Theory Hyperbolic_Tarski
section "The hyperbolic plane and Tarski's axioms"
theory Hyperbolic_Tarski
imports Euclid_Tarski
subsection ‹Characterizing a specific conic in the projective plane›
definition M :: "real^3^3" where
"M ≡ vector [
vector [1, 0, 0],
vector [0, 1, 0],
vector [0, 0, -1]]"
lemma M_symmatrix: "symmatrix M"
unfolding symmatrix_def and transpose_def and M_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3 vector_3)
lemma M_self_inverse: "M ** M = mat 1"
unfolding M_def and matrix_matrix_mult_def and mat_def and vector_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma M_invertible: "invertible M"
unfolding invertible_def
using M_self_inverse
by auto
definition polar :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2_line" where
"polar p ≡ proj2_line_abs (M *v proj2_rep p)"
definition pole :: "proj2_line ⇒ proj2" where
"pole l ≡ proj2_abs (M *v proj2_line_rep l)"
lemma polar_abs:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "polar (proj2_abs v) = proj2_line_abs (M *v v)"
proof -
from ‹v ≠ 0› and proj2_rep_abs2
obtain k where "k ≠ 0" and "proj2_rep (proj2_abs v) = k *⇩R v" by auto
from ‹proj2_rep (proj2_abs v) = k *⇩R v›
have "polar (proj2_abs v) = proj2_line_abs (k *⇩R (M *v v))"
unfolding polar_def
by (simp add: matrix_scaleR_vector_ac scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc)
with ‹k ≠ 0› and proj2_line_abs_mult
show "polar (proj2_abs v) = proj2_line_abs (M *v v)" by simp
lemma pole_abs:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "pole (proj2_line_abs v) = proj2_abs (M *v v)"
proof -
from ‹v ≠ 0› and proj2_line_rep_abs
obtain k where "k ≠ 0" and "proj2_line_rep (proj2_line_abs v) = k *⇩R v"
by auto
from ‹proj2_line_rep (proj2_line_abs v) = k *⇩R v›
have "pole (proj2_line_abs v) = proj2_abs (k *⇩R (M *v v))"
unfolding pole_def
by (simp add: matrix_scaleR_vector_ac scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc)
with ‹k ≠ 0› and proj2_abs_mult
show "pole (proj2_line_abs v) = proj2_abs (M *v v)" by simp
lemma polar_rep_non_zero: "M *v proj2_rep p ≠ 0"
proof -
have "proj2_rep p ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
with M_invertible
show "M *v proj2_rep p ≠ 0" by (rule invertible_times_non_zero)
lemma pole_polar: "pole (polar p) = p"
proof -
from polar_rep_non_zero
have "pole (polar p) = proj2_abs (M *v (M *v proj2_rep p))"
unfolding polar_def
by (rule pole_abs)
with M_self_inverse
show "pole (polar p) = p"
by (simp add: matrix_vector_mul_assoc proj2_abs_rep)
lemma pole_rep_non_zero: "M *v proj2_line_rep l ≠ 0"
proof -
have "proj2_line_rep l ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_line_rep_non_zero)
with M_invertible
show "M *v proj2_line_rep l ≠ 0" by (rule invertible_times_non_zero)
lemma polar_pole: "polar (pole l) = l"
proof -
from pole_rep_non_zero
have "polar (pole l) = proj2_line_abs (M *v (M *v proj2_line_rep l))"
unfolding pole_def
by (rule polar_abs)
with M_self_inverse
show "polar (pole l) = l"
by (simp add: matrix_vector_mul_assoc proj2_line_abs_rep
lemma polar_inj:
assumes "polar p = polar q"
shows "p = q"
proof -
from ‹polar p = polar q› have "pole (polar p) = pole (polar q)" by simp
thus "p = q" by (simp add: pole_polar)
definition conic_sgn :: "proj2 ⇒ real" where
"conic_sgn p ≡ sgn (proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p))"
lemma conic_sgn_abs:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "conic_sgn (proj2_abs v) = sgn (v ∙ (M *v v))"
proof -
from ‹v ≠ 0› and proj2_rep_abs2
obtain j where "j ≠ 0" and "proj2_rep (proj2_abs v) = j *⇩R v" by auto
from ‹proj2_rep (proj2_abs v) = j *⇩R v›
have "conic_sgn (proj2_abs v) = sgn (j⇧2 * (v ∙ (M *v v)))"
unfolding conic_sgn_def
by (simp add:
scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc [symmetric]
also have "… = sgn (j⇧2) * sgn (v ∙ (M *v v))" by (rule sgn_mult)
also from ‹j ≠ 0› have "… = sgn (v ∙ (M *v v))"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square sgn_mult)
finally show "conic_sgn (proj2_abs v) = sgn (v ∙ (M *v v))" .
lemma sgn_conic_sgn: "sgn (conic_sgn p) = conic_sgn p"
by (unfold conic_sgn_def) simp
definition S :: "proj2 set" where
"S ≡ {p. conic_sgn p = 0}"
definition K2 :: "proj2 set" where
"K2 ≡ {p. conic_sgn p < 0}"
lemma S_K2_empty: "S ∩ K2 = {}"
unfolding S_def and K2_def
by auto
lemma K2_abs:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "proj2_abs v ∈ K2 ⟷ v ∙ (M *v v) < 0"
proof -
have "proj2_abs v ∈ K2 ⟷ conic_sgn (proj2_abs v) < 0"
by (simp add: K2_def)
with ‹v ≠ 0› and conic_sgn_abs
show "proj2_abs v ∈ K2 ⟷ v ∙ (M *v v) < 0" by simp
definition "K2_centre = proj2_abs (vector [0,0,1])"
lemma K2_centre_non_zero: "vector [0,0,1] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
by (unfold vector_def) (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma K2_centre_in_K2: "K2_centre ∈ K2"
proof -
from K2_centre_non_zero and proj2_rep_abs2
obtain k where "k ≠ 0" and "proj2_rep K2_centre = k *⇩R vector [0,0,1]"
by (unfold K2_centre_def) auto
from ‹k ≠ 0› have "0 < k⇧2" by simp
with ‹proj2_rep K2_centre = k *⇩R vector [0,0,1]›
show "K2_centre ∈ K2"
unfolding K2_def
and conic_sgn_def
and M_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
and inner_vec_def
and vector_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff sum_3 power2_eq_square)
lemma K2_imp_M_neg:
assumes "v ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs v ∈ K2"
shows "v ∙ (M *v v) < 0"
using assms
by (simp add: K2_abs)
lemma M_neg_imp_z_squared_big:
assumes "v ∙ (M *v v) < 0"
shows "(v$3)⇧2 > (v$1)⇧2 + (v$2)⇧2"
using ‹v ∙ (M *v v) < 0›
unfolding matrix_vector_mult_def and M_def and vector_def
by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_3 power2_eq_square)
lemma M_neg_imp_z_non_zero:
assumes "v ∙ (M *v v) < 0"
shows "v$3 ≠ 0"
proof -
have "(v$1)⇧2 + (v$2)⇧2 ≥ 0" by simp
with M_neg_imp_z_squared_big [of v] and ‹v ∙ (M *v v) < 0›
have "(v$3)⇧2 > 0" by arith
thus "v$3 ≠ 0" by simp
lemma M_neg_imp_K2:
assumes "v ∙ (M *v v) < 0"
shows "proj2_abs v ∈ K2"
proof -
from ‹v ∙ (M *v v) < 0› have "v$3 ≠ 0" by (rule M_neg_imp_z_non_zero)
hence "v ≠ 0" by auto
with ‹v ∙ (M *v v) < 0› and K2_abs show "proj2_abs v ∈ K2" by simp
lemma M_reverse: "a ∙ (M *v b) = b ∙ (M *v a)"
unfolding matrix_vector_mult_def and M_def and vector_def
by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_3)
lemma S_abs:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "proj2_abs v ∈ S ⟷ v ∙ (M *v v) = 0"
proof -
have "proj2_abs v ∈ S ⟷ conic_sgn (proj2_abs v) = 0"
unfolding S_def
by simp
also from ‹v ≠ 0› and conic_sgn_abs
have "… ⟷ sgn (v ∙ (M *v v)) = 0" by simp
finally show "proj2_abs v ∈ S ⟷ v ∙ (M *v v) = 0" by (simp add: sgn_0_0)
lemma S_alt_def: "p ∈ S ⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) = 0"
proof -
have "proj2_rep p ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
hence "proj2_abs (proj2_rep p) ∈ S ⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) = 0"
by (rule S_abs)
thus "p ∈ S ⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) = 0"
by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
lemma incident_polar:
"proj2_incident p (polar q) ⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep q) = 0"
using polar_rep_non_zero
unfolding polar_def
by (rule proj2_incident_right_abs)
lemma incident_own_polar_in_S: "proj2_incident p (polar p) ⟷ p ∈ S"
using incident_polar and S_alt_def
by simp
lemma incident_polar_swap:
assumes "proj2_incident p (polar q)"
shows "proj2_incident q (polar p)"
proof -
from ‹proj2_incident p (polar q)›
have "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep q) = 0" by (unfold incident_polar)
hence "proj2_rep q ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) = 0" by (simp add: M_reverse)
thus "proj2_incident q (polar p)" by (unfold incident_polar)
lemma incident_pole_polar:
assumes "proj2_incident p l"
shows "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar p)"
proof -
from ‹proj2_incident p l›
have "proj2_incident p (polar (pole l))" by (subst polar_pole)
thus "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar p)" by (rule incident_polar_swap)
definition z_zero :: "proj2_line" where
"z_zero ≡ proj2_line_abs (vector [0,0,1])"
lemma z_zero:
assumes "(proj2_rep p)$3 = 0"
shows "proj2_incident p z_zero"
proof -
from K2_centre_non_zero and proj2_line_rep_abs
obtain k where "proj2_line_rep z_zero = k *⇩R vector [0,0,1]"
by (unfold z_zero_def) auto
with ‹(proj2_rep p)$3 = 0›
show "proj2_incident p z_zero"
unfolding proj2_incident_def and inner_vec_def and vector_def
by (simp add: sum_3)
lemma z_zero_conic_sgn_1:
assumes "proj2_incident p z_zero"
shows "conic_sgn p = 1"
proof -
let ?v = "proj2_rep p"
have "(vector [0,0,1] :: real^3) ≠ 0"
unfolding vector_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff)
with ‹proj2_incident p z_zero›
have "?v ∙ vector [0,0,1] = 0"
unfolding z_zero_def
by (simp add: proj2_incident_right_abs)
hence "?v$3 = 0"
unfolding inner_vec_def and vector_def
by (simp add: sum_3)
hence "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) = (?v$1)⇧2 + (?v$2)⇧2"
unfolding inner_vec_def
and power2_eq_square
and matrix_vector_mult_def
and M_def
and vector_def
and sum_3
by simp
have "?v ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
with ‹?v$3 = 0› have "?v$1 ≠ 0 ∨ ?v$2 ≠ 0" by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
hence "(?v$1)⇧2 > 0 ∨ (?v$2)⇧2 > 0" by simp
with add_sign_intros [of "(?v$1)⇧2" "(?v$2)⇧2"]
have "(?v$1)⇧2 + (?v$2)⇧2 > 0" by auto
with ‹?v ∙ (M *v ?v) = (?v$1)⇧2 + (?v$2)⇧2›
have "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) > 0" by simp
thus "conic_sgn p = 1"
unfolding conic_sgn_def
by simp
lemma conic_sgn_not_1_z_non_zero:
assumes "conic_sgn p ≠ 1"
shows "z_non_zero p"
proof -
from ‹conic_sgn p ≠ 1›
have "¬ proj2_incident p z_zero" by (auto simp add: z_zero_conic_sgn_1)
thus "z_non_zero p" by (auto simp add: z_zero)
lemma z_zero_not_in_S:
assumes "proj2_incident p z_zero"
shows "p ∉ S"
proof -
from ‹proj2_incident p z_zero› have "conic_sgn p = 1"
by (rule z_zero_conic_sgn_1)
thus "p ∉ S"
unfolding S_def
by simp
lemma line_incident_point_not_in_S: "∃ p. p ∉ S ∧ proj2_incident p l"
proof -
let ?p = "proj2_intersection l z_zero"
have "proj2_incident ?p l" and "proj2_incident ?p z_zero"
by (rule proj2_intersection_incident)+
from ‹proj2_incident ?p z_zero› have "?p ∉ S" by (rule z_zero_not_in_S)
with ‹proj2_incident ?p l›
show "∃ p. p ∉ S ∧ proj2_incident p l" by auto
lemma apply_cltn2_abs_abs_in_S:
assumes "v ≠ 0" and "invertible J"
shows "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) (cltn2_abs J) ∈ S
⟷ v ∙ (J ** M ** transpose J *v v) = 0"
proof -
from ‹v ≠ 0› and ‹invertible J›
have "v v* J ≠ 0" by (rule non_zero_mult_invertible_non_zero)
from ‹v ≠ 0› and ‹invertible J›
have "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) (cltn2_abs J) = proj2_abs (v v* J)"
by (rule apply_cltn2_abs)
also from ‹v v* J ≠ 0›
have "… ∈ S ⟷ (v v* J) ∙ (M *v (v v* J)) = 0" by (rule S_abs)
finally show "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) (cltn2_abs J) ∈ S
⟷ v ∙ (J ** M ** transpose J *v v) = 0"
by (simp add: dot_lmul_matrix matrix_vector_mul_assoc [symmetric])
lemma apply_cltn2_right_abs_in_S:
assumes "invertible J"
shows "apply_cltn2 p (cltn2_abs J) ∈ S
⟷ (proj2_rep p) ∙ (J ** M ** transpose J *v (proj2_rep p)) = 0"
proof -
have "proj2_rep p ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
with ‹invertible J›
have "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs (proj2_rep p)) (cltn2_abs J) ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (J ** M ** transpose J *v proj2_rep p) = 0"
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_abs_abs_in_S)
thus "apply_cltn2 p (cltn2_abs J) ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (J ** M ** transpose J *v proj2_rep p) = 0"
by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
lemma apply_cltn2_abs_in_S:
assumes "v ≠ 0"
shows "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) C ∈ S
⟷ v ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v v) = 0"
proof -
have "invertible (cltn2_rep C)" by (rule cltn2_rep_invertible)
with ‹v ≠ 0›
have "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) (cltn2_abs (cltn2_rep C)) ∈ S
⟷ v ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v v) = 0"
by (rule apply_cltn2_abs_abs_in_S)
thus "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs v) C ∈ S
⟷ v ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v v) = 0"
by (simp add: cltn2_abs_rep)
lemma apply_cltn2_in_S:
"apply_cltn2 p C ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v proj2_rep p)
= 0"
proof -
have "proj2_rep p ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
hence "apply_cltn2 (proj2_abs (proj2_rep p)) C ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v proj2_rep p)
= 0"
by (rule apply_cltn2_abs_in_S)
thus "apply_cltn2 p C ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (cltn2_rep C ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep C) *v proj2_rep p)
= 0"
by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
lemma norm_M: "(vector2_append1 v) ∙ (M *v vector2_append1 v) = (norm v)⇧2 - 1"
proof -
have "(norm v)⇧2 = (v$1)⇧2 + (v$2)⇧2"
unfolding norm_vec_def
and L2_set_def
by (simp add: sum_2)
thus "(vector2_append1 v) ∙ (M *v vector2_append1 v) = (norm v)⇧2 - 1"
unfolding vector2_append1_def
and inner_vec_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
and vector_def
and M_def
and power2_norm_eq_inner
by (simp add: sum_3 power2_eq_square)
subsection ‹Some specific points and lines of the projective plane›
definition "east = proj2_abs (vector [1,0,1])"
definition "west = proj2_abs (vector [-1,0,1])"
definition "north = proj2_abs (vector [0,1,1])"
definition "south = proj2_abs (vector [0,-1,1])"
definition "far_north = proj2_abs (vector [0,1,0])"
lemmas compass_defs = east_def west_def north_def south_def
lemma compass_non_zero:
shows "vector [1,0,1] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
and "vector [-1,0,1] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
and "vector [0,1,1] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
and "vector [0,-1,1] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
and "vector [0,1,0] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
and "vector [1,0,0] ≠ (0 :: real^3)"
unfolding vector_def
by (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma east_west_distinct: "east ≠ west"
assume "east = west"
with compass_non_zero
and proj2_abs_abs_mult [of "vector [1,0,1]" "vector [-1,0,1]"]
obtain k where "(vector [1,0,1] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [-1,0,1]"
unfolding compass_defs
by auto
thus False
unfolding vector_def
by (auto simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma north_south_distinct: "north ≠ south"
assume "north = south"
with compass_non_zero
and proj2_abs_abs_mult [of "vector [0,1,1]" "vector [0,-1,1]"]
obtain k where "(vector [0,1,1] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [0,-1,1]"
unfolding compass_defs
by auto
thus False
unfolding vector_def
by (auto simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma north_not_east_or_west: "north ∉ {east, west}"
assume "north ∈ {east, west}"
hence "east = north ∨ west = north" by auto
with compass_non_zero
and proj2_abs_abs_mult [of _ "vector [0,1,1]"]
obtain k where "(vector [1,0,1] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [0,1,1]
∨ (vector [-1,0,1] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [0,1,1]"
unfolding compass_defs
by auto
thus False
unfolding vector_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma compass_in_S:
shows "east ∈ S" and "west ∈ S" and "north ∈ S" and "south ∈ S"
using compass_non_zero and S_abs
unfolding compass_defs
and M_def
and inner_vec_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
and vector_def
by (simp_all add: sum_3)
lemma east_west_tangents:
shows "polar east = proj2_line_abs (vector [-1,0,1])"
and "polar west = proj2_line_abs (vector [1,0,1])"
proof -
have "M *v vector [1,0,1] = (-1) *⇩R vector [-1,0,1]"
and "M *v vector [-1,0,1] = (-1) *⇩R vector [1,0,1]"
unfolding M_def and matrix_vector_mult_def and vector_def
by (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff sum_3)
with compass_non_zero and polar_abs
have "polar east = proj2_line_abs ((-1) *⇩R vector [-1,0,1])"
and "polar west = proj2_line_abs ((-1) *⇩R vector [1,0,1])"
unfolding compass_defs
by simp_all
with proj2_line_abs_mult [of "-1"]
show "polar east = proj2_line_abs (vector [-1,0,1])"
and "polar west = proj2_line_abs (vector [1,0,1])"
by simp_all
lemma east_west_tangents_distinct: "polar east ≠ polar west"
assume "polar east = polar west"
hence "east = west" by (rule polar_inj)
with east_west_distinct show False ..
lemma east_west_tangents_incident_far_north:
shows "proj2_incident far_north (polar east)"
and "proj2_incident far_north (polar west)"
using compass_non_zero and proj2_incident_abs
unfolding far_north_def and east_west_tangents and inner_vec_def
by (simp_all add: sum_3 vector_3)
lemma east_west_tangents_far_north:
"proj2_intersection (polar east) (polar west) = far_north"
using east_west_tangents_distinct and east_west_tangents_incident_far_north
by (rule proj2_intersection_unique [symmetric])
instantiation proj2 :: zero
definition proj2_zero_def: "0 = proj2_pt 0"
instance ..
definition "equator ≡ proj2_line_abs (vector [0,1,0])"
definition "meridian ≡ proj2_line_abs (vector [1,0,0])"
lemma equator_meridian_distinct: "equator ≠ meridian"
assume "equator = meridian"
with compass_non_zero
and proj2_line_abs_abs_mult [of "vector [0,1,0]" "vector [1,0,0]"]
obtain k where "(vector [0,1,0] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [1,0,0]"
by (unfold equator_def meridian_def) auto
thus False by (unfold vector_def) (auto simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma east_west_on_equator:
shows "proj2_incident east equator" and "proj2_incident west equator"
unfolding east_def and west_def and equator_def
using compass_non_zero
by (simp_all add: proj2_incident_abs inner_vec_def vector_def sum_3)
lemma north_far_north_distinct: "north ≠ far_north"
assume "north = far_north"
with compass_non_zero
and proj2_abs_abs_mult [of "vector [0,1,1]" "vector [0,1,0]"]
obtain k where "(vector [0,1,1] :: real^3) = k *⇩R vector [0,1,0]"
by (unfold north_def far_north_def) auto
thus False
unfolding vector_def
by (auto simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
lemma north_south_far_north_on_meridian:
shows "proj2_incident north meridian" and "proj2_incident south meridian"
and "proj2_incident far_north meridian"
unfolding compass_defs and far_north_def and meridian_def
using compass_non_zero
by (simp_all add: proj2_incident_abs inner_vec_def vector_def sum_3)
lemma K2_centre_on_equator_meridian:
shows "proj2_incident K2_centre equator"
and "proj2_incident K2_centre meridian"
unfolding K2_centre_def and equator_def and meridian_def
using K2_centre_non_zero and compass_non_zero
by (simp_all add: proj2_incident_abs inner_vec_def vector_def sum_3)
lemma on_equator_meridian_is_K2_centre:
assumes "proj2_incident a equator" and "proj2_incident a meridian"
shows "a = K2_centre"
using assms and K2_centre_on_equator_meridian and equator_meridian_distinct
and proj2_incident_unique
by auto
definition "rep_equator_reflect ≡ vector [
vector [1, 0,0],
vector [0,-1,0],
vector [0, 0,1]] :: real^3^3"
definition "rep_meridian_reflect ≡ vector [
vector [-1,0,0],
vector [ 0,1,0],
vector [ 0,0,1]] :: real^3^3"
definition "equator_reflect ≡ cltn2_abs rep_equator_reflect"
definition "meridian_reflect ≡ cltn2_abs rep_meridian_reflect"
lemmas compass_reflect_defs = equator_reflect_def meridian_reflect_def
rep_equator_reflect_def rep_meridian_reflect_def
lemma compass_reflect_self_inverse:
shows "rep_equator_reflect ** rep_equator_reflect = mat 1"
and "rep_meridian_reflect ** rep_meridian_reflect = mat 1"
unfolding compass_reflect_defs matrix_matrix_mult_def mat_def
by (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff forall_3 sum_3 vector_3)
lemma compass_reflect_invertible:
shows "invertible rep_equator_reflect" and "invertible rep_meridian_reflect"
unfolding invertible_def
using compass_reflect_self_inverse
by auto
lemma compass_reflect_compass:
shows "apply_cltn2 east meridian_reflect = west"
and "apply_cltn2 west meridian_reflect = east"
and "apply_cltn2 north meridian_reflect = north"
and "apply_cltn2 south meridian_reflect = south"
and "apply_cltn2 K2_centre meridian_reflect = K2_centre"
and "apply_cltn2 east equator_reflect = east"
and "apply_cltn2 west equator_reflect = west"
and "apply_cltn2 north equator_reflect = south"
and "apply_cltn2 south equator_reflect = north"
and "apply_cltn2 K2_centre equator_reflect = K2_centre"
proof -
have "(vector [1,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_meridian_reflect = vector [-1,0,1]"
and "(vector [-1,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_meridian_reflect = vector [1,0,1]"
and "(vector [0,1,1] :: real^3) v* rep_meridian_reflect = vector [0,1,1]"
and "(vector [0,-1,1] :: real^3) v* rep_meridian_reflect = vector [0,-1,1]"
and "(vector [0,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_meridian_reflect = vector [0,0,1]"
and "(vector [1,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_equator_reflect = vector [1,0,1]"
and "(vector [-1,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_equator_reflect = vector [-1,0,1]"
and "(vector [0,1,1] :: real^3) v* rep_equator_reflect = vector [0,-1,1]"
and "(vector [0,-1,1] :: real^3) v* rep_equator_reflect = vector [0,1,1]"
and "(vector [0,0,1] :: real^3) v* rep_equator_reflect = vector [0,0,1]"
unfolding rep_meridian_reflect_def and rep_equator_reflect_def
and vector_matrix_mult_def
by (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff forall_3 vector_3 sum_3)
with compass_reflect_invertible and compass_non_zero and K2_centre_non_zero
show "apply_cltn2 east meridian_reflect = west"
and "apply_cltn2 west meridian_reflect = east"
and "apply_cltn2 north meridian_reflect = north"
and "apply_cltn2 south meridian_reflect = south"
and "apply_cltn2 K2_centre meridian_reflect = K2_centre"
and "apply_cltn2 east equator_reflect = east"
and "apply_cltn2 west equator_reflect = west"
and "apply_cltn2 north equator_reflect = south"
and "apply_cltn2 south equator_reflect = north"
and "apply_cltn2 K2_centre equator_reflect = K2_centre"
unfolding compass_defs and K2_centre_def
and meridian_reflect_def and equator_reflect_def
by (simp_all add: apply_cltn2_abs)
lemma on_equator_rep:
assumes "z_non_zero a" and "proj2_incident a equator"
shows "∃ x. a = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])"
proof -
let ?ra = "proj2_rep a"
let ?ca1 = "cart2_append1 a"
let ?x = "?ca1$1"
from compass_non_zero and ‹proj2_incident a equator›
have "?ra ∙ vector [0,1,0] = 0"
by (unfold equator_def) (simp add: proj2_incident_right_abs)
hence "?ra$2 = 0" by (unfold inner_vec_def vector_def) (simp add: sum_3)
hence "?ca1$2 = 0" by (unfold cart2_append1_def) simp
from ‹z_non_zero a› have "?ca1$3 = 1" by (rule cart2_append1_z)
have "?ca1 = vector [?x,0,1]"
by (unfold vector_def) (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
with ‹z_non_zero a›
have "proj2_abs (vector [?x,0,1]) = a" by (simp add: proj2_abs_cart2_append1)
thus "∃ x. a = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])" by (simp add: exI [of _ ?x])
lemma on_meridian_rep:
assumes "z_non_zero a" and "proj2_incident a meridian"
shows "∃ y. a = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])"
proof -
let ?ra = "proj2_rep a"
let ?ca1 = "cart2_append1 a"
let ?y = "?ca1$2"
from compass_non_zero and ‹proj2_incident a meridian›
have "?ra ∙ vector [1,0,0] = 0"
by (unfold meridian_def) (simp add: proj2_incident_right_abs)
hence "?ra$1 = 0" by (unfold inner_vec_def vector_def) (simp add: sum_3)
hence "?ca1$1 = 0" by (unfold cart2_append1_def) simp
from ‹z_non_zero a› have "?ca1$3 = 1" by (rule cart2_append1_z)
have "?ca1 = vector [0,?y,1]"
by (unfold vector_def) (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
with ‹z_non_zero a›
have "proj2_abs (vector [0,?y,1]) = a" by (simp add: proj2_abs_cart2_append1)
thus "∃ y. a = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])" by (simp add: exI [of _ ?y])
subsection ‹Definition of the Klein--Beltrami model of the hyperbolic plane›
abbreviation "hyp2 == K2"
typedef hyp2 = K2
using K2_centre_in_K2
by auto
definition hyp2_rep :: "hyp2 ⇒ real^2" where
"hyp2_rep p ≡ cart2_pt (Rep_hyp2 p)"
definition hyp2_abs :: "real^2 ⇒ hyp2" where
"hyp2_abs v = Abs_hyp2 (proj2_pt v)"
lemma norm_lt_1_iff_in_hyp2:
shows "norm v < 1 ⟷ proj2_pt v ∈ hyp2"
proof -
let ?v' = "vector2_append1 v"
have "?v' ≠ 0" by (rule vector2_append1_non_zero)
from real_less_rsqrt [of "norm v" 1]
and abs_square_less_1 [of "norm v"]
have "norm v < 1 ⟷ (norm v)⇧2 < 1" by auto
hence "norm v < 1 ⟷ ?v' ∙ (M *v ?v') < 0" by (simp add: norm_M)
with ‹?v' ≠ 0› have "norm v < 1 ⟷ proj2_abs ?v' ∈ K2" by (subst K2_abs)
thus "norm v < 1 ⟷ proj2_pt v ∈ hyp2" by (unfold proj2_pt_def)
lemma norm_eq_1_iff_in_S:
shows "norm v = 1 ⟷ proj2_pt v ∈ S"
proof -
let ?v' = "vector2_append1 v"
have "?v' ≠ 0" by (rule vector2_append1_non_zero)
from real_sqrt_unique [of "norm v" 1]
have "norm v = 1 ⟷ (norm v)⇧2 = 1" by auto
hence "norm v = 1 ⟷ ?v' ∙ (M *v ?v') = 0" by (simp add: norm_M)
with ‹?v' ≠ 0› have "norm v = 1 ⟷ proj2_abs ?v' ∈ S" by (subst S_abs)
thus "norm v = 1 ⟷ proj2_pt v ∈ S" by (unfold proj2_pt_def)
lemma norm_le_1_iff_in_hyp2_S:
"norm v ≤ 1 ⟷ proj2_pt v ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
using norm_lt_1_iff_in_hyp2 [of v] and norm_eq_1_iff_in_S [of v]
by auto
lemma proj2_pt_hyp2_rep: "proj2_pt (hyp2_rep p) = Rep_hyp2 p"
proof -
let ?p' = "Rep_hyp2 p"
let ?v = "proj2_rep ?p'"
have "?v ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)
have "proj2_abs ?v = ?p'" by (rule proj2_abs_rep)
have "?p' ∈ hyp2" by (rule Rep_hyp2)
with ‹?v ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs ?v = ?p'›
have "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) < 0" by (simp add: K2_imp_M_neg)
hence "?v$3 ≠ 0" by (rule M_neg_imp_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_pt (cart2_pt ?p') = ?p'" by (rule proj2_cart2)
thus "proj2_pt (hyp2_rep p) = ?p'" by (unfold hyp2_rep_def)
lemma hyp2_rep_abs:
assumes "norm v < 1"
shows "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = v"
proof -
from ‹norm v < 1›
have "proj2_pt v ∈ hyp2" by (simp add: norm_lt_1_iff_in_hyp2)
hence "Rep_hyp2 (Abs_hyp2 (proj2_pt v)) = proj2_pt v"
by (simp add: Abs_hyp2_inverse)
hence "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = cart2_pt (proj2_pt v)"
by (unfold hyp2_rep_def hyp2_abs_def) simp
thus "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = v" by (simp add: cart2_proj2)
lemma hyp2_abs_rep: "hyp2_abs (hyp2_rep p) = p"
by (unfold hyp2_abs_def) (simp add: proj2_pt_hyp2_rep Rep_hyp2_inverse)
lemma norm_hyp2_rep_lt_1: "norm (hyp2_rep p) < 1"
proof -
have "proj2_pt (hyp2_rep p) = Rep_hyp2 p" by (rule proj2_pt_hyp2_rep)
hence "proj2_pt (hyp2_rep p) ∈ hyp2" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2)
thus "norm (hyp2_rep p) < 1" by (simp add: norm_lt_1_iff_in_hyp2)
lemma hyp2_S_z_non_zero:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "z_non_zero p"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "conic_sgn p ≤ 0" by (unfold K2_def S_def) auto
hence "conic_sgn p ≠ 1" by simp
thus "z_non_zero p" by (rule conic_sgn_not_1_z_non_zero)
lemma hyp2_S_not_equal:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "p ∈ S"
shows "a ≠ p"
using assms and S_K2_empty
by auto
lemma hyp2_S_cart2_inj:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "cart2_pt p = cart2_pt q"
shows "p = q"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_pt (cart2_pt p) = p" and "proj2_pt (cart2_pt q) = q"
by (simp_all add: proj2_cart2)
from ‹cart2_pt p = cart2_pt q›
have "proj2_pt (cart2_pt p) = proj2_pt (cart2_pt q)" by simp
with ‹proj2_pt (cart2_pt p) = p› [symmetric] and ‹proj2_pt (cart2_pt q) = q›
show "p = q" by simp
lemma on_equator_in_hyp2_rep:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a equator"
shows "∃ x. ¦x¦ < 1 ∧ a = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› have "z_non_zero a" by (simp add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹proj2_incident a equator› and on_equator_rep
obtain x where "a = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])" (is "a = proj2_abs ?v")
by auto
have "?v ≠ 0" by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3 vector_3)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹a = proj2_abs ?v›
have "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) < 0" by (simp add: K2_abs)
hence "x⇧2 < 1"
unfolding M_def matrix_vector_mult_def inner_vec_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vector_3 power2_eq_square)
with real_sqrt_abs [of x] and real_sqrt_less_iff [of "x⇧2" 1]
have "¦x¦ < 1" by simp
with ‹a = proj2_abs ?v›
show "∃ x. ¦x¦ < 1 ∧ a = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])"
by (simp add: exI [of _ x])
lemma on_meridian_in_hyp2_rep:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a meridian"
shows "∃ y. ¦y¦ < 1 ∧ a = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› have "z_non_zero a" by (simp add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹proj2_incident a meridian› and on_meridian_rep
obtain y where "a = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])" (is "a = proj2_abs ?v")
by auto
have "?v ≠ 0" by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3 vector_3)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹a = proj2_abs ?v›
have "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) < 0" by (simp add: K2_abs)
hence "y⇧2 < 1"
unfolding M_def matrix_vector_mult_def inner_vec_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vector_3 power2_eq_square)
with real_sqrt_abs [of y] and real_sqrt_less_iff [of "y⇧2" 1]
have "¦y¦ < 1" by simp
with ‹a = proj2_abs ?v›
show "∃ y. ¦y¦ < 1 ∧ a = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])"
by (simp add: exI [of _ y])
definition hyp2_cltn2 :: "hyp2 ⇒ cltn2 ⇒ hyp2" where
"hyp2_cltn2 p A ≡ Abs_hyp2 (apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) A)"
definition is_K2_isometry :: "cltn2 ⇒ bool" where
"is_K2_isometry J ≡ (∀ p. apply_cltn2 p J ∈ S ⟷ p ∈ S)"
lemma cltn2_id_is_K2_isometry: "is_K2_isometry cltn2_id"
unfolding is_K2_isometry_def
by simp
lemma J_M_J_transpose_K2_isometry:
assumes "k ≠ 0"
and "repJ ** M ** transpose repJ = k *⇩R M" (is "?N = _")
shows "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_abs repJ)" (is "is_K2_isometry ?J")
proof -
from ‹?N = k *⇩R M›
have "?N ** ((1/k) *⇩R M) = mat 1"
by (simp add: matrix_scalar_ac ‹k ≠ 0› M_self_inverse)
with right_invertible_iff_invertible [of repJ]
have "invertible repJ"
by (simp add: matrix_mul_assoc
exI [of _ "M ** transpose repJ ** ((1/k) *⇩R M)"])
have "∀ t. apply_cltn2 t ?J ∈ S ⟷ t ∈ S"
fix t :: proj2
have "proj2_rep t ∙ ((k *⇩R M) *v proj2_rep t)
= k * (proj2_rep t ∙ (M *v proj2_rep t))"
by (simp add: scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc [symmetric] dot_scaleR_mult)
with ‹?N = k *⇩R M›
have "proj2_rep t ∙ (?N *v proj2_rep t)
= k * (proj2_rep t ∙ (M *v proj2_rep t))"
by simp
hence "proj2_rep t ∙ (?N *v proj2_rep t) = 0
⟷ k * (proj2_rep t ∙ (M *v proj2_rep t)) = 0"
by simp
with ‹k ≠ 0›
have "proj2_rep t ∙ (?N *v proj2_rep t) = 0
⟷ proj2_rep t ∙ (M *v proj2_rep t) = 0"
by simp
with ‹invertible repJ›
have "apply_cltn2 t ?J ∈ S ⟷ proj2_rep t ∙ (M *v proj2_rep t) = 0"
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_right_abs_in_S)
thus "apply_cltn2 t ?J ∈ S ⟷ t ∈ S" by (unfold S_alt_def)
thus "is_K2_isometry ?J" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def)
lemma equator_reflect_K2_isometry:
shows "is_K2_isometry equator_reflect"
unfolding compass_reflect_defs
by (rule J_M_J_transpose_K2_isometry [of 1])
(simp_all add: M_def matrix_matrix_mult_def transpose_def
vec_eq_iff forall_3 sum_3 vector_3)
lemma meridian_reflect_K2_isometry:
shows "is_K2_isometry meridian_reflect"
unfolding compass_reflect_defs
by (rule J_M_J_transpose_K2_isometry [of 1])
(simp_all add: M_def matrix_matrix_mult_def transpose_def
vec_eq_iff forall_3 sum_3 vector_3)
lemma cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry:
assumes "is_K2_isometry H" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_compose H J)"
using ‹is_K2_isometry H› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
unfolding is_K2_isometry_def
by (simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
lemma cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_inverse J)"
proof -
{ fix p
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 p (cltn2_inverse J) ∈ S
⟷ apply_cltn2 (apply_cltn2 p (cltn2_inverse J)) J ∈ S"
unfolding is_K2_isometry_def
by simp
hence "apply_cltn2 p (cltn2_inverse J) ∈ S ⟷ p ∈ S"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_inv_act [simplified]) }
thus "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_inverse J)"
unfolding is_K2_isometry_def ..
