Theory Wlog_Examples

section Wlog_Examples› – Examples how to use \texttt{wlog}›

theory Wlog_Examples
  imports Wlog Complex_Main

text ‹The theorem @{thm [source] Complex.card_nth_roots} has the additional assumption termn > 0.
  We use exactly the same proof except for stating that w.l.o.g., termn > 0.›
lemma card_nth_roots_strengthened:
  assumes "c  0"
  shows   "card {z::complex. z ^ n = c} = n"
proof -
  wlog n_pos: "n > 0"
    using negation by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_char_0)
  have "card {z. z ^ n = c} = card {z::complex. z ^ n = 1}"
    by (rule sym, rule bij_betw_same_card, rule bij_betw_nth_root_unity) fact+
  also have " = n" by (rule card_roots_unity_eq) fact+
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹This example very roughly follows Harrison cite"harrison-wlog":›
lemma schur_ineq:
  fixes a b c :: 'a :: linordered_idom and k :: nat
  assumes a0: a  0 and b0: b  0 and c0: c  0
  shows a^k * (a - b) * (a - c) + b^k * (b - a) * (b - c) + c^k * (c - a) * (c - b)  0
    (is ?lhs  0)
proof -
  wlog ordered[simp]: a  b b  c generalizing a b c keeping a0 b0 c0
    apply (rule rev_mp[OF c0]; rule rev_mp[OF b0]; rule rev_mp[OF a0])
    apply (rule linorder_wlog_3[of _ a b c])
     apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
    by (simp add: hypothesis)

  from ordered have [simp]: a  c
    by linarith

  have ?lhs = (c - b) * (c^k * (c - a) - b^k * (b - a)) + a^k * (c - a) * (b - a)
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have   0
    by (auto intro!: add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg mult_mono power_mono zero_le_power simp: a0 b0 c0)
  finally show ?lhs  0
    by -

text ‹The following illustrates how facts already proven before a @{command wlog} can be still be used after the wlog.
  The example does not do anything useful.›
lemma A  B  A  B
proof -
  have test1: 1=1 by simp
  assume a: A
  then have test2: A  12 by simp
      ― ‹Isabelle marks this as being potentially based on assumption @{thm [source] a}.
          (Note: this is not done by actual dependency tracking. Anything that is proven after the @{command assume} command can depend on the assumption.)›
  assume b: B
  with a have test3: A  B by simp
      ― ‹Isabelle marks this as being potentially based on assumption @{thm [source] a}, @{thm [source] b}
  wlog true: True generalizing A B keeping b
    ― ‹A pointless wlog: we can wlog assume termTrue.
       Notice: we only keep the assumption @{thm [source] b} around.›
    using negation by blast
  text ‹The already proven theorems cannot be accessed directly anymore (wlog starts a new proof block).
        Recovered versions are available, however:›
  thm wlog_keep.test1
    ― ‹The fact is fully recovered since it did not depend on any assumptions.›
  thm wlog_keep.test2
    ― ‹This fact depended on assumption a› which we did not keep. So the original fact might not hold anymore.
        Therefore, @{thm [source] wlog_keep.test2} becomes termA  A  1  2. (Note the added termA premise.)›
  thm wlog_keep.test3
    ― ‹This fact depended on assumptions a› and b›. But we kept @{thm [source] b}.
        Therefore, @{thm [source] wlog_keep.test2} becomes termA  A  B. (Note that only termA is added as a premise.)›
    ― ‹Aborting the proof here because we cannot prove termA  B anymore since we dropped assumption a› for demonstration purposes.›
