Theory SAS_Plus_STRIPS
theory SAS_Plus_STRIPS
imports "STRIPS_Semantics" "SAS_Plus_Semantics"
section "SAS+/STRIPS Equivalence"
text ‹ The following part is concerned with showing the equivalent expressiveness of SAS+ and
STRIPS as discussed in \autoref{sub:equivalence-sas-plus-strips}. ›
subsection "Translation of SAS+ Problems to STRIPS Problems"
definition possible_assignments_for
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem ⇒ 'variable ⇒ ('variable × 'domain) list"
where "possible_assignments_for Ψ v ≡ [(v, a). a ← the (range_of Ψ v)]"
definition all_possible_assignments_for
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem ⇒ ('variable × 'domain) list"
where "all_possible_assignments_for Ψ
≡ concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← variables_of Ψ]"
definition state_to_strips_state
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) state
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) assignment strips_state"
(‹φ⇩S _ _› 99)
where "state_to_strips_state Ψ s
≡ let defined = filter (λv. s v ≠ None) (variables_of Ψ) in
map_of (map (λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a))
(concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← defined]))"
definition sasp_op_to_strips
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) assignment strips_operator"
(‹φ⇩O _ _› 99)
where "sasp_op_to_strips Ψ op ≡ let
pre = precondition_of op
; add = effect_of op
; delete = [(v, a'). (v, a) ← effect_of op, a' ← filter ((≠) a) (the (range_of Ψ v))]
in STRIPS_Representation.operator_for pre add delete"
definition sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem ⇒ ('variable, 'domain) assignment strips_problem"
(‹φ _ › 99)
where "sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem Ψ ≡ let
vs = [as. v ← variables_of Ψ, as ← (possible_assignments_for Ψ) v]
; ops = map (sasp_op_to_strips Ψ) (operators_of Ψ)
; I = state_to_strips_state Ψ (initial_of Ψ)
; G = state_to_strips_state Ψ (goal_of Ψ)
in STRIPS_Representation.problem_for vs ops I G"
definition sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_parallel_plan
⇒ ('variable × 'domain) strips_parallel_plan"
(‹φ⇩P _ _› 99)
where "sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan Ψ ψ
≡ [[sasp_op_to_strips Ψ op. op ← ops]. ops ← ψ]"
definition strips_state_to_state
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) assignment strips_state
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) state"
(‹φ⇩S¯ _ _› 99)
where "strips_state_to_state Ψ s
≡ map_of (filter (λ(v, a). s (v, a) = Some True) (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ))"
definition strips_op_to_sasp
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable × 'domain) strips_operator
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator"
(‹φ⇩O¯ _ _› 99)
where "strips_op_to_sasp Ψ op
≡ let
precondition = strips_operator.precondition_of op
; effect = strips_operator.add_effects_of op
in ⦇ precondition_of = precondition, effect_of = effect ⦈"
definition strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ ('variable × 'domain) strips_parallel_plan
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_parallel_plan"
(‹φ⇩P¯ _ _› 99)
where "strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan Π π
≡ [[strips_op_to_sasp Π op. op ← ops]. ops ← π]"
text ‹ To set up the equivalence proof context, we declare a common locale
\isaname{sas_plus_strips_equivalence} for both the STRIPS and SAS+ formalisms and make it a
sublocale of both locale \isaname{strips} as well as \isaname{sas_plus}.
The declaration itself is omitted for brevity since it basically just joins locales
\isaname{sas_plus} and \isaname{strips} while renaming the locale parameter to avoid name clashes.
The sublocale proofs are shown below.
\footnote{We append a suffix identifying the respective formalism to the the parameter names
passed to the parameter names in the locale. This is necessary to avoid ambiguous names in the
sublocale declarations. For example, without addition of suffixes the type for ‹initial_of› is
ambiguous and will therefore not be bound to either ‹strips_problem.initial_of› or
Isabelle in fact considers it to be a a free variable in this case. We also qualify the parent
locales in the sublocale declarations by adding \texttt{strips:} and \texttt{sas\_plus:} before
the respective parent locale identifiers. } ›
definition "range_of_strips Π x ≡ { True, False }"
"(φ Ψ) = (let
vs = [as. v ← variables_of Ψ, as ← (possible_assignments_for Ψ) v]
; ops = map (sasp_op_to_strips Ψ) (operators_of Ψ)
; I = state_to_strips_state Ψ (initial_of Ψ)
; G = state_to_strips_state Ψ (goal_of Ψ)
in STRIPS_Representation.problem_for vs ops I G)"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ s)
= (let defined = filter (λv. s v ≠ None) (variables_of Ψ) in
map_of (map (λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a))
(concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← defined])))"
and "(φ⇩O Ψ op)
= (let
pre = precondition_of op
; add = effect_of op
; delete = [(v, a'). (v, a) ← effect_of op, a' ← filter ((≠) a) (the (range_of Ψ v))]
in STRIPS_Representation.operator_for pre add delete)"
and "(φ⇩P Ψ ψ) = [[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]. ops ← ψ]"
and "(φ⇩S¯ Ψ s')= map_of (filter (λ(v, a). s' (v, a) = Some True)
(all_possible_assignments_for Ψ))"
and "(φ⇩O¯ Ψ op') = (let
precondition = strips_operator.precondition_of op'
; effect = strips_operator.add_effects_of op'
in ⦇ precondition_of = precondition, effect_of = effect ⦈)"
and "(φ⇩P¯ Ψ π) = [[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← ops]. ops ← π]"
by blast+
lemmas [simp] = range_of'_def
lemma is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
using assms(1) is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(1)
unfolding is_valid_problem_sas_plus_def
by (meson domIff list.pred_set)
lemma possible_assignments_for_set_is:
assumes "v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
shows "set (possible_assignments_for Ψ v)
= { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v }"
proof -
have "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v ≠ None"
using assms(1)
by auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding possible_assignments_for_def
by fastforce
lemma all_possible_assignments_for_set_is:
assumes "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). range_of Ψ v ≠ None"
shows "set (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ)
= (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
have "set (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ) =
(⋃(set ` (λv. map (λ(v, a). (v, a)) (possible_assignments_for Ψ v)) ` set ?vs))"
unfolding all_possible_assignments_for_def set_concat
using set_map
by auto
also have "… = (⋃((λv. set (possible_assignments_for Ψ v)) ` set ?vs))"
using image_comp set_map
by simp
also have "… = (⋃((λv. { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v }) ` set ?vs))"
using possible_assignments_for_set_is assms
by fastforce
finally show ?thesis
by force
lemma state_to_strips_state_dom_is_i[simp]:
assumes "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
shows "set (concat
[possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← filter (λv. s v ≠ None) (variables_of Ψ)])
= (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
let ?defined = "filter (λv. s v ≠ None) ?vs"
let ?l = "concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← ?defined]"
have nb: "set ?defined = { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }"
unfolding set_filter
by force
have "set ?l = ⋃(set ` set (map (possible_assignments_for Ψ) ?defined ))"
unfolding set_concat image_Union
by blast
also have "… = ⋃(set ` (possible_assignments_for Ψ) ` set ?defined)"
unfolding set_map
by blast
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ set ?defined. set (possible_assignments_for Ψ v))"
by blast
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
set (possible_assignments_for Ψ v))"
using nb
by argo
finally show ?thesis
using possible_assignments_for_set_is
is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of assms(1)
by fastforce
lemma state_to_strips_state_dom_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)
= (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
let ?l = "concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← filter (λv. s v ≠ None) ?vs]"
have nb: "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of assms(1)
by fastforce
have "dom (φ⇩S Ψ s) = fst ` set (map (λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a)) ?l)"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_def
using dom_map_of_conv_image_fst[of "map (λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a)) ?l"]
by presburger
also have "… = fst ` (λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a)) ` set ?l"
unfolding set_map
by blast
also have "… = (λ(v, a). fst ((v, a), the (s v) = a)) ` set ?l"
unfolding image_comp[of fst "λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a)"] comp_apply[of
fst "λ(v, a). ((v, a), the (s v) = a)"] prod.case_distrib
by blast
finally show ?thesis
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is_i[OF nb]
by force
corollary state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s) ⟷ v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)
∧ s v ≠ None
∧ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
show ?thesis
proof (rule iffI)
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
then have "v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
by force+
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs" and "s v ≠ None"
using calculation(1)
by fastforce+
ultimately show
"v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None ∧ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
by force
assume "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None ∧ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
then have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "s v ≠ None"
and a_in_range_of_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
by simp+
then have "v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }"
by force
thus "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
using a_in_range_of_v
by blast
lemma state_to_strips_state_range_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?defined = "filter (λv. s v ≠ None) ?vs"
let ?l = "concat [possible_assignments_for Ψ v. v ← ?defined]"
have v_in_set_vs: "v ∈ set ?vs"
and s_of_v_is_not_None: "s v ≠ None"
and a_in_range_of_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using assms(2)
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
by fastforce+
moreover {
have "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
using assms(1) is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(1)
unfolding is_valid_problem_sas_plus_def
by fastforce
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set ?l"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is_i[OF calculation(1)]
using s_of_v_is_not_None a_in_range_of_v v_in_set_vs
by fastforce
moreover have "set ?l ≠ {}"
using calculation
by fastforce
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using map_of_from_function_graph_is_some_if[of
?l "(v, a)" "λ(v, a). the (s v) = a"]
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.state_to_strips_state_def
state_to_strips_state_def Let_def case_prod_beta'
by fastforce
thus ?thesis.
lemma state_to_strips_state_effect_consistent:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
and "(v, a') ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a) = Some True"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a') = Some True"
shows "(v, a) = (v, a')"
proof -
have "the (s v) = a" and "the (s v) = a'"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] assms(2, 3, 4, 5)
by fastforce+
thus ?thesis
by argo
lemma sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is:
assumes "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
shows "set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of (φ⇩O Ψ op))
= (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
proof -
let ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?effect = "effect_of op"
let ?delete = "[(v, a'). (v, a) ← ?effect, a' ← filter ((≠) a) (the (?D v))]"
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set ?effect"
then have "(ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) = set (the (?D v))"
using assms
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then_range_of_sas_plus_op_is_set_range_of_op
by fastforce
hence "set (filter ((≠) a) (the (?D v))) = { a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. a' ≠ a }"
unfolding set_filter
by blast
} note nb = this
have "set ?delete = ⋃(set ` (λ(v, a). map (Pair v) (filter ((≠) a) (the (?D v))))
` (set ?effect))"
using set_concat
by simp
also have "… = ⋃((λ(v, a). Pair v ` set (filter ((≠) a) (the (?D v))))
` (set ?effect))"
unfolding image_comp[of set] set_map
by auto
also have "… = (⋃(v, a) ∈ set ?effect. Pair v ` { a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. a' ≠ a })"
using nb
by fast
finally have "set ?delete = (⋃(v, a) ∈ set ?effect.
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by force
lemma sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒱) = (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
have "set (strips_problem.variables_of ?Π)
= set [as. v ← ?vs, as ← possible_assignments_for Ψ v]"
unfolding sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
by force
also have "… = (⋃(set ` (λv. possible_assignments_for Ψ v) ` set ?vs))"
using set_concat
by auto
also have "… = (⋃((set ∘ possible_assignments_for Ψ) ` set ?vs))"
using image_comp[of set "λv. possible_assignments_for Ψ v" "set ?vs"]
by argo
finally have "set (strips_problem.variables_of ?Π)
= (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. set (possible_assignments_for Ψ v))"
unfolding o_apply
by blast
moreover have "∀v ∈ set ?vs. v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of assms
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using possible_assignments_for_set_is
by force
corollary sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "(v, a) ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒱) ⟷ v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
unfolding sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_is[OF assms]
by fast
lemma sasp_op_to_strips_effect_consistent:
assumes "op = φ⇩O Ψ op'"
and "op' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op'"
shows "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op) ⟶ (v, a) ∉ set (delete_effects_of op)"
and "(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op) ⟶ (v, a) ∉ set (add_effects_of op)"
proof -
have nb: "(∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op'). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op'). v ≠ v' ∨ a = a')"
using assms(3)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
SAS_Plus_Representation.is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff Let_def
by argo
fix v a
assume v_a_in_add_effects_of_op: "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op)"
have "(v, a) ∉ set (delete_effects_of op)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬(v, a) ∉ set (delete_effects_of op)"
moreover have "(v, a) ∈
(⋃(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op'). { (v, a'')
| a''. a'' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a'' ≠ a' })"
using calculation sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is
by blast
moreover obtain a' where "(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op')" and "a ≠ a'"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op)"
using assms(1) calculation(3)
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
by fastforce
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op')" and "(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op')"
using assms(1) v_a_in_add_effects_of_op calculation(5)
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
by force+
ultimately show False
using nb
by fast
moreover {
fix v a
assume v_a_in_delete_effects_of_op: "(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op)"
have "(v, a) ∉ set (add_effects_of op)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬(v, a) ∉ set (add_effects_of op)"
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op)"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈
(⋃(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op'). { (v, a'')
| a''. a'' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a'' ≠ a' })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is
nb assms(1, 3) v_a_in_delete_effects_of_op
by force
moreover obtain a' where "(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op')" and "a ≠ a'"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op)"
using assms(1) calculation(4)
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
by fastforce
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op')" and "(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op')"
using assms(1) calculation(2, 6)
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by force+
ultimately show False
using nb
by fast
ultimately show "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op)
⟶ (v, a) ∉ set (delete_effects_of op)"
and "(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op)
⟶ (v, a) ∉ set (add_effects_of op)"
by blast+
lemma is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_iii:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "list_all (is_valid_operator_strips (φ Ψ))
(strips_problem.operators_of (φ Ψ))"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?vs = "strips_problem.variables_of ?Π"
fix op
assume "op ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of ?Π)"
then obtain op'
where op_is: "op = φ⇩O Ψ op'"
and op'_in_operators: "op' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
by auto
then have is_valid_op': "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op'"
using sublocale_sas_plus_finite_domain_representation_ii(2)[OF assms]
by blast
moreover {
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op)"
then have "(v, a) ∈ set (sas_plus_operator.precondition_of op')"
using op_is
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by force
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using is_valid_op' calculation
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(1)
by fastforce
moreover have "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_op' calculation(1)
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(2)
by fast
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ set ?vs"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by force
moreover {
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.add_effects_of op)"
then have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op')"
using op_is
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by force
then have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then is_valid_op'
by fastforce+
hence "(v, a) ∈ set ?vs"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by force
moreover {
fix v a'
assume v_a'_in_delete_effects: "(v, a') ∈ set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of op)"
moreover have "set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of op)
= (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op').
