Theory Shuffle
theory Shuffle
text ‹
This is the formalization of the array shuffling protocol defined in \cite{laud2016secure}
adapted for the ABY3 sharing scheme.
For the moment, we assume an oracle that generates uniformly distributed permutations,
instead of instantiating it with e.g. Fischer-Yates algorithm.
no_notation (ASCII) comp (infixl ‹o› 55)
unbundle no m_inv_syntax
no_adhoc_overloading Monad_Syntax.bind bind_pmf
fun shuffleF :: "natL sharing list ⇒ natL sharing list spmf" where
"shuffleF xsl = spmf_of_set (permutations_of_multiset (mset xsl))"
type_synonym zero_sharing = "natL sharing list"
type_synonym party2_data = "natL list"
type_synonym party01_permutation = "nat ⇒ nat"
type_synonym phase_msg = "zero_sharing × party2_data × party01_permutation"
type_synonym role_msg = "(natL list × natL list × natL list) × party2_data × (party01_permutation × party01_permutation)"
definition aby3_stack_sharing :: "Role ⇒ natL sharing ⇒ natL sharing" where
"aby3_stack_sharing r s = make_sharing' r (next_role r) (prev_role r)
(get_party r s)
(get_party (next_role r) s + get_party (prev_role r) s)
definition aby3_do_permute :: "Role ⇒ natL sharing list ⇒ (phase_msg × natL sharing list) spmf" where
"aby3_do_permute r x = (do {
let n = length x;
ζ ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
π ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x2 = map (get_party (prev_role r)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing r) x;
let y = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list π y') ζ;
let msg = (ζ, x2, π);
return_spmf (msg, y)
definition aby3_shuffleR :: "natL sharing list ⇒ (role_msg sharing × natL sharing list) spmf" where
"aby3_shuffleR x = (do {
((ζa,x',πa), a) ← aby3_do_permute Party1 x;
((ζb,a',πb), b) ← aby3_do_permute Party2 a;
((ζc,b',πc), c) ← aby3_do_permute Party3 b;
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (msg, c)
definition aby3_shuffleF :: "natL sharing list ⇒ natL sharing list spmf" where
"aby3_shuffleF x = (do {
π ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<length x}};
let x1 = map reconstruct x;
let xπ = permute_list π x1;
y ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xπ);
return_spmf y
definition S1 :: "natL list ⇒ natL list ⇒ role_msg spmf" where
"S1 x1 yc1 = (do {
let n = length x1;
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
ya1::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
yb1::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
yb2::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) ya1 (permute_list πa x1);
let ζb1 = yb1;
let b' = yb2;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (yc1) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) yb1 yb2));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf msg1
definition S2 :: "natL list ⇒ natL list ⇒ role_msg spmf" where
"S2 x2 yc2 = (do {
let n = length x2;
x3 ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
ya2::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
yb2::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
let x' = x3;
let ζa2 = map2 (-) ya2 (permute_list πa (map2 (+) x2 x3));
let ζb2 = map2 (-) yb2 (permute_list πb ya2);
let ζc2 = yc2;
let msg2 = ((ζa2, ζb2, ζc2), x', πa, πb);
return_spmf msg2
definition S3 :: "natL list ⇒ natL list ⇒ role_msg spmf" where
"S3 x3 yc3 = (do {
let n = length x3;
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
ya3::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
ya1::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
yb3::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
let ζa3 = ya3;
let a' = ya1;
let ζb3 = map2 (-) yb3 (permute_list πb (map2 (+) ya3 ya1));
let ζc3 = map2 (-) yc3 (permute_list πc yb3);
let msg3 = ((ζa3, ζb3, ζc3), a', πb, πc);
return_spmf msg3
definition S :: "Role ⇒ natL list ⇒ natL list ⇒ role_msg spmf" where
"S r = get_party r (make_sharing S1 S2 S3)"
definition is_uniform_sharing_list :: "natL sharing list spmf ⇒ bool" where
"is_uniform_sharing_list xss ⟷ (∃xs. xss = bind_spmf xs (sequence_spmf ∘ map share_nat))"
lemma case_prod_nesting_same:
"case_prod (λa b. f (case_prod g x) a b ) x = case_prod (λa b. f (g a b) a b ) x"
by (cases x) simp
lemma zip_map_map_same:
"map (λx. (f x, g x)) xs = zip (map f xs) (map g xs)"
unfolding zip_map_map
unfolding zip_same_conv_map
by simp
lemma dup_map_eq:
"length xs = length ys ⟹ (xs, map2 f ys xs) = (λxys. (map fst xys, map snd xys)) (map2 (λx y. (y, f x y)) ys xs)"
by (auto simp: map_snd_zip[unfolded snd_def])
