Theory Embedding

 * Copyright (C) 2014 NICTA
 * All rights reserved.

(* Author: David Cock - *)

section "A Shallow Embedding of pGCL in HOL"

theory Embedding imports Misc Induction begin

subsection ‹Core Primitives and Syntax›

text_raw ‹\label{s:syntax}›

text ‹A pGCL program is embedded directly as its strict or liberal transformer.  This is
achieved with an additional parameter, specifying which semantics should be obeyed.›

type_synonym 's prog = "bool  ('s  real)  ('s  real)"

text @{term Abort} either always fails, @{term "λP s. 0"}, or always succeeds,
@{term "λP s. 1"}.›
definition Abort :: "'s prog"
where     "Abort  λab P s. if ab then 0 else 1"

text @{term Skip} does nothing at all.›
definition Skip :: "'s prog"
where     "Skip  λab P. P"

text @{term Apply} lifts a state transformer into the space of programs.›
definition Apply :: "('s  's)  's prog"
where     "Apply f  λab P s. P (f s)"

text @{term Seq} is sequential composition.›
definition Seq :: "'s prog  's prog  's prog"
                 (infixl ;; 59)
where     "Seq a b  (λab. a ab o b ab)"

text @{term PC} is \emph{probabilistic} choice between programs.›
definition PC :: "'s prog  ('s  real)  's prog  's prog"
                 (‹_ _⇙⊕ _› [58,57,57] 57)
where     "PC a P b  λab Q s. P s * a ab Q s + (1 - P s) * b ab Q s" 

text @{term DC} is \emph{demonic} choice between programs.›
definition DC :: "'s prog  's prog  's prog" (‹_  _› [58,57] 57)
where     "DC a b  λab Q s. min (a ab Q s) (b ab Q s)"

text @{term AC} is \emph{angelic} choice between programs.›
definition AC :: "'s prog  's prog  's prog" (‹_  _› [58,57] 57)
where     "AC a b  λab Q s. max (a ab Q s) (b ab Q s)"

text @{term Embed} allows any expectation transformer to be treated
  syntactically as a program, by ignoring the failure flag.›
definition Embed :: "'s trans  's prog"
where     "Embed t = (λab. t)"

text @{term Mu} is the recursive primitive, and is either then
  least or greatest fixed point.›
definition Mu :: "('s prog  's prog)  's prog" (binder μ 50)
where     "Mu(T)  (λab. if ab then lfp_trans (λt. T (Embed t) ab)
                               else gfp_trans (λt. T (Embed t) ab))"

text @{term repeat} expresses finite repetition›
  repeat :: "nat  'a prog  'a prog"
  "repeat 0 p = Skip" |
  "repeat (Suc n) p = p ;; repeat n p"

text @{term SetDC} is demonic choice between a set of alternatives,
  which may depend on the state.›
definition SetDC :: "('a  's prog)  ('s  'a set)  's prog"
  where "SetDC f S  λab P s. Inf ((λa. f a ab P s) ` S s)"

syntax "_SetDC" :: "pttrn => ('s => 'a set) => 's prog => 's prog"
                   (__./ _› 100)
syntax_consts "_SetDC" == SetDC
translations "xS. p" == "CONST SetDC (%x. p) S"

text ‹The above syntax allows us to write @{term "xS. Apply f"}

text @{term SetPC} is \emph{probabilistic} choice from a set.  Note that this is only
meaningful for distributions of finite support.›
  SetPC :: "('a  's prog)  ('s  'a  real)  's prog"
  "SetPC f p  λab P s. asupp (p s). p s a * f a ab P s"

text @{term Bind} allows us to name an expression in the current state, and re-use it later.›
  Bind :: "('s  'a)  ('a  's prog)  's prog"
  "Bind g f ab  λP s. let a = g s in f a ab P s"

text ‹This gives us something like let syntax›
syntax "_Bind" :: "pttrn => ('s => 'a) => 's prog => 's prog"
       (‹_ is _ in _› [55,55,55]55)
syntax_consts "_Bind" == Bind
translations "x is f in a" => "CONST Bind f (%x. a)"

