Theory DBM_Operations

chapter ‹Forward Analysis on DBMs›

theory DBM_Operations
  imports DBM_Basics

section ‹Auxiliary›

lemma gt_swap:
  fixes a b c :: "'t :: time"
  assumes "c < a + b"
  shows "c < b + a"
by (simp add: add.commute assms)

lemma le_swap:
  fixes a b c :: "'t :: time"
  assumes "c  a + b"
  shows "c  b + a"
by (simp add: add.commute assms)

abbreviation clock_numbering :: "('c  nat)  bool"
  "clock_numbering v   c. v c > 0"

section ‹Time Lapse›

definition up :: "('t::time) DBM  ('t::time) DBM"
  "up M 
    λ i j. if i > 0 then if j = 0 then  else min (dbm_add (M i 0) (M 0 j)) (M i j) else M i j"

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_lt:
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) a" "a  b"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) b"
using assms
proof (cases, auto, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?case by (cases, auto)
  case 2 thus ?case by (cases, auto)

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min2:
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) b"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_2[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min3:
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None b"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_3[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min:
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) b"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_1[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min3':
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None a"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_3[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min2':
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) a"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_2[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma dbm_entry_dbm_min':
  assumes "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (min a b)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) a"
using dbm_entry_val_mono_1[folded less_eq, OF assms] by auto

lemma DBM_up_complete': "clock_numbering v  u  ([M]⇘v,n)  u  [up M]⇘v,n⇙"
unfolding up_def DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def zone_delay_def
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case prems: (2 u d c)
  hence *: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))" by auto
  thus ?case
  proof (cases, goal_cases)
    case (1 d')
    have "- (u c + d)  - u c" using d  0 by simp
    with 1(2) have "- (u c + d) d'" by (blast intro: order.trans)
    thus ?case unfolding cval_add_def using 1 by fastforce
    case (2 d')
    have "- (u c + d)  - u c" using d  0 by simp
    with 2(2) have "- (u c + d) < d'" by (blast intro: order_le_less_trans)
    thus ?case unfolding cval_add_def using 2 by fastforce
  qed auto
  case prems: (4 u d c1 c2)
  then have
    "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) None (M (v c1) 0)" "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c2) (M 0 (v c2))"
  by auto
  from dbm_entry_val_add_4[OF this] prems have
    "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (min (dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2)))"
  by (auto split: split_min)
  with prems(1) show ?case
  by (cases "min (dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))", auto simp: cval_add_def)
qed auto

fun theLe :: "('t::time) DBMEntry  't" where
  "theLe (Le d) = d" |
  "theLe (Lt d) = d" |
  "theLe  = 0"

lemma DBM_up_sound':
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "u  [up M]⇘v,n⇙"
  shows "u  ([M]⇘v,n)"
unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def zone_delay_def using assms
proof (clarsimp, goal_cases)
  case A: 1
  obtain S_Max_Le where S_Max_Le:
    "S_Max_Le = {d - u c | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Le d}"
  by auto
  obtain S_Max_Lt where S_Max_Lt:
    "S_Max_Lt = {d - u c | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Lt d}"
  by auto
  obtain S_Min_Le where S_Min_Le:
    "S_Min_Le = {- d - u c| c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Le d}"
  by auto
  obtain S_Min_Lt where S_Min_Lt:
    "S_Min_Lt = {- d - u c | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Lt d}"
  by auto
  have "finite {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}"
  using A(2,3)
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    then have "{c. 0 < v c  v c  0} = {}" by auto
    then show ?case by (metis finite.emptyI) 
    case (Suc n)
    then have "finite {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}" by auto
    moreover have "{c. 0 < v c  v c  Suc n} = {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}  {c. v c = Suc n}" by auto
    moreover have "finite {c. v c = Suc n}"
    proof (cases "{c. v c = Suc n} = {}", auto)
      fix c assume "v c = Suc n"
      then have "{c. v c = Suc n} = {c}" using Suc.prems(2) by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  then have " f. finite {(c,b) | c b. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = b}" by auto
  moreover have
    " f K. {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}
     {(c,b) | c b. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = b}"
  by auto
  ultimately have 1:
    " f K. finite {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}" using finite_subset
  by fast
  have " f K. theLe o K = id  finite {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}"
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case prems: (1 f K)
    then have
      "{(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}
      = (λ (c,b). (c, theLe b)) ` {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}"
    proof (auto simp add: pointfree_idE, goal_cases)
      case (1 a b)
      then have "(a, K b)  {(c, K d) |c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}" by auto
      moreover from 1(1) have "theLe (K b) = b" by (simp add: pointfree_idE)
      ultimately show ?case by force
    moreover from 1 have
      "finite ((λ (c,b). (c, theLe b)) ` {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d})"
    by auto
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  then have finI:
    " f g K. theLe o K = id  finite (g ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d})"
  by auto
    "finite ((λ(c,d). - d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Le d})"
  by (rule finI, auto)
  moreover have
    "S_Min_Le = ((λ(c,d). - d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Le d})"
  using S_Min_Le by auto
  ultimately have fin_min_le: "finite S_Min_Le" by auto
    "finite ((λ(c,d). - d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Lt d})"
  by (rule finI, auto)
  moreover have
    "S_Min_Lt = ((λ(c,d). - d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M 0 (v c) = Lt d})"
  using S_Min_Lt by auto
  ultimately have fin_min_lt: "finite S_Min_Lt" by auto

  have "finite ((λ(c,d). d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Le d})"
  by (rule finI, auto)
  moreover have
    "S_Max_Le = ((λ(c,d). d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Le d})"
  using S_Max_Le by auto
  ultimately have fin_max_le: "finite S_Max_Le" by auto

    "finite ((λ(c,d). d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Lt d})"
  by (rule finI, auto)
  moreover have
    "S_Max_Lt = ((λ(c,d). d - u c) ` {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  M (v c) 0 = Lt d})"
  using S_Max_Lt by auto
  ultimately have fin_max_lt: "finite S_Max_Lt" by auto

  { fix x assume "x  S_Min_Le"
    hence "x  0" unfolding S_Min_Le
    proof (safe, goal_cases)
      case (1 c d)
      with A(1) have "- u c  d" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def up_def by auto
      thus ?case by (simp add: minus_le_iff)
  } note Min_Le_le_0 = this
  have Min_Lt_le_0: "x < 0" if "x  S_Min_Lt" for x using that unfolding S_Min_Lt
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case (1 c d)
    with A(1) have "- u c < d" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def up_def by auto
    thus ?case by (simp add: minus_less_iff)
  text ‹
    The following basically all use the same proof.
    Only the first is not completely identical but nearly identical.
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Le" "r  S_Max_Le"
    with S_Min_Le S_Max_Le have "l  r"
    proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case (1 c c' d d')
      note G1 = this
      hence *:"(up M) (v c') (v c) = min (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c))) (M (v c') (v c))"
      using A unfolding up_def by (auto split: split_min)
      have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) ((up M) (v c') (v c))"
      using A G1 unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' * by auto
      hence "u c' - u c  d' + d" using G1 by auto
      hence "u c' + (- u c - d)  d'" by (simp add: add_diff_eq diff_le_eq)
      hence "- u c - d  d' - u c'" by (simp add: add.commute le_diff_eq) 
      thus ?case by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff uminus_add_conv_diff)
  } note EE = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Le" "r  S_Max_Le"
    with S_Min_Le S_Max_Le have "l  r"
    proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 c c' d d')
      note G1 = this
      hence *:"(up M) (v c') (v c) = min (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c))) (M (v c') (v c))"
      using A unfolding up_def by (auto split: split_min)
      have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) ((up M) (v c') (v c))"
      using A G1 unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' * by auto
      hence "u c' - u c  d' + d" using G1 by auto
      hence "u c' + (- u c - d)  d'" by (simp add: add_diff_eq diff_le_eq)
      hence "- u c - d  d' - u c'" by (simp add: add.commute le_diff_eq) 
      thus ?case by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff uminus_add_conv_diff)
  } note EE = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Lt" "r  S_Max_Le"
    with S_Min_Lt S_Max_Le have "l < r"
    proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 c c' d d')
      note G1 = this
      hence *:"(up M) (v c') (v c) = min (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c))) (M (v c') (v c))"
      using A unfolding up_def by (auto split: split_min)
      have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) ((up M) (v c') (v c))"
      using A G1 unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' * by auto
      hence "u c' - u c < d' + d" using G1 by auto
      hence "u c' + (- u c - d) < d'" by (simp add: add_diff_eq diff_less_eq)
      hence "- u c - d < d' - u c'" by (simp add: add.commute less_diff_eq) 
      thus ?case by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff uminus_add_conv_diff)
  } note LE = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Le" "r  S_Max_Lt"
    with S_Min_Le S_Max_Lt have "l < r"
    proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 c c' d d')
      note G1 = this
      hence *:"(up M) (v c') (v c) = min (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c))) (M (v c') (v c))"
      using A unfolding up_def by (auto split: split_min)
      have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) ((up M) (v c') (v c))"
      using A G1 unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' * by auto
      hence "u c' - u c < d' + d" using G1 by auto
      hence "u c' + (- u c - d) < d'" by (simp add: add_diff_eq diff_less_eq)
      hence "- u c - d < d' - u c'" by (simp add: add.commute less_diff_eq) 
      thus ?case by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff uminus_add_conv_diff)
  } note EL = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Lt" "r  S_Max_Lt"
    with S_Min_Lt S_Max_Lt have "l < r"
    proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 c c' d d')
      note G1 = this
      hence *:"(up M) (v c') (v c) = min (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c))) (M (v c') (v c))"
      using A unfolding up_def by (auto split: split_min)
      have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) ((up M) (v c') (v c))"
      using A G1 unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (dbm_add (M (v c') 0) (M 0 (v c)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' * by auto
      hence "u c' - u c < d' + d" using G1 by auto
      hence "u c' + (- u c - d) < d'" by (simp add: add_diff_eq diff_less_eq)
      hence "- u c - d < d' - u c'" by (simp add: add.commute less_diff_eq) 
      thus ?case by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff uminus_add_conv_diff)
  } note LL = this
  obtain m where m: " t  S_Min_Le. m  t" " t  S_Min_Lt. m > t"
                    " t  S_Max_Le. m  t" " t  S_Max_Lt. m < t" "m  0"
  proof -
    assume m:"(m. tS_Min_Le. t  m 
          tS_Min_Lt. t < m  tS_Max_Le. m  t  tS_Max_Lt. m < t  m  0  thesis)"
    let ?min_le = "Max S_Min_Le"
    let ?min_lt = "Max S_Min_Lt" 
    let ?max_le = "Min S_Max_Le"
    let ?max_lt = "Min S_Max_Lt"
    show thesis
    proof (cases "S_Min_Le = {}  S_Min_Lt = {}")
      case True
      note T = this
      show thesis
      proof (cases "S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}")
        case True
        let ?d' = "0 :: 't :: time"
        show thesis using True T by (intro m[of ?d']) auto
        case False
        let ?d =
          "if S_Max_Le  {}
           then if S_Max_Lt  {} then min ?max_lt ?max_le else ?max_le
           else ?max_lt"
        obtain a :: "'b" where a: "a < 0" using non_trivial_neg by auto
        let ?d' = "min 0 (?d + a)"
        { fix x assume "x  S_Max_Le"
          with fin_max_le a have "min 0 (Min S_Max_Le + a)  x"
          by (metis Min_le add_le_same_cancel1 le_less_trans less_imp_le min.cobounded2 not_less)
          then have "min 0 (Min S_Max_Le + a)  x" by auto
        } note 1 = this
        { fix x assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt"
          have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a) < ?max_lt"
          by (meson a add_less_same_cancel1 min.cobounded1 min.strict_coboundedI2 order.strict_trans2) 
          also from fin_max_lt x have "  x" by auto
          finally have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a) < x" .
        } note 2 = this
        { fix x assume x: "x  S_Max_Le"
          have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a)  ?max_le"
          by (metis le_add_same_cancel1 linear not_le a min_le_iff_disj)
          also from fin_max_le x have "  x" by auto
          finally have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a)  x" .
        } note 3 = this
        show thesis using False T a 1 2 3
        proof ((intro m[of ?d']), auto, goal_cases)
          case 1 then show ?case
          by (metis Min.coboundedI add_less_same_cancel1 dual_order.strict_trans2 fin_max_lt
                    min.boundedE not_le)
      case False
      note F = this
      show thesis
      proof (cases "S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}")
        case True
        let ?d' = "0 :: 't :: time"
        show thesis using True Min_Le_le_0 Min_Lt_le_0 by (intro m[of ?d']) auto
        case False
        let ?r =
          "if S_Max_Le  {}
           then if S_Max_Lt  {} then min ?max_lt ?max_le else ?max_le
           else ?max_lt"
        let ?l =
          "if S_Min_Le  {}
           then if S_Min_Lt  {} then max ?min_lt ?min_le else ?min_le
           else ?min_lt"