abbreviation "map2_spmf f xs ys ≡ map_spmf (case_prod f) (pair_spmf xs ys)"
abbreviation "map3_spmf f xs ys zs ≡ map2_spmf (λa. case_prod (f a)) xs (pair_spmf ys zs)"
lemma map_spmf_cong2:
assumes "p = map_spmf m q" "⋀x. x∈set_spmf q ⟹ f (m x) = g x"
shows "map_spmf f p = map_spmf g q"
using assms by (simp add: spmf.map_comp cong: map_spmf_cong)
lemma bind_spmf_cong2:
assumes "p = map_spmf m q" "⋀x. x∈set_spmf q ⟹ f (m x) = g x"
shows "bind_spmf p f = bind_spmf q g"
using assms by (simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf cong: bind_spmf_cong)
lemma map2_spmf_map2_sequence:
"length xss = length yss ⟹ map2_spmf (map2 f) (sequence_spmf xss) (sequence_spmf yss) = sequence_spmf (map2 (map2_spmf f) xss yss)"
apply (induction xss yss rule: list_induct2)
subgoal by simp
subgoal premises IH for x xs y ys
apply simp
apply (fold IH)
apply (unfold pair_map_spmf)
apply (unfold spmf.map_comp)
apply (rule map_spmf_cong2[where m="λ((x,y),(xs,ys)). ((x,xs),(y,ys))"])
unfolding pair_spmf_alt_def
apply (simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q=y])
subgoal by auto
abbreviation map3 :: "('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'd) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b list ⇒ 'c list ⇒ 'd list" where
"map3 f a b c ≡ map2 (λa (b,c). f a b c) a (zip b c)"
lemma map3_spmf_map3_sequence:
"length xss = length yss ⟹ length yss = length zss ⟹ map3_spmf (map3 f) (sequence_spmf xss) (sequence_spmf yss) (sequence_spmf zss) = sequence_spmf (map3 (map3_spmf f) xss yss zss)"
apply (induction xss yss zss rule: list_induct3)
subgoal by simp
subgoal premises IH for x xs y ys z zs
apply simp
apply (fold IH)
apply (unfold pair_map_spmf)
apply (unfold spmf.map_comp)
apply (rule map_spmf_cong2[where m="λ((x,y,z),(xs,ys,zs)). ((x,xs),(y,ys),(z,zs))"])
unfolding pair_spmf_alt_def
apply (simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q=y])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q=z])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q=z])
subgoal by auto
lemma in_pairD2:
"x ∈ A × B ⟹ snd x ∈ B"
by auto
lemma list_map_cong2:
"x = map m y ⟹ (⋀z. z∈set y =simp=> f (m z) = g z) ⟹ map f x = map g y"
unfolding simp_implies_def
by simp
lemma map_swap_zip:
"map prod.swap (zip xs ys) = zip ys xs"
apply (induction xs arbitrary: ys)
subgoal by simp
subgoal for x xs ys
by (cases ys) auto
lemma inv_zero_sharing_sequence:
"n = length x ⟹
map_spmf (λζs. (ζs, map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) x ζs)) (sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing))
map_spmf (λys. (map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys x, ys)) (sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘reconstruct) x))"
proof -
assume n: "n = length x"
have "map_spmf (λζs. (ζs, map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) x ζs)) (sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing))
map2_spmf (λζs x. (ζs, map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) x ζs)) (sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing)) (sequence_spmf (map return_spmf x))"
unfolding sequence_map_return_spmf
apply (rule map_spmf_cong2[where m="fst"])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold dest: in_pairD2)
also have "... = map_spmf (λζxs. (map fst ζxs, map snd ζxs)) (map2_spmf (map2 (λζ x. (ζ, map_sharing2 (+) x ζ))) (sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing)) (sequence_spmf (map return_spmf x)))"
apply (unfold spmf.map_comp)
apply (rule map_spmf_cong[OF refl])
using n by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold comp_def set_sequence_spmf list_all2_iff map_swap_zip intro: list_map_cong2[where m=prod.swap])
also have "... = map_spmf (λζxs. (map fst ζxs, map snd ζxs)) (map2_spmf (map2 (λy x. (map_sharing2 (-) y x, y))) (sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘ reconstruct) x)) (sequence_spmf (map return_spmf x)))"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="map_spmf _"])
using n apply (simp add: map2_spmf_map2_sequence)
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=sequence_spmf])
apply (unfold list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
apply safe
subgoal by simp
apply (simp add: )
apply (subst map_spmf_cong2[where p="pair_spmf _ (return_spmf _)"])
apply (rule pair_spmf_return_spmf2)
apply simp
apply (subst map_spmf_cong2[where p="pair_spmf _ (return_spmf _)"])
apply (rule pair_spmf_return_spmf2)
apply simp
using inv_zero_sharing .
