Theory Challenge2
chapter ‹Colored Tiles›
section ‹Challenge›
text_raw ‹{\upshape
This problem is based on Project Euler problem \#114.
Alice and Bob are decorating their kitchen, and they want to add
a single row of fifty tiles on the edge of the kitchen counter.
Tiles can be either red or black, and for aesthetic reasons,
Alice and Bob insist that red tiles come by blocks of
at least three consecutive tiles.
Before starting, they wish to know how many ways
there are of doing this.
They come up with the following algorithm:
var count[51] // count[i] is the number of valid rows of size i
count[0] := 1 // []
count[1] := 1 // [B] - cannot have a single red tile
count[2] := 1 // [BB] - cannot have one or two red tiles
count[3] := 2 // [BBB] or [RRR]
for n = 4 to 50 do
count[n] := count[n-1] // either the row starts with a black tile
for k = 3 to n-1 do // or it starts with a block of k red tiles
count[n] := count[n] + count[n-k-1] // followed by a black one
count[n] := count[n]+1 // or the entire row is red
\paragraph{Verification tasks.}
You should verify that at the end, \texttt{count[50]} will contain the right number.
Since the algorithm works by enumerating the valid colorings, we expect you to give
a nice specification of a valid coloring and to prove the following properties:
\item Each coloring counted by the algorithm is valid.
\item No coloring is counted twice.
\item No valid coloring is missed.
section ‹Solution›
theory Challenge2
imports "lib/VTcomp"
text ‹
The algorithm describes a dynamic programming scheme.
Instead of proving the 3 properties stated in the challenge separately,
we approach the problem by
▸ Giving a natural specification of a valid tiling as a grammar
▸ Deriving a recursion equation for the number of valid tilings
▸ Verifying that the program returns the correct number
(which obviously implies all three properties stated in the challenge)
subsection ‹Problem Specification›
subsubsection ‹Colors›
datatype color = R | B
subsubsection ‹Direct Natural Definition of a Valid Line›
inductive valid where
"valid []" |
"valid xs ⟹ valid (B # xs)" |
"valid xs ⟹ n ≥ 3 ⟹ valid (replicate n R @ xs)"
definition "lcount n = card {l. length l=n ∧ valid l}"
subsection ‹Derivation of Recursion Equations›
text ‹This alternative variant helps us to prove the split lemma below.›
inductive valid' where
"valid' []" |
"n ≥ 3 ⟹ valid' (replicate n R)" |
"valid' xs ⟹ valid' (B # xs)" |
"valid' xs ⟹ n ≥ 3 ⟹ valid' (replicate n R @ B # xs)"
lemma valid_valid':
"valid l ⟹ valid' l"
by (induction rule: valid.induct)
(auto 4 4 intro: valid'.intros elim: valid'.cases
simp: replicate_add[symmetric] append_assoc[symmetric]
lemmas valid_red = valid.intros(3)[OF valid.intros(1), simplified]
lemma valid'_valid:
"valid' l ⟹ valid l"
by (induction rule: valid'.induct) (auto intro: valid.intros valid_red)
lemma valid_eq_valid':
"valid' l = valid l"
using valid_valid' valid'_valid by metis
subsubsection ‹Additional Facts on Replicate›
lemma replicate_iff:
"(∀i<length l. l ! i = R) ⟷ (∃ n. l = replicate n R)"
by auto (metis (full_types) in_set_conv_nth replicate_eqI)
lemma replicate_iff2:
"(∀i<n. l ! i = R) ⟷ (∃ l'. l = replicate n R @ l')" if "n < length l"
using that by (auto simp: list_eq_iff_nth_eq nth_append intro: exI[where x = "drop n l"])
lemma replicate_Cons_eq:
"replicate n x = y # ys ⟷ (∃ n'. n = Suc n' ∧ x = y ∧ replicate n' x = ys)"
by (cases n) auto
subsubsection ‹Main Case Analysis on ‹@term valid››