        have 1: "x  max ?min_lt ?min_le" "x  ?min_le" if "x  S_Min_Le" for x
        using that fin_min_le by (simp add: max.coboundedI2)+
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Le" "y  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "S_Min_Lt  {}" by auto
          from LE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_lt  x" by auto
        } note 3 = this
        have 4: "?min_le  x" if "x  S_Max_Le" "y  S_Min_Le" for x y
        using EE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le], OF _ that(1)] that by auto
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt" "y  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "S_Min_Lt  {}" by auto
          from LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_lt < x" by auto
        } note 5 = this
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt" "y  S_Min_Le"
          then have "S_Min_Le  {}" by auto
          from EL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_le < x" by auto
        } note 6 = this
          fix x y assume x: "y  S_Min_Le"
          then have "S_Min_Le  {}" by auto
          from Min_Le_le_0[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le], OF this] have "?min_le  0" by auto
        } note 7 = this
          fix x y assume x: "y  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "S_Min_Lt  {}" by auto
          from Min_Lt_le_0[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt], OF this] have "?min_lt < 0" "?min_lt  0" by auto
        } note 8 = this
        show thesis
        proof (cases "?l < ?r")
          case False
          then have *: "S_Max_Le  {}"
          proof (auto, goal_cases)
            case 1
            with ¬ (S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}) obtain y where y:"y  S_Max_Lt" by auto
            note 1 = 1 this
            { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Le" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                  with EL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                  have "Max S_Min_Le < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note ** = this
            { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                with LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note *** = this
            show ?case
            proof (cases "S_Min_Le  {}")
              case True
              note T = this
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "S_Min_Lt  {}")
                case True
                then show False using 1 T True ** *** by auto
                case False with 1 T ** show False by auto
              case False
              with 1 False *** ¬ (S_Min_Le = {}  S_Min_Lt = {}) show ?thesis by auto
          { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                with LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note *** = this
          { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Le"
                  with LE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_le]]
                  have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Le" by auto
          } note **** = this
          from F False have **: "S_Min_Le  {}"
          proof (auto, goal_cases)
            case 1
            show ?case
            proof (cases "S_Max_Le  {}")
              case True
              note T = this
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "S_Max_Lt  {}")
                case True
                then show False using 1 T True **** *** by auto
                case False with 1 T **** show False by auto
              case False
              with 1 False *** ¬ (S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}) show ?thesis by auto
            fix x assume x: "x  S_Min_Lt"
            then have "x  ?min_lt" using fin_min_lt by (simp add: max.coboundedI2)
            also have "?min_lt < ?min_le"
            proof (rule ccontr, goal_cases)
              case 1
              with x ** have 1: "?l = ?min_lt" by (auto simp: max.absorb1)
              have 2: "?min_lt < ?max_le" using * ****[OF x] by auto
              show False
              proof (cases "S_Max_Lt = {}")
                case False
                then have "?min_lt < ?max_lt" using * ***[OF x] by auto
                with 1 2 have "?l < ?r" by auto
                with ¬ ?l < ?r show False by auto
                case True
                with 1 2 have "?l < ?r" by auto
                with ¬ ?l < ?r show False by auto
            finally have "x < max ?min_lt ?min_le" by (simp add: max.strict_coboundedI2) 
          } note 2 = this
          show thesis using F False 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * ** by ((intro m[of ?l]), auto)
          case True
          then obtain d where d: "?l < d" "d < ?r" using dense by auto
          let ?d' = "min 0 d"
            fix t assume "t  S_Min_Le"
            then have "t  ?l" using 1 by auto
            with d have "t  d" by auto
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Min_Lt"
            then have "t  max ?min_lt ?min_le" using fin_min_lt by (simp add: max.coboundedI1)
            with t Min_Lt_le_0 have "t  ?l" using fin_min_lt by auto
            with d have "t < d" by auto
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Max_Le"
            then have "min ?max_lt ?max_le  t" using fin_max_le by (simp add: min.coboundedI2)
            then have "?r  t" using fin_max_le t by auto
            with d have "d  t" by auto
            then have "min 0 d  t" by (simp add: min.coboundedI2)
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Max_Lt"
            then have "min ?max_lt ?max_le  t" using fin_max_lt by (simp add: min.coboundedI1)
            then have "?r  t" using fin_max_lt t by auto
            with d have "d < t" by auto
            then have "min 0 d < t" by (simp add: min.strict_coboundedI2)
          ultimately show thesis using Min_Le_le_0 Min_Lt_le_0 by ((intro m[of ?d']), auto)
  obtain u' where "u' = (u  m)" by blast
  hence u': "u = (u'  (-m))" unfolding cval_add_def by force
  have "DBM_val_bounded v u' M n" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def
  proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case 1 with A(1,2) show ?case unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def up_def by auto
    case (3 c)
    thus ?case
    proof (cases "M (v c) 0", goal_cases)
      case (1 x1)
      hence "m  x1 - u c" using m(3) S_Max_Le A(2) by blast
      hence "u c + m  x1" by (simp add: add.commute le_diff_eq)
      thus ?case using u' 1(2) unfolding cval_add_def by auto
      case (2 x2)
      hence "m < x2 - u c" using m(4) S_Max_Lt A(2) by blast
      hence "u c + m < x2" by (metis add_less_cancel_left diff_add_cancel gt_swap)
      thus ?case using u' 2(2) unfolding cval_add_def by auto
      case 3 thus ?case by auto
    case (2 c) thus ?case
    proof (cases "M 0 (v c)", goal_cases)
      case (1 x1)
      hence "- x1 - u c  m" using m(1) S_Min_Le A(2) by blast
      hence "- u c - m  x1" using diff_le_eq neg_le_iff_le by fastforce
      thus ?case using u' 1(2) unfolding cval_add_def by auto
      case (2 x2)
      hence "- x2  - u c < m" using m(2) S_Min_Lt A(2) by blast
      hence "- u c - m < x2" using diff_less_eq neg_less_iff_less by fastforce 
      thus ?case using u' 2(2) unfolding cval_add_def by auto
      case 3 thus ?case by auto
    case (4 c1 c2)
    from A(2) have "v c1 > 0" "v c2  0" by auto
    then have B: "(up M) (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
    unfolding up_def by simp
    show ?case
    proof (cases "(dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2))) < (M (v c1) (v c2))")
      case False
      with B have "(up M) (v c1) (v c2) = M (v c1) (v c2)" by (auto split: split_min)
      with A(1) 4 have
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      thus ?thesis using u' by cases (auto simp add: cval_add_def)
      case True
      with B have "(up M) (v c1) (v c2) = dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2))" by (auto split: split_min)
      with A(1) 4 have
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (M (v c1) 0) (M 0 (v c2)))"
      unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by fastforce
      with True dbm_entry_dbm_lt have
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding less by fast
      thus ?thesis using u' by cases (auto simp add: cval_add_def)
  with m(5) u' show ?case by fastforce

section ‹From Clock Constraints to DBMs›

fun And :: "('t :: time) DBM  't DBM  't DBM" where
  "And M1 M2 = (λ i j. min (M1 i j) (M2 i j))"

fun abstr :: "('c, 't::time) cconstraint  't DBM  ('c  nat)  't DBM"
  "abstr (AND cc1 cc2) M v = And (abstr cc1 M v) (abstr cc2 M v)" |
  "abstr (EQ c d) M v =
    (λ i j . if i = 0  j = v c then Le (-d) else if i = v c  j = 0 then Le d else M i j)" |
  "abstr (LT c d) M v =
    (λ i j . if i = 0  j = v c then  else if i = v c  j = 0 then Lt d else M i j)" |
  "abstr (LE c d) M v =
    (λ i j . if i = 0  j = v c then  else if i = v c  j = 0 then Le d else M i j)" |
  "abstr (GT c d) M v =
    (λ i j. if i = 0  j = v c then Lt (- d) else if i = v c  j = 0 then  else M i j)" |
  "abstr (GE c d) M v =
    (λ i j. if i = 0  j = v c then Le (- d) else if i = v c  j = 0 then  else M i j)"

lemma abstr_id1:
  "c  collect_clks cc  clock_numbering' v n   c  collect_clks cc. v c  n
     abstr cc M v 0 (v c) = M 0 (v c)"
by (induction cc) auto

lemma abstr_id2:
  "c  collect_clks cc  clock_numbering' v n   c  collect_clks cc. v c  n
     abstr cc M v (v c) 0 = M (v c) 0"
by (induction cc) auto

text ‹
  This lemma is trivial because we constrained our theory to difference constraints.