also have "... = map2_spmf (λys x. (map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys x, ys)) (sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘reconstruct) x)) (sequence_spmf (map return_spmf x))"
apply (unfold spmf.map_comp)
apply (rule map_spmf_cong[OF refl])
using n by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold comp_def set_sequence_spmf list_all2_iff map_swap_zip intro: list_map_cong2[where m=prod.swap])
also have "... = map_spmf (λys. (map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys x, ys)) (sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘reconstruct) x))"
unfolding sequence_map_return_spmf
apply (rule map_spmf_cong2[where m="fst", symmetric])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold dest: in_pairD2)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma get_party_map_sharing2:
"get_party p ∘ (case_prod (map_sharing2 f)) = case_prod f ∘ map_prod (get_party p) (get_party p)"
by auto
lemma map_map_prod_zip:
"map (map_prod f g) (zip xs ys) = zip (map f xs) (map g ys)"
by (simp add: map_prod_def zip_map_map)
lemma map_map_prod_zip':
"map (h ∘ map_prod f g) (zip xs ys) = map h (zip (map f xs) (map g ys))"
by (simp add: map_prod_def zip_map_map)
lemma eq_map_spmf_conv:
assumes "⋀x. f (f' x) = x" "f' = inv f" "map_spmf f' x = y"
shows "x = map_spmf f y"
proof -
have surj: "surj f"
apply (rule surjI) using assms(1) .
have "map_spmf f (map_spmf f' x) = map_spmf f y"
unfolding assms(3) ..
thus ?thesis
using assms(1) by (simp add: spmf.map_comp surj_iff comp_def)
lemma lift_map_spmf_pairs:
"map2_spmf f = F ⟹ map_spmf (case_prod f) (pair_spmf A B) = F A B"
by auto
lemma measure_pair_spmf_times':
"C = A × B ⟹ measure (measure_spmf (pair_spmf p q)) C = measure (measure_spmf p) A * measure (measure_spmf q) B"
by (simp add: measure_pair_spmf_times)
lemma map_spmf_pairs_tmp:
"map_spmf (λ(a,b,c,d,e,f,g). (a,e,b,f,c,g,d)) (pair_spmf A (pair_spmf B (pair_spmf C (pair_spmf D (pair_spmf E (pair_spmf F G))))))
= (pair_spmf A (pair_spmf E (pair_spmf B (pair_spmf F (pair_spmf C (pair_spmf G D))))))"
apply (rule spmf_eqI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: spmf_map)
subgoal for a e b f c g d
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{a}"]) defer
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{b}"]) defer
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{c}"]) defer
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{d}"]) defer
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{e}"]) defer
apply (subst measure_pair_spmf_times'[where A="{f}" and B="{g}"]) defer
apply (auto simp: spmf_conv_measure_spmf)
lemma case_case_prods_tmp:
"(case case x of (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ⇒ (a, e, b, f, c, g, d) of
(ya, yb, yc, yd, ye, yf, yg) ⇒ F ya yb yc yd ye yf yg)
= (case x of (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) ⇒ F a e b f c g d)"
by (cases x) simp
lemma bind_spmf_permutes_cong:
"(⋀π. π permutes {..<(x::nat)} ⟹ f π = g π)
⟹ bind_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<x}}) f = bind_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<x}}) g"
by (rule bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]) (simp add: set_spmf_of_set finite_permutations set_sequence_spmf[unfolded list_all2_iff])
lemma map_eq_iff_list_all2:
"map f xs = map g ys ⟷ list_all2 (λx y. f x = g y) xs ys"
apply (induction xs arbitrary: ys)
subgoal by auto
subgoal for x xs ys by (cases ys) (auto)
lemma bind_spmf_sequence_map_share_nat_cong:
"(⋀l. map reconstruct l = x ⟹ f l = g l)
⟹ bind_spmf (sequence_spmf (map share_nat x)) f = bind_spmf (sequence_spmf (map share_nat x)) g"
subgoal premises prems
apply (rule bind_spmf_cong[OF refl])
apply (rule prems)
unfolding set_sequence_spmf mem_Collect_eq