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is[OF is_valid_op']
by simp
ultimately obtain a
where "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op')"
and a'_in: "a' ∈ { a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. a' ≠ a }"
by blast
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op'"
using op'_in_operators assms(1)
by blast
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then calculation(1, 3)
by fast
moreover have "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using a'_in
by blast
ultimately have "(v, a') ∈ set ?vs"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by force
ultimately have "set (strips_operator.precondition_of op) ⊆ set ?vs
∧ set (strips_operator.add_effects_of op) ⊆ set ?vs
∧ set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of op) ⊆ set ?vs
∧ (∀v∈set (add_effects_of op). v ∉ set (delete_effects_of op))
∧ (∀v∈set (delete_effects_of op). v ∉ set (add_effects_of op))"
using sasp_op_to_strips_effect_consistent[OF
op_is op'_in_operators is_valid_op']
by fast+
thus ?thesis
unfolding is_valid_operator_strips_def STRIPS_Representation.is_valid_operator_strips_def
list_all_iff ListMem_iff Let_def
by blast
lemma is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_iv:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "∀x. ((φ Ψ)⇩I) x ≠ None
⟷ ListMem x (strips_problem.variables_of (φ Ψ))"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?I = "initial_of Ψ"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?vs' = "strips_problem.variables_of ?Π"
and ?I' = "strips_problem.initial_of ?Π"
fix x
have "?I' x ≠ None ⟷ ListMem x ?vs'"
proof (rule iffI)
assume I'_of_x_is_not_None: "?I' x ≠ None"
then have "x ∈ dom ?I'"
by blast
moreover obtain v a where x_is: "x = (v, a)"
by fastforce
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?I'"
by blast
then have "v ∈ set ?vs"
and "?I v ≠ None"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1), of v a ?I]
unfolding sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
by simp+
thus "ListMem x ?vs'"
unfolding ListMem_iff
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by auto
assume list_mem_x_vs': "ListMem x ?vs'"
then obtain v a where x_is: "x = (v, a)"
by fastforce
then have "(v, a) ∈ set ?vs'"
using list_mem_x_vs'
unfolding ListMem_iff
by blast
then have "v ∈ set ?vs" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by force+
moreover have "?I v ≠ None"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(3) assms(1) calculation(1)
by auto
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?I'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1), of v a ?I]
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
by force
thus "?I' x ≠ None"
using x_is
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by simp
private lemma is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_v:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "∀x. ((φ Ψ)⇩G) x ≠ None
⟶ ListMem x (strips_problem.variables_of (φ Ψ))"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?G = "goal_of Ψ"
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?vs' = "strips_problem.variables_of ?Π"
and ?G' = "strips_problem.goal_of ?Π"
have nb: "?G' = φ⇩S Ψ ?G"
by simp
fix x
assume "?G' x ≠ None"
moreover obtain v a where "x = (v, a)"
by fastforce
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?G'"
using domIff calculation(1, 2)
by blast
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of ?G] nb calculation(3)
by auto+
ultimately have "x ∈ set ?vs'"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding ListMem_iff
by simp
text ‹ We now show that given \<^term>‹Ψ› is a valid SASPlus problem, then \<^term>‹Π ≡ φ Ψ› is a valid
STRIPS problem as well.
The proof unfolds the definition of \<^term>‹is_valid_problem_strips› and then shows each of the conjuncts
for \<^term>‹Π›. These are:
\item \<^term>‹Π› has at least one variable;
\item \<^term>‹Π› has at least one operator;
\item all operators are valid STRIPS operators;
\item \<^term>‹(Π::'a strips_problem)⇩I› is defined for all variables in \<^term>‹(Π::'a strips_problem)⇩𝒱›; and finally,
\item if \<^term>‹((Π::'a strips_problem)⇩G) x› is defined, then \<^term>‹x› is in \<^term>‹(Π::'a strips_problem)⇩𝒱›.
\end{itemize} ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "is_valid_problem_strips (φ Ψ)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
have "list_all (is_valid_operator_strips (φ Ψ))
(strips_problem.operators_of (φ Ψ))"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_iii[OF assms].
moreover have "∀x. (((φ Ψ)⇩I) x ≠ None) =
ListMem x (strips_problem.variables_of (φ Ψ))"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_iv[OF assms].
moreover have "∀x. ((φ Ψ)⇩G) x ≠ None ⟶
ListMem x (strips_problem.variables_of (φ Ψ))"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_v[OF assms].
ultimately show ?thesis
using is_valid_problem_strips_def
unfolding STRIPS_Representation.is_valid_problem_strips_def
by fastforce
lemma set_filter_all_possible_assignments_true_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "set (filter (λ(v, a). s (v, a) = Some True)
(all_possible_assignments_for Ψ))
= (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). Pair v ` { a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. s (v, a) = Some True })"
proof -
let ?vs = "sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ"
and ?P = "(λ(v, a). s (v, a) = Some True)"
let ?l = "filter ?P (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ)"
have "set ?l = set (concat (map (filter ?P) (map (possible_assignments_for Ψ) ?vs)))"
unfolding all_possible_assignments_for_def
filter_concat[of ?P "map (possible_assignments_for Ψ) (sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ)"]
by simp
also have "… = set (concat (map (λv. filter ?P (possible_assignments_for Ψ v)) ?vs))"
unfolding map_map comp_apply
by blast
also have "… = set (concat (map (λv. map (Pair v)
(filter (?P ∘ Pair v) (the (range_of Ψ v)))) ?vs))"
unfolding possible_assignments_for_def filter_map
by blast
also have "… = set (concat (map (λv. map (Pair v) (filter (λa. s (v, a) = Some True)
(the (range_of Ψ v)))) ?vs))"
unfolding comp_apply
by fast
also have "… = ⋃(set ` ((λv. map (Pair v) (filter (λa. s (v, a) = Some True)
(the (range_of Ψ v)))) ` set ?vs))"
unfolding set_concat set_map..
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. Pair v ` set (filter (λa. s (v, a) = Some True)
(the (range_of Ψ v))))"
unfolding image_comp[of set] comp_apply set_map..
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. Pair v
` { a ∈ set (the (range_of Ψ v)). s (v, a) = Some True })"
unfolding set_filter..
finally show ?thesis
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if[OF assms(1)]
by auto
lemma strips_state_to_state_dom_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "dom (φ⇩S¯ Ψ s)
= (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+).
{ v | a. a ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ s (v, a) = Some True })"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ s"
and ?P = "(λ(v, a). s (v, a) = Some True)"
let ?l = "filter ?P (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ)"
have "fst ` set ?l = fst ` (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. Pair v
` { a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. s (v, a) = Some True })"
unfolding set_filter_all_possible_assignments_true_is[OF assms]
by auto
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. fst ` Pair v
` { a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. s (v, a) = Some True })"
by blast
also have "… = (⋃v ∈ set ?vs. (λa. fst (Pair v a)) `
{ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v. s (v, a) = Some True })"
unfolding image_comp[of fst] comp_apply
by blast
finally have "fst ` set ?l = (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+).
{ v | a. a ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ s (v, a) = Some True })"
unfolding setcompr_eq_image fst_conv
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_state_to_state_def
strips_state_to_state_def dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
by blast
lemma strips_state_to_state_range_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "(v, a) ∈ dom s'"
and "∀(v, a) ∈ dom s'. ∀(v, a') ∈ dom s'. s' (v, a) = Some True ∧ s' (v, a') = Some True
⟶ (v, a) = (v, a')"
shows "(φ⇩S¯ Ψ s') v = Some a ⟷ the (s' (v, a))"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?s = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ s'"
let ?as = "all_possible_assignments_for Ψ"
let ?l = "filter (λ(v, a). s' (v, a) = Some True) ?as"
show ?thesis
proof (rule iffI)
assume s_of_v_is_Some_a: "?s v = Some a"
have "(v, a) ∈ set ?l"
using s_of_v_is_Some_a
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_state_to_state_def
using map_of_SomeD
by fast
hence "s' (v, a) = Some True"
unfolding all_possible_assignments_for_set_is set_filter
by blast
thus "the (s' (v, a))"
by simp
assume the_of_s'_of_v_a_is: "the (s' (v, a))"
then have s'_of_v_a_is_Some_true: "s' (v, a) = Some True"
using assms(4) domIff
by force
moreover {
fix v v' a a'
assume "(v, a) ∈ set ?l" and "(v', a') ∈ set ?l"
then have "v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using assms(5)
by fastforce
moreover {
have "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v ≠ None"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(1) assms(1)
by force
moreover have "set ?l = Set.filter (λ(v, a). s' (v, a) = Some True)
(⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
using all_possible_assignments_for_set_is calculation
by force
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ set ?l"
using assms(2, 3) s'_of_v_a_is_Some_true
by simp
ultimately show "?s v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[of ?l v a]
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_state_to_state_def
by blast
lemma strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "s v ≠ None"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
proof -
let ?vs = "sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?f = "λ(v, a). the (s v) = a"
and ?l = "concat (map (possible_assignments_for Ψ) (filter (λv. s v ≠ None) ?vs))"
have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[
OF assms(1)] assms(2, 3, 4)
by presburger
have "v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }"
using assms(2, 3)
by blast
moreover have "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). v ∈ dom (sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of[OF assms(1)].
moreover have "set ?l = (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) |a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_is_i[OF calculation(2)]
by blast
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ set ?l"
using assms(4)
by blast
moreover have "set ?l ≠ {}"
using calculation
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.state_to_strips_state_def
using map_of_from_function_graph_is_some_if[of ?l "(v, a)" ?f]
unfolding split_def
by fastforce
corollary strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_ii:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "s v = Some a"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "a' ≠ a"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a') = Some False"
proof -
have "s v ≠ None"
using assms(3)
by simp
moreover have "the (s v) ≠ a'"
using assms(3, 6)
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_i[OF assms(1, 2) _ assms(5)]
by force
corollary strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_iii:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "s v = Some a"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a) = Some True"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ s) (v, a') = Some True"
shows "a = a'"
proof -
have "s v ≠ None"
using assms(3)
by blast
thus ?thesis
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_i[OF assms(1, 2)] assms(4, 5, 6, 7)
by auto
lemma strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_iv:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "s v = Some a"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
shows "(φ⇩S¯ Ψ (φ⇩S Ψ s)) v = Some a"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?s'' = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s'"
let ?P = "λ(v, a). ?s' (v, a) = Some True"
let ?as = "filter ?P (all_possible_assignments_for Ψ)"
and ?As = "Set.filter ?P (⋃v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+).
