Theory LoopExamples

 * Copyright (C) 2014 NICTA
 * All rights reserved.

(* Author: David Cock - *)

section "Loops"

theory LoopExamples imports "../pGCL" begin

text ‹Reasoning about loops in pGCL is mostly familiar, in particular in the use of invariants.
Proving termination for truly probabilistic loops is slightly different: We appeal to a 0--1 law
to show that the loop terminates \emph{with probability 1}.  In our semantic model, terminating
with certainty and with probability 1 are exactly equivalent.›

subsection ‹Guaranteed Termination›

text ‹We start with a completely classical loop, to show that standard techniques apply. Here, we
have a program that simply decrements a counter until it hits zero:›

definition countdown :: "int prog"
  "countdown = do (λx. 0 < x)  Apply (λs. s - 1) od"

text ‹Clearly, this loop will only terminate from a state where @{term "0  x"}. This is, in fact,
also a loop invariant.›

definition inv_count :: "int  bool"
  "inv_count = (λx. 0  x)"

text ‹Read @{term "wp_inv G body I"} as: @{term I} is an invariant of the loop
@{term "do G  body od"}, or @{term "«G» && I  wp body I"}.›

lemma wp_inv_count:
  "wp_inv (λx. 0 < x) (Apply (λs. s - 1)) «inv_count»"
  unfolding wp_inv_def inv_count_def wp_eval o_def
proof(clarify, cases)
  fix x::int
  assume "0  x"
  then show "«λx. 0 < x» x * «λx. 0  x» x  «λx. 0  x» (x - 1)"
    by(simp add:embed_bool_def)
  fix x::int
  assume "¬ 0  x"
  then show "«λx. 0 < x» x * «λx. 0  x» x  «λx. 0  x» (x - 1)"
    by(simp add:embed_bool_def)

text ‹This example is contrived to give us an obvious variant, or measure function: the counter

lemma term_countdown:
  "«inv_count»  wp countdown (λs. 1)"
  unfolding countdown_def
proof(intro loop_term_nat_measure[where m="λx. nat (max x 0)"] wp_inv_count)
  let ?p = "Apply (λx. x - 1::int)"

  txt ‹As usual, well-definedness is trivial.›
  show "well_def ?p"
    by(rule wd_intros)

  txt ‹A measure of 0 imples termination.›
  show "x. nat (max x 0) = 0  ¬ 0 < x"

  txt ‹This is the meat of the proof: that the measure must decrease,
    whenever the invariant holds.  Note that the invariant is essential
    here, as if @{term "x  0"}, the measure will \emph{not} decrease.

    This is the kind of proof that the VCG is good at.  It leaves a purely
    logical goal, which we can solve with auto.›
  show "n. «λx. nat (max x 0) = Suc n» && «inv_count» 
         wp ?p «λx. nat (max x 0) = n»"
    unfolding inv_count_def
       auto simp:  o_def exp_conj_std_split[symmetric]
            intro: implies_entails)

subsection ‹Probabilistic Termination›

text ‹Loops need not terminate deterministically: it is sufficient to terminate with probability
1. Here we show the intuitively obvious result that by flipping a coin repeatedly, you will
eventually see heads.›

type_synonym coin = bool
definition "Heads = True"
definition "Tails = False"

  flip :: "coin prog"
  "flip = Apply (λ_. Heads)(λs. 1/2)⇙⊕ Apply (λ_. Tails)"

text ‹We can't define a measure here, as we did previously, as neither of the
  two possible states guarantee termination.›
  wait_for_heads :: "coin prog"
  "wait_for_heads = do ((≠) Heads)  flip od"

text ‹Nonetheless, we can show termination .›
lemma wait_for_heads_term:
  "λs. 1  wp wait_for_heads (λs. 1)"
  unfolding wait_for_heads_def
  txt ‹We use one of the zero-one laws for termination, specifically that
    if, from every state there is a nonzero probability of satisfying the
    guard (and thus terminating) in a single step, then the loop terminates
    from \emph{any} state, with probability 1.›
proof(rule termination_0_1)
  show "well_def flip"
    unfolding flip_def
    by(auto intro:wd_intros)

  txt ‹We must show that the loop body is deterministic, meaning that
    it cannot diverge by itself.›
  show "maximal (wp flip)"
    unfolding flip_def by(auto intro:max_intros)

  txt ‹The verification condition for the loop body is one-step-termination,
    here shown to hold with probability 1/2.  As usual, this result falls to
    the VCG.›
  show "λs. 1/2  wp flip «𝒩 ((≠) Heads)»"
    unfolding flip_def
    by(pvcg, simp add:o_def Heads_def Tails_def)

  txt ‹Finally, the one-step escape probability is non-zero.›
  show "(0::real) < 1/2" by(simp)