lemma valid_split:
"valid l ⟷
l = [] ∨
(l!0 = B ∧ valid (tl l)) ∨
length l ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < length l. l ! i = R) ∨
(∃ j < length l. j ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < j. l ! i = R) ∧ l ! j = B ∧ valid (drop (j + 1) l))"
unfolding valid_eq_valid'[symmetric]
apply standard
by (erule valid'.cases) (auto simp: nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.splits)
by (auto intro: valid'.intros simp: replicate_iff elim!: disjE1)
(fastforce intro: valid'.intros simp: neq_Nil_conv replicate_iff2 nth_append)+
subsubsection ‹Base cases›
lemma lc0_aux:
"{l. l = [] ∧ valid l} = {[]}"
by (auto intro: valid.intros)
lemma lc0: "lcount 0 = 1"
by (auto simp: lc0_aux lcount_def)
lemma lc1aux: "{l. length l=1 ∧ valid l} = {[B]}"
by (auto intro: valid.intros elim: valid.cases simp: replicate_Cons_eq)
lemma lc2aux: "{l. length l=2 ∧ valid l} = {[B,B]}"
by (auto 4 3 intro: valid.intros elim: valid.cases simp: replicate_Cons_eq)
lemma valid_3R: ‹valid [R, R, R]›
using valid.intros(3) [of ‹[]› 3] by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc valid.intros)
lemma lc3_aux: "{l. length l=3 ∧ valid l} = {[B,B,B], [R,R,R]}"
by (auto 4 4 intro: valid.intros valid_3R elim: valid.cases
simp: replicate_Cons_eq)
lemma lcounts_init: "lcount 0 = 1" "lcount 1 = 1" "lcount 2 = 1" "lcount 3 = 2"
using lc0 lc1aux lc2aux lc3_aux unfolding lcount_def by simp_all
subsubsection ‹The Recursion Case›
lemma finite_valid_length:
"finite {l. length l = n ∧ valid l}" (is "finite ?S")
proof -
have "?S ⊆ lists {R, B} ∩ {l. length l = n}"
by (auto intro: color.exhaust)
moreover have "finite …"
by (auto intro: lists_of_len_fin1)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule finite_subset)
lemma valid_line_just_B:
"valid (replicate n B)"
by (induction n) (auto intro: valid.intros)
lemma valid_line_aux:
"{l. length l = n ∧ valid l} ≠ {}" (is "?S ≠ {}")
using valid_line_just_B[of n] by force
lemma replicate_unequal_aux:
"replicate x R @ B # l ≠ replicate y R @ B # l'" (is "?l ≠ ?r") if ‹x < y› for l l'
proof -
have "?l ! x = B" "?r ! x = R"
using that by (auto simp: nth_append)
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma valid_prepend_B_iff:
"valid (B # xs) ⟷ valid xs"
by (auto intro: valid.intros elim: valid.cases simp: Cons_replicate_eq Cons_eq_append_conv)
lemma lcrec: "lcount n = lcount (n-1) + 1 + (∑i=3..<n. lcount (n-i-1))" if ‹n>3›
proof -
have "{l. length l = n ∧ valid l}
= {l. length l = n ∧ valid (tl l) ∧ l!0=B}
∪ {l. length l = n ∧
(∃ i. i < n ∧ i ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ k < i. l!k = R) ∧ l!i = B ∧ valid (drop (i + 1) l))}
∪ {l. length l = n ∧ (∀i<n. l!i=R)}
" (is "?A = ?B ∪ ?D ∪ ?C")
using ‹n > 3› by (subst valid_split) auto
let ?B1 = "((#) B) ` {l. length l = n - Suc 0 ∧ valid l}"
from ‹n > 3› have "?B = ?B1"
apply safe
subgoal for l
by (cases l) (auto simp: valid_prepend_B_iff)
by auto
have 1: "card ?B1 = lcount (n-1)"
unfolding lcount_def by (auto intro: card_image)
have "?C = {replicate n R}"
by (auto simp: nth_equalityI)
have 2: "card {replicate n R} = 1"
by auto
let ?D1="(⋃ i ∈ {3..<n}. (λ l. replicate i R @ B # l)` {l. length l = n - i - 1 ∧ valid l})"
have "?D =
(⋃i ∈ {3..<n}. {l. length l = n ∧ (∀ k < i. l!k = R) ∧ l!i = B ∧ valid (drop (i + 1) l)})"
by auto
have "{l. length l = n ∧ (∀ k < i. l!k = R) ∧ l!i = B ∧ valid (drop (i + 1) l)}
= (λ l. replicate i R @ B # l)` {l. length l = n - i - 1 ∧ valid l}"
if "i < n" "2 < i" for i
