Theory Semantics
section ‹Semantics›
theory Semantics
imports Sequence Intensional
text ‹
This theory mechanises a \emph{shallow} embedding of \tlastar{} using the
‹Sequence› and ‹Intensional› theories. A shallow embedding
represents \tlastar{} using Isabelle/HOL predicates, while a \emph{deep}
embedding would represent \tlastar{} formulas and pre-formulas as mutually
inductive datatypes\footnote{See e.g. \<^cite>‹"Wildmoser04"› for a discussion
about deep vs. shallow embeddings in Isabelle/HOL.}.
The choice of a shallow over a deep embedding is motivated by the following
factors: a shallow embedding is usually less involved, and existing Isabelle
theories and tools can be applied more directly to enhance automation; due to
the lifting in the ‹Intensional› theory, a shallow embedding can reuse
standard logical operators, whilst a deep embedding requires a different
set of operators for both formulas and pre-formulas. Finally, since our
target is system verification rather than proving meta-properties of \tlastar{},
which requires a deep embedding, a shallow embedding is more fit for purpose.
subsection "Types of Formulas"
text ‹
To mechanise the \tlastar{} semantics, the following
type abbreviations are used:
type_synonym ('a,'b) formfun = "'a seq ⇒ 'b"
type_synonym 'a formula = "('a,bool) formfun"
type_synonym ('a,'b) stfun = "'a ⇒ 'b"
type_synonym 'a stpred = "('a,bool) stfun"
"fun" :: (type,type) world ..
"prod" :: (type,type) world ..
text ‹
Pair and function are instantiated to be of type class world.
This allows use of the lifted intensional logic for formulas, and
standard logical connectives can therefore be used.
subsection "Semantics of TLA*"
text ‹The semantics of \tlastar{} is defined.›
definition always :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ 'a formula"
where "always F ≡ λ s. ∀ n. (s |⇩s n) ⊨ F"
definition nexts :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ 'a formula"
where "nexts F ≡ λ s. (tail s) ⊨ F"
definition before :: "('a::world,'b) stfun ⇒ ('a,'b) formfun"
where "before f ≡ λ s. (first s) ⊨ f"
definition after :: "('a::world,'b) stfun ⇒ ('a,'b) formfun"
where "after f ≡ λ s. (second s) ⊨ f"
definition unch :: "('a::world,'b) stfun ⇒ 'a formula"
where "unch v ≡ λ s. s ⊨ (after v) = (before v)"
definition action :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ ('a,'b) stfun ⇒ 'a formula"
where "action P v ≡ λ s. ∀ i. ((s |⇩s i) ⊨ P) ∨ ((s |⇩s i) ⊨ unch v)"
subsubsection "Concrete Syntax"
text‹This is the concrete syntax for the (abstract) operators above.›
"_always" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(□_)› [90] 90)
"_nexts" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(○_)› [90] 90)
"_action" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(□[_]'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_before" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹($_)› [100] 99)
"_after" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(_$)› [100] 99)
"_prime" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(_`)› [100] 99)
"_unch" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(Unchanged _)› [100] 99)
"TEMP" :: "lift ⇒ 'b" (‹(TEMP _)›)
syntax (ASCII)
"_always" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹([]_)› [90] 90)
"_nexts" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(Next _)› [90] 90)
"_action" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹([][_]'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_always" ⇌ "CONST always"
"_nexts" ⇌ "CONST nexts"
"_action" ⇌ "CONST action"
"_before" ⇌ "CONST before"
"_after" ⇌ "CONST after"
"_prime" ⇀ "CONST after"
"_unch" ⇌ "CONST unch"
"TEMP F" ⇀ "(F:: (nat ⇒ _) ⇒ _)"
subsection "Abbreviations"
text ‹Some standard temporal abbreviations, with their concrete syntax.›
definition actrans :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ ('a,'b) stfun ⇒ 'a formula"
where "actrans P v ≡ TEMP(P ∨ unch v)"
definition eventually :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ 'a formula"
where "eventually F ≡ LIFT(¬□(¬F))"
definition angle_action :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ ('a,'b) stfun ⇒ 'a formula"
where "angle_action P v ≡ LIFT(¬□[¬P]_v)"
definition angle_actrans :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ ('a,'b) stfun ⇒ 'a formula"
where "angle_actrans P v ≡ TEMP (¬ actrans (LIFT(¬P)) v)"
definition leadsto :: "('a::world) formula ⇒ 'a formula ⇒ 'a formula"
where "leadsto P Q ≡ LIFT □(P ⟶ eventually Q)"
subsubsection "Concrete Syntax"
syntax (ASCII)