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
have "∀v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+). range_of Ψ v ≠ None"
using sublocale_sas_plus_finite_domain_representation_ii(1)[OF assms(1)]
by force
hence "set ?as = ?As"
unfolding set_filter
using all_possible_assignments_for_set_is
by force
} note nb = this
moreover {
fix v v' a a'
assume "(v, a) ∈ set ?as"
and "(v', a') ∈ set ?as"
then have "(v, a) ∈ ?As" and "(v', a') ∈ ?As"
using nb
by blast+
then have v_in_set_vs: "v ∈ set ?vs" and v'_in_set_vs: "v' ∈ set ?vs"
and a_in_range_of_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and a'_in_range_of_v: "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'"
and s'_of_v_a_is: "?s' (v, a) = Some True" and s'_of_v'_a'_is: "?s' (v', a') = Some True"
by fastforce+
then have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
by blast
then have s_of_v_is_Some_a: "s v = Some a"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] s'_of_v_a_is
by auto
have "v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬(v ≠ v' ∨ a = a')"
then have "v = v'" and "a ≠ a'"
by simp+
thus False
using a'_in_range_of_v a_in_range_of_v assms(1) v'_in_set_vs s'_of_v'_a'_is
s'_of_v_a_is s_of_v_is_Some_a strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_iii
by force
moreover {
have "s v ≠ None"
using assms(4)
by simp
then have "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_i[OF assms(1, 3) _ assms(5)]
by simp
hence "(v, a) ∈ set ?as"
using all_possible_assignments_for_set_is assms(3, 5) nb
by simp
ultimately have "map_of ?as v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[of ?as v a]
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_state_to_state_def
strips_state_to_state_def all_possible_assignments_for_def
by simp
lemma strips_state_to_state_inverse_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
shows "s = (φ⇩S¯ Ψ (φ⇩S Ψ s))"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?s'' = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s'"
fix v
assume v_in_dom_s: "v ∈ dom s"
then have v_in_set_vs: "v ∈ set ?vs"
using assms(2)
by auto
then obtain a
where the_s_v_is_a: "s v = Some a"
and a_in_dom_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using assms(2, 3) v_in_dom_s
by force
moreover have "?s'' v = Some a"
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is_iv[OF assms(1, 2)] v_in_set_vs
the_s_v_is_a a_in_dom_v
by force
ultimately have "s v = ?s'' v"
by argo
} note nb = this
moreover {
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom ?s''"
then obtain a
where "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using strips_state_to_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
by blast
then have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
by blast
then have "s v ≠ None"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
by simp
then obtain a where "s v = Some a"
by blast
hence "?s'' v = s v"
using nb
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using map_le_antisym[of s ?s''] map_le_def
unfolding strips_state_to_state_def
by blast
lemma state_to_strips_state_map_le_iff:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
shows "s ⊆⇩m t ⟷ (φ⇩S Ψ s) ⊆⇩m (φ⇩S Ψ t)"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?t' = "φ⇩S Ψ t"
show ?thesis
proof (rule iffI)
assume s_map_le_t: "s ⊆⇩m t"
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "s v ≠ None" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)] calculation
by blast+
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(1)
by meson
moreover have "v ∈ dom s"
using calculation(3)
by auto
moreover have "s v = t v"
using s_map_le_t calculation(6)
unfolding map_le_def
by blast
moreover have "t v ≠ None"
using calculation(3, 7)
by argo
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(2, 4, 8)
by blast
moreover have "?t' (v, a) = Some (the (t v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(9)
by simp
ultimately have "?s' (v, a) = ?t' (v, a)"
by presburger
thus "?s' ⊆⇩m ?t'"
unfolding map_le_def
by fast
assume s'_map_le_t': "?s' ⊆⇩m ?t'"
fix v
assume v_in_dom_s: "v ∈ dom s"
moreover obtain a where the_of_s_of_v_is_a: "the (s v) = a"
by blast
moreover have v_in_vs: "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and s_of_v_is_not_None: "s v ≠ None"
and a_in_range_of_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using assms(2, 3) v_in_dom_s calculation
by blast+
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
calculation(3, 4, 5)
by simp
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = ?t' (v, a)"
using s'_map_le_t' calculation
unfolding map_le_def
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
using calculation
unfolding domIff
by argo
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
and "?t' (v, a) = Some (the (t v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] calculation
by fast+
moreover have "s v = Some a"
using calculation(2, 4)
by force
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using calculation(9, 11)
by fastforce
moreover have "?t' (v, a) = Some True"
using calculation(7, 12)
by argo
moreover have "the (t v) = a"
using calculation(10, 13) try0
by force
moreover {
have "v ∈ dom t"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by auto
hence "t v = Some a"
using calculation(14)
by force
ultimately have "s v = t v"
by argo
thus "s ⊆⇩m t"
unfolding map_le_def
by simp
lemma sas_plus_operator_inverse_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
shows "(φ⇩O¯ Ψ (φ⇩O Ψ op)) = op"
proof -
let ?op = "φ⇩O¯ Ψ (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
have "precondition_of ?op = precondition_of op"
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_op_to_sasp_def
by fastforce
moreover have "effect_of ?op = effect_of op"
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_op_to_sasp_def
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma strips_operator_inverse_is:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
shows "(φ⇩O Ψ (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')) = op'"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
obtain op where "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using assms
by auto
moreover have "φ⇩O¯ Ψ op' = op"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(1)] calculation(2)
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by argo
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_I:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ s) ops'"
and "op ∈ set [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
shows "map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m (φ⇩S¯ Ψ (φ⇩S Ψ s))"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?s = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s'"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
and ?pre = "precondition_of op"
have nb⇩1: "∀(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'.
∀(v, a') ∈ dom ?s'.
?s' (v, a) = Some True ∧ ?s' (v, a') = Some True
⟶ (v, a) = (v, a')"
using state_to_strips_state_effect_consistent[OF assms(1)]
by blast
fix op'
assume "op' ∈ set ops'"
moreover have "op' ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using assms(2) calculation
by blast
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+). op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
by auto
} note nb⇩2 = this
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ?ops"
then obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ops'" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using assms(4)
by auto
moreover obtain op'' where "op'' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op''"
using nb⇩2 calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "op = op''"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(3)] calculation(2, 4)
by blast
ultimately have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
by blast
} note nb⇩3 = this
fix op v a
assume "op ∈ set ?ops"
and v_a_in_precondition_of_op': "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
moreover obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ops'" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using calculation(1)
by auto
moreover have "strips_operator.precondition_of op' = precondition_of op"
using calculation(4)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_op_to_sasp_def
by simp
ultimately have "∃op' ∈ set ops'. op = (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')
∧ (v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
by metis
} note nb⇩4 = this
fix op' v a
assume "op' ∈ set ops'"
and v_a_in_precondition_of_op': "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
moreover have s'_of_v_a_is_Some_True: "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using assms(3) calculation(1, 2)
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_set
by blast
moreover {
obtain op where "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using nb⇩2 calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "strips_operator.precondition_of op' = precondition_of op"
using calculation(2)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by simp
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
using v_a_in_precondition_of_op' calculation(3)
by argo
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1) calculation(1)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(1,2) calculation(4, 5)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fastforce+
moreover have "v ∈ dom ?s"
using strips_state_to_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of ?s']
s'_of_v_a_is_Some_True calculation(6, 7)
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using s'_of_v_a_is_Some_True domIff
by blast
ultimately have "?s v = Some a"
using strips_state_to_state_range_is[OF assms(1) _ _ _ nb⇩1]
by simp
hence "?s v = Some a".
} note nb⇩5 = this
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom (map_of ?pre)"
then obtain a where "map_of ?pre v = Some a"
by fast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set ?pre"
using map_of_SomeD calculation
by fast
moreover {
have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using assms(4) nb⇩3
by blast
then have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
hence "∀(v, a) ∈ set ?pre. ∀(v', a') ∈ set ?pre. v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(5)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fast
moreover have "map_of ?pre v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[of ?pre] calculation(2, 3)
by blast
moreover obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ops'"
and "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
using nb⇩4[OF assms(4) calculation(2)]
by blast
moreover have "?s v = Some a"
using nb⇩5 calculation(5, 6)
by fast
ultimately have "map_of ?pre v = ?s v"
by argo
thus ?thesis
unfolding map_le_def
by blast
lemma to_sas_plus_list_of_transformed_sas_plus_problem_operators_structure:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "op ∈ set [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
shows "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+) ∧ (∃op' ∈ set ops'. op' = φ⇩O Ψ op)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ops'" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using assms(3)
by auto
moreover have "op' ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using assms(2) calculation(1)
by blast
moreover obtain op'' where "op'' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op''"
using calculation(3)
by auto
moreover have "op = op''"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(4)] calculation(2, 5)
by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_II:
fixes Ψ :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem"
fixes s :: "('variable, 'domain) state"
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩s Ψ s) ops'
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops'"
shows "are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
proof -
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?s = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s'"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
have nb: "∀(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'.
∀(v, a') ∈ dom ?s'.
?s' (v, a) = Some True ∧ ?s' (v, a') = Some True
⟶ (v, a) = (v, a')"
using state_to_strips_state_effect_consistent[OF assms(1)]
by blast
fix op⇩1' op⇩2'
assume "op⇩1' ∈ set ops'" and "op⇩2' ∈ set ops'"
hence "STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1' op⇩2'"
using assms(3)
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by blast
} note nb⇩1 = this
fix op⇩1 op⇩1' op⇩2 op⇩2'
assume op⇩1_in_ops: "op⇩1 ∈ set ?ops"
and op⇩1'_in_ops': "op⇩1' ∈ set ops'"
and op⇩1'_is: "op⇩1' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and is_valid_op⇩1: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩1"
and op⇩2_in_ops: "op⇩2 ∈ set ?ops"
and op⇩2'_in_ops': "op⇩2' ∈ set ops'"
and op⇩2'_is: "op⇩2' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
and is_valid_op⇩2: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩2"
have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2').
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬(∀(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2').
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a')"
then obtain v v' a a' where "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1')"
and "(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2')"
and "v = v'"
and "a ≠ a'"
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1)"
using op⇩1'_is op⇩2'_is calculation(1, 2)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by force
moreover {
have "(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
using op⇩2'_is calculation(2)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by force
hence "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then is_valid_op⇩2 calculation(3)
by fastforce
moreover have "(v, a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩1')"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is
op⇩1'_is is_valid_op⇩1 calculation(3, 4, 5, 6)
by blast
moreover have "¬STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1' op⇩2'"
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_ex_iff
using calculation(2, 3, 7)
by meson
ultimately show False
using assms(3) op⇩1'_in_ops' op⇩2'_in_ops'
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by blast
} note nb⇩3 = this
fix op⇩1 op⇩2
assume op⇩1_in_ops: "op⇩1 ∈ set ?ops" and op⇩2_in_ops: "op⇩2 ∈ set ?ops"
moreover have op⇩1_in_operators_of_Ψ: "op⇩1 ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and op⇩2_in_operators_of_Ψ: "op⇩2 ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using to_sas_plus_list_of_transformed_sas_plus_problem_operators_structure[OF
assms(1, 2)] calculation
by blast+
moreover have is_valid_operator_op⇩1: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩1"
and is_valid_operator_op⇩2: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩2"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) op⇩1_in_operators_of_Ψ op⇩2_in_operators_of_Ψ
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto+
moreover obtain op⇩1' op⇩2'
where op⇩1_in_ops': "op⇩1' ∈ set ops'"
and op⇩1_is: "op⇩1' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and op⇩2_in_ops': "op⇩2' ∈ set ops'"
and op⇩2_is: "op⇩2' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
using to_sas_plus_list_of_transformed_sas_plus_problem_operators_structure[OF
assms(1, 2)] op⇩1_in_ops op⇩2_in_ops
by blast
ultimately have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2').
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using nb⇩3
by auto
hence "are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
using op⇩1_is op⇩2_is
unfolding are_operator_effects_consistent_def
list_all_iff Let_def
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by fast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_IV:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ s) ops'
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops'"
shows "are_all_operators_applicable_in (φ⇩S¯ Ψ (φ⇩S Ψ s)) [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'] ∧
are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?vs' = "strips_problem.variables_of ?Π"
and ?ops' = "strips_problem.operators_of ?Π"
and ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?s = "φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s'"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
have nb: "∀(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'.
∀(v, a') ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s).
?s' (v, a) = Some True ∧ ?s' (v, a') = Some True
⟶ (v, a) = (v, a')"
using state_to_strips_state_effect_consistent[OF assms(1)]
by blast
have "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable ?s' ops'"
using assms(3)
by simp
moreover have "list_all (λop. map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m ?s) ?ops"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_I[OF assms(1) assms(2)] calculation
unfolding list_all_iff
by blast
moreover have "list_all (λop. list_all (are_operator_effects_consistent op) ?ops) ?ops"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_II assms nb
unfolding are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def list_all_iff
by blast
ultimately have "are_all_operators_applicable_in ?s ?ops"
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_in_def is_operator_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by argo
moreover have "are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_II assms nb
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VI:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "are_all_operators_applicable_in s [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'] ∧
are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ s) ops'"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
and ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
fix op'
assume "op' ∈ set ops'"
moreover obtain op where "op ∈ set ?ops" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using calculation
by force
moreover obtain op'' where "op'' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op''"
using assms(4) calculation(1)
by auto
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op''"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1) calculation(4)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
moreover have "op = op''"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(3, 4, 5)
by blast
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ?ops. op ∈ set ?ops ∧ op = (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')
∧ is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
by blast
} note nb⇩1 = this
have nb⇩2: "∀(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'.
∀(v, a') ∈ dom ?s'.
?s' (v, a) = Some True ∧ ?s' (v, a') = Some True
⟶ (v, a) = (v, a')"
using state_to_strips_state_effect_consistent[OF assms(1), of _ _ s]
by blast
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ?ops"
hence "map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m s"
using assms(5)
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_in_def
is_operator_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by blast
} note nb⇩3 = this
fix op'
assume "op' ∈ set ops'"
then obtain op where op_in_ops: "op ∈ set ?ops"
and op_is: "op = (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')"
and is_valid_operator_op: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using nb⇩1
by force
moreover have preconditions_are_consistent:
"∀(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (precondition_of op). v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(5) calculation(3)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fast
moreover {
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
moreover have v_a_in_precondition_of_op: "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
using op_is calculation
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_op_to_sasp_def
by auto
moreover have "map_of (precondition_of op) v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[OF
preconditions_are_consistent calculation(2)]
by blast
moreover have s_of_v_is: "s v = Some a"
using nb⇩3[OF op_in_ops] calculation(3)
unfolding map_le_def
by force
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(1, 2) is_valid_operator_op
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
SAS_Plus_Representation.is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by auto+
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)] s_of_v_is
by simp
moreover have "(φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?s') v = Some a"
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is[OF assms(1, 2, 3)] s_of_v_is
by argo
ultimately have "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using strips_state_to_state_range_is[OF assms(1)] nb⇩2
by auto
ultimately have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op'). ?s' (v, a) = Some True"
by fast
thus ?thesis
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_def is_operator_applicable_in_def
STRIPS_Representation.is_operator_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by simp
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VII:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "are_all_operators_applicable_in s [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'] ∧
are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops'"
proof -
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
and ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
fix op'
assume "op' ∈ set ops'"
moreover obtain op where "op ∈ set ?ops" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using calculation
by force
moreover obtain op'' where "op'' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op''"
using assms(4) calculation(1)
by auto
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op''"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1) calculation(4)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
moreover have "op = op''"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(3, 4, 5)
by blast
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ?ops. op ∈ set ?ops ∧ op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)
∧ is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
by blast
} note nb⇩1 = this
fix op⇩1' op⇩2'
assume "op⇩1' ∈ set ops'"
and "op⇩2' ∈ set ops'"
and "∃(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). ∃(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2').