interpretation K2_isometry_subgroup: subgroup
"Collect is_K2_isometry"
"(|carrier = UNIV, mult = cltn2_compose, one = cltn2_id|)"
unfolding subgroup_def
by (simp add:
interpretation K2_isometry: group
"(|carrier = Collect is_K2_isometry, mult = cltn2_compose, one = cltn2_id|)"
using cltn2.is_group and K2_isometry_subgroup.subgroup_is_group
by simp
lemma K2_isometry_inverse_inv [simp]:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "inv⇘(|carrier = Collect is_K2_isometry, mult = cltn2_compose, one = cltn2_id|)⇙ J
= cltn2_inverse J"
using cltn2_left_inverse
and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry
and K2_isometry.inv_equality
by simp
definition real_hyp2_C :: "[hyp2, hyp2, hyp2, hyp2] ⇒ bool"
(‹_ _ \<congruent>⇩K _ _› [99,99,99,99] 50) where
"p q \<congruent>⇩K r s ≡
(∃ A. is_K2_isometry A ∧ hyp2_cltn2 p A = r ∧ hyp2_cltn2 q A = s)"
definition real_hyp2_B :: "[hyp2, hyp2, hyp2] ⇒ bool"
(‹B⇩K _ _ _› [99,99,99] 50) where
"B⇩K p q r ≡ B⇩ℝ (hyp2_rep p) (hyp2_rep q) (hyp2_rep r)"
subsection ‹$K$-isometries map the interior of the conic to itself›
lemma collinear_quadratic:
assumes "t = i *⇩R a + r"
shows "t ∙ (M *v t) =
(a ∙ (M *v a)) * i⇧2 + 2 * (a ∙ (M *v r)) * i + r ∙ (M *v r)"
proof -
from M_reverse have "i * (a ∙ (M *v r)) = i * (r ∙ (M *v a))" by simp
with ‹t = i *⇩R a + r›
show "t ∙ (M *v t) =
(a ∙ (M *v a)) * i⇧2 + 2 * (a ∙ (M *v r)) * i + r ∙ (M *v r)"
by (simp add:
scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc [symmetric]
lemma S_quadratic':
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q"
shows "proj2_abs (k *⇩R p + q) ∈ S
⟷ p ∙ (M *v p) * k⇧2 + p ∙ (M *v q) * 2 * k + q ∙ (M *v q) = 0"
proof -
let ?r = "k *⇩R p + q"
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q›
and dependent_proj2_abs [of p q k 1]
have "?r ≠ 0" by auto
hence "proj2_abs ?r ∈ S ⟷ ?r ∙ (M *v ?r) = 0" by (rule S_abs)
with collinear_quadratic [of ?r k p q]
show "proj2_abs ?r ∈ S
⟷ p ∙ (M *v p) * k⇧2 + p ∙ (M *v q) * 2 * k + q ∙ (M *v q) = 0"
by (simp add: dot_lmul_matrix [symmetric] algebra_simps)
lemma S_quadratic:
assumes "p ≠ q" and "r = proj2_abs (k *⇩R proj2_rep p + proj2_rep q)"
shows "r ∈ S
⟷ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) * k⇧2
+ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep q) * 2 * k
+ proj2_rep q ∙ (M *v proj2_rep q)
= 0"
proof -
let ?u = "proj2_rep p"
let ?v = "proj2_rep q"
let ?w = "k *⇩R ?u + ?v"
have "?u ≠ 0" and "?v ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)+
from ‹p ≠ q› have "proj2_abs ?u ≠ proj2_abs ?v" by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
with ‹?u ≠ 0› and ‹?v ≠ 0› and ‹r = proj2_abs ?w›
show "r ∈ S
⟷ ?u ∙ (M *v ?u) * k⇧2 + ?u ∙ (M *v ?v) * 2 * k + ?v ∙ (M *v ?v) = 0"
by (simp add: S_quadratic')
definition quarter_discrim :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ real" where
"quarter_discrim p q ≡ (p ∙ (M *v q))⇧2 - p ∙ (M *v p) * (q ∙ (M *v q))"
lemma quarter_discrim_invariant:
assumes "t = i *⇩R a + r"
shows "quarter_discrim a t = quarter_discrim a r"
proof -
from ‹t = i *⇩R a + r›
have "a ∙ (M *v t) = i * (a ∙ (M *v a)) + a ∙ (M *v r)"
by (simp add:
scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc [symmetric])
hence "(a ∙ (M *v t))⇧2 =
(a ∙ (M *v a))⇧2 * i⇧2 +
2 * (a ∙ (M *v a)) * (a ∙ (M *v r)) * i +
(a ∙ (M *v r))⇧2"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
moreover from collinear_quadratic and ‹t = i *⇩R a + r›
have "a ∙ (M *v a) * (t ∙ (M *v t)) =
(a ∙ (M *v a))⇧2 * i⇧2 +
2 * (a ∙ (M *v a)) * (a ∙ (M *v r)) * i +
a ∙ (M *v a) * (r ∙ (M *v r))"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
ultimately show "quarter_discrim a t = quarter_discrim a r"
by (unfold quarter_discrim_def, simp)
lemma quarter_discrim_positive:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q" (is "?pp ≠ ?pq")
and "proj2_abs p ∈ K2"
shows "quarter_discrim p q > 0"
proof -
let ?i = "-q$3/p$3"
let ?t = "?i *⇩R p + q"
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ∈ K2›
have "p ∙ (M *v p) < 0" by (subst K2_abs [symmetric])
hence "p$3 ≠ 0" by (rule M_neg_imp_z_non_zero)
hence "?t$3 = 0" by simp
hence "?t ∙ (M *v ?t) = (?t$1)⇧2 + (?t$2)⇧2"
unfolding matrix_vector_mult_def and M_def and vector_def
by (simp add: inner_vec_def sum_3 power2_eq_square)
from ‹p$3 ≠ 0› have "p ≠ 0" by auto
with ‹q ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and dependent_proj2_abs [of p q ?i 1]
have "?t ≠ 0" by auto
with ‹?t$3 = 0› have "?t$1 ≠ 0 ∨ ?t$2 ≠ 0" by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
hence "(?t$1)⇧2 > 0 ∨ (?t$2)⇧2 > 0" by simp
moreover have "(?t$2)⇧2 ≥ 0" and "(?t$1)⇧2 ≥ 0" by simp_all
ultimately have "(?t$1)⇧2 + (?t$2)⇧2 > 0" by arith
with ‹?t ∙ (M *v ?t) = (?t$1)⇧2 + (?t$2)⇧2› have "?t ∙ (M *v ?t) > 0" by simp
with mult_neg_pos [of "p ∙ (M *v p)"] and ‹p ∙ (M *v p) < 0›
have "p ∙ (M *v p) * (?t ∙ (M *v ?t)) < 0" by simp
moreover have "(p ∙ (M *v ?t))⇧2 ≥ 0" by simp
have "(p ∙ (M *v ?t))⇧2 - p ∙ (M *v p) * (?t ∙ (M *v ?t)) > 0" by arith
with quarter_discrim_invariant [of ?t ?i p q]
show "quarter_discrim p q > 0" by (unfold quarter_discrim_def, simp)
lemma quarter_discrim_self_zero:
assumes "proj2_abs a = proj2_abs b"
shows "quarter_discrim a b = 0"
proof cases
assume "b = 0"
thus "quarter_discrim a b = 0" by (unfold quarter_discrim_def, simp)
assume "b ≠ 0"
with ‹proj2_abs a = proj2_abs b› and proj2_abs_abs_mult
obtain k where "a = k *⇩R b" by auto
thus "quarter_discrim a b = 0"
unfolding quarter_discrim_def
by (simp add: power2_eq_square
scaleR_matrix_vector_assoc [symmetric])
definition S_intersection_coeff1 :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ real" where
"S_intersection_coeff1 p q
≡ (-p ∙ (M *v q) + sqrt (quarter_discrim p q)) / (p ∙ (M *v p))"
definition S_intersection_coeff2 :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ real" where
"S_intersection_coeff2 p q
≡ (-p ∙ (M *v q) - sqrt (quarter_discrim p q)) / (p ∙ (M *v p))"
definition S_intersection1_rep :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ real^3" where
"S_intersection1_rep p q ≡ (S_intersection_coeff1 p q) *⇩R p + q"
definition S_intersection2_rep :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ real^3" where
"S_intersection2_rep p q ≡ (S_intersection_coeff2 p q) *⇩R p + q"
definition S_intersection1 :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ proj2" where
"S_intersection1 p q ≡ proj2_abs (S_intersection1_rep p q)"
definition S_intersection2 :: "real^3 ⇒ real^3 ⇒ proj2" where
"S_intersection2 p q ≡ proj2_abs (S_intersection2_rep p q)"
lemmas S_intersection_coeffs_defs =
S_intersection_coeff1_def S_intersection_coeff2_def
lemmas S_intersections_defs =
S_intersection1_def S_intersection2_def
S_intersection1_rep_def S_intersection2_rep_def
lemma S_intersection_coeffs_distinct:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q" (is "?pp ≠ ?pq")
and "proj2_abs p ∈ K2"
shows "S_intersection_coeff1 p q ≠ S_intersection_coeff2 p q"
proof -
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ∈ K2›
have "p ∙ (M *v p) < 0" by (subst K2_abs [symmetric])
from assms have "quarter_discrim p q > 0" by (rule quarter_discrim_positive)
with ‹p ∙ (M *v p) < 0›
show "S_intersection_coeff1 p q ≠ S_intersection_coeff2 p q"
by (unfold S_intersection_coeffs_defs, simp)
lemma S_intersections_distinct:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q" (is "?pp ≠ ?pq")
and "proj2_abs p ∈ K2"
shows "S_intersection1 p q ≠ S_intersection2 p q"
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and ‹?pp ∈ K2›
have "S_intersection_coeff1 p q ≠ S_intersection_coeff2 p q"
by (rule S_intersection_coeffs_distinct)
with ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and proj2_Col_coeff_unique'
show "S_intersection1 p q ≠ S_intersection2 p q"
by (unfold S_intersections_defs, auto)
lemma S_intersections_in_S:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q" (is "?pp ≠ ?pq")
and "proj2_abs p ∈ K2"
shows "S_intersection1 p q ∈ S" and "S_intersection2 p q ∈ S"
proof -
let ?j = "S_intersection_coeff1 p q"
let ?k = "S_intersection_coeff2 p q"
let ?a = "p ∙ (M *v p)"
let ?b = "2 * (p ∙ (M *v q))"
let ?c = "q ∙ (M *v q)"
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ∈ K2› have "?a < 0" by (subst K2_abs [symmetric])
have qd: "discrim ?a ?b ?c = 4 * quarter_discrim p q"
unfolding discrim_def quarter_discrim_def
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
with times_divide_times_eq [of
2 2 "sqrt (quarter_discrim p q) - p ∙ (M *v q)" ?a]
and times_divide_times_eq [of
2 2 "-p ∙ (M *v q) - sqrt (quarter_discrim p q)" ?a]
and real_sqrt_mult and real_sqrt_abs [of 2]
have "?j = (-?b + sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)"
and "?k = (-?b - sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)"
by (unfold S_intersection_coeffs_defs, simp_all add: algebra_simps)
from assms have "quarter_discrim p q > 0" by (rule quarter_discrim_positive)
with qd
have "discrim (p ∙ (M *v p)) (2 * (p ∙ (M *v q))) (q ∙ (M *v q)) > 0"
by simp
with ‹?j = (-?b + sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)›
and ‹?k = (-?b - sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)›
and ‹?a < 0› and discriminant_nonneg [of ?a ?b ?c ?j]
and discriminant_nonneg [of ?a ?b ?c ?k]
have "p ∙ (M *v p) * ?j⇧2 + 2 * (p ∙ (M *v q)) * ?j + q ∙ (M *v q) = 0"
and "p ∙ (M *v p) * ?k⇧2 + 2 * (p ∙ (M *v q)) * ?k + q ∙ (M *v q) = 0"
by (unfold S_intersection_coeffs_defs, auto)
with ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0› and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and S_quadratic'
show "S_intersection1 p q ∈ S" and "S_intersection2 p q ∈ S"
by (unfold S_intersections_defs, simp_all)
lemma S_intersections_Col:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0"
shows "proj2_Col (proj2_abs p) (proj2_abs q) (S_intersection1 p q)"
(is "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?pr")
and "proj2_Col (proj2_abs p) (proj2_abs q) (S_intersection2 p q)"
(is "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?ps")
proof -
{ assume "?pp = ?pq"
hence "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?pr" and "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?ps"
by (simp_all add: proj2_Col_coincide) }
{ assume "?pp ≠ ?pq"
with ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0› and dependent_proj2_abs [of p q _ 1]
have "S_intersection1_rep p q ≠ 0" (is "?r ≠ 0")
and "S_intersection2_rep p q ≠ 0" (is "?s ≠ 0")
by (unfold S_intersection1_rep_def S_intersection2_rep_def, auto)
with ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0›
and proj2_Col_abs [of p q ?r "S_intersection_coeff1 p q" 1 "-1"]
and proj2_Col_abs [of p q ?s "S_intersection_coeff2 p q" 1 "-1"]
have "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?pr" and "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?ps"
by (unfold S_intersections_defs, simp_all) }
ultimately show "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?pr" and "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?ps" by fast+
lemma S_intersections_incident:
assumes "p ≠ 0" and "q ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs p ≠ proj2_abs q" (is "?pp ≠ ?pq")
and "proj2_incident (proj2_abs p) l" and "proj2_incident (proj2_abs q) l"
shows "proj2_incident (S_intersection1 p q) l" (is "proj2_incident ?pr l")
and "proj2_incident (S_intersection2 p q) l" (is "proj2_incident ?ps l")
proof -
from ‹p ≠ 0› and ‹q ≠ 0›
have "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?pr" and "proj2_Col ?pp ?pq ?ps"
by (rule S_intersections_Col)+
with ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and ‹proj2_incident ?pp l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pq l›
and proj2_incident_iff_Col
show "proj2_incident ?pr l" and "proj2_incident ?ps l" by fast+
lemma K2_line_intersect_twice:
assumes "a ∈ K2" and "a ≠ r"
shows "∃ s u. s ≠ u ∧ s ∈ S ∧ u ∈ S ∧ proj2_Col a r s ∧ proj2_Col a r u"
proof -
let ?a' = "proj2_rep a"
let ?r' = "proj2_rep r"
from proj2_rep_non_zero have "?a' ≠ 0" and "?r' ≠ 0" by simp_all
from ‹?a' ≠ 0› and K2_imp_M_neg and proj2_abs_rep and ‹a ∈ K2›
have "?a' ∙ (M *v ?a') < 0" by simp
from ‹a ≠ r› have "proj2_abs ?a' ≠ proj2_abs ?r'" by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
from ‹a ∈ K2› have "proj2_abs ?a' ∈ K2" by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
with ‹?a' ≠ 0› and ‹?r' ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs ?a' ≠ proj2_abs ?r'›
have "S_intersection1 ?a' ?r' ≠ S_intersection2 ?a' ?r'" (is "?s ≠ ?u")
by (rule S_intersections_distinct)
from ‹?a' ≠ 0› and ‹?r' ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs ?a' ≠ proj2_abs ?r'›
and ‹proj2_abs ?a' ∈ K2›
have "?s ∈ S" and "?u ∈ S" by (rule S_intersections_in_S)+
from ‹?a' ≠ 0› and ‹?r' ≠ 0›
have "proj2_Col (proj2_abs ?a') (proj2_abs ?r') ?s"
and "proj2_Col (proj2_abs ?a') (proj2_abs ?r') ?u"
by (rule S_intersections_Col)+
hence "proj2_Col a r ?s" and "proj2_Col a r ?u"
by (simp_all add: proj2_abs_rep)
with ‹?s ≠ ?u› and ‹?s ∈ S› and ‹?u ∈ S›
show "∃ s u. s ≠ u ∧ s ∈ S ∧ u ∈ S ∧ proj2_Col a r s ∧ proj2_Col a r u"
by auto
lemma point_in_S_polar_is_tangent:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "proj2_incident q (polar p)"
shows "q = p"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ S› have "proj2_incident p (polar p)"
by (subst incident_own_polar_in_S)
from line_incident_point_not_in_S
obtain r where "r ∉ S" and "proj2_incident r (polar p)" by auto
let ?u = "proj2_rep r"
let ?v = "proj2_rep p"
from ‹r ∉ S› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› have "r ≠ p" and "q ≠ r" by auto
with ‹proj2_incident p (polar p)›
and ‹proj2_incident q (polar p)›
and ‹proj2_incident r (polar p)›
and proj2_incident_iff [of r p "polar p" q]
obtain k where "q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R ?u + ?v)" by auto
with ‹r ≠ p› and ‹q ∈ S› and S_quadratic
have "?u ∙ (M *v ?u) * k⇧2 + ?u ∙ (M *v ?v) * 2 * k + ?v ∙ (M *v ?v) = 0"
by simp
moreover from ‹p ∈ S› have "?v ∙ (M *v ?v) = 0" by (unfold S_alt_def)
moreover from ‹proj2_incident r (polar p)›
have "?u ∙ (M *v ?v) = 0" by (unfold incident_polar)
moreover from ‹r ∉ S› have "?u ∙ (M *v ?u) ≠ 0" by (unfold S_alt_def)
ultimately have "k = 0" by simp
with ‹q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R ?u + ?v)›
show "q = p" by (simp add: proj2_abs_rep)
lemma line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice:
assumes "p ∈ K2" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "∃ q r. q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l"
proof -
from proj2_another_point_on_line
obtain s where "s ≠ p" and "proj2_incident s l" by auto
from ‹p ∈ K2› and ‹s ≠ p› and K2_line_intersect_twice [of p s]
obtain q and r where "q ≠ r" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "proj2_Col p s q" and "proj2_Col p s r"
by auto
with ‹s ≠ p› and ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident s l›
and proj2_incident_iff_Col [of p s]
have "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident r l" by fast+
with ‹q ≠ r› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S›
show "∃ q r. q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l"
by auto
lemma line_through_K2_intersect_S_again:
assumes "p ∈ K2" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "∃ r. r ≠ q ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice [of p l]
obtain s and t where "s ≠ t" and "s ∈ S" and "t ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident s l" and "proj2_incident t l"
by auto
show "∃ r. r ≠ q ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l"
proof cases
assume "t = q"
with ‹s ≠ t› and ‹s ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident s l›
have "s ≠ q ∧ s ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident s l" by simp
thus "∃ r. r ≠ q ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l" ..
assume "t ≠ q"
with ‹t ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident t l›
have "t ≠ q ∧ t ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident t l" by simp
thus "∃ r. r ≠ q ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l" ..
lemma line_through_K2_intersect_S:
assumes "p ∈ K2" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "∃ r. r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l"
proof -
from assms
have "∃ r. r ≠ p ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l"
by (rule line_through_K2_intersect_S_again)
thus "∃ r. r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident r l" by auto
lemma line_intersect_S_at_most_twice:
"∃ p q. ∀ r∈S. proj2_incident r l ⟶ r = p ∨ r = q"
proof -
from line_incident_point_not_in_S
obtain s where "s ∉ S" and "proj2_incident s l" by auto
let ?v = "proj2_rep s"
from proj2_another_point_on_line
obtain t where "t ≠ s" and "proj2_incident t l" by auto
let ?w = "proj2_rep t"
have "?v ≠ 0" and "?w ≠ 0" by (rule proj2_rep_non_zero)+
let ?a = "?v ∙ (M *v ?v)"
let ?b = "2 * (?v ∙ (M *v ?w))"
let ?c = "?w ∙ (M *v ?w)"
from ‹s ∉ S› have "?a ≠ 0"
unfolding S_def and conic_sgn_def
by auto
let ?j = "(-?b + sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)"
let ?k = "(-?b - sqrt (discrim ?a ?b ?c)) / (2 * ?a)"
let ?p = "proj2_abs (?j *⇩R ?v + ?w)"
let ?q = "proj2_abs (?k *⇩R ?v + ?w)"
have "∀ r∈S. proj2_incident r l ⟶ r = ?p ∨ r = ?q"
fix r
assume "r ∈ S"
with ‹s ∉ S› have "r ≠ s" by auto
{ assume "proj2_incident r l"
with ‹t ≠ s› and ‹r ≠ s› and ‹proj2_incident s l› and ‹proj2_incident t l›
and proj2_incident_iff [of s t l r]
obtain i where "r = proj2_abs (i *⇩R ?v + ?w)" by auto
with ‹r ∈ S› and ‹t ≠ s› and S_quadratic
have "?a * i⇧2 + ?b * i + ?c = 0" by simp
with ‹?a ≠ 0› and discriminant_iff have "i = ?j ∨ i = ?k" by simp
with ‹r = proj2_abs (i *⇩R ?v + ?w)› have "r = ?p ∨ r = ?q" by auto }
thus "proj2_incident r l ⟶ r = ?p ∨ r = ?q" ..
thus "∃ p q. ∀ r∈S. proj2_incident r l ⟶ r = p ∨ r = q" by auto
lemma card_line_intersect_S:
assumes "T ⊆ S" and "proj2_set_Col T"
shows "card T ≤ 2"
proof -
from ‹proj2_set_Col T›
obtain l where "∀ p∈T. proj2_incident p l" unfolding proj2_set_Col_def ..
from line_intersect_S_at_most_twice [of l]
obtain b and c where "∀ a∈S. proj2_incident a l ⟶ a = b ∨ a = c" by auto
with ‹∀ p∈T. proj2_incident p l› and ‹T ⊆ S›
have "T ⊆ {b,c}" by auto
hence "card T ≤ card {b,c}" by (simp add: card_mono)
also from card_suc_ge_insert [of b "{c}"] have "… ≤ 2" by simp
finally show "card T ≤ 2" .
lemma line_S_two_intersections_only:
assumes "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident r l"
shows "r = p ∨ r = q"
proof -
from ‹p ≠ q› have "card {p,q} = 2" by simp
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› have "{r,p,q} ⊆ S" by simp_all
from ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident r l›
have "proj2_set_Col {r,p,q}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ l])
with ‹{r,p,q} ⊆ S› have "card {r,p,q} ≤ 2" by (rule card_line_intersect_S)
show "r = p ∨ r = q"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (r = p ∨ r = q)"
hence "r ∉ {p,q}" by simp
with ‹card {p,q} = 2› and card_insert_disjoint [of "{p,q}" r]
have "card {r,p,q} = 3" by simp
with ‹card {r,p,q} ≤ 2› show False by simp
lemma line_through_K2_intersect_S_exactly_twice:
assumes "p ∈ K2" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "∃ q r. q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l
∧ (∀ s∈S. proj2_incident s l ⟶ s = q ∨ s = r)"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice [of p l]
obtain q and r where "q ≠ r" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident r l"
by auto
with line_S_two_intersections_only
show "∃ q r. q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l
∧ (∀ s∈S. proj2_incident s l ⟶ s = q ∨ s = r)"
by blast
lemma tangent_not_through_K2:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ K2"
shows "¬ proj2_incident q (polar p)"
assume "proj2_incident q (polar p)"
with ‹q ∈ K2› and line_through_K2_intersect_S_again [of q "polar p" p]
obtain r where "r ≠ p" and "r ∈ S" and "proj2_incident r (polar p)" by auto
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident r (polar p)›
have "r = p" by (rule point_in_S_polar_is_tangent)
with ‹r ≠ p› show False ..
lemma outside_exists_line_not_intersect_S:
assumes "conic_sgn p = 1"
shows "∃ l. proj2_incident p l ∧ (∀ q. proj2_incident q l ⟶ q ∉ S)"
proof -
let ?r = "proj2_intersection (polar p) z_zero"
have "proj2_incident ?r (polar p)" and "proj2_incident ?r z_zero"
by (rule proj2_intersection_incident)+
from ‹proj2_incident ?r z_zero›
have "conic_sgn ?r = 1" by (rule z_zero_conic_sgn_1)
with ‹conic_sgn p = 1›
have "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) > 0"
and "proj2_rep ?r ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r) > 0"
by (unfold conic_sgn_def) (simp_all add: sgn_1_pos)
from ‹proj2_incident ?r (polar p)›
have "proj2_incident p (polar ?r)" by (rule incident_polar_swap)
hence "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r) = 0" by (simp add: incident_polar)
have "p ≠ ?r"
assume "p = ?r"
with ‹proj2_incident ?r (polar p)› have "proj2_incident p (polar p)" by simp
hence "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) = 0" by (simp add: incident_polar)
with ‹proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) > 0› show False by simp
let ?l = "proj2_line_through p ?r"
have "proj2_incident p ?l" and "proj2_incident ?r ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
have "∀ q. proj2_incident q ?l ⟶ q ∉ S"
fix q
show "proj2_incident q ?l ⟶ q ∉ S"
assume "proj2_incident q ?l"
with ‹p ≠ ?r› and ‹proj2_incident p ?l› and ‹proj2_incident ?r ?l›
have "q = p ∨ (∃ k. q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R proj2_rep p + proj2_rep ?r))"
by (simp add: proj2_incident_iff [of p ?r ?l q])
show "q ∉ S"
proof cases
assume "q = p"
with ‹conic_sgn p = 1› show "q ∉ S" by (unfold S_def) simp
assume "q ≠ p"
with ‹q = p ∨ (∃ k. q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R proj2_rep p + proj2_rep ?r))›
obtain k where "q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R proj2_rep p + proj2_rep ?r)"
by auto
from ‹proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) > 0›
have "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) * k⇧2 ≥ 0"
by simp
with ‹proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r) = 0›
and ‹proj2_rep ?r ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r) > 0›
have "proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep p) * k⇧2
+ proj2_rep p ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r) * 2 * k
+ proj2_rep ?r ∙ (M *v proj2_rep ?r)
> 0"
by simp
with ‹p ≠ ?r› and ‹q = proj2_abs (k *⇩R proj2_rep p + proj2_rep ?r)›
show "q ∉ S" by (simp add: S_quadratic)
with ‹proj2_incident p ?l›
show "∃ l. proj2_incident p l ∧ (∀ q. proj2_incident q l ⟶ q ∉ S)"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?l])
lemma lines_through_intersect_S_twice_in_K2:
assumes "∀ l. proj2_incident p l
⟶ (∃ q r. q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l)"
shows "p ∈ K2"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "p ∉ K2"
hence "conic_sgn p ≥ 0" by (unfold K2_def) simp
have "¬ (∀ l. proj2_incident p l ⟶ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l))"
proof cases
assume "conic_sgn p = 0"
hence "p ∈ S" unfolding S_def ..