definition flip :: "('a  'b  'c)  'b  'a  'c"
where [simp]: "flip f = (λb a. f a b)"

text ‹The following pair of translations introduce let-style syntax
  for @{term SetPC} and @{term SetDC}, respectively.›
syntax "_PBind" :: "pttrn => ('s => real) => 's prog => 's prog"
                   (bind _ at _ in _› [55,55,55]55)
syntax_consts "_PBind" == SetPC
translations "bind x at p in a" => "CONST SetPC (%x. a) (CONST flip (%x. p))"

syntax "_DBind" :: "pttrn => ('s => 'a set)  's prog => 's prog"
                   (bind _ from _ in _› [55,55,55]55)
syntax_consts "_DBind" == SetDC
translations "bind x from S in a" => "CONST SetDC (%x. a) S"

text ‹The following syntax translations are for convenience when
  using a record as the state type.›
  "_assign" :: "ident => 'a => 's prog" (‹_ := _› [1000,900]900)
ML fun assign_tr _ [Const (name,_), arg] =
      Const ("Embedding.Apply", dummyT) $
      Abs ("s", dummyT,
           Syntax.const (suffix Record.updateN name) $
           Abs (Name.uu_, dummyT, arg $ Bound 1) $ Bound 0)
    | assign_tr _ ts = raise TERM ("assign_tr", ts)
parse_translation [(@{syntax_const "_assign"}, assign_tr)]

  "_SetPC" :: "ident => ('s => 'a => real) => 's prog"
              (choose _ at _› [66,66]66)
  "_SetPC"  SetPC
ML fun set_pc_tr _ [Const (f,_), P] =
      Const ("SetPC", dummyT) $
      Abs ("v", dummyT,
           (Const ("Embedding.Apply", dummyT) $
            Abs ("s", dummyT,
                 Syntax.const (suffix Record.updateN f) $
                 Abs (Name.uu_, dummyT, Bound 2) $ Bound 0))) $
    | set_pc_tr _ ts = raise TERM ("set_pc_tr", ts)
parse_translation [(@{syntax_const "_SetPC"}, set_pc_tr)]

  "_set_dc" :: "ident => ('s => 'a set) => 's prog" (‹_ :∈ _› [66,66]66)
  "_set_dc"  SetDC
ML fun set_dc_tr _ [Const (f,_), S] =
      Const ("SetDC", dummyT) $
      Abs ("v", dummyT,
           (Const ("Embedding.Apply", dummyT) $
            Abs ("s", dummyT,
                 Syntax.const (suffix Record.updateN f) $
                 Abs (Name.uu_, dummyT, Bound 2) $ Bound 0))) $
    | set_dc_tr _ ts = raise TERM ("set_dc_tr", ts)
parse_translation [(@{syntax_const "_set_dc"}, set_dc_tr)]

text ‹These definitions instantiate the embedding as either
        weakest precondition (True) or weakest liberal precondition

  "_set_dc_UNIV" :: "ident => 's prog" (any _› [66]66)
  "_set_dc_UNIV" == SetDC
  "_set_dc_UNIV x" => "_set_dc x (%_. CONST UNIV)"

  wp :: "'s prog  's trans"
  "wp pr  pr True"

  wlp :: "'s prog  's trans"
  "wlp pr  pr False"

text ‹If-Then-Else as a degenerate probabilistic choice.›
  if_then_else :: "['s  bool, 's prog, 's prog]  's prog"
      (If _ Then _ Else _› 58)
  "If P Then a Else b == a«P»⇙⊕ b"

text ‹Syntax for loops›
  do_while :: "['s  bool, 's prog]  's prog"
              (do _ // (4 _) //od)
  "do_while P a  μ x. If P Then a ;; x Else Skip"