apply (simp add: map_eq_iff_list_all2[where g=id, simplified])
apply (simp add: list_all2_map2)
apply (erule list_all2_mono)
unfolding share_nat_def
by simp
lemma map_reconstruct_comp_eq_iff:
"(⋀x. x∈set xs ⟹ reconstruct (f x) = reconstruct x) ⟹ map (reconstruct ∘ f) xs = map reconstruct xs"
by (induction xs) auto
lemma permute_list_replicate:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ permute_list p (replicate n x) = replicate n x"
apply (fold map_replicate_const[where lst="[0..<n]", simplified])
apply (simp add: permute_list_map)
unfolding map_replicate_const
by simp
lemma map2_minus_zero:
"length xs = length ys ⟹ (⋀y::natL. y∈set ys ⟹ y = 0) ⟹ map2 (-) xs ys = xs"
by (induction xs ys rule: list_induct2) auto
lemma permute_comp_left_inj:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inj (λp'. p ∘ p')"
by (rule fun.inj_map) (rule permutes_inj_on)
lemma permute_comp_left_inj_on:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inj_on (λp'. p ∘ p') A"
using permute_comp_left_inj inj_on_subset by blast
lemma permute_comp_right_inj:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inj (λp'. p' ∘ p)"
using inj_onI comp_id o_assoc permutes_surj surj_iff
by (smt (verit))
lemma permute_comp_right_inj_on:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inj_on (λp'. p' ∘ p) A"
using permute_comp_right_inj inj_on_subset by blast
lemma permutes_inv_comp_left:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inv (λp'. p ∘ p') = (λp'. inv p ∘ p')"
by (rule inv_unique_comp; rule ext, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc[symmetric])
lemma permutes_inv_comp_right:
"p permutes {..<n} ⟹ inv (λp'. p' ∘ p) = (λp'. p' ∘ inv p)"
by (rule inv_unique_comp; rule ext, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc)
lemma permutes_inv_comp_left_right:
"πa permutes {..<n} ⟹ πb permutes {..<n} ⟹ inv (λp'. πa ∘ p' ∘ πb) = (λp'. inv πa ∘ p' ∘ inv πb)"
by (rule inv_unique_comp; rule ext, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc[symmetric])
lemma permutes_inv_comp_left_left:
"πa permutes {..<n} ⟹ πb permutes {..<n} ⟹ inv (λp'. πa ∘ πb ∘ p') = (λp'. inv πb ∘ inv πa ∘ p')"
by (rule inv_unique_comp; rule ext, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc[symmetric])
lemma permutes_inv_comp_right_right:
"πa permutes {..<n} ⟹ πb permutes {..<n} ⟹ inv (λp'. p' ∘ πa ∘ πb) = (λp'. p' ∘ inv πb ∘ inv πa)"
by (rule inv_unique_comp; rule ext, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc, simp add: permutes_inv_o comp_assoc[symmetric])
lemma image_compose_permutations_left_right:
fixes S
assumes "πa permutes S" "πb permutes S"
shows "{πa ∘ π ∘ πb |π. π permutes S} = {π. π permutes S}"
proof -
have *: "(λπ. πa ∘ π ∘ πb) = (λπ'. πa ∘ π') ∘ (λπ. π ∘ πb)"
by (simp add: comp_def)
then show ?thesis
apply (fold image_Collect)
apply (unfold *)
apply (fold image_comp)
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_right[OF assms(2)])
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_left[OF assms(1)])
lemma image_compose_permutations_left_left:
fixes S
assumes "πa permutes S" "πb permutes S"
shows "{πa ∘ πb ∘ π |π. π permutes S} = {π. π permutes S}"
using image_compose_permutations_left image_compose_permutations_right
proof -
have *: "(λπ. πa ∘ πb ∘ π) = (λπ'. πa ∘ π') ∘ (λπ. πb ∘ π)"
by (simp add: comp_def)
show ?thesis
apply (fold image_Collect)
apply (unfold *)
apply (fold image_comp)
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_left[OF assms(2)])
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_left[OF assms(1)])
lemma image_compose_permutations_right_right:
fixes S
assumes "πa permutes S" "πb permutes S"
shows "{π ∘ πa ∘ πb |π. π permutes S} = {π. π permutes S}"
using image_compose_permutations_left image_compose_permutations_right
proof -