apply safe
subgoal for l
apply (rule image_eqI[where x = "drop (i + 1) l"])
apply (rule nth_equalityI)
using that
apply (simp_all split: nat.split add: nth_Cons nth_append)
using add_diff_inverse_nat apply fastforce
using that by (simp add: nth_append; fail)+
then have D_eq: "?D = ?D1"
unfolding ‹?D = _› by auto
have inj: "inj_on (λl. replicate x R @ B # l) {l. length l = n - Suc x ∧ valid l}" for x
unfolding inj_on_def by auto
have *:
"(λl. replicate x R @ B # l) ` {l. length l = n - Suc x ∧ valid l} ∩
(λl. replicate y R @ B # l) ` {l. length l = n - Suc y ∧ valid l} = {}"
if "3 ≤ x" "x < y" "y < n" for x y
using that replicate_unequal_aux[OF ‹x < y›] by auto
have 3: "card ?D1 = (∑i=3..<n. lcount (n-i-1))"
proof (subst card_Union_disjoint, goal_cases)
case 1
show ?case
unfolding pairwise_def disjnt_def
proof (clarsimp, goal_cases)
case prems: (1 x y)
from prems show ?case
apply -
apply (rule linorder_cases[of x y])
apply (rule *; assumption)
apply (simp; fail)
apply (subst Int_commute; rule *; assumption)
case 3
show ?case
proof (subst sum.reindex, unfold inj_on_def, clarsimp, goal_cases)
case prems: (1 x y)
with *[of y x] *[of x y] valid_line_aux[of "n - Suc x"] show ?case
by - (rule linorder_cases[of x y], auto)
case 2
then show ?case
by (simp add: lcount_def card_image[OF inj])
qed (auto intro: finite_subset[OF _ finite_valid_length])
show ?thesis
apply (subst lcount_def)
unfolding ‹?A = _› ‹?B = _› ‹?C = _› D_eq
apply (subst card_Un_disjoint)
apply (blast intro: finite_subset[OF _ finite_valid_length])+
using Cons_replicate_eq[of B _ n R] replicate_unequal_aux by fastforce
apply (subst card_Un_disjoint)
apply (blast intro: finite_subset[OF _ finite_valid_length])+
unfolding 1 2 3
by (auto simp: Cons_replicate_eq Cons_eq_append_conv)
subsection ‹Verification of Program›
subsubsection ‹Inner Loop: Summation›
definition "sum_prog Φ l u f ≡
nfoldli [l..<u] (λ_. True) (λi s. doN {
RETURN (s+f i)
}) 0"
lemma sum_spec[THEN SPEC_trans, refine_vcg]:
assumes "l≤u"
assumes "⋀i. l≤i ⟹ i<u ⟹ Φ i"
shows "sum_prog Φ l u f ≤ SPEC (λr. r=(∑i=l..<u. f i))"
unfolding sum_prog_def
supply nfoldli_upt_rule[where I="λj s. s=(∑i=l..<j. f i)", refine_vcg]
apply refine_vcg
using assms
apply auto
subsubsection ‹Main Program›
definition "icount M ≡ doN {
let c = op_array_replicate (M+1) 0;
let c = c[0:=1, 1:=1, 2:=1, 3:=2];
ASSERT (∀i<4. c!i = lcount i);
c←nfoldli [4..<M+1] (λ_. True) (λn c. doN {
sum ← sum_prog (λi. n-i-1 < length c) 3 n (λi. c!(n-i-1));
ASSERT (n-1<length c ∧ n<length c);
RETURN (c[n := c!(n-1) + 1 + sum])
}) c;
ASSERT (∀i≤M. c!i = lcount i);
ASSERT (M < length c);
subsubsection ‹Abstract Correctness Statement›
theorem icount_correct: "M>2 ⟹ icount M ≤ SPEC (λr. r=lcount M)"
unfolding icount_def
thm nfoldli_upt_rule
supply nfoldli_upt_rule[where
I="λn c. length c = M+1 ∧ ( ∀i<n. c!i = lcount i)", refine_vcg]
apply refine_vcg
apply (auto simp:)
subgoal for i
apply (subgoal_tac "i∈{0,1,2,3}") using lcounts_init
by (auto)
subgoal for i c j
apply (cases "j<i")
apply auto
apply (subgoal_tac "i=j")
apply auto
apply (subst lcrec[where n=j])
apply auto
subsection ‹Refinement to Imperative Code›
sepref_definition icount_impl is "icount" :: "nat_assn⇧k →⇩a nat_assn"
unfolding icount_def sum_prog_def
by sepref
subsubsection ‹Main Correctness Statement›
text ‹
As the main theorem, we prove the following Hoare triple, stating:
starting from the empty heap, our program will compute the correct result (@{term "lcount M"}).
