Theory Finite_Number_Type
theory Finite_Number_Type
text ‹
To avoid carrying the modulo all the time, we introduce a new type for integers @{term "{0..<L}"}
with the only restriction that the bound @{term L} must be greater than 1.
It generalizes $Z_{2^k}$, the group considered in ABY3's additive secret sharing scheme.
consts L :: nat
specification (L) L_gt_1: "L > 1"
by auto
typedef natL = "{0..<int L}"
using L_gt_1 by auto
setup_lifting type_definition_natL
instantiation natL :: comm_ring_1
lift_definition zero_natL :: natL is 0
using L_gt_1 by simp
lift_definition one_natL :: natL is 1
using L_gt_1 by simp
lift_definition uminus_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL" is "λx. (-x) mod int L"
by simp
lift_definition plus_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is "λx y. (x + y) mod int L"
by simp
lift_definition minus_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is "λx y. (x - y) mod int L"
by simp
lift_definition times_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is "λx y. (x * y) mod int L"
by simp
by (standard; (transfer, simp add: algebra_simps mod_simps))
typ int
instantiation natL :: "{distrib_lattice, bounded_lattice, linorder}"
lift_definition inf_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is inf
unfolding inf_int_def by auto
lift_definition sup_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is sup
unfolding sup_int_def by auto
lift_definition less_eq_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ bool" is less .
lift_definition top_natL :: "natL" is "int L-1"
using L_gt_1 by simp
lift_definition bot_natL :: "natL" is 0
using L_gt_1 by simp
by (standard; (transfer, simp add: inf_int_def sup_int_def))+
instantiation natL :: semiring_modulo
lift_definition divide_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is divide
apply (auto simp: div_int_pos_iff)
by (smt (verit) div_by_0 div_by_1 zdiv_mono2)
lift_definition modulo_natL :: "natL ⇒ natL ⇒ natL" is modulo
apply (auto simp: mod_int_pos_iff)
by (smt (verit) zmod_le_nonneg_dividend)
by (standard; (transfer, simp add: mod_simps))
instance natL :: finite
apply standard
unfolding type_definition.univ[OF type_definition_natL]
by simp
lemma natL_card[simp]:
"CARD(natL) = L"
unfolding type_definition.univ[OF type_definition_natL]
apply (subst card_image)
subgoal by (meson Abs_natL_inject inj_onI)
subgoal by simp