Theory HOL-Algebra.Coset

(*  Title:      HOL/Algebra/Coset.thy
    Authors:    Florian Kammueller, L C Paulson, Stephan Hohe

With additional contributions from Martin Baillon and Paulo Emílio de Vilhena.

theory Coset
imports Group

section ‹Cosets and Quotient Groups›

  r_coset    :: "[_, 'a set, 'a]  'a set"    (infixl #>ı› 60)
  where "H #>Ga = (hH. {h Ga})"

  l_coset    :: "[_, 'a, 'a set]  'a set"    (infixl <#ı› 60)
  where "a <#GH = (hH. {a Gh})"

  RCOSETS  :: "[_, 'a set]  ('a set)set"
    ((‹open_block notation=‹prefix rcosets››rcosetsı _) [81] 80)
  where "rcosetsGH = (acarrier G. {H #>Ga})"

  set_mult  :: "[_, 'a set ,'a set]  'a set" (infixl <#>ı› 60)
  where "H <#>GK = (hH. kK. {h Gk})"

  SET_INV :: "[_,'a set]  'a set"
    ((‹open_block notation=‹prefix set_inv››set'_invı _) [81] 80)
  where "set_invGH = (hH. {invGh})"

locale normal = subgroup + group +
  assumes coset_eq: "(x  carrier G. H #> x = x <# H)"

  normal_rel :: "['a set, ('a, 'b) monoid_scheme]  bool"  (infixl  60) where
  "H  G  normal H G"

lemma (in comm_group) subgroup_imp_normal: "subgroup A G  A  G"
  by (simp add: normal_def normal_axioms_def l_coset_def r_coset_def m_comm subgroup.mem_carrier)

lemma l_coset_eq_set_mult: contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  fixes G (structure)
  shows "x <# H = {x} <#> H"
  unfolding l_coset_def set_mult_def by simp

lemma r_coset_eq_set_mult: contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  fixes G (structure)
  shows "H #> x = H <#> {x}"
  unfolding r_coset_def set_mult_def by simp

lemma (in subgroup) rcosets_non_empty: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  assumes "R  rcosets H"
  shows "R  {}"
proof -
  obtain g where "g  carrier G" "R = H #> g"
    using assms unfolding RCOSETS_def by blast
  hence "𝟭  g  R"
    using one_closed unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in group) diff_neutralizes: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  assumes "subgroup H G" "R  rcosets H"
  shows "r1 r2.  r1  R; r2  R   r1  (inv r2)  H"
proof -
  fix r1 r2 assume r1: "r1  R" and r2: "r2  R"
  obtain g where g: "g  carrier G" "R = H #> g"
    using assms unfolding RCOSETS_def by blast
  then obtain h1 h2 where h1: "h1  H" "r1 = h1  g"
                      and h2: "h2  H" "r2 = h2  g"
    using r1 r2 unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  hence "r1  (inv r2) = (h1  g)  ((inv g)  (inv h2))"
    using inv_mult_group is_group assms(1) g(1) subgroup.mem_carrier by fastforce
  also have " ... =  (h1  (g  inv g)  inv h2)"
    using h1 h2 assms(1) g(1) inv_closed m_closed monoid.m_assoc
          monoid_axioms subgroup.mem_carrier
  proof -
    have "h1  carrier G"
      by (meson subgroup.mem_carrier assms(1) h1(1))
    moreover have "h2  carrier G"
      by (meson subgroup.mem_carrier assms(1) h2(1))
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using g(1) inv_closed m_assoc m_closed by presburger
  finally have "r1  inv r2 = h1  inv h2"
    using assms(1) g(1) h1(1) subgroup.mem_carrier by fastforce
  thus "r1  inv r2  H" by (metis assms(1) h1(1) h2(1) subgroup_def)

lemma mono_set_mult: " H  H'; K  K'   H <#>GK  H' <#>GK'" contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  unfolding set_mult_def by (simp add: UN_mono)

subsection ‹Stable Operations for Subgroups›

lemma set_mult_consistent [simp]: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  "N <#>(G  carrier := H )K = N <#>GK"
  unfolding set_mult_def by simp

lemma r_coset_consistent [simp]: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  "I #>G  carrier := H h = I #>Gh"
  unfolding r_coset_def by simp

lemma l_coset_consistent [simp]: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  "h <#G  carrier := H I = h <#GI"
  unfolding l_coset_def by simp

subsection ‹Basic Properties of set multiplication›

lemma (in group) setmult_subset_G:
  assumes "H  carrier G" "K  carrier G"
  shows "H <#> K  carrier G" using assms
  by (auto simp add: set_mult_def subsetD)

lemma (in monoid) set_mult_closed:
  assumes "H  carrier G" "K  carrier G"
  shows "H <#> K  carrier G"
  using assms by (auto simp add: set_mult_def subsetD)

lemma (in group) set_mult_assoc: contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  assumes "M  carrier G" "H  carrier G" "K  carrier G"
  shows "(M <#> H) <#> K = M <#> (H <#> K)"
  show "(M <#> H) <#> K  M <#> (H <#> K)"
    fix x assume "x  (M <#> H) <#> K"
    then obtain m h k where x: "m  M" "h  H" "k  K" "x = (m  h)  k"
      unfolding set_mult_def by blast
    hence "x = m  (h  k)"
      using assms m_assoc by blast
    thus "x  M <#> (H <#> K)"
      unfolding set_mult_def using x by blast
  show "M <#> (H <#> K)  (M <#> H) <#> K"
    fix x assume "x  M <#> (H <#> K)"
    then obtain m h k where x: "m  M" "h  H" "k  K" "x = m  (h  k)"
      unfolding set_mult_def by blast
    hence "x = (m  h)  k"
      using assms m_assoc rev_subsetD by metis
    thus "x  (M <#> H) <#> K"
      unfolding set_mult_def using x by blast

subsection ‹Basic Properties of Cosets›

lemma (in group) coset_mult_assoc:
  assumes "M  carrier G" "g  carrier G" "h  carrier G"
  shows "(M #> g) #> h = M #> (g  h)"
  using assms by (force simp add: r_coset_def m_assoc)

lemma (in group) coset_assoc:
  assumes "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G" "H  carrier G"
  shows "x <# (H #> y) = (x <# H) #> y"
  using set_mult_assoc[of "{x}" H "{y}"]
  by (simp add: l_coset_eq_set_mult r_coset_eq_set_mult assms)

lemma (in group) coset_mult_one [simp]: "M  carrier G ==> M #> 𝟭 = M"
by (force simp add: r_coset_def)

lemma (in group) coset_mult_inv1:
  assumes "M #> (x  (inv y)) = M"
    and "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G" "M  carrier G"
  shows "M #> x = M #> y" using assms
  by (metis coset_mult_assoc group.inv_solve_right is_group subgroup_def subgroup_self)

lemma (in group) coset_mult_inv2:
  assumes "M #> x = M #> y"
    and "x  carrier G"  "y  carrier G" "M  carrier G"
  shows "M #> (x  (inv y)) = M " using assms
  by (metis group.coset_mult_assoc group.coset_mult_one inv_closed is_group r_inv)

lemma (in group) coset_join1:
  assumes "H #> x = H"
    and "x  carrier G" "subgroup H G"
  shows "x  H"
  using assms r_coset_def l_one subgroup.one_closed sym by fastforce

lemma (in group) solve_equation:
  assumes "subgroup H G" "x  H" "y  H"
  shows "h  H. y = h  x"
proof -
  have "y = (y  (inv x))  x" using assms
    by (simp add: m_assoc subgroup.mem_carrier)
  moreover have "y  (inv x)  H" using assms
    by (simp add: subgroup_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma (in group_hom) inj_on_one_iff:
   "inj_on h (carrier G)  (x. x  carrier G  h x = one H  x = one G)"
using G.solve_equation G.subgroup_self by (force simp: inj_on_def)

lemma inj_on_one_iff':
   "h  hom G H; group G; group H  inj_on h (carrier G)  (x. x  carrier G  h x = one H  x = one G)"
  using group_hom.inj_on_one_iff group_hom.intro group_hom_axioms.intro by blast

lemma mon_iff_hom_one:
   "group G; group H  f  mon G H  f  hom G H  (x. x  carrier G  f x = 𝟭H x = 𝟭G)"
  by (auto simp: mon_def inj_on_one_iff')

lemma (in group_hom) iso_iff: "h  iso G H  carrier H  h ` carrier G  (xcarrier G. h x = 𝟭H x = 𝟭)"
  by (auto simp: iso_def bij_betw_def inj_on_one_iff)

lemma (in group) repr_independence:
  assumes "y  H #> x" "x  carrier G" "subgroup H G"
  shows "H #> x = H #> y" using assms
by (auto simp add: r_coset_def m_assoc [symmetric]
                   subgroup.subset [THEN subsetD]
                   subgroup.m_closed solve_equation)

lemma (in group) coset_join2:
  assumes "x  carrier G" "subgroup H G" "x  H"
  shows "H #> x = H" using assms
  ― ‹Alternative proof is to put termx=𝟭 in repr_independence›.›
by (force simp add: subgroup.m_closed r_coset_def solve_equation)

lemma (in group) coset_join3:
  assumes "x  carrier G" "subgroup H G" "x  H"
  shows "x <# H = H"
  have "h. h  H  x  h  H" using assms
    by (simp add: subgroup.m_closed)
  thus "x <# H  H" unfolding l_coset_def by blast
  have "h. h  H  x  ((inv x)  h) = h"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms group.inv_closed group.inv_solve_left is_group 
              monoid.m_closed monoid_axioms subgroup.mem_carrier)
  moreover have "h. h  H  (inv x)  h  H"
    by (simp add: assms subgroup.m_closed subgroup.m_inv_closed)
  ultimately show "H  x <# H" unfolding l_coset_def by blast

lemma (in monoid) r_coset_subset_G:
  " H  carrier G; x  carrier G   H #> x  carrier G"
by (auto simp add: r_coset_def)

lemma (in group) rcosI:
  " h  H; H  carrier G; x  carrier G   h  x  H #> x"
by (auto simp add: r_coset_def)

lemma (in group) rcosetsI:
     "H  carrier G; x  carrier G  H #> x  rcosets H"
by (auto simp add: RCOSETS_def)

lemma (in group) rcos_self:
  " x  carrier G; subgroup H G   x  H #> x"
  by (metis l_one rcosI subgroup_def)

text (in group) ‹Opposite of @{thm [source] "repr_independence"}
lemma (in group) repr_independenceD:
  assumes "subgroup H G" "y  carrier G"
    and "H #> x = H #> y"
  shows "y  H #> x"
  using assms by (simp add: rcos_self)

text ‹Elements of a right coset are in the carrier›
lemma (in subgroup) elemrcos_carrier:
  assumes "group G" "a  carrier G"
    and "a'  H #> a"
  shows "a'  carrier G"
  by (meson assms group.is_monoid monoid.r_coset_subset_G subset subsetCE)