theorem icount_impl_correct:
"M>2 ⟹ <emp> icount_impl M <λr. ↑(r = lcount M)>⇩t"
proof -
note A = icount_impl.refine[to_hnr, THEN hn_refineD]
note A = A[unfolded autoref_tag_defs]
note A = A[unfolded hn_ctxt_def pure_def, of M M, simplified]
note [sep_heap_rules] = A
assume "M>2"
show ?thesis
using icount_correct[OF ‹M>2›]
by (sep_auto simp: refine_pw_simps pw_le_iff)
subsubsection ‹Code Export›
export_code icount_impl in SML_imp module_name Tiling
export_code icount_impl in OCaml_imp module_name Tiling
export_code icount_impl in Haskell module_name Tiling
export_code icount_impl in Scala_imp module_name Tiling
subsection ‹Alternative Problem Specification›
text ‹Alternative definition of a valid line that we used in the competition›
context fixes l :: "color list" begin
inductive valid_point where
"⟦i+2<length l; l!i=R; l!(i+1) = R; l!(i+2) = R ⟧ ⟹ valid_point i"
| "⟦1≤i;i+1<length l; l!(i-1)=R; l!(i) = R; l!(i+1) = R ⟧ ⟹ valid_point i"
| "⟦2≤i; i<length l; l!(i-2)=R; l!(i-1) = R; l!(i) = R ⟧ ⟹ valid_point i"
| "⟦ i<length l; l!i=B⟧ ⟹ valid_point i"
definition "valid_line = (∀i<length l. valid_point i)"
lemma valid_lineI:
assumes "⋀ i. i < length l ⟹ valid_point l i"
shows "valid_line l"
using assms unfolding valid_line_def by auto
lemma valid_B_first:
"valid_point xs i ⟹ i < length xs ⟹ valid_point (B # xs) (i + 1)"
by (auto intro: valid_point.intros simp: numeral_2_eq_2 elim!: valid_point.cases)
lemma valid_line_prepend_B:
"valid_line (B # xs)" if "valid_line xs"
using that
apply -
apply (rule valid_lineI)
subgoal for i
by (cases i) (auto intro: valid_B_first[simplified] valid_point.intros simp: valid_line_def)
lemma valid_drop_B:
"valid_point xs (i - 1)" if "valid_point (B # xs) i" "i > 0"
using that
apply cases
apply (fastforce intro: valid_point.intros)
by (cases "i = 1") (auto intro: valid_point.intros(2))
unfolding numeral_nat by (cases "i = 2") (auto intro: valid_point.intros(3))
apply (fastforce intro: valid_point.intros)
lemma valid_line_drop_B:
"valid_line xs" if "valid_line (B # xs)"
using that unfolding valid_line_def
proof (safe, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
with valid_drop_B[of xs "i + 1"] show ?case
by auto
lemma valid_line_prepend_B_iff:
"valid_line (B # xs) ⟷ valid_line xs"
using valid_line_prepend_B valid_line_drop_B by metis
lemma cases_valid_line:
"l = [] ∨
(l!0 = B ∧ valid_line (tl l)) ∨
length l ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < length l. l ! i = R) ∨
(∃ j < length l. j ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < j. l ! i = R) ∧ l ! j = B ∧ valid_line (drop (j + 1) l))"
(is "?a ∨ ?b ∨ ?c ∨ ?d")
shows "valid_line l"
proof -
from assms consider (empty) ?a | (B) "¬ ?a ∧ ?b" | (all_red) ?c | (R_B) ?d
by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case empty
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: valid_line_def)
case B
then show ?thesis
by (cases l) (auto simp: valid_line_prepend_B_iff)
case prems: all_red
show ?thesis
proof (rule valid_lineI)
fix i assume "i < length l"
consider "i = 0" | "i = 1" | "i > 1"
by atomize_elim auto
then show "valid_point l i"
using ‹i < _› prems by cases (auto 4 4 intro: valid_point.intros)
case R_B
then obtain j where j:
"j<length l" "3 ≤ j" "(∀i<j. l ! i = R)" "l ! j = B" "valid_line (drop (j + 1) l)"
by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule valid_lineI)
