Theory Worklist_Subsumption_Impl1

theory Worklist_Subsumption_Impl1
  imports Refine_Imperative_HOL.IICF Worklist_Subsumption1

subsection ‹Implementation on Lists›

lemma list_filter_foldli:
  "[x  xs. P x] = rev (foldli xs (λ x. True) (λ x xs. if P x then x # xs else xs) [])"
  (is "_ = rev (foldli xs ?c ?f [])")
proof -
  have *:
    "rev (foldli xs ?c ?f (ys @ zs)) = rev zs @ rev (foldli xs ?c ?f ys)" for xs ys zs
  proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons x xs)
    from Cons[of "x # ys"] Cons[of ys] show ?case by simp
  show ?thesis
    apply (induction xs)
     apply (simp; fail)
    apply simp
    apply (subst (2) *[of _ "[]", simplified])
    by simp

context notes [split!] = list.split begin
sepref_decl_op list_hdtl: "λ (x # xs)  (x, xs)" :: "[λl. l[]]f Alist_rel  A ×r Alist_rel"
  by auto

context Worklist4_Impl
  sepref_register "PR_CONST a0" "PR_CONST F'" "PR_CONST (⊴)" "PR_CONST succs" "PR_CONST empty"

  lemma [def_pat_rules]:
    "a0  UNPROTECT a0" "F'  UNPROTECT F'" "(⊴)  UNPROTECT (⊴)" "succs  UNPROTECT succs"
    "empty  UNPROTECT empty"
    by simp_all

  lemma take_from_list_alt_def:
    "take_from_list xs = do {_  ASSERT (xs  []); RETURN (hd_tl xs)}"
    unfolding take_from_list_def by (auto simp: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps)

  lemma [safe_constraint_rules]: "CN_FALSE is_pure A  is_pure A" by simp

  sepref_thm filter_insert_wait_impl is
    "uncurry (RETURN oo PR_CONST filter_insert_wait)" :: "(list_assn A)d *a Ad a list_assn A"
    unfolding filter_insert_wait_alt_def list_ex_foldli list_filter_foldli
    unfolding HOL_list.fold_custom_empty
    unfolding PR_CONST_def
    by sepref

  concrete_definition (in -) filter_insert_wait_impl
    uses Worklist4_Impl.filter_insert_wait_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry ?f, _)  _"

  lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = filter_insert_wait_impl.refine[OF Worklist4_Impl_axioms]

  sepref_register filter_insert_wait

  lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hd_tl_hnr

  sepref_thm worklist_algo2_impl is "uncurry0 worklist_algo2" :: "unit_assnk a bool_assn"
    unfolding worklist_algo2_def worklist_algo2'_def add_succ2_alt_def PR_CONST_def
    supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
    supply conv_to_is_Nil[simp]
    apply (rewrite in "Let  _" lso_fold_custom_empty)
    unfolding fold_lso_bex
    unfolding take_from_list_alt_def
    apply (rewrite in "[a0]" HOL_list.fold_custom_empty)
    by sepref

  concrete_definition (in -) worklist_algo2_impl
  for Lei a0i Fi succsi emptyi
  uses Worklist4_Impl.worklist_algo2_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry0 ?f,_)_"

  end ― ‹Worklist4 Impl›

context Worklist4_Impl_finite_strict

  lemma worklist_algo2_impl_hnr_F_reachable:
    "(uncurry0 (worklist_algo2_impl Lei a0i Fi succsi emptyi), uncurry0 (RETURN F_reachable))
     unit_assnk a bool_assn"
    using worklist_algo2_impl.refine[OF Worklist4_Impl_axioms,
      FCOMP worklist_algo2_ref[THEN nres_relI],
      FCOMP worklist_algo''_correct[THEN Id_SPEC_refine, THEN nres_relI]]
    by (simp add: RETURN_def)

  sepref_decl_op F_reachable :: "bool_rel" .
  lemma [def_pat_rules]: "F_reachable  op_F_reachable" by simp

  lemma hnr_op_F_reachable:
    assumes "GEN_ALGO a0i (λa0i. (uncurry0 a0i, uncurry0 (RETURN a0))  unit_assnk a A)"
    assumes "GEN_ALGO Fi (λFi. (Fi,RETURN o F')  Ak a bool_assn)"
    assumes "GEN_ALGO Lei (λLei. (uncurry Lei,uncurry (RETURN oo (⊴)))  Ak *a Ak a bool_assn)"
    assumes "GEN_ALGO succsi (λsuccsi. (succsi,RETURN o succs)  Ak a list_assn A)"
    assumes "GEN_ALGO emptyi (λFi. (Fi,RETURN o empty)  Ak a bool_assn)"
      "(uncurry0 (worklist_algo2_impl Lei a0i Fi succsi emptyi), uncurry0 (RETURN (PR_CONST op_F_reachable)))
       unit_assnk a bool_assn"
  proof -
    from assms interpret Worklist4_Impl E a0 F "(≼)" succs empty "(⊴)" F' A succsi a0i Fi Lei emptyi
      by (unfold_locales; simp add: GEN_ALGO_def)

    from worklist_algo2_impl_hnr_F_reachable show ?thesis by simp

  sepref_decl_impl hnr_op_F_reachable .

end ― ‹Worklist4 (strictly finite)›

end ― ‹End of Theory›