lemma abstr_id3:
  "clock_numbering v  abstr cc M v (v c1) (v c2) = M (v c1) (v c2)"
proof goal_cases
  case 1
  have "c. v c = 0  False"
  proof -
    fix c assume "v c = 0"
    moreover from 1 have "v c > 0" by auto
    ultimately show False by linarith
  then show ?case by ((induction cc), auto, fastforce)

lemma dbm_abstr_soundness :
  "u  cc; clock_numbering' v n;  c  collect_clks cc. v c  n
     DBM_val_bounded v u (abstr cc (λ i j. ) v) n"
proof (unfold DBM_val_bounded_def, auto, goal_cases)
  case 1
  from this(3) have "abstr cc (λi j. ) v 0 0 = " by (induction cc) auto
  then show ?case unfolding dbm_le_def by auto
  case (2 c)
  then have "clock_numbering' v n" by auto
  note A = 2(1) this 2(5,2)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using A(1,4)
    proof (induction rule: collect_clks.induct)
      case (1 cc1 cc2)
      { assume cc: "c  collect_clks cc1" "c  collect_clks cc2"
        with 1 have ?case by auto linarith
      } note both = this
      show ?case
      proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc1")
        case True
        note cc1 = this
        with 1 have *: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c))" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc2")
          case True with cc1 both show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          from abstr_id1[OF False A(2)] 1(5)
            "min (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c)) (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c))
            = abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c)"
          by (simp add: any_le_inf min.absorb1)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        note cc1 = this
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc2")
          case True
          with 1 have *: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c))" by auto
          from abstr_id1[OF cc1 A(2)] 1(5)
            "min (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c)) (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c))
            = abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v 0 (v c)"
          by (simp add: any_le_inf min.absorb2)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          with 1 cc1 show ?thesis by auto
    qed auto
    case False
    from abstr_id1[OF this A(2,4)] show ?thesis by auto
  case (3 c)
  then have "clock_numbering' v n" by auto
  note A = 3(1) this 3(5,2)
  from A(2) have gt0: "v c > 0" by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using A(1,4)
    proof (induction rule: collect_clks.induct)
      case (1 cc1 cc2)
      { assume cc: "c  collect_clks cc1" "c  collect_clks cc2"
        with 1 have ?case by auto linarith
      } note both = this
      show ?case
      proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc1")
        case True
        note cc1 = this
        with 1 have *: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0)" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc2")
          case True with cc1 both show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          from abstr_id2[OF False A(2)] 1(5)
            "min (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0) (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0)
            = abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0"
          by (simp add: any_le_inf min.absorb1)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        note cc1 = this
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "c  collect_clks cc2")
          case True
          with 1 have *: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0)"
          by auto
          from abstr_id2[OF cc1 A(2)] 1(5)
            "min (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0) (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0)
            = abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v (v c) 0"
          by (simp add: any_le_inf min.absorb2)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          with 1 cc1 show ?thesis by auto
    qed (insert gt0, auto)
    case False
    from abstr_id2[OF this A(2,4)] show ?thesis by auto
  text ‹Trivial because of missing difference constraints›
  case (4 c1 c2)
  from abstr_id3[OF this(3)] have "abstr cc (λi j. ) v (v c1) (v c2) = " by auto
  then show ?case by auto

lemma dbm_abstr_completeness:
  "DBM_val_bounded v u (abstr cc (λ i j. ) v) n; c. v c > 0;  c  collect_clks cc. v c  n
     u  cc"
proof (induction cc, goal_cases)
  case (1 cc1 cc2)
  then have AND: "u  [abstr (AND cc1 cc2) (λi j. ) v]⇘v,n⇙" by (simp add: DBM_zone_repr_def)
  from 1 have "i j. i  n  j  n
     (abstr (AND cc1 cc2) (λi j. ) v) i j  (abstr cc1 (λi j. ) v) i j"
  by (simp add: less_eq[symmetric])
  from DBM_le_subset[OF this AND] 1 have "u  cc1" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from 1 have "i j. i  n  j  n
     (abstr (AND cc1 cc2) (λi j. ) v) i j  (abstr cc2 (λi j. ) v) i j"
  by (simp add: less_eq[symmetric])
  from DBM_le_subset[OF this AND] 1 have "u  cc2" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from u  cc1 u  cc2 show ?case by auto
  case (2 c d)
  from this have "v c  n" by auto
  with 2(1) have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None ((abstr (LT c d) (λi j. ) v) (v c) 0)"
  by (auto simp: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  moreover from 2(2) have "v c > 0" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (3 c d)
  from this have "v c  n" by auto
  with 3(1) have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None ((abstr (LE c d) (λi j. ) v) (v c) 0)"
  by (auto simp: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  moreover from 3(2) have "v c > 0" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (4 c d)
  from this have c: "v c > 0" "v c  n" by auto
  with 4(1) have B:
    "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None ((abstr (EQ c d) (λi j. ) v) (v c) 0)"
    "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) ((abstr (EQ c d) (λi j. ) v) 0 (v c))"
  by (auto simp: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  from c B have "u c  d" "- u c  -d" by auto
  then show ?case by auto
  case (5 c d)
  from this have "v c  n" by auto
  with 5(1) have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) ((abstr (GT c d) (λi j. ) v) 0 (v c))"
  by (auto simp: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  moreover from 5(2) have "v c > 0" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (6 c d)
  from this have "v c  n" by auto
  with 6(1) have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) ((abstr (GE c d) (λi j. ) v) 0 (v c))"
  by (auto simp: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  moreover from 6(2) have "v c > 0" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto

lemma dbm_abstr_zone_eq:
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "ccollect_clks cc. v c  n"
  shows "[abstr cc (λi j. ) v]⇘v,n= {u. u  cc}"
using dbm_abstr_soundness dbm_abstr_completeness assms unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by metis

section ‹Zone Intersection›

lemma DBM_and_complete:
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u M1 n" "DBM_val_bounded v u M2 n"
  shows "DBM_val_bounded v u (And M1 M2) n"
using assms unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by (auto simp: min_def)

lemma DBM_and_sound1:
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u (And M1 M2) n"
  shows "DBM_val_bounded v u M1 n"
unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def
using assms
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by (auto simp: less_eq[symmetric])
  case (2 c)
  then have "(And M1 M2) 0 (v c)  M1 0 (v c)" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_2[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 2 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (3 c)
  then have "(And M1 M2) (v c) 0  M1 (v c) 0" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_3[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 3 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (4 c1 c2)
  then have "(And M1 M2) (v c1) (v c2)  M1 (v c1) (v c2)" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_1[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 4 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto

lemma DBM_and_sound2:
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u (And M1 M2) n"
  shows "DBM_val_bounded v u M2 n"
unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def
using assms
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by (auto simp: less_eq[symmetric])
  case (2 c)
  then have "(And M1 M2) 0 (v c)  M2 0 (v c)" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_2[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 2 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (3 c)
  then have "(And M1 M2) (v c) 0  M2 (v c) 0" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_3[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 3 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (4 c1 c2)
  then have "(And M1 M2) (v c1) (v c2)  M2 (v c1) (v c2)" by simp
  from dbm_entry_val_mono_1[folded less_eq, OF _ this, of u] 4 show ?case
  unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto

section ‹Clock Reset›

  DBM_reset :: "('t :: time) DBM  nat  nat  't  't DBM  bool"
  "DBM_reset M n k d M' 
    ( j  n. 0 < j  k  j M' k j =    M' j k =  )  M' k 0 = Le d  M' 0 k = Le (- d)
     M' k k = M k k
     (i  n. j  n.
        i  k  j  k  M' i j = min (dbm_add (M i k) (M k j)) (M i j))"

lemma DBM_reset_mono:
  assumes "DBM_reset M n k d M'" "i  n" "j  n" "i  k" "j  k"
  shows "M' i j  M i j"
using assms unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto

lemma DBM_reset_len_mono:
  assumes "DBM_reset M n k d M'" "k  set xs" "i  k" "j  k" "set (i # j # xs)  {0..n}"
  shows "len M' i j xs  len M i j xs"
using assms by (induction xs arbitrary: i) (auto intro: add_mono DBM_reset_mono)

lemma DBM_reset_neg_cycle_preservation:
  assumes "DBM_reset M n k d M'" "len M i i xs < Le 0" "set (k # i # xs)  {0..n}"
  shows " j.  ys. set (j # ys)  {0..n}  len M' j j ys < Le 0"
proof (cases "xs = []")
  case Nil: True
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "k = i")
    case True
    with Nil assms have "len M' i i [] < Le 0" unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
    moreover from assms have "set (i # [])  {0..n}" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    case False
    with Nil assms DBM_reset_mono have "len M' i i [] < Le 0" by fastforce
    moreover from assms have "set (i # [])  {0..n}" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
  case False
  with assms obtain j ys where cycle:
    "len M j j ys < Le 0" "distinct (j # ys)" "j  set (i # xs)" "set ys  set xs"
  by (metis negative_len_shortest neutral)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "k  set (j # ys)")
    case False
    with cycle assms have "len M' j j ys  len M j j ys" by - (rule DBM_reset_len_mono, auto)
    moreover from cycle assms have "set (j # ys)  {0..n}" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using cycle(1) by fastforce
    case True
    then obtain l where l: "(l, k)  set (arcs j j ys)"
    proof (cases "j = k", goal_cases)
      case True
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "ys = []")
        case T: True
        with True show ?thesis by (auto intro: that)
        case False
        then obtain z zs where "ys = zs @ [z]" by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
        from arcs_decomp[OF this] True show ?thesis by (auto intro: that)
      case False
      from arcs_set_elem2[OF False True] show ?thesis by (blast intro: that)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "ys = []")
      case False
      from cycle_rotate_2'[OF False l, of M] cycle(1) obtain zs where rotated:
        "len M l l (k # zs) < Le 0" "set (l # k # zs) = set (j # ys)" "1 + length zs = length ys"
      by auto
      with length_eq_distinct[OF this(2)[symmetric] cycle(2)] have "distinct (l # k # zs)" by auto
      note rotated = rotated(1,2) this
      from this(2) cycle(3,4) assms(3) have n_bound: "set (l # k # zs)  {0..n}" by auto
      then have "l  n" by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases zs)
        case Nil
        with rotated have "M l k + M k l < Le 0" "l  k"  by auto
        with assms(1) l  n have "M' l l < Le 0" unfolding DBM_reset_def mult min_def by auto
        with l  n have "len M' l l [] < Le 0" "set [l]  {0..n}" by auto
        then show ?thesis by blast
        case (Cons w ws)
        with n_bound have *: "set (w # l # ws)  {0..n}" by auto
        from Cons n_bound rotated(3) have "w  n" "w  k" "l  k" by auto
        with assms(1) l  n have
          "M' l w  M l k + M k w"
        unfolding DBM_reset_def mult min_def by auto
        moreover from Cons rotated assms * have
          "len M' w l ws  len M w l ws"
        by - (rule DBM_reset_len_mono, auto)
        ultimately have
          "len M' l l zs  len M l l (k # zs)"
        using Cons by (auto intro: add_mono simp add: assoc[symmetric])
        with n_bound rotated(1) show ?thesis by fastforce
      case T: True
      with True cycle have "M j j < Le 0" "j = k" by auto
      with assms(1) have "len M' k k [] < Le 0" unfolding DBM_reset_def by simp
      moreover from assms(3) have "set (k # [])  {0..n}" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast

text ‹Implementation of DBM reset›

definition reset :: "('t::time) DBM  nat  nat  't  't DBM"
  "reset M n k d =
    (λ i j.
        if i = k  j = 0 then Le d
        else if i = 0  j = k then Le (-d)
        else if i = k  j  k then 
        else if i  k  j = k then 
        else if i = k  j = k then M k k
        else min (dbm_add (M i k) (M k j)) (M i j)

fun reset' :: "('t::time) DBM  nat  'c list  ('c  nat)  't  't DBM"
  "reset' M n [] v d = M" |
  "reset' M n (c # cs) v d = reset (reset' M n cs v d) n (v c) d"

lemma DBM_reset_reset:
  "0 < k  k  n  DBM_reset M n k d (reset M n k d)"
unfolding DBM_reset_def by (auto simp: reset_def)