lemma (in subgroup) rcos_const:
  assumes "group G" "h  H"
  shows "H #> h = H"
  using group.coset_join2[OF assms(1), of h H]
  by (simp add: assms(2) subgroup_axioms)

lemma (in subgroup) rcos_module_imp:
  assumes "group G" "x  carrier G"
    and "x'  H #> x"
  shows "(x'  inv x)  H"
proof -
  obtain h where h: "h  H" "x' = h  x"
    using assms(3) unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  hence "x'  inv x = h"
    by (metis assms elemrcos_carrier group.inv_solve_right mem_carrier)
  thus ?thesis using h by blast

lemma (in subgroup) rcos_module_rev:
  assumes "group G" "x  carrier G" "x'  carrier G"
    and "(x'  inv x)  H"
  shows "x'  H #> x"
proof -
  obtain h where h: "h  H" "x'  inv x = h"
    using assms(4) unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  hence "x' = h  x"
    by (metis assms group.inv_solve_right mem_carrier)
  thus ?thesis using h unfolding r_coset_def by blast

text ‹Module property of right cosets›
lemma (in subgroup) rcos_module:
  assumes "group G" "x  carrier G" "x'  carrier G"
  shows "(x'  H #> x) = (x'  inv x  H)"
  using rcos_module_rev rcos_module_imp assms by blast

text ‹Right cosets are subsets of the carrier.›
lemma (in subgroup) rcosets_carrier:
  assumes "group G" "X  rcosets H"
  shows "X  carrier G"
  using assms elemrcos_carrier singletonD
  subset_eq unfolding RCOSETS_def by force

text ‹Multiplication of general subsets›

lemma (in comm_group) mult_subgroups:
  assumes HG: "subgroup H G" and KG: "subgroup K G"
  shows "subgroup (H <#> K) G"
proof (rule subgroup.intro)
  show "H <#> K  carrier G"
    by (simp add: setmult_subset_G assms subgroup.subset)
  have "𝟭  𝟭  H <#> K"
    unfolding set_mult_def using assms subgroup.one_closed by blast
  thus "𝟭  H <#> K" by simp
  show "x. x  H <#> K  inv x  H <#> K"
  proof -
    fix x assume "x  H <#> K"
    then obtain h k where hk: "h  H" "k  K" "x = h  k"
      unfolding set_mult_def by blast
    hence "inv x = (inv k)  (inv h)"
      by (meson inv_mult_group assms subgroup.mem_carrier)
    hence "inv x = (inv h)  (inv k)"
      by (metis hk inv_mult assms subgroup.mem_carrier)
    thus "inv x  H <#> K"
      unfolding set_mult_def using hk assms
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) UN_iff singletonI subgroup_def)
  show "x y. x  H <#> K  y  H <#> K  x  y  H <#> K"
  proof -
    fix x y assume "x  H <#> K" "y  H <#> K"
    then obtain h1 k1 h2 k2 where h1k1: "h1  H" "k1  K" "x = h1  k1"
                              and h2k2: "h2  H" "k2  K" "y = h2  k2"
      unfolding set_mult_def by blast
    with KG HG have carr: "k1  carrier G" "h1  carrier G" "k2  carrier G" "h2  carrier G"
        by (meson subgroup.mem_carrier)+
    have "x  y = (h1  k1)  (h2  k2)"
      using h1k1 h2k2 by simp
    also have " ... = h1  (k1  h2)  k2"
        by (simp add: carr comm_groupE(3) comm_group_axioms)
    also have " ... = h1  (h2  k1)  k2"
      by (simp add: carr m_comm)
    finally have "x  y  = (h1  h2)  (k1  k2)"
      by (simp add: carr comm_groupE(3) comm_group_axioms)
    thus "x  y  H <#> K" unfolding set_mult_def
      using subgroup.m_closed[OF assms(1) h1k1(1) h2k2(1)]
            subgroup.m_closed[OF assms(2) h1k1(2) h2k2(2)] by blast

lemma (in subgroup) lcos_module_rev:
  assumes "group G" "x  carrier G" "x'  carrier G"
    and "(inv x  x')  H"
  shows "x'  x <# H"
proof -
  obtain h where h: "h  H" "inv x  x' = h"
    using assms(4) unfolding l_coset_def by blast
  hence "x' = x  h"
    by (metis assms group.inv_solve_left mem_carrier)
  thus ?thesis using h unfolding l_coset_def by blast

subsection ‹Normal subgroups›

lemma normal_imp_subgroup: "H  G  subgroup H G"
  by (rule normal.axioms(1))

lemma (in group) normalI:
  "subgroup H G  (x  carrier G. H #> x = x <# H)  H  G"
  by (simp add: normal_def normal_axioms_def is_group)

lemma (in normal) inv_op_closed1:
  assumes "x  carrier G" and "h  H"
  shows "(inv x)  h  x  H"
proof -
  have "h  x  x <# H"
    using assms coset_eq assms(1) unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  then obtain h' where "h'  H" "h  x = x  h'"
    unfolding l_coset_def by blast
  thus ?thesis by (metis assms inv_closed l_inv l_one m_assoc mem_carrier)

lemma (in normal) inv_op_closed2:
  assumes "x  carrier G" and "h  H"
  shows "x  h  (inv x)  H"
  using assms inv_op_closed1 by (metis inv_closed inv_inv)

lemma (in comm_group) normal_iff_subgroup:
  "N  G  subgroup N G"
  assume "subgroup N G"
  then show "N  G"
    by unfold_locales (auto simp: subgroupE subgroup.one_closed l_coset_def r_coset_def m_comm subgroup.mem_carrier)
qed (simp add: normal_imp_subgroup)

text‹Alternative characterization of normal subgroups›
lemma (in group) normal_inv_iff:
     "(N  G) =
      (subgroup N G  (x  carrier G. h  N. x  h  (inv x)  N))"
      (is "_ = ?rhs")
  assume N: "N  G"
  show ?rhs
    by (blast intro: N normal.inv_op_closed2 normal_imp_subgroup)
  assume ?rhs
  hence sg: "subgroup N G"
    and closed: "x. xcarrier G  hN. x  h  inv x  N" by auto
  hence sb: "N  carrier G" by (simp add: subgroup.subset)
  show "N  G"
  proof (intro normalI [OF sg], simp add: l_coset_def r_coset_def, clarify)
    fix x
    assume x: "x  carrier G"
    show "(hN. {h  x}) = (hN. {x  h})"
      show "(hN. {h  x})  (hN. {x  h})"
      proof clarify
        fix n
        assume n: "n  N"
        show "n  x  (hN. {x  h})"
          from closed [of "inv x"]
          show "inv x  n  x  N" by (simp add: x n)
          show "n  x  {x  (inv x  n  x)}"
            by (simp add: x n m_assoc [symmetric] sb [THEN subsetD])
      show "(hN. {x  h})  (hN. {h  x})"
      proof clarify
        fix n
        assume n: "n  N"
        show "x  n  (hN. {h  x})"
          show "x  n  inv x  N" by (simp add: x n closed)
          show "x  n  {x  n  inv x  x}"
            by (simp add: x n m_assoc sb [THEN subsetD])

corollary (in group) normal_invI:
  assumes "subgroup N G" and "x h.  x  carrier G; h  N   x  h  inv x  N"
  shows "N  G"
  using assms normal_inv_iff by blast

corollary (in group) normal_invE:
  assumes "N  G"
  shows "subgroup N G" and "x h.  x  carrier G; h  N   x  h  inv x  N"
  using assms normal_inv_iff apply blast
  by (simp add: assms normal.inv_op_closed2)

lemma (in group) one_is_normal: "{𝟭}  G"
  using normal_invI triv_subgroup by force

text ‹The intersection of two normal subgroups is, again, a normal subgroup.›
lemma (in group) normal_subgroup_intersect:
  assumes "M  G" and "N  G" shows "M  N  G"
  using  assms normal_inv_iff subgroups_Inter_pair by force

text ‹Being a normal subgroup is preserved by surjective homomorphisms.›

lemma (in normal) surj_hom_normal_subgroup:
  assumes φ: "group_hom G F φ"
  assumes φsurj: "φ ` (carrier G) = carrier F"
  shows "(φ ` H)  F"
proof (rule group.normalI)
  show "group F"
    using φ group_hom.axioms(2) by blast
  show "subgroup (φ ` H) F"
    using φ group_hom.subgroup_img_is_subgroup subgroup_axioms by blast
  show "xcarrier F. φ ` H #>Fx = x <#Fφ ` H"
    fix f
    assume f: "f  carrier F"
    with φsurj obtain g where g: "g  carrier G" "f = φ g" by auto
    hence "φ ` H #>Ff = φ ` H #>Fφ g" by simp
    also have "... = (λx. (φ x) F(φ g)) ` H" 
      unfolding r_coset_def image_def by auto
    also have "... = (λx. φ (x  g)) ` H" 
      using subset g φ group_hom.hom_mult unfolding image_def by fastforce
    also have "... = φ ` (H #> g)" 
      using φ unfolding r_coset_def by auto
    also have "... = φ ` (g <# H)" 
      by (metis coset_eq g(1))
    also have "... = (λx. φ (g  x)) ` H" 
      using φ unfolding l_coset_def by auto
    also have "... = (λx. (φ g) F(φ x)) ` H" 
      using subset g φ group_hom.hom_mult by fastforce
    also have "... = φ g <#Fφ ` H" 
      unfolding l_coset_def image_def by auto
    also have "... = f <#Fφ ` H" 
      using g by simp
    finally show "φ ` H #>Ff = f <#Fφ ` H".