have *: "(λπ. π ∘ πa ∘ πb) = (λπ. π ∘ πb) ∘ (λπ'. π' ∘ πa)"
by (simp add: comp_def)
show ?thesis
apply (fold image_Collect)
apply (unfold *)
apply (fold image_comp)
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_right[OF assms(1)])
apply (subst image_Collect)
apply (unfold image_compose_permutations_right[OF assms(2)])
lemma random_perm_middle:
defines "random_perm n ≡ spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n::nat}}"
"map_spmf (λ(πa,πb,πc). ((πa,πb,πc),πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))
= map_spmf (λ(π,πa,πc). ((πa,inv πa ∘ π ∘ inv πc,πc),π)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs = (do {πa ← random_perm n; πc ← random_perm n; (πb,p) ← map_spmf (λπb. (πb,πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (random_perm n); return_spmf ((πa, πb, πc), p)})"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
apply simp
apply (subst (4) bind_commute_spmf)
have "… = (do {πa ← random_perm n; πc ← random_perm n; map_spmf (λp. ((πa, inv πa ∘ p ∘ inv πc,πc),p)) (random_perm n)})"
unfolding random_perm_def
supply [intro!] =
apply rule+
apply (subst inv_uniform)
subgoal for πa πc
apply (rule inj_compose[unfolded comp_def, where f="λp. p ∘ πc"])
subgoal by (rule permute_comp_right_inj_on)
subgoal by (rule permute_comp_left_inj_on)
apply (simp add: permutes_inv_comp_left_right map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf image_Collect image_compose_permutations_left_right)
have "… = ?rhs"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (1) bind_commute_spmf)
apply simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma random_perm_right:
defines "random_perm n ≡ spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n::nat}}"
"map_spmf (λ(πa,πb,πc). ((πa,πb,πc),πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))
= map_spmf (λ(π,πa,πb). ((πa,πb,inv πb ∘ inv πa ∘ π),π)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs = (do {πa ← random_perm n; πb ← random_perm n; (πc,π) ← map_spmf (λπc. (πc,πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (random_perm n); return_spmf ((πa, πb, πc), π)})"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
by simp
have "… = (do {πa ← random_perm n; πb ← random_perm n; map_spmf (λπ. ((πa, πb, inv πb ∘ inv πa ∘ π),π)) (random_perm n)})"
unfolding random_perm_def
supply [intro!] =
apply rule+
apply (subst inv_uniform)
apply (rule permute_comp_left_inj_on)
using permutes_compose .
apply (simp add: permutes_inv_comp_left_left map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf image_Collect image_compose_permutations_left_left)
have "… = ?rhs"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (1) bind_commute_spmf)
apply simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma random_perm_left:
defines "random_perm n ≡ spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n::nat}}"
"map_spmf (λ(πa,πb,πc). ((πa,πb,πc),πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))
= map_spmf (λ(π,πb,πc). ((π ∘ inv πc ∘ inv πb,πb,πc),π)) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (pair_spmf (random_perm n) (random_perm n)))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs = (do {πb ← random_perm n; πc ← random_perm n; (πa,π) ← map_spmf (λπa. (πa,πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (random_perm n); return_spmf ((πa, πb, πc), π)})"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
apply simp
apply (subst (4) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (3) bind_commute_spmf)
have "… = (do {πb ← random_perm n; πc ← random_perm n; map_spmf (λπ. ((π ∘ inv πc ∘ inv πb, πb, πc),π)) (random_perm n)})"
unfolding random_perm_def
supply [intro!] =
apply rule+
apply (subst inv_uniform)
apply (unfold comp_assoc)
apply (rule permute_comp_right_inj_on)
using permutes_compose .