hence "proj2_incident p (polar p)" by (simp add: incident_own_polar_in_S)
let ?l = "polar p"
have "¬ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q ?l ∧ proj2_incident r ?l)"
assume "∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q ?l ∧ proj2_incident r ?l"
then obtain q and r where "q ≠ r" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident q ?l" and "proj2_incident r ?l"
by auto
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident q ?l›
and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident r ?l›
have "q = p" and "r = p" by (simp add: point_in_S_polar_is_tangent)+
with ‹q ≠ r› show False by simp
with ‹proj2_incident p ?l›
show "¬ (∀ l. proj2_incident p l ⟶ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l))"
by auto
assume "conic_sgn p ≠ 0"
with ‹conic_sgn p ≥ 0› have "conic_sgn p > 0" by simp
hence "sgn (conic_sgn p) = 1" by simp
hence "conic_sgn p = 1" by (simp add: sgn_conic_sgn)
with outside_exists_line_not_intersect_S
obtain l where "proj2_incident p l" and "∀ q. proj2_incident q l ⟶ q ∉ S"
by auto
have "¬ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l)"
assume "∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l"
then obtain q where "q ∈ S" and "proj2_incident q l" by auto
from ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹∀ q. proj2_incident q l ⟶ q ∉ S›
have "q ∉ S" by simp
with ‹q ∈ S› show False by simp
with ‹proj2_incident p l›
show "¬ (∀ l. proj2_incident p l ⟶ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l))"
by auto
with ‹∀ l. proj2_incident p l ⟶ (∃ q r.
q ≠ r ∧ q ∈ S ∧ r ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q l ∧ proj2_incident r l)›
show False by simp
lemma line_through_hyp2_pole_not_in_hyp2:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
shows "pole l ∉ hyp2"
proof -
from assms and line_through_K2_intersect_S
obtain p where "p ∈ S" and "proj2_incident p l" by auto
from ‹proj2_incident p l›
have "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar p)" by (rule incident_pole_polar)
with ‹p ∈ S›
show "pole l ∉ hyp2"
by (auto simp add: tangent_not_through_K2)
lemma statement60_one_way:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J" and "p ∈ K2"
shows "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ K2" (is "?p' ∈ K2")
proof -
let ?J' = "cltn2_inverse J"
have "∀ l'. proj2_incident ?p' l' ⟶ (∃ q' r'.
q' ≠ r' ∧ q' ∈ S ∧ r' ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q' l' ∧ proj2_incident r' l')"
fix l'
let ?l = "apply_cltn2_line l' ?J'"
show "proj2_incident ?p' l' ⟶ (∃ q' r'.
q' ≠ r' ∧ q' ∈ S ∧ r' ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q' l' ∧ proj2_incident r' l')"
assume "proj2_incident ?p' l'"
hence "proj2_incident p ?l"
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_incident [of p l' ?J']
cltn2.inv_inv [simplified])
with ‹p ∈ K2› and line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice [of p ?l]
obtain q and r where "q ≠ r" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident q ?l" and "proj2_incident r ?l"
by auto
let ?q' = "apply_cltn2 q J"
let ?r' = "apply_cltn2 r J"
from ‹q ≠ r› and apply_cltn2_injective [of q J r] have "?q' ≠ ?r'" by auto
from ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?q' ∈ S" and "?r' ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp_all
from ‹proj2_incident q ?l› and ‹proj2_incident r ?l›
have "proj2_incident ?q' l'" and "proj2_incident ?r' l'"
by (simp_all add: apply_cltn2_incident [of _ l' ?J']
cltn2.inv_inv [simplified])
with ‹?q' ≠ ?r'› and ‹?q' ∈ S› and ‹?r' ∈ S›
show "∃ q' r'.
q' ≠ r' ∧ q' ∈ S ∧ r' ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident q' l' ∧ proj2_incident r' l'"
by auto
thus "?p' ∈ K2" by (rule lines_through_intersect_S_twice_in_K2)
lemma is_K2_isometry_hyp2_S:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
proof cases
assume "p ∈ hyp2"
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ hyp2" by (rule statement60_one_way)
thus "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" ..
assume "p ∉ hyp2"
with ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "p ∈ S" by simp
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp
thus "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" ..
lemma is_K2_isometry_z_non_zero:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 p J ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" by (rule is_K2_isometry_hyp2_S)
thus "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)" by (rule hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
lemma cart2_append1_apply_cltn2:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "∃ k. k ≠ 0
∧ cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
proof -
have "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= (1 / (proj2_rep p)$3) *⇩R (proj2_rep p v* cltn2_rep J)"
by (unfold cart2_append1_def) (simp add: scaleR_vector_matrix_assoc)
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "(proj2_rep p)$3 ≠ 0" by (rule hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
from apply_cltn2_imp_mult [of p J]
obtain j where "j ≠ 0"
and "proj2_rep p v* cltn2_rep J = j *⇩R proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by auto
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)" by (rule is_K2_isometry_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)
= (proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J))$3 *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by (rule proj2_rep_cart2_append1)
let ?k = "1 / (proj2_rep p)$3 * j * (proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J))$3"
from ‹(proj2_rep p)$3 ≠ 0› and ‹j ≠ 0›
and ‹(proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J))$3 ≠ 0›
have "?k ≠ 0" by simp
from ‹cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= (1 / (proj2_rep p)$3) *⇩R (proj2_rep p v* cltn2_rep J)›
and ‹proj2_rep p v* cltn2_rep J = j *⇩R proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)›
have "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= (1 / (proj2_rep p)$ 3 * j) *⇩R proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by simp
from ‹proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)
= (proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J))$3 *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)›
have "(1 / (proj2_rep p)$3 * j) *⇩R proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)
= (1 / (proj2_rep p)$3 * j) *⇩R ((proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J))$3
*⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J))"
by simp
with ‹cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= (1 / (proj2_rep p)$ 3 * j) *⇩R proj2_rep (apply_cltn2 p J)›
have "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = ?k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by simp
with ‹?k ≠ 0›
show "∃ k. k ≠ 0
∧ cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?k])
subsection ‹The $K$-isometries form a group action›
lemma hyp2_cltn2_id [simp]: "hyp2_cltn2 p cltn2_id = p"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (simp add: Rep_hyp2_inverse)
lemma apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) J ∈ hyp2"
proof -
from ‹is_K2_isometry J› and Rep_hyp2 [of p]
show "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) J ∈ K2" by (rule statement60_one_way)
lemma Rep_hyp2_cltn2:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "Rep_hyp2 (hyp2_cltn2 p J) = apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) J"
proof -
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) J ∈ hyp2" by (rule apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2)
thus "Rep_hyp2 (hyp2_cltn2 p J) = apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) J"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (rule Abs_hyp2_inverse)
lemma hyp2_cltn2_compose:
assumes "is_K2_isometry H"
shows "hyp2_cltn2 (hyp2_cltn2 p H) J = hyp2_cltn2 p (cltn2_compose H J)"
proof -
from ‹is_K2_isometry H›
have "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 p) H ∈ hyp2" by (rule apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2)
thus "hyp2_cltn2 (hyp2_cltn2 p H) J = hyp2_cltn2 p (cltn2_compose H J)"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (simp add: Abs_hyp2_inverse apply_cltn2_compose)
interpretation K2_isometry: action
"(|carrier = Collect is_K2_isometry, mult = cltn2_compose, one = cltn2_id|)"
let ?G =
"(|carrier = Collect is_K2_isometry, mult = cltn2_compose, one = cltn2_id|)"
fix p
show "hyp2_cltn2 p 𝟭⇘?G⇙ = p"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (simp add: Rep_hyp2_inverse)
fix H J
show "H ∈ carrier ?G ∧ J ∈ carrier ?G
⟶ hyp2_cltn2 (hyp2_cltn2 p H) J = hyp2_cltn2 p (H ⊗⇘?G⇙ J)"
by (simp add: hyp2_cltn2_compose)
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model satisfies Tarski's first three axioms›
lemma three_in_S_tangent_intersection_no_3_Col:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S"
and "p ≠ q" and "r ∉ {p,q}"
shows "proj2_no_3_Col {proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q),r,p,q}"
(is "proj2_no_3_Col {?s,r,p,q}")
proof -
let ?T = "{?s,r,p,q}"
from ‹p ≠ q› have "card {p,q} = 2" by simp
with ‹r ∉ {p,q}› have "card {r,p,q} = 3" by simp
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› have "{r,p,q} ⊆ S" by simp
have "proj2_incident ?s (polar p)" and "proj2_incident ?s (polar q)"
by (rule proj2_intersection_incident)+
have "?s ∉ S"
assume "?s ∈ S"
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar p)›
and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar q)›
have "?s = p" and "?s = q" by (simp_all add: point_in_S_polar_is_tangent)
hence "p = q" by simp
with ‹p ≠ q› show False ..
with ‹{r,p,q} ⊆ S› have "?s ∉ {r,p,q}" by auto
with ‹card {r,p,q} = 3› have "card {?s,r,p,q} = 4" by simp
have "∀ t∈?T. ¬ proj2_set_Col (?T - {t})"
proof standard+
fix t
assume "t ∈ ?T"
assume "proj2_set_Col (?T - {t})"
then obtain l where "∀ a ∈ (?T - {t}). proj2_incident a l"
unfolding proj2_set_Col_def ..
from ‹proj2_set_Col (?T - {t})›
have "proj2_set_Col (S ∩ (?T - {t}))"
by (simp add: proj2_subset_Col [of "(S ∩ (?T - {t}))" "?T - {t}"])
hence "card (S ∩ (?T - {t})) ≤ 2" by (simp add: card_line_intersect_S)
show False
proof cases
assume "t = ?s"
with ‹?s ∉ {r,p,q}› have "?T - {t} = {r,p,q}" by simp
with ‹{r,p,q} ⊆ S› have "S ∩ (?T - {t}) = {r,p,q}" by simp
with ‹card {r,p,q} = 3› and ‹card (S ∩ (?T - {t})) ≤ 2› show False by simp
assume "t ≠ ?s"
hence "?s ∈ ?T - {t}" by simp
with ‹∀ a ∈ (?T - {t}). proj2_incident a l› have "proj2_incident ?s l" ..
from ‹p ≠ q› have "{p,q} ∩ ?T - {t} ≠ {}" by auto
then obtain d where "d ∈ {p,q}" and "d ∈ ?T - {t}" by auto
from ‹d ∈ ?T - {t}› and ‹∀ a ∈ (?T - {t}). proj2_incident a l›
have "proj2_incident d l" by simp
from ‹d ∈ {p,q}›
and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar p)›
and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar q)›
have "proj2_incident ?s (polar d)" by auto
from ‹d ∈ {p,q}› and ‹{r,p,q} ⊆ S› have "d ∈ S" by auto
hence "proj2_incident d (polar d)" by (unfold incident_own_polar_in_S)
from ‹d ∈ S› and ‹?s ∉ S› have "d ≠ ?s" by auto
with ‹proj2_incident ?s l›
and ‹proj2_incident d l›
and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar d)›
and ‹proj2_incident d (polar d)›
and proj2_incident_unique
have "l = polar d" by auto
with ‹d ∈ S› and point_in_S_polar_is_tangent
have "∀ a∈S. proj2_incident a l ⟶ a = d" by simp
with ‹∀ a ∈ (?T - {t}). proj2_incident a l›
have "S ∩ (?T - {t}) ⊆ {d}" by auto
with card_mono [of "{d}"] have "card (S ∩ (?T - {t})) ≤ 1" by simp
hence "card ((S ∩ ?T) - {t}) ≤ 1" by (simp add: Int_Diff)
have "S ∩ ?T ⊆ insert t ((S ∩ ?T) - {t})" by auto
with card_suc_ge_insert [of t "(S ∩ ?T) - {t}"]
and card_mono [of "insert t ((S ∩ ?T) - {t})" "S ∩ ?T"]
have "card (S ∩ ?T) ≤ card ((S ∩ ?T) - {t}) + 1" by simp
with ‹card ((S ∩ ?T) - {t}) ≤ 1› have "card (S ∩ ?T) ≤ 2" by simp
from ‹{r,p,q} ⊆ S› have "{r,p,q} ⊆ S ∩ ?T" by simp
with ‹card {r,p,q} = 3› and card_mono [of "S ∩ ?T" "{r,p,q}"]
have "card (S ∩ ?T) ≥ 3" by simp
with ‹card (S ∩ ?T) ≤ 2› show False by simp
with ‹card ?T = 4› show "proj2_no_3_Col ?T" unfolding proj2_no_3_Col_def ..
lemma statement65_special_case:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S" and "p ≠ q" and "r ∉ {p,q}"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2 east J = p
∧ apply_cltn2 west J = q
∧ apply_cltn2 north J = r
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north J = proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q)"
proof -
let ?s = "proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q)"
let ?t = "vector [vector [?s,r,p,q], vector [far_north, north, east, west]]
:: proj2^4^2"
have "range (($) (?t$1)) = {?s, r, p, q}"
unfolding image_def
by (auto simp add: UNIV_4 vector_4)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹p ≠ q› and ‹r ∉ {p,q}›
have "proj2_no_3_Col (range (($) (?t$1)))"
by (simp add: three_in_S_tangent_intersection_no_3_Col)
moreover have "range (($) (?t$2)) = {far_north, north, east, west}"
unfolding image_def
by (auto simp add: UNIV_4 vector_4)
with compass_in_S and east_west_distinct and north_not_east_or_west
and east_west_tangents_far_north
and three_in_S_tangent_intersection_no_3_Col [of east west north]
have "proj2_no_3_Col (range (($) (?t$2)))" by simp
ultimately have "∀ i. proj2_no_3_Col (range (($) (?t$i)))"
by (simp add: forall_2)
hence "∃ J. ∀ j. apply_cltn2 (?t$0$j) J = ?t$1$j"
by (rule statement53_existence)
moreover have "0 = (2::2)" by simp
ultimately obtain J where "∀ j. apply_cltn2 (?t$2$j) J = ?t$1$j" by auto
hence "apply_cltn2 (?t$2$1) J = ?t$1$1"
and "apply_cltn2 (?t$2$2) J = ?t$1$2"
and "apply_cltn2 (?t$2$3) J = ?t$1$3"
and "apply_cltn2 (?t$2$4) J = ?t$1$4"
by simp_all
hence "apply_cltn2 east J = p"
and "apply_cltn2 west J = q"
and "apply_cltn2 north J = r"
and "apply_cltn2 far_north J = ?s"
by (simp_all add: vector_2 vector_4)
with compass_non_zero
have "p = proj2_abs (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)"
and "q = proj2_abs (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)"
and "r = proj2_abs (vector [0,1,1] v* cltn2_rep J)"
and "?s = proj2_abs (vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)"
unfolding compass_defs and far_north_def
by (simp_all add: apply_cltn2_left_abs)
let ?N = "cltn2_rep J ** M ** transpose (cltn2_rep J)"
from M_symmatrix have "symmatrix ?N" by (rule symmatrix_preserve)
hence "?N$2$1 = ?N$1$2" and "?N$3$1 = ?N$1$3" and "?N$3$2 = ?N$2$3"
unfolding symmatrix_def and transpose_def
by (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff)
from compass_non_zero and ‹apply_cltn2 east J = p› and ‹p ∈ S›
and apply_cltn2_abs_in_S [of "vector [1,0,1]" J]
have "(vector [1,0,1] :: real^3) ∙ (?N *v vector [1,0,1]) = 0"
unfolding east_def
by simp
hence "?N$1$1 + ?N$1$3 + ?N$3$1 + ?N$3$3 = 0"
unfolding inner_vec_def and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vector_3)
with ‹?N$3$1 = ?N$1$3› have "?N$1$1 + 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0" by simp
from compass_non_zero and ‹apply_cltn2 west J = q› and ‹q ∈ S›
and apply_cltn2_abs_in_S [of "vector [-1,0,1]" J]
have "(vector [-1,0,1] :: real^3) ∙ (?N *v vector [-1,0,1]) = 0"
unfolding west_def
by simp
hence "?N$1$1 - ?N$1$3 - ?N$3$1 + ?N$3$3 = 0"
unfolding inner_vec_def and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vector_3)
with ‹?N$3$1 = ?N$1$3› have "?N$1$1 - 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0" by simp
with ‹?N$1$1 + 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0›
have "?N$1$1 + 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3 = ?N$1$1 - 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3"
by simp
hence "?N$1$3 = 0" by simp
with ‹?N$1$1 + 2 * (?N$1$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0› have "?N$3$3 = - (?N$1$1)" by simp
from compass_non_zero and ‹apply_cltn2 north J = r› and ‹r ∈ S›
and apply_cltn2_abs_in_S [of "vector [0,1,1]" J]
have "(vector [0,1,1] :: real^3) ∙ (?N *v vector [0,1,1]) = 0"
unfolding north_def
by simp
hence "?N$2$2 + ?N$2$3 + ?N$3$2 + ?N$3$3 = 0"
unfolding inner_vec_def and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp add: sum_3 vector_3)
with ‹?N$3$2 = ?N$2$3› have "?N$2$2 + 2 * (?N$2$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0" by simp
have "proj2_incident ?s (polar p)" and "proj2_incident ?s (polar q)"
by (rule proj2_intersection_incident)+
from compass_non_zero
have "vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0"
and "vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0"
and "vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0"
by (simp_all add: non_zero_mult_rep_non_zero)
from ‹vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0›
and ‹vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0›
and ‹p = proj2_abs (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)›
and ‹q = proj2_abs (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)›
have "polar p = proj2_line_abs (M *v (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J))"
and "polar q = proj2_line_abs (M *v (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J))"
by (simp_all add: polar_abs)
from ‹vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0›
and ‹vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0›
and M_invertible
have "M *v (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J) ≠ 0"
and "M *v (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J) ≠ 0"
by (simp_all add: invertible_times_non_zero)
with ‹vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J ≠ 0›
and ‹polar p = proj2_line_abs (M *v (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J))›
and ‹polar q = proj2_line_abs (M *v (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J))›
and ‹?s = proj2_abs (vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)›
have "proj2_incident ?s (polar p)
⟷ (vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)
∙ (M *v (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)) = 0"
and "proj2_incident ?s (polar q)
⟷ (vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)
∙ (M *v (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)) = 0"
by (simp_all add: proj2_incident_abs)
with ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar p)› and ‹proj2_incident ?s (polar q)›
have "(vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)
∙ (M *v (vector [1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)) = 0"
and "(vector [0,1,0] v* cltn2_rep J)
∙ (M *v (vector [-1,0,1] v* cltn2_rep J)) = 0"
by simp_all
hence "vector [0,1,0] ∙ (?N *v vector [1,0,1]) = 0"
and "vector [0,1,0] ∙ (?N *v vector [-1,0,1]) = 0"
by (simp_all add: dot_lmul_matrix matrix_vector_mul_assoc [symmetric])
hence "?N$2$1 + ?N$2$3 = 0" and "-(?N$2$1) + ?N$2$3 = 0"
unfolding inner_vec_def and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp_all add: sum_3 vector_3)
hence "?N$2$1 + ?N$2$3 = -(?N$2$1) + ?N$2$3" by simp
hence "?N$2$1 = 0" by simp
with ‹?N$2$1 + ?N$2$3 = 0› have "?N$2$3 = 0" by simp
with ‹?N$2$2 + 2 * (?N$2$3) + ?N$3$3 = 0› and ‹?N$3$3 = -(?N$1$1)›
have "?N$2$2 = ?N$1$1" by simp
with ‹?N$1$3 = 0› and ‹?N$2$1 = ?N$1$2› and ‹?N$1$3 = 0›
and ‹?N$2$1 = 0› and ‹?N$2$2 = ?N$1$1› and ‹?N$2$3 = 0›
and ‹?N$3$1 = ?N$1$3› and ‹?N$3$2 = ?N$2$3› and ‹?N$3$3 = -(?N$1$1)›
have "?N = (?N$1$1) *⇩R M"
unfolding M_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff vector_3 forall_3)
have "invertible (cltn2_rep J)" by (rule cltn2_rep_invertible)
with M_invertible
have "invertible ?N" by (simp add: invertible_mult transpose_invertible)
hence "?N ≠ 0" by (auto simp add: zero_not_invertible)
with ‹?N = (?N$1$1) *⇩R M› have "?N$1$1 ≠ 0" by auto
with ‹?N = (?N$1$1) *⇩R M›
have "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_abs (cltn2_rep J))"
by (simp add: J_M_J_transpose_K2_isometry)
hence "is_K2_isometry J" by (simp add: cltn2_abs_rep)
with ‹apply_cltn2 east J = p›
and ‹apply_cltn2 west J = q›
and ‹apply_cltn2 north J = r›
and ‹apply_cltn2 far_north J = ?s›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2 east J = p
∧ apply_cltn2 west J = q
∧ apply_cltn2 north J = r
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north J = ?s"
by auto
lemma statement66_existence:
assumes "a1 ∈ K2" and "a2 ∈ K2" and "p1 ∈ S" and "p2 ∈ S"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 a1 J = a2 ∧ apply_cltn2 p1 J = p2"
proof -
let ?a = "vector [a1,a2] :: proj2^2"
from ‹a1 ∈ K2› and ‹a2 ∈ K2› have "∀ i. ?a$i ∈ K2" by (simp add: forall_2)
let ?p = "vector [p1,p2] :: proj2^2"
from ‹p1 ∈ S› and ‹p2 ∈ S› have "∀ i. ?p$i ∈ S" by (simp add: forall_2)
let ?l = "χ i. proj2_line_through (?a$i) (?p$i)"
have "∀ i. proj2_incident (?a$i) (?l$i)"
by (simp add: proj2_line_through_incident)
hence "proj2_incident (?a$1) (?l$1)" and "proj2_incident (?a$2) (?l$2)"
by fast+
have "∀ i. proj2_incident (?p$i) (?l$i)"
by (simp add: proj2_line_through_incident)
hence "proj2_incident (?p$1) (?l$1)" and "proj2_incident (?p$2) (?l$2)"
by fast+
let ?q = "χ i. ϵ qi. qi ≠ ?p$i ∧ qi ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident qi (?l$i)"
have "∀ i. ?q$i ≠ ?p$i ∧ ?q$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?q$i) (?l$i)"
fix i
from ‹∀ i. ?a$i ∈ K2› have "?a$i ∈ K2" ..
from ‹∀ i. proj2_incident (?a$i) (?l$i)›
have "proj2_incident (?a$i) (?l$i)" ..
with ‹?a$i ∈ K2›
have "∃ qi. qi ≠ ?p$i ∧ qi ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident qi (?l$i)"
by (rule line_through_K2_intersect_S_again)
with someI_ex [of "λ qi. qi ≠ ?p$i ∧ qi ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident qi (?l$i)"]
show "?q$i ≠ ?p$i ∧ ?q$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?q$i) (?l$i)" by simp
hence "?q$1 ≠ ?p$1" and "proj2_incident (?q$1) (?l$1)"
and "proj2_incident (?q$2) (?l$2)"
by fast+
let ?r = "χ i. proj2_intersection (polar (?q$i)) (polar (?p$i))"
let ?m = "χ i. proj2_line_through (?a$i) (?r$i)"
have "∀ i. proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)"
by (simp add: proj2_line_through_incident)
hence "proj2_incident (?a$1) (?m$1)" and "proj2_incident (?a$2) (?m$2)"
by fast+
have "∀ i. proj2_incident (?r$i) (?m$i)"
by (simp add: proj2_line_through_incident)
hence "proj2_incident (?r$1) (?m$1)" and "proj2_incident (?r$2) (?m$2)"
by fast+
let ?s = "χ i. ϵ si. si ≠ ?r$i ∧ si ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident si (?m$i)"
have "∀ i. ?s$i ≠ ?r$i ∧ ?s$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?s$i) (?m$i)"
fix i
from ‹∀ i. ?a$i ∈ K2› have "?a$i ∈ K2" ..
from ‹∀ i. proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)›
have "proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)" ..
with ‹?a$i ∈ K2›
have "∃ si. si ≠ ?r$i ∧ si ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident si (?m$i)"
by (rule line_through_K2_intersect_S_again)
with someI_ex [of "λ si. si ≠ ?r$i ∧ si ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident si (?m$i)"]
show "?s$i ≠ ?r$i ∧ ?s$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?s$i) (?m$i)" by simp
hence "?s$1 ≠ ?r$1" and "proj2_incident (?s$1) (?m$1)"
and "proj2_incident (?s$2) (?m$2)"
by fast+
have "∀ i . ∀ u. proj2_incident u (?m$i) ⟶ ¬ (u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i)"
proof standard+
fix i :: 2
fix u :: proj2
assume "proj2_incident u (?m$i)"
assume "u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i"
from ‹∀ i. ?p$i ∈ S› have "?p$i ∈ S" ..
from ‹∀ i. ?q$i ≠ ?p$i ∧ ?q$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?q$i) (?l$i)›
have "?q$i ≠ ?p$i" and "?q$i ∈ S"
by simp_all
from ‹?p$i ∈ S› and ‹?q$i ∈ S› and ‹u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i›
have "u ∈ S" by auto
hence "proj2_incident u (polar u)"
by (simp add: incident_own_polar_in_S)
have "proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar (?p$i))"
and "proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar (?q$i))"
by (simp_all add: proj2_intersection_incident)
with ‹u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i›
have "proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar u)" by auto
from ‹∀ i. proj2_incident (?r$i) (?m$i)›
have "proj2_incident (?r$i) (?m$i)" ..
from ‹∀ i. proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)›
have "proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)" ..
from ‹∀ i. ?a$i ∈ K2› have "?a$i ∈ K2" ..
have "u ≠ ?r$i"
assume "u = ?r$i"
with ‹proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar (?p$i))›
and ‹proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar (?q$i))›
have "proj2_incident u (polar (?p$i))"
and "proj2_incident u (polar (?q$i))"
by simp_all
with ‹u ∈ S› and ‹?p$i ∈ S› and ‹?q$i ∈ S›
have "u = ?p$i" and "u = ?q$i"
by (simp_all add: point_in_S_polar_is_tangent)
with ‹?q$i ≠ ?p$i› show False by simp
with ‹proj2_incident (u) (polar u)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?r$i) (polar u)›
and ‹proj2_incident u (?m$i)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?r$i) (?m$i)›
and proj2_incident_unique
have "?m$i = polar u" by auto
with ‹proj2_incident (?a$i) (?m$i)›
have "proj2_incident (?a$i) (polar u)" by simp
with ‹u ∈ S› and ‹?a$i ∈ K2› and tangent_not_through_K2
show False by simp
let ?H = "χ i. ϵ Hi. is_K2_isometry Hi
∧ apply_cltn2 east Hi = ?q$i
∧ apply_cltn2 west Hi = ?p$i
∧ apply_cltn2 north Hi = ?s$i
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north Hi = ?r$i"
have "∀ i. is_K2_isometry (?H$i)
∧ apply_cltn2 east (?H$i) = ?q$i
∧ apply_cltn2 west (?H$i) = ?p$i
∧ apply_cltn2 north (?H$i) = ?s$i
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$i) = ?r$i"
fix i :: 2
from ‹∀ i. ?p$i ∈ S› have "?p$i ∈ S" ..