lemma DBM_reset_complete:
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n" "DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'" "DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows "DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d)) M' n"
unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def using assms
proof (auto, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then have *: "M 0 0  Le 0" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def less_eq by auto
  from 1 have **: "M' 0 0 = min (M 0 (v c) + M (v c) 0) (M 0 0)" unfolding DBM_reset_def mult by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "M 0 (v c) + M (v c) 0  M 0 0")
    case False
    with * ** show ?thesis unfolding min_def less_eq by auto
    case True
    have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c) (M (v c) 0 + M 0 (v c))"
    by (metis DBM_val_bounded_def assms(2,4) dbm_entry_val_add_4 mult)
    then have "M (v c) 0 + M 0 (v c)  Le 0"
    unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by (cases "M (v c) 0 + M 0 (v c)") auto
    with True ** have "M' 0 0  Le 0" by (simp add: comm)
    then show ?thesis unfolding less_eq .
  case (2 c')
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c = c'")
    case False
    hence F:"v c'  v c" using 2 by metis
    hence *:"M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c'))"
    using F 2(1,2,4,6) unfolding DBM_reset_def by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c')) < M 0 (v c')")
      case False
      with * have "M' 0 (v c') = M 0 (v c')" by (auto split: split_min)
      hence "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      using 2(3,6) unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      thus ?thesis using F by cases fastforce+
      case True
      with * have **:"M' 0 (v c') = dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))" by (auto split: split_min)
      from 2 have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))"
      "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c') (M (v c) (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases, auto simp add: **, goal_cases)
        case (1 d)
        note G1 = this
        from this(2) show ?case
        proof (cases, goal_cases)
          case (1 d')
          from this(2) G1(3) have "- u c'  d + d'"
          by (metis diff_minus_eq_add less_diff_eq less_le_trans minus_diff_eq minus_le_iff not_le)
          thus ?case using 1 c  c' by fastforce
          case (2 d')
          from this(2) G1(3) have "u c - u c' - u c < d + d'" using add_le_less_mono by fastforce
          hence "- u c' < d + d'" by simp
          thus ?case using 2 c  c' by fastforce
          case (3) thus ?case by auto
        case (2 d)
        note G2 = this
        from this(2) show ?case
        proof (cases, goal_cases)
          case (1 d')
          from this(2) G2(3) have "u c - u c' - u c < d' + d" using add_le_less_mono by fastforce
          hence "- u c' < d' + d" by simp
          hence "- u c' < d + d'"
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) diff_0_right diff_minus_eq_add minus_add_distrib minus_diff_eq)
          thus ?case using 1 c  c' by fastforce
          case (2 d')
          from this(2) G2(3) have "u c - u c' - u c < d + d'" using add_strict_mono by fastforce
          hence "- u c' < d + d'" by simp
          thus ?case using 2 c  c' by fastforce
          case (3) thus ?case by auto
    case True
    with 2 show ?thesis unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
  case (3 c')
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c = c'")
    case False
    hence F:"v c'  v c" using 3 by metis
    hence *:"M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0)"
    using F 3(1,2,4,6) unfolding DBM_reset_def by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0) < M (v c') 0")
      case False
      with * have "M' (v c') 0 = M (v c') 0" by (auto split: split_min)
      hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      using 3(3,6) unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      thus ?thesis using F by cases fastforce+
      case True
      with * have **:"M' (v c') 0 = dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)" by (auto split: split_min)
      from 3 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (M (v c') (v c))"
      "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases, auto simp add: **, goal_cases)
        case (1 d)
        note G1 = this
        from this(2) show ?case
        proof (cases, goal_cases)
          case (1 d')
          from this(2) G1(3) have "u c'  d + d'" using ordered_ab_semigroup_add_class.add_mono
          by fastforce 
          thus ?case using 1 c  c' by fastforce
          case (2 d')
          from this(2) G1(3) have "u c + u c' - u c < d + d'" using add_le_less_mono by fastforce
          hence "u c' < d + d'" by simp
          thus ?case using 2 c  c' by fastforce
          case (3) thus ?case by auto
        case (2 d)
        note G2 = this
        from this(2) show ?case
        proof (cases, goal_cases)
          case (1 d')
          from this(2) G2(3) have "u c + u c' - u c < d' + d" using add_le_less_mono by fastforce
          hence "u c' < d' + d" by simp
          hence "u c' < d + d'"
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) diff_0_right diff_minus_eq_add minus_add_distrib minus_diff_eq)
          thus ?case using 1 c  c' by fastforce
          case (2 d')
          from this(2) G2(3) have "u c + u c' - u c < d + d'" using add_strict_mono by fastforce
          hence "u c' < d + d'" by simp
          thus ?case using 2 c  c' by fastforce
          case 3 thus ?case by auto
    case True
    with 3 show ?thesis unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
  case (4 c1 c2)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c = c1")
    case False
    note F1 = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "c = c2")
      case False
      with F1 4 have F: "v c  v c1" "v c  v c2" "v c1  0" "v c2  0" by force+
      hence *:"M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      using 4(1,2,6,7) unfolding DBM_reset_def by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2)) < M (v c1) (v c2)")
        case False
        with * have "M' (v c1) (v c2) = M (v c1) (v c2)" by (auto split: split_min)
        hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
        using 4(3,6,7) unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
        thus ?thesis using F by cases fastforce+
        case True
        with * have **:"M' (v c1) (v c2) = dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))" by (auto split: split_min)
        from 4 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c) (M (v c1) (v c))"
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c2) (M (v c) (v c2))" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
        thus ?thesis
        proof (cases, auto simp add: **, goal_cases)
          case (1 d)
          note G1 = this
          from this(2) show ?case
          proof (cases, goal_cases)
            case (1 d')
            from this(2) G1(3) have "u c1 - u c2  d + d'"
            by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add_le_cancel_right
                                  add_left_mono diff_add_cancel dual_order.refl dual_order.trans)
            thus ?case using 1 c  c1 c  c2 by fastforce
            case (2 d')
            from add_less_le_mono[OF this(2) G1(3)] have "- u c2 + u c1 < d' + d" by simp
            hence "u c1 - u c2 < d + d'" by (simp add: add.commute) 
            thus ?case using 2 c  c1 c  c2 by fastforce
            case (3) thus ?case by auto
          case (2 d)
          note G2 = this
          from this(2) show ?case
          proof (cases, goal_cases)
            case (1 d')
            from add_less_le_mono[OF G2(3) this(2)] have "u c1 - u c2 < d + d'"
            by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add_le_cancel_right
              diff_add_cancel dual_order.order_iff_strict dual_order.strict_trans2)
            thus ?case using 1 c  c1 c  c2 by fastforce
            case (2 d')
            from add_strict_mono[OF this(2) G2(3)] have "- u c2 + u c1 < d' + d" by simp
            hence "- u c2 + u c1 < d + d'"
            by (metis (full_types) diff_0 diff_minus_eq_add minus_add_distrib minus_diff_eq)
            hence "u c1 - u c2 < d + d'" by (metis add_diff_cancel_left diff_0 diff_0_right diff_add_cancel)
            thus ?case using 2 c  c1 c  c2 by fastforce
            case (3) thus ?case by auto
      case True
      with F1 4 have F: "v c  v c1" "v c1  0" "v c2  0" by force+
      thus ?thesis using 4(1,2,4,6,7) True unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
    case True
    note T1 = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "c = c2")
      case False
      with T1 4 have F: "v c  v c2" "v c1  0" "v c2  0" by force+
      thus ?thesis using 4(1,2,7) True unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      case True
      then have *: "M' (v c1) (v c1) = M (v c1) (v c1)"
      using T1 4 unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      from 4(1,3) True T1 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      then show ?thesis by (cases rule: dbm_entry_val.cases, auto simp: * True[symmetric] T1)

lemma DBM_reset_sound_empty:
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n" "DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'"
          " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
  shows "¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
using assms DBM_reset_complete by metis

lemma DBM_reset_diag_preservation:
  "kn. M k k  𝟭  DBM_reset M n i d M'  kn. M' k k  𝟭"
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac "k = i")
   apply (simp add: DBM_reset_def less[symmetric])
  apply (case_tac "k = 0")
by (auto simp add: DBM_reset_def less[symmetric] neutral split: split_min)

lemma FW_diag_preservation:
  "kn. M k k  𝟭  kn. (FW M n) k k  𝟭"
proof clarify
  fix k assume A: "kn. M k k  𝟭" "k  n"
  then have "M k k  𝟭" by auto
  with fw_mono[of n n n k k M n] A show "FW M n k k  𝟭" by auto

lemma DBM_reset_not_cyc_free_preservation:
  assumes "¬ cyc_free M n" "DBM_reset M n k d M'" "k  n"
  shows "¬ cyc_free M' n"
proof -
  from assms(1) obtain i xs where "i  n" "set xs  {0..n}" "len M i i xs < Le 0"
  unfolding neutral by auto
  with DBM_reset_neg_cycle_preservation[OF assms(2) this(3)] assms(3) obtain j ys where
    "set (j # ys)  {0..n}" "len M' j j ys < Le 0"
  by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding neutral by force

lemma DBM_reset_complete_empty':
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering v" "k  n"
          "DBM_reset M n k d M'" " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows "¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
proof -
  from assms(5) have "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from empty_not_cyc_free[OF _ this] have "¬ cyc_free M n" using assms(2) by auto
  from DBM_reset_not_cyc_free_preservation[OF this assms(4,3)] have "¬ cyc_free M' n" by auto
  then obtain i xs where "i  n" "set xs  {0..n}" "len M' i i xs < 𝟭" by auto
  from DBM_val_bounded_neg_cycle[OF _ this assms(1)] show ?thesis by fast

lemma DBM_reset_complete_empty:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering v"
          "DBM_reset (FW M n) n (v c) d M'" " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (FW M n) n"
  shows "¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
proof -
  note A = assms
  from A(4) have "[FW M n]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  with FW_detects_empty_zone[OF A(1), of M] A(2)
  obtain i where i: "i  n" "FW M n i i < Le 0" by blast
  with A(3,4) have "M' i i < Le 0"
  unfolding DBM_reset_def by (cases "i = v c", auto split: split_min)
  with fw_mono[of n n n i i M' n] i have "FW M' n i i < Le 0" by auto
  with FW_detects_empty_zone[OF A(1), of M'] A(2) i
  have "[FW M' n]⇘v,n= {}" by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF A(1)] show ?thesis by (auto simp: DBM_zone_repr_def)

lemma DBM_reset_complete_empty1:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering v"
          "DBM_reset (FW M n) n (v c) d M'" " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows "¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
proof -
  from assms have "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF assms(1)] have
    " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (FW M n) n"
  unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from DBM_reset_complete_empty[OF assms(1-3) this] show ?thesis by auto

text ‹
  Lemma FW_canonical_id› allows us to prove correspondences between reset and canonical,
  like for the two below.
  Can be left out for the rest because of the triviality of the correspondence.