apply (simp add: permutes_inv_comp_right_right map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf image_Collect image_compose_permutations_right_right)
have "… = ?rhs"
unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf)
apply (subst (1) bind_commute_spmf)
apply simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma case_prod_return_spmf:
"case_prod (λa b. return_spmf (f a b)) = (λx. return_spmf (case_prod f x))"
by auto
lemma sequence_share_nat_calc':
assumes "r1≠r2" "r2≠r3" "r3≠r1"
"sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs) = (do {
let n = length xs;
let random_seq = sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
(dp, dpn) ← (pair_spmf random_seq random_seq);
return_spmf (map3 (λx a b. make_sharing' r1 r2 r3 a b (x - (a + b))) xs dp dpn)
})" (is "_ = ?rhs")
proof -
"sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs) = (do {
let n = length xs;
let random_seq = sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
(xs, dp, dpn) ← pair_spmf (sequence_spmf (map return_spmf xs)) (pair_spmf random_seq random_seq);
return_spmf (map3 (λx a b. make_sharing' r1 r2 r3 a b (x - (a + b))) xs dp dpn)
apply (unfold Let_def)
apply (unfold case_prod_return_spmf)
apply (fold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (subst map3_spmf_map3_sequence)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=sequence_spmf])
apply (unfold map_eq_iff_list_all2)
apply (rule list_all2_all_nthI)
subgoal by simp
unfolding share_nat_def_calc'[OF assms]
apply (auto simp: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def)
also have "… = ?rhs"
by (auto simp: pair_spmf_alt_def sequence_map_return_spmf)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma reconstruct_stack_sharing_eq_reconstruct:
"reconstruct ∘ aby3_stack_sharing r = reconstruct"
unfolding aby3_stack_sharing_def reconstruct_def
by (cases r) (auto simp: make_sharing'_sel)
lemma map2_ignore1:
"length xs = length ys ⟹ map2 (λ_. f) xs ys = map f ys"
apply (unfold map_eq_iff_list_all2)
apply (rule list_all2_all_nthI)
by auto
lemma map2_ignore2:
"length xs = length ys ⟹ map2 (λa b. f a) xs ys = map f xs"
apply (unfold map_eq_iff_list_all2)
apply (rule list_all2_all_nthI)
by auto
lemma map_sequence_share_nat_reconstruct:
"map_spmf (λx. (x, map reconstruct x)) (sequence_spmf (map share_nat y)) = map_spmf (λx. (x, y)) (sequence_spmf (map share_nat y))"
apply (unfold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (rule bind_spmf_cong[OF refl])
apply (auto simp: set_sequence_spmf list_eq_iff_nth_eq list_all2_conv_all_nth share_nat_def)
theorem shuffle_secrecy:
"is_uniform_sharing_list x_dist"
"(do {
x ← x_dist;
(msg, y) ← aby3_shuffleR x;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x,
get_party r msg,
(do {
x ← x_dist;
y ← aby3_shuffleF x;
let xr = map (get_party r) x;
let yr = map (get_party r) y;
msg ← S r xr yr;
return_spmf (xr, msg, y)
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
obtain xs where xs: "x_dist = xs ⤜ (sequence_spmf ∘ map share_nat)"
using assms unfolding is_uniform_sharing_list_def by auto
have left_unfolded:
"(do {
x ← x_dist;
(msg, y) ← aby3_shuffleR x;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, y)})
(do {
xs ← xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
let n = length x;
ζa ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
let a = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πa y') ζa;
let n = length a;
ζb ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
let b = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πb y') ζb;
let n = length b;
ζc ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
let c = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πc y') ζc;
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
unfolding xs aby3_shuffleR_def aby3_do_permute_def
by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold Let_def)
also have clarify_length:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
ζa ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
let a = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πa y') ζa;
ζb ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
let b = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πb y') ζb;
ζc ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
let c = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πc y') ζc;
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
by (auto simp: Let_def)
also have hoist_permutations:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
ζa ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
let a = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πa y') ζa;
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
ζb ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
let b = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πb y') ζb;
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
ζc ← sequence_spmf (replicate n zero_sharing);
let c = map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) (permute_list πc y') ζc;
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (subst (1) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
apply (subst (2) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
apply (subst (3) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
apply (subst (3) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
apply (subst (3) bind_commute_spmf[where q="spmf_of_set _"])
by simp
also have hoist_permutations:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
a ← sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘ reconstruct) (permute_list πa y'));