from ‹∀ i. ?q$i ≠ ?p$i ∧ ?q$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?q$i) (?l$i)›
have "?q$i ≠ ?p$i" and "?q$i ∈ S"
by simp_all
from ‹∀ i. ?s$i ≠ ?r$i ∧ ?s$i ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident (?s$i) (?m$i)›
have "?s$i ∈ S" and "proj2_incident (?s$i) (?m$i)" by simp_all
from ‹proj2_incident (?s$i) (?m$i)›
and ‹∀ i. ∀ u. proj2_incident u (?m$i) ⟶ ¬ (u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i)›
have "?s$i ∉ {?q$i, ?p$i}" by fast
with ‹?q$i ∈ S› and ‹?p$i ∈ S› and ‹?s$i ∈ S› and ‹?q$i ≠ ?p$i›
have "∃ Hi. is_K2_isometry Hi
∧ apply_cltn2 east Hi = ?q$i
∧ apply_cltn2 west Hi = ?p$i
∧ apply_cltn2 north Hi = ?s$i
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north Hi = ?r$i"
by (simp add: statement65_special_case)
with someI_ex [of "λ Hi. is_K2_isometry Hi
∧ apply_cltn2 east Hi = ?q$i
∧ apply_cltn2 west Hi = ?p$i
∧ apply_cltn2 north Hi = ?s$i
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north Hi = ?r$i"]
show "is_K2_isometry (?H$i)
∧ apply_cltn2 east (?H$i) = ?q$i
∧ apply_cltn2 west (?H$i) = ?p$i
∧ apply_cltn2 north (?H$i) = ?s$i
∧ apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$i) = ?r$i"
by simp
hence "is_K2_isometry (?H$1)"
and "apply_cltn2 east (?H$1) = ?q$1"
and "apply_cltn2 west (?H$1) = ?p$1"
and "apply_cltn2 north (?H$1) = ?s$1"
and "apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$1) = ?r$1"
and "is_K2_isometry (?H$2)"
and "apply_cltn2 east (?H$2) = ?q$2"
and "apply_cltn2 west (?H$2) = ?p$2"
and "apply_cltn2 north (?H$2) = ?s$2"
and "apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$2) = ?r$2"
by fast+
let ?J = "cltn2_compose (cltn2_inverse (?H$1)) (?H$2)"
from ‹is_K2_isometry (?H$1)› and ‹is_K2_isometry (?H$2)›
have "is_K2_isometry ?J"
by (simp only: cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry)
from ‹apply_cltn2 west (?H$1) = ?p$1›
have "apply_cltn2 p1 (cltn2_inverse (?H$1)) = west"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_inv_iff [simplified])
with ‹apply_cltn2 west (?H$2) = ?p$2›
have "apply_cltn2 p1 ?J = p2"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
from ‹apply_cltn2 east (?H$1) = ?q$1›
have "apply_cltn2 (?q$1) (cltn2_inverse (?H$1)) = east"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_inv_iff [simplified])
with ‹apply_cltn2 east (?H$2) = ?q$2›
have "apply_cltn2 (?q$1) ?J = ?q$2"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
with ‹?q$1 ≠ ?p$1› and ‹apply_cltn2 p1 ?J = p2›
and ‹proj2_incident (?p$1) (?l$1)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?q$1) (?l$1)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?p$2) (?l$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?q$2) (?l$2)›
have "apply_cltn2_line (?l$1) ?J = (?l$2)"
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_line_unique)
moreover from ‹proj2_incident (?a$1) (?l$1)›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (apply_cltn2_line (?l$1) ?J)"
by simp
ultimately have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (?l$2)" by simp
from ‹apply_cltn2 north (?H$1) = ?s$1›
have "apply_cltn2 (?s$1) (cltn2_inverse (?H$1)) = north"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_inv_iff [simplified])
with ‹apply_cltn2 north (?H$2) = ?s$2›
have "apply_cltn2 (?s$1) ?J = ?s$2"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
from ‹apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$1) = ?r$1›
have "apply_cltn2 (?r$1) (cltn2_inverse (?H$1)) = far_north"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_inv_iff [simplified])
with ‹apply_cltn2 far_north (?H$2) = ?r$2›
have "apply_cltn2 (?r$1) ?J = ?r$2"
by (simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
with ‹?s$1 ≠ ?r$1› and ‹apply_cltn2 (?s$1) ?J = (?s$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?r$1) (?m$1)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?s$1) (?m$1)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?r$2) (?m$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?s$2) (?m$2)›
have "apply_cltn2_line (?m$1) ?J = (?m$2)"
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_line_unique)
moreover from ‹proj2_incident (?a$1) (?m$1)›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (apply_cltn2_line (?m$1) ?J)"
by simp
ultimately have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (?m$2)" by simp
from ‹∀ i. ∀ u. proj2_incident u (?m$i) ⟶ ¬ (u = ?p$i ∨ u = ?q$i)›
have "¬ proj2_incident (?p$2) (?m$2)" by fast
with ‹proj2_incident (?p$2) (?l$2)› have "?m$2 ≠ ?l$2" by auto
with ‹proj2_incident (?a$2) (?l$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (?a$2) (?m$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (?l$2)›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 (?a$1) ?J) (?m$2)›
and proj2_incident_unique
have "apply_cltn2 a1 ?J = a2" by auto
with ‹is_K2_isometry ?J› and ‹apply_cltn2 p1 ?J = p2›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 a1 J = a2 ∧ apply_cltn2 p1 J = p2"
by auto
lemma K2_isometry_swap:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 a J = b ∧ apply_cltn2 b J = a"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "a ∈ K2" and "b ∈ K2" by simp_all
let ?l = "proj2_line_through a b"
have "proj2_incident a ?l" and "proj2_incident b ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
from ‹a ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident a ?l›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_exactly_twice [of a ?l]
obtain p and q where "p ≠ q"
and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident p ?l" and "proj2_incident q ?l"
and "∀ r∈S. proj2_incident r ?l ⟶ r = p ∨ r = q"
by auto
from ‹a ∈ K2› and ‹b ∈ K2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
and statement66_existence [of a b p q]
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2 a J = b"
and "apply_cltn2 p J = q"
by auto
from ‹apply_cltn2 a J = b› and ‹apply_cltn2 p J = q›
and ‹proj2_incident b ?l› and ‹proj2_incident q ?l›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a J) ?l"
and "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 p J) ?l"
by simp_all
from ‹a ∈ K2› and ‹p ∈ S› have "a ≠ p"
unfolding S_def and K2_def
by auto
with ‹proj2_incident a ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident p ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a J) ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 p J) ?l›
have "apply_cltn2_line ?l J = ?l" by (simp add: apply_cltn2_line_unique)
with ‹proj2_incident q ?l› and apply_cltn2_preserve_incident [of q J ?l]
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 q J) ?l" by simp
from ‹q ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 q J ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp
with ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 q J) ?l›
and ‹∀ r∈S. proj2_incident r ?l ⟶ r = p ∨ r = q›
have "apply_cltn2 q J = p ∨ apply_cltn2 q J = q" by simp
have "apply_cltn2 q J ≠ q"
assume "apply_cltn2 q J = q"
with ‹apply_cltn2 p J = q›
have "apply_cltn2 p J = apply_cltn2 q J" by simp
hence "p = q" by (rule apply_cltn2_injective [of p J q])
with ‹p ≠ q› show False ..
with ‹apply_cltn2 q J = p ∨ apply_cltn2 q J = q›
have "apply_cltn2 q J = p" by simp
with ‹p ≠ q›
and ‹apply_cltn2 p J = q›
and ‹proj2_incident p ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident q ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident a ?l›
and statement55
have "apply_cltn2 (apply_cltn2 a J) J = a" by simp
with ‹apply_cltn2 a J = b› have "apply_cltn2 b J = a" by simp
with ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹apply_cltn2 a J = b›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 a J = b ∧ apply_cltn2 b J = a"
by (simp add: exI [of _ J])
theorem hyp2_axiom1: "∀ a b. a b \<congruent>⇩K b a"
proof standard+
fix a b
let ?a' = "Rep_hyp2 a"
let ?b' = "Rep_hyp2 b"
from Rep_hyp2 and K2_isometry_swap [of ?a' ?b']
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?b'"
and "apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?a'"
by auto
from ‹apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?b'› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?a'›
have "hyp2_cltn2 a J = b" and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = a"
unfolding hyp2_cltn2_def by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_inverse)
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
show "a b \<congruent>⇩K b a"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) (simp add: exI [of _ J])
theorem hyp2_axiom2: "∀ a b p q r s. a b \<congruent>⇩K p q ∧ a b \<congruent>⇩K r s ⟶ p q \<congruent>⇩K r s"
proof standard+
fix a b p q r s
assume "a b \<congruent>⇩K p q ∧ a b \<congruent>⇩K r s"
then obtain G and H where "is_K2_isometry G" and "is_K2_isometry H"
and "hyp2_cltn2 a G = p" and "hyp2_cltn2 b G = q"
and "hyp2_cltn2 a H = r" and "hyp2_cltn2 b H = s"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) auto
let ?J = "cltn2_compose (cltn2_inverse G) H"
from ‹is_K2_isometry G› have "is_K2_isometry (cltn2_inverse G)"
by (rule cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry)
with ‹is_K2_isometry H›
have "is_K2_isometry ?J" by (simp only: cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry)
from ‹is_K2_isometry G› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 a G = p› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 b G = q›
and K2_isometry.act_inv_iff
have "hyp2_cltn2 p (cltn2_inverse G) = a"
and "hyp2_cltn2 q (cltn2_inverse G) = b"
by simp_all
with ‹hyp2_cltn2 a H = r› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 b H = s›
and ‹is_K2_isometry (cltn2_inverse G)› and ‹is_K2_isometry H›
and K2_isometry.act_act [symmetric]
have "hyp2_cltn2 p ?J = r" and "hyp2_cltn2 q ?J = s" by simp_all
with ‹is_K2_isometry ?J›
show "p q \<congruent>⇩K r s"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) (simp add: exI [of _ ?J])
theorem hyp2_axiom3: "∀ a b c. a b \<congruent>⇩K c c ⟶ a = b"
proof standard+
fix a b c
assume "a b \<congruent>⇩K c c"
then obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J"
and "hyp2_cltn2 a J = c" and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = c"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) auto
from ‹hyp2_cltn2 a J = c› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 b J = c›
have "hyp2_cltn2 a J = hyp2_cltn2 b J" by simp
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 a) J ∈ hyp2"
and "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 b) J ∈ hyp2"
by (rule apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2)+
with ‹hyp2_cltn2 a J = hyp2_cltn2 b J›
have "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 a) J = apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 b) J"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (simp add: Abs_hyp2_inject)
hence "Rep_hyp2 a = Rep_hyp2 b" by (rule apply_cltn2_injective)
thus "a = b" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2_inject)
interpretation hyp2: tarski_first3 real_hyp2_C
using hyp2_axiom1 and hyp2_axiom2 and hyp2_axiom3
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹Some lemmas about betweenness›
lemma S_at_edge:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "proj2_Col p q r"
shows "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt q) (cart2_pt r)
∨ B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt r) (cart2_pt q)"
(is "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr ∨ _")
proof -
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q" and "z_non_zero r"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹proj2_Col p q r›
have "real_euclid.Col ?cp ?cq ?cr" by (simp add: proj2_Col_iff_euclid_cart2)
with ‹z_non_zero p› and ‹z_non_zero q› and ‹z_non_zero r›
have "proj2_pt ?cp = p" and "proj2_pt ?cq = q" and "proj2_pt ?cr = r"
by (simp_all add: proj2_cart2)
from ‹proj2_pt ?cp = p› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "norm ?cp = 1" by (simp add: norm_eq_1_iff_in_S)
from ‹proj2_pt ?cq = q› and ‹proj2_pt ?cr = r›
and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "norm ?cq ≤ 1" and "norm ?cr ≤ 1"
by (simp_all add: norm_le_1_iff_in_hyp2_S)
show "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq"
proof cases
assume "B⇩ℝ ?cr ?cp ?cq"
then obtain k where "k ≥ 0" and "k ≤ 1"
and "?cp - ?cr = k *⇩R (?cq - ?cr)"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) auto
from ‹?cp - ?cr = k *⇩R (?cq - ?cr)›
have "?cp = k *⇩R ?cq + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cr" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with ‹norm ?cp = 1› have "norm (k *⇩R ?cq + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cr) = 1" by simp
with norm_triangle_ineq [of "k *⇩R ?cq" "(1 - k) *⇩R ?cr"]
have "norm (k *⇩R ?cq) + norm ((1 - k) *⇩R ?cr) ≥ 1" by simp
from ‹k ≥ 0› and ‹k ≤ 1›
have "norm (k *⇩R ?cq) + norm ((1 - k) *⇩R ?cr)
= k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr"
by simp
with ‹norm (k *⇩R ?cq) + norm ((1 - k) *⇩R ?cr) ≥ 1›
have "k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr ≥ 1" by simp
from ‹norm ?cq ≤ 1› and ‹k ≥ 0› and mult_mono [of k k "norm ?cq" 1]
have "k * norm ?cq ≤ k" by simp
from ‹norm ?cr ≤ 1› and ‹k ≤ 1›
and mult_mono [of "1 - k" "1 - k" "norm ?cr" 1]
have "(1 - k) * norm ?cr ≤ 1 - k" by simp
with ‹k * norm ?cq ≤ k›
have "k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr ≤ 1" by simp
with ‹k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr ≥ 1›
have "k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr = 1" by simp
with ‹k * norm ?cq ≤ k› have "(1 - k) * norm ?cr ≥ 1 - k" by simp
with ‹(1 - k) * norm ?cr ≤ 1 - k› have "(1 - k) * norm ?cr = 1 - k" by simp
with ‹k * norm ?cq + (1 - k) * norm ?cr = 1› have "k * norm ?cq = k" by simp
have "?cp = ?cq ∨ ?cq = ?cr ∨ ?cr = ?cp"
proof cases
assume "k = 0 ∨ k = 1"
with ‹?cp = k *⇩R ?cq + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cr›
show "?cp = ?cq ∨ ?cq = ?cr ∨ ?cr = ?cp" by auto
assume "¬ (k = 0 ∨ k = 1)"
hence "k ≠ 0" and "k ≠ 1" by simp_all
with ‹k * norm ?cq = k› and ‹(1 - k) * norm ?cr = 1 - k›
have "norm ?cq = 1" and "norm ?cr = 1" by simp_all
with ‹proj2_pt ?cq = q› and ‹proj2_pt ?cr = r›
have "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S" by (simp_all add: norm_eq_1_iff_in_S)
with ‹p ∈ S› have "{p,q,r} ⊆ S" by simp
from ‹proj2_Col p q r›
have "proj2_set_Col {p,q,r}" by (simp add: proj2_Col_iff_set_Col)
with ‹{p,q,r} ⊆ S› have "card {p,q,r} ≤ 2" by (rule card_line_intersect_S)
have "p = q ∨ q = r ∨ r = p"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (p = q ∨ q = r ∨ r = p)"
hence "p ≠ q" and "q ≠ r" and "r ≠ p" by simp_all
from ‹q ≠ r› have "card {q,r} = 2" by simp
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹r ≠ p› have "card {p,q,r} = 3" by simp
with ‹card {p,q,r} ≤ 2› show False by simp
thus "?cp = ?cq ∨ ?cq = ?cr ∨ ?cr = ?cp" by auto
thus "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq"
by (auto simp add: real_euclid.th3_1 real_euclid.th3_2)
assume "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cr ?cp ?cq"
with ‹real_euclid.Col ?cp ?cq ?cr›
show "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq"
unfolding real_euclid.Col_def
by (auto simp add: real_euclid.th3_1 real_euclid.th3_2)
lemma hyp2_in_middle:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "proj2_Col p q r"
and "p ≠ q"
shows "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt r) (cart2_pt q)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq")
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq"
hence "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cr ?cp"
by (auto simp add: real_euclid.th3_2 [of ?cq ?cr ?cp])
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹proj2_Col p q r›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq" by (simp add: S_at_edge)
with ‹¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cr ?cq› have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr" by simp
from ‹proj2_Col p q r› and proj2_Col_permute have "proj2_Col q p r" by fast
with ‹q ∈ S› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cr ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cr ?cp" by (simp add: S_at_edge)
with ‹¬ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cr ?cp› have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cr" by simp
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr› have "?cp = ?cq" by (rule real_euclid.th3_4)
hence "proj2_pt ?cp = proj2_pt ?cq" by simp
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_pt ?cp = p" and "proj2_pt ?cq = q" by (simp_all add: proj2_cart2)
with ‹proj2_pt ?cp = proj2_pt ?cq› have "p = q" by simp
with ‹p ≠ q› show False ..
lemma hyp2_incident_in_middle:
assumes "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident a l"
shows "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt q)"
proof -
from ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
have "proj2_Col p q a" by (rule proj2_incident_Col)
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and this and ‹p ≠ q›
show "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt q)"
by (rule hyp2_in_middle)
lemma extend_to_S:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "∃ r∈S. B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt q) (cart2_pt r)"
(is "∃ r∈S. B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq (cart2_pt r)")
proof cases
assume "q ∈ S"
have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cq" by (rule real_euclid.th3_1)
with ‹q ∈ S› show "∃ r∈S. B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq (cart2_pt r)" by auto
assume "q ∉ S"
with ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "q ∈ K2" by simp
let ?l = "proj2_line_through p q"
have "proj2_incident p ?l" and "proj2_incident q ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
from ‹q ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident q ?l›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice [of q ?l]
obtain s and t where "s ≠ t" and "s ∈ S" and "t ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident s ?l" and "proj2_incident t ?l"
by auto
let ?cs = "cart2_pt s"
let ?ct = "cart2_pt t"
from ‹proj2_incident s ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident t ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident p ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident q ?l›
have "proj2_Col s p q" and "proj2_Col t p q" and "proj2_Col s t q"
by (simp_all add: proj2_incident_Col)
from ‹proj2_Col s p q› and ‹proj2_Col t p q›
and ‹s ∈ S› and ‹t ∈ S› and ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cs ?cp ?cq ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cs ?cq ?cp" and "B⇩ℝ ?ct ?cp ?cq ∨ B⇩ℝ ?ct ?cq ?cp"
by (simp_all add: S_at_edge)
with real_euclid.th3_2
have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cs ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs" and "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?ct ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?ct"
by fast+
from ‹s ∈ S› and ‹t ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹proj2_Col s t q› and ‹s ≠ t›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cs ?cq ?ct" by (rule hyp2_in_middle)
hence "B⇩ℝ ?ct ?cq ?cs" by (rule real_euclid.th3_2)
have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?ct"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?ct)"
hence "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs" and "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?ct" by simp_all
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cs ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?ct ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?ct›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cs" and "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?ct" by simp_all
from ‹¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cs› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cs› have "?cp ≠ ?cq" by auto
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?cs› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cp ?ct›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?cs ?ct ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ct ?cs"
by (simp add: real_euclid_th5_1 [of ?cq ?cp ?cs ?ct])
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cs ?cq ?ct› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ct ?cq ?cs›
have "?cq = ?cs ∨ ?cq = ?ct" by (auto simp add: real_euclid.th3_4)
with ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹s ∈ S› and ‹t ∈ S›
have "q = s ∨ q = t" by (auto simp add: hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
with ‹s ∈ S› and ‹t ∈ S› have "q ∈ S" by auto
with ‹q ∉ S› show False ..
with ‹s ∈ S› and ‹t ∈ S› show "∃ r∈S. B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq (cart2_pt r)" by auto
definition endpoint_in_S :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2 ⇒ proj2" where
"endpoint_in_S a b
≡ ϵ p. p∈S ∧ B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)"
lemma endpoint_in_S:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "endpoint_in_S a b ∈ S" (is "?p ∈ S")
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt (endpoint_in_S a b))"
(is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp")
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and extend_to_S
have "∃ p. p ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb (cart2_pt p)" by auto
hence "?p ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp"
by (unfold endpoint_in_S_def) (rule someI_ex)
thus "?p ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp" by simp_all
lemma endpoint_in_S_swap:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "endpoint_in_S a b ≠ endpoint_in_S b a" (is "?p ≠ ?q")
let ?ca = "cart2_pt a"
let ?cb = "cart2_pt b"
let ?cp = "cart2_pt ?p"
let ?cq = "cart2_pt ?q"
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cq"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
assume "?p = ?q"
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cq› have "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cp" by simp
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› have "?ca = ?cb" by (rule real_euclid.th3_4)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "a = b" by (rule hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
with ‹a ≠ b› show False ..
lemma endpoint_in_S_incident:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "proj2_incident (endpoint_in_S a b) l" (is "proj2_incident ?p l")
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?p ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt ?p)"
(is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp")
by (rule endpoint_in_S)+
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?p ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero a" and "z_non_zero b" and "z_non_zero ?p"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
from ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp›
have "real_euclid.Col ?ca ?cb ?cp" unfolding real_euclid.Col_def ..
with ‹z_non_zero a› and ‹z_non_zero b› and ‹z_non_zero ?p› and ‹a ≠ b›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
show "proj2_incident ?p l" by (rule euclid_Col_cart2_incident)
lemma endpoints_in_S_incident_unique:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "p ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "p = endpoint_in_S a b ∨ p = endpoint_in_S b a"
(is "p = ?q ∨ p = ?r")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?q ≠ ?r" by (rule endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?q ∈ S" and "?r ∈ S" by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_incident ?q l" and "proj2_incident ?r l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹?q ≠ ?r› and ‹?q ∈ S› and ‹?r ∈ S› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
show "p = ?q ∨ p = ?r" by (simp add: line_S_two_intersections_only)
lemma endpoint_in_S_unique:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "p ∈ S"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp")
shows "p = endpoint_in_S a b" (is "p = ?q")
proof (rule ccontr)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero a" and "z_non_zero b" and "z_non_zero p"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› and euclid_B_cart2_common_line [of a b p]
obtain l where
"proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" and "proj2_incident p l"
by auto
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "p = ?q ∨ p = endpoint_in_S b a" (is "p = ?q ∨ p = ?r")
by (rule endpoints_in_S_incident_unique)
assume "p ≠ ?q"
with ‹p = ?q ∨ p = ?r› have "p = ?r" by simp
with ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cp" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› have "?ca = ?cb" by (rule real_euclid.th3_4)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "a = b" by (rule hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
with ‹a ≠ b› show False ..
lemma between_hyp2_S:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "k ≥ 0" and "k ≤ 1"
shows "proj2_pt (k *⇩R (cart2_pt r) + (1 - k) *⇩R (cart2_pt p)) ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
(is "proj2_pt ?cq ∈ _")
proof -
let ?cp = "cart2_pt p"
let ?cr = "cart2_pt r"
let ?q = "proj2_pt ?cq"
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero r" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_pt ?cp = p" and "proj2_pt ?cr = r" by (simp_all add: proj2_cart2)
with ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "norm ?cp ≤ 1" and "norm ?cr ≤ 1"
by (simp_all add: norm_le_1_iff_in_hyp2_S)
from ‹k ≥ 0› and ‹k ≤ 1›
and norm_triangle_ineq [of "k *⇩R ?cr" "(1 - k) *⇩R ?cp"]
have "norm ?cq ≤ k * norm ?cr + (1 - k) * norm ?cp" by simp
from ‹k ≥ 0› and ‹norm ?cr ≤ 1› and mult_mono [of k k "norm ?cr" 1]
have "k * norm ?cr ≤ k" by simp
from ‹k ≤ 1› and ‹norm ?cp ≤ 1›
and mult_mono [of "1 - k" "1 - k" "norm ?cp" 1]
have "(1 - k) * norm ?cp ≤ 1 - k" by simp
with ‹norm ?cq ≤ k * norm ?cr + (1 - k) * norm ?cp› and ‹k * norm ?cr ≤ k›
have "norm ?cq ≤ 1" by simp
thus "?q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" by (simp add: norm_le_1_iff_in_hyp2_S)
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model satisfies axiom 4›
definition expansion_factor :: "proj2 ⇒ cltn2 ⇒ real" where
"expansion_factor p J ≡ (cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J)$3"
lemma expansion_factor:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "expansion_factor p J ≠ 0"
and "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= expansion_factor p J *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)" by (rule is_K2_isometry_z_non_zero)
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and cart2_append1_apply_cltn2
obtain k where "k ≠ 0"
and "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by auto
from ‹cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)›
and ‹z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)›
have "expansion_factor p J = k"
by (unfold expansion_factor_def) (simp add: cart2_append1_z)
with ‹k ≠ 0›
and ‹cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J = k *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)›
show "expansion_factor p J ≠ 0"
and "cart2_append1 p v* cltn2_rep J
= expansion_factor p J *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)"
by simp_all
lemma expansion_factor_linear_apply_cltn2:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "is_K2_isometry J"
and "cart2_pt r = k *⇩R cart2_pt p + (1 - k) *⇩R cart2_pt q"
shows "expansion_factor r J *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 r J)
= (k * expansion_factor p J) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)
+ ((1 - k) * expansion_factor q J) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 q J)"
(is "?er *⇩R _ = (k * ?ep) *⇩R _ + ((1 - k) * ?eq) *⇩R _")
proof -
let ?cp = "cart2_pt p"
let ?cq = "cart2_pt q"
let ?cr = "cart2_pt r"
let ?cp1 = "cart2_append1 p"
let ?cq1 = "cart2_append1 q"
let ?cr1 = "cart2_append1 r"
let ?repJ = "cltn2_rep J"
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q" and "z_non_zero r"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
from ‹?cr = k *⇩R ?cp + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cq›
have "vector2_append1 ?cr
= k *⇩R vector2_append1 ?cp + (1 - k) *⇩R vector2_append1 ?cq"
by (unfold vector2_append1_def vector_def) (simp add: vec_eq_iff)
with ‹z_non_zero p› and ‹z_non_zero q› and ‹z_non_zero r›
have "?cr1 = k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cq1" by (simp add: cart2_append1)
hence "?cr1 v* ?repJ = k *⇩R (?cp1 v* ?repJ) + (1 - k) *⇩R (?cq1 v* ?repJ)"
by (simp add: vector_matrix_left_distrib scaleR_vector_matrix_assoc [symmetric])
with ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
show "?er *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 r J)
= (k * ?ep) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)
+ ((1 - k) * ?eq) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 q J)"
by (simp add: expansion_factor)
lemma expansion_factor_linear:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "is_K2_isometry J"
and "cart2_pt r = k *⇩R cart2_pt p + (1 - k) *⇩R cart2_pt q"
shows "expansion_factor r J
= k * expansion_factor p J + (1 - k) * expansion_factor q J"
(is "?er = k * ?ep + (1 - k) * ?eq")
proof -
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)"
and "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 q J)"
and "z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 r J)"
by (simp_all add: is_K2_isometry_z_non_zero)
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹cart2_pt r = k *⇩R cart2_pt p + (1 - k) *⇩R cart2_pt q›
have "?er *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 r J)
= (k * ?ep) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)
+ ((1 - k) * ?eq) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 q J)"
by (rule expansion_factor_linear_apply_cltn2)
hence "(?er *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 r J))$3
= ((k * ?ep) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 p J)
+ ((1 - k) * ?eq) *⇩R cart2_append1 (apply_cltn2 q J))$3"
by simp
with ‹z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 p J)›
and ‹z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 q J)›
and ‹z_non_zero (apply_cltn2 r J)›
show "?er = k * ?ep + (1 - k) * ?eq" by (simp add: cart2_append1_z)
lemma expansion_factor_sgn_invariant:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "sgn (expansion_factor p J) = sgn (expansion_factor q J)"
(is "sgn ?ep = sgn ?eq")
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "sgn ?ep ≠ sgn ?eq"
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?ep ≠ 0" and "?eq ≠ 0" by (simp_all add: expansion_factor)
hence "sgn ?ep ∈ {-1,1}" and "sgn ?eq ∈ {-1,1}"
by (simp_all add: sgn_real_def)
with ‹sgn ?ep ≠ sgn ?eq› have "sgn ?ep = - sgn ?eq" by auto
hence "sgn ?ep = sgn (-?eq)" by (subst sgn_minus)
with sgn_plus [of ?ep "-?eq"]
have "sgn (?ep - ?eq) = sgn ?ep" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with ‹sgn ?ep ∈ {-1,1}› have "?ep - ?eq ≠ 0" by (auto simp add: sgn_real_def)
let ?k = "-?eq / (?ep - ?eq)"
from ‹sgn (?ep - ?eq) = sgn ?ep› and ‹sgn ?ep = sgn (-?eq)›
have "sgn (?ep - ?eq) = sgn (-?eq)" by simp
with ‹?ep - ?eq ≠ 0› and sgn_div [of "?ep - ?eq" "-?eq"]
have "?k > 0" by simp
from ‹?ep - ?eq ≠ 0›
have "1 - ?k = ?ep / (?ep - ?eq)" by (simp add: field_simps)
with ‹sgn (?ep - ?eq) = sgn ?ep› and ‹?ep - ?eq ≠ 0›
have "1 - ?k > 0" by (simp add: sgn_div)
hence "?k < 1" by simp
let ?cp = "cart2_pt p"
let ?cq = "cart2_pt q"
let ?cr = "?k *⇩R ?cp + (1 - ?k) *⇩R ?cq"
let ?r = "proj2_pt ?cr"
let ?er = "expansion_factor ?r J"
have "cart2_pt ?r = ?cr" by (rule cart2_proj2)
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?k > 0› and ‹?k < 1›
and between_hyp2_S [of q p ?k]
have "?r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" by simp
with ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹cart2_pt ?r = ?cr›
and expansion_factor_linear [of p q ?r J ?k]
have "?er = ?k * ?ep + (1 - ?k) * ?eq" by simp
with ‹?ep - ?eq ≠ 0› have "?er = 0" by (simp add: field_simps)
with ‹?r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
show False by (simp add: expansion_factor)
lemma statement_63:
assumes "p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "is_K2_isometry J" and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt q) (cart2_pt r)"
shows "B⇩ℝ
(cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 p J))
(cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 q J))
(cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 r J))"
proof -
let ?cp = "cart2_pt p"
let ?cq = "cart2_pt q"
let ?cr = "cart2_pt r"
let ?ep = "expansion_factor p J"
let ?eq = "expansion_factor q J"
let ?er = "expansion_factor r J"
from ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?eq ≠ 0" by (rule expansion_factor)
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J› and expansion_factor_sgn_invariant
have "sgn ?ep = sgn ?eq" and "sgn ?er = sgn ?eq" by fast+
with ‹?eq ≠ 0›
have "?ep / ?eq > 0" and "?er / ?eq > 0" by (simp_all add: sgn_div)
from ‹B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cq ?cr›
obtain k where "k ≥ 0" and "k ≤ 1" and "?cq = k *⇩R ?cr + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cp"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
let ?c = "k * ?er / ?eq"
from ‹k ≥ 0› and ‹?er / ?eq > 0› and mult_nonneg_nonneg [of k "?er / ?eq"]
have "?c ≥ 0" by simp
from ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹?cq = k *⇩R ?cr + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cp›
have "?eq = k * ?er + (1 - k) * ?ep" by (rule expansion_factor_linear)
with ‹?eq ≠ 0› have "1 - ?c = (1 - k) * ?ep / ?eq" by (simp add: field_simps)
with ‹k ≤ 1› and ‹?ep / ?eq > 0›
and mult_nonneg_nonneg [of "1 - k" "?ep / ?eq"]
have "?c ≤ 1" by simp
let ?pJ = "apply_cltn2 p J"
let ?qJ = "apply_cltn2 q J"
let ?rJ = "apply_cltn2 r J"
let ?cpJ = "cart2_pt ?pJ"
let ?cqJ = "cart2_pt ?qJ"
let ?crJ = "cart2_pt ?rJ"
let ?cpJ1 = "cart2_append1 ?pJ"
let ?cqJ1 = "cart2_append1 ?qJ"
let ?crJ1 = "cart2_append1 ?rJ"
from ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "z_non_zero ?pJ" and "z_non_zero ?qJ" and "z_non_zero ?rJ"
by (simp_all add: is_K2_isometry_z_non_zero)
from ‹r ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹p ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹q ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
and ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹?cq = k *⇩R ?cr + (1 - k) *⇩R ?cp›
have "?eq *⇩R ?cqJ1 = (k * ?er) *⇩R ?crJ1 + ((1 - k) * ?ep) *⇩R ?cpJ1"
by (rule expansion_factor_linear_apply_cltn2)
hence "(1 / ?eq) *⇩R (?eq *⇩R ?cqJ1)
= (1 / ?eq) *⇩R ((k * ?er) *⇩R ?crJ1 + ((1 - k) * ?ep) *⇩R ?cpJ1)" by simp
with ‹1 - ?c = (1 - k) * ?ep / ?eq› and ‹?eq ≠ 0›
have "?cqJ1 = ?c *⇩R ?crJ1 + (1 - ?c) *⇩R ?cpJ1"
by (simp add: scaleR_right_distrib)
with ‹z_non_zero ?pJ› and ‹z_non_zero ?qJ› and ‹z_non_zero ?rJ›
have "vector2_append1 ?cqJ
= ?c *⇩R vector2_append1 ?crJ + (1 - ?c) *⇩R vector2_append1 ?cpJ"
by (simp add: cart2_append1)
hence "?cqJ = ?c *⇩R ?crJ + (1 - ?c) *⇩R ?cpJ"
unfolding vector2_append1_def and vector_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_2 forall_3)
with ‹?c ≥ 0› and ‹?c ≤ 1›
show "B⇩ℝ ?cpJ ?cqJ ?crJ"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) (simp add: algebra_simps exI [of _ ?c])
theorem hyp2_axiom4: "∀ q a b c. ∃ x. B⇩K q a x ∧ a x \<congruent>⇩K b c"
proof (rule allI)+
fix q a b c :: hyp2
let ?pq = "Rep_hyp2 q"
let ?pa = "Rep_hyp2 a"
let ?pb = "Rep_hyp2 b"
let ?pc = "Rep_hyp2 c"
have "?pq ∈ hyp2" and "?pa ∈ hyp2" and "?pb ∈ hyp2" and "?pc ∈ hyp2"
by (rule Rep_hyp2)+
let ?cq = "cart2_pt ?pq"
let ?ca = "cart2_pt ?pa"
let ?cb = "cart2_pt ?pb"
let ?cc = "cart2_pt ?pc"
let ?pp = "ϵ p. p ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc (cart2_pt p)"
let ?cp = "cart2_pt ?pp"
from ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2› and extend_to_S [of ?pb ?pc]
and someI_ex [of "λ p. p ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc (cart2_pt p)"]
have "?pp ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cp" by auto
let ?pr = "ϵ r. r ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ca (cart2_pt r)"
let ?cr = "cart2_pt ?pr"
from ‹?pq ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and extend_to_S [of ?pq ?pa]
and someI_ex [of "λ r. r ∈ S ∧ B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ca (cart2_pt r)"]
have "?pr ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ca ?cr" by auto
from ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pp ∈ S› and ‹?pr ∈ S›
and statement66_existence [of ?pb ?pa ?pp ?pr]
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J"
and "apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pa" and "apply_cltn2 ?pp J = ?pr"
by auto
let ?px = "apply_cltn2 ?pc J"
let ?cx = "cart2_pt ?px"
let ?x = "Abs_hyp2 ?px"
from ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2›
have "?px ∈ hyp2" by (rule statement60_one_way)
hence "Rep_hyp2 ?x = ?px" by (rule Abs_hyp2_inverse)
from ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pp ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cp› and statement_63
have "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 ?pb J)) ?cx (cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 ?pp J))"
by simp
with ‹apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pa› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?pp J = ?pr›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cx ?cr" by simp
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ca ?cr› have "B⇩ℝ ?cq ?ca ?cx" by (rule real_euclid.th3_5_1)
with ‹Rep_hyp2 ?x = ?px›
have "B⇩K q a ?x"
unfolding real_hyp2_B_def and hyp2_rep_def
by simp
have "Abs_hyp2 ?pa = a" by (rule Rep_hyp2_inverse)
with ‹apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pa›
have "hyp2_cltn2 b J = a" by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) simp
have "hyp2_cltn2 c J = ?x" unfolding hyp2_cltn2_def ..
with ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 b J = a›
have "b c \<congruent>⇩K a ?x"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) (simp add: exI [of _ J])
hence "a ?x \<congruent>⇩K b c" by (rule hyp2.th2_2)
with ‹B⇩K q a ?x›
show "∃ x. B⇩K q a x ∧ a x \<congruent>⇩K b c" by (simp add: exI [of _ ?x])
subsection ‹More betweenness theorems›
lemma hyp2_S_points_fix_line:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "p ∈ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
and "apply_cltn2 a J = a" (is "?aJ = a")
and "apply_cltn2 p J = p" (is "?pJ = p")
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "apply_cltn2 b J = b" (is "?bJ = b")
proof -
let ?lJ = "apply_cltn2_line l J"
from ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
have "proj2_incident ?aJ ?lJ" and "proj2_incident ?pJ ?lJ" by simp_all
with ‹?aJ = a› and ‹?pJ = p›
have "proj2_incident a ?lJ" and "proj2_incident p ?lJ" by simp_all
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› ‹proj2_incident a l› and line_through_K2_intersect_S_again [of a l]
obtain q where "q ≠ p" and "q ∈ S" and "proj2_incident q l" by auto
let ?qJ = "apply_cltn2 q J"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "a ≠ p" and "a ≠ q" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
from ‹a ≠ p› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and ‹proj2_incident a ?lJ› and ‹proj2_incident p ?lJ›
and proj2_incident_unique
have "?lJ = l" by auto
from ‹proj2_incident q l› have "proj2_incident ?qJ ?lJ" by simp
with ‹?lJ = l› have "proj2_incident ?qJ l" by simp
from ‹q ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?qJ ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp
with ‹q ≠ p› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident ?qJ l›
and line_S_two_intersections_only
have "?qJ = p ∨ ?qJ = q" by simp
have "?qJ = q"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "?qJ ≠ q"
with ‹?qJ = p ∨ ?qJ = q› have "?qJ = p" by simp
with ‹?pJ = p› have "?qJ = ?pJ" by simp
with apply_cltn2_injective have "q = p" by fast
with ‹q ≠ p› show False ..
with ‹q ≠ p› and ‹a ≠ p› and ‹a ≠ q› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and ‹?pJ = p› and ‹?aJ = a› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
and cltn2_three_point_line [of p q a l J b]
show "?bJ = b" by simp
lemma K2_isometry_endpoint_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "apply_cltn2 (endpoint_in_S a b) J
= endpoint_in_S (apply_cltn2 a J) (apply_cltn2 b J)"
(is "?pJ = endpoint_in_S ?aJ ?bJ")
proof -
let ?p = "endpoint_in_S a b"
from ‹a ≠ b› and apply_cltn2_injective have "?aJ ≠ ?bJ" by fast
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and is_K2_isometry_hyp2_S
have "?aJ ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "?bJ ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" by simp_all
let ?ca = "cart2_pt a"
let ?cb = "cart2_pt b"
let ?cp = "cart2_pt ?p"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?p ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp" by (rule endpoint_in_S)+
from ‹?p ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?pJ ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp
let ?caJ = "cart2_pt ?aJ"
let ?cbJ = "cart2_pt ?bJ"
let ?cpJ = "cart2_pt ?pJ"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?p ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› and statement_63
have "B⇩ℝ ?caJ ?cbJ ?cpJ" by simp
with ‹?aJ ≠ ?bJ› and ‹?aJ ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?bJ ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?pJ ∈ S›
show "?pJ = endpoint_in_S ?aJ ?bJ" by (rule endpoint_in_S_unique)
lemma between_endpoint_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "b ≠ c"
and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "c ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt c)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cc")
shows "endpoint_in_S a b = endpoint_in_S b c" (is "?p = ?q")
proof -
from ‹b ≠ c› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹c ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and hyp2_S_cart2_inj
have "?cb ≠ ?cc" by auto
let ?cq = "cart2_pt ?q"
from ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹c ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?q ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cq" by (rule endpoint_in_S)+
from ‹?cb ≠ ?cc› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cc› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cq›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cq" by (rule real_euclid.th3_7_2)
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹?q ∈ S›
have "?q = ?p" by (rule endpoint_in_S_unique)
thus "?p = ?q" ..
lemma hyp2_extend_segment_unique:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "B⇩K a b c" and "B⇩K a b d" and "b c \<congruent>⇩K b d"
shows "c = d"
proof cases
assume "b = c"
with ‹b c \<congruent>⇩K b d› show "c = d" by (simp add: hyp2.A3_reversed)
assume "b ≠ c"
have "b ≠ d"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ b ≠ d"
hence "b = d" by simp
with ‹b c \<congruent>⇩K b d› have "b c \<congruent>⇩K b b" by simp
hence "b = c" by (rule hyp2.A3')
with ‹b ≠ c› show False ..
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹b ≠ c›
have "Rep_hyp2 a ≠ Rep_hyp2 b" (is "?pa ≠ ?pb")
and "Rep_hyp2 b ≠ Rep_hyp2 c" (is "?pb ≠ ?pc")
and "Rep_hyp2 b ≠ Rep_hyp2 d" (is "?pb ≠ ?pd")
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_inject)
have "?pa ∈ hyp2" and "?pb ∈ hyp2" and "?pc ∈ hyp2" and "?pd ∈ hyp2"
by (rule Rep_hyp2)+
let ?pp = "endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pc"
let ?ca = "cart2_pt ?pa"
let ?cb = "cart2_pt ?pb"
let ?cc = "cart2_pt ?pc"
let ?cd = "cart2_pt ?pd"
let ?cp = "cart2_pt ?pp"
from ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2›
have "?pp ∈ S" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cp" by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹b c \<congruent>⇩K b d›
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J"
and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = b" and "hyp2_cltn2 c J = d"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) auto
from ‹hyp2_cltn2 b J = b› and ‹hyp2_cltn2 c J = d›
have "Rep_hyp2 (hyp2_cltn2 b J) = ?pb"
and "Rep_hyp2 (hyp2_cltn2 c J) = ?pd"
by simp_all
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pb" and "apply_cltn2 ?pc J = ?pd"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_cltn2)
from ‹B⇩K a b c› and ‹B⇩K a b d›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cc" and "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cd"
unfolding real_hyp2_B_def and hyp2_rep_def .
from ‹?pb ≠ ?pc› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 ?pp J
= endpoint_in_S (apply_cltn2 ?pb J) (apply_cltn2 ?pc J)"
by (simp add: K2_isometry_endpoint_in_S)
also from ‹apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pb› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?pc J = ?pd›
have "… = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pd" by simp
also from ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pb ≠ ?pd›
and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pd ∈ hyp2› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cd›
have "… = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb" by (simp add: between_endpoint_in_S)
also from ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pb ≠ ?pc›
and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cc›
have "… = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pc" by (simp add: between_endpoint_in_S)
finally have "apply_cltn2 ?pp J = ?pp" .
from ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pp ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero ?pb" and "z_non_zero ?pc" and "z_non_zero ?pp"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cc ?cp› and euclid_B_cart2_common_line [of ?pb ?pc ?pp]
obtain l where "proj2_incident ?pb l" and "proj2_incident ?pp l"
and "proj2_incident ?pc l"
by auto
with ‹?pb ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pp ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹apply_cltn2 ?pb J = ?pb› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?pp J = ?pp›
have "apply_cltn2 ?pc J = ?pc" by (rule hyp2_S_points_fix_line)
with ‹apply_cltn2 ?pc J = ?pd› have "?pc = ?pd" by simp
thus "c = d" by (subst Rep_hyp2_inject [symmetric])
lemma line_S_match_intersections:
assumes "p ≠ q" and "r ≠ s" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "r ∈ S" and "s ∈ S"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,r,s}"
shows "(p = r ∧ q = s) ∨ (q = r ∧ p = s)"
proof -
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,r,s}›
obtain l where "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l"
and "proj2_incident r l" and "proj2_incident s l"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) auto
with ‹r ≠ s› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹s ∈ S›
have "p = r ∨ p = s" and "q = r ∨ q = s"
by (simp_all add: line_S_two_intersections_only)
show "(p = r ∧ q = s) ∨ (q = r ∧ p = s)"
proof cases
assume "p = r"
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹q = r ∨ q = s›
show "(p = r ∧ q = s) ∨ (q = r ∧ p = s)" by simp
assume "p ≠ r"
with ‹p = r ∨ p = s› have "p = s" by simp
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹q = r ∨ q = s›
show "(p = r ∧ q = s) ∨ (q = r ∧ p = s)" by simp
definition are_endpoints_in_S :: "[proj2, proj2, proj2, proj2] ⇒ bool" where
"are_endpoints_in_S p q a b
≡ p ≠ q ∧ p ∈ S ∧ q ∈ S ∧ a ∈ hyp2 ∧ b ∈ hyp2 ∧ proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
lemma are_endpoints_in_S':
assumes "p ≠ q" and "a ≠ b" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
shows "(p = endpoint_in_S a b ∧ q = endpoint_in_S b a)
∨ (q = endpoint_in_S a b ∧ p = endpoint_in_S b a)"
(is "(p = ?r ∧ q = ?s) ∨ (q = ?r ∧ p = ?s)")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?r ≠ ?s" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "?r ∈ S" and "?s ∈ S" by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}›
obtain l where "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) auto
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_incident ?r l" and "proj2_incident ?s l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l›
have "proj2_set_Col {p,q,?r,?s}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ l])
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹?r ≠ ?s› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹?r ∈ S› and ‹?s ∈ S›
show "(p = ?r ∧ q = ?s) ∨ (q = ?r ∧ p = ?s)"
by (rule line_S_match_intersections)
lemma are_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
shows "(p = endpoint_in_S a b ∧ q = endpoint_in_S b a)
∨ (q = endpoint_in_S a b ∧ p = endpoint_in_S b a)"
using assms
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) (simp add: are_endpoints_in_S')
lemma S_intersections_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ 0" and "b ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs a ≠ proj2_abs b" (is "?pa ≠ ?pb")
and "proj2_abs a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_abs b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "(S_intersection1 a b = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb
∧ S_intersection2 a b = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pa)
∨ (S_intersection2 a b = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb
∧ S_intersection1 a b = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pa)"
(is "(?pp = ?pr ∧ ?pq = ?ps) ∨ (?pq = ?pr ∧ ?pp = ?ps)")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2›
have "?pp ≠ ?pq" by (simp add: S_intersections_distinct)
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹proj2_abs a ∈ hyp2›
have "?pp ∈ S" and "?pq ∈ S"
by (simp_all add: S_intersections_in_S)
let ?l = "proj2_line_through ?pa ?pb"
have "proj2_incident ?pa ?l" and "proj2_incident ?pb ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb›
have "proj2_incident ?pp ?l" and "proj2_incident ?pq ?l"
by (rule S_intersections_incident)+
with ‹proj2_incident ?pa ?l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pb ?l›
have "proj2_set_Col {?pp,?pq,?pa,?pb}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ ?l])
with ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pp ∈ S› and ‹?pq ∈ S› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2›
and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
show "(?pp = ?pr ∧ ?pq = ?ps) ∨ (?pq = ?pr ∧ ?pp = ?ps)"
by (simp add: are_endpoints_in_S')
lemma between_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "B⇩ℝ
(cart2_pt (endpoint_in_S a b)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (endpoint_in_S b a))"
(is "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cq")
proof -
let ?cb = "cart2_pt b"
from ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹a ≠ b›
have "?cb ≠ ?ca" by (auto simp add: hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cq" by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cb ?ca" by (rule real_euclid.th3_2)
with ‹?cb ≠ ?ca› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cq›
show "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cq" by (simp add: real_euclid.th3_7_1)
lemma S_hyp2_S_cart2_append1:
assumes "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident a l"
shows "∃ k. k > 0 ∧ k < 1
∧ cart2_append1 a = k *⇩R cart2_append1 q + (1 - k) *⇩R cart2_append1 p"
proof -
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q" and "z_non_zero a"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
from assms
have "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt q)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cq")
by (simp add: hyp2_incident_in_middle)
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "a ≠ p" and "a ≠ q" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹z_non_zero p› and ‹z_non_zero a› and ‹z_non_zero q›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cq›
show "∃ k. k > 0 ∧ k < 1
∧ cart2_append1 a = k *⇩R cart2_append1 q + (1 - k) *⇩R cart2_append1 p"
by (rule cart2_append1_between_strict)
lemma are_endpoints_in_S_swap_34:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
shows "are_endpoints_in_S p q b a"
proof -
have "{p,q,b,a} = {p,q,a,b}" by auto
with ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
show "are_endpoints_in_S p q b a" by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp
lemma proj2_set_Col_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S"
shows "proj2_set_Col {endpoint_in_S a b, endpoint_in_S b a, a, b}"
(is "proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,a,b}")
proof -
let ?l = "proj2_line_through a b"
have "proj2_incident a ?l" and "proj2_incident b ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "proj2_incident ?p ?l" and "proj2_incident ?q ?l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹proj2_incident a ?l› and ‹proj2_incident b ?l›
show "proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,a,b}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ ?l])
lemma endpoints_in_S_are_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "are_endpoints_in_S (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
(is "are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a b")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "?p ≠ ?q" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "?p ∈ S" and "?q ∈ S" by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from assms
have "proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,a,b}" by (simp add: proj2_set_Col_endpoints_in_S)
with ‹?p ≠ ?q› and ‹?p ∈ S› and ‹?q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
show "are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a b" by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp
lemma endpoint_in_S_S_hyp2_distinct:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S" and "p ≠ a"
shows "endpoint_in_S p a ≠ p"
from ‹p ≠ a› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S›
have "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (endpoint_in_S p a))"
by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
assume "endpoint_in_S p a = p"
with ‹B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (endpoint_in_S p a))›
have "cart2_pt p = cart2_pt a" by (simp add: real_euclid.A6')
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2 ∪ S› have "p = a" by (simp add: hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
with ‹p ≠ a› show False ..
lemma endpoint_in_S_S_strict_hyp2_distinct:
assumes "p ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2"
shows "endpoint_in_S p a ≠ p"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "p ≠ a" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal [symmetric])
with assms
show "endpoint_in_S p a ≠ p" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_S_hyp2_distinct)
lemma end_and_opposite_are_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "p ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" and "proj2_incident p l"
shows "are_endpoints_in_S p (endpoint_in_S p b) a b"
(is "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a b")
proof -
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "p ≠ ?q" by (rule endpoint_in_S_S_strict_hyp2_distinct [symmetric])
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› have "?q ∈ S" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "p ≠ b" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal [symmetric])
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_incident ?q l" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_set_Col {p,?q,a,b}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ l])
with ‹p ≠ ?q› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹?q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
show "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a b" by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp
lemma real_hyp2_B_hyp2_cltn2:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J" and "B⇩K a b c"
shows "B⇩K (hyp2_cltn2 a J) (hyp2_cltn2 b J) (hyp2_cltn2 c J)"
(is "B⇩K ?aJ ?bJ ?cJ")
proof -
from ‹B⇩K a b c›
have "B⇩ℝ (hyp2_rep a) (hyp2_rep b) (hyp2_rep c)" by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def)
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 a) J))
(cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 b) J))
(cart2_pt (apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 c) J))"
by (unfold hyp2_rep_def) (simp add: Rep_hyp2 statement_63)
moreover from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 a) J ∈ hyp2"
and "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 b) J ∈ hyp2"
and "apply_cltn2 (Rep_hyp2 c) J ∈ hyp2"
by (rule apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2)+
ultimately show "B⇩K (hyp2_cltn2 a J) (hyp2_cltn2 b J) (hyp2_cltn2 c J)"
unfolding hyp2_cltn2_def and real_hyp2_B_def and hyp2_rep_def
by (simp add: Abs_hyp2_inverse)
lemma real_hyp2_C_hyp2_cltn2:
assumes "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "a b \<congruent>⇩K (hyp2_cltn2 a J) (hyp2_cltn2 b J)" (is "a b \<congruent>⇩K ?aJ ?bJ")
using assms by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) (simp add: exI [of _ J])
subsection ‹Perpendicularity›
definition M_perp :: "proj2_line ⇒ proj2_line ⇒ bool" where
"M_perp l m ≡ proj2_incident (pole l) m"
lemma M_perp_sym:
assumes "M_perp l m"
shows "M_perp m l"
proof -
from ‹M_perp l m› have "proj2_incident (pole l) m" by (unfold M_perp_def)
hence "proj2_incident (pole m) (polar (pole l))" by (rule incident_pole_polar)
hence "proj2_incident (pole m) l" by (simp add: polar_pole)
thus "M_perp m l" by (unfold M_perp_def)
lemma M_perp_to_compass:
assumes "M_perp l m" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b m"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2_line equator J = l ∧ apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_twice [of a l]
obtain p and q where "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S"
and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l"
by auto
have "∃ r. r ∈ S ∧ r ∉ {p,q} ∧ proj2_incident r m"
proof cases
assume "proj2_incident p m"
from ‹b ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident b m›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_again [of b m]
obtain r where "r ∈ S" and "r ≠ p" and "proj2_incident r m" by auto
have "r ∉ {p,q}"
assume "r ∈ {p,q}"
with ‹r ≠ p› have "r = q" by simp
with ‹proj2_incident r m› have "proj2_incident q m" by simp
with ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l›
and ‹proj2_incident p m› and ‹proj2_incident q m› and ‹p ≠ q›
and proj2_incident_unique [of p l q m]
have "l = m" by simp
with ‹M_perp l m› have "M_perp l l" by simp
hence "proj2_incident (pole l) l" (is "proj2_incident ?s l")
by (unfold M_perp_def)
hence "proj2_incident ?s (polar ?s)" by (subst polar_pole)
hence "?s ∈ S" by (simp add: incident_own_polar_in_S)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l›
and point_in_S_polar_is_tangent [of ?s]
have "p = ?s" and "q = ?s" by (auto simp add: polar_pole)
with ‹p ≠ q› show False by simp
with ‹r ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident r m›
show "∃ r. r ∈ S ∧ r ∉ {p,q} ∧ proj2_incident r m"
by (simp add: exI [of _ r])
assume "¬ proj2_incident p m"
from ‹b ∈ K2› and ‹proj2_incident b m›
and line_through_K2_intersect_S_again [of b m]
obtain r where "r ∈ S" and "r ≠ q" and "proj2_incident r m" by auto
from ‹¬ proj2_incident p m› and ‹proj2_incident r m› have "r ≠ p" by auto
with ‹r ∈ S› and ‹r ≠ q› and ‹proj2_incident r m›
show "∃ r. r ∈ S ∧ r ∉ {p,q} ∧ proj2_incident r m"
by (simp add: exI [of _ r])
then obtain r where "r ∈ S" and "r ∉ {p,q}" and "proj2_incident r m" by auto
from ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹r ∈ S› and ‹p ≠ q› and ‹r ∉ {p,q}›
and statement65_special_case [of p q r]
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2 east J = p"
and "apply_cltn2 west J = q" and "apply_cltn2 north J = r"
and "apply_cltn2 far_north J = proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q)"
by auto
from ‹apply_cltn2 east J = p› and ‹apply_cltn2 west J = q›
and ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 east J) l"
and "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 west J) l"
by simp_all
with east_west_distinct and east_west_on_equator
have "apply_cltn2_line equator J = l" by (rule apply_cltn2_line_unique)
from ‹apply_cltn2 north J = r› and ‹proj2_incident r m›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 north J) m" by simp
from ‹p ≠ q› and polar_inj have "polar p ≠ polar q" by fast
from ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l›
have "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar p)"
and "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar q)"
by (simp_all add: incident_pole_polar)
with ‹polar p ≠ polar q›
have "pole l = proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q)"
by (rule proj2_intersection_unique)
with ‹apply_cltn2 far_north J = proj2_intersection (polar p) (polar q)›
have "apply_cltn2 far_north J = pole l" by simp
with ‹M_perp l m›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 far_north J) m" by (unfold M_perp_def) simp
with north_far_north_distinct and north_south_far_north_on_meridian
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 north J) m›
have "apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m" by (simp add: apply_cltn2_line_unique)
with ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹apply_cltn2_line equator J = l›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2_line equator J = l ∧ apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m"
by (simp add: exI [of _ J])
definition drop_perp :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2_line ⇒ proj2_line" where
"drop_perp p l ≡ proj2_line_through p (pole l)"
lemma drop_perp_incident: "proj2_incident p (drop_perp p l)"
by (unfold drop_perp_def) (rule proj2_line_through_incident)
lemma drop_perp_perp: "M_perp l (drop_perp p l)"
by (unfold drop_perp_def M_perp_def) (rule proj2_line_through_incident)
:: "proj2 ⇒ proj2_line ⇒ proj2" where
"perp_foot p l ≡ proj2_intersection l (drop_perp p l)"
lemma :
shows "proj2_incident (perp_foot p l) l"
and "proj2_incident (perp_foot p l) (drop_perp p l)"
by (unfold perp_foot_def) (rule proj2_intersection_incident)+
lemma M_perp_hyp2:
assumes "M_perp l m" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l" and "b ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_incident b m" and "proj2_incident c l" and "proj2_incident c m"
shows "c ∈ hyp2"
proof -
from ‹M_perp l m› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
and ‹proj2_incident b m› and M_perp_to_compass [of l m a b]
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2_line equator J = l"
and "apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m"
by auto
from ‹is_K2_isometry J› and K2_centre_in_K2
have "apply_cltn2 K2_centre J ∈ hyp2"
by (rule statement60_one_way)
from ‹proj2_incident c l› and ‹apply_cltn2_line equator J = l›
and ‹proj2_incident c m› and ‹apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m›
have "proj2_incident c (apply_cltn2_line equator J)"
and "proj2_incident c (apply_cltn2_line meridian J)"
by simp_all
with equator_meridian_distinct and K2_centre_on_equator_meridian
have "apply_cltn2 K2_centre J = c" by (rule apply_cltn2_unique)
with ‹apply_cltn2 K2_centre J ∈ hyp2› show "c ∈ hyp2" by simp
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "perp_foot b l ∈ hyp2"
using drop_perp_perp [of l b] and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and drop_perp_incident [of b l]
and perp_foot_incident [of b l]
by (rule M_perp_hyp2)
definition perp_up :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2_line ⇒ proj2" where
"perp_up a l
≡ if proj2_incident a l then ϵ p. p ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident p (drop_perp a l)
else endpoint_in_S (perp_foot a l) a"
lemma perp_up_degenerate_in_S_incident:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
shows "perp_up a l ∈ S" (is "?p ∈ S")
and "proj2_incident (perp_up a l) (drop_perp a l)"
proof -
from ‹proj2_incident a l›
have "?p = (ϵ p. p ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident p (drop_perp a l))"
by (unfold perp_up_def) simp
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and drop_perp_incident [of a l]
have "∃ p. p ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident p (drop_perp a l)"
by (rule line_through_K2_intersect_S)
hence "?p ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident ?p (drop_perp a l)"
unfolding ‹?p = (ϵ p. p ∈ S ∧ proj2_incident p (drop_perp a l))›
by (rule someI_ex)
thus "?p ∈ S" and "proj2_incident ?p (drop_perp a l)" by simp_all
lemma perp_up_non_degenerate_in_S_at_end:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
and "¬ proj2_incident a l"
shows "perp_up a l ∈ S"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (perp_foot a l)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (perp_up a l))"
proof -
from ‹¬ proj2_incident a l›
have "perp_up a l = endpoint_in_S (perp_foot a l) a"
by (unfold perp_up_def) simp
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "perp_foot a l ∈ hyp2" by (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
show "perp_up a l ∈ S"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (perp_foot a l)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (perp_up a l))"
unfolding ‹perp_up a l = endpoint_in_S (perp_foot a l) a›
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
lemma perp_up_in_S:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "perp_up a l ∈ S"
proof cases
assume "proj2_incident a l"
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
show "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_degenerate_in_S_incident)
assume "¬ proj2_incident a l"
with assms
show "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_non_degenerate_in_S_at_end)
lemma perp_up_incident:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "proj2_incident (perp_up a l) (drop_perp a l)"
(is "proj2_incident ?p ?m")
proof cases
assume "proj2_incident a l"
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
show "proj2_incident ?p ?m" by (rule perp_up_degenerate_in_S_incident)
assume "¬ proj2_incident a l"
hence "?p = endpoint_in_S (perp_foot a l) a" (is "?p = endpoint_in_S ?c a")
by (unfold perp_up_def) simp
from perp_foot_incident [of a l] and ‹¬ proj2_incident a l›
have "?c ≠ a" by auto
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "?c ∈ hyp2" by (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
with ‹?c ≠ a› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and drop_perp_incident [of a l]
and perp_foot_incident [of a l]
show "proj2_incident ?p ?m"
by (unfold ‹?p = endpoint_in_S ?c a›) (simp add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
lemma drop_perp_same_line_pole_in_S:
assumes "drop_perp p l = l"
shows "pole l ∈ S"
proof -
from ‹drop_perp p l = l›
have "l = proj2_line_through p (pole l)" by (unfold drop_perp_def) simp
with proj2_line_through_incident [of "pole l" p]
have "proj2_incident (pole l) l" by simp
hence "proj2_incident (pole l) (polar (pole l))" by (subst polar_pole)
thus "pole l ∈ S" by (unfold incident_own_polar_in_S)
lemma hyp2_drop_perp_not_same_line:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2"
shows "drop_perp a l ≠ l"
assume "drop_perp a l = l"
hence "pole l ∈ S" by (rule drop_perp_same_line_pole_in_S)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "¬ proj2_incident a (polar (pole l))"
by (simp add: tangent_not_through_K2)
with ‹drop_perp a l = l›
have "¬ proj2_incident a (drop_perp a l)" by (simp add: polar_pole)
with drop_perp_incident [of a l] show False by simp
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
shows "perp_foot a l = a"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "drop_perp a l ≠ l" by (rule hyp2_drop_perp_not_same_line)
with perp_foot_incident [of a l] and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and drop_perp_incident [of a l] and proj2_incident_unique
show "perp_foot a l = a" by fast
lemma perp_up_at_end:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (perp_foot a l)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (perp_up a l))"
proof cases
assume "proj2_incident a l"
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "perp_foot a l = a" by (rule hyp2_incident_perp_foot_same_point)
thus "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (perp_foot a l)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (perp_up a l))"
by (simp add: real_euclid.th3_1 real_euclid.th3_2)
assume "¬ proj2_incident a l"
with assms
show "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt (perp_foot a l)) (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt (perp_up a l))"
by (rule perp_up_non_degenerate_in_S_at_end)
definition perp_down :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2_line ⇒ proj2" where
"perp_down a l ≡ endpoint_in_S (perp_up a l) a"
lemma perp_down_in_S:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "perp_down a l ∈ S"
proof -
from assms have "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_in_S)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
show "perp_down a l ∈ S" by (unfold perp_down_def) (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
lemma perp_down_incident:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "proj2_incident (perp_down a l) (drop_perp a l)"
proof -
from assms have "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_in_S)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› have "perp_up a l ≠ a" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal [symmetric])
from assms
have "proj2_incident (perp_up a l) (drop_perp a l)" by (rule perp_up_incident)
with ‹perp_up a l ≠ a› and ‹perp_up a l ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
and drop_perp_incident [of a l]
show "proj2_incident (perp_down a l) (drop_perp a l)"
by (unfold perp_down_def) (simp add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
lemma perp_up_down_distinct:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "perp_up a l ≠ perp_down a l"
proof -
from assms have "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_in_S)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2›
show "perp_up a l ≠ perp_down a l"
unfolding perp_down_def
by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_S_strict_hyp2_distinct [symmetric])
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "are_endpoints_in_S (perp_up a l) (perp_down a l) (perp_foot a l) a"
proof -
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "perp_foot a l ∈ hyp2" by (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