lemma DBM_reset_empty'':
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n"
          "DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'"
  shows "[M]⇘v,n= {}  [M']⇘v,n= {}"
  assume A: "[M]⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
  using DBM_reset_complete_empty'[OF assms(1) _ assms(3,4)] assms(2) by auto
  thus "[M']⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  assume "[M']⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n" using DBM_reset_sound_empty[OF assms(2-4)] by auto
  thus "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto

lemma DBM_reset_empty:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n"
          "DBM_reset (FW M n) n (v c) d M'"
  shows "[FW M n]⇘v,n= {}  [M']⇘v,n= {}"
  assume A: "[FW M n]⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (FW M n) n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
  using DBM_reset_complete_empty[of n v M, OF assms(1) _ assms(4)] assms(2,3) by auto
  thus "[M']⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  assume "[M']⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M' n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (FW M n) n" using DBM_reset_sound_empty[OF assms(2-)] by auto
  thus "[FW M n]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto

lemma DBM_reset_empty':
  assumes "canonical M n" "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n"
          "DBM_reset (FW M n) n (v c) d M'"
  shows   "[M]⇘v,n= {}  [M']⇘v,n= {}"
using FW_canonical_id[OF assms(1)] DBM_reset_empty[OF assms(2-)] by simp

lemma DBM_reset_sound':
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n" "DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'" "DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
          "DBM_val_bounded v u'' M n"
  obtains d' where  "DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d')) M n"
using assms
proof (auto, goal_cases)
  case 1
  note A = this
  obtain S_Min_Le where S_Min_Le:
  "S_Min_Le = {u c' - d | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = Le d}
                {-d | d. M 0 (v c) = Le d}" by auto
  obtain S_Min_Lt where S_Min_Lt:
  "S_Min_Lt = {u c' - d | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = Lt d}
               {-d | d. M 0 (v c) = Lt d}" by auto
  obtain S_Max_Le where S_Max_Le:
  "S_Max_Le = {u c' + d | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = Le d}
               {d | d. M (v c) 0 = Le d}" by auto
  obtain S_Max_Lt where S_Max_Lt:
  "S_Max_Lt = {u c' + d | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = Lt d}
               {d | d. M (v c) 0 = Lt d}" by auto

  have "finite {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}" using A(6,7)
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    then have "{c. 0 < v c  v c  0} = {}" by auto
    then show ?case by (metis finite.emptyI) 
    case (Suc n)
    then have "finite {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}" by auto
    moreover have "{c. 0 < v c  v c  Suc n} = {c. 0 < v c  v c  n}  {c. v c = Suc n}" by auto
    moreover have "finite {c. v c = Suc n}"
    proof (cases "{c. v c = Suc n} = {}", auto)
      fix c assume "v c = Suc n"
      then have "{c. v c = Suc n} = {c}" using Suc.prems(2) by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  then have " f. finite {(c,b) | c b. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = b}" by auto
  moreover have
    " f K. {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}
     {(c,b) | c b. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = b}"
  by auto
  ultimately have B:
    " f K. finite {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}"
  using finite_subset by fast
  have " f K. theLe o K = id  finite {(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}"
  proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 f K)
    then have
      "{(c,d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}
      = (λ (c,b). (c, theLe b)) ` {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}"
    proof (auto simp add: pointfree_idE, goal_cases)
      case (1 a b)
      then have "(a, K b)  {(c, K d) |c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d}" by auto
      moreover from 1(1) have "theLe (K b) = b" by (simp add: pointfree_idE)
      ultimately show ?case by force
    moreover from B have
      "finite ((λ (c,b). (c, theLe b)) ` {(c,K d) | c d. 0 < v c  v c  n  f M (v c) = K d})"
    by auto
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  then have finI:
    " f g K. theLe o K = id  finite (g ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  f M (v c') = K d})"
  by auto
  have finI1:
    " f g K. theLe o K = id  finite (g ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  f M (v c') = K d})"
  proof goal_cases
    case (1 f g K)
      "g ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  f M (v c') = K d}
       g ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  f M (v c') = K d}"
    by auto
    from finite_subset[OF this finI[OF 1, of g f]] show ?case .
  have " f. finite {b. f M (v c) = b}" by auto
  moreover have " f K. {K d | d. f M (v c) = K d}  {b. f M (v c) = b}" by auto
  ultimately have B: " f K. finite {K d | d. f M (v c) = K d}" using finite_subset by fast

  have " f K. theLe o K = id  finite {d | d. f M (v c) = K d}"
  proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case (1 f K)
    then have "{d | d. f M (v c) = K d} = theLe ` {K d | d. f M (v c) = K d}"
    proof (auto simp add: pointfree_idE, goal_cases)
      case (1 x)
      have "K x  {K d |d. K x = K d}" by auto
      moreover from 1 have "theLe (K x) = x"  by (simp add: pointfree_idE)
      ultimately show ?case by auto
    moreover from B have "finite {K d |d. f M (v c) = K d}" by auto
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  then have C: " f g K. theLe o K = id  finite (g ` {d | d. f M (v c) = K d})" by auto
  have finI2: " f g K. theLe o K = id  finite ({g d | d. f M (v c) = K d})"
  proof goal_cases
    case (1 f g K)
    have "{g d |d. f M (v c) = K d} = g ` {d | d. f M (v c) = K d}" by auto
    with C 1 show ?case by auto

  { fix K :: "'b  'b DBMEntry" assume A: "theLe o K = id"
    then have
      "finite ((λ(c,d). u c - d) ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = K d})"
    by (intro finI1, auto)
    moreover have
      "{u c' - d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = K d}
      = ((λ(c,d). u c - d) ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = K d})"
    by auto
    ultimately have "finite {u c' - d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = K d}"
    by auto
    moreover have "finite {- d |d. M 0 (v c) = K d}" using A by (intro finI2, auto)
    ultimately have
      "finite ({u c' - d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c') (v c) = K d}
                 {- d |d. M 0 (v c) = K d})"
    by (auto simp: S_Min_Le)
  } note fin1 = this
  have fin_min_le: "finite S_Min_Le" unfolding S_Min_Le by (rule fin1, auto)
  have fin_min_lt: "finite S_Min_Lt" unfolding S_Min_Lt by (rule fin1, auto)

  { fix K :: "'b  'b DBMEntry" assume A: "theLe o K = id"
    then have "finite ((λ(c,d). u c + d) ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = K d})"
    by (intro finI1, auto)
    moreover have
      "{u c' + d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = K d}
      = ((λ(c,d). u c + d) ` {(c',d) | c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = K d})"
    by auto
    ultimately have "finite {u c' + d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = K d}"
    by auto
    moreover have "finite {d |d. M (v c) 0 = K d}" using A by (intro finI2, auto)
    ultimately have
      "finite ({u c' + d |c' d. 0 < v c'  v c'  n  c  c'  M (v c) (v c') = K d}
                {d |d. M (v c) 0 = K d})"
    by (auto simp: S_Min_Le)
  } note fin2 = this
  have fin_max_le: "finite S_Max_Le" unfolding S_Max_Le by (rule fin2, auto)
  have fin_max_lt: "finite S_Max_Lt" unfolding S_Max_Lt by (rule fin2, auto)

  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Le" "r  S_Max_Le"
    then have "l  r"
    proof (auto simp: S_Min_Le S_Max_Le, goal_cases)
      case (1 c1 d1 c2 d2)
      with A have
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      moreover have
        "M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      using A(3,7) 1 unfolding DBM_reset_def by metis
      ultimately have
        "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' by auto 
      with 1 have "u c1 - u c2  d1 + d2" by auto
      thus ?case
      by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) add_diff_cancel_left diff_0_right diff_add_cancel diff_eq_diff_less_eq)
      case (2 c' d)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' i 0 = min (dbm_add (M i (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M i 0))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0))"
      using 2 by blast 
      moreover from A 2 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min3' by fastforce
      with 2 have "u c'  d + r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add_diff_cancel_left add_le_cancel_right diff_0_right diff_add_cancel)
      case (3 d c' d')
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' 0 i = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) i)) (M 0 i))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c')))"
      using 3 by blast 
      moreover from A 3 have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c')))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min2' by fastforce
      with 3 have "-u c'  d + d'" by auto
      thus ?case
      by (metis add_uminus_conv_diff diff_le_eq minus_add_distrib minus_le_iff)
      case (4 d)
      text ‹
        Here is the reason we need the assumption that the zone was not empty before the reset.
        We cannot deduce anything from the current value of c› itself because we reset it.
        We can only ensure that we can reset the value of c› by using the value from the
        alternative assignment.
        This case is only relevant if the tightest bounds for d› were given by its original
        lower and upper bounds. If they would overlap, the original zone would be empty.
      from A(2,5) have
        "dbm_entry_val u'' None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))"
        "dbm_entry_val u'' (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with 4 have "- u'' c  d" "u'' c  r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis minus_le_iff order.trans)
  } note EE = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Le" "r  S_Max_Lt"
    then have "l < r"
    proof (auto simp: S_Min_Le S_Max_Lt, goal_cases)
      case (1 c1 d1 c2 d2)
      with A have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      moreover have "M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      using A(3,7) 1 unfolding DBM_reset_def by metis
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' by fastforce
      with 1 have "u c1 - u c2 < d1 + d2" by auto
      then show ?case by (metis add.assoc add.commute diff_less_eq)
      case (2 c' d)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' i 0 = min (dbm_add (M i (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M i 0))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0))"
      using 2 by blast
      moreover from A 2 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min3' by fastforce
      with 2 have "u c' < d + r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add_less_imp_less_right diff_add_cancel gt_swap)
      case (3 d c' da)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' 0 i = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) i)) (M 0 i))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c')))"
      using 3 by blast
      moreover from A 3 have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c')))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min2' by fastforce
      with 3 have "-u c' < d + da" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add.commute diff_less_eq uminus_add_conv_diff)
      case (4 d)
      from A(2,5) have
        "dbm_entry_val u'' None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))"
        "dbm_entry_val u'' (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with 4 have "- u'' c  d" "u'' c < r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis minus_le_iff neq_iff not_le order.strict_trans)
  } note EL = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Lt" "r  S_Max_Le"
    then have "l < r"
    proof (auto simp: S_Min_Lt S_Max_Le, goal_cases)
      case (1 c1 d1 c2 d2)
      with A have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      moreover have "M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      using A(3,7) 1 unfolding DBM_reset_def by metis
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' by fastforce
      with 1 have "u c1 - u c2 < d1 + d2" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add.assoc add.commute diff_less_eq)
      case (2 c' d)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' i 0 = min (dbm_add (M i (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M i 0))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0))"
      using 2 by blast
      moreover from A 2 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min3' by fastforce
      with 2 have "u c' < d + r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add_less_imp_less_right diff_add_cancel gt_swap)
      case (3 d c' da)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' 0 i = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) i)) (M 0 i))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c')))"
      using 3 by blast
      moreover from A 3 have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c')))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min2' by fastforce
      with 3 have "-u c' < d + da" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add.commute diff_less_eq uminus_add_conv_diff)
      case (4 d)
      from A(2,5) have
        "dbm_entry_val u'' None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))"
        "dbm_entry_val u'' (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with 4 have "- u'' c < d" "u'' c  r" by auto
      thus ?case by (meson less_le_trans minus_less_iff)
  } note LE = this
  { fix l r assume "l  S_Min_Lt" "r  S_Max_Lt"
    then have "l < r"
    proof (auto simp: S_Min_Lt S_Max_Lt, goal_cases)
      case (1 c1 d1 c2 d2)
      with A have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      moreover have "M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
      using A(3,7) 1 unfolding DBM_reset_def by metis 
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2)))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min' by fastforce
      with 1 have "u c1 - u c2 < d1 + d2" by auto
      then show ?case by (metis add.assoc add.commute diff_less_eq)
      case (2 c' d)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0 M' i 0 = min (dbm_add (M i (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M i 0))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0))"
      using 2 by blast
      moreover from A 2 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min3' by fastforce
      with 2 have "u c' < d + r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis add_less_imp_less_right diff_add_cancel gt_swap)
      case (3 d c' da)
      with A have
        "(in. i  v c  i > 0  M' 0 i = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) i)) (M 0 i))"
        "v c'  v c"
      unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      hence "(M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c')))"
      using 3 by blast
      moreover from A 3 have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by presburger
      ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c')))"
      using dbm_entry_dbm_min2' by fastforce
      with 3 have "-u c' < d + da" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis ab_group_add_class.ab_diff_conv_add_uminus add.commute diff_less_eq)
      case (4 d)
      from A(2,5) have
        "dbm_entry_val u'' None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))"
        "dbm_entry_val u'' (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with 4 have "- u'' c  d" "u'' c < r" by auto
      thus ?case by (metis minus_le_iff neq_iff not_le order.strict_trans)
  } note LL = this

