We formalize two results on Hermitian matrices. First, Sylvester's criterion: a Hermitian matrix is positive definite if and only if all its leading principal submatrices have positive determinant. Second, Cauchy's eigenvalue interlacing theorem: given a principal submatrix \(B\) of a Hermitian matrix \(A\), the eigenvalues of \(B\) interlace those of \(A\).
Our approach to Sylvester's criterion is fairly standard, and required us to formalize Schur's block matrix determinant formula, which gives a formula for the determinant of a block matrix \((A, B, C, D)\) when \(A\) is invertible.
Our approach to Cauchy's eigenvalue interlacing theorem follows a proof given in a set of lecture notes by Dr. David Bindel. This approach involved formalizing the Courant-Fischer minimax theorem (a theorem about the Rayleigh quotient, which we define in this entry). In our statement of the Courant-Fischer minimax theorem, we refer to the infimum and supremum instead of the minimum and maximum, as this simplifies the proof and is sufficient to prove Cauchy's eigenvalue interlacing theorem.
Session Two_Hermitian_Results
Depends on
- The BKR Decision Procedure for Univariate Real Arithmetic
- Simultaneous diagonalization of pairwise commuting Hermitian matrices
- Complex Bounded Operators
- Fisher's Inequality: Linear Algebraic Proof Techniques for Combinatorics
- The Hermite–Lindemann–Weierstraß Transcendence Theorem
- Matrices, Jordan Normal Forms, and Spectral Radius Theory
- Quantum Hoare Logic