from assms have "perp_up a l ∈ S" by (rule perp_up_in_S)
from assms
have "proj2_incident (perp_up a l) (drop_perp a l)" by (rule perp_up_incident)
with ‹perp_foot a l ∈ hyp2› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹perp_up a l ∈ S›
and perp_foot_incident(2) [of a l] and drop_perp_incident [of a l]
show "are_endpoints_in_S (perp_up a l) (perp_down a l) (perp_foot a l) a"
by (unfold perp_down_def) (rule end_and_opposite_are_endpoints_in_S)
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "a ≠ b"
"endpoint_in_S (endpoint_in_S a b) (perp_foot c (proj2_line_through a b))
= endpoint_in_S b a"
(is "endpoint_in_S ?p ?d = endpoint_in_S b a")
proof -
let ?q = "endpoint_in_S ?p ?d"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› have "?p ∈ S" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
let ?l = "proj2_line_through a b"
have "proj2_incident a ?l" and "proj2_incident b ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "proj2_incident ?p ?l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a ?l› and ‹c ∈ hyp2›
have "?d ∈ hyp2" by (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
with ‹?p ∈ S› have "?q ≠ ?p" by (rule endpoint_in_S_S_strict_hyp2_distinct)
from ‹?p ∈ S› and ‹?d ∈ hyp2› have "?q ∈ S" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹?d ∈ hyp2› and ‹?p ∈ S›
have "?p ≠ ?d" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal [symmetric])
with ‹?p ∈ S› and ‹?d ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident ?p ?l›
and perp_foot_incident(1) [of c ?l]
have "proj2_incident ?q ?l" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹?q ∈ S›
and ‹proj2_incident a ?l› and ‹proj2_incident b ?l›
have "?q = ?p ∨ ?q = endpoint_in_S b a"
by (simp add: endpoints_in_S_incident_unique)
with ‹?q ≠ ?p› show "?q = endpoint_in_S b a" by simp
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "a ≠ b"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "are_endpoints_in_S
(endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a (perp_foot c l)"
proof -
define p q d
where "p = endpoint_in_S a b"
and "q = endpoint_in_S b a"
and "d = perp_foot c l"
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "p ≠ q" by (unfold p_def q_def) (simp add: endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" by (unfold p_def q_def) (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹c ∈ hyp2›
have "d ∈ hyp2" by (unfold d_def) (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l"
by (unfold p_def q_def) (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹proj2_incident a l› and perp_foot_incident(1) [of c l]
have "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,d}"
by (unfold d_def proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ l])
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹d ∈ hyp2›
show "are_endpoints_in_S p q a d" by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp
definition right_angle :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2 ⇒ proj2 ⇒ bool" where
"right_angle p a q
≡ p ∈ S ∧ q ∈ S ∧ a ∈ hyp2
∧ M_perp (proj2_line_through p a) (proj2_line_through a q)"
lemma :
assumes "p ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident p l"
and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "right_angle p (perp_foot a l) (perp_up a l)"
proof -
define c where "c = perp_foot a l"
define q where "q = perp_up a l"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "q ∈ S" by (unfold q_def) (rule perp_up_in_S)
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "c ∈ hyp2" by (unfold c_def) (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› have "c ≠ p" and "c ≠ q"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
from ‹c ≠ p› [symmetric] and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and perp_foot_incident(1) [of a l]
have "l = proj2_line_through p c"
by (unfold c_def) (rule proj2_line_through_unique)
define m where "m = drop_perp a l"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_incident q m" by (unfold q_def m_def) (rule perp_up_incident)
with ‹c ≠ q› and perp_foot_incident(2) [of a l]
have "m = proj2_line_through c q"
by (unfold c_def m_def) (rule proj2_line_through_unique)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and drop_perp_perp [of l a]
and ‹l = proj2_line_through p c›
show "right_angle p (perp_foot a l) (perp_up a l)"
by (unfold right_angle_def q_def c_def m_def) simp
lemma M_perp_unique:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
and "proj2_incident b m" and "proj2_incident b n" and "M_perp l m"
and "M_perp l n"
shows "m = n"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
have "pole l ∉ hyp2" by (rule line_through_hyp2_pole_not_in_hyp2)
with ‹b ∈ hyp2› have "b ≠ pole l" by auto
with ‹proj2_incident b m› and ‹M_perp l m› and ‹proj2_incident b n›
and ‹M_perp l n› and proj2_incident_unique
show "m = n" by (unfold M_perp_def) auto
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_incident a l"
and "perp_foot b l = perp_foot c l"
shows "drop_perp b l = drop_perp c l"
proof -
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "perp_foot b l ∈ hyp2" by (rule perp_foot_hyp2)
from ‹perp_foot b l = perp_foot c l›
have "proj2_incident (perp_foot b l) (drop_perp c l)"
by (simp add: perp_foot_incident)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹perp_foot b l ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
and perp_foot_incident(2) [of b l] and drop_perp_perp [of l]
show "drop_perp b l = drop_perp c l" by (simp add: M_perp_unique)
lemma right_angle_to_compass:
assumes "right_angle p a q"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 p J = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J = K2_centre ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = north"
proof -
from ‹right_angle p a q›
have "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2"
and "M_perp (proj2_line_through p a) (proj2_line_through a q)"
(is "M_perp ?l ?m")
by (unfold right_angle_def) simp_all
have "proj2_incident p ?l" and "proj2_incident a ?l"
and "proj2_incident q ?m" and "proj2_incident a ?m"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
from ‹M_perp ?l ?m› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident a ?m› and M_perp_to_compass [of ?l ?m a a]
obtain J''i where "is_K2_isometry J''i"
and "apply_cltn2_line equator J''i = ?l"
and "apply_cltn2_line meridian J''i = ?m"
by auto
let ?J'' = "cltn2_inverse J''i"
from ‹apply_cltn2_line equator J''i = ?l›
and ‹apply_cltn2_line meridian J''i = ?m›
and ‹proj2_incident p ?l› and ‹proj2_incident a ?l›
and ‹proj2_incident q ?m› and ‹proj2_incident a ?m›
have "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 p ?J'') equator"
and "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a ?J'') equator"
and "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 q ?J'') meridian"
and "proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a ?J'') meridian"
by (simp_all add: apply_cltn2_incident [symmetric])
from ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a ?J'') equator›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 a ?J'') meridian›
have "apply_cltn2 a ?J'' = K2_centre"
by (rule on_equator_meridian_is_K2_centre)
from ‹is_K2_isometry J''i›
have "is_K2_isometry ?J''" by (rule cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J'' ∈ S" and "apply_cltn2 q ?J'' ∈ S"
by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp_all
with east_west_distinct and north_south_distinct and compass_in_S
and east_west_on_equator and north_south_far_north_on_meridian
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 p ?J'') equator›
and ‹proj2_incident (apply_cltn2 q ?J'') meridian›
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = east ∨ apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = west"
and "apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = south"
by (simp_all add: line_S_two_intersections_only)
have "∃ J'. is_K2_isometry J' ∧ apply_cltn2 p J' = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre
∧ (apply_cltn2 q J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q J' = south)"
proof cases
assume "apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = east"
with ‹is_K2_isometry ?J''› and ‹apply_cltn2 a ?J'' = K2_centre›
and ‹apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = south›
show "∃ J'. is_K2_isometry J' ∧ apply_cltn2 p J' = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre
∧ (apply_cltn2 q J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q J' = south)"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?J''])
assume "apply_cltn2 p ?J'' ≠ east"
with ‹apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = east ∨ apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = west›
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = west" by simp
let ?J' = "cltn2_compose ?J'' meridian_reflect"
from ‹is_K2_isometry ?J''› and meridian_reflect_K2_isometry
have "is_K2_isometry ?J'" by (rule cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry)
from ‹apply_cltn2 p ?J'' = west› and ‹apply_cltn2 a ?J'' = K2_centre›
and ‹apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q ?J'' = south›
and compass_reflect_compass
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J' = east" and "apply_cltn2 a ?J' = K2_centre"
and "apply_cltn2 q ?J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q ?J' = south"
by (auto simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
show "∃ J'. is_K2_isometry J' ∧ apply_cltn2 p J' = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre
∧ (apply_cltn2 q J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q J' = south)"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?J'])
then obtain J' where "is_K2_isometry J'" and "apply_cltn2 p J' = east"
and "apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre"
and "apply_cltn2 q J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q J' = south"
by auto
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 p J = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J = K2_centre ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = north"
proof cases
assume "apply_cltn2 q J' = north"
with ‹is_K2_isometry J'› and ‹apply_cltn2 p J' = east›
and ‹apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 p J = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J = K2_centre ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = north"
by (simp add: exI [of _ J'])
assume "apply_cltn2 q J' ≠ north"
with ‹apply_cltn2 q J' = north ∨ apply_cltn2 q J' = south›
have "apply_cltn2 q J' = south" by simp
let ?J = "cltn2_compose J' equator_reflect"
from ‹is_K2_isometry J'› and equator_reflect_K2_isometry
have "is_K2_isometry ?J" by (rule cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry)
from ‹apply_cltn2 p J' = east› and ‹apply_cltn2 a J' = K2_centre›
and ‹apply_cltn2 q J' = south› and compass_reflect_compass
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J = east" and "apply_cltn2 a ?J = K2_centre"
and "apply_cltn2 q ?J = north"
by (auto simp add: cltn2.act_act [simplified, symmetric])
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J ∧ apply_cltn2 p J = east
∧ apply_cltn2 a J = K2_centre ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = north"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?J])
lemma right_angle_to_right_angle:
assumes "right_angle p a q" and "right_angle r b s"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2 p J = r ∧ apply_cltn2 a J = b ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = s"
proof -
from ‹right_angle p a q› and right_angle_to_compass [of p a q]
obtain H where "is_K2_isometry H" and "apply_cltn2 p H = east"
and "apply_cltn2 a H = K2_centre" and "apply_cltn2 q H = north"
by auto
from ‹right_angle r b s› and right_angle_to_compass [of r b s]
obtain K where "is_K2_isometry K" and "apply_cltn2 r K = east"
and "apply_cltn2 b K = K2_centre" and "apply_cltn2 s K = north"
by auto
let ?Ki = "cltn2_inverse K"
let ?J = "cltn2_compose H ?Ki"
from ‹is_K2_isometry H› and ‹is_K2_isometry K›
have "is_K2_isometry ?J"
by (simp add: cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry cltn2_compose_is_K2_isometry)
from ‹apply_cltn2 r K = east› and ‹apply_cltn2 b K = K2_centre›
and ‹apply_cltn2 s K = north›
have "apply_cltn2 east ?Ki = r" and "apply_cltn2 K2_centre ?Ki = b"
and "apply_cltn2 north ?Ki = s"
by (simp_all add: cltn2.act_inv_iff [simplified])
with ‹apply_cltn2 p H = east› and ‹apply_cltn2 a H = K2_centre›
and ‹apply_cltn2 q H = north›
have "apply_cltn2 p ?J = r" and "apply_cltn2 a ?J = b"
and "apply_cltn2 q ?J = s"
by (simp_all add: cltn2.act_act [simplified,symmetric])
with ‹is_K2_isometry ?J›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ apply_cltn2 p J = r ∧ apply_cltn2 a J = b ∧ apply_cltn2 q J = s"
by (simp add: exI [of _ ?J])
subsection ‹Functions of distance›
definition exp_2dist :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2 ⇒ real" where
"exp_2dist a b
≡ if a = b
then 1
else cross_ratio (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
definition cosh_dist :: "proj2 ⇒ proj2 ⇒ real" where
"cosh_dist a b ≡ (sqrt (exp_2dist a b) + sqrt (1 / (exp_2dist a b))) / 2"
lemma exp_2dist_formula:
assumes "a ≠ 0" and "b ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs a ∈ hyp2" (is "?pa ∈ hyp2")
and "proj2_abs b ∈ hyp2" (is "?pb ∈ hyp2")
shows "exp_2dist (proj2_abs a) (proj2_abs b)
= (a ∙ (M *v b) + sqrt (quarter_discrim a b))
/ (a ∙ (M *v b) - sqrt (quarter_discrim a b))
∨ exp_2dist (proj2_abs a) (proj2_abs b)
= (a ∙ (M *v b) - sqrt (quarter_discrim a b))
/ (a ∙ (M *v b) + sqrt (quarter_discrim a b))"
(is "?e2d = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)
∨ ?e2d = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)")
proof cases
assume "?pa = ?pb"
hence "?e2d = 1" by (unfold exp_2dist_def, simp)
from ‹?pa = ?pb›
have "quarter_discrim a b = 0" by (rule quarter_discrim_self_zero)
hence "?sqd = 0" by simp
from ‹proj2_abs a = proj2_abs b› and ‹b ≠ 0› and proj2_abs_abs_mult
obtain k where "a = k *⇩R b" by auto
from ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs b ∈ hyp2›
have "b ∙ (M *v b) < 0" by (subst K2_abs [symmetric])
with ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹a = k *⇩R b› have "?aMb ≠ 0" by simp
with ‹?e2d = 1› and ‹?sqd = 0›
show "?e2d = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)
∨ ?e2d = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)"
by simp
assume "?pa ≠ ?pb"
let ?l = "proj2_line_through ?pa ?pb"
have "proj2_incident ?pa ?l" and "proj2_incident ?pb ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb›
have "proj2_incident (S_intersection1 a b) ?l" (is "proj2_incident ?Si1 ?l")
and "proj2_incident (S_intersection2 a b) ?l" (is "proj2_incident ?Si2 ?l")
by (rule S_intersections_incident)+
with ‹proj2_incident ?pa ?l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pb ?l›
have "proj2_set_Col {?pa,?pb,?Si1,?Si2}" by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def, auto)
have "{?pa,?pb,?Si2,?Si1} = {?pa,?pb,?Si1,?Si2}" by auto
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2›
have "?Si1 ∈ S" and "?Si2 ∈ S"
by (simp_all add: S_intersections_in_S)
with ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2›
have "?Si1 ≠ ?pa" and "?Si2 ≠ ?pa" and "?Si1 ≠ ?pb" and "?Si2 ≠ ?pb"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal [symmetric])
with ‹proj2_set_Col {?pa,?pb,?Si1,?Si2}› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb›
have "cross_ratio_correct ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2"
and "cross_ratio_correct ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1"
unfolding cross_ratio_correct_def
by (simp_all add: ‹{?pa,?pb,?Si2,?Si1} = {?pa,?pb,?Si1,?Si2}›)
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2›
have "?Si1 ≠ ?Si2" by (simp add: S_intersections_distinct)
with ‹cross_ratio_correct ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2›
and ‹cross_ratio_correct ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1›
have "cross_ratio ?Si1 ?Si2 ?pa ?pb = cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2"
and "cross_ratio ?Si2 ?Si1 ?pa ?pb = cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1"
by (simp_all add: cross_ratio_swap_13_24)
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs a ∈ hyp2›
have "a ∙ (M *v a) < 0" by (subst K2_abs [symmetric])
with ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and cross_ratio_abs [of a b 1 1]
have "cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2 = (-?aMb - ?sqd) / (-?aMb + ?sqd)"
by (unfold S_intersections_defs S_intersection_coeffs_defs, simp)
with times_divide_times_eq [of "-1" "-1" "-?aMb - ?sqd" "-?aMb + ?sqd"]
have "cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2 = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
with ‹cross_ratio ?Si1 ?Si2 ?pa ?pb = cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2›
have "cross_ratio ?Si1 ?Si2 ?pa ?pb = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)" by simp
from ‹cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si1 ?Si2 = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)›
and cross_ratio_swap_34 [of ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1]
have "cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1 = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)" by simp
with ‹cross_ratio ?Si2 ?Si1 ?pa ?pb = cross_ratio ?pa ?pb ?Si2 ?Si1›
have "cross_ratio ?Si2 ?Si1 ?pa ?pb = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)" by simp
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2›
have "(?Si1 = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb ∧ ?Si2 = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pa)
∨ (?Si2 = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb ∧ ?Si1 = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pa)"
by (simp add: S_intersections_endpoints_in_S)
with ‹cross_ratio ?Si1 ?Si2 ?pa ?pb = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)›
and ‹cross_ratio ?Si2 ?Si1 ?pa ?pb = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)›
and ‹?pa ≠ ?pb›
show "?e2d = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)
∨ ?e2d = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)"
by (unfold exp_2dist_def, auto)
lemma cosh_dist_formula:
assumes "a ≠ 0" and "b ≠ 0" and "proj2_abs a ∈ hyp2" (is "?pa ∈ hyp2")
and "proj2_abs b ∈ hyp2" (is "?pb ∈ hyp2")
shows "cosh_dist (proj2_abs a) (proj2_abs b)
= ¦a ∙ (M *v b)¦ / sqrt (a ∙ (M *v a) * (b ∙ (M *v b)))"
(is "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = ¦?aMb¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)")
proof -
let ?qd = "quarter_discrim a b"
let ?sqd = "sqrt ?qd"
let ?e2d = "exp_2dist ?pa ?pb"
from assms
have "?e2d = (?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)
∨ ?e2d = (?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)"
by (rule exp_2dist_formula)
hence "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb
= (sqrt ((?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd))
+ sqrt ((?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)))
/ 2"
by (unfold cosh_dist_def, auto)
have "?qd ≥ 0"
proof cases
assume "?pa = ?pb"
thus "?qd ≥ 0" by (simp add: quarter_discrim_self_zero)
assume "?pa ≠ ?pb"
with ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2›
have "?qd > 0" by (simp add: quarter_discrim_positive)
thus "?qd ≥ 0" by simp
with real_sqrt_pow2 [of ?qd] have "?sqd⇧2 = ?qd" by simp
hence "(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) = ?aMa * ?bMb"
by (unfold quarter_discrim_def, simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
from times_divide_times_eq [of
"?aMb + ?sqd" "?aMb + ?sqd" "?aMb + ?sqd" "?aMb - ?sqd"]
have "(?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd)
= (?aMb + ?sqd)⇧2 / ((?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd))"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
with ‹(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) = ?aMa * ?bMb›
have "(?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd) = (?aMb + ?sqd)⇧2 / (?aMa * ?bMb)" by simp
hence "sqrt ((?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd))
= ¦?aMb + ?sqd¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
from times_divide_times_eq [of
"?aMb + ?sqd" "?aMb - ?sqd" "?aMb - ?sqd" "?aMb - ?sqd"]
have "(?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)
= (?aMb - ?sqd)⇧2 / ((?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd))"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
with ‹(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) = ?aMa * ?bMb›
have "(?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd) = (?aMb - ?sqd)⇧2 / (?aMa * ?bMb)" by simp
hence "sqrt ((?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd))
= ¦?aMb - ?sqd¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
from ‹a ≠ 0› and ‹b ≠ 0› and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2›
have "?aMa < 0" and "?bMb < 0"
by (simp_all add: K2_imp_M_neg)
with ‹(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) = ?aMa * ?bMb›
have "(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) > 0" by (simp add: mult_neg_neg)
hence "?aMb + ?sqd ≠ 0" and "?aMb - ?sqd ≠ 0" by auto
hence "sgn (?aMb + ?sqd) ∈ {-1,1}" and "sgn (?aMb - ?sqd) ∈ {-1,1}"
by (simp_all add: sgn_real_def)
from ‹(?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd) > 0›
have "sgn ((?aMb + ?sqd) * (?aMb - ?sqd)) = 1" by simp
hence "sgn (?aMb + ?sqd) * sgn (?aMb - ?sqd) = 1" by (simp add: sgn_mult)
with ‹sgn (?aMb + ?sqd) ∈ {-1,1}› and ‹sgn (?aMb - ?sqd) ∈ {-1,1}›
have "sgn (?aMb + ?sqd) = sgn (?aMb - ?sqd)" by auto
with abs_plus [of "?aMb + ?sqd" "?aMb - ?sqd"]
have "¦?aMb + ?sqd¦ + ¦?aMb - ?sqd¦ = 2 * ¦?aMb¦" by simp
with ‹sqrt ((?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd))
= ¦?aMb + ?sqd¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)›
and ‹sqrt ((?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd))
= ¦?aMb - ?sqd¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)›
and add_divide_distrib [of
"¦?aMb + ?sqd¦" "¦?aMb - ?sqd¦" "sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)"]
have "sqrt ((?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd))
+ sqrt ((?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd))
= 2 * ¦?aMb¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)"
by simp
with ‹cosh_dist ?pa ?pb
= (sqrt ((?aMb + ?sqd) / (?aMb - ?sqd))
+ sqrt ((?aMb - ?sqd) / (?aMb + ?sqd)))
/ 2›
show "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = ¦?aMb¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)" by simp
lemma cosh_dist_perp_special_case:
assumes "¦x¦ < 1" and "¦y¦ < 1"
shows "cosh_dist (proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])) (proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1]))
= (cosh_dist K2_centre (proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])))
* (cosh_dist K2_centre (proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])))"
(is "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = (cosh_dist ?po ?pa) * (cosh_dist ?po ?pb)")
proof -
have "vector [x,0,1] ≠ (0::real^3)" (is "?a ≠ 0")
and "vector [0,y,1] ≠ (0::real^3)" (is "?b ≠ 0")
by (unfold vector_def, simp_all add: vec_eq_iff forall_3)
have "?a ∙ (M *v ?a) = x⇧2 - 1" (is "?aMa = x⇧2 - 1")
and "?b ∙ (M *v ?b) = y⇧2 - 1" (is "?bMb = y⇧2 - 1")
unfolding vector_def and M_def and inner_vec_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp_all add: sum_3 power2_eq_square)
with ‹¦x¦ < 1› and ‹¦y¦ < 1›
have "?aMa < 0" and "?bMb < 0" by (simp_all add: abs_square_less_1)
hence "?pa ∈ hyp2" and "?pb ∈ hyp2"
by (simp_all add: M_neg_imp_K2)
with ‹?a ≠ 0› and ‹?b ≠ 0›
have "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = ¦?a ∙ (M *v ?b)¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)"
(is "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = ¦?aMb¦ / sqrt (?aMa * ?bMb)")
by (rule cosh_dist_formula)
also from ‹?aMa = x⇧2 - 1› and ‹?bMb = y⇧2 - 1›
have "… = ¦?aMb¦ / sqrt ((x⇧2 - 1) * (y⇧2 - 1))" by simp
finally have "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = 1 / sqrt ((1 - x⇧2) * (1 - y⇧2))"
unfolding vector_def and M_def and inner_vec_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp add: sum_3 algebra_simps)
let ?o = "vector [0,0,1]"
let ?oMa = "?o ∙ (M *v ?a)"
let ?oMb = "?o ∙ (M *v ?b)"
let ?oMo = "?o ∙ (M *v ?o)"
from K2_centre_non_zero and ‹?a ≠ 0› and ‹?b ≠ 0›
and K2_centre_in_K2 and ‹?pa ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pb ∈ hyp2›
and cosh_dist_formula [of ?o]
have "cosh_dist ?po ?pa = ¦?oMa¦ / sqrt (?oMo * ?aMa)"
and "cosh_dist ?po ?pb = ¦?oMb¦ / sqrt (?oMo * ?bMb)"
by (unfold K2_centre_def, simp_all)
hence "cosh_dist ?po ?pa = 1 / sqrt (1 - x⇧2)"
and "cosh_dist ?po ?pb = 1 / sqrt (1 - y⇧2)"
unfolding vector_def and M_def and inner_vec_def
and matrix_vector_mult_def
by (simp_all add: sum_3 power2_eq_square)
with ‹cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = 1 / sqrt ((1 - x⇧2) * (1 - y⇧2))›
show "cosh_dist ?pa ?pb = cosh_dist ?po ?pa * cosh_dist ?po ?pb"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult)
lemma K2_isometry_cross_ratio_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "is_K2_isometry J" and "a ≠ b"
shows "cross_ratio (apply_cltn2 (endpoint_in_S a b) J)
(apply_cltn2 (endpoint_in_S b a) J) (apply_cltn2 a J) (apply_cltn2 b J)
= cross_ratio (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
(is "cross_ratio ?pJ ?qJ ?aJ ?bJ = cross_ratio ?p ?q a b")
proof -
let ?l = "proj2_line_through a b"
have "proj2_incident a ?l" and "proj2_incident b ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "proj2_incident ?p ?l" and "proj2_incident ?q ?l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
with ‹proj2_incident a ?l› and ‹proj2_incident b ?l›
have "proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,a,b}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ ?l])
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "?p ≠ ?q" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› have "?p ∈ S" by (simp add: endpoint_in_S)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "a ≠ ?p" and "b ≠ ?p" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,a,b}› and ‹?p ≠ ?q›
show "cross_ratio ?pJ ?qJ ?aJ ?bJ = cross_ratio ?p ?q a b"
by (rule cross_ratio_cltn2)
lemma K2_isometry_exp_2dist:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "exp_2dist (apply_cltn2 a J) (apply_cltn2 b J) = exp_2dist a b"
(is "exp_2dist ?aJ ?bJ = _")
proof cases
assume "a = b"
thus "exp_2dist ?aJ ?bJ = exp_2dist a b" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
assume "a ≠ b"
with apply_cltn2_injective have "?aJ ≠ ?bJ" by fast
let ?p = "endpoint_in_S a b"
let ?q = "endpoint_in_S b a"
let ?aJ = "apply_cltn2 a J"
and ?bJ = "apply_cltn2 b J"
and ?pJ = "apply_cltn2 ?p J"
and ?qJ = "apply_cltn2 ?q J"
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "endpoint_in_S ?aJ ?bJ = ?pJ" and "endpoint_in_S ?bJ ?aJ = ?qJ"
by (simp_all add: K2_isometry_endpoint_in_S)
from assms and ‹a ≠ b›
have "cross_ratio ?pJ ?qJ ?aJ ?bJ = cross_ratio ?p ?q a b"
by (rule K2_isometry_cross_ratio_endpoints_in_S)
with ‹endpoint_in_S ?aJ ?bJ = ?pJ› and ‹endpoint_in_S ?bJ ?aJ = ?qJ›
and ‹a ≠ b› and ‹?aJ ≠ ?bJ›
show "exp_2dist ?aJ ?bJ = exp_2dist a b" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
lemma K2_isometry_cosh_dist:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "is_K2_isometry J"
shows "cosh_dist (apply_cltn2 a J) (apply_cltn2 b J) = cosh_dist a b"
using assms
by (unfold cosh_dist_def) (simp add: K2_isometry_exp_2dist)
lemma cosh_dist_perp:
assumes "M_perp l m" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l"
and "proj2_incident b m" and "proj2_incident c m"
shows "cosh_dist a c = cosh_dist b a * cosh_dist b c"
proof -
from ‹M_perp l m› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
and ‹proj2_incident b m› and M_perp_to_compass [of l m b b]
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2_line equator J = l"
and "apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m"
by auto
let ?Ji = "cltn2_inverse J"
let ?aJi = "apply_cltn2 a ?Ji"
let ?bJi = "apply_cltn2 b ?Ji"
let ?cJi = "apply_cltn2 c ?Ji"
from ‹apply_cltn2_line equator J = l› and ‹apply_cltn2_line meridian J = m›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
and ‹proj2_incident b m› and ‹proj2_incident c m›
have "proj2_incident ?aJi equator" and "proj2_incident ?bJi equator"
and "proj2_incident ?bJi meridian" and "proj2_incident ?cJi meridian"
by (auto simp add: apply_cltn2_incident)
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "is_K2_isometry ?Ji" by (rule cltn2_inverse_is_K2_isometry)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2›
have "?aJi ∈ hyp2" and "?cJi ∈ hyp2"
by (simp_all add: statement60_one_way)
from ‹?aJi ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident ?aJi equator›
and on_equator_in_hyp2_rep
obtain x where "¦x¦ < 1" and "?aJi = proj2_abs (vector [x,0,1])" by auto
from ‹?cJi ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident ?cJi meridian›
and on_meridian_in_hyp2_rep
obtain y where "¦y¦ < 1" and "?cJi = proj2_abs (vector [0,y,1])" by auto
from ‹proj2_incident ?bJi equator› and ‹proj2_incident ?bJi meridian›
have "?bJi = K2_centre" by (rule on_equator_meridian_is_K2_centre)
have "cosh_dist ?aJi ?cJi = cosh_dist ?bJi ?aJi * cosh_dist ?bJi ?cJi"
by (simp add: cosh_dist_perp_special_case)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and ‹is_K2_isometry ?Ji›
show "cosh_dist a c = cosh_dist b a * cosh_dist b c"
by (simp add: K2_isometry_cosh_dist)
lemma are_endpoints_in_S_ordered_cross_ratio:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp")
shows "cross_ratio p q a b ≥ 1"
proof -
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero a" and "z_non_zero b" and "z_non_zero p" and "z_non_zero q"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
hence "proj2_abs (cart2_append1 p) = p" (is "proj2_abs ?cp1 = p")
and "proj2_abs (cart2_append1 q) = q" (is "proj2_abs ?cq1 = q")
and "proj2_abs (cart2_append1 a) = a" (is "proj2_abs ?ca1 = a")
and "proj2_abs (cart2_append1 b) = b" (is "proj2_abs ?cb1 = b")
by (simp_all add: proj2_abs_cart2_append1)
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› have "b ≠ p" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹z_non_zero a› and ‹z_non_zero b› and ‹z_non_zero p›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› and cart2_append1_between_right_strict [of a b p]
obtain j where "j ≥ 0" and "j < 1" and "?cb1 = j *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-j) *⇩R ?ca1"
by auto
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}›
obtain l where "proj2_incident q l" and "proj2_incident p l"
and "proj2_incident a l"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) auto
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
and S_hyp2_S_cart2_append1 [of q p a l]
obtain k where "k > 0" and "k < 1" and "?ca1 = k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1"
by auto
from ‹z_non_zero p› and ‹z_non_zero q›
have "?cp1 ≠ 0" and "?cq1 ≠ 0" by (simp_all add: cart2_append1_non_zero)
from ‹p ≠ q› and ‹proj2_abs ?cp1 = p› and ‹proj2_abs ?cq1 = q›
have "proj2_abs ?cp1 ≠ proj2_abs ?cq1" by simp
from ‹k < 1› have "1-k ≠ 0" by simp
with ‹j < 1› have "(1-j)*(1-k) ≠ 0" by simp
from ‹j < 1› and ‹k > 0› have "(1-j)*k > 0" by simp
from ‹?cb1 = j *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-j) *⇩R ?ca1›
have "?cb1 = (j+(1-j)*k) *⇩R ?cp1 + ((1-j)*(1-k)) *⇩R ?cq1"
by (unfold ‹?ca1 = k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1›) (simp add: algebra_simps)
with ‹?ca1 = k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1›
have "proj2_abs ?ca1 = proj2_abs (k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1)"
and "proj2_abs ?cb1
= proj2_abs ((j+(1-j)*k) *⇩R ?cp1 + ((1-j)*(1-k)) *⇩R ?cq1)"
by simp_all
with ‹proj2_abs ?ca1 = a› and ‹proj2_abs ?cb1 = b›
have "a = proj2_abs (k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1)"
and "b = proj2_abs ((j+(1-j)*k) *⇩R ?cp1 + ((1-j)*(1-k)) *⇩R ?cq1)"
by simp_all
with ‹proj2_abs ?cp1 = p› and ‹proj2_abs ?cq1 = q›
have "cross_ratio p q a b
= cross_ratio (proj2_abs ?cp1) (proj2_abs ?cq1)
(proj2_abs (k *⇩R ?cp1 + (1-k) *⇩R ?cq1))
(proj2_abs ((j+(1-j)*k) *⇩R ?cp1 + ((1-j)*(1-k)) *⇩R ?cq1))"
by simp
also from ‹?cp1 ≠ 0› and ‹?cq1 ≠ 0› and ‹proj2_abs ?cp1 ≠ proj2_abs ?cq1›
and ‹1-k ≠ 0› and ‹(1-j)*(1-k) ≠ 0›
have "… = (1-k)*(j+(1-j)*k) / (k*((1-j)*(1-k)))" by (rule cross_ratio_abs)
also from ‹1-k ≠ 0› have "… = (j+(1-j)*k) / ((1-j)*k)" by simp
also from ‹j ≥ 0› and ‹(1-j)*k > 0› have "… ≥ 1" by simp
finally show "cross_ratio p q a b ≥ 1" .