  obtain d' where d':
    " t  S_Min_Le. d'  t" " t  S_Min_Lt. d' > t"
    " t  S_Max_Le. d'  t" " t  S_Max_Lt. d' < t"
  proof -
    assume m:
      "d'. tS_Min_Le. t  d'; tS_Min_Lt. t < d'; tS_Max_Le. d'  t; tS_Max_Lt. d' < t
    let ?min_le = "Max S_Min_Le"
    let ?min_lt = "Max S_Min_Lt" 
    let ?max_le = "Min S_Max_Le"
    let ?max_lt = "Min S_Max_Lt"
    show thesis
    proof (cases "S_Min_Le = {}  S_Min_Lt = {}")
      case True
      note T = this
      show thesis
      proof (cases "S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}")
        case True
        let ?d' = "0 :: 't :: time"
        show thesis using True T by (intro m[of ?d']) auto
        case False
        let ?d =
          "if S_Max_Le  {}
           then if S_Max_Lt  {} then min ?max_lt ?max_le else ?max_le
           else ?max_lt"
        obtain a :: "'b" where a: "a < 0" using non_trivial_neg by auto
        let ?d' = "min 0 (?d + a)"
        { fix x assume "x  S_Max_Le"
          with fin_max_le a have "min 0 (Min S_Max_Le + a)  x"
          by (metis Min.boundedE add_le_same_cancel1 empty_iff less_imp_le min.coboundedI2)
          then have "min 0 (Min S_Max_Le + a)  x" by auto
        } note 1 = this
        { fix x assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt"
          have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a) < ?max_lt"
          by (meson a add_less_same_cancel1 min.cobounded1 min.strict_coboundedI2 order.strict_trans2) 
          also from fin_max_lt x have "  x" by auto
          finally have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a) < x" .
        } note 2 = this
        { fix x assume x: "x  S_Max_Le"
          have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a)  ?max_le"
          by (metis le_add_same_cancel1 linear not_le a min_le_iff_disj)
          also from fin_max_le x have "  x" by auto
          finally have "min 0 (min (Min S_Max_Lt) (Min S_Max_Le) + a)  x" .
        } note 3 = this
        show thesis using False T a 1 2 3
        proof ((intro m[of ?d']), auto, goal_cases)
          case 1 then show ?case
          by (metis Min.in_idem add.commute fin_max_lt leD le_add_same_cancel2 min.orderI
                    min_less_iff_disj not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
      case False
      note F = this
      show thesis
      proof (cases "S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}")
        case True
        let ?l =
          "if S_Min_Le  {}
           then if S_Min_Lt  {} then max ?min_lt ?min_le else ?min_le
           else ?min_lt"
        obtain a :: "'b" where "a < 0" using non_trivial_neg by blast
        then have a: "-a > 0" using non_trivial_neg by simp
        then obtain a :: "'b" where a: "a > 0" by blast
        let ?d' = "?l + a"
          fix x assume x: "x  S_Min_Le"
          then have "x  max ?min_lt ?min_le" "x  ?min_le" using fin_min_le by (simp add: max.coboundedI2)+
          then have "x  max ?min_lt ?min_le + a" "x  ?min_le + a" using a by (simp add: add_increasing2)+
        } note 1 = this
          fix x assume x: "x  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "x  max ?min_lt ?min_le" "x  ?min_lt" using fin_min_lt by (simp add: max.coboundedI1)+
          then have "x < ?d'" using a x by (auto simp add: add.commute add_strict_increasing)
        } note 2 = this
        show thesis using True F a 1 2 by ((intro m[of ?d']), auto)
        case False
        let ?r =
          "if S_Max_Le  {}
           then if S_Max_Lt  {} then min ?max_lt ?max_le else ?max_le
           else ?max_lt"
        let ?l =
          "if S_Min_Le  {}
           then if S_Min_Lt  {} then max ?min_lt ?min_le else ?min_le
           else ?min_lt"
        have 1: "x  max ?min_lt ?min_le" "x  ?min_le" if "x  S_Min_Le" for x
        by (simp add: max.coboundedI2 that fin_min_le)+
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Le" "y  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "S_Min_Lt  {}" by auto
          from LE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_lt  x" by auto
        } note 3 = this
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Le" "y  S_Min_Le"
          with EE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le], OF _ x(1)] have "?min_le  x" by auto
        } note 4 = this
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt" "y  S_Min_Lt"
          then have "S_Min_Lt  {}" by auto
          from LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_lt < x" by auto
        } note 5 = this
          fix x y assume x: "x  S_Max_Lt" "y  S_Min_Le"
          then have "S_Min_Le  {}" by auto
          from EL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le], OF this, OF x(1)] have "?min_le < x" by auto
        } note 6 = this
        show thesis
        proof (cases "?l < ?r")
          case False
          then have *: "S_Max_Le  {}"
          proof (auto, goal_cases)
            case 1
            with ¬ (S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}) obtain y where y:"y  S_Max_Lt" by auto
            note 1 = 1 this
            { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Le" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                  with EL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_le] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                  have "Max S_Min_Le < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note ** = this
            { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                with LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note *** = this
            show ?case
            proof (cases "S_Min_Le  {}")
              case True
              note T = this
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "S_Min_Lt  {}")
                case True
                then show False using 1 T True ** *** by auto
                case False with 1 T ** show False by auto
              case False
              with 1 False *** ¬ (S_Min_Le = {}  S_Min_Lt = {}) show ?thesis by auto
          { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Lt"
                with LL[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_lt]]
                have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Lt" by auto
            } note *** = this
          { fix x y assume A: "x  S_Min_Lt" "y  S_Max_Le"
                  with LE[OF Max_in[OF fin_min_lt] Min_in[OF fin_max_le]]
                  have "Max S_Min_Lt < Min S_Max_Le" by auto
          } note **** = this
          from F False have **: "S_Min_Le  {}"
          proof (auto, goal_cases)
            case 1
            show ?case
            proof (cases "S_Max_Le  {}")
              case True
              note T = this
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "S_Max_Lt  {}")
                case True
                then show False using 1 T True **** *** by auto
                case False with 1 T **** show False by auto
              case False
              with 1 False *** ¬ (S_Max_Le = {}  S_Max_Lt = {}) show ?thesis by auto
            fix x assume x: "x  S_Min_Lt"
            then have "x  ?min_lt" using fin_min_lt by (simp add: max.coboundedI2)
            also have "?min_lt < ?min_le"
            proof (rule ccontr, goal_cases)
              case 1
              with x ** have 1: "?l = ?min_lt" by (auto simp: max.absorb1)
              have 2: "?min_lt < ?max_le" using * ****[OF x] by auto
              show False
              proof (cases "S_Max_Lt = {}")
                case False
                then have "?min_lt < ?max_lt" using * ***[OF x] by auto
                with 1 2 have "?l < ?r" by auto
                with ¬ ?l < ?r show False by auto
                case True
                with 1 2 have "?l < ?r" by auto
                with ¬ ?l < ?r show False by auto
            finally have "x < max ?min_lt ?min_le" by (simp add: max.strict_coboundedI2) 
          } note 2 = this
          show thesis using F False 1 2 3 4 5 6 * ** by ((intro m[of ?l]), auto)
          case True
          then obtain d where d: "?l < d" "d < ?r" using dense by auto
          let ?d' = "d"
            fix t assume "t  S_Min_Le"
            then have "t  ?l" using 1 by auto
            with d have "t  d" by auto
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Min_Lt"
            then have "t  max ?min_lt ?min_le" using fin_min_lt by (simp add: max.coboundedI1)
            with t have "t  ?l" using fin_min_lt by auto
            with d have "t < d" by auto
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Max_Le"
            then have "min ?max_lt ?max_le  t" using fin_max_le by (simp add: min.coboundedI2)
            then have "?r  t" using fin_max_le t by auto
            with d have "d  t" by auto
            then have "d  t" by (simp add: min.coboundedI2)
          moreover {
            fix t assume t: "t  S_Max_Lt"
            then have "min ?max_lt ?max_le  t" using fin_max_lt by (simp add: min.coboundedI1)
            then have "?r  t" using fin_max_lt t by auto
            with d have "d < t" by auto
            then have "d < t" by (simp add: min.strict_coboundedI2)
          ultimately show thesis by ((intro m[of ?d']), auto)
  have "DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d')) M n" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def
  proof (auto, goal_cases)
    case 1
    with A show ?case unfolding DBM_reset_def DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
    case (2 c')
    show ?case
    proof (cases "c = c'")
      case False
      with A(2,7) have "v c  v c'" by auto
      hence *:"M' 0 (v c') = min (dbm_add (M 0 (v c)) (M (v c) (v c'))) (M 0 (v c'))"
      using A(2,3,6,7) 2 unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      from 2 A(2,4) have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M' 0 (v c'))"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with dbm_entry_dbm_min2 * have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (M 0 (v c'))" by auto
      thus ?thesis using False by cases auto
      case True
      show ?thesis
      proof (simp add: True[symmetric], cases "M 0 (v c)", goal_cases)
        case (1 t)
        hence "-t  S_Min_Le" unfolding S_Min_Le by force
        hence "d'  -t" using d' by auto
        thus ?case using 1 by (auto simp: minus_le_iff)
        case (2 t)
        hence "-t  S_Min_Lt" unfolding S_Min_Lt by force
        hence "d' > -t" using d' by auto
        thus ?case using 2 by (auto simp: minus_less_iff)
        case 3 thus ?case by auto
    case (3 c')
    show ?case
    proof (cases "c = c'")
      case False
      with A(2,7) have "v c  v c'" by auto
      hence *:"M' (v c') 0 = min (dbm_add (M (v c') (v c)) (M (v c) 0)) (M (v c') 0)"
      using A(2,3,6,7) 3 unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
      from 3 A(2,4) have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M' (v c') 0)"
      unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
      with dbm_entry_dbm_min3 * have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (M (v c') 0)" by auto
      thus ?thesis using False by cases auto
      case True
      show ?thesis
      proof (simp add: True[symmetric], cases "M (v c) 0", goal_cases)
        case (1 t)
        hence "t  S_Max_Le" unfolding S_Max_Le by force
        hence "d'  t" using d' by auto
        thus ?case using 1 by (auto simp: minus_le_iff)
        case (2 t)
        hence "t  S_Max_Lt" unfolding S_Max_Lt by force
        hence "d' < t" using d' by auto
        thus ?case using 2 by (auto simp: minus_less_iff)
        case 3 thus ?case by auto
    case (4 c1 c2)
    show ?case
    proof (cases "c = c1")
      case False
      note F1 = this
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "c = c2")
        case False
        with A(2,6,7) F1 have "v c  v c1" "v c  v c2" by auto
        hence *:"M' (v c1) (v c2) = min (dbm_add (M (v c1) (v c)) (M (v c) (v c2))) (M (v c1) (v c2))"
        using A(2,3,6,7) 4 unfolding DBM_reset_def by auto
        from 4 A(2,4) have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M' (v c1) (v c2))"
        unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
        with dbm_entry_dbm_min * have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M (v c1) (v c2))" by auto
        thus ?thesis using F1 False by cases auto
        case True
        show ?thesis
        proof (simp add: True[symmetric], cases "M (v c1) (v c)", goal_cases)
          case (1 t)
          hence "u c1 - t  S_Min_Le" unfolding S_Min_Le using A F1 4 by blast
          hence "d'  u c1 - t" using d' by auto
          hence "t + d'  u c1" by (metis le_swap add_le_cancel_right diff_add_cancel) 
          hence "u c1 - d'  t" by (metis add_le_imp_le_right diff_add_cancel) 
          thus ?case using 1 F1 by auto
          case (2 t)
          hence "u c1 - t  S_Min_Lt" unfolding S_Min_Lt using A 4 F1 by blast
          hence "d' > u c1 - t" using d' by auto
          hence "d' + t > u c1" by (metis add_strict_right_mono diff_add_cancel)
          hence "u c1 - d' < t" by (metis gt_swap add_less_cancel_right diff_add_cancel)
          thus ?case using 2 F1 by auto
          case 3 thus ?case by auto
      case True
      note T = this
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "c = c2")
        case False
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "M (v c) (v c2)", goal_cases)
          case (1 t)
          hence "u c2 + t  S_Max_Le" unfolding S_Max_Le using A 4 False by blast
          hence "d'  u c2 + t" using d' by auto
          hence "d' - u c2  t"
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) add_diff_cancel_left add_ac(1) add_le_cancel_right
              add_right_cancel diff_add_cancel)
          thus ?case using 1 T False by auto
          case (2 t)
          hence "u c2 + t  S_Max_Lt" unfolding S_Max_Lt using A 4 False by blast
          hence "d' < u c2 + t" using d' by auto
          hence "d' - u c2 < t" by (metis gt_swap add_less_cancel_right diff_add_cancel)
          thus ?case using 2 T False by force
          case 3 thus ?case using T by auto
        case True
        from A 4 have *:"dbm_entry_val u'' (Some c1) (Some c1) (M (v c1) (v c1))"
        unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
        show ?thesis using True T
        proof (simp add: True T, cases "M (v c1) (v c1)", goal_cases)
          case (1 t)
          with * have "0  t" by auto
          thus ?case using 1 by auto
          case (2 t)
          with * have "0 < t" by auto
          thus ?case using 2 by auto
          case 3 thus ?case by auto
  thus ?thesis using A(1) by blast