text ‹Being a normal subgroup is preserved by group isomorphisms.›
lemma iso_normal_subgroup:
  assumes φ: "φ  iso G F" "group G" "group F" "H  G"
  shows "(φ ` H)  F"
  by (meson assms Group.iso_iff group_hom_axioms_def group_hom_def normal.surj_hom_normal_subgroup)

text ‹The set product of two normal subgroups is a normal subgroup.›
lemma (in group) setmult_lcos_assoc:
  "H  carrier G; K  carrier G; x  carrier G
       (x <# H) <#> K = x <# (H <#> K)"
  by (force simp add: l_coset_def set_mult_def m_assoc)

subsection‹More Properties of Left Cosets›

lemma (in group) l_repr_independence:
  assumes "y  x <# H" "x  carrier G" and HG: "subgroup H G"
  shows "x <# H = y <# H"
proof -
  obtain h' where h': "h'  H" "y = x  h'"
    using assms(1) unfolding l_coset_def by blast
  hence "x  h = y  ((inv h')  h)" if "h  H" for h
  proof -
    have "h'  carrier G"
      by (meson HG h'(1) subgroup.mem_carrier)
    moreover have "h  carrier G"
      by (meson HG subgroup.mem_carrier that)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (metis assms(2) h'(2) inv_closed inv_solve_right m_assoc m_closed)
  hence "xh. xh  x <# H  xh  y <# H"
    unfolding l_coset_def by (metis (no_types, lifting) UN_iff HG h'(1) subgroup_def)
  moreover have "h. h  H  y  h = x  (h'  h)"
    using h' by (meson assms(2) HG m_assoc subgroup.mem_carrier)
  hence "yh. yh  y <# H  yh  x <# H"
    unfolding l_coset_def using subgroup.m_closed[OF HG h'(1)] by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma (in group) lcos_m_assoc:
  " M  carrier G; g  carrier G; h  carrier G   g <# (h <# M) = (g  h) <# M"
by (force simp add: l_coset_def m_assoc)

lemma (in group) lcos_mult_one: "M  carrier G  𝟭 <# M = M"
by (force simp add: l_coset_def)

lemma (in group) l_coset_subset_G:
  " H  carrier G; x  carrier G   x <# H  carrier G"
by (auto simp add: l_coset_def subsetD)

lemma (in group) l_coset_carrier:
  " y  x <# H; x  carrier G; subgroup H G   y  carrier G"
  by (auto simp add: l_coset_def m_assoc  subgroup.subset [THEN subsetD] subgroup.m_closed)

lemma (in group) l_coset_swap:
  assumes "y  x <# H" "x  carrier G" "subgroup H G"
  shows "x  y <# H"
  using assms(2) l_repr_independence[OF assms] subgroup.one_closed[OF assms(3)]
  unfolding l_coset_def by fastforce

lemma (in group) subgroup_mult_id:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  shows "H <#> H = H"
  show "H <#> H  H"
    unfolding set_mult_def using subgroup.m_closed[OF assms] by (simp add: UN_subset_iff)
  show "H  H <#> H"
    fix x assume x: "x  H" thus "x  H <#> H" unfolding set_mult_def
      using subgroup.m_closed[OF assms subgroup.one_closed[OF assms] x] subgroup.one_closed[OF assms]
      using assms subgroup.mem_carrier by force

subsubsection ‹Set of Inverses of an r_coset›.›

lemma (in normal) rcos_inv:
  assumes x:     "x  carrier G"
  shows "set_inv (H #> x) = H #> (inv x)"
proof (simp add: r_coset_def SET_INV_def x inv_mult_group, safe)
  fix h
  assume h: "h  H"
  show "inv x  inv h  (jH. {j  inv x})"
    show "inv x  inv h  x  H"
      by (simp add: inv_op_closed1 h x)
    show "inv x  inv h  {inv x  inv h  x  inv x}"
      by (simp add: h x m_assoc)
  show "h  inv x  (jH. {inv x  inv j})"
    show "x  inv h  inv x  H"
      by (simp add: inv_op_closed2 h x)
    show "h  inv x  {inv x  inv (x  inv h  inv x)}"
      by (simp add: h x m_assoc [symmetric] inv_mult_group)

subsubsection ‹Theorems for <#>› with #>› or <#›.›

lemma (in group) setmult_rcos_assoc:
  "H  carrier G; K  carrier G; x  carrier G 
    H <#> (K #> x) = (H <#> K) #> x"
  using set_mult_assoc[of H K "{x}"] by (simp add: r_coset_eq_set_mult)

lemma (in group) rcos_assoc_lcos:
  "H  carrier G; K  carrier G; x  carrier G 
   (H #> x) <#> K = H <#> (x <# K)"
  using set_mult_assoc[of H "{x}" K]
  by (simp add: l_coset_eq_set_mult r_coset_eq_set_mult)

lemma (in normal) rcos_mult_step1:
  "x  carrier G; y  carrier G 
   (H #> x) <#> (H #> y) = (H <#> (x <# H)) #> y"
  by (simp add: setmult_rcos_assoc r_coset_subset_G
                subset l_coset_subset_G rcos_assoc_lcos)

lemma (in normal) rcos_mult_step2:
     "x  carrier G; y  carrier G
       (H <#> (x <# H)) #> y = (H <#> (H #> x)) #> y"
by (insert coset_eq, simp add: normal_def)

lemma (in normal) rcos_mult_step3:
     "x  carrier G; y  carrier G
       (H <#> (H #> x)) #> y = H #> (x  y)"
by (simp add: setmult_rcos_assoc coset_mult_assoc
              subgroup_mult_id normal.axioms subset normal_axioms)

lemma (in normal) rcos_sum:
     "x  carrier G; y  carrier G
       (H #> x) <#> (H #> y) = H #> (x  y)"
by (simp add: rcos_mult_step1 rcos_mult_step2 rcos_mult_step3)

lemma (in normal) rcosets_mult_eq: "M  rcosets H  H <#> M = M"
  ― ‹generalizes subgroup_mult_id›
  by (auto simp add: RCOSETS_def subset
        setmult_rcos_assoc subgroup_mult_id normal.axioms normal_axioms)

subsubsection‹An Equivalence Relation›

  r_congruent :: "[('a,'b)monoid_scheme, 'a set]  ('a*'a)set"
    ((‹open_block notation=‹prefix rcong››rcongı _))
  where "rcongGH = {(x,y). x  carrier G  y  carrier G  invGx Gy  H}"

lemma (in subgroup) equiv_rcong:
   assumes "group G"
   shows "equiv (carrier G) (rcong H)"
proof -
  interpret group G by fact
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro equivI)
    have "rcong H  carrier G × carrier G"
      by (auto simp add: r_congruent_def)
    thus "refl_on (carrier G) (rcong H)"
      by (auto simp add: r_congruent_def refl_on_def)
    show "sym (rcong H)"
    proof (simp add: r_congruent_def sym_def, clarify)
      fix x y
      assume [simp]: "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G"
         and "inv x  y  H"
      hence "inv (inv x  y)  H" by simp
      thus "inv y  x  H" by (simp add: inv_mult_group)
    show "trans (rcong H)"
    proof (simp add: r_congruent_def trans_def, clarify)
      fix x y z
      assume [simp]: "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G" "z  carrier G"
         and "inv x  y  H" and "inv y  z  H"
      hence "(inv x  y)  (inv y  z)  H" by simp
      hence "inv x  (y  inv y)  z  H"
        by (simp add: m_assoc del: r_inv Units_r_inv)
      thus "inv x  z  H" by simp

text‹Equivalence classes of rcong› correspond to left cosets.
  Was there a mistake in the definitions? I'd have expected them to
  correspond to right cosets.›

(* CB: This is correct, but subtle.
   We call H #> a the right coset of a relative to H.  According to
   Jacobson, this is what the majority of group theory literature does.
   He then defines the notion of congruence relation ~ over monoids as
   equivalence relation with a ~ a' & b ~ b' ⟹ a*b ~ a'*b'.
   Our notion of right congruence induced by K: rcong K appears only in
   the context where K is a normal subgroup.  Jacobson doesn't name it.
   But in this context left and right cosets are identical.

lemma (in subgroup) l_coset_eq_rcong:
  assumes "group G"
  assumes a: "a  carrier G"
  shows "a <# H = (rcong H) `` {a}"
proof -
  interpret group G by fact
  show ?thesis by (force simp add: r_congruent_def l_coset_def m_assoc [symmetric] a )

subsubsection‹Two Distinct Right Cosets are Disjoint›

lemma (in group) rcos_equation:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  assumes p: "ha  a = h  b" "a  carrier G" "b  carrier G" "h  H" "ha  H" "hb  H"
  shows "hb  a  (hH. {h  b})"
proof -
  interpret subgroup H G by fact
  from p show ?thesis 
    by (rule_tac UN_I [of "hb  ((inv ha)  h)"]) (auto simp: inv_solve_left m_assoc)

lemma (in group) rcos_disjoint:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  shows "pairwise disjnt (rcosets H)"
proof -
  interpret subgroup H G by fact
  show ?thesis
    unfolding RCOSETS_def r_coset_def pairwise_def disjnt_def
    by (blast intro: rcos_equation assms sym)

subsection ‹Further lemmas for r_congruent›

text ‹The relation is a congruence›

lemma (in normal) congruent_rcong:
  shows "congruent2 (rcong H) (rcong H) (λa b. a  b <# H)"
proof (intro congruent2I[of "carrier G" _ "carrier G" _] equiv_rcong is_group)
  fix a b c
  assume abrcong: "(a, b)  rcong H"
    and ccarr: "c  carrier G"

  from abrcong
      have acarr: "a  carrier G"
        and bcarr: "b  carrier G"
        and abH: "inv a  b  H"
      unfolding r_congruent_def
      by fast+

  note carr = acarr bcarr ccarr

  from ccarr and abH
      have "inv c  (inv a  b)  c  H" by (rule inv_op_closed1)
      from carr and inv_closed
      have "inv c  (inv a  b)  c = (inv c  inv a)  (b  c)"
      by (force cong: m_assoc)
      from carr and inv_closed
      have " = (inv (a  c))  (b  c)"
      by (simp add: inv_mult_group)
      have "(inv (a  c))  (b  c)  H" by simp
  from carr and this
     have "(b  c)  (a  c) <# H"
     by (simp add: lcos_module_rev[OF is_group])
  from carr and this and is_subgroup
     show "(a  c) <# H = (b  c) <# H" by (intro l_repr_independence, simp+)
  fix a b c
  assume abrcong: "(a, b)  rcong H"
    and ccarr: "c  carrier G"

  from ccarr have "c  Units G" by simp
  hence cinvc_one: "inv c  c = 𝟭" by (rule Units_l_inv)

  from abrcong
      have acarr: "a  carrier G"
       and bcarr: "b  carrier G"
       and abH: "inv a  b  H"
      by (unfold r_congruent_def, fast+)

  note carr = acarr bcarr ccarr

  from carr and inv_closed
     have "inv a  b = inv a  (𝟭  b)" by simp
  also from carr and inv_closed
      have " = inv a  (inv c  c)  b" by simp
  also from carr and inv_closed
      have " = (inv a  inv c)  (c  b)" by (force cong: m_assoc)
  also from carr and inv_closed
      have " = inv (c  a)  (c  b)" by (simp add: inv_mult_group)
      have "inv a  b = inv (c  a)  (c  b)" .
  from abH and this
      have "inv (c  a)  (c  b)  H" by simp

  from carr and this
     have "(c  b)  (c  a) <# H"
     by (simp add: lcos_module_rev[OF is_group])
  from carr and this and is_subgroup
     show "(c  a) <# H = (c  b) <# H" by (intro l_repr_independence, simp+)

subsection ‹Order of a Group and Lagrange's Theorem›

  order :: "('a, 'b) monoid_scheme  nat"
  where "order S = card (carrier S)"

lemma iso_same_order:
  assumes "φ  iso G H"
  shows "order G = order H"
  by (metis assms is_isoI iso_same_card order_def order_def)

lemma (in monoid) order_gt_0_iff_finite: "0 < order G  finite (carrier G)"
  by(auto simp add: order_def card_gt_0_iff)

lemma (in group) order_one_triv_iff:
  shows "(order G = 1) = (carrier G = {𝟭})"
  by (metis One_nat_def card.empty card_Suc_eq empty_iff one_closed order_def singleton_iff)

lemma (in group) rcosets_part_G:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  shows "(rcosets H) = carrier G"
proof -
  interpret subgroup H G by fact
  show ?thesis
    unfolding RCOSETS_def r_coset_def by auto

lemma (in group) cosets_finite:
     "c  rcosets H;  H  carrier G;  finite (carrier G)  finite c"
  unfolding RCOSETS_def
  by (auto simp add: r_coset_subset_G [THEN finite_subset])

text‹The next two lemmas support the proof of card_cosets_equal›.›
lemma (in group) inj_on_f:
  assumes "H  carrier G" and a: "a  carrier G"
  shows "inj_on (λy. y  inv a) (H #> a)"
  fix x y
  assume "x  H #> a" "y  H #> a" and xy: "x  inv a = y  inv a"
  then have "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G"
    using assms r_coset_subset_G by blast+
  with xy a show "x = y"
    by auto

lemma (in group) inj_on_g:
    "H  carrier G;  a  carrier G  inj_on (λy. y  a) H"
by (force simp add: inj_on_def subsetD)