(v, a) = (v', a')"
moreover obtain op⇩1 op⇩2
where "op⇩1 ∈ set ?ops"
and "op⇩1' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩1"
and "op⇩2 ∈ set ?ops"
and "op⇩2' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
and is_valid_op⇩2: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩2"
using nb⇩1 calculation(1, 2)
by meson
moreover obtain v v' a a'
where "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1')"
and "(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2')"
and "(v, a) = (v', a')"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1)"
using calculation(5, 10)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by fastforce
moreover have "v = v'" and "a = a'"
using calculation(12)
by simp+
moreover {
have "(v', a') ∈ (⋃(v'', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2).
{ (v'', a''') | a'''. a''' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'') ∧ a''' ≠ a'' })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is
calculation(8, 11) is_valid_op⇩2
by blast
then obtain v'' a'' where "(v'', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
and "(v', a') ∈ { (v'', a''') | a'''. a''' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'') ∧ a''' ≠ a'' }"
by blast
moreover have "(v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v''" and "a' ≠ a''"
using calculation(1, 2)
by fast+
ultimately have "∃a''. (v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2) ∧ a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v')
∧ a' ≠ a''"
by blast
moreover obtain a'' where "(v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
and "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'"
and "a' ≠ a''"
using calculation(16)
by blast
moreover have "∃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1). (∃(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2).
v = v' ∧ a ≠ a')"
using calculation(13, 14, 15, 17, 19)
by blast
moreover have "¬are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
unfolding are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
using calculation(20)
by fastforce
ultimately have "¬are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops"
unfolding are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by meson
} note nb⇩2 = this
fix op⇩1' op⇩2'
assume op⇩1'_in_ops: "op⇩1' ∈ set ops'" and op⇩2'_in_ops: "op⇩2' ∈ set ops'"
have "STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1' op⇩2'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1' op⇩2'"
then consider (A) "∃(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1').
∃(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2'). (v, a) = (v', a')"
| (B) "∃(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2').
∃(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩1'). (v, a) = (v', a')"
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_ex_iff
by fastforce
thus False
using nb⇩2[OF op⇩1'_in_ops op⇩2'_in_ops] nb⇩2[OF op⇩2'_in_ops op⇩1'_in_ops] assms(5)
by (cases, argo, force)
thus ?thesis
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def
STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by blast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VIII:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom s ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "set ops' ⊆ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "are_all_operators_applicable_in s [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'] ∧
are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ s) ops'
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops'"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VI sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VII assms
by fastforce
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_IX:
assumes "dom s ⊆ V"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V"
shows "dom (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s ops) ⊆ V"
proof -
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction ops arbitrary: s)
case Nil
then show ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
case (Cons op ops)
let ?s' = "s ++ map_of (effect_of op)"
have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V"
using Cons.prems(2)
by fastforce
moreover have "fst ` set (effect_of op) ⊆ V"
using calculation
by fastforce
ultimately have "dom ?s' ⊆ V"
unfolding dom_map_add dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
using Cons.prems(1)
by blast
moreover have "∀op ∈ set ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V"
using Cons.prems(2)
by fastforce
ultimately have "dom (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?s' ops) ⊆ V"
using Cons.IH[of ?s']
by fast
thus ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_cons.
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_X:
assumes "dom s ⊆ V"
and "V ⊆ dom D"
and "∀v ∈ dom s. the (s v) ∈ set (the (D v))"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V ∧ a ∈ set (the (D v))"
shows "∀v ∈ dom (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s ops).
the (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s ops v) ∈ set (the (D v))"
proof -
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction ops arbitrary: s)
case Nil
then show ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
case (Cons op ops)
let ?s' = "s ++ map_of (effect_of op)"
have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V"
using Cons.prems(4)
by fastforce
moreover have "fst ` set (effect_of op) ⊆ V"
using calculation
by fastforce
ultimately have "dom ?s' ⊆ V"
unfolding dom_map_add dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
using Cons.prems(1)
by blast
moreover {
fix v
assume v_in_dom_s': "v ∈ dom ?s'"
hence "the (?s' v) ∈ set (the (D v))"
proof (cases "v ∈ dom (map_of (effect_of op))")
case True
moreover have "?s' v = (map_of (effect_of op)) v"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(1)[OF True]
by blast
moreover obtain a where "(map_of (effect_of op)) v = Some a"
using calculation(1)
by fast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
using map_of_SomeD calculation(3)
by fast
moreover have "a ∈ set (the (D v))"
using Cons.prems(4) calculation(4)
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by force
case False
then show ?thesis
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(3)[OF False]
using Cons.prems(3) v_in_dom_s'
by fast
moreover have "∀op ∈ set ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ V ∧ a ∈ set (the (D v))"
using Cons.prems(4)
by auto
ultimately have "∀v ∈ dom (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?s' ops).
the (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?s' ops v) ∈ set (the (D v))"
using Cons.IH[of "s ++ map_of (effect_of op)", OF _ Cons.prems(2)]
by meson
thus ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_cons
by blast
lemma transfom_sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_operators_valid:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
obtains op
where "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)" "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
proof -
obtain op where "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using assms
by auto
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1) calculation(1)
by auto
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+). op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)
∧ is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
by blast
thus ?thesis
using that
by blast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XI:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ s) ++ map_of (effect_to_assignments op')
= φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')))"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?ops' = "strips_problem.operators_of ?Π"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
let ?t = "?s' ++ map_of (effect_to_assignments op')"
and ?t' = "φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')))"
obtain op where op'_is: "op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
and op_in_ops: "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and is_valid_operator_op: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using transfom_sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_operators_valid[OF assms]
by auto
have nb⇩1: "(φ⇩O¯ Ψ op') = op"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1)] op'_is op_in_ops
by blast
have "dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))
= set (strips_operator.add_effects_of op') ∪ set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of op')"
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
by force
also have "… = set (effect_of op) ∪ set (strips_operator.delete_effects_of op')"
using op'_is
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by auto
finally have "dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op')) = set (effect_of op)
∪ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is[OF
is_valid_operator_op] op'_is
by argo
} note nb⇩2 = this
have nb⇩3: "dom ?t = dom ?s' ∪ set (effect_of op)
∪ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
unfolding nb⇩2 dom_map_add
by blast
have nb⇩4: "dom (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')))
= dom s ∪ fst ` set (effect_of op)"
unfolding dom_map_add dom_map_of_conv_image_fst nb⇩1
by fast
let ?u = "s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"
have "dom ?t' = (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ ?u v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
} note nb⇩5 = this
have nb⇩6: "set (add_effects_of op') = set (effect_of op)"
using op'_is
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
by auto
have nb⇩7: "set (delete_effects_of op') = (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is[OF
is_valid_operator_op] op'_is
by argo
let ?Add = "set (effect_of op)"
let ?Delete = "(⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
have dom_add: "dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op'))) = ?Add"
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst set_map image_comp comp_apply
using nb⇩6
by simp
have dom_delete: "dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op'))) = ?Delete"
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst set_map image_comp comp_apply
using nb⇩7
by auto
fix v a
assume v_a_in_dom_add: "(v, a) ∈ dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op')))"
have "(v, a) ∉ dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op')))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬((v, a) ∉ dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op'))))"
then have "(v, a) ∈ ?Delete" and "(v, a) ∈ ?Add"
using dom_add dom_delete v_a_in_dom_add
by argo+
moreover have "∀(v', a') ∈ ?Add. v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(6) is_valid_operator_op
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fast
ultimately show False
by fast
hence "disjnt (dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op'))))
(dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op'))))"
unfolding disjnt_def Int_def
using nb⇩7
by simp
hence "dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op'))) = ?Add"
and "dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op'))) = ?Delete"
and "disjnt (dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op'))))
(dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op'))))"
using dom_add dom_delete
by blast+
} note nb⇩8 = this
let ?Add = "set (effect_of op)"
let ?Delete = "(⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
have "∀(v, a) ∈ ?Add. map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some True"
and "∀(v, a) ∈ ?Delete. map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some False"
proof -
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ ?Add"
hence "map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some True"
unfolding effect_to_assignments_simp
using nb⇩6 map_of_defined_if_constructed_from_list_of_constant_assignments[of
"map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op')" True "add_effects_of op'"]
by force
moreover {
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ ?Delete"
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op')))"
using nb⇩8(2) calculation(1)
by argo
moreover have "(v, a) ∉ dom (map_of (map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op')))"
using nb⇩8
unfolding disjnt_def
using calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a)
= map_of (map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op')) (v, a)"
unfolding effect_to_assignments_simp map_of_append
using map_add_dom_app_simps(3)[OF calculation(3)]
by presburger
ultimately have "map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some False"
using map_of_defined_if_constructed_from_list_of_constant_assignments[
of "map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op')" False "delete_effects_of op'"]
by auto
ultimately show "∀(v, a) ∈ ?Add. map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some True"
and "∀(v, a) ∈ ?Delete. map_of (effect_to_assignments op') (v, a) = Some False"
by blast+
} note nb⇩9 = this
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
moreover have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op). v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then is_valid_operator_op
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fast
ultimately have "map_of (effect_of op) v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[of "effect_of op"]
by presburger
} note nb⇩1⇩0 = this
fix v a
assume v_a_in_effect_of_op: "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
and "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v ≠ None"
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs"
using is_valid_operator_op is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(3) calculation(1)
by fastforce
moreover {
have "is_valid_problem_strips ?Π"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too
by blast
thm calculation(1) nb⇩6 assms(2)
moreover have "set (add_effects_of op') ⊆ set ((?Π)⇩𝒱)"
using assms(2) is_valid_problem_strips_operator_variable_sets(2)
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒱)"
using v_a_in_effect_of_op nb⇩6 calculation(2)
by blast
ultimately have "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_variable_set_element_iff[OF
by fast
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))))"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of
"s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"]
by simp
} note nb⇩1⇩1 = this
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
moreover have "v ∈ dom (map_of (effect_of op))"
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
using calculation
by force
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v = Some a"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(1)[OF calculation(2)] nb⇩1
using nb⇩1⇩0 calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v ≠ None"
using calculation(3)
by auto
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))))"
using nb⇩1⇩1 calculation(1, 4)
by presburger
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')))) (v, a) = Some True"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)]
by simp
} note nb⇩1⇩2 = this
fix v a'
assume "(v, a') ∈ dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))"
and "(v, a') ∈ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
moreover have "v ∈ dom (map_of (effect_of op))"
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst
using calculation(2)
by force
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs"
using calculation(3) is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(3) is_valid_operator_op
unfolding dom_map_of_conv_image_fst is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fastforce
moreover obtain a where "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
and "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "a' ≠ a"
using calculation(2)
by blast
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v = Some a"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(1)[OF calculation(3)] nb⇩1
using nb⇩1⇩0 calculation(5)
by blast
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v ≠ None"
using calculation(8)
by auto
moreover have "(v, a') ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))))"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of
"s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"] calculation(4, 6, 9)
by simp
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')))) (v, a') = Some False"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1),
of v a' "s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"]
by simp
} note nb⇩1⇩3 = this
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t"
and "(v, a) ∉ dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))"
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using calculation(1, 2)
unfolding dom_map_add
by blast
moreover have "?t (v, a) = ?s' (v, a)"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(3)[OF calculation(2)]..
ultimately have "?t (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
} note nb⇩1⇩4 = this
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t"
and v_a_not_in: "(v, a) ∉ dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))"
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using calculation(1, 2)
unfolding dom_map_add
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ (⋃ v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1)] calculation(3)
by presburger
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "s v ≠ None" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using calculation(4)
by blast+
moreover {
have "dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op')) = (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a) })
∪ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
unfolding nb⇩2
by blast
also have "… = (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a) }
∪ { (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
by blast
finally have "dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))
= (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). { (v, a) }
∪ { (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
by auto
then have "(v, a) ∉ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
using v_a_not_in
by blast
moreover have "v ∉ dom (map_of (effect_of op))"
using dom_map_of_conv_image_fst calculation
by fastforce
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v = s v"
unfolding nb⇩1 map_add_dom_app_simps(3)[OF calculation(9)]
by simp
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of
"s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"] calculation(5, 6, 7, 8, 10)
by simp
ultimately have "?t' (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
} note nb⇩1⇩5 = this
have nb⇩1⇩6: "dom ?t = (⋃ v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None }.
{ (v, a) | a. a ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) })
∪ set (effect_of op)
∪ (⋃(v, a)∈set (effect_of op).
{(v, a') |a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a})"
unfolding dom_map_add nb⇩2
using state_to_strips_state_dom_is[OF assms(1), of s]
by auto
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t"
then consider (A) "(v, a) ∈ dom (φ⇩S Ψ s)"
| (B) "(v, a) ∈ dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))"
by fast
hence "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
proof (cases)
case A
then have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" and "s v ≠ None" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by blast+
thm map_add_None state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
moreover have "(s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))) v ≠ None"
using calculation(2)
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by blast
case B
then have "(v, a) ∈
set (effect_of op)
∪ (⋃(v, a)∈set (effect_of op). { (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v ∧ a' ≠ a })"
unfolding nb⇩2
by blast
then consider (B⇩1) "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
| (B⇩2) "(v, a) ∈ (⋃(v, a)∈set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v ∧ a' ≠ a })"
by blast
thm nb⇩1⇩2 nb⇩1⇩3 nb⇩2
thus ?thesis
proof (cases)
case B⇩1
then show ?thesis
using nb⇩1⇩2
by fast
case B⇩2
then show ?thesis
using nb⇩1⇩3 B
by blast
moreover {
let ?u = "s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"
fix v a
assume v_a_in_dom_t': "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
thm nb⇩5
then have v_in_vs: "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and u_of_v_is_not_None: "?u v ≠ None"
and a_in_range_of_v: "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by meson+
assume "(v, a) ∉ dom ?t"
then have contradiction: "(v, a) ∉
(⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None}. { (v, a) |a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })
∪ set (effect_of op)
∪ (⋃(v, a)∈set (effect_of op). {(v, a') |a'. a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v ∧ a' ≠ a})"
unfolding nb⇩1⇩6
by fast
hence False
proof (cases "map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op')) v = None")
case True
then have "s v ≠ None"
using u_of_v_is_not_None
by simp
then have "(v, a) ∈ (⋃v ∈ { v | v. v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ s v ≠ None}.
