Theory NGBA_Graphs

section ‹Connecting Nondeterministic Generalized Büchi Automata to CAVA Automata Structures›

theory NGBA_Graphs

  no_notation build (infixr ## 65)

  subsection ‹Regular Graphs›

  definition ngba_g :: "('label, 'state) ngba  'state graph_rec" where
    "ngba_g A   g_V = UNIV, g_E = E_of_succ (successors A), g_V0 = initial A "

  lemma ngba_g_graph[simp]: "graph (ngba_g A)" unfolding ngba_g_def graph_def by simp

  lemma ngba_g_V0: "g_V0 (ngba_g A) = initial A" unfolding ngba_g_def by simp
  lemma ngba_g_E_rtrancl: "(g_E (ngba_g A))* = {(p, q). q  reachable A p}"
  unfolding ngba_g_def graph_rec.simps E_of_succ_def
  proof safe
    show "(p, q)  {(p, q). q  successors A p}*" if "q  reachable A p" for p q
      using that by (induct) (auto intro: rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
    show "q  reachable A p" if "(p, q)  {(p, q). q  successors A p}*" for p q
      using that by induct auto

  lemma ngba_g_rtrancl_path: "(g_E (ngba_g A))* = {(p, target r p) |r p. NGBA.path A r p}"
    unfolding ngba_g_E_rtrancl by blast
  lemma ngba_g_trancl_path: "(g_E (ngba_g A))+ = {(p, target r p) |r p. NGBA.path A r p  r  []}"
  unfolding ngba_g_def graph_rec.simps E_of_succ_def
  proof safe
    show " r p. (x, y) = (p, target r p)  NGBA.path A r p  r  []"
      if "(x, y)  {(p, q). q  successors A p}+" for x y
    using that
    proof induct
      case (base y)
      obtain a where 1: "a  alphabet A" "y  transition A a x" using base by auto
      show ?case
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show "(x, y) = (x, target [(a, y)] x)" by simp
        show "NGBA.path A [(a, y)] x" using 1 by auto
        show "[(a, y)]  []" by simp
      case (step y z)
      obtain r where 1: "y = target r x" "NGBA.path A r x" "r  []" using step(3) by auto
      obtain a where 2: "a  alphabet A" "z  transition A a y" using step(2) by auto
      show ?case
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show "(x, z) = (x, target (r @ [(a, z)]) x)" by simp
        show "NGBA.path A (r @ [(a, z)]) x" using 1 2 by auto
        show "r @ [(a, z)]  []" by simp
    show "(p, target r p)  {(u, v). v  successors A u}+" if "NGBA.path A r p" "r  []" for r p
      using that by (induct) (fastforce intro: trancl_into_trancl2)+

  lemma ngba_g_ipath_run:
    assumes "ipath (g_E (ngba_g A)) r"
    obtains w
    where "run A (w ||| smap (r  Suc) nats) (r 0)"
  proof -
    have 1: " a  alphabet A. r (Suc i)  transition A a (r i)" for i
      using assms unfolding ipath_def ngba_g_def E_of_succ_def by auto
    obtain wr where 2: "run A wr (r 0)" " i. target (stake i wr) (r 0) = r i"
    proof (rule ngba.invariant_run_index)
      show " aq. (fst aq  alphabet A  snd aq  transition A (fst aq) p)  snd aq = r (Suc i)  True"
        if "p = r i" for i p using that 1 by auto
      show "r 0 = r 0" by rule
    qed auto
    have 3: "smap (r  Suc) nats = smap snd wr"
    proof (rule eqI_snth)
      fix i
      have "smap (r  Suc) nats !! i = r (Suc i)" by simp
      also have " = target (stake (Suc i) wr) (r 0)" unfolding 2(2) by rule
      also have " = (r 0 ## trace wr (r 0)) !! Suc i" by simp
      also have " = smap snd wr !! i" unfolding ngba.trace_alt_def by simp
      finally show "smap (r  Suc) nats !! i = smap snd wr !! i" by this
    show ?thesis
      show "run A (smap fst wr ||| smap (r  Suc) nats) (r 0)" using 2(1) unfolding 3 by auto
  lemma ngba_g_run_ipath:
    assumes "run A (w ||| r) p"
    shows "ipath (g_E (ngba_g A)) (snth (p ## r))"
    fix i
    have 1: "w !! i  alphabet A" "r !! i  transition A (w !! i) (target (stake i (w ||| r)) p)"
      using assms by (auto dest: ngba.run_snth)
    have 2: "r !! i  successors A ((p ## r) !! i)"
      using 1 unfolding sscan_scons_snth[symmetric] ngba.trace_alt_def by auto
    show "((p ## r) !! i, (p ## r) !! Suc i)  g_E (ngba_g A)"
      using 2 unfolding ngba_g_def graph_rec.simps E_of_succ_def by simp