let ζa = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) a (permute_list πa y');
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
b ← sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘ reconstruct) (permute_list πb y'));
let ζb = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) b (permute_list πb y');
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
c ← sequence_spmf (map (share_nat ∘ reconstruct) (permute_list πc y'));
let ζc = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) c (permute_list πc y');
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
apply rule+
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf[where s="sequence_spmf (replicate _ _)" and f = "map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) _"])
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf'[where s="sequence_spmf (map _ _)" and f = "λys. map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys _"])
apply (subst inv_zero_sharing_sequence)
subgoal by simp
apply (unfold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (unfold bind_spmf_assoc)
apply (unfold return_bind_spmf)
apply rule+
apply (subst (1 12) Let_def)
apply rule+
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf[where s="sequence_spmf (replicate _ _)" and f = "map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) _"])
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf'[where s="sequence_spmf (map _ _)" and f = "λys. map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys _"])
apply (subst inv_zero_sharing_sequence)
subgoal by simp
apply (unfold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (unfold bind_spmf_assoc)
apply (unfold return_bind_spmf)
apply rule+
apply (subst (1 9) Let_def)
apply rule+
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf[where s="sequence_spmf (replicate _ _)" and f = "map2 (map_sharing2 (+)) _"])
apply (subst hoist_map_spmf'[where s="sequence_spmf (map _ _)" and f = "λys. map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) ys _"])
apply (subst inv_zero_sharing_sequence)
subgoal by simp
apply (unfold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (unfold bind_spmf_assoc)
apply (unfold return_bind_spmf)
apply rule+
apply (subst (1 6) Let_def)
apply rule+
also have reconstruct:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
let ζa = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) a (permute_list πa y');
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
let ζb = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) b (permute_list πb y');
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let ζc = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) c (permute_list πc y');
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
apply rule+
apply (subst list.map_comp[symmetric])
apply (rule bind_spmf_cong)
subgoal by (auto simp:permute_list_map[symmetric] map_reconstruct_comp_eq_iff reconstruct_def set_sequence_spmf[unfolded list_all2_iff] make_sharing'_sel reconstruct_stack_sharing_eq_reconstruct comp_assoc)
apply rule+
apply (subst list.map_comp[symmetric])
apply (rule bind_spmf_cong)
subgoal for x l xa πa πb πc xb xc xd xe xf xg
apply (subst permute_list_map[symmetric] )
subgoal by (auto simp add: set_sequence_spmf[unfolded list_all2_iff])
apply simp
apply (subst map_reconstruct_comp_eq_iff)
subgoal by (simp add: reconstruct_def make_sharing'_sel aby3_stack_sharing_def)
unfolding set_sequence_spmf mem_Collect_eq
unfolding list_all2_map2
apply (subst map_eq_iff_list_all2[where f=reconstruct and g=id and xs=xd and ys="permute_list πa x", simplified, THEN iffD2])
subgoal by (erule list_all2_mono) (simp add: share_nat_def)
apply (subst permute_list_compose)
subgoal by auto
apply rule+
apply (subst list.map_comp[symmetric])
apply (rule bind_spmf_cong)
subgoal for x l xa πa πb πc xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk
apply (subst permute_list_map[symmetric] )
subgoal by (auto simp add: set_sequence_spmf[unfolded list_all2_iff])
apply simp
apply (subst map_reconstruct_comp_eq_iff)
subgoal by (simp add: reconstruct_def make_sharing'_sel aby3_stack_sharing_def)
unfolding set_sequence_spmf mem_Collect_eq
unfolding list_all2_map2
apply (subst map_eq_iff_list_all2[where f=reconstruct and g=id and xs=xh and ys="permute_list (πa ∘ πb) x", simplified, THEN iffD2])
subgoal by (erule list_all2_mono) (simp add: share_nat_def)
apply (subst permute_list_compose[symmetric])
subgoal by auto
also have hoist:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let x' = map (get_party (prev_role Party1)) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
let ζa = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) a (permute_list πa y');
let a' = map (get_party (prev_role Party2)) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
let ζb = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) b (permute_list πb y');
let b' = map (get_party (prev_role Party3)) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
let ζc = map2 (map_sharing2 (-)) c (permute_list πc y');
let msg1 = ((map (get_party Party1) ζa, map (get_party Party1) ζb, map (get_party Party1) ζc), b', πa, πc);
let msg2 = ((map (get_party Party2) ζa, map (get_party Party2) ζb, map (get_party Party2) ζc), x', πa, πb);
let msg3 = ((map (get_party Party3) ζa, map (get_party Party3) ζb, map (get_party Party3) ζc), a', πb, πc);
let msg = make_sharing msg1 msg2 msg3;
return_spmf (map (get_party r) x, get_party r msg, c)
unfolding Let_def ..
finally have hoisted_save: "?lhs = …" .
