Theory utp_concurrency
section ‹ Concurrent Programming ›
theory utp_concurrency
text ‹ In this theory we describe the UTP scheme for concurrency, \emph{parallel-by-merge},
which provides a general parallel operator parametrised by a ``merge predicate'' that explains
how to merge the after states of the composed predicates. It can thus be applied to many languages
and concurrency schemes, with this theory providing a number of generic laws. The operator is
explained in more detail in Chapter 7 of the UTP book~\<^cite>‹"Hoare&98"›. ›
subsection ‹ Variable Renamings ›
text ‹ In parallel-by-merge constructions, a merge predicate defines the behaviour following execution of
of parallel processes, $P \parallel Q$, as a relation that merges the output of $P$ and $Q$. In order
to achieve this we need to separate the variable values output from $P$ and $Q$, and in addition the
variable values before execution. The following three constructs do these separations. The initial
state-space before execution is @{typ "'α"}, the final state-space after the first parallel process
is @{typ "'β⇩0"}, and the final state-space for the second is @{typ "'β⇩1"}. These three functions
lift variables on these three state-spaces, respectively.