fix i assume "i < length l"
with ‹j ≥ 3› consider "i ≤ j - 3" | "i = j - 2" | "i = j - 1" | "i = j" | "i > j"
by atomize_elim auto
then show "valid_point l i"
proof cases
case 5
with ‹valid_line _› ‹i < length l› have "valid_point (drop (j + 1) l) (i - j - 1)"
unfolding valid_line_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using ‹i > j› by cases (auto intro: valid_point.intros)
qed (use j in ‹auto intro: valid_point.intros›)
lemma valid_line_cases:
"l = [] ∨
(l!0 = B ∧ valid_line (tl l)) ∨
length l ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < length l. l ! i = R) ∨
(∃ j < length l. j ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < j. l ! i = R) ∧ l ! j = B ∧ valid_line (drop (j + 1) l))"
if "valid_line l"
proof (cases "l = []")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: valid_line_def)
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "l!0 = B")
case True
with ‹l ≠ []› have "l = B # tl l"
by (cases l) auto
with ‹valid_line l› True show ?thesis
by (metis valid_line_prepend_B_iff)
case False
from ‹valid_line l› ‹l ≠ []› have "valid_point l 0"
unfolding valid_line_def by auto
with False have red_start: "length l ≥ 3" "l!0 = R" "l!1 = R" "l!2 = R"
by (auto elim!: valid_point.cases simp: numeral_2_eq_2)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∀i < length l. l ! i = R")
case True
with ‹length l ≥ 3› show ?thesis
by auto
case False
let ?S = "{j. j < length l ∧ j ≥ 3 ∧ l ! j = B}" let ?j = "Min ?S"
have B_ge_3: "i ≥ 3" if "l ! i = B" for i
proof -
consider "i = 0" | "i = 1" | "i = 2" | "i ≥ 3"
by atomize_elim auto
then show "i ≥ 3"
using red_start ‹l ! i = B› by cases auto
from False obtain i where "l ! i = B" "i < length l" "i ≥ 3"
by (auto intro: B_ge_3 color.exhaust)
then have "?j ∈ ?S"
by - (rule Min_in, auto)
have "∀i < ?j. l ! i = R"
proof -
fix i assume "i < ?j" "l ! i = B"
then have "i ≥ 3"
by (auto intro: B_ge_3)
with ‹i < ?j› ‹l ! i = B› red_start ‹?j ∈ ?S› have "i ∈ ?S"
by auto
then have "?j ≤ i"
by (auto intro: Min_le)
with ‹i < ?j› have False
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (auto intro: color.exhaust)
with ‹?j ∈ ?S› obtain j where j: "j < length l" "j ≥ 3" "∀i < j. l ! i = R" "l ! j = B"
by blast
moreover have "valid_line (drop (j + 1) l)"
proof (rule valid_lineI)
fix i assume "i < length (drop (j + 1) l)"
with j ‹valid_line l› have "valid_point l (j + i + 1)"
unfolding valid_line_def by auto
then show "valid_point (drop (j + 1) l) i"
proof cases
case 2
then show ?thesis
using j by (cases i) (auto intro: valid_point.intros)
case prems: 3
consider "i = 0" | "i = 1" | "i > 1"
by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
using j prems by cases (auto intro: valid_point.intros)
qed (auto intro: valid_point.intros)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma valid_line_split:
"valid_line l ⟷
l = [] ∨
(l!0 = B ∧ valid_line (tl l)) ∨
length l ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < length l. l ! i = R) ∨
(∃ j < length l. j ≥ 3 ∧ (∀ i < j. l ! i = R) ∧ l ! j = B ∧ valid_line (drop (j + 1) l))"
using valid_line_cases cases_valid_line by blast
text ‹Connection to the easier definition given above›
lemma valid_valid_line:
"valid l ⟷ valid_line l"
by (induction l rule: length_induct, subst valid_line_split, subst valid_split, auto)