let ?hoisted = …
{ assume r: "r = Party1"
have project_to_Party1:
"?hoisted = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let x' = map (get_party Party3) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
let ζa1 = map (case_prod (-)) (zip (map (get_party Party1) a) (map (get_party Party1) (permute_list πa y')));
let a' = map (get_party Party1) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
let ζb1 = map (case_prod (-)) (zip (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party1) (permute_list πb y')));
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
let ζc1 = map (case_prod (-)) (zip (map (get_party Party1) c) (map (get_party Party1) (permute_list πc y')));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
by (simp add: r Let_def get_party_map_sharing2 map_map_prod_zip')
also have project_to_Party1:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let x' = map (get_party Party3) x;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party1) x;
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) y'));
let a' = map (get_party Party1) a;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party2) a;
let ζb1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) b) (permute_list πb (map (get_party Party1) y'));
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let y' = map (aby3_stack_sharing Party3) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map (get_party Party1) y'));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
apply rule+
apply (subst permute_list_map[symmetric])
subgoal by simp
apply rule+
apply (subst permute_list_map[symmetric])
subgoal by simp
apply rule+
apply (subst permute_list_map[symmetric])
subgoal by simp
also have reduce_Lets:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) b) (permute_list πb (replicate (length a) 0));
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
unfolding Let_def
unfolding aby3_stack_sharing_def
by (simp add: comp_def make_sharing'_sel map_replicate_const zip_map_map_same[symmetric])
also have simplify_minus_zero:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πb ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = (map (get_party Party1) b);
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
apply rule+
apply (subst permute_list_replicate)
subgoal by simp
apply (subst map2_minus_zero)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
also have break_perms_1:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
(πa,πb,πc) ← pair_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}}) (pair_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}}) (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}}));
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb ∘ πc) xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = (map (get_party Party1) b);
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
unfolding pair_spmf_alt_def by simp
also have break_perms_2:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
((πa,πb,πc),π) ← map_spmf (λ(πa,πb,πc). ((πa,πb,πc), πa ∘ πb ∘ πc)) (pair_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}}) (pair_spmf (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}}) (spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}})));
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list π xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = (map (get_party Party1) b);
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
unfolding pair_spmf_alt_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf by simp
also have break_perms_3:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
π ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let πb = inv πa ∘ π ∘ inv πc;
a ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list πa xs));
b ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list π xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = (map (get_party Party1) b);
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
apply (unfold random_perm_middle)
apply (unfold map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf pair_spmf_alt_def)
by simp
also have break_seqs_3:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
π ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
let πb = inv πa ∘ π ∘ inv πc;
a1 ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
a2 ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
let a = map3 (λa b c. make_sharing b c (a - (b + c))) (permute_list πa xs) a1 a2;
b1 ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
b2 ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
let b = map3 (λa b c. make_sharing b c (a - (b + c))) (permute_list (πa ∘ πb) xs) b1 b2;
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list π xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) a) (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = (map (get_party Party1) b);
let b' = map (get_party Party2) b;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) (map (get_party Party1) b) (map (get_party Party2) b)));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
apply (unfold sequence_share_nat_calc'[of Party1 Party2 Party3, simplified])
apply (simp add: pair_spmf_alt_def Let_def)
also have break_seqs_3:
"… = (do {
xs ← xs;
let n = length xs;
x ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat xs);
π ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πa ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
πc ← spmf_of_set {π. π permutes {..<n}};
a1::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
a2::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
b1::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
b2::natL list ← sequence_spmf (replicate n (spmf_of_set UNIV));
c ← sequence_spmf (map share_nat (permute_list π xs));
let ζa1 = map2 (-) a1 (permute_list πa (map (get_party Party1) x));
let ζb1 = b1;
let b' = b2;
let ζc1 = map2 (-) (map (get_party Party1) c) (permute_list πc (map2 (+) b1 b2));
let msg1 = ((ζa1, ζb1, ζc1), b', πa, πc);
return_spmf (map (get_party Party1) x, msg1, c)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
unfolding Let_def
apply rule+
apply (auto simp: map2_ignore1 map2_ignore2 comp_def prod.case_distrib bind_spmf_const)
also have
"… = (do {x ← x_dist; y ← aby3_shuffleF x; let xr = map (get_party r) x; let yr = map (get_party r) y; msg ← S r xr yr; return_spmf (xr, msg, y)})"
unfolding xs
unfolding aby3_shuffleF_def
apply (simp add: bind_spmf_const map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (subst lossless_sequence_spmf[unfolded lossless_spmf_def])
subgoal by simp
apply simp
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)"])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)"])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)"])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)"])
apply (subst bind_commute_spmf[where q="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)"])
apply (subst (3) hoist_map_spmf[where s="sequence_spmf (map share_nat _)" and f="map reconstruct"])
apply (subst map_sequence_share_nat_reconstruct)
apply (simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)
apply (subst Let_def)
supply [intro!] =
bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]
let_cong[OF refl]
prod.case_cong[OF refl]
supply [simp] = finite_permutations
apply rule