(* ************************************************************************** *)

lemma (in group) card_cosets_equal:
  assumes "R  rcosets H" "H  carrier G"
  shows "f. bij_betw f H R"
proof -
  obtain g where g: "g  carrier G" "R = H #> g"
    using assms(1) unfolding RCOSETS_def by blast

  let ?f = "λh. h  g"
  have "r. r  R  h  H. ?f h = r"
  proof -
    fix r assume "r  R"
    then obtain h where "h  H" "r = h  g"
      using g unfolding r_coset_def by blast
    thus "h  H. ?f h = r" by blast
  hence "R  ?f ` H" by blast
  moreover have "?f ` H  R"
    using g unfolding r_coset_def by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis using inj_on_g unfolding bij_betw_def
    using assms(2) g(1) by auto

corollary (in group) card_rcosets_equal:
  assumes "R  rcosets H" "H  carrier G"
  shows "card H = card R"
  using card_cosets_equal assms bij_betw_same_card by blast

corollary (in group) rcosets_finite:
  assumes "R  rcosets H" "H  carrier G" "finite H"
  shows "finite R"
  using card_cosets_equal assms bij_betw_finite is_group by blast

(* ************************************************************************** *)

lemma (in group) rcosets_subset_PowG:
     "subgroup H G   rcosets H  Pow(carrier G)"
  using rcosets_part_G by auto

proposition (in group) lagrange_finite:
  assumes "finite(carrier G)" and HG: "subgroup H G"
  shows "card(rcosets H) * card(H) = order(G)"
proof -
  have "card H * card (rcosets H) = card ((rcosets H))"
  proof (rule card_partition)
    show "c1 c2. c1  rcosets H; c2  rcosets H; c1  c2  c1  c2 = {}"
      using HG rcos_disjoint by (auto simp: pairwise_def disjnt_def)
  qed (auto simp: assms finite_UnionD rcosets_part_G card_rcosets_equal subgroup.subset)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: HG mult.commute order_def rcosets_part_G)

theorem (in group) lagrange:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  shows "card (rcosets H) * card H = order G"
proof (cases "finite (carrier G)")
  case True thus ?thesis using lagrange_finite assms by simp
  case False 
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases "finite H")
    case False thus ?thesis using infinite (carrier G)  by (simp add: order_def)
    case True 
    have "infinite (rcosets H)"
      assume "finite (rcosets H)"
      hence finite_rcos: "finite (rcosets H)" by simp
      hence "card ((rcosets H)) = (R(rcosets H). card R)"
        using card_Union_disjoint[of "rcosets H"] finite H rcos_disjoint[OF assms(1)]
              rcosets_finite[where ?H = H] by (simp add: assms subgroup.subset)
      hence "order G = (R(rcosets H). card R)"
        by (simp add: assms order_def rcosets_part_G)
      hence "order G = (R(rcosets H). card H)"
        using card_rcosets_equal by (simp add: assms subgroup.subset)
      hence "order G = (card H) * (card (rcosets H))" by simp
      hence "order G  0" using finite_rcos finite H assms ex_in_conv
                                rcosets_part_G subgroup.one_closed by fastforce
      thus False using infinite (carrier G) order_gt_0_iff_finite by blast
    thus ?thesis using infinite (carrier G) by (simp add: order_def)

text ‹The cardinality of the right cosets of the trivial subgroup is the cardinality of the group itself:›
corollary (in group) card_rcosets_triv:
  assumes "finite (carrier G)"
  shows "card (rcosets {𝟭}) = order G"
  using lagrange triv_subgroup by fastforce

subsection ‹Quotient Groups: Factorization of a Group›

  FactGroup :: "[('a,'b) monoid_scheme, 'a set]  ('a set) monoid" (infixl Mod 65)
    ― ‹Actually defined for groups rather than monoids›
   where "FactGroup G H = carrier = rcosetsGH, mult = set_mult G, one = H"

lemma (in normal) setmult_closed:
     "K1  rcosets H; K2  rcosets H  K1 <#> K2  rcosets H"
by (auto simp add: rcos_sum RCOSETS_def)

lemma (in normal) setinv_closed:
     "K  rcosets H  set_inv K  rcosets H"
by (auto simp add: rcos_inv RCOSETS_def)

lemma (in normal) rcosets_assoc:
     "M1  rcosets H; M2  rcosets H; M3  rcosets H
       M1 <#> M2 <#> M3 = M1 <#> (M2 <#> M3)"
  by (simp add: group.set_mult_assoc is_group rcosets_carrier)

lemma (in subgroup) subgroup_in_rcosets:
  assumes "group G"
  shows "H  rcosets H"
proof -
  interpret group G by fact
  from _ subgroup_axioms have "H #> 𝟭 = H"
    by (rule coset_join2) auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: RCOSETS_def)

lemma (in normal) rcosets_inv_mult_group_eq:
     "M  rcosets H  set_inv M <#> M = H"
by (auto simp add: RCOSETS_def rcos_inv rcos_sum subgroup.subset normal.axioms normal_axioms)

theorem (in normal) factorgroup_is_group: "group (G Mod H)"
proof -
  have "x. x  rcosets H  yrcosets H. y <#> x = H"
    using rcosets_inv_mult_group_eq setinv_closed by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding FactGroup_def
    by (intro groupI)
      (auto simp: setmult_closed subgroup_in_rcosets rcosets_assoc rcosets_mult_eq)

lemma carrier_FactGroup: "carrier(G Mod N) = (λx. r_coset G N x) ` carrier G"
  by (auto simp: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def)

lemma one_FactGroup [simp]: "one(G Mod N) = N"
  by (auto simp: FactGroup_def)

lemma mult_FactGroup [simp]: "monoid.mult (G Mod N) = set_mult G"
  by (auto simp: FactGroup_def)

lemma (in normal) inv_FactGroup:
  assumes "X  carrier (G Mod H)"
  shows "invG Mod HX = set_inv X"
proof -
  have X: "X  rcosets H"
    using assms by (simp add: FactGroup_def)
  moreover have "set_inv X <#> X = H"
    using X by (simp add: normal.rcosets_inv_mult_group_eq normal_axioms)
  moreover have " (G Mod H)"
    using normal.factorgroup_is_group normal_axioms by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: FactGroup_def group.inv_equality normal.setinv_closed normal_axioms)

text‹The coset map is a homomorphism from termG to the quotient group
  termG Mod H
lemma (in normal) r_coset_hom_Mod:
  "(λa. H #> a)  hom G (G Mod H)"
  by (auto simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def Pi_def hom_def rcos_sum)

lemma (in comm_group) set_mult_commute:
  assumes "N  carrier G" "x  rcosets N" "y  rcosets N"
  shows "x <#> y = y <#> x"
  using assms unfolding set_mult_def RCOSETS_def
  by auto (metis m_comm r_coset_subset_G subsetCE)+

lemma (in comm_group) abelian_FactGroup:
  assumes "subgroup N G" shows "comm_group(G Mod N)"
proof (rule group.group_comm_groupI)
  have "N  G"
    by (simp add: assms normal_iff_subgroup)
  then show " (G Mod N)"
    by (simp add: normal.factorgroup_is_group)
  fix x :: "'a set" and y :: "'a set"
  assume "x  carrier (G Mod N)" "y  carrier (G Mod N)"
  then show "x G Mod Ny = y G Mod Nx"
    by (metis FactGroup_def assms mult_FactGroup partial_object.simps(1) set_mult_commute subgroup_def)

lemma FactGroup_universal:
  assumes "h  hom G H" "N  G"
    and h: "x y. x  carrier G; y  carrier G; r_coset G N x = r_coset G N y  h x = h y"
  obtains g
  where "g  hom (G Mod N) H" "x. x  carrier G  g(r_coset G N x) = h x"
proof -
  obtain g where g: "x. x  carrier G  h x = g(r_coset G N x)"
    using h function_factors_left_gen [of "λx. x  carrier G" "r_coset G N" h] by blast
  show thesis
    show "g  hom (G Mod N) H"
    proof (rule homI)
      show "g (u G Mod Nv) = g u Hg v"
        if "u  carrier (G Mod N)" "v  carrier (G Mod N)" for u v
      proof -
        from that
        obtain x y where xy: "x  carrier G" "u = r_coset G N x" "y  carrier G"  "v = r_coset G N y"
          by (auto simp: carrier_FactGroup)
        then have "h (x Gy) = h x Hh y"
           by (metis hom_mult [OF h  hom G H])
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis Coset.mult_FactGroup xy N  G g group.subgroup_self normal.axioms(2) normal.rcos_sum subgroup_def)
    qed (use h  hom G H in auto simp: carrier_FactGroup Pi_iff hom_def simp flip: g)
  qed (auto simp flip: g)

lemma (in normal) FactGroup_pow:
  fixes k::nat
  assumes "a  carrier G"
  shows "pow (FactGroup G H) (r_coset G H a) k = r_coset G H (pow G a k)"
proof (induction k)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: r_coset_def)
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: assms rcos_sum)

lemma (in normal) FactGroup_int_pow:
  fixes k::int
  assumes "a  carrier G"
  shows "pow (FactGroup G H) (r_coset G H a) k = r_coset G H (pow G a k)"
  by (metis image_eqI is_group monoid.nat_pow_closed int_pow_def2 assms
         FactGroup_pow carrier_FactGroup inv_FactGroup rcos_inv)