{ (v, a) |a. a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v })"
using v_in_vs a_in_range_of_v
by blast
thus ?thesis
using contradiction
by blast
case False
then have "v ∈ dom (map_of (effect_of op))"
using u_of_v_is_not_None nb⇩1
by blast
then obtain a' where map_of_effect_of_op_v_is: "map_of (effect_of op) v = Some a'"
by blast
then have v_a'_in: "(v, a') ∈ set (effect_of op)"
using map_of_SomeD
by fast
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "a = a'")
case True
then have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
using v_a'_in
by blast
then show ?thesis
using contradiction
by blast
case False
then have "(v, a) ∈ (⋃(v, a)∈set (effect_of op).
{(v, a') |a'. a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v ∧ a' ≠ a})"
using v_a'_in calculation a_in_range_of_v
by blast
thus ?thesis
using contradiction
by fast
hence "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t"
by argo
moreover have "dom ?t ⊆ dom ?t'" and "dom ?t' ⊆ dom ?t"
using calculation(1) subrelI[of "dom ?t" "dom ?t'"]
by fast
using calculation(2) subrelI[of "dom ?t'" "dom ?t"]
by argo
ultimately have "dom ?t = dom ?t'"
by force
} note nb⇩1⇩7 = this
fix v a
assume v_a_in_dom_t: "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t"
hence "?t (v, a) = ?t' (v, a)"
proof (cases "(v, a) ∈ dom (map_of (effect_to_assignments op'))")
case True
then consider (A1) "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
| (A2) "(v, a) ∈ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
using nb⇩2
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
proof (cases)
case A1
then have "?t (v, a) = Some True"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(1)[OF True]
using nb⇩9(1)
by fast
moreover have "?t' (v, a) = Some True"
using nb⇩1⇩2[OF A1].
ultimately show ?thesis..
case A2
then have "?t (v, a) = Some False"
unfolding map_add_dom_app_simps(1)[OF True]
using nb⇩9(2)
by blast
moreover have "?t' (v, a) = Some False"
using nb⇩1⇩3[OF True A2].
ultimately show ?thesis..
case False
moreover have "?t (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using nb⇩1⇩4[OF v_a_in_dom_t False].
moreover have "?t' (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using nb⇩1⇩5[OF v_a_in_dom_t False].
ultimately show ?thesis
by argo
} note nb⇩1⇩8 = this
moreover {
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?t'"
hence "?t (v, a) = ?t' (v, a)"
using nb⇩1⇩7 nb⇩1⇩8
by presburger
ultimately have "?t ⊆⇩m ?t'" and "?t' ⊆⇩m ?t"
unfolding map_le_def
by fastforce+
thus ?thesis
using map_le_antisym[of ?t ?t']
by fast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XII:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op' ∈ set ops'. op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
shows "execute_parallel_operator (φ⇩S Ψ s) ops'
= φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'])"
using assms
proof (induction ops' arbitrary: s)
case Nil
then show ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_def execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
case (Cons op' ops')
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?t' = "(φ⇩S Ψ s) ++ map_of (effect_to_assignments op')"
and ?t = "s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'))"
have nb⇩1: "?t' = φ⇩S Ψ ?t"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XI[OF assms(1)] Cons.prems(2)
by force
have "∀op' ∈ set ops'. op' ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of ?Π)"
using Cons.prems(2)
by simp
then have "execute_parallel_operator (φ⇩S Ψ ?t) ops'
= φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?t [φ⇩O¯ Ψ x. x ← ops'])"
using Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1), of ?t]
by fastforce
hence "execute_parallel_operator ?t' ops'
= φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?t [φ⇩O¯ Ψ x. x ← ops'])"
using nb⇩1
by argo
thus ?case
by simp
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XIII:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op' ∈ set ops'. op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan
(execute_parallel_operator (φ⇩S Ψ I) ops') π"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan
(φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus I [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops'])) π"
proof -
let ?I' = "(φ⇩S Ψ I)"
and ?G' = "φ⇩S Ψ G"
and ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?J = "execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus I ?ops"
fix v a
assume "(v, a) ∈ dom ?G'"
then have "?G' (v, a) = execute_parallel_plan
(execute_parallel_operator ?I' ops') π (v, a)"
using assms(3)
unfolding map_le_def
by auto
hence "?G' (v, a) = execute_parallel_plan (φ⇩S Ψ ?J) π (v, a)"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XII[OF assms(1, 2)]
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding map_le_def
by fast
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom I ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom I. the (I v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "dom G ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom G. the (G v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "∀ops' ∈ set π. ∀op' ∈ set ops'. op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan (φ⇩S Ψ I) π"
shows "G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?ψ = "φ⇩P¯ Ψ π"
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction π arbitrary: I)
case Nil
then have "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m (φ⇩S Ψ I)"
by fastforce
then have "G ⊆⇩m I"
using state_to_strips_state_map_le_iff[OF assms(1, 4, 5)]
by blast
thus ?case
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
by fastforce
case (Cons ops' π)
let ?D = "range_of Ψ"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?I' = "φ⇩S Ψ I"
and ?G' = "φ⇩S Ψ G"
let ?ops = "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'. op' ← ops']"
let ?J = "execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus I ?ops"
and ?J' = "execute_parallel_operator ?I' ops'"
have nb⇩1: "set ops' ⊆ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using Cons.prems(6)
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by fastforce
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ?ops"
moreover obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ops'" and "op = φ⇩O¯ Ψ op'"
using calculation
by auto
moreover have "op' ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using nb⇩1 calculation(2)
by blast
moreover obtain op'' where "op'' ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op''"
using calculation(4)
by auto
moreover have "op = op''"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(5)] calculation(3, 6)
by presburger
ultimately have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+) ∧ (∃op' ∈ set ops'. op' = φ⇩O Ψ op)"
by blast
} note nb⇩2 = this
fix op v a
assume "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
moreover have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using nb⇩2 calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) Cons.prems(1) calculation(3)
by blast
ultimately have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(3)
by fastforce
} note nb⇩3 = this
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ?ops"
then have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using nb⇩2
by blast
then have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) Cons.prems(1)
by blast
hence "∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op). v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)
∧ a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(3,4)
by fast
} note nb⇩4 = this
show ?case
proof (cases "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable ?I' ops'
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops'")
case True
have "dom I ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using Cons.prems(2)
by blast
hence "(φ⇩S¯ Ψ ?I') = I"
using strips_state_to_state_inverse_is[OF
Cons.prems(1) _ Cons.prems(3)]
by argo
then have "are_all_operators_applicable_in I ?ops
∧ are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_IV[OF assms(1) nb⇩1, of I] True
by simp
moreover have "(φ⇩P¯ Ψ (ops' # π)) = ?ops # (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
by simp
ultimately have "execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I (φ⇩P¯ Ψ (ops' # π))
= execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus ?J (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
by force
} note nb⇩5 = this
have dom_J_subset_eq_vs: "dom ?J ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_IX[OF Cons.prems(2)] nb⇩2 nb⇩4
by blast
moreover {
have "set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ⊆ dom (range_of Ψ)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(1)[OF assms(1)]
by fastforce
moreover have "∀v ∈ dom I. the (I v) ∈ set (the (range_of Ψ v))"
using Cons.prems(2, 3) assms(1) set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if
by force
moreover have "∀op ∈ set ?ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+) ∧ a ∈ set (the (?D v))"
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if assms(1) nb⇩4
by fastforce
moreover have v_in_dom_J_range: "∀v ∈ dom ?J. the (?J v) ∈ set (the (?D v))"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_X[of
I "set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)" ?D ?ops, OF Cons.prems(2)] calculation(1, 2, 3)
by fastforce
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom ?J"
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using nb⇩2 calculation dom_J_subset_eq_vs
by blast
moreover have "set (the (range_of Ψ v)) = ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
ultimately have "the (?J v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using nb⇩3 v_in_dom_J_range
by blast
ultimately have "∀v ∈ dom ?J. the (?J v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
by fast
moreover have "∀ops' ∈ set π. ∀op'∈set ops'. op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
using Cons.prems(6)
by simp
moreover {
have "?G' ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan ?J' π"
using Cons.prems(7) True
by auto
hence "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan (φ⇩S Ψ ?J) π"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XIII[OF Cons.prems(1)] nb⇩1
by blast
ultimately have "G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I (φ⇩P¯ Ψ (ops' # π))"
using Cons.IH[of ?J, OF Cons.prems(1) _ _ Cons.prems(4, 5)] Cons.prems(6) nb⇩5
by presburger
thus ?thesis.
case False
then have "?G' ⊆⇩m ?I'"
using Cons.prems(7)
by force
moreover {
have "dom I ⊆ set ?vs"
using Cons.prems(2)
by simp
hence "¬(are_all_operators_applicable_in I ?ops
∧ are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops)"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_VIII[OF Cons.prems(1) _ Cons.prems(3) nb⇩1]
by force
moreover {
have "(φ⇩P¯ Ψ (ops' # π)) = ?ops # (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
by simp
hence "G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I (?ops # (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π))
⟷ G ⊆⇩m I"
using calculation(2)
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using state_to_strips_state_map_le_iff[OF Cons.prems(1, 4, 5)]
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
by force
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem
(φ Ψ) π"
shows "goal_of Ψ ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus
(sas_plus_problem.initial_of Ψ) (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?I = "initial_of Ψ"
and ?G = "goal_of Ψ"
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?G' = "strips_problem.goal_of ?Π"
and ?I' = "strips_problem.initial_of ?Π"
let ?ψ = "φ⇩P¯ Ψ π"
have "dom ?I ⊆ set ?vs"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(3) assms(1)
by auto
moreover have "∀v ∈ dom ?I. the (?I v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(4) assms(1) calculation
by auto
moreover have "dom ?G ⊆ set ?vs" and "∀v ∈ dom ?G. the (?G v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(5, 6) assms(1)
by blast+
moreover have "∀ops'∈set π. ∀op'∈set ops'. op' ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using is_parallel_solution_for_problem_operator_set[OF assms(2)]
by simp
moreover {
have "?G' ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan ?I' π"
using assms(2)
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def..
moreover have "?G' = φ⇩S Ψ ?G" and "?I' = φ⇩S Ψ ?I"
by simp+
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ ?G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan (φ⇩S Ψ ?I) π"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a[OF assms(1)]
by simp
lemma sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_ii:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem (φ Ψ) π"
shows "list_all (list_all (λop. ListMem op (operators_of Ψ))) (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?ψ = "φ⇩P¯ Ψ π"
have "is_valid_problem_strips ?Π"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too[OF assms(1)]
by simp
have nb⇩1: "∀op' ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪). (∃op ∈ set ?ops. op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op))"
by auto
fix ops' op' op
assume "ops' ∈ set π" and "op' ∈ set ops'"
then have "op' ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of ?Π)"
using is_parallel_solution_for_problem_operator_set[OF assms(2)]
by simp
then obtain op where "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)" and "op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
by auto
then have "(φ⇩O¯ Ψ op') ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
thus ?thesis
unfolding list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by auto
text ‹ We now show that for a parallel solution \<^term>‹π› of \<^term>‹Π› the SAS+ plan
\<^term>‹ψ ≡ φ⇩P¯ Ψ π› yielded by the STRIPS to SAS+ plan transformation is a solution for
\<^term>‹Ψ›. The proof uses the definition of parallel STRIPS solutions and shows that the
execution of \<^term>‹ψ› on the initial state of the SAS+ problem yields a state satisfying the
problem's goal state, i.e.
@{text[display, indent=4]"G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I ψ"}
and by showing that all operators in all parallel operators of \<^term>‹ψ› are operators of the
problem. ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem (φ Ψ) π"
shows "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ (φ⇩P¯ Ψ π)"
proof -
let ?I = "initial_of Ψ"
and ?G = "goal_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?ψ = "φ⇩P¯ Ψ π"
show ?thesis
unfolding is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def Let_def
proof (rule conjI)
show "?G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus ?I ?ψ"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i[OF assms].
show "list_all (list_all (λop. ListMem op ?ops)) ?ψ"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_ii[OF assms].
private lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_I:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "op' ∈ set [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
obtains op where "op ∈ set ops"
and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
obtain op where "op ∈ set ops" and "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using assms(3)
by auto
thus ?thesis
using that
by blast
private corollary strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_II:
assumes"is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "op' ∈ set [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
shows "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "is_valid_operator_strips (φ Ψ) op'"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?ops' = "strips_problem.operators_of ?Π"
obtain op where op_in: "op ∈ set ops" and op'_is: "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_I[OF assms].
then have nb: "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
using assms(2) op_in op'_is
by fastforce
thus "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and "is_valid_operator_strips ?Π op'"
proof -
have "∀op' ∈ set ?ops'. is_valid_operator_strips ?Π op'"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too_iii[OF assms(1)]
unfolding list_all_iff.
thus "is_valid_operator_strips ?Π op'"
using nb
by fastforce
qed fastforce
lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_III:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
shows "execute_parallel_operator (φ⇩S Ψ s) [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]
= (φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s ops))"
proof -
fix op s
assume "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
moreover have "(φ⇩O Ψ op) ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
using calculation
by simp
moreover have "(φ⇩S Ψ s) ++ map_of (effect_to_assignments (φ⇩O Ψ op))
= (φ⇩S Ψ (s ++ map_of (effect_of (φ⇩O¯ Ψ (φ⇩O Ψ op)))))"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_XI[OF assms(1) calculation(2)]
by blast
moreover have "(φ⇩O¯ Ψ (φ⇩O Ψ op)) = op"
using sas_plus_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(1)].