lemma cross_ratio_S_S_hyp2_hyp2_positive:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
shows "cross_ratio p q a b > 0"
proof cases
assume "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt a)"
hence "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)"
by (rule real_euclid.th3_2)
with assms have "cross_ratio p q a b ≥ 1"
by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_ordered_cross_ratio)
thus "cross_ratio p q a b > 0" by simp
assume "¬ B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt p) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt a)" (is "¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cb ?ca")
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "are_endpoints_in_S p q b a" by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_swap_34)
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "p ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}›
have "proj2_set_Col {p,a,b}"
by (simp add: proj2_subset_Col [of "{p,a,b}" "{p,q,a,b}"])
hence "proj2_Col p a b" by (subst proj2_Col_iff_set_Col)
with ‹p ∈ S› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cb ∨ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cb ?ca" by (simp add: S_at_edge)
with ‹¬ B⇩ℝ ?cp ?cb ?ca› have "B⇩ℝ ?cp ?ca ?cb" by simp
hence "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?ca ?cp" by (rule real_euclid.th3_2)
with ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q b a›
have "cross_ratio p q b a ≥ 1"
by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_ordered_cross_ratio)
thus "cross_ratio p q a b > 0" by (subst cross_ratio_swap_34) simp
lemma cosh_dist_general:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
shows "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
proof -
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "a ≠ p" and "a ≠ q" and "b ≠ p" and "b ≠ q"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
show "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
proof cases
assume "a = b"
hence "cosh_dist a b = 1" by (unfold cosh_dist_def exp_2dist_def) simp
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}›
have "proj2_Col p q a" by (unfold ‹a = b›) (simp add: proj2_Col_iff_set_Col)
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹a ≠ p› and ‹a ≠ q›
have "cross_ratio p q a b = 1" by (simp add: ‹a = b› cross_ratio_equal_1)
hence "(sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2
= 1"
by simp
with ‹cosh_dist a b = 1›
show "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
by simp
assume "a ≠ b"
let ?r = "endpoint_in_S a b"
let ?s = "endpoint_in_S b a"
from ‹a ≠ b›
have "exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio ?r ?s a b" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "(p = ?r ∧ q = ?s) ∨ (q = ?r ∧ p = ?s)" by (rule are_endpoints_in_S)
show "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
proof cases
assume "p = ?r ∧ q = ?s"
with ‹exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio ?r ?s a b›
have "exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio p q a b" by simp
thus "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
by (unfold cosh_dist_def) (simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
assume "¬ (p = ?r ∧ q = ?s)"
with ‹(p = ?r ∧ q = ?s) ∨ (q = ?r ∧ p = ?s)›
have "q = ?r" and "p = ?s" by simp_all
with ‹exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio ?r ?s a b›
have "exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio q p a b" by simp
have "{q,p,a,b} = {p,q,a,b}" by auto
with ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}› and ‹p ≠ q› and ‹a ≠ p› and ‹b ≠ p›
and ‹a ≠ q› and ‹b ≠ q›
have "cross_ratio_correct p q a b" and "cross_ratio_correct q p a b"
by (unfold cross_ratio_correct_def) simp_all
hence "cross_ratio q p a b = 1 / (cross_ratio p q a b)"
by (rule cross_ratio_swap_12)
with ‹exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio q p a b›
have "exp_2dist a b = 1 / (cross_ratio p q a b)" by simp
thus "cosh_dist a b
= (sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) + 1 / sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b)) / 2"
by (unfold cosh_dist_def) (simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
lemma exp_2dist_positive:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "exp_2dist a b > 0"
proof cases
assume "a = b"
thus "exp_2dist a b > 0" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
assume "a ≠ b"
let ?p = "endpoint_in_S a b"
let ?q = "endpoint_in_S b a"
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a b"
by (rule endpoints_in_S_are_endpoints_in_S)
hence "cross_ratio ?p ?q a b > 0" by (rule cross_ratio_S_S_hyp2_hyp2_positive)
with ‹a ≠ b› show "exp_2dist a b > 0" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
lemma cosh_dist_at_least_1:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "cosh_dist a b ≥ 1"
proof -
from assms have "exp_2dist a b > 0" by (rule exp_2dist_positive)
with am_gm2(1) [of "sqrt (exp_2dist a b)" "sqrt (1 / exp_2dist a b)"]
show "cosh_dist a b ≥ 1"
by (unfold cosh_dist_def) (simp add: real_sqrt_mult [symmetric])
lemma cosh_dist_positive:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "cosh_dist a b > 0"
proof -
from assms have "cosh_dist a b ≥ 1" by (rule cosh_dist_at_least_1)
thus "cosh_dist a b > 0" by simp
lemma cosh_dist_perp_divide:
assumes "M_perp l m" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" and "proj2_incident b m"
and "proj2_incident c m"
shows "cosh_dist b c = cosh_dist a c / cosh_dist b a"
proof -
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
have "cosh_dist b a > 0" by (rule cosh_dist_positive)
from assms
have "cosh_dist a c = cosh_dist b a * cosh_dist b c" by (rule cosh_dist_perp)
with ‹cosh_dist b a > 0›
show "cosh_dist b c = cosh_dist a c / cosh_dist b a" by simp
lemma real_hyp2_C_cross_ratio_endpoints_in_S:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a b \<congruent>⇩K c d"
shows "cross_ratio (endpoint_in_S (Rep_hyp2 a) (Rep_hyp2 b))
(endpoint_in_S (Rep_hyp2 b) (Rep_hyp2 a)) (Rep_hyp2 a) (Rep_hyp2 b)
= cross_ratio (endpoint_in_S (Rep_hyp2 c) (Rep_hyp2 d))
(endpoint_in_S (Rep_hyp2 d) (Rep_hyp2 c)) (Rep_hyp2 c) (Rep_hyp2 d)"
(is "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?a' ?b' = cross_ratio ?r ?s ?c' ?d'")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K c d› have "c ≠ d" by (auto simp add: hyp2.A3')
with ‹a ≠ b› have "?a' ≠ ?b'" and "?c' ≠ ?d'" by (unfold Rep_hyp2_inject)
from ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K c d›
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "hyp2_cltn2 a J = c"
and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = d"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) auto
hence "apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?c'" and "apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?d'"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_cltn2 [symmetric])
with ‹?a' ≠ ?b'› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "apply_cltn2 ?p J = ?r" and "apply_cltn2 ?q J = ?s"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 K2_isometry_endpoint_in_S)
from ‹?a' ≠ ?b'›
have "proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,?a',?b'}"
by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 proj2_set_Col_endpoints_in_S)
from ‹?a' ≠ ?b'› have "?p ≠ ?q" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 endpoint_in_S_swap)
have "?p ∈ S" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 endpoint_in_S)
hence "?a' ≠ ?p" and "?b' ≠ ?p" by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹proj2_set_Col {?p,?q,?a',?b'}› and ‹?p ≠ ?q›
have "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?a' ?b'
= cross_ratio (apply_cltn2 ?p J) (apply_cltn2 ?q J)
(apply_cltn2 ?a' J) (apply_cltn2 ?b' J)"
by (rule cross_ratio_cltn2 [symmetric])
with ‹apply_cltn2 ?p J = ?r› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?q J = ?s›
and ‹apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?c'› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?d'›
show "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?a' ?b' = cross_ratio ?r ?s ?c' ?d'" by simp
lemma real_hyp2_C_exp_2dist:
assumes "a b \<congruent>⇩K c d"
shows "exp_2dist (Rep_hyp2 a) (Rep_hyp2 b)
= exp_2dist (Rep_hyp2 c) (Rep_hyp2 d)"
(is "exp_2dist ?a' ?b' = exp_2dist ?c' ?d'")
proof -
from ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K c d›
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "hyp2_cltn2 a J = c"
and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = d"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) auto
hence "apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?c'" and "apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?d'"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_cltn2 [symmetric])
from Rep_hyp2 [of a] and Rep_hyp2 [of b] and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "exp_2dist (apply_cltn2 ?a' J) (apply_cltn2 ?b' J) = exp_2dist ?a' ?b'"
by (rule K2_isometry_exp_2dist)
with ‹apply_cltn2 ?a' J = ?c'› and ‹apply_cltn2 ?b' J = ?d'›
show "exp_2dist ?a' ?b' = exp_2dist ?c' ?d'" by simp
lemma real_hyp2_C_cosh_dist:
assumes "a b \<congruent>⇩K c d"
shows "cosh_dist (Rep_hyp2 a) (Rep_hyp2 b)
= cosh_dist (Rep_hyp2 c) (Rep_hyp2 d)"
using assms
by (unfold cosh_dist_def) (simp add: real_hyp2_C_exp_2dist)
lemma cross_ratio_in_terms_of_cosh_dist:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)"
shows "cross_ratio p q a b
= 2 * (cosh_dist a b)⇧2 + 2 * cosh_dist a b * sqrt ((cosh_dist a b)⇧2 - 1) - 1"
(is "?pqab = 2 * ?ab⇧2 + 2 * ?ab * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) - 1")
proof -
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "?ab = (sqrt ?pqab + 1 / sqrt ?pqab) / 2" by (rule cosh_dist_general)
hence "sqrt ?pqab - 2 * ?ab + 1 / sqrt ?pqab = 0" by simp
hence "sqrt ?pqab * (sqrt ?pqab - 2 * ?ab + 1 / sqrt ?pqab) = 0" by simp
moreover from assms
have "?pqab ≥ 1" by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_ordered_cross_ratio)
ultimately have "?pqab - 2 * ?ab * (sqrt ?pqab) + 1 = 0"
by (simp add: algebra_simps real_sqrt_mult [symmetric])
with ‹?pqab ≥ 1› and discriminant_iff [of 1 "sqrt ?pqab" "- 2 * ?ab" 1]
have "sqrt ?pqab = (2 * ?ab + sqrt (4 * ?ab⇧2 - 4)) / 2
∨ sqrt ?pqab = (2 * ?ab - sqrt (4 * ?ab⇧2 - 4)) / 2"
unfolding discrim_def
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult [symmetric] power2_eq_square)
moreover have "sqrt (4 * ?ab⇧2 - 4) = sqrt (4 * (?ab⇧2 - 1))" by simp
hence "sqrt (4 * ?ab⇧2 - 4) = 2 * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)"
by (unfold real_sqrt_mult) simp
ultimately have "sqrt ?pqab = 2 * (?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) / 2
∨ sqrt ?pqab = 2 * (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) / 2"
by simp
hence "sqrt ?pqab = ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)
∨ sqrt ?pqab = ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)"
by (simp only: nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left [of 2])
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
hence "?ab ≥ 1" by (rule cosh_dist_at_least_1)
hence "?ab⇧2 ≥ 1" by simp
hence "sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) ≥ 0" by simp
hence "sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) = ?ab⇧2 - 1"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult [symmetric])
hence "(?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) * (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) = 1"
by (simp add: algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
have "?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) ≤ 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) ≤ 1)"
hence "1 < ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" by simp
also from ‹sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) ≥ 0›
have "… ≤ ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" by simp
finally have "1 < ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" by simp
with ‹1 < ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)›
and mult_strict_mono' [of
1 "?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" 1 "?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)"]
have "1 < (?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) * (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1))" by simp
with ‹(?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) * (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) = 1›
show False by simp
have "sqrt ?pqab = ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "sqrt ?pqab ≠ ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)"
with ‹sqrt ?pqab = ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)
∨ sqrt ?pqab = ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)›
have "sqrt ?pqab = ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" by simp
with ‹?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) ≤ 1› have "sqrt ?pqab ≤ 1" by simp
with ‹?pqab ≥ 1› have "sqrt ?pqab = 1" by simp
with ‹sqrt ?pqab = ?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)›
and ‹(?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) * (?ab - sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)) = 1›
have "?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) = 1" by simp
with ‹sqrt ?pqab = 1› have "sqrt ?pqab = ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)" by simp
with ‹sqrt ?pqab ≠ ?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1)› show False ..
moreover from ‹?pqab ≥ 1› have "?pqab = (sqrt ?pqab)⇧2" by simp
ultimately have "?pqab = (?ab + sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1))⇧2" by simp
with ‹sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) = ?ab⇧2 - 1›
show "?pqab = 2 * ?ab⇧2 + 2 * ?ab * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) - 1"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
lemma are_endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct:
assumes "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
shows "cross_ratio_correct p q a b"
proof -
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "a ≠ p" and "b ≠ p" and "a ≠ q" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}› and ‹p ≠ q›
show "cross_ratio_correct p q a b" by (unfold cross_ratio_correct_def) simp
lemma endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct:
assumes "a ≠ b" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "cross_ratio_correct (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
proof -
from assms
have "are_endpoints_in_S (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
by (rule endpoints_in_S_are_endpoints_in_S)
thus "cross_ratio_correct (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct)
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "a ≠ b"
and "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l"
shows "cross_ratio_correct
(endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a (perp_foot c l)"
(is "cross_ratio_correct ?p ?q a ?d")
proof -
from assms
have "are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a ?d"
by (rule endpoints_in_S_perp_foot_are_endpoints_in_S)
thus "cross_ratio_correct ?p ?q a ?d"
by (rule are_endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct)
lemma cosh_dist_unique:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "p ∈ S"
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt b) (cart2_pt p)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp")
and "B⇩ℝ (cart2_pt a) (cart2_pt c) (cart2_pt p)" (is "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cc ?cp")
and "cosh_dist a b = cosh_dist a c" (is "?ab = ?ac")
shows "b = c"
proof -
let ?q = "endpoint_in_S p a"
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S›
have "z_non_zero a" and "z_non_zero b" and "z_non_zero c" and "z_non_zero p"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
with ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cc ?cp›
have "∃ l. proj2_incident a l ∧ proj2_incident b l ∧ proj2_incident p l"
and "∃ m. proj2_incident a m ∧ proj2_incident c m ∧ proj2_incident p m"
by (simp_all add: euclid_B_cart2_common_line)
then obtain l and m where
"proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" and "proj2_incident p l"
and "proj2_incident a m" and "proj2_incident c m" and "proj2_incident p m"
by auto
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› have "a ≠ p" by (rule hyp2_S_not_equal)
with ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
and ‹proj2_incident a m› and ‹proj2_incident p m› and proj2_incident_unique
have "l = m" by fast
with ‹proj2_incident c m› have "proj2_incident c l" by simp
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹proj2_incident p l›
have "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q b a" and "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q c a"
by (simp_all add: end_and_opposite_are_endpoints_in_S)
with are_endpoints_in_S_swap_34
have "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a b" and "are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a c" by fast+
hence "cross_ratio_correct p ?q a b" and "cross_ratio_correct p ?q a c"
by (simp_all add: are_endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct)
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a b› and ‹are_endpoints_in_S p ?q a c›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cp› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cc ?cp›
have "cross_ratio p ?q a b = 2 * ?ab⇧2 + 2 * ?ab * sqrt (?ab⇧2 - 1) - 1"
and "cross_ratio p ?q a c = 2 * ?ac⇧2 + 2 * ?ac * sqrt (?ac⇧2 - 1) - 1"
by (simp_all add: cross_ratio_in_terms_of_cosh_dist)
with ‹?ab = ?ac› have "cross_ratio p ?q a b = cross_ratio p ?q a c" by simp
ultimately show "b = c" by (rule cross_ratio_unique)
lemma cosh_dist_swap:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
shows "cosh_dist a b = cosh_dist b a"
proof -
from assms and K2_isometry_swap
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2 a J = b"
and "apply_cltn2 b J = a"
by auto
from ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "cosh_dist (apply_cltn2 b J) (apply_cltn2 a J) = cosh_dist b a"
by (rule K2_isometry_cosh_dist)
with ‹apply_cltn2 a J = b› and ‹apply_cltn2 b J = a›
show "cosh_dist a b = cosh_dist b a" by simp
lemma exp_2dist_1_equal:
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "exp_2dist a b = 1"
shows "a = b"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "a ≠ b"
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "cross_ratio_correct (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a) a b"
(is "cross_ratio_correct ?p ?q a b")
by (simp add: endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct)
from ‹a ≠ b›
have "exp_2dist a b = cross_ratio ?p ?q a b" by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
with ‹exp_2dist a b = 1› have "cross_ratio ?p ?q a b = 1" by simp
ultimately have "a = b" by (rule cross_ratio_1_equal)
with ‹a ≠ b› show False ..
subsubsection ‹A formula for a cross ratio involving a perpendicular foot›
lemma :
assumes "a ≠ b" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
and "proj2_incident p l" and "proj2_incident q l" and "M_perp l m"
and "proj2_incident d l" and "proj2_incident d m" and "proj2_incident c m"
shows "cross_ratio p q d a
= (cosh_dist b c * sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b) - cosh_dist a c)
/ (cosh_dist a c * cross_ratio p q a b
- cosh_dist b c * sqrt (cross_ratio p q a b))"
(is "?pqda = (?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac) / (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab)")
proof -
let ?da = "cosh_dist d a"
let ?db = "cosh_dist d b"
let ?dc = "cosh_dist d c"
let ?pqdb = "cross_ratio p q d b"
from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q a b›
have "p ≠ q" and "p ∈ S" and "q ∈ S" and "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}›
obtain l' where "proj2_incident p l'" and "proj2_incident q l'"
and "proj2_incident a l'" and "proj2_incident b l'"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) auto
from ‹p ≠ q› and ‹proj2_incident p l'› and ‹proj2_incident q l'›
and ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l› and proj2_incident_unique
have "l' = l" by fast
with ‹proj2_incident a l'› and ‹proj2_incident b l'›
have "proj2_incident a l" and "proj2_incident b l" by simp_all
from ‹M_perp l m› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹c ∈ hyp2›
and ‹proj2_incident c m› and ‹proj2_incident d l› and ‹proj2_incident d m›
have "d ∈ hyp2" by (rule M_perp_hyp2)
with ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2›
have "?bc > 0" and "?da > 0" and "?ac > 0"
by (simp_all add: cosh_dist_positive)
from ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident d l›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l›
have "proj2_set_Col {p,q,d,a}" and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,d,b}"
and "proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp_all add: exI [of _ l])
with ‹p ≠ q› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S› and ‹d ∈ hyp2› and ‹a ∈ hyp2›
and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "are_endpoints_in_S p q d a" and "are_endpoints_in_S p q d b"
and "are_endpoints_in_S p q a b"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) simp_all
hence "?pqda > 0" and "?pqdb > 0" and "?pqab > 0"
by (simp_all add: cross_ratio_S_S_hyp2_hyp2_positive)
from ‹proj2_incident p l› and ‹proj2_incident q l› and ‹proj2_incident a l›
have "proj2_Col p q a" by (rule proj2_incident_Col)
from ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹p ∈ S› and ‹q ∈ S›
have "a ≠ p" and "a ≠ q" and "b ≠ p" by (simp_all add: hyp2_S_not_equal)
from ‹proj2_Col p q a› and ‹p ≠ q› and ‹a ≠ p› and ‹a ≠ q›
have "?pqdb = ?pqda * ?pqab" by (rule cross_ratio_product [symmetric])
from ‹M_perp l m› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and ‹d ∈ hyp2›
and ‹proj2_incident a l› and ‹proj2_incident b l› and ‹proj2_incident d l›
and ‹proj2_incident d m› and ‹proj2_incident c m›
and cosh_dist_perp_divide [of l m _ d c]
have "?dc = ?ac / ?da" and "?dc = ?bc / ?db" by fast+
hence "?ac / ?da = ?bc / ?db" by simp
with ‹?bc > 0› and ‹?da > 0›
have "?ac / ?bc = ?da / ?db" by (simp add: field_simps)
also from ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q d a› and ‹are_endpoints_in_S p q d b›
have "…
= 2 * (sqrt ?pqda + 1 / (sqrt ?pqda))
/ (2 * (sqrt ?pqdb + 1 / (sqrt ?pqdb)))"
by (simp add: cosh_dist_general)
have "… = (sqrt ?pqda + 1 / (sqrt ?pqda)) / (sqrt ?pqdb + 1 / (sqrt ?pqdb))"
by (simp only: mult_divide_mult_cancel_left_if) simp
also have "…
= sqrt ?pqdb * (sqrt ?pqda + 1 / (sqrt ?pqda))
/ (sqrt ?pqdb * (sqrt ?pqdb + 1 / (sqrt ?pqdb)))"
by simp
also from ‹?pqdb > 0›
have "… = (sqrt (?pqdb * ?pqda) + sqrt (?pqdb / ?pqda)) / (?pqdb + 1)"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult [symmetric] real_sqrt_divide algebra_simps)
also from ‹?pqdb = ?pqda * ?pqab› and ‹?pqda > 0› and real_sqrt_pow2
have "… = (?pqda * sqrt ?pqab + sqrt ?pqab) / (?pqda * ?pqab + 1)"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult power2_eq_square)
have "?ac / ?bc = (?pqda * sqrt ?pqab + sqrt ?pqab) / (?pqda * ?pqab + 1)" .
from ‹?pqda > 0› and ‹?pqab > 0›
have "?pqda * ?pqab + 1 > 0" by (simp add: add_pos_pos)
with ‹?bc > 0›
and ‹?ac / ?bc = (?pqda * sqrt ?pqab + sqrt ?pqab) / (?pqda * ?pqab + 1)›
have "?ac * (?pqda * ?pqab + 1) = ?bc * (?pqda * sqrt ?pqab + sqrt ?pqab)"
by (simp add: field_simps)
hence "?pqda * (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab) = ?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
from ‹proj2_set_Col {p,q,a,b}› and ‹p ≠ q› and ‹a ≠ p› and ‹a ≠ q›
and ‹b ≠ p›
have "cross_ratio_correct p q a b" by (unfold cross_ratio_correct_def) simp
have "?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab ≠ 0"
assume "?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab = 0"
with ‹?pqda * (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab) = ?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac›
have "?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac = 0" by simp
with ‹?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab = 0› and ‹?ac > 0›
have "?pqab = 1" by simp
with ‹cross_ratio_correct p q a b›
have "a = b" by (rule cross_ratio_1_equal)
with ‹a ≠ b› show False ..
with ‹?pqda * (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab) = ?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac›
show "?pqda = (?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac) / (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab)"
by (simp add: field_simps)
lemma :
assumes "a ∈ hyp2" and "b ∈ hyp2" and "c ∈ hyp2" and "a ≠ b"
shows "cross_ratio (endpoint_in_S a b) (endpoint_in_S b a)
(perp_foot c (proj2_line_through a b)) a
= (cosh_dist b c * sqrt (exp_2dist a b) - cosh_dist a c)
/ (cosh_dist a c * exp_2dist a b - cosh_dist b c * sqrt (exp_2dist a b))"
(is "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?d a
= (?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac) / (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab)")
proof -
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a b"
by (rule endpoints_in_S_are_endpoints_in_S)
let ?l = "proj2_line_through a b"
have "proj2_incident a ?l" and "proj2_incident b ?l"
by (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a ∈ hyp2› and ‹b ∈ hyp2›
have "proj2_incident ?p ?l" and "proj2_incident ?q ?l"
by (simp_all add: endpoint_in_S_incident)
let ?m = "drop_perp c ?l"
have "M_perp ?l ?m" by (rule drop_perp_perp)
have "proj2_incident ?d ?l" and "proj2_incident ?d ?m"
by (rule perp_foot_incident)+
have "proj2_incident c ?m" by (rule drop_perp_incident)
with ‹a ≠ b› and ‹c ∈ hyp2› and ‹are_endpoints_in_S ?p ?q a b›
and ‹proj2_incident ?p ?l› and ‹proj2_incident ?q ?l› and ‹M_perp ?l ?m›
and ‹proj2_incident ?d ?l› and ‹proj2_incident ?d ?m›
have "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?d a
= (?bc * sqrt (cross_ratio ?p ?q a b) - ?ac)
/ (?ac * (cross_ratio ?p ?q a b) - ?bc * sqrt (cross_ratio ?p ?q a b))"
by (rule described_perp_foot_cross_ratio_formula)
with ‹a ≠ b›
show "cross_ratio ?p ?q ?d a
= (?bc * sqrt ?pqab - ?ac) / (?ac * ?pqab - ?bc * sqrt ?pqab)"
by (unfold exp_2dist_def) simp
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model satisfies axiom 5›
lemma statement69:
assumes "a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'" and "b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'" and "a c \<congruent>⇩K a' c'"
shows "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ hyp2_cltn2 a J = a' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 b J = b' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 c J = c'"
proof cases
assume "a = b"
with ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'› have "a' = b'" by (simp add: hyp2.A3_reversed)
with ‹a = b› and ‹b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ hyp2_cltn2 a J = a' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 b J = b' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 c J = c'"
by (unfold real_hyp2_C_def) simp
assume "a ≠ b"
with ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'›
have "a' ≠ b'" by (auto simp add: hyp2.A3')
let ?pa = "Rep_hyp2 a"
and ?pb = "Rep_hyp2 b"
and ?pc = "Rep_hyp2 c"
and ?pa' = "Rep_hyp2 a'"
and ?pb' = "Rep_hyp2 b'"
and ?pc' = "Rep_hyp2 c'"
define pp pq l pp' pq' l'
where "pp = endpoint_in_S ?pa ?pb"
and "pq = endpoint_in_S ?pb ?pa"
and "l = proj2_line_through ?pa ?pb"
and "pp' = endpoint_in_S ?pa' ?pb'"
and "pq' = endpoint_in_S ?pb' ?pa'"
and "l' = proj2_line_through ?pa' ?pb'"
define pd ps m pd' ps' m'
where "pd = perp_foot ?pc l"
and "ps = perp_up ?pc l"
and "m = drop_perp ?pc l"
and "pd' = perp_foot ?pc' l'"
and "ps' = perp_up ?pc' l'"
and "m' = drop_perp ?pc' l'"
have "pp ∈ S" and "pp' ∈ S" and "pq ∈ S" and "pq' ∈ S"
unfolding pp_def and pp'_def and pq_def and pq'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 endpoint_in_S)
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a' ≠ b'›
have "?pa ≠ ?pb" and "?pa' ≠ ?pb'" by (unfold Rep_hyp2_inject)
have "proj2_incident ?pa l" and "proj2_incident ?pb l"
and "proj2_incident ?pa' l'" and "proj2_incident ?pb' l'"
by (unfold l_def l'_def) (rule proj2_line_through_incident)+
ultimately have "proj2_incident pp l" and "proj2_incident pp' l'"
and "proj2_incident pq l" and "proj2_incident pq' l'"
unfolding pp_def and pp'_def and pq_def and pq'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 endpoint_in_S_incident)
from ‹pp ∈ S› and ‹pp' ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident pp l›
and ‹proj2_incident pp' l'› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa l›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
have "right_angle pp pd ps" and "right_angle pp' pd' ps'"
unfolding pd_def and ps_def and pd'_def and ps'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2
perp_foot_up_right_angle [of pp ?pc ?pa l]
perp_foot_up_right_angle [of pp' ?pc' ?pa' l'])
with right_angle_to_right_angle [of pp pd ps pp' pd' ps']
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "apply_cltn2 pp J = pp'"
and "apply_cltn2 pd J = pd'" and "apply_cltn2 ps J = ps'"
by auto
let ?paJ = "apply_cltn2 ?pa J"
and ?pbJ = "apply_cltn2 ?pb J"
and ?pcJ = "apply_cltn2 ?pc J"
and ?pdJ = "apply_cltn2 pd J"
and ?ppJ = "apply_cltn2 pp J"
and ?pqJ = "apply_cltn2 pq J"
and ?psJ = "apply_cltn2 ps J"
and ?lJ = "apply_cltn2_line l J"
and ?mJ = "apply_cltn2_line m J"
have "proj2_incident pd l" and "proj2_incident pd' l'"
and "proj2_incident pd m" and "proj2_incident pd' m'"
by (unfold pd_def pd'_def m_def m'_def) (rule perp_foot_incident)+
from ‹proj2_incident pp l› and ‹proj2_incident pq l›
and ‹proj2_incident pd l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa l›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pb l›
have "proj2_set_Col {pp,pq,pd,?pa}" and "proj2_set_Col {pp,pq,?pa,?pb}"
by (unfold pd_def proj2_set_Col_def) (simp_all add: exI [of _ l])
from ‹?pa ≠ ?pb› and ‹?pa' ≠ ?pb'›
have "pp ≠ pq" and "pp' ≠ pq'"
unfolding pp_def and pq_def and pp'_def and pq'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 endpoint_in_S_swap)
from ‹proj2_incident ?pa l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
have "pd ∈ hyp2" and "pd' ∈ hyp2"
unfolding pd_def and pd'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 perp_foot_hyp2 [of ?pa l ?pc]
perp_foot_hyp2 [of ?pa' l' ?pc'])
from ‹proj2_incident ?pa l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
have "ps ∈ S" and "ps' ∈ S"
unfolding ps_def and ps'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 perp_up_in_S [of ?pc ?pa l]
perp_up_in_S [of ?pc' ?pa' l'])
from ‹pd ∈ hyp2› and ‹pp ∈ S› and ‹ps ∈ S›
have "pd ≠ pp" and "?pa ≠ pp" and "?pb ≠ pp" and "pd ≠ ps"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 hyp2_S_not_equal)
from ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹pq ∈ S›
have "?pqJ ∈ S" by (unfold is_K2_isometry_def) simp
from ‹pd ≠ pp› and ‹proj2_incident pd l› and ‹proj2_incident pp l›
and ‹proj2_incident pd' l'› and ‹proj2_incident pp' l'›
have "?lJ = l'"
unfolding ‹?pdJ = pd'› [symmetric] and ‹?ppJ = pp'› [symmetric]
by (rule apply_cltn2_line_unique)
from ‹proj2_incident pq l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa l›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pb l›
have "proj2_incident ?pqJ l'" and "proj2_incident ?paJ l'"
and "proj2_incident ?pbJ l'"
by (unfold ‹?lJ = l'› [symmetric]) simp_all
from ‹?pa' ≠ ?pb'› and ‹?pqJ ∈ S› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pb' l'› and ‹proj2_incident ?pqJ l'›
have "?pqJ = pp' ∨ ?pqJ = pq'"
unfolding pp'_def and pq'_def
by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 endpoints_in_S_incident_unique)
from ‹pp ≠ pq› and apply_cltn2_injective
have "pp' ≠ ?pqJ" by (unfold ‹?ppJ = pp'› [symmetric]) fast
ultimately have "?pqJ = pq'" by simp
from ‹?pa' ≠ ?pb'›
have "cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?pa'
= (cosh_dist ?pb' ?pc' * sqrt (exp_2dist ?pa' ?pb') - cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc')
/ (cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc' * exp_2dist ?pa' ?pb'
- cosh_dist ?pb' ?pc' * sqrt (exp_2dist ?pa' ?pb'))"
unfolding pp'_def and pq'_def and pd'_def and l'_def
by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 perp_foot_cross_ratio_formula)
also from assms
have "… = (cosh_dist ?pb ?pc * sqrt (exp_2dist ?pa ?pb) - cosh_dist ?pa ?pc)
/ (cosh_dist ?pa ?pc * exp_2dist ?pa ?pb
- cosh_dist ?pb ?pc * sqrt (exp_2dist ?pa ?pb))"
by (simp add: real_hyp2_C_exp_2dist real_hyp2_C_cosh_dist)
also from ‹?pa ≠ ?pb›
have "… = cross_ratio pp pq pd ?pa"
unfolding pp_def and pq_def and pd_def and l_def
by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 perp_foot_cross_ratio_formula)
also from ‹proj2_set_Col {pp,pq,pd,?pa}› and ‹pp ≠ pq› and ‹pd ≠ pp›
and ‹?pa ≠ pp›
have "… = cross_ratio ?ppJ ?pqJ ?pdJ ?paJ" by (simp add: cross_ratio_cltn2)
also from ‹?ppJ = pp'› and ‹?pqJ = pq'› and ‹?pdJ = pd'›
have "… = cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?paJ" by simp
have "cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?paJ = cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?pa'" by simp
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "?paJ ∈ hyp2" and "?pbJ ∈ hyp2" and "?pcJ ∈ hyp2"
by (rule apply_cltn2_Rep_hyp2)+
from ‹proj2_incident pp' l'› and ‹proj2_incident pq' l'›
and ‹proj2_incident pd' l'› and ‹proj2_incident ?paJ l'›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'› and ‹proj2_incident ?pbJ l'›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pb' l'›
have "proj2_set_Col {pp',pq',pd',?paJ}" and "proj2_set_Col {pp',pq',pd',?pa'}"
and "proj2_set_Col {pp',pq',?pa',?pbJ}"
and "proj2_set_Col {pp',pq',?pa',?pb'}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp_all add: exI [of _ l'])
with ‹pp' ≠ pq'› and ‹pp' ∈ S› and ‹pq' ∈ S› and ‹pd' ∈ hyp2›
and ‹?paJ ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pbJ ∈ hyp2›
have "are_endpoints_in_S pp' pq' pd' ?paJ"
and "are_endpoints_in_S pp' pq' pd' ?pa'"
and "are_endpoints_in_S pp' pq' ?pa' ?pbJ"
and "are_endpoints_in_S pp' pq' ?pa' ?pb'"
by (unfold are_endpoints_in_S_def) (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2)
hence "cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' pd' ?paJ"
and "cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' pd' ?pa'"
and "cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' ?pa' ?pbJ"
and "cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' ?pa' ?pb'"
by (simp_all add: are_endpoints_in_S_cross_ratio_correct)
from ‹cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' pd' ?paJ›
and ‹cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' pd' ?pa'›
and ‹cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?paJ = cross_ratio pp' pq' pd' ?pa'›
have "?paJ = ?pa'" by (simp add: cross_ratio_unique)
with ‹?ppJ = pp'› and ‹?pqJ = pq'›
have "cross_ratio pp' pq' ?pa' ?pbJ = cross_ratio ?ppJ ?pqJ ?paJ ?pbJ" by simp
also from ‹proj2_set_Col {pp,pq,?pa,?pb}› and ‹pp ≠ pq› and ‹?pa ≠ pp›
and ‹?pb ≠ pp›
have "… = cross_ratio pp pq ?pa ?pb" by (rule cross_ratio_cltn2)
also from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'›
have "… = cross_ratio pp' pq' ?pa' ?pb'"
unfolding pp_def pq_def pp'_def pq'_def
by (rule real_hyp2_C_cross_ratio_endpoints_in_S)
finally have "cross_ratio pp' pq' ?pa' ?pbJ = cross_ratio pp' pq' ?pa' ?pb'" .