  subsection ‹Indexed Generalized Büchi Graphs›

  definition ngba_acc :: "'state pred gen  'state  nat set" where
    "ngba_acc cs p  {k  {0 ..< length cs}. (cs ! k) p}"

  lemma ngba_acc_param[param]: "(ngba_acc, ngba_acc)  S  bool_rel list_rel  S  nat_rel set_rel"
    unfolding ngba_acc_def list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth fun_rel_def by auto

  definition ngba_igbg :: "('label, 'state) ngba  'state igb_graph_rec" where
    "ngba_igbg A  graph_rec.extend (ngba_g A)  igbg_num_acc = length (accepting A), igbg_acc = ngba_acc (accepting A) "

  lemma acc_run_language:
    assumes "igb_graph (ngba_igbg A)"
    shows "Ex (igb_graph.is_acc_run (ngba_igbg A))  language A  {}"
    interpret igb_graph "ngba_igbg A" using assms by this
    have [simp]: "V0 = g_V0 (ngba_g A)" "E = g_E (ngba_g A)" "num_acc = length (accepting A)"
      "k  acc p  k < length (accepting A)  (accepting A ! k) p" for p k
      unfolding ngba_igbg_def ngba_acc_def graph_rec.defs by simp+
    show "language A  {}" if run: "Ex is_acc_run"
    proof -
      obtain r where 1: "is_acc_run r" using run by rule
      have 2: "r 0  V0" "ipath E r" "is_acc r"
        using 1 unfolding is_acc_run_def graph_defs.is_run_def by auto
      obtain w where 3: "run A (w ||| smap (r  Suc) nats) (r 0)" using ngba_g_ipath_run 2(2) by auto
      have 4: "r 0 ## smap (r  Suc) nats = smap r nats" by (simp) (metis stream.map_comp smap_siterate)
      have 5: "infs (accepting A ! k) (r 0 ## smap (r  Suc) nats)" if "k < length (accepting A)" for k
        using 2(3) that unfolding infs_infm is_acc_def 4 by simp
      have "w  language A"
        show "r 0  initial A" using ngba_g_V0 2(1) by force
        show "run A (w ||| smap (r  Suc) nats) (r 0)" using 3 by this
        show "gen infs (accepting A) (r 0 ## smap (r  Suc) nats)"
          unfolding gen_def all_set_conv_all_nth using 5 by simp
      then show ?thesis by auto
    show "Ex is_acc_run" if language: "language A  {}"
    proof -
      obtain w where 1: "w  language A" using language by auto
      obtain r p where 2: "p  initial A" "run A (w ||| r) p" "gen infs (accepting A) (p ## r)" using 1 by rule
      have "is_acc_run (snth (p ## r))"
      unfolding is_acc_run_def graph_defs.is_run_def
      proof safe
        show "(p ## r) !! 0  V0" using ngba_g_V0 2(1) by force
        show "ipath E (snth (p ## r))" using ngba_g_run_ipath 2(2) by force
        show "is_acc (snth (p ## r))" using 2(3) unfolding gen_def infs_infm is_acc_def by simp
      then show ?thesis by auto