subsection‹The First Isomorphism Theorem›

text‹The quotient by the kernel of a homomorphism is isomorphic to the
  range of that homomorphism.›

  kernel :: "('a, 'm) monoid_scheme  ('b, 'n) monoid_scheme   ('a  'b)  'a set"
    ― ‹the kernel of a homomorphism›
  where "kernel G H h = {x. x  carrier G  h x = 𝟭H}"

lemma (in group_hom) subgroup_kernel: "subgroup (kernel G H h) G"
  by (auto simp add: kernel_def group.intro intro: subgroup.intro)

text‹The kernel of a homomorphism is a normal subgroup›
lemma (in group_hom) normal_kernel: "(kernel G H h)  G"
  apply (simp only: G.normal_inv_iff subgroup_kernel)
  apply (simp add: kernel_def)

lemma iso_kernel_image:
  assumes "group G" "group H"
  shows "f  iso G H  f  hom G H  kernel G H f = {𝟭G}  f ` carrier G = carrier H"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (intro iffI conjI)
  assume f: ?lhs
  show "f  hom G H"
    using Group.iso_iff f by blast
  show "kernel G H f = {𝟭G}"
    using assms f Group.group_def hom_one
    by (fastforce simp add: kernel_def iso_iff_mon_epi mon_iff_hom_one set_eq_iff)
  show "f ` carrier G = carrier H"
    by (meson Group.iso_iff f)
  assume ?rhs
  with assms show ?lhs
    by (auto simp: kernel_def iso_def bij_betw_def inj_on_one_iff')

lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_nonempty:
  assumes "X  carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)"
  shows "X  {}"
  using assms unfolding FactGroup_def
  by (metis group_hom.subgroup_kernel group_hom_axioms partial_object.simps(1) subgroup.rcosets_non_empty)

lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_universal_kernel:
  assumes "N  G" and h: "N  kernel G H h"
  obtains g where "g  hom (G Mod N) H" "x. x  carrier G  g(r_coset G N x) = h x"
proof -
  have "h x = h y"
    if "x  carrier G" "y  carrier G" "r_coset G N x = r_coset G N y" for x y
  proof -
    have "x GinvGy  N"
      using N  G group.rcos_self normal.axioms(2) normal_imp_subgroup
         subgroup.rcos_module_imp that by metis 
    with h have xy: "x GinvGy  kernel G H h"
      by blast
    have "h x HinvH(h y) = h (x GinvGy)"
      by (simp add: that)
    also have " = 𝟭H⇙"
      using xy by (simp add: kernel_def)
    finally have "h x HinvH(h y) = 𝟭H⇙" .
    then show ?thesis
      using H.inv_equality that by fastforce
  with FactGroup_universal [OF homh N  G] that show thesis
    by metis

lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_the_elem_mem:
  assumes X: "X  carrier (G Mod (kernel G H h))"
  shows "the_elem (h`X)  carrier H"
proof -
  from X
  obtain g where g: "g  carrier G"
             and "X = kernel G H h #> g"
    by (auto simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def)
  hence "h ` X = {h g}" by (auto simp add: kernel_def r_coset_def g intro!: imageI)
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: g)

lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_hom:
     "(λX. the_elem (h`X))  hom (G Mod (kernel G H h)) H"
proof -
  have "the_elem (h ` (X <#> X')) = the_elem (h ` X) Hthe_elem (h ` X')"
    if X: "X   carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)" and X': "X'  carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)" for X X'
  proof -
    obtain g and g'
      where "g  carrier G" and "g'  carrier G"
        and "X = kernel G H h #> g" and "X' = kernel G H h #> g'"
      using X X' by (auto simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def)
    hence all: "xX. h x = h g" "xX'. h x = h g'"
      and Xsub: "X  carrier G" and X'sub: "X'  carrier G"
      by (force simp add: kernel_def r_coset_def image_def)+
    hence "h ` (X <#> X') = {h g Hh g'}" using X X'
      by (auto dest!: FactGroup_nonempty intro!: image_eqI
          simp add: set_mult_def
          subsetD [OF Xsub] subsetD [OF X'sub])
    then show "the_elem (h ` (X <#> X')) = the_elem (h ` X) Hthe_elem (h ` X')"
      by (auto simp add: all FactGroup_nonempty X X' the_elem_image_unique)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: hom_def FactGroup_the_elem_mem normal.factorgroup_is_group [OF normal_kernel] group.axioms monoid.m_closed)

text‹Lemma for the following injectivity result›
lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_subset:
  assumes "g  carrier G" "g'  carrier G" "h g = h g'"
  shows "kernel G H h #> g  kernel G H h #> g'"
  unfolding kernel_def r_coset_def
proof clarsimp
  fix y 
  assume "y  carrier G" "h y = 𝟭H⇙"
  with assms show "x. x  carrier G  h x = 𝟭H y  g = x  g'"
    by (rule_tac x="y  g  inv g'" in exI) (auto simp: G.m_assoc)

lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_inj_on:
     "inj_on (λX. the_elem (h ` X)) (carrier (G Mod kernel G H h))"
proof (simp add: inj_on_def, clarify)
  fix X and X'
  assume X:  "X   carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)"
     and X': "X'  carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)"
  obtain g and g'
           where gX: "g  carrier G"  "g'  carrier G"
              "X = kernel G H h #> g" "X' = kernel G H h #> g'"
    by (auto simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def)
  hence all: "xX. h x = h g" "xX'. h x = h g'"
    by (force simp add: kernel_def r_coset_def image_def)+
  assume "the_elem (h ` X) = the_elem (h ` X')"
  hence h: "h g = h g'"
    by (simp add: all FactGroup_nonempty X X' the_elem_image_unique)
  show "X=X'" by (rule equalityI) (simp_all add: FactGroup_subset h gX)

text‹If the homomorphism termh is onto termH, then so is the
homomorphism from the quotient group›
lemma (in group_hom) FactGroup_onto:
  assumes h: "h ` carrier G = carrier H"
  shows "(λX. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (G Mod kernel G H h) = carrier H"
  show "(λX. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)  carrier H"
    by (auto simp add: FactGroup_the_elem_mem)
  show "carrier H  (λX. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)"
    fix y
    assume y: "y  carrier H"
    with h obtain g where g: "g  carrier G" "h g = y"
      by (blast elim: equalityE)
    hence "(xkernel G H h #> g. {h x}) = {y}"
      by (auto simp add: y kernel_def r_coset_def)
    with g show "y  (λX. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (G Mod kernel G H h)"
      apply (auto intro!: bexI image_eqI simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def)
      apply (subst the_elem_image_unique)
      apply auto

text‹If termh is a homomorphism from termG onto termH, then the
 quotient group termG Mod (kernel G H h) is isomorphic to termH.›
theorem (in group_hom) FactGroup_iso_set:
  "h ` carrier G = carrier H
    (λX. the_elem (h`X))  iso (G Mod (kernel G H h)) H"
by (simp add: iso_def FactGroup_hom FactGroup_inj_on bij_betw_def

corollary (in group_hom) FactGroup_iso :
  "h ` carrier G = carrier H
    (G Mod (kernel G H h)) H"
  using FactGroup_iso_set unfolding is_iso_def by auto

lemma (in group_hom) trivial_hom_iff: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  "h ` (carrier G) = { 𝟭H}  kernel G H h = carrier G"
  unfolding kernel_def using one_closed by force

lemma (in group_hom) trivial_ker_imp_inj: contributor ‹Paulo Emílio de Vilhena›
  assumes "kernel G H h = { 𝟭 }"
  shows "inj_on h (carrier G)"
proof (rule inj_onI)
  fix g1 g2 assume A: "g1  carrier G" "g2  carrier G" "h g1 = h g2"
  hence "h (g1  (inv g2)) = 𝟭H⇙" by simp
  hence "g1  (inv g2) = 𝟭"
    using A assms unfolding kernel_def by blast
  thus "g1 = g2"
    using A G.inv_equality G.inv_inv by blast

lemma (in group_hom) inj_iff_trivial_ker:
  shows "inj_on h (carrier G)  kernel G H h = { 𝟭 }"
  assume inj: "inj_on h (carrier G)" show "kernel G H h = { 𝟭 }"
    unfolding kernel_def
  proof (auto)
    fix a assume "a  carrier G" "h a = 𝟭H⇙" thus "a = 𝟭"
      using inj hom_one unfolding inj_on_def by force
  show "kernel G H h = { 𝟭 }  inj_on h (carrier G)"
    using trivial_ker_imp_inj by simp

lemma (in group_hom) induced_group_hom':
  assumes "subgroup I G" shows "group_hom (G  carrier := I ) H h"
proof -
  have "h  hom (G  carrier := I ) H"
    using homh subgroup.subset[OF assms] unfolding hom_def by (auto, meson hom_mult subsetCE)
  thus ?thesis
    using subgroup.subgroup_is_group[OF assms G.group_axioms] group_axioms
    unfolding group_hom_def group_hom_axioms_def by auto

lemma (in group_hom) inj_on_subgroup_iff_trivial_ker:
  assumes "subgroup I G"
  shows "inj_on h I  kernel (G  carrier := I ) H h = { 𝟭 }"
  using group_hom.inj_iff_trivial_ker[OF induced_group_hom'[OF assms]] by simp

lemma set_mult_hom:
  assumes "h  hom G H" "I  carrier G" and "J  carrier G"
  shows "h ` (I <#>GJ) = (h ` I) <#>H(h ` J)"
  show "h ` (I <#>GJ)  (h ` I) <#>H(h ` J)"
    fix a assume "a  h ` (I <#>GJ)"
    then obtain i j where i: "i  I" and j: "j  J" and "a = h (i Gj)"
      unfolding set_mult_def by auto
    hence "a = (h i) H(h j)"
      using assms unfolding hom_def by blast
    thus "a  (h ` I) <#>H(h ` J)"
      using i and j unfolding set_mult_def by auto
  show "(h ` I) <#>H(h ` J)  h ` (I <#>GJ)"
    fix a assume "a  (h ` I) <#>H(h ` J)"
    then obtain i j where i: "i  I" and j: "j  J" and "a = (h i) H(h j)"
      unfolding set_mult_def by auto
    hence "a = h (i Gj)"
      using assms unfolding hom_def by fastforce
    thus "a  h ` (I <#>GJ)"
      using i and j unfolding set_mult_def by auto

corollary coset_hom:
  assumes "h  hom G H" "I  carrier G" "a  carrier G"
  shows "h ` (a <#GI) = h a <#H(h ` I)" and "h ` (I #>Ga) = (h ` I) #>Hh a"
  unfolding l_coset_eq_set_mult r_coset_eq_set_mult using assms set_mult_hom[OF assms(1)] by auto