lemma DBM_reset_sound2:
  assumes "v c  n" "DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'" "DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
  shows "u c = d"
using assms unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def DBM_reset_def
by fastforce

lemma DBM_reset_sound'':
  fixes M v c n d
  defines "M'  reset M n (v c) d"
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u M' n"
          "DBM_val_bounded v u'' M n"
  obtains d' where  "DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d')) M n"
proof -
  assume A:"d'. DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d')) M n  thesis"
  from assms DBM_reset_reset[of "v c" n M d]
  have *:"DBM_reset M n (v c) d M'" by (auto simp add: M'_def)
  with DBM_reset_sound'[of v n c M d M', OF _ _ this] assms obtain d' where
  "DBM_val_bounded v (u(c := d')) M n" by auto
  with A show thesis by auto

lemma DBM_reset_sound:
  fixes M v c n d
  defines "M'  reset M n (v c) d"
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" "v c  n"
          "u  [M']⇘v,n⇙"
  obtains d' where  "u(c := d') [M]⇘v,n⇙"
proof (cases "[M]⇘v,n= {}")
  case False
  then obtain u' where "DBM_val_bounded v u' M n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from DBM_reset_sound''[OF assms(3-4) _ this] assms(1,5) that show ?thesis
  unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  case True
  with DBM_reset_complete_empty'[OF assms(2) _ _ DBM_reset_reset, of "v c" M u d] assms show ?thesis
  unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by simp

lemma DBM_reset'_complete':
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u M n" "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows " u'. DBM_val_bounded v u' (reset' M n cs v d) n"
using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c cs)
  let ?M' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  let ?M'' = "reset ?M' n (v c) d"
  from Cons obtain u' where u': "DBM_val_bounded v u' ?M' n" by fastforce
  from Cons(3,4) have "0 < v c" "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_reset[OF this] have **: "DBM_reset ?M' n (v c) d ?M''" by fast
  from Cons(4) have "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_complete[of v n c ?M' d ?M'', OF Cons(3) this ** u']
  have "DBM_val_bounded v (u'(c := d)) (reset (reset' M n cs v d) n (v c) d) n" by fast
  thus ?case by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_complete:
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u M n" "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "DBM_val_bounded v ([cs  d]u) (reset' M n cs v d) n"
using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c cs)
  let ?M' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  let ?M'' = "reset ?M' n (v c) d"
  from Cons have *: "DBM_val_bounded v ([csd]u) (reset' M n cs v d) n" by fastforce
  from Cons(3,4) have "0 < v c" "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_reset[OF this] have **: "DBM_reset ?M' n (v c) d ?M''" by fast
  from Cons(4) have "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_complete[of v n c ?M' d ?M'', OF Cons(3) this ** *]
  have ***:"DBM_val_bounded v ([c#csd]u) (reset (reset' M n cs v d) n (v c) d) n" by simp
  have "reset' M n (c#cs) v d = reset (reset' M n cs v d) n (v c) d" by auto
  with *** show ?case by presburger

lemma DBM_reset'_sound_empty:
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" "c  set cs. v c  n"
          " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n"
  shows "¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
using assms DBM_reset'_complete by metis

fun set_clocks :: "'c list  't::time list ('c,'t) cval  ('c,'t) cval"
  "set_clocks [] _ u = u" |
  "set_clocks _ [] u = u" |
  "set_clocks (c#cs) (t#ts) u = (set_clocks cs ts (u(c:=t)))"

lemma DBM_reset'_sound':
  fixes M v c n d cs
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
          "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n" "DBM_val_bounded v u'' M n"
  shows "ts. DBM_val_bounded v (set_clocks cs ts u) M n"
using assms
proof (induction cs arbitrary: M u)
  case Nil
  hence "DBM_val_bounded v (set_clocks [] [] u) M n" by auto
  thus ?case by blast
  case (Cons c' cs)
  let ?M' = "reset' M n (c' # cs) v d"
  let ?M'' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  from DBM_reset'_complete[OF Cons(5) Cons(2)] Cons(3)
  have u'': "DBM_val_bounded v ([csd]u'') ?M'' n" by fastforce
  from Cons(3,4) have "v c'  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset ?M'' n (v c') d) n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_sound''[OF Cons(2) this u'']
  obtain d' where **:"DBM_val_bounded v (u(c' := d')) ?M'' n" by blast
  from Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1) _ ** Cons.prems(4)] Cons.prems(2)
  obtain ts where ts:"DBM_val_bounded v (set_clocks cs ts (u(c' := d'))) M n" by fastforce
  hence "DBM_val_bounded v (set_clocks (c' # cs) (d'#ts) u) M n" by auto
  thus ?case by fast

lemma DBM_reset'_resets:
  fixes M v c n d cs
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
          "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n"
  shows "c  set cs. u c = d"
using assms
proof (induction cs arbitrary: M u)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c' cs)
  let ?M' = "reset' M n (c' # cs) v d"
  let ?M'' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  from Cons(4,5) have "v c'  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset ?M'' n (v c') d) n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_sound2[OF this(1) _ Cons(5), of ?M'' d] DBM_reset_reset[OF _ this(1), of ?M'' d] Cons(3)
  have c':"u c' = d" by auto
  from Cons(4,5) have "v c'  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset ?M'' n (v c') d) n" by auto
  with DBM_reset_sound[OF Cons.prems(1,2) this(1)]
  obtain d' where **:"DBM_val_bounded v (u(c' := d')) ?M'' n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by blast
  from Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1,2) _ **] Cons.prems(3) have "cset cs. (u(c' := d')) c = d" by auto
  thus ?case using c'
   apply safe
   apply (rename_tac c)
   apply (case_tac "c = c'")
  by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_resets':
  fixes M v c n d cs
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n"
          "DBM_val_bounded v u'' M n"
  shows "c  set cs. u c = d"
using assms
proof (induction cs arbitrary: M u)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c' cs)
  let ?M' = "reset' M n (c' # cs) v d"
  let ?M'' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  from DBM_reset'_complete[OF Cons(5) Cons(2)] Cons(3)
  have u'': "DBM_val_bounded v ([csd]u'') ?M'' n" by fastforce
  from Cons(3,4) have "v c'  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset ?M'' n (v c') d) n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_sound2[OF this(1) _ Cons(4), of ?M'' d] DBM_reset_reset[OF _ this(1), of ?M'' d] Cons(2)
  have c':"u c' = d" by auto
  from Cons(3,4) have "v c'  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u (reset ?M'' n (v c') d) n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_sound''[OF Cons(2) this u'']
  obtain d' where **:"DBM_val_bounded v (u(c' := d')) ?M'' n" by blast
  from Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1) _ ** Cons.prems(4)] Cons.prems(2)
  have "cset cs. (u(c' := d')) c = d" by auto
  thus ?case using c'
   apply safe
   apply (rename_tac c)
   apply (case_tac "c = c'")
  by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_neg_diag_preservation':
  assumes "kn" "M k k < 𝟭" "clock_numbering v" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "reset' M n cs v d k k < 𝟭" using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c cs)
  then have IH: "reset' M n cs v d k k < 𝟭" by auto
  from Cons.prems have "v c > 0" "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_reset[OF this, of "reset' M n cs v d" d] k  n
  have "reset (reset' M n cs v d) n (v c) d k k  reset' M n cs v d k k" unfolding DBM_reset_def
  by (cases "v c = k", simp add: less[symmetric], case_tac "k = 0", auto simp: less[symmetric])
  with IH show ?case by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_complete_empty':
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n"
          " c  set cs. v c  n" " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n" using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons c cs)
  then have "u. ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' M n cs v d) n" by auto
  from Cons.prems(2,3) DBM_reset_complete_empty'[OF Cons.prems(1) _ _ DBM_reset_reset this] 
  show ?case by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_complete_empty:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n"
          " c  set cs. v c  n" " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (reset' (FW M n) n cs v d) n" using assms
proof -
  note A = assms
  from A(4) have "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF A(1)] have "[FW M n]⇘v,n= {}" by auto
  with FW_detects_empty_zone[OF A(1)] A(2) obtain i where i: "i  n" "FW M n i i < Le 0" by blast
  with DBM_reset'_neg_diag_preservation' A(2,3) have
    "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d i i < Le 0"
  by (auto simp: neutral)
  with fw_mono[of n n n i i "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d" n] i
  have "FW (reset' (FW M n) n cs v d) n i i < Le 0" by auto
  with FW_detects_empty_zone[OF A(1), of "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d"] A(2,3) i
  have "[FW (reset' (FW M n) n cs v d) n]⇘v,n= {}" by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF A(1), of "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d"] A(3,4)
  show ?thesis by (auto simp: DBM_zone_repr_def)

lemma DBM_reset'_empty':
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "[M]⇘v,n= {}  [reset' (FW M n) n cs v d]⇘v,n= {}"
  let ?M' = "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d"
  assume A: "[M]⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  with DBM_reset'_complete_empty[OF assms] show "[?M']⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  let ?M' = "reset' (FW M n) n cs v d"
  assume A: "[?M']⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u ?M' n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from DBM_reset'_sound_empty[OF assms(2,3) this] have " u. ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u (FW M n) n" by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF assms(1)] show "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_empty:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "[M]⇘v,n= {}  [reset' M n cs v d]⇘v,n= {}"
  let ?M' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  assume A: "[M]⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  with DBM_reset'_complete_empty'[OF assms] show "[?M']⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  let ?M' = "reset' M n cs v d"
  assume A: "[?M']⇘v,n= {}"
  hence " u . ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u ?M' n" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto
  from DBM_reset'_sound_empty[OF assms(2,3) this] have " u. ¬ DBM_val_bounded v u M n" by auto
  with FW_zone_equiv[OF assms(1)] show "[M]⇘v,n= {}" unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by auto