subsection ‹Unfolding rules for non-recursive primitives›

lemma eval_wp_Abort:
  "wp Abort P = (λs. 0)"
  unfolding wp_def Abort_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Abort:
  "wlp Abort P = (λs. 1)"
  unfolding wlp_def Abort_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_Skip:
  "wp Skip P = P"
  unfolding wp_def Skip_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Skip:
  "wlp Skip P = P"
  unfolding wlp_def Skip_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_Apply:
  "wp (Apply f) P = P o f"
  unfolding wp_def Apply_def by(simp add:o_def)

lemma eval_wlp_Apply:
  "wlp (Apply f) P = P o f"
  unfolding wlp_def Apply_def by(simp add:o_def)

lemma eval_wp_Seq:
  "wp (a ;; b) P = (wp a o wp b) P"
  unfolding wp_def Seq_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Seq:
  "wlp (a ;; b) P = (wlp a o wlp b) P"
  unfolding wlp_def Seq_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_PC:
  "wp (aQ⇙⊕ b) P = (λs. Q s * wp a P s + (1 - Q s) * wp b P s)"
  unfolding wp_def PC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_PC:
  "wlp (aQ⇙⊕ b) P = (λs. Q s * wlp a P s + (1 - Q s) * wlp b P s)"
  unfolding wlp_def PC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_DC:
  "wp (a  b) P = (λs. min (wp a P s) (wp b P s))"
  unfolding wp_def DC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_DC:
  "wlp (a  b) P = (λs. min (wlp a P s) (wlp b P s))"
  unfolding wlp_def DC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_AC:
  "wp (a  b) P = (λs. max (wp a P s) (wp b P s))"
  unfolding wp_def AC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_AC:
  "wlp (a  b) P = (λs. max (wlp a P s) (wlp b P s))"
  unfolding wlp_def AC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_Embed:
  "wp (Embed t) = t"
  unfolding wp_def Embed_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Embed:
  "wlp (Embed t) = t"
  unfolding wlp_def Embed_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_SetDC:
  "wp (SetDC p S) R s = Inf ((λa. wp (p a) R s) ` S s)"
  unfolding wp_def SetDC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_SetDC:
  "wlp (SetDC p S) R s = Inf ((λa. wlp (p a) R s) ` S s)"
  unfolding wlp_def SetDC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_SetPC:
  "wp (SetPC f p) P = (λs. asupp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s)"
  unfolding wp_def SetPC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_SetPC:
  "wlp (SetPC f p) P = (λs. asupp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) P s)"
  unfolding wlp_def SetPC_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_Mu:
  "wp (μ t. T t) = lfp_trans (λt. wp (T (Embed t)))"
  unfolding wp_def Mu_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Mu:
  "wlp (μ t. T t) = gfp_trans (λt. wlp (T (Embed t)))"
  unfolding wlp_def Mu_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wp_Bind:
  "wp (Bind g f) = (λP s. wp (f (g s)) P s)"
  unfolding Bind_def wp_def Let_def by(simp)

lemma eval_wlp_Bind:
  "wlp (Bind g f) = (λP s. wlp (f (g s)) P s)"
  unfolding Bind_def wlp_def Let_def by(simp)

text ‹Use simp add:wp\_eval to fully unfold a program fragment›
lemmas wp_eval = eval_wp_Abort eval_wlp_Abort eval_wp_Skip eval_wlp_Skip
                 eval_wp_Apply eval_wlp_Apply eval_wp_Seq eval_wlp_Seq
                 eval_wp_PC eval_wlp_PC eval_wp_DC eval_wlp_DC
                 eval_wp_AC eval_wlp_AC
                 eval_wp_Embed eval_wlp_Embed eval_wp_SetDC eval_wlp_SetDC
                 eval_wp_SetPC eval_wlp_SetPC eval_wp_Mu eval_wlp_Mu
                 eval_wp_Bind eval_wlp_Bind

lemma Skip_Seq:
  "Skip ;; A = A"
  unfolding Skip_def Seq_def o_def by(rule refl)

lemma Seq_Skip:
  "A ;; Skip = A"
  unfolding Skip_def Seq_def o_def by(rule refl)

text ‹Use these as simp rules to clear out Skips›
lemmas skip_simps = Skip_Seq Seq_Skip