corollary (in group_hom) set_mult_ker_hom:
  assumes "I  carrier G"
  shows "h ` (I <#> (kernel G H h)) = h ` I" and "h ` ((kernel G H h) <#> I) = h ` I"
proof -
  have ker_in_carrier: "kernel G H h  carrier G"
    unfolding kernel_def by auto

  have "h ` (kernel G H h) = { 𝟭H}"
    unfolding kernel_def by force
  moreover have "h ` I  carrier H"
    using assms by auto
  hence "(h ` I) <#>H{ 𝟭H} = h ` I" and "{ 𝟭H} <#>H(h ` I) = h ` I"
    unfolding set_mult_def by force+
  ultimately show "h ` (I <#> (kernel G H h)) = h ` I" and "h ` ((kernel G H h) <#> I) = h ` I"
    using set_mult_hom[OF homh assms ker_in_carrier] set_mult_hom[OF homh ker_in_carrier assms] by simp+

subsubsection‹Trivial homomorphisms›

definition trivial_homomorphism where
 "trivial_homomorphism G H f  f  hom G H  (x  carrier G. f x = one H)"

lemma trivial_homomorphism_kernel:
   "trivial_homomorphism G H f  f  hom G H  kernel G H f = carrier G"
  by (auto simp: trivial_homomorphism_def kernel_def)

lemma (in group) trivial_homomorphism_image:
   "trivial_homomorphism G H f  f  hom G H  f ` carrier G = {one H}"
  by (auto simp: trivial_homomorphism_def) (metis one_closed rev_image_eqI)

subsection ‹Image kernel theorems›

lemma group_Int_image_ker:
  assumes f: "f  hom G H" and g: "g  hom H K" 
    and "inj_on (g  f) (carrier G)" "group G" "group H" "group K"
  shows "(f ` carrier G)  (kernel H K g) = {𝟭H}"
proof -
  have "(f ` carrier G)  (kernel H K g)  {𝟭H}"
    using assms 
    apply (clarsimp simp: kernel_def o_def)
    by (metis group.is_monoid hom_one inj_on_eq_iff monoid.one_closed)
  moreover have "one H  f ` carrier G"
    by (metis f group G group H group.is_monoid hom_one image_iff monoid.one_closed)
  moreover have "one H  kernel H K g"
    unfolding kernel_def using Group.group_def group H group K g hom_one by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma group_sum_image_ker:
  assumes f: "f  hom G H" and g: "g  hom H K" and eq: "(g  f) ` (carrier G) = carrier K"
     and "group G" "group H" "group K"
  shows "set_mult H (f ` carrier G) (kernel H K g) = carrier H" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    apply (clarsimp simp: kernel_def set_mult_def)
    by (meson group H f group.is_monoid hom_in_carrier monoid.m_closed)
  have "xcarrier G. z. z  carrier H  g z = 𝟭K y = f x Hz"
    if y: "y  carrier H" for y
  proof -
    have "g y  carrier K"
      using g hom_carrier that by blast
    with assms obtain x where x: "x  carrier G" "(g  f) x = g y"
      by (metis image_iff)
    with assms have invf: "invHf x Hy  carrier H"
      by (metis group.subgroup_self hom_carrier image_subset_iff subgroup_def y)
    have "g (invHf x Hy) = 𝟭K⇙"
    proof -
      have "invHf x  carrier H"
        by (meson group H f group.inv_closed hom_carrier image_subset_iff x(1))
      then have "g (invHf x Hy) = g (invHf x) Kg y"
        by (simp add: hom_mult [OF g] y)
      also have " = invK(g (f x)) Kg y"
        using assms x(1)
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) group_hom.hom_inv group_hom.intro group_hom_axioms.intro hom_carrier image_subset_iff)
      also have " = 𝟭K⇙"
        using g y  carrier K assms(6) group.l_inv x(2) by fastforce
      finally show ?thesis .
    have "y = f x H(invHf x Hy)"
      using x y
      by (meson group H invf f group.inv_solve_left' hom_in_carrier)
    show ?thesis
      using x y by force
  then show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (auto simp: kernel_def set_mult_def)

lemma group_sum_ker_image:
  assumes f: "f  hom G H" and g: "g  hom H K" and eq: "(g  f) ` (carrier G) = carrier K"
     and "group G" "group H" "group K"
   shows "set_mult H (kernel H K g) (f ` carrier G) = carrier H" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    apply (clarsimp simp: kernel_def set_mult_def)
    by (meson group H f group.is_monoid hom_in_carrier monoid.m_closed)
  have "wcarrier H. x  carrier G. g w = 𝟭K y = w Hf x"
    if y: "y  carrier H" for y
  proof -
    have "g y  carrier K"
      using g hom_carrier that by blast
    with assms obtain x where x: "x  carrier G" "(g  f) x = g y"
      by (metis image_iff)
    with assms have carr: "(y HinvHf x)  carrier H"
      by (metis group.subgroup_self hom_carrier image_subset_iff subgroup_def y)
    have "g (y HinvHf x) = 𝟭K⇙"
    proof -
      have "invHf x  carrier H"
        by (meson group H f group.inv_closed hom_carrier image_subset_iff x(1))
      then have "g (y HinvHf x) = g y Kg (invHf x)"
        by (simp add: hom_mult [OF g] y)
      also have " = g y KinvK(g (f x))"
        using assms x(1)
        by (metis group_hom.hom_inv group_hom_axioms.intro group_hom_def hom_in_carrier)
      also have " = 𝟭K⇙"
        using g y  carrier K assms(6) group.l_inv x(2)
        by (simp add: group.r_inv)
      finally show ?thesis .
    have "y = (y HinvHf x) Hf x"
      using x y by (meson group H carr f group.inv_solve_right hom_carrier image_subset_iff)
    show ?thesis
      using x y by force
  then show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (force simp: kernel_def set_mult_def)

lemma group_semidirect_sum_ker_image:
  assumes "(g  f)  iso G K" "f  hom G H" "g  hom H K" "group G" "group H" "group K"
  shows "(kernel H K g)  (f ` carrier G) = {𝟭H}"
        "kernel H K g <#>H(f ` carrier G) = carrier H"
  using assms
  by (simp_all add: iso_iff_mon_epi group_Int_image_ker group_sum_ker_image epi_def mon_def Int_commute [of "kernel H K g"])

lemma group_semidirect_sum_image_ker:
  assumes f: "f  hom G H" and g: "g  hom H K" and iso: "(g  f)  iso G K"
     and "group G" "group H" "group K"
   shows "(f ` carrier G)  (kernel H K g) = {𝟭H}"
          "f ` carrier G <#>H(kernel H K g) = carrier H"
  using group_Int_image_ker [OF f g] group_sum_image_ker [OF f g] assms
  by (simp_all add: iso_def bij_betw_def)

subsection ‹Factor Groups and Direct product›

lemma (in group) DirProd_normal : contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  assumes "group K"
    and "H  G"
    and "N  K"
  shows "H × N  G ×× K"
proof (intro group.normal_invI[OF DirProd_group[OF group_axioms assms(1)]])
  show sub : "subgroup (H × N) (G ×× K)"
    using DirProd_subgroups[OF group_axioms normal_imp_subgroup[OF assms(2)]assms(1)
         normal_imp_subgroup[OF assms(3)]].
  show "x h. x  carrier (G××K)  h  H×N  x G××Kh G××KinvG××Kx  H×N"
    fix x h assume xGK : "x  carrier (G ×× K)" and hHN : " h  H × N"
    hence hGK : "h  carrier (G ×× K)" using subgroup.subset[OF sub] by auto
    from xGK obtain x1 x2 where x1x2 :"x1  carrier G" "x2  carrier K" "x = (x1,x2)"
      unfolding DirProd_def by fastforce
    from hHN obtain h1 h2 where h1h2 : "h1  H" "h2  N" "h = (h1,h2)"
      unfolding DirProd_def by fastforce
    hence h1h2GK : "h1  carrier G" "h2  carrier K"
      using normal_imp_subgroup subgroup.subset assms by blast+
    have "invG ×× Kx = (invGx1,invKx2)"
      using inv_DirProd[OF group_axioms assms(1) x1x2(1)x1x2(2)] x1x2 by auto
    hence "x G ×× Kh G ×× KinvG ×× Kx = (x1  h1  inv x1,x2 Kh2 KinvKx2)"
      using h1h2 x1x2 h1h2GK by auto
    moreover have "x1  h1  inv x1  H" "x2 Kh2 KinvKx2  N"
      using assms x1x2 h1h2 assms by (simp_all add: normal.inv_op_closed2)
    hence "(x1  h1  inv x1, x2 Kh2 KinvKx2) H × N" by auto
    ultimately show " x G ×× Kh G ×× KinvG ×× Kx  H × N" by auto

lemma (in group) FactGroup_DirProd_multiplication_iso_set : contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  assumes "group K"
    and "H  G"
    and "N  K"
  shows "(λ (X, Y). X × Y)  iso  ((G Mod H) ×× (K Mod N)) (G ×× K Mod H × N)"
  have R :"(λ(X, Y). X × Y)  carrier (G Mod H) × carrier (K Mod N)  carrier (G ×× K Mod H × N)"
    unfolding r_coset_def Sigma_def DirProd_def FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by force
  moreover have "(xcarrier (G Mod H). ycarrier (K Mod N). xacarrier (G Mod H).
                yacarrier (K Mod N). (x <#> xa) × (y <#>Kya) =  x × y <#>G ×× Kxa × ya)"
    unfolding set_mult_def by force
  moreover have "(xcarrier (G Mod H). ycarrier (K Mod N). xacarrier (G Mod H).
                 yacarrier (K Mod N).  x × y = xa × ya  x = xa  y = ya)"
    unfolding  FactGroup_def using times_eq_iff subgroup.rcosets_non_empty
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) normal_def partial_object.select_convs(1))
  moreover have "(λ(X, Y). X × Y) ` (carrier (G Mod H) × carrier (K Mod N)) =
                                     carrier (G ×× K Mod H × N)"
  proof -
    have 1: "x a b. a  carrier (G Mod H); b  carrier (K Mod N)  a × b  carrier (G ×× K Mod H × N)"
      using R by force
    have 2: "z. z  carrier (G ×× K Mod H × N)  xcarrier (G Mod H). ycarrier (K Mod N). z = x × y"
      unfolding DirProd_def FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def r_coset_def by force
    show ?thesis
      unfolding image_def by (auto simp: intro: 1 2)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding iso_def hom_def bij_betw_def inj_on_def by simp

corollary (in group) FactGroup_DirProd_multiplication_iso_1 : contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  assumes "group K"
    and "H  G"
    and "N  K"
  shows "  ((G Mod H) ×× (K Mod N))  (G ×× K Mod H × N)"
  unfolding is_iso_def using FactGroup_DirProd_multiplication_iso_set assms by auto