with ‹cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' ?pa' ?pbJ›
and ‹cross_ratio_correct pp' pq' ?pa' ?pb'›
have "?pbJ = ?pb'" by (rule cross_ratio_unique)
let ?cc = "cart2_pt ?pc"
and ?cd = "cart2_pt pd"
and ?cs = "cart2_pt ps"
and ?cc' = "cart2_pt ?pc'"
and ?cd' = "cart2_pt pd'"
and ?cs' = "cart2_pt ps'"
and ?ccJ = "cart2_pt ?pcJ"
and ?cdJ = "cart2_pt ?pdJ"
and ?csJ = "cart2_pt ?psJ"
from ‹proj2_incident ?pa l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cd ?cc ?cs" and "B⇩ℝ ?cd' ?cc' ?cs'"
unfolding pd_def and ps_def and pd'_def and ps'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 perp_up_at_end [of ?pc ?pa l]
perp_up_at_end [of ?pc' ?pa' l'])
from ‹pd ∈ hyp2› and ‹ps ∈ S› and ‹is_K2_isometry J›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cd ?cc ?cs›
have "B⇩ℝ ?cdJ ?ccJ ?csJ" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 statement_63)
hence "B⇩ℝ ?cd' ?ccJ ?cs'" by (unfold ‹?pdJ = pd'› ‹?psJ = ps'›)
from ‹?paJ = ?pa'› have "cosh_dist ?pa' ?pcJ = cosh_dist ?paJ ?pcJ" by simp
also from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "… = cosh_dist ?pa ?pc" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 K2_isometry_cosh_dist)
also from ‹a c \<congruent>⇩K a' c'›
have "… = cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc'" by (rule real_hyp2_C_cosh_dist)
finally have "cosh_dist ?pa' ?pcJ = cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc'" .
have "M_perp l' m'" by (unfold m'_def) (rule drop_perp_perp)
have "proj2_incident ?pc m" and "proj2_incident ?pc' m'"
by (unfold m_def m'_def) (rule drop_perp_incident)+
from ‹proj2_incident ?pa l› and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
have "proj2_incident ps m" and "proj2_incident ps' m'"
unfolding ps_def and m_def and ps'_def and m'_def
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 perp_up_incident [of ?pc ?pa l]
perp_up_incident [of ?pc' ?pa' l'])
with ‹pd ≠ ps› and ‹proj2_incident pd m› and ‹proj2_incident pd' m'›
have "?mJ = m'"
unfolding ‹?pdJ = pd'› [symmetric] and ‹?psJ = ps'› [symmetric]
by (simp add: apply_cltn2_line_unique)
from ‹proj2_incident ?pc m›
have "proj2_incident ?pcJ m'" by (unfold ‹?mJ = m'› [symmetric]) simp
with ‹M_perp l' m'› and Rep_hyp2 [of a'] and ‹pd' ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pcJ ∈ hyp2›
and Rep_hyp2 [of c'] and ‹proj2_incident ?pa' l'›
and ‹proj2_incident pd' l'› and ‹proj2_incident pd' m'›
and ‹proj2_incident ?pc' m'›
have "cosh_dist pd' ?pcJ = cosh_dist ?pa' ?pcJ / cosh_dist pd' ?pa'"
and "cosh_dist pd' ?pc' = cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc' / cosh_dist pd' ?pa'"
by (simp_all add: cosh_dist_perp_divide)
with ‹cosh_dist ?pa' ?pcJ = cosh_dist ?pa' ?pc'›
have "cosh_dist pd' ?pcJ = cosh_dist pd' ?pc'" by simp
with ‹pd' ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pcJ ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pc' ∈ hyp2› and ‹ps' ∈ S›
and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cd' ?ccJ ?cs'› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cd' ?cc' ?cs'›
have "?pcJ = ?pc'" by (rule cosh_dist_unique)
with ‹?paJ = ?pa'› and ‹?pbJ = ?pb'›
have "hyp2_cltn2 a J = a'" and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = b'" and "hyp2_cltn2 c J = c'"
by (unfold hyp2_cltn2_def) (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2_inverse)
with ‹is_K2_isometry J›
show "∃ J. is_K2_isometry J
∧ hyp2_cltn2 a J = a' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 b J = b' ∧ hyp2_cltn2 c J = c'"
by (simp add: exI [of _ J])
theorem hyp2_axiom5:
"∀ a b c d a' b' c' d'.
a ≠ b ∧ B⇩K a b c ∧ B⇩K a' b' c' ∧ a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b' ∧ b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'
∧ a d \<congruent>⇩K a' d' ∧ b d \<congruent>⇩K b' d'
⟶ c d \<congruent>⇩K c' d'"
proof standard+
fix a b c d a' b' c' d'
assume "a ≠ b ∧ B⇩K a b c ∧ B⇩K a' b' c' ∧ a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b' ∧ b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'
∧ a d \<congruent>⇩K a' d' ∧ b d \<congruent>⇩K b' d'"
hence "a ≠ b" and "B⇩K a b c" and "B⇩K a' b' c'" and "a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'"
and "b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'" and "a d \<congruent>⇩K a' d'" and "b d \<congruent>⇩K b' d'"
by simp_all
from ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'› and ‹b d \<congruent>⇩K b' d'› and ‹a d \<congruent>⇩K a' d'› and statement69 [of a b a' b' d d']
obtain J where "is_K2_isometry J" and "hyp2_cltn2 a J = a'"
and "hyp2_cltn2 b J = b'" and "hyp2_cltn2 d J = d'"
by auto
let ?aJ = "hyp2_cltn2 a J"
and ?bJ = "hyp2_cltn2 b J"
and ?cJ = "hyp2_cltn2 c J"
and ?dJ = "hyp2_cltn2 d J"
from ‹a ≠ b› and ‹a b \<congruent>⇩K a' b'›
have "a' ≠ b'" by (auto simp add: hyp2.A3')
from ‹is_K2_isometry J› and ‹B⇩K a b c›
have "B⇩K ?aJ ?bJ ?cJ" by (rule real_hyp2_B_hyp2_cltn2)
hence "B⇩K a' b' ?cJ" by (unfold ‹?aJ = a'› ‹?bJ = b'›)
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
have "b c \<congruent>⇩K ?bJ ?cJ" by (rule real_hyp2_C_hyp2_cltn2)
hence "b c \<congruent>⇩K b' ?cJ" by (unfold ‹?bJ = b'›)
from this and ‹b c \<congruent>⇩K b' c'› have "b' ?cJ \<congruent>⇩K b' c'" by (rule hyp2.A2')
with ‹a' ≠ b'› and ‹B⇩K a' b' ?cJ› and ‹B⇩K a' b' c'›
have "?cJ = c'" by (rule hyp2_extend_segment_unique)
from ‹is_K2_isometry J›
show "c d \<congruent>⇩K c' d'"
unfolding ‹?cJ = c'› [symmetric] and ‹?dJ = d'› [symmetric]
by (rule real_hyp2_C_hyp2_cltn2)
interpretation hyp2: tarski_first5 real_hyp2_C real_hyp2_B
using hyp2_axiom4 and hyp2_axiom5
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model satisfies axioms 6, 7, and 11›
theorem hyp2_axiom6: "∀ a b. B⇩K a b a ⟶ a = b"
proof standard+
fix a b
let ?ca = "cart2_pt (Rep_hyp2 a)"
and ?cb = "cart2_pt (Rep_hyp2 b)"
assume "B⇩K a b a"
hence "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?ca" by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def hyp2_rep_def)
hence "?ca = ?cb" by (rule real_euclid.A6')
hence "Rep_hyp2 a = Rep_hyp2 b" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2 hyp2_S_cart2_inj)
thus "a = b" by (unfold Rep_hyp2_inject)
lemma between_inverse:
assumes "B⇩ℝ (hyp2_rep p) v (hyp2_rep q)"
shows "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = v"
proof -
let ?u = "hyp2_rep p"
let ?w = "hyp2_rep q"
have "norm ?u < 1" and "norm ?w < 1" by (rule norm_hyp2_rep_lt_1)+
from ‹B⇩ℝ ?u v ?w›
obtain l where "l ≥ 0" and "l ≤ 1" and "v - ?u = l *⇩R (?w - ?u)"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) auto
from ‹v - ?u = l *⇩R (?w - ?u)›
have "v = l *⇩R ?w + (1 - l) *⇩R ?u" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "norm v ≤ norm (l *⇩R ?w) + norm ((1 - l) *⇩R ?u)"
by (simp only: norm_triangle_ineq [of "l *⇩R ?w" "(1 - l) *⇩R ?u"])
with ‹l ≥ 0› and ‹l ≤ 1›
have "norm v ≤ l *⇩R norm ?w + (1 - l) *⇩R norm ?u" by simp
have "norm v < 1"
proof cases
assume "l = 0"
with ‹v = l *⇩R ?w + (1 - l) *⇩R ?u›
have "v = ?u" by simp
with ‹norm ?u < 1› show "norm v < 1" by simp
assume "l ≠ 0"
with ‹norm ?w < 1› and ‹l ≥ 0› have "l *⇩R norm ?w < l" by simp
with ‹norm ?u < 1› and ‹l ≤ 1›
and mult_mono [of "1 - l" "1 - l" "norm ?u" 1]
have "(1 - l) *⇩R norm ?u ≤ 1 - l" by simp
with ‹l *⇩R norm ?w < l›
have "l *⇩R norm ?w + (1 - l) *⇩R norm ?u < 1" by simp
with ‹norm v ≤ l *⇩R norm ?w + (1 - l) *⇩R norm ?u›
show "norm v < 1" by simp
thus "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = v" by (rule hyp2_rep_abs)
lemma between_switch:
assumes "B⇩ℝ (hyp2_rep p) v (hyp2_rep q)"
shows "B⇩K p (hyp2_abs v) q"
proof -
from assms have "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs v) = v" by (rule between_inverse)
with assms show "B⇩K p (hyp2_abs v) q" by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def) simp
theorem hyp2_axiom7:
"∀ a b c p q. B⇩K a p c ∧ B⇩K b q c ⟶ (∃ x. B⇩K p x b ∧ B⇩K q x a)"
proof auto
fix a b c p q
let ?ca = "hyp2_rep a"
and ?cb = "hyp2_rep b"
and ?cc = "hyp2_rep c"
and ?cp = "hyp2_rep p"
and ?cq = "hyp2_rep q"
assume "B⇩K a p c" and "B⇩K b q c"
hence "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cp ?cc" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cq ?cc" by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def)
with real_euclid.A7' [of ?ca ?cp ?cc ?cb ?cq]
obtain cx where "B⇩ℝ ?cp cx ?cb" and "B⇩ℝ ?cq cx ?ca" by auto
hence "B⇩K p (hyp2_abs cx) b" and "B⇩K q (hyp2_abs cx) a"
by (simp_all add: between_switch)
thus "∃ x. B⇩K p x b ∧ B⇩K q x a" by (simp add: exI [of _ "hyp2_abs cx"])
theorem hyp2_axiom11:
"∀ X Y. (∃ a. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y)
⟶ (∃ b. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x b y)"
proof (rule allI)+
fix X Y :: "hyp2 set"
show "(∃ a. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y)
⟶ (∃ b. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x b y)"
proof cases
assume "X = {} ∨ Y = {}"
thus "(∃ a. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y)
⟶ (∃ b. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x b y)" by auto
assume "¬ (X = {} ∨ Y = {})"
hence "X ≠ {}" and "Y ≠ {}" by simp_all
then obtain w and z where "w ∈ X" and "z ∈ Y" by auto
show "(∃ a. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y)
⟶ (∃ b. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x b y)"
assume "∃ a. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y"
then obtain a where "∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y" ..
let ?cX = "hyp2_rep ` X"
and ?cY = "hyp2_rep ` Y"
and ?ca = "hyp2_rep a"
and ?cw = "hyp2_rep w"
and ?cz = "hyp2_rep z"
from ‹∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K a x y›
have "∀ cx cy. cx ∈ ?cX ∧ cy ∈ ?cY ⟶ B⇩ℝ ?ca cx cy"
by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def) auto
with real_euclid.A11' [of ?cX ?cY ?ca]
obtain cb where "∀ cx cy. cx ∈ ?cX ∧ cy ∈ ?cY ⟶ B⇩ℝ cx cb cy" by auto
with ‹w ∈ X› and ‹z ∈ Y› have "B⇩ℝ ?cw cb ?cz" by simp
hence "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs cb) = cb" (is "hyp2_rep ?b = cb")
by (rule between_inverse)
with ‹∀ cx cy. cx ∈ ?cX ∧ cy ∈ ?cY ⟶ B⇩ℝ cx cb cy›
have "∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x ?b y"
by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def) simp
thus "∃ b. ∀ x y. x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ⟶ B⇩K x b y" by (rule exI)
interpretation tarski_absolute_space real_hyp2_C real_hyp2_B
using hyp2_axiom6 and hyp2_axiom7 and hyp2_axiom11
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model satisfies the dimension-specific axioms›
lemma hyp2_rep_abs_examples:
shows "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs 0) = 0" (is "hyp2_rep ?a = ?ca")
and "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs (vector [1/2,0])) = vector [1/2,0]"
(is "hyp2_rep ?b = ?cb")
and "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs (vector [0,1/2])) = vector [0,1/2]"
(is "hyp2_rep ?c = ?cc")
and "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs (vector [1/4,1/4])) = vector [1/4,1/4]"
(is "hyp2_rep ?d = ?cd")
and "hyp2_rep (hyp2_abs (vector [1/2,1/2])) = vector [1/2,1/2]"
(is "hyp2_rep ?t = ?ct")
proof -
have "norm ?ca < 1" and "norm ?cb < 1" and "norm ?cc < 1" and "norm ?cd < 1"
and "norm ?ct < 1"
by (unfold norm_vec_def L2_set_def) (simp_all add: sum_2 power2_eq_square)
thus "hyp2_rep ?a = ?ca" and "hyp2_rep ?b = ?cb" and "hyp2_rep ?c = ?cc"
and "hyp2_rep ?d = ?cd" and "hyp2_rep ?t = ?ct"
by (simp_all add: hyp2_rep_abs)
theorem hyp2_axiom8: "∃ a b c. ¬ B⇩K a b c ∧ ¬ B⇩K b c a ∧ ¬ B⇩K c a b"
proof -
let ?ca = "0 :: real^2"
and ?cb = "vector [1/2,0] :: real^2"
and ?cc = "vector [0,1/2] :: real^2"
let ?a = "hyp2_abs ?ca"
and ?b = "hyp2_abs ?cb"
and ?c = "hyp2_abs ?cc"
from hyp2_rep_abs_examples and non_Col_example
have "¬ (hyp2.Col ?a ?b ?c)"
by (unfold hyp2.Col_def real_euclid.Col_def real_hyp2_B_def) simp
thus "∃ a b c. ¬ B⇩K a b c ∧ ¬ B⇩K b c a ∧ ¬ B⇩K c a b"
unfolding hyp2.Col_def
by simp (rule exI)+
theorem hyp2_axiom9:
"∀ p q a b c. p ≠ q ∧ a p \<congruent>⇩K a q ∧ b p \<congruent>⇩K b q ∧ c p \<congruent>⇩K c q
⟶ B⇩K a b c ∨ B⇩K b c a ∨ B⇩K c a b"
proof (rule allI)+
fix p q a b c
show "p ≠ q ∧ a p \<congruent>⇩K a q ∧ b p \<congruent>⇩K b q ∧ c p \<congruent>⇩K c q
⟶ B⇩K a b c ∨ B⇩K b c a ∨ B⇩K c a b"
assume "p ≠ q ∧ a p \<congruent>⇩K a q ∧ b p \<congruent>⇩K b q ∧ c p \<congruent>⇩K c q"
hence "p ≠ q" and "a p \<congruent>⇩K a q" and "b p \<congruent>⇩K b q" and "c p \<congruent>⇩K c q" by simp_all
let ?pp = "Rep_hyp2 p"
and ?pq = "Rep_hyp2 q"
and ?pa = "Rep_hyp2 a"
and ?pb = "Rep_hyp2 b"
and ?pc = "Rep_hyp2 c"
define l where "l = proj2_line_through ?pp ?pq"
define m ps pt stpq
where "m = drop_perp ?pa l"
and "ps = endpoint_in_S ?pp ?pq"
and "pt = endpoint_in_S ?pq ?pp"
and "stpq = exp_2dist ?pp ?pq"
from ‹p ≠ q› have "?pp ≠ ?pq" by (simp add: Rep_hyp2_inject)
from Rep_hyp2
have "stpq > 0" by (unfold stpq_def) (simp add: exp_2dist_positive)
hence "sqrt stpq * sqrt stpq = stpq"
by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult [symmetric])
from Rep_hyp2 and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq›
have "stpq ≠ 1" by (unfold stpq_def) (auto simp add: exp_2dist_1_equal)
have "z_non_zero ?pa" and "z_non_zero ?pb" and "z_non_zero ?pc"
by (simp_all add: Rep_hyp2 hyp2_S_z_non_zero)
have "∀ pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}.
cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot pd l) ?pp = 1 / (sqrt stpq)"
fix pd
assume "pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}"
with Rep_hyp2 have "pd ∈ hyp2" by auto
define pe x
where "pe = perp_foot pd l"
and "x = cosh_dist ?pp pd"
from ‹pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}› and ‹a p \<congruent>⇩K a q› and ‹b p \<congruent>⇩K b q›
and ‹c p \<congruent>⇩K c q›
have "cosh_dist pd ?pp = cosh_dist pd ?pq"
by (auto simp add: real_hyp2_C_cosh_dist)
with ‹pd ∈ hyp2› and Rep_hyp2
have "x = cosh_dist ?pq pd" by (unfold x_def) (simp add: cosh_dist_swap)
from Rep_hyp2 [of p] and ‹pd ∈ hyp2› and cosh_dist_positive [of ?pp pd]
have "x ≠ 0" by (unfold x_def) simp
from Rep_hyp2 and ‹pd ∈ hyp2› and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq›
have "cross_ratio ps pt pe ?pp
= (cosh_dist ?pq pd * sqrt stpq - cosh_dist ?pp pd)
/ (cosh_dist ?pp pd * stpq - cosh_dist ?pq pd * sqrt stpq)"
unfolding ps_def and pt_def and pe_def and l_def and stpq_def
by (simp add: perp_foot_cross_ratio_formula)
also from x_def and ‹x = cosh_dist ?pq pd›
have "… = (x * sqrt stpq - x) / (x * stpq - x * sqrt stpq)" by simp
also from ‹sqrt stpq * sqrt stpq = stpq›
have "… = (x * sqrt stpq - x) / ((x * sqrt stpq - x) * sqrt stpq)"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also from ‹x ≠ 0› and ‹stpq ≠ 1› have "… = 1 / sqrt stpq" by simp
finally show "cross_ratio ps pt pe ?pp = 1 / sqrt stpq" .
hence "cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot ?pa l) ?pp = 1 / sqrt stpq" by simp
have "∀ pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}. proj2_incident pd m"
fix pd
assume "pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}"
with Rep_hyp2 have "pd ∈ hyp2" by auto
with Rep_hyp2 and ‹?pp ≠ ?pq› and proj2_line_through_incident
have "cross_ratio_correct ps pt ?pp (perp_foot pd l)"
and "cross_ratio_correct ps pt ?pp (perp_foot ?pa l)"
unfolding ps_def and pt_def and l_def
by (simp_all add: endpoints_in_S_perp_foot_cross_ratio_correct)
from ‹pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}›
and ‹∀ pd ∈ {?pa,?pb,?pc}.
cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot pd l) ?pp = 1 / (sqrt stpq)›
have "cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot pd l) ?pp = 1 / sqrt stpq" by auto
with ‹cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot ?pa l) ?pp = 1 / sqrt stpq›
have "cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot pd l) ?pp
= cross_ratio ps pt (perp_foot ?pa l) ?pp"
by simp
hence "cross_ratio ps pt ?pp (perp_foot pd l)
= cross_ratio ps pt ?pp (perp_foot ?pa l)"
by (simp add: cross_ratio_swap_34 [of ps pt _ ?pp])
with ‹cross_ratio_correct ps pt ?pp (perp_foot pd l)›
and ‹cross_ratio_correct ps pt ?pp (perp_foot ?pa l)›
have "perp_foot pd l = perp_foot ?pa l" by (rule cross_ratio_unique)
with Rep_hyp2 [of p] and ‹pd ∈ hyp2›
and proj2_line_through_incident [of ?pp ?pq]
and perp_foot_eq_implies_drop_perp_eq [of ?pp pd l ?pa]
have "drop_perp pd l = m" by (unfold m_def l_def) simp
with drop_perp_incident [of pd l] show "proj2_incident pd m" by simp
hence "proj2_set_Col {?pa,?pb,?pc}"
by (unfold proj2_set_Col_def) (simp add: exI [of _ m])
hence "proj2_Col ?pa ?pb ?pc" by (simp add: proj2_Col_iff_set_Col)
with ‹z_non_zero ?pa› and ‹z_non_zero ?pb› and ‹z_non_zero ?pc›
have "real_euclid.Col (hyp2_rep a) (hyp2_rep b) (hyp2_rep c)"
by (unfold hyp2_rep_def) (simp add: proj2_Col_iff_euclid_cart2)
thus "B⇩K a b c ∨ B⇩K b c a ∨ B⇩K c a b"
by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def real_euclid.Col_def)
interpretation hyp2: tarski_absolute real_hyp2_C real_hyp2_B
using hyp2_axiom8 and hyp2_axiom9
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹The Klein--Beltrami model violates the Euclidean axiom›
theorem hyp2_axiom10_false:
shows "¬ (∀ a b c d t. B⇩K a d t ∧ B⇩K b d c ∧ a ≠ d
⟶ (∃ x y. B⇩K a b x ∧ B⇩K a c y ∧ B⇩K x t y))"
assume "∀ a b c d t. B⇩K a d t ∧ B⇩K b d c ∧ a ≠ d
⟶ (∃ x y. B⇩K a b x ∧ B⇩K a c y ∧ B⇩K x t y)"
let ?ca = "0 :: real^2"
and ?cb = "vector [1/2,0] :: real^2"
and ?cc = "vector [0,1/2] :: real^2"
and ?cd = "vector [1/4,1/4] :: real^2"
and ?ct = "vector [1/2,1/2] :: real^2"
let ?a = "hyp2_abs ?ca"
and ?b = "hyp2_abs ?cb"
and ?c = "hyp2_abs ?cc"
and ?d = "hyp2_abs ?cd"
and ?t = "hyp2_abs ?ct"
have "?cd = (1/2) *⇩R ?ct" and "?cd - ?cb = (1/2) *⇩R (?cc - ?cb)"
by (unfold vector_def) (simp_all add: vec_eq_iff)
hence "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cd ?ct" and "B⇩ℝ ?cb ?cd ?cc"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) (simp_all add: exI [of _ "1/2"])
hence "B⇩K ?a ?d ?t" and "B⇩K ?b ?d ?c"
by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def) (simp_all add: hyp2_rep_abs_examples)
have "?a ≠ ?d"
assume "?a = ?d"
hence "hyp2_rep ?a = hyp2_rep ?d" by simp
hence "?ca = ?cd" by (simp add: hyp2_rep_abs_examples)
thus False by (simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_2)
with ‹B⇩K ?a ?d ?t› and ‹B⇩K ?b ?d ?c›
and ‹∀ a b c d t. B⇩K a d t ∧ B⇩K b d c ∧ a ≠ d
⟶ (∃ x y. B⇩K a b x ∧ B⇩K a c y ∧ B⇩K x t y)›
obtain x and y where "B⇩K ?a ?b x" and "B⇩K ?a ?c y" and "B⇩K x ?t y"
by blast
let ?cx = "hyp2_rep x"
and ?cy = "hyp2_rep y"
from ‹B⇩K ?a ?b x› and ‹B⇩K ?a ?c y› and ‹B⇩K x ?t y›
have "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cx" and "B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cc ?cy" and "B⇩ℝ ?cx ?ct ?cy"
by (unfold real_hyp2_B_def) (simp_all add: hyp2_rep_abs_examples)
from ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cb ?cx› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?ca ?cc ?cy› and ‹B⇩ℝ ?cx ?ct ?cy›
obtain j and k and l where "?cb - ?ca = j *⇩R (?cx - ?ca)"
and "?cc - ?ca = k *⇩R (?cy - ?ca)"
and "l ≥ 0" and "l ≤ 1" and "?ct - ?cx = l *⇩R (?cy - ?cx)"
by (unfold real_euclid_B_def) fast
from ‹?cb - ?ca = j *⇩R (?cx - ?ca)› and ‹?cc - ?ca = k *⇩R (?cy - ?ca)›
have "j ≠ 0" and "k ≠ 0" by (auto simp add: vec_eq_iff forall_2)
with ‹?cb - ?ca = j *⇩R (?cx - ?ca)› and ‹?cc - ?ca = k *⇩R (?cy - ?ca)›
have "?cx = (1/j) *⇩R ?cb" and "?cy = (1/k) *⇩R ?cc" by simp_all
hence "?cx$2 = 0" and "?cy$1 = 0" by simp_all
from ‹?ct - ?cx = l *⇩R (?cy - ?cx)›
have "?ct = (1 - l) *⇩R ?cx + l *⇩R ?cy" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with ‹?cx$2 = 0› and ‹?cy$1 = 0›
have "?ct$1 = (1 - l) * (?cx$1)" and "?ct$2 = l * (?cy$2)" by simp_all
hence "l * (?cy$2) = 1/2" and "(1 - l) * (?cx$1) = 1/2" by simp_all
have "?cx$1 ≤ ¦?cx$1¦" by simp
also have "… ≤ norm ?cx" by (rule component_le_norm_cart)
also have "… < 1" by (rule norm_hyp2_rep_lt_1)
finally have "?cx$1 < 1" .
with ‹l ≤ 1› and mult_less_cancel_left [of "1 - l" "?cx$1" 1]
have "(1 - l) * ?cx$1 ≤ 1 - l" by auto
with ‹(1 - l) * (?cx$1) = 1/2› have "l ≤ 1/2" by simp
have "?cy$2 ≤ ¦?cy$2¦" by simp
also have "… ≤ norm ?cy" by (rule component_le_norm_cart)
also have "… < 1" by (rule norm_hyp2_rep_lt_1)
finally have "?cy$2 < 1" .
with ‹l ≥ 0› and mult_less_cancel_left [of l "?cy$2" 1]
have "l * ?cy$2 ≤ l" by auto
with ‹l * (?cy$2) = 1/2› have "l ≥ 1/2" by simp
with ‹l ≤ 1/2› have "l = 1/2" by simp
with ‹l * (?cy$2) = 1/2› have "?cy$2 = 1" by simp
with ‹?cy$2 < 1› show False by simp
theorem hyp2_not_tarski: "¬ (tarski real_hyp2_C real_hyp2_B)"
using hyp2_axiom10_false
by (unfold tarski_def tarski_space_def tarski_space_axioms_def) simp
text ‹Therefore axiom 10 is independent.›