons z zs)
assume "zs ≠ []"
have "ccw'.sortedP (snd (last (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))
(map snd (butlast (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))"
using Cons.prems
by (auto elim!: ccw'.sortedP_Cons intro!: ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of_snd Cons.hyps)
from _ this
have "linorder_list0.sortedP (ccw' (snd (last (polychain_of (x + z) zs))))
((x + z) # map snd (butlast (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))"
proof (rule ccw'.sortedP.Cons, safe)
fix c d
assume cd: "(c, d) ∈ set (map snd (butlast (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))"
then obtain a b where ab: "((a, b), c, d) ∈ set (butlast (polychain_of (x + z) zs))"
by auto
have cd': "(c, d) ∈ set (butlast (map snd (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))" using cd
by (auto simp: map_butlast)
have "ccw' (x + z) (c, d) (last (map snd (polychain_of (x + z) zs)))"
proof (rule ccw'.sortedP_right_of_last)
show "ccw'.sortedP (x + z) (map snd (polychain_of (x + z) zs))"
using Cons
by (force intro!: ccw'.sortedP.Cons ccw'.sortedP.Nil ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of_snd
elim!: ccw'.sortedP_Cons)
show "(c, d) ∈ set (map snd (polychain_of (x + z) zs))"
using in_set_butlastD[OF ab]
by force
from Cons(3) cd'
show "(c, d) ≠ last (map snd (polychain_of (x + z) zs))"
by (intro distinct_butlast_ne_last ccw'_sortedP_implies_distinct[where x=x])
(auto elim!: ccw'.sortedP_Cons)
thus "ccw' (snd (last (polychain_of (x + z) zs))) (x + z) (c, d)"
by (auto simp: last_map[symmetric, where f= snd] ‹zs ≠ []› intro: ccw'.cyclicI)
thus ?case
by (auto simp: ccw'.sortedP.Nil)
qed (simp add: ccw'.sortedP.Nil)
lemma ccw'_polychain_of_sorted_center_last:
assumes set_butlast: "(c, d) ∈ set (butlast (polychain_of x0 xs))"
assumes sorted: "ccw'.sortedP 0 xs"
assumes ne: "xs ≠ []"
shows "ccw' x0 d (snd (last (polychain_of x0 xs)))"
proof -
from ccw'_sortedP_polychain_of_snd[OF sorted, of x0]
have "ccw'.sortedP x0 (map snd (polychain_of x0 xs))" .
from set_butlast obtain ys zs where "butlast (polychain_of x0 xs) = ys@((c, d)#zs)"
by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_decomp)
hence "polychain_of x0 xs = ys @ (c, d) # zs @ [last (polychain_of x0 xs)]"
by (metis append_Cons append_assoc append_butlast_last_id ne polychain_of_eq_empty_iff)
finally show ?thesis by (auto elim!: ccw'.sortedP_Cons simp: ccw'.sortedP_append_iff)