corollary (in group) FactGroup_DirProd_multiplication_iso_2 : contributor ‹Martin Baillon›
  assumes "group K"
    and "H  G"
    and "N  K"
  shows "(G ×× K Mod H × N)  ((G Mod H) ×× (K Mod N))"
  using FactGroup_DirProd_multiplication_iso_1 group.iso_sym assms
        DirProd_group[OF normal.factorgroup_is_group normal.factorgroup_is_group]
  by blast

subsubsection "More Lemmas about set multiplication"

text ‹A group multiplied by a subgroup stays the same›
lemma (in group) set_mult_carrier_idem:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
  shows "(carrier G) <#> H = carrier G"
  show "(carrier G)<#>H  carrier G"
    unfolding set_mult_def using subgroup.subset assms by blast
  have " (carrier G) #>  𝟭 = carrier G" unfolding set_mult_def r_coset_def group_axioms by simp
  moreover have "(carrier G) #>  𝟭  (carrier G) <#> H" unfolding set_mult_def r_coset_def
    using assms subgroup.one_closed[OF assms] by blast
  ultimately show "carrier G  (carrier G) <#> H" by simp

text ‹Same lemma as above, but everything is included in a subgroup›
lemma (in group) set_mult_subgroup_idem:
  assumes HG: "subgroup H G" and NG: "subgroup N (G  carrier := H )"
  shows "H <#> N = H"
  using group.set_mult_carrier_idem[OF subgroup.subgroup_is_group[OF HG group_axioms] NG] by simp

text ‹A normal subgroup is commutative with set multiplication›
lemma (in group) commut_normal:
  assumes "subgroup H G" and "NG"
  shows "H<#>N = N<#>H"
  have aux1: "{H <#> N} = {hH. h <# N }" unfolding set_mult_def l_coset_def by auto
  also have "... = {hH. N #> h }" using assms normal.coset_eq subgroup.mem_carrier by fastforce
  moreover have aux2: "{N <#> H} = {hH. N #> h }"unfolding set_mult_def r_coset_def by auto
  ultimately show "H<#>N = N<#>H" by simp

text ‹Same lemma as above, but everything is included in a subgroup›
lemma (in group) commut_normal_subgroup:
  assumes "subgroup H G" and "N  (G carrier := H )"
    and "subgroup K (G  carrier := H )"
  shows "K <#> N = N <#> K"
  by (metis assms(2) assms(3) group.commut_normal normal.axioms(2) set_mult_consistent)

subsubsection "Lemmas about intersection and normal subgroups"
text ‹Mostly by Jakob von Raumer›

lemma (in group) normal_inter:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
    and "subgroup K G"
    and "H1Gcarrier := H"
  shows "(H1K)(Gcarrier:= (HK))"
  define HK and H1K and GH and GHK
    where "HK = HK" and "H1K=H1K" and "GH =Gcarrier := H" and "GHK = (Gcarrier:= (HK))"
  show "H1KGHK"
  proof (intro group.normal_invI[of GHK H1K])
    show " GHK"
      using GHK_def subgroups_Inter_pair subgroup_imp_group assms by blast

    have  H1K_incl:"subgroup H1K (Gcarrier:= (HK))"
    proof(intro subgroup_incl)
      show "subgroup H1K G"
        using assms normal_imp_subgroup subgroups_Inter_pair incl_subgroup H1K_def by blast
      show "subgroup (HK) G" using HK_def subgroups_Inter_pair assms by auto
      have "H1  (carrier (Gcarrier:=H))"
        using  assms(3) normal_imp_subgroup subgroup.subset by blast
      also have "...  H" by simp
      thus "H1K HK"
        using H1K_def calculation by auto
    thus "subgroup H1K GHK" using GHK_def by simp
    show " x h. xcarrier GHK  hH1K  x GHKh GHKinvGHKx H1K"
      have invHK: "yHK  invGHKy = invGHy"
        using m_inv_consistent assms HK_def GH_def GHK_def subgroups_Inter_pair by simp
      have multHK : "xHK;yHK   x (Gcarrier:=HK)y =  x  y"
        using HK_def by simp
      fix x assume p: "xcarrier GHK"
      fix h assume p2 : "h:H1K"
      have "carrier(GHK)HK"
        using GHK_def HK_def by simp
      hence xHK:"xHK" using p by auto
      hence invx:"invGHKx = invGHx"
        using invHK assms GHK_def HK_def GH_def m_inv_consistent subgroups_Inter_pair by simp
      have "H1carrier(GH)"
        using assms GH_def normal_imp_subgroup subgroup.subset by blast
      hence hHK:"hHK"
        using p2 H1K_def HK_def GH_def by auto
      hence xhx_egal : "x GHKh GHKinvGHKx =  x GHh GHinvGHx"
        using invx invHK multHK GHK_def GH_def by auto
      have xH:"xcarrier(GH)"
        using xHK HK_def GH_def by auto
      have hH:"hcarrier(GH)"
        using hHK HK_def GH_def by auto
      have  "(xcarrier (GH). hH1.  x GHh GHinvGHx  H1)"
        using assms GH_def normal.inv_op_closed2 by fastforce
      hence INCL_1 : "x GHh GHinvGHx  H1"
        using  xH H1K_def p2 by blast
      have " x GHh GHinvGHx  HK"
        using assms HK_def subgroups_Inter_pair hHK xHK
        by (metis GH_def inf.cobounded1 subgroup_def subgroup_incl)
      hence " x GHh GHinvGHx  K" using HK_def by simp
      hence " x GHh GHinvGHx  H1K" using INCL_1 H1K_def by auto
      thus  "x GHKh GHKinvGHKx  H1K" using xhx_egal by simp

lemma (in group) normal_Int_subgroup:
  assumes "subgroup H G"
    and "N  G"
  shows "(NH)  (Gcarrier := H)"
proof -
  define K where "K = carrier G"
  have "Gcarrier := K =  G" using K_def by auto
  moreover have "subgroup K G" using K_def subgroup_self by blast
  moreover have "normal N (G carrier :=K)" using assms K_def by simp
  ultimately have "N  H  Gcarrier := K  H"
    using normal_inter[of K H N] assms(1) by blast
  moreover have "K  H = H" using K_def assms subgroup.subset by blast
  ultimately show "normal (NH) (Gcarrier := H)"
 by auto

lemma (in group) normal_restrict_supergroup:
  assumes "subgroup S G" "N  G" "N  S"
  shows "N  (Gcarrier := S)"
  by (metis assms inf.absorb_iff1 normal_Int_subgroup)

text ‹A subgroup relation survives factoring by a normal subgroup.›
lemma (in group) normal_subgroup_factorize:
  assumes "N  G" and "N  H" and "subgroup H G"
  shows "subgroup (rcosetsGcarrier := HN) (G Mod N)"
proof -
  interpret GModN: group "G Mod N" 
    using assms(1) by (rule normal.factorgroup_is_group)
  have "N  Gcarrier := H" 
    using assms by (metis normal_restrict_supergroup)
  hence grpHN: "group (Gcarrier := H Mod N)" 
    by (rule normal.factorgroup_is_group)
  have "(<#>Gcarrier:=H) = (λU K. (hU. kK. {h Gcarrier := Hk}))" 
    using set_mult_def by metis
  moreover have " = (λU K. (hU. kK. {h Gk}))" 
    by auto
  moreover have "(<#>) = (λU K. (hU. kK. {h  k}))" 
    using set_mult_def by metis
  ultimately have "(<#>Gcarrier:=H) = (<#>G)" 
    by simp
  with grpHN have "group ((G Mod N)carrier := (rcosetsGcarrier := HN))" 
    unfolding FactGroup_def by auto
  moreover have "rcosetsGcarrier := HN  carrier (G Mod N)" 
    unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def r_coset_def using assms(3) subgroup.subset 
    by fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using GModN.group_incl_imp_subgroup by blast

text ‹A normality relation survives factoring by a normal subgroup.›
lemma (in group) normality_factorization:
  assumes NG: "N  G" and NH: "N  H" and HG: "H  G"
  shows "(rcosetsGcarrier := HN)  (G Mod N)"
proof -
  from assms(1) interpret GModN: group "G Mod N" by (metis normal.factorgroup_is_group)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding GModN.normal_inv_iff
  proof (intro conjI strip)
    show "subgroup (rcosetsGcarrier := HN) (G Mod N)" 
      using assms normal_imp_subgroup normal_subgroup_factorize by force
    fix U V
    assume U: "U  carrier (G Mod N)" and V: "V  rcosetsGcarrier := HN"
    then obtain g where g: "g  carrier G" "U = N #> g"
      unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by auto
    from V obtain h where h: "h  H" "V = N #> h" 
      unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def r_coset_def by auto
    hence hG: "h  carrier G" 
      using HG normal_imp_subgroup subgroup.mem_carrier by force
    hence ghG: "g  h  carrier G" 
      using g m_closed by auto
    from g h have "g  h  inv g  H" 
      using HG normal_inv_iff by auto
    moreover have "U <#> V <#> invG Mod NU = N #> (g  h  inv g)"
    proof -
      from g U have "invG Mod NU = N #> inv g" 
        using NG normal.inv_FactGroup normal.rcos_inv by fastforce
      hence "U <#> V <#> invG Mod NU = (N #> g) <#> (N #> h) <#> (N #> inv g)" 
        using g h by simp
      also have " = N #> (g  h  inv g)" 
        using g hG NG inv_closed ghG normal.rcos_sum by force
      finally show ?thesis .
    ultimately show "U G Mod NV G Mod NinvG Mod NU  rcosetsGcarrier := HN" 
      unfolding RCOSETS_def r_coset_def by auto

text ‹Factorizing by the trivial subgroup is an isomorphism.›
lemma (in group) trivial_factor_iso:
  shows "the_elem  iso (G Mod {𝟭}) G"
proof -
  have "group_hom G G (λx. x)" 
    unfolding group_hom_def group_hom_axioms_def hom_def using is_group by simp
  moreover have "(λx. x) ` carrier G = carrier G" 
    by simp
  moreover have "kernel G G (λx. x) = {𝟭}" 
    unfolding kernel_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using group_hom.FactGroup_iso_set 
    by force

text ‹And the dual theorem to the previous one: Factorizing by the group itself gives the trivial group›

lemma (in group) self_factor_iso:
  shows "(λX. the_elem ((λx. 𝟭) ` X))  iso (G Mod (carrier G)) (G carrier := {𝟭} )"
proof -
  have "group (Gcarrier := {𝟭})" 
    by (metis subgroup_imp_group triv_subgroup)
  hence "group_hom G (Gcarrier := {𝟭}) (λx. 𝟭)" 
    unfolding group_hom_def group_hom_axioms_def hom_def using is_group by auto
  moreover have "(λx. 𝟭) ` carrier G = carrier (Gcarrier := {𝟭})" 
    by auto
  moreover have "kernel G (Gcarrier := {𝟭}) (λx. 𝟭) = carrier G" 
    unfolding kernel_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using group_hom.FactGroup_iso_set 
    by force