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ s) ⪢ (φ⇩O Ψ op)
= (φ⇩S Ψ (s ⪢⇩+ op))"
unfolding execute_operator_def execute_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
} note nb⇩1 = this
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction ops arbitrary: s)
case Nil
then show ?case
unfolding execute_parallel_operator_def execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
case (Cons op ops)
let ?t = "s ⪢⇩+ op"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?ops' = "[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← op # ops]"
let ?t' = "?s' ⪢ (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
have "execute_parallel_operator ?s' ?ops'
= execute_parallel_operator ?t' [φ⇩O Ψ x. x ← ops]"
unfolding execute_operator_def
by simp
moreover have "(φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus s (op # ops)))
= (φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?t ops))"
unfolding execute_operator_sas_plus_def
by simp
moreover {
have "?t' = (φ⇩S Ψ ?t)"
using nb⇩1 Cons.prems(2)
by simp
hence "execute_parallel_operator ?t'[φ⇩O Ψ x. x ← ops]
= (φ⇩S Ψ (execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus ?t ops))"
using Cons.IH[of ?t] Cons.prems
by simp
ultimately show ?case
by argo
private lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_IV:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "are_all_operators_applicable_in I ops
∧ are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ I) [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
let ?I' = "φ⇩S Ψ I"
and ?ops' = "[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
have nb⇩1: "∀op ∈ set ops. is_operator_applicable_in I op"
using assms(3)
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by blast
have nb⇩2: "∀op ∈ set ops. is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1, 2)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
have nb⇩3: "∀op ∈ set ops. map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m I"
using nb⇩1
unfolding is_operator_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by blast
fix op⇩1 op⇩2
assume "op⇩1 ∈ set ops" and "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
hence "are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
using assms(3)
unfolding are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by blast
} note nb⇩4 = this
fix op⇩1 op⇩2
assume "op⇩1 ∈ set ops" and "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
hence "∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2).
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using nb⇩4
unfolding are_operator_effects_consistent_def Let_def list_all_iff
by presburger
} note nb⇩5 = this
fix op⇩1' op⇩2' I
assume "op⇩1' ∈ set ?ops'"
and "op⇩2' ∈ set ?ops'"
and "∃(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). ∃(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2').
(v, a) = (v', a')"
moreover obtain op⇩1 op⇩2
where "op⇩1 ∈ set ops"
and "op⇩1' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
and "op⇩2' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_I[OF assms(1, 2)] calculation(1, 2)
by auto
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩1"
and is_valid_operator_op⇩2: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩2"
using calculation(4, 6) nb⇩2
by blast+
moreover obtain v v' a a'
where "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1')"
and "(v', a') ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2')"
and "(v, a) = (v', a')"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1)"
using calculation(5, 10)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by fastforce
moreover have "v = v'" and "a = a'"
using calculation(12)
by simp+
moreover {
have "(v', a') ∈ (⋃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2).
{ (v, a') | a'. a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v) ∧ a' ≠ a })"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is
calculation(7, 9, 11)
by blast
then obtain v'' a'' where "(v'', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
and "(v', a') ∈ { (v'', a''') | a'''. a''' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'') ∧ a''' ≠ a'' }"
by blast
moreover have "(v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v''" and "a' ≠ a''"
using calculation(1, 2)
by fast+
ultimately have "∃a''. (v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2) ∧ a' ∈ (ℛ⇩+ Ψ v')
∧ a' ≠ a''"
by blast
moreover obtain a'' where "a' ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v'"
and "(v', a'') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
and "a' ≠ a''"
using calculation(16)
by blast
moreover have "∃(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1). (∃(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2).
v = v' ∧ a ≠ a')"
using calculation(13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19)
by blast
ultimately have "∃op⇩1 ∈ set ops. ∃op⇩2 ∈ set ops. ¬are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
unfolding are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by fastforce
} note nb⇩6 = this
show ?thesis
proof (rule conjI)
fix op'
assume "op' ∈ set ?ops'"
moreover obtain op where op_in: "op ∈ set ops"
and op'_is: "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
and op'_in: "op' ∈ set ((φ Ψ)⇩𝒪)"
and is_valid_op': "is_valid_operator_strips (φ Ψ) op'"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_I[OF assms(1, 2)]
strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_II[OF assms(1, 2)] calculation
by metis
moreover have is_valid_op: "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using nb⇩2 calculation(2)..
fix v a
assume v_a_in_preconditions': "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
have v_a_in_preconditions: "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
using op'_is
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
using v_a_in_preconditions'
by force
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs" and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(1,2) is_valid_op calculation(1)
by fastforce+
moreover {
have "∀(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (precondition_of op).
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(5) is_valid_op
by fast
hence "map_of (precondition_of op) v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[OF _ v_a_in_preconditions]
by blast
moreover have "v ∈ dom (map_of (precondition_of op))"
using calculation(4)
by blast
moreover have "I v = Some a"
using nb⇩3
unfolding map_le_def
using op_in calculation(4, 5)
by metis
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?I'"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
calculation(2, 3, 6)
by simp
ultimately have "?I' (v, a) = Some True"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF assms(1)]
by simp
hence "STRIPS_Representation.is_operator_applicable_in ?I' op'"
Let_def list_all_iff
by fast
thus "are_all_operators_applicable ?I' ?ops'"
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_def list_all_iff
by blast
fix op⇩1' op⇩2'
assume op⇩1'_in_ops': "op⇩1' ∈ set ?ops'" and op⇩2'_in_ops': "op⇩2' ∈ set ?ops'"
have "STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1' op⇩2'"
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent_def Let_def
proof (rule conjI)
show "¬list_ex (λx. list_ex ((=) x) (delete_effects_of op⇩2'))
(add_effects_of op⇩1')"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬¬list_ex (λv. list_ex ((=) v) (delete_effects_of op⇩2'))
(add_effects_of op⇩1')"
then have "∃(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2').
∃(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1'). (v, a) = (v', a')"
unfolding list_ex_iff
by fastforce
then obtain op⇩1 op⇩2 where "op⇩1 ∈ set ops"
and "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
and "¬are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
using nb⇩6[OF op⇩1'_in_ops' op⇩2'_in_ops']
by blast
thus False
using nb⇩4
by blast
show "¬list_ex (λv. list_ex ((=) v) (add_effects_of op⇩2')) (delete_effects_of op⇩1')"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬¬list_ex (λv. list_ex ((=) v) (add_effects_of op⇩2'))
(delete_effects_of op⇩1')"
then have "∃(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩1').
∃(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩2'). (v, a) = (v', a')"
unfolding list_ex_iff
by fastforce
then obtain op⇩1 op⇩2 where "op⇩1 ∈ set ops"
and "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
and "¬are_operator_effects_consistent op⇩1 op⇩2"
using nb⇩6[OF op⇩2'_in_ops' op⇩1'_in_ops']
by blast
thus False
using nb⇩4
by blast
thus "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops'"
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff
by blast
private lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_V:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "¬(are_all_operators_applicable_in s ops
∧ are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops)"
shows "¬(STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable (φ⇩S Ψ s) [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops])"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
let ?s' = "φ⇩S Ψ s"
and ?ops' = "[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ops"
hence "∃op' ∈ set ?ops'. op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
by simp
} note nb⇩1 = this
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ops"
then have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using assms(2)
by blast
then have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
hence "∀(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op). ∀(v', a') ∈ set (precondition_of op).
v ≠ v' ∨ a = a'"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(5)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fast
} note nb⇩2 = this
consider (A) "¬are_all_operators_applicable_in s ops"
| (B) "¬are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops"
using assms(3)
by blast
hence "¬STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable ?s' ?ops'
∨ ¬STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops'"
proof (cases)
case A
then obtain op where op_in: "op ∈ set ops"
and not_precondition_map_le_s: "¬(map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m s)"
using A
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_in_def list_all_iff
by blast
then obtain op' where op'_in: "op' ∈ set ?ops'" and op'_is: "op' = φ⇩O Ψ op"
using nb⇩1
by blast
have "¬are_all_operators_applicable ?s' ?ops'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬¬are_all_operators_applicable ?s' ?ops'"
then have all_operators_applicable: "are_all_operators_applicable ?s' ?ops'"
by simp
moreover {
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom (map_of (precondition_of op))"
moreover obtain a where "map_of (precondition_of op) v = Some a"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
using map_of_SomeD[OF calculation(2)].
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (strips_operator.precondition_of op')"
using op'_is
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
using calculation(3)
by auto
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = Some True"
using all_operators_applicable calculation
unfolding are_all_operators_applicable_def
is_operator_applicable_in_def Let_def list_all_iff
using op'_in
by fast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ dom ?s'"
using calculation(5)
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (precondition_of op)"
using op'_is calculation(3)
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by fastforce
moreover have "v ∈ set ?vs"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "s v ≠ None"
using state_to_strips_state_dom_element_iff[OF assms(1)]
by simp+
moreover have "?s' (v, a) = Some (the (s v) = a)"
using state_to_strips_state_range_is[OF
assms(1) calculation(6)].
moreover have "the (s v) = a"
using calculation(5, 11)
by fastforce
moreover have "s v = Some a"
using calculation(12) option.collapse[OF calculation(10)]
by argo
moreover have "map_of (precondition_of op) v = Some a"
using map_of_constant_assignments_defined_if[OF nb⇩2[OF op_in] calculation(7)].
ultimately have "map_of (precondition_of op) v = s v"
by argo
then have "map_of (precondition_of op) ⊆⇩m s"
unfolding map_le_def
by blast
thus False
using not_precondition_map_le_s
by simp
thus ?thesis
by simp
case B
obtain op⇩1 op⇩2 v v' a a'
where "op⇩1 ∈ set ops"
and op⇩2_in: "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
and v_a_in: "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op⇩1)"
and v'_a'_in: "(v', a') ∈ set (effect_of op⇩2)"
and v_is: "v = v'" and a_is: "a ≠ a'"
using B
unfolding are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def
are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff Let_def
by blast
moreover obtain op⇩1' op⇩2' where "op⇩1' ∈ set ?ops'" and "op⇩1' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and "op⇩1' ∈ set ?ops'" and op⇩2'_is: "op⇩2' = φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
using nb⇩1[OF calculation(1)] nb⇩1[OF calculation(2)]
by blast
moreover have "(v, a) ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1')"
using calculation(3, 8)
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def
sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by force
moreover {
have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩1"
using assms(2) calculation(1) is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) assms(1)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op⇩2"
using sublocale_sas_plus_finite_domain_representation_ii(2)[
OF assms(1)] assms(2) op⇩2_in
by blast
moreover have "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(4) calculation v_a_in
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by fastforce
ultimately have "(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2')"
using sasp_op_to_strips_set_delete_effects_is[of Ψ op⇩2]
v'_a'_in v_is a_is
using op⇩2'_is
by blast
ultimately have "∃op⇩1' ∈ set ?ops'. ∃op⇩2' ∈ set ?ops'.
∃(v, a) ∈ set (delete_effects_of op⇩2'). ∃(v', a') ∈ set (add_effects_of op⇩1').
(v, a) = (v', a')"
by fastforce
then have "¬STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops'"
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent_def
STRIPS_Semantics.are_operator_effects_consistent_def list_all_iff list_ex_iff Let_def
by blast
thus ?thesis
by simp
thus ?thesis
by blast
lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "dom I ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom I. the (I v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "dom G ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "∀v ∈ dom G. the (G v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
and "∀ops ∈ set ψ. ∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
and "G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus I ψ"
shows "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan (φ⇩S Ψ I) (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?G' = "φ⇩S Ψ G"
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction ψ arbitrary: I)
case Nil
let ?I' = "φ⇩S Ψ I"
have "G ⊆⇩m I"
using Nil
by simp
moreover have "?G' ⊆⇩m ?I'"
using state_to_strips_state_map_le_iff[OF Nil.prems(1, 4, 5)]
ultimately show ?case
unfolding SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan_def
by simp
case (Cons ops ψ)
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?J = "execute_parallel_operator_sas_plus I ops"
and ?π = "φ⇩P Ψ (ops # ψ)"
let ?I' = "φ⇩S Ψ I"
and ?J' = "φ⇩S Ψ ?J"
and ?ops' = "[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops]"
fix op v a
assume "op ∈ set ops" and "(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op)"
moreover have "op ∈ set ?ops"
using Cons.prems(6) calculation(1)
by simp
moreover have "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(2) Cons.prems(1) calculation(3)
unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def
by auto
ultimately have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
and "a ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then(3,4)
by fastforce+
} note nb⇩1 = this
show ?case
proof (cases "are_all_operators_applicable_in I ops
∧ are_all_operator_effects_consistent ops")
case True
have "(φ⇩P Ψ (ops # ψ)) = ?ops' # (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
unfolding sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan_def
by simp
moreover have "∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using Cons.prems(6)
by simp
moreover have "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable ?I' ?ops'"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops'"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_IV[OF Cons.prems(1) _ True] calculation
by blast+
ultimately have "execute_parallel_plan ?I' ?π
= execute_parallel_plan (execute_parallel_operator ?I' ?ops') (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
by fastforce
have "dom I ⊆ set (sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ)"
using Cons.prems(2)
by blast
moreover have "∀op ∈ set ops. ∀(v, a) ∈ set (effect_of op).