lemma DBM_reset'_sound:
  assumes "kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k)" "clock_numbering' v n"
    and "cset cs. v c  n"
    and "u  [reset' M n cs v d]⇘v,n⇙"
  shows "ts. set_clocks cs ts u  [M]⇘v,n⇙"
proof -
  from DBM_reset'_empty[OF assms(1-3)] assms(4) obtain u' where "u'  [M]⇘v,n⇙" by blast
  with DBM_reset'_sound'[OF assms(2,3)] assms(4) show ?thesis unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by blast

section ‹Misc Preservation Lemmas›

lemma get_const_sum[simp]:
  "a    b    get_const a    get_const b    get_const (a + b)  "
by (cases a) (cases b, auto simp: mult)+

lemma sum_not_inf_dest:
  assumes "a + b  "
  shows "a    b  "
using assms by (cases a; cases b; simp add: mult)

lemma sum_not_inf_int:
  assumes "a + b  " "get_const a  " "get_const b  "
  shows "get_const (a + b)  "
using assms sum_not_inf_dest by fastforce

lemma int_fw_upd:
  " i  n.  j  n. m i j    get_const (m i j)    k  n  i  n  j  n
   i'  n  j'  n  (fw_upd m k i j i' j')  
   get_const (fw_upd m k i j i' j')  "
proof (goal_cases)
  case 1
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "i = i'  j = j'")
    case True
    with 1 show ?thesis by (fastforce simp: fw_upd_def upd_def min_def dest: sum_not_inf_dest)
    case False
    with 1 show ?thesis by (auto simp : fw_upd_def upd_def)

lemma fw_int_aux_c:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. M i j    get_const (M i j)  " "a  n" "b  n" "c  n"
          "i  n" "j  n" "((fw M n) 0 0 c) i j  "
  shows "get_const (((fw M n) 0 0 c) i j)  "
using assms
 apply (induction c arbitrary: i j)
  apply (auto simp: fw_upd_def upd_def min_def)[]
  apply (case_tac "M 0 0 = ")
   apply (simp add: mult)
  apply simp
 apply (fastforce simp: min_def fw_upd_def upd_def dest: sum_not_inf_dest)

lemma fw_int_aux_Suc_b:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. (fw M n) a b n i j    get_const ((fw M n) a b n i j)  "
          "a  n" "Suc b  n" "c  n" "i  n" "j  n" "((fw M n) a (Suc b) c) i j  "
  shows "get_const (((fw M n) a (Suc b) c) i j)  "
using assms by (induction c arbitrary: i j) (auto intro: int_fw_upd[of n])

lemma fw_int_aux_b:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. M i j    get_const (M i j)  " "a  n" "b  n" "c  n"
          "i  n" "j  n" "((fw M n) 0 b c) i j  "
  shows "get_const (((fw M n) 0 b c) i j)  " using assms
 apply (induction b arbitrary: i j c)
  apply (blast intro: fw_int_aux_c)
 apply (rule fw_int_aux_Suc_b[of n])
by auto

lemma fw_int_aux_Suc_a:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. (fw M n) a n n i j    get_const ((fw M n) a n n i j)  "
          "Suc a  n" "b  n" "c  n" "i  n" "j  n" "((fw M n) (Suc a) b c) i j  "
  shows "get_const (((fw M n) (Suc a) b c) i j)  "
using assms
proof (induction b arbitrary: i j c)
  case 0
  then show ?case
  by (induction c arbitrary: i j) (auto intro: int_fw_upd[of n])
  case (Suc b)
  then show ?case by (intro fw_int_aux_Suc_b) auto

lemma fw_int_preservation:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. M i j    get_const (M i j)  " "a  n" "b  n" "c  n"
          "i  n" "j  n" "((fw M n) a b c) i j  "
  shows "get_const (((fw M n) a b c) i j)  "
using assms
 apply (induction a arbitrary: i j b c)
  apply (blast intro: fw_int_aux_b)
 apply (rule fw_int_aux_Suc_a[of n])
by auto

lemma FW_int_preservation:
  assumes " i  n.  j  n. M i j    get_const (M i j)  "
  shows " i  n.  j  n. FW M n i j    get_const (FW M n i j)  "
by (blast intro: fw_int_preservation[OF assms(1)])

abbreviation "dbm_int M n   in.  jn. M i j    get_const (M i j)  "

lemma And_int_preservation:
  assumes "dbm_int M1 n" "dbm_int M2 n"
  shows "dbm_int (And M1 M2) n"
using assms by (auto simp: min_def)

lemma up_int_preservation:
  "dbm_int M n  dbm_int (up M) n"
unfolding up_def min_def
 apply safe
 apply (case_tac "i = 0")
  apply fastforce
 apply (case_tac "j = 0")
  apply fastforce
 apply auto
unfolding mult[symmetric] by (auto dest: sum_not_inf_dest)

(* Definitely a candidate for cleaning *)
lemma DBM_reset_int_preservation':
  assumes "dbm_int M n" "DBM_reset M n k d M'" "d  " "k  n"
  shows "dbm_int M' n"
proof clarify
  fix i j
  assume A: "i  n" "j  n" "M' i j  "
  from assms(2) show "get_const (M' i j)  " unfolding DBM_reset_def
    apply (cases "i = k"; cases "j = k")
      apply simp
      using A assms(1,4) apply presburger
     apply (cases "j = 0")
      using assms(3) apply simp
     using A apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (cases "i = 0")
      using assms(3) apply simp
     using A apply simp
    using A apply simp
    apply (simp split: split_min, safe)
    proof goal_cases
      case 1
      then have *: "M i k + M k j  " unfolding mult min_def by meson
      with sum_not_inf_dest have "M i k  " "M k j  " by auto
      with 1(3,4) assms(1,4) have "get_const (M i k)  " "get_const (M k j)  " by auto
      with sum_not_inf_int[folded mult, OF *] show ?case unfolding mult by auto
    proof goal_cases
      case 1
      then have *: "M i j  " unfolding mult min_def by meson
      with 1(3,4) assms(1,4) show ?case by auto

lemma DBM_reset_int_preservation:
  assumes "dbm_int M n" "d  " "0 < k" "k  n"
  shows "dbm_int (reset M n k d) n"
using assms(3-) DBM_reset_int_preservation'[OF assms(1) DBM_reset_reset assms(2)] by blast

lemma DBM_reset'_int_preservation:
  assumes "dbm_int M n" "d  " "c. v c > 0" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "dbm_int (reset' M n cs v d) n" using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons c cs)
  from Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1,2,3)] Cons.prems(4) have "dbm_int (reset' M n cs v d) n" by fastforce
  from DBM_reset_int_preservation[OF this Cons.prems(2), of "v c"] Cons.prems(3,4) show ?case by auto

lemma int_zone_dbm:
  assumes "clock_numbering' v n"
    " (_,d)  collect_clock_pairs cc. d  " " c  collect_clks cc. v c  n"
  obtains M where "{u. u  cc} = [M]⇘v,n⇙"
            and   " i  n.  j  n. M i j    get_const (M i j)  "
proof -
  let ?M = "abstr cc (λi j. ) v"
  from assms(2) have " i  n.  j  n. ?M i j    get_const (?M i j)  "
  by (induction cc) (auto simp: min_def)
  with dbm_abstr_zone_eq[OF assms(1) assms(3)] show ?thesis by (auto intro: that)

lemma reset_set1:
  "c  set cs. ([csd]u) c = d"
by (induction cs) auto

lemma reset_set11:
  "c. c  set cs  ([csd]u) c = u c"
by (induction cs) auto

lemma reset_set2:
  "c. c  set cs  (set_clocks cs ts u)c = u c"
proof (induction cs arbitrary: ts u)
  case Nil then show ?case by auto
  case Cons then show ?case
  proof (cases ts, goal_cases)
   case Nil then show ?thesis by simp
    case (2 a') then show ?case by auto

lemma reset_set:
  assumes " c  set cs. u c = d"
  shows "[csd](set_clocks cs ts u) = u"
  fix c
  show "([csd]set_clocks cs ts u) c = u c"
  proof (cases "c  set cs")
    case True
    hence "([csd]set_clocks cs ts u) c = d" using reset_set1 by fast
    also have "d = u c" using assms True by auto
    finally show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    hence "([csd]set_clocks cs ts u) c = set_clocks cs ts u c" by (simp add: reset_set11)
    also  with False have " = u c" by (simp add: reset_set2)
    finally show ?thesis by auto

abbreviation global_clock_numbering ::
  "('a, 'c, 't :: time, 's) ta  ('c  nat)  nat  bool"
  "global_clock_numbering A v n 
    clock_numbering' v n  ( c  clk_set A. v c  n)  (kn. k > 0  (c. v c = k))"

lemma dbm_int_abstr:
  assumes " (x, m)  collect_clock_pairs g. m  "
  shows "dbm_int (abstr g (λi j. ) v) n"
using assms
  apply (induction g)
       apply auto[]
unfolding min_def by auto

lemma dbm_int_inv_abstr:
  assumes "(x,m)  clkp_set A. m  "
  shows "dbm_int (abstr (inv_of A l) (λi j. ) v) n"
proof -
  from assms have " (x, m)  collect_clock_pairs (inv_of A l). m  "
  unfolding clkp_set_def collect_clki_def inv_of_def using Nats_subset_Ints by auto
  from dbm_int_abstr[OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma dbm_int_guard_abstr:
  assumes "valid_abstraction A X k" "A  l ⟶⇗g,a,rl'"
  shows "dbm_int (abstr g (λi j. ) v) n"
proof -
  from assms have "(x,m)  clkp_set A. m  k x  x  X  m  "
  by (auto elim: valid_abstraction.cases)
  then have " (x, m)  collect_clock_pairs g. m  "
  unfolding clkp_set_def collect_clkt_def using assms(2) Nats_subset_Ints by fastforce
  from dbm_int_abstr[OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma collect_clks_id: "collect_clks cc = fst ` collect_clock_pairs cc" by (induction cc) auto

subsection ‹Unused theorems›

lemma canonical_cyc_free:
  "canonical M n  i  n. M i i  𝟭  cyc_free M n"
proof (rule ccontr, auto, goal_cases)
  case 1
  with canonical_len[OF this(1,3,3,4)] show False by auto

lemma canonical_cyc_free2:
  "canonical M n  cyc_free M n  (i  n. M i i  𝟭)"
 apply safe
  apply (simp add: cyc_free_diag_dest')
using canonical_cyc_free by blast

lemma DBM_reset'_diag_preservation:
  assumes "kn. M k k  𝟭" "clock_numbering v" " c  set cs. v c  n"
  shows "kn. reset' M n cs v d k k  𝟭" using assms
proof (induction cs)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons c cs)
  then have IH: "kn. reset' M n cs v d k k  𝟭" by auto
  from Cons.prems have "v c > 0" "v c  n" by auto
  from DBM_reset_diag_preservation[of n "reset' M n cs v d", OF IH DBM_reset_reset, of "v c", OF this]
  show ?case by simp