text ‹Factoring by a normal subgroups yields the trivial group iff the subgroup is the whole group.›
lemma (in normal) fact_group_trivial_iff:
  assumes "finite (carrier G)"
  shows "(carrier (G Mod H) = {𝟭G Mod H})  (H = carrier G)"
  assume "carrier (G Mod H) = {𝟭G Mod H}" 
  moreover have "order (G Mod H) * card H = order G"
    by (simp add: FactGroup_def lagrange order_def subgroup_axioms)
  ultimately have "card H = order G" unfolding order_def by auto
  thus "H = carrier G"
    by (simp add: assms card_subset_eq order_def subset)
  assume "H = carrier G"
  with assms is_subgroup lagrange 
  have "card (rcosets H) * order G = order G"
    by (simp add: order_def)
  then have "card (rcosets H) = 1" 
    using assms order_gt_0_iff_finite by auto
  hence "order (G Mod H) = 1" 
    unfolding order_def FactGroup_def by auto
  thus "carrier (G Mod H) = {𝟭G Mod H}" 
    using factorgroup_is_group by (metis group.order_one_triv_iff)

text ‹The union of all the cosets contained in a subgroup of a quotient group acts as a represenation for that subgroup.›

lemma (in normal) factgroup_subgroup_union_char:
  assumes "subgroup A (G Mod H)"
  shows "(A) = {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
  show "A  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
    fix x
    assume x: "x  A"
    then obtain a where a: "a  A" "x  a" and xx: "x  carrier G"
      using subgroup.subset assms by (force simp add: FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def r_coset_def)
    from assms a obtain y where y: "y  carrier G" "a = H #> y" 
      using subgroup.subset unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by force
    with a have "x  H #> y" by simp
    hence "H #> y = H #> x" using y is_subgroup repr_independence by auto
    with y(2) a(1) have "H #> x  A" 
      by auto
    with xx show "x  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" by simp
  show "{x  carrier G. H #> x  A}  A"
    using rcos_self subgroup_axioms by auto

lemma (in normal) factgroup_subgroup_union_subgroup:
  assumes "subgroup A (G Mod H)"
  shows "subgroup (A) G"
proof -
  have "subgroup {x  carrier G. H #> x  A} G"
    show "{x  carrier G. H #> x  A}  carrier G" by auto
    fix x y
    assume xy: "x  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" "y  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
    then have "(H #> x) <#> (H #> y)  A" 
      using subgroup.m_closed assms unfolding FactGroup_def  by fastforce
    hence "H #> (x  y)  A"
      using xy rcos_sum by force
    with xy show "x  y  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" by blast 
    have "H #> 𝟭  A"
      using assms subgroup.one_closed subset by fastforce
    with assms one_closed show "𝟭  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" by simp
    fix x
    assume x: "x  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
    hence invx: "inv x  carrier G" using inv_closed by simp
    from assms x have "set_inv (H #> x)  A" using subgroup.m_inv_closed
      using inv_FactGroup subgroup.mem_carrier by fastforce
    with invx show "inv x  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
      using rcos_inv x by force
  with assms factgroup_subgroup_union_char show ?thesis by auto

lemma (in normal) factgroup_subgroup_union_normal:
  assumes "A  (G Mod H)"
  shows "A  G"
proof - 
  have "{x  carrier G. H #> x  A}  G"
    unfolding normal_def normal_axioms_def
  proof (intro conjI strip)
    from assms show "subgroup {x  carrier G. H #> x  A} G"
      by (metis (full_types) factgroup_subgroup_union_char factgroup_subgroup_union_subgroup normal_imp_subgroup)
    interpret Anormal: normal A "(G Mod H)" using assms by simp
    show "{x  carrier G. H #> x  A} #> x = x <# {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" if x: "x  carrier G" for x
    proof -
      { fix y
        assume y: "y  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A} #> x"
        then obtain x' where x': "x'  carrier G" "H #> x'  A" "y = x'  x" 
          unfolding r_coset_def by auto
        from x(1) have Hx: "H #> x  carrier (G Mod H)" 
          unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by force
        with x' have "(invG Mod H(H #> x)) G Mod H(H #> x') G Mod H(H #> x)  A" 
          using Anormal.inv_op_closed1 by auto
        hence "(set_inv (H #> x)) <#> (H #> x') <#> (H #> x)  A" 
          using inv_FactGroup Hx unfolding FactGroup_def by auto
        hence "(H #> (inv x)) <#> (H #> x') <#> (H #> x)  A" 
          using x(1) by (metis rcos_inv)
        hence "H #> (inv x  x'  x)  A" 
          by (metis inv_closed m_closed rcos_sum x'(1) x(1))
        moreover have "inv x  x'  x  carrier G" 
          using x x' by (metis inv_closed m_closed)
        ultimately have xcoset: "x  (inv x  x'  x)  x <# {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" 
          unfolding l_coset_def using x(1) by auto
        have "x  (inv x  x'  x) = (x  inv x)  x'  x" 
          by (metis Units_eq Units_inv_Units m_assoc m_closed x'(1) x(1))
        also have " = y"
          by (simp add: x x')
        finally have "x  (inv x  x'  x) = y" .
        with xcoset have "y  x <# {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}" by auto}
      { fix y
        assume y: "y  x <# {x  carrier G. H #> x  A}"
        then obtain x' where x': "x'  carrier G" "H #> x'  A" "y = x  x'" unfolding l_coset_def by auto
        from x(1) have invx: "inv x  carrier G" 
          by (rule inv_closed)
        hence Hinvx: "H #> (inv x)  carrier (G Mod H)" 
          unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by force
        with x' have "(invG Mod H(H #> inv x)) G Mod H(H #> x') G Mod H(H #> inv x)  A" 
          using invx Anormal.inv_op_closed1 by auto
        hence "(set_inv (H #> inv x)) <#> (H #> x') <#> (H #> inv x)  A" 
          using inv_FactGroup Hinvx unfolding FactGroup_def by auto
        hence "H #> (x  x'  inv x)  A"
          by (simp add: rcos_inv rcos_sum x x'(1))
        moreover have "x  x'  inv x  carrier G" using x x' by (metis inv_closed m_closed)
        ultimately have xcoset: "(x  x'  inv x)  x  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A} #> x" 
          unfolding r_coset_def using invx by auto
        have "(x  x'  inv x)  x = (x  x')  (inv x  x)" 
          by (metis Units_eq Units_inv_Units m_assoc m_closed x'(1) x(1))
        also have " = y"
          by (simp add: x x')
        finally have "x  x'  inv x  x = y".
        with xcoset have "y  {x  carrier G. H #> x  A} #> x" by auto }
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
  qed auto
  with assms show ?thesis 
    by (metis (full_types) factgroup_subgroup_union_char normal_imp_subgroup)

lemma (in normal) factgroup_subgroup_union_factor:
  assumes "subgroup A (G Mod H)"
  shows "A = rcosetsGcarrier := AH"
  using assms subgroup.mem_carrier factgroup_subgroup_union_char by (fastforce simp: RCOSETS_def FactGroup_def)

section  ‹Flattening the type of group carriers›

text ‹Flattening here means to convert the type of group elements from 'a set to 'a.
This is possible whenever the empty set is not an element of the group. By Jakob von Raumer›

definition flatten where
  "flatten (G::('a set, 'b) monoid_scheme) rep = carrier=(rep ` (carrier G)),
      monoid.mult=(λ x y. rep ((the_inv_into (carrier G) rep x) G(the_inv_into (carrier G) rep y))), 
      one=rep 𝟭G"

lemma flatten_set_group_hom:
  assumes group: "group G"
  assumes inj: "inj_on rep (carrier G)"
  shows "rep  hom G (flatten G rep)"
  by (force simp add: hom_def flatten_def inj the_inv_into_f_f)

lemma flatten_set_group:
  assumes "group G" "inj_on rep (carrier G)"
  shows "group (flatten G rep)"
proof (rule groupI)
  fix x y
  assume "x  carrier (flatten G rep)" and "y  carrier (flatten G rep)"
  then show "x flatten G repy  carrier (flatten G rep)" 
    using assms group.surj_const_mult the_inv_into_f_f by (fastforce simp: flatten_def)
  show "𝟭flatten G rep carrier (flatten G rep)" 
    unfolding flatten_def by (simp add: assms group.is_monoid)
  fix x y z
  assume "x  carrier (flatten G rep)" "y  carrier (flatten G rep)" "z  carrier (flatten G rep)"
  then show "x flatten G repy flatten G repz = x flatten G rep(y flatten G repz)"
    by (auto simp: assms flatten_def group.is_monoid monoid.m_assoc monoid.m_closed the_inv_into_f_f)
  fix x
  assume x: "x  carrier (flatten G rep)"
  then show "𝟭flatten G repflatten G repx = x"
    by (auto simp: assms group.is_monoid the_inv_into_f_f flatten_def)
  then have "ycarrier G. rep (y Gz) = rep 𝟭G⇙" if "z  carrier G" for z
    by (metis group G group.l_inv_ex that)
  with assms x show "ycarrier (flatten G rep). y flatten G repx = 𝟭flatten G rep⇙"
    by (auto simp: flatten_def the_inv_into_f_f)

lemma (in normal) flatten_set_group_mod_inj:
  shows "inj_on (λU. SOME g. g  U) (carrier (G Mod H))"
proof (rule inj_onI)
  fix U V
  assume U: "U  carrier (G Mod H)" and V: "V  carrier (G Mod H)"
  then obtain g h where g: "U = H #> g" "g  carrier G" and h: "V = H #> h" "h  carrier G"
    unfolding FactGroup_def RCOSETS_def by auto
  hence notempty: "U  {}" "V  {}" 
    by (metis empty_iff is_subgroup rcos_self)+
  assume "(SOME g. g  U) = (SOME g. g  V)"
  with notempty have "(SOME g. g  U)  U  V" 
    by (metis IntI ex_in_conv someI)
  thus "U = V" 
    by (metis Int_iff g h is_subgroup repr_independence)

lemma (in normal) flatten_set_group_mod:
  shows "group (flatten (G Mod H) (λU. SOME g. g  U))"
  by (simp add: factorgroup_is_group flatten_set_group flatten_set_group_mod_inj)

lemma (in normal) flatten_set_group_mod_iso:
  shows "(λU. SOME g. g  U)  iso (G Mod H) (flatten (G Mod H) (λU. SOME g. g  U))"
proof -
  have "(λU. SOME g. g  U)  hom (G Mod H) (flatten (G Mod H) (λU. SOME g. g  U))"
    using factorgroup_is_group flatten_set_group_hom flatten_set_group_mod_inj by blast
  have "inj_on (λU. SOME g. g  U) (carrier (G Mod H))"
    using flatten_set_group_mod_inj by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: iso_def bij_betw_def flatten_def)