v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using nb⇩1(1)
by blast
ultimately have "dom ?J ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_IX[of I "set ?vs"]
by simp
} note nb⇩2 = this
moreover {
have "dom I ⊆ set (sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ)"
using Cons.prems(2)
by blast
moreover have "set (sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ)
⊆ dom (range_of Ψ)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_dom_sas_plus_problem_range_of assms(1)
by auto
moreover {
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom I"
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using Cons.prems(2) calculation
by blast
ultimately have "the (I v) ∈ set (the (range_of Ψ v))"
using Cons.prems(3)
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if[OF assms(1)]
by blast
moreover have "∀op∈set ops. ∀(v, a)∈set (effect_of op).
v ∈ set (sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ) ∧ a ∈ set (the (range_of Ψ v))"
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if[OF assms(1)] nb⇩1(1) nb⇩1(2)
by force
moreover have nb⇩3: "∀v ∈ dom ?J. the (?J v) ∈ set (the (range_of Ψ v))"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips_i_a_X[of I "set ?vs" "range_of Ψ" ops]
by fast
moreover {
fix v
assume "v ∈ dom ?J"
moreover have "v ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using nb⇩2 calculation
by blast
moreover have "set (the (range_of Ψ v)) = ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using set_the_range_of_is_range_of_sas_plus_if[OF assms(1)]
by presburger
ultimately have "the (?J v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using nb⇩3
by blast
ultimately have "∀v ∈ dom ?J. the (?J v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
by fast
moreover have "∀ops∈set ψ. ∀op∈set ops. op ∈ set ?ops"
using Cons.prems(6)
by auto
moreover have "G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus ?J ψ"
using Cons.prems(7) True
by simp
ultimately have "(φ⇩S Ψ G) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan ?J' (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
using Cons.IH[of ?J, OF Cons.prems(1) _ _ Cons.prems(4, 5)]
by fastforce
moreover have "execute_parallel_operator ?I' ?ops' = ?J'"
using assms(1) strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_III[OF assms(1)] Cons.prems(6)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by argo
case False
then have nb: "G ⊆⇩m I"
using Cons.prems(7)
by force
moreover {
have "?π = ?ops' # (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
unfolding sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by auto
moreover have "set ?ops' ⊆ set (strips_problem.operators_of ?Π)"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_II(1)[OF assms(1)] Cons.prems(6)
by auto
moreover have "¬(STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operators_applicable ?I' ?ops'
∧ STRIPS_Semantics.are_all_operator_effects_consistent ?ops')"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a_V[OF assms(1) _ False] Cons.prems(6)
by force
ultimately have "execute_parallel_plan ?I' ?π = ?I'"
by auto
moreover have "?G' ⊆⇩m ?I'"
using state_to_strips_state_map_le_iff[OF Cons.prems(1, 4, 5)] nb
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by presburger
lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ"
shows "(strips_problem.goal_of (φ Ψ)) ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan
(strips_problem.initial_of (φ Ψ)) (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
proof -
let ?vs = "variables_of Ψ"
and ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
and ?I = "initial_of Ψ"
and ?G = "goal_of Ψ"
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?I' = "strips_problem.initial_of ?Π"
and ?G' = "strips_problem.goal_of ?Π"
have "dom ?I ⊆ set ?vs"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(3) assms(1)
by auto
moreover have "∀v∈dom ?I. the (?I v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(4) assms(1) calculation
by auto
moreover have "dom ?G ⊆ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒱⇩+)"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(5) assms(1)
by auto
moreover have "∀v ∈ dom ?G. the (?G v) ∈ ℛ⇩+ Ψ v"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then(6) assms(1)
by auto
moreover have "∀ops ∈ set ψ. ∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set ?ops"
using is_parallel_solution_for_problem_plan_operator_set[OF assms(2)]
by fastforce
moreover have "?G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus ?I ψ"
using assms(2)
unfolding is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i_a[OF assms(1), of ?I ?G ψ]
unfolding sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
by force
lemma strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_ii:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ"
shows "list_all (list_all (λop. ListMem op (strips_problem.operators_of (φ Ψ)))) (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
proof -
let ?ops = "operators_of Ψ"
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?ops' = "strips_problem.operators_of ?Π"
and ?π = "φ⇩P Ψ ψ"
have "is_valid_problem_strips ?Π"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too[OF assms(1)]
by simp
have nb⇩1: "∀op ∈ set ?ops. (∃op' ∈ set ?ops'. op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op))"
unfolding sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sas_plus_problem_to_strips_problem_def Let_def
by force
fix ops op op'
assume "ops ∈ set ψ" and "op ∈ set ops"
moreover have "op ∈ set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
using is_parallel_solution_for_problem_plan_operator_set[OF assms(2)]
by blast
moreover obtain op' where "op' ∈ set ?ops'" and "op' = (φ⇩O Ψ op)"
using nb⇩1 calculation(3)
by auto
ultimately have "(φ⇩O Ψ op) ∈ set ?ops'"
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding list_all_iff ListMem_iff Let_def
by auto
text ‹ The following lemma proves the complementary proposition to theorem
\ref{isathm:equivalence-parallel-strips-parallel-sas-plus}. Namely, given a parallel solution
\<^term>‹ψ› for a SAS+ problem, the transformation to a STRIPS plan \<^term>‹φ⇩P Ψ ψ› also is a solution
to the corresponding STRIPS problem \<^term>‹Π ≡ (φ Ψ)›. In this direction, we have to show that the
execution of the transformed plan reaches the goal state \<^term>‹G' ≡ strips_problem.goal_of Π›
of the corresponding STRIPS problem, i.e.
@{text[display, indent=4] "G' ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan I' π"}
and that all operators in the transformed plan \<^term>‹π› are operators of \<^term>‹Π›. ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem (φ Ψ) (φ⇩P Ψ ψ)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?I' = "strips_problem.initial_of ?Π"
and ?G' = "strips_problem.goal_of ?Π"
and ?ops' = "strips_problem.operators_of ?Π"
and ?π = "φ⇩P Ψ ψ"
show ?thesis
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def
proof (rule conjI)
show "?G' ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan ?I' ?π"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_i[OF assms]
by simp
show "list_all (list_all (λop. ListMem op ?ops')) ?π"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus_ii[OF assms].
lemma embedded_serial_sas_plus_plan_operator_structure:
assumes "ops ∈ set (embed ψ)"
obtains op
where "op ∈ set ψ"
and "[φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops] = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
proof -
let ?ψ' = "embed ψ"
have "?ψ' = [[op]. op ← ψ]"
by (induction ψ; force)
moreover obtain op where "ops = [op]" and "op ∈ set ψ"
using assms calculation
by fastforce
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops] = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using that
by meson
private lemma serial_sas_plus_equivalent_to_serial_strips_i:
assumes "ops ∈ set (φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ))"
obtains op where "op ∈ set ψ" and "ops = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
proof -
let ?ψ' = "embed ψ"
have "set (φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ)) = { [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops] | ops. ops ∈ set ?ψ' }"
unfolding sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan_def
sasp_op_to_strips_def set_map
using setcompr_eq_image
by blast
moreover obtain ops' where "ops' ∈ set ?ψ'" and "ops = [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ops']"
using assms(1) calculation
by blast
moreover obtain op where "op ∈ set ψ" and "ops = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
using embedded_serial_sas_plus_plan_operator_structure calculation(2, 3)
by blast
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set ψ. ops = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
by meson
thus ?thesis
using that..
private lemma serial_sas_plus_equivalent_to_serial_strips_ii[simp]:
"concat (φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ)) = [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
proof -
let ?ψ' = "List_Supplement.embed ψ"
have "concat (φ⇩P Ψ ?ψ') = map (λop. φ⇩O Ψ op) (concat ?ψ')"
unfolding sas_plus_parallel_plan_to_strips_parallel_plan_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by blast
also have "… = map (λop. φ⇩O Ψ op) ψ"
unfolding concat_is_inverse_of_embed[of ψ]..
finally show "concat (φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ)) = [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]".
text ‹ Having established the equivalence of parallel STRIPS and SAS+, we can now show the
equivalence in the serial case. The proof combines the
embedding theorem for serial SAS+ solutions (\ref{isathm:serial-sas-plus-embedding}), the parallel
plan equivalence theorem \ref{isathm:equivalence-parallel-sas-plus-parallel-strips}, and the
flattening theorem for parallel STRIPS plans (\ref{isathm:embedded-serial-plan-flattening-strips}).
More precisely, given a serial SAS+ solution \<^term>‹ψ› for a SAS+ problem \<^term>‹Ψ›, the embedding
theorem confirms that the embedded plan \<^term>‹embed ψ› is an equivalent parallel solution to
\<^term>‹Ψ›. By parallel plan equivalence, \<^term>‹π ≡ φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ)› is a parallel solution for the
corresponding STRIPS problem \<^term>‹φ Ψ›. Moreover, since \<^term>‹embed ψ› is a plan consisting of
singleton parallel operators, the same is true for \<^term>‹π›. Hence, the flattening lemma applies
and \<^term>‹concat π› is a serial solution for \<^term>‹φ Ψ›. Since \<^term>‹concat› moreover can be shown
to be the inverse of \<^term>‹embed›, the term
@{text[display, indent=4] "concat π = concat (φ⇩P Ψ (embed ψ))"}
can be reduced to the intuitive form
@{text[display, indent=4] "π = [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"}
which concludes the proof. ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ"
shows "STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem (φ Ψ) [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
proof -
let ?ψ' = "embed ψ"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?π' = "φ⇩P Ψ ?ψ'"
let ?π = "concat ?π'"
have "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ ?ψ'"
using execute_serial_plan_sas_plus_is_execute_parallel_plan_sas_plus[OF assms]
by simp
hence "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem ?Π ?π'"
using strips_equivalent_to_sas_plus[OF assms(1)]
by simp
moreover have "?π = [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
by simp
moreover have "is_valid_problem_strips ?Π"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too[OF assms(1)].
moreover have "∀ops ∈ set ?π'. ∃op ∈ set ψ. ops = [φ⇩O Ψ op]"
using serial_sas_plus_equivalent_to_serial_strips_i[of _ Ψ ψ]
by metis
ultimately show ?thesis
using STRIPS_Semantics.flattening_lemma[of ?Π]
by metis
lemma embedded_serial_strips_plan_operator_structure:
assumes "ops' ∈ set (embed π)"
obtains op
where "op ∈ set π" and "[φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← ops'] = [φ⇩O¯ Π op]"
proof -
let ?π' = "embed π"
have "?π' = [[op]. op ← π]"
by (induction π; force)
moreover obtain op where "ops' = [op]" and "op ∈ set π"
using calculation assms
by fastforce
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set π. [φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← ops'] = [φ⇩O¯ Π op]"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using that
by meson
private lemma serial_strips_equivalent_to_serial_sas_plus_i:
assumes "ops ∈ set (φ⇩P¯ Π (embed π))"
obtains op where "op ∈ set π" and "ops = [φ⇩O¯ Π op]"
proof -
let ?π' = "embed π"
have "set (φ⇩P¯ Π (embed π)) = { [φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← ops] | ops. ops ∈ set ?π' }"
unfolding strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
strips_op_to_sasp_def set_map
using setcompr_eq_image
by blast
moreover obtain ops' where "ops' ∈ set ?π'" and "ops = [φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← ops']"
using assms(1) calculation
by blast
moreover obtain op where "op ∈ set π" and "ops = [φ⇩O¯ Π op]"
using embedded_serial_strips_plan_operator_structure calculation(2, 3)
by blast
ultimately have "∃op ∈ set π. ops = [φ⇩O¯ Π op]"
by meson
thus ?thesis
using that..
private lemma serial_strips_equivalent_to_serial_sas_plus_ii[simp]:
"concat (φ⇩P¯ Π (embed π)) = [φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← π]"
proof -
let ?π' = "List_Supplement.embed π"
have "concat (φ⇩P¯ Π ?π') = map (λop. φ⇩O¯ Π op) (concat ?π')"
unfolding strips_parallel_plan_to_sas_plus_parallel_plan_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.strips_op_to_sasp_def Let_def
by simp
also have "… = map (λop. φ⇩O¯ Π op) π"
unfolding concat_is_inverse_of_embed[of π]..
finally show "concat (φ⇩P¯ Π (embed π)) = [φ⇩O¯ Π op. op ← π]".
text ‹ Using the analogous lemmas for the opposite direction, we can show the counterpart to
theorem \ref{isathm:equivalence-serial-sas-plus-serial-strips} which shows that serial solutions
to STRIPS solutions can be transformed to serial SAS+ solutions via composition of embedding,
transformation and flattening. ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
and "STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem (φ Ψ) π"
shows "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem Ψ [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π]"
proof -
let ?π' = "embed π"
and ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?ψ' = "φ⇩P¯ Ψ ?π'"
let ?ψ = "concat ?ψ'"
have "STRIPS_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem ?Π ?π'"
using embedding_lemma[OF
is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too[OF assms(1)] assms(2)].
hence "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_parallel_solution_for_problem Ψ ?ψ'"
using sas_plus_equivalent_to_strips[OF assms(1)]
by simp
moreover have "?ψ = [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π]"
by simp
moreover have "is_valid_problem_strips ?Π"
using is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then_strips_transformation_too[OF assms(1)].
moreover have "∀ops ∈ set ?ψ'. ∃op ∈ set π. ops = [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op]"
using serial_strips_equivalent_to_serial_sas_plus_i
by metis
ultimately show ?thesis
using flattening_lemma[OF assms(1)]
by metis
subsection "Equivalence of SAS+ and STRIPS"
abbreviation bounded_plan_set
where "bounded_plan_set ops k ≡ { π. set π ⊆ set ops ∧ length π = k }"
definition bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ nat
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_plan set"
where "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k
≡ { ψ. is_serial_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ ∧ length ψ = k}"
abbreviation bounded_solution_set_sas_plus
:: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem
⇒ nat
⇒ ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_plan set"
where "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus Ψ N
≡ (⋃k ∈ {0..N}. bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)"
definition bounded_solution_set_strips'
:: "('variable × 'domain) strips_problem
⇒ nat
⇒ ('variable × 'domain) strips_plan set"
where "bounded_solution_set_strips' Π k
≡ { π. STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem Π π ∧ length π = k }"
abbreviation bounded_solution_set_strips
:: "('variable × 'domain) strips_problem
⇒ nat
⇒ ('variable × 'domain) strips_plan set"
where "bounded_solution_set_strips Π N ≡ (⋃k ∈ {0..N}. bounded_solution_set_strips' Π k)"
lemma sasp_op_to_strips_injective:
assumes "(φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1) = (φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2)"
shows "op⇩1 = op⇩2"
proof -
let ?op⇩1' = "φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1"
and ?op⇩2' = "φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2"
have "strips_operator.precondition_of ?op⇩1' = strips_operator.precondition_of ?op⇩2'"
using assms
by argo
hence "sas_plus_operator.precondition_of op⇩1 = sas_plus_operator.precondition_of op⇩2"
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def
by simp
moreover {
have "strips_operator.add_effects_of ?op⇩1' = strips_operator.add_effects_of ?op⇩2'"
using assms
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by argo
hence "sas_plus_operator.effect_of op⇩1 = sas_plus_operator.effect_of op⇩2"
unfolding sasp_op_to_strips_def Let_def
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_a:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "inj_on (λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]) (bounded_plan_set (sas_plus_problem.operators_of Ψ) k)"
proof -
let ?ops = "sas_plus_problem.operators_of Ψ"
and ?φ⇩P = "λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
let ?P = "bounded_plan_set ?ops"
fix ψ⇩1 ψ⇩2
assume ψ⇩1_in: "ψ⇩1 ∈ ?P k"
and ψ⇩2_in: "ψ⇩2 ∈ ?P k"
and φ⇩P_of_ψ⇩1_is_φ⇩P_of_ψ⇩2: "(?φ⇩P ψ⇩1) = (?φ⇩P ψ⇩2)"
hence "ψ⇩1 = ψ⇩2"
proof (induction k arbitrary: ψ⇩1 ψ⇩2)
case 0
then have "length ψ⇩1 = 0"
and "length ψ⇩2 = 0"
using ψ⇩1_in ψ⇩2_in
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
by blast+
then show ?case
by blast
case (Suc k)
moreover have "length ψ⇩1 = Suc k" and "length ψ⇩2 = Suc k"
using length_Suc_conv Suc(2, 3)
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
by blast+
moreover obtain op⇩1 ψ⇩1' where "ψ⇩1 = op⇩1 # ψ⇩1'"
and "set (op⇩1 # ψ⇩1') ⊆ set ?ops"
and "length ψ⇩1' = k"
using calculation(5) Suc(2)
unfolding length_Suc_conv
by blast
moreover obtain op⇩2 ψ⇩2' where "ψ⇩2 = op⇩2 # ψ⇩2'"
and "set (op⇩2 # ψ⇩2') ⊆ set ?ops"
and "length ψ⇩2' = k"
using calculation(6) Suc(3)
unfolding length_Suc_conv
by blast
moreover have "set ψ⇩1' ⊆ set ?ops" and "set ψ⇩2' ⊆ set ?ops"
using calculation(8, 11)
by auto+
moreover have "ψ⇩1' ∈ ?P k" and "ψ⇩2' ∈ ?P k"
using calculation(9, 12, 13, 14)
by fast+
moreover have "?φ⇩P ψ⇩1' = ?φ⇩P ψ⇩2'"
using Suc.prems(3) calculation(7, 10)
by fastforce
moreover have "ψ⇩1' = ψ⇩2'"
using Suc.IH[of ψ⇩1' ψ⇩2', OF calculation(15, 16, 17)]
by simp
moreover have "?φ⇩P ψ⇩1 = (φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1) # ?φ⇩P ψ⇩1'"
and "?φ⇩P ψ⇩2 = (φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2) # ?φ⇩P ψ⇩2'"
using Suc.prems(3) calculation(7, 10)
by fastforce+
moreover have "(φ⇩O Ψ op⇩1) = (φ⇩O Ψ op⇩2)"
using Suc.prems(3) calculation(17, 19, 20)
by simp
moreover have "op⇩1 = op⇩2"
using sasp_op_to_strips_injective[OF calculation(21)].
ultimately show ?case
by argo
thus ?thesis
unfolding inj_on_def
by blast
private corollary sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_b:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "inj_on (λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]) (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)"
proof -
let ?ops = "sas_plus_problem.operators_of Ψ"
and ?φ⇩P = "λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
fix ψ
assume "ψ ∈ bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k"
then have "set ψ ⊆ set ?ops"
and "length ψ = k"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def is_serial_solution_for_problem_def Let_def
list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by fast+
hence "ψ ∈ bounded_plan_set ?ops k"
by blast
hence "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k ⊆ bounded_plan_set ?ops k"
by blast
moreover have "inj_on ?φ⇩P (bounded_plan_set ?ops k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_a[OF assms(1)].
ultimately show ?thesis
using inj_on_subset[of ?φ⇩P "bounded_plan_set ?ops k" "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k"]
by fast
private lemma sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_c:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "(λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]) ` (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)
= bounded_solution_set_strips' (φ Ψ) k"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?φ⇩P = "λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
let ?Sol⇩k = "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k"
and ?Sol⇩k' = "bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k"
assume "?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k ≠ ?Sol⇩k'"
then consider (A) "∃π ∈ ?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k. π ∉ ?Sol⇩k'"
| (B) "∃π ∈ ?Sol⇩k'. π ∉ ?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k"
by blast
hence False
proof (cases)
case A
moreover obtain π where "π ∈ ?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k" and "π ∉ ?Sol⇩k'"
using calculation
by blast
moreover obtain ψ where "length ψ = k"
and "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem Ψ ψ"
and "π = ?φ⇩P ψ"
using calculation(2)
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
by blast
moreover have "length π = k" and "STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem ?Π π"
using calculation(4, 6) by auto
using serial_sas_plus_equivalent_to_serial_strips
assms(1) calculation(5) calculation(6)
by blast
moreover have "π ∈ ?Sol⇩k'"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_strips'_def
using calculation(7, 8)
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by fast
case B
moreover obtain π where "π ∈ ?Sol⇩k'" and "π ∉ ?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k"
using calculation
by blast
moreover have "STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem ?Π π"
and "length π = k"
using calculation(2)
unfolding bounded_solution_set_strips'_def
by simp+
moreover have "length [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π] = k"
and "SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem Ψ [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π]"
using calculation(5)
by simp
using serial_strips_equivalent_to_serial_sas_plus[OF assms(1)]
by simp
moreover have "[φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π] ∈ ?Sol⇩k"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
using calculation(6, 7)
by blast
moreover {
have "∀op ∈ set π. op ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using calculation(4)
unfolding STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by simp
hence "?φ⇩P [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π] = π"
proof (induction π)
case (Cons op π)
moreover have "?φ⇩P [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← op # π]
= (φ⇩O Ψ (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op)) # ?φ⇩P [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π]"
by simp
moreover have "op ∈ set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
using Cons.prems
by simp
moreover have "(φ⇩O Ψ (φ⇩O¯ Ψ op)) = op"
using strips_operator_inverse_is[OF assms(1) calculation(4)].
moreover have "?φ⇩P [φ⇩O¯ Ψ op. op ← π] = π"
using Cons.IH Cons.prems
by auto
ultimately show ?case
by argo
qed simp
moreover have "π ∈ ?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k"
using calculation(8, 9)
by force
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
thus ?thesis
by blast
private lemma sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_d:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k) ≤ card (bounded_solution_set_strips' (φ Ψ) k)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?φ⇩P = "λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ]"
let ?Sol⇩k = "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k"
and ?Sol⇩k' = "bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k"
have "card (?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k) = card (?Sol⇩k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_b[OF assms(1)]
by blast
moreover have "?φ⇩P ` ?Sol⇩k = ?Sol⇩k'"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_c[OF assms(1)].
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma bounded_plan_set_finite:
shows "finite { π. set π ⊆ set ops ∧ length π = k }"
proof (induction k)
case (Suc k)
let ?P = "{ π. set π ⊆ set ops ∧ length π = k }"
and ?P' = "{ π. set π ⊆ set ops ∧ length π = Suc k }"
let ?P'' = "(⋃op ∈ set ops. (⋃π ∈ ?P. { op # π }))"
have "∀op π. finite { op # π }"
by simp
then have "∀op. finite (⋃π ∈ ?P. { op # π })"
using finite_UN[of ?P] Suc
by blast
hence "finite ?P''"
using finite_UN[of "set ops"]
by blast
moreover {
fix π
assume "π ∈ ?P'"
moreover have "set π ⊆ set ops"
and "length π = Suc k"
using calculation
by simp+
moreover obtain op π' where "π = op # π'"
using calculation (3)
unfolding length_Suc_conv
by fast
moreover have "set π' ⊆ set ops" and "op ∈ set ops"
using calculation(2, 4)
by simp+
moreover have "length π' = k"
using calculation(3, 4)
by auto
moreover have "π' ∈ ?P"
using calculation(5, 7)
by blast
ultimately have "π ∈ ?P''"
by blast
hence "?P' ⊆ ?P''"
by blast
ultimately show ?case
using rev_finite_subset[of ?P'' ?P']
by blast
qed force
private lemma sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_ii_a:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "finite (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)"
proof -
let ?Ops = "set ((Ψ)⇩𝒪⇩+)"
let ?Sol⇩k = "bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k"
and ?P⇩k = "{ π. set π ⊆ ?Ops ∧ length π = k }"
fix ψ
assume "ψ ∈ ?Sol⇩k"
then have "length ψ = k" and "set ψ ⊆ ?Ops"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
SAS_Plus_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by fastforce+
hence "ψ ∈ ?P⇩k"
by blast
then have "?Sol⇩k ⊆ ?P⇩k"
by force
thus ?thesis
using bounded_plan_set_finite rev_finite_subset[of ?P⇩k ?Sol⇩k]
by auto
private lemma sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_ii_b:
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "finite (bounded_solution_set_strips' (φ Ψ) k)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
let ?Ops = "set ((?Π)⇩𝒪)"
let ?Sol⇩k = "bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k"
and ?P⇩k = "{ π. set π ⊆ ?Ops ∧ length π = k }"
fix π
assume "π ∈ ?Sol⇩k"
then have "length π = k" and "set π ⊆ ?Ops"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_strips'_def
STRIPS_Semantics.is_serial_solution_for_problem_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
by fastforce+
hence "π ∈ ?P⇩k"
by blast
then have "?Sol⇩k ⊆ ?P⇩k"
by force
thus ?thesis
using bounded_plan_set_finite rev_finite_subset[of ?P⇩k ?Sol⇩k]
unfolding state_to_strips_state_def
SAS_Plus_STRIPS.state_to_strips_state_def operators_of_def
by blast
text ‹ With the results on the equivalence of SAS+ and STRIPS solutions, we can now show that given
problems in both formalisms, the solution sets have the same size.
This is the property required by the definition of planning formalism equivalence presented earlier
in theorem \ref{thm:solution-sets-sas-plus-strips-f} (\autoref{sub:equivalence-sas-plus-strips}) and
thus end up with the desired equivalence result.
The proof uses the finiteness and disjunctiveness of the solution sets for either problem to be
able to equivalently transform the set cardinality over the union of sets of solutions with bounded
lengths into a sum over the cardinality of the sets of solutions with bounded length. Moreover,
since we know that for each SAS+ solution with a given length an equivalent STRIPS solution exists
in the solution set of the transformed problem with the same length, both sets must have the same
Hence the cardinality of the SAS+ solution set over all lengths up to a given upper bound \<^term>‹N›
has the same size as the solution set of the corresponding STRIPS problem over all length up to a
given upper bound \<^term>‹N›. ›
assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
shows "card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus Ψ N)
= card (bounded_solution_set_strips (φ Ψ) N)"
proof -
let ?Π = "φ Ψ"
and ?R = "{0..N}"
have finite_R: "finite ?R"
by simp
moreover {
have "∀k ∈ ?R. finite (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_ii_a[OF
moreover have "∀j ∈ ?R. ∀k ∈ ?R. j ≠ k
⟶ bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ j
∩ bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k = {}"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_sas_plus'_def
by blast
ultimately have "card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus Ψ N)
= (∑k ∈ ?R. card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k))"
using card_UN_disjoint
by blast
moreover {
have "∀k ∈ ?R. finite (bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_ii_b[OF
moreover have "∀j ∈ ?R. ∀k ∈ ?R. j ≠ k
⟶ bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π j
∩ bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k = {}"
unfolding bounded_solution_set_strips'_def
by blast
ultimately have "card (bounded_solution_set_strips ?Π N)
= (∑k ∈ ?R. card (bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k))"
using card_UN_disjoint
by blast
moreover {
fix k
have "card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)
= card ((λψ. [φ⇩O Ψ op. op ← ψ])
` bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_b[OF assms]
by blast
hence "card (bounded_solution_set_sas_plus' Ψ k)
= card (bounded_solution_set_strips' ?Π k)"
using sas_plus_formalism_and_induced_strips_formalism_are_equally_expressive_i_c[OF assms]
by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
by presburger