"_actrans" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹([_]'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_eventually" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(<>_)› [90] 90)
"_angle_action" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(<><_>'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_angle_actrans" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(<_>'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_leadsto" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(_ ~> _)› [26,25] 25)
"_eventually" :: "lift ⇒ lift" (‹(◇_)› [90] 90)
"_angle_action" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(◇⟨_⟩'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_angle_actrans" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(⟨_⟩'_(_))› [20,1000] 90)
"_leadsto" :: "[lift,lift] ⇒ lift" (‹(_ ↝ _)› [26,25] 25)
"_actrans" ⇌ "CONST actrans"
"_eventually" ⇌ "CONST eventually"
"_angle_action" ⇌ "CONST angle_action"
"_angle_actrans" ⇌ "CONST angle_actrans"
"_leadsto" ⇌ "CONST leadsto"
subsection "Properties of Operators"
text ‹The following lemmas show that these operators have the expected semantics.›
lemma eventually_defs: "(w ⊨ ◇ F) = (∃ n. (w |⇩s n) ⊨ F)"
by (simp add: eventually_def always_def)
lemma angle_action_defs: "(w ⊨ ◇⟨P⟩_v) = (∃ i. ((w |⇩s i) ⊨ P) ∧ ((w |⇩s i) ⊨ v$ ≠ $v))"
by (simp add: angle_action_def action_def unch_def)
lemma unch_defs: "(w ⊨ Unchanged v) = (((second w) ⊨ v) = ((first w) ⊨ v))"
by (simp add: unch_def before_def nexts_def after_def tail_def suffix_def first_def second_def)
lemma linalw:
assumes h1: "a ≤ b" and h2: "(w |⇩s a) ⊨ □A"
shows "(w |⇩s b) ⊨ □A"
proof (clarsimp simp: always_def)
fix n
from h1 obtain k where g1: "b = a + k" by (auto simp: le_iff_add)
with h2 show "(w |⇩s b |⇩s n) ⊨ A" by (auto simp: always_def suffix_plus ac_simps)
subsection "Invariance Under Stuttering"
text ‹
A key feature of \tlastar{} is that specification at different abstraction
levels can be compared. The soundness of this relies on the stuttering invariance
of formulas. Since the embedding is shallow, it cannot be shown that a generic
\tlastar{} formula is stuttering invariant. However, this section will show that
each operator is stuttering invariant or preserves stuttering invariance in an
appropriate sense, which can be used to show stuttering invariance
for given specifications.
Formula ‹F› is stuttering invariant if for any two similar behaviours
(i.e., sequences of states), ‹F› holds in one iff it holds in the other.
The definition is generalised to arbitrary expressions, and not just predicates.
definition stutinv :: "('a,'b) formfun ⇒ bool"
where "stutinv F ≡ ∀ σ τ. σ ≈ τ ⟶ (σ ⊨ F) = (τ ⊨ F)"
The requirement for stuttering invariance is too strong for pre-formulas.
For example, an action formula specifies a relation between the first two states
of a behaviour, and will rarely be satisfied by a stuttering step. This is why
pre-formulas are ``protected'' by (square or angle) brackets in \tlastar{}:
the only place a pre-formula ‹P› can be used is inside an action:
To show that ‹□[P]_v› is stuttering invariant, is must be shown that a
slightly weaker predicate holds for @{term P}. For example, if @{term P} contains
a term of the form ‹○○Q›, then it is not a well-formed pre-formula, thus
‹□[P]_v› is not stuttering invariant. This weaker version of
stuttering invariance has been named \emph{near stuttering invariance}.
definition nstutinv :: "('a,'b) formfun ⇒ bool"
where "nstutinv P ≡ ∀ σ τ. (first σ = first τ) ∧ (tail σ) ≈ (tail τ) ⟶ (σ ⊨ P) = (τ ⊨ P)"
"_stutinv" :: "lift ⇒ bool" (‹(STUTINV _)› [40] 40)
"_nstutinv" :: "lift ⇒ bool" (‹(NSTUTINV _)› [40] 40)
"_stutinv" ⇌ "CONST stutinv"
"_nstutinv" ⇌ "CONST nstutinv"
text ‹
Predicate @{term "stutinv F"} formalises stuttering invariance for
formula @{term F}. That is if two sequences are similar @{term "s ≈ t"} (equal up
to stuttering) then the validity of @{term F} under both @{term s} and @{term t}
are equivalent. Predicate @{term "nstutinv P"} should be read as \emph{nearly
stuttering invariant} -- and is required for some stuttering invariance proofs.
lemma stutinv_strictly_stronger:
assumes h: "STUTINV F" shows "NSTUTINV F"
unfolding nstutinv_def
proof (clarify)
fix s t :: "nat ⇒ 'a"
assume a1: "first s = first t" and a2: "(tail s) ≈ (tail t)"
have "s ≈ t"
proof -
have tg1: "(first s) ## (tail s) = s" by (rule seq_app_first_tail)
have tg2: "(first t) ## (tail t) = t" by (rule seq_app_first_tail)
with a1 have tg2': "(first s) ## (tail t) = t" by simp
from a2 have "(first s) ## (tail s) ≈ (first s) ## (tail t)" by (rule app_seqsimilar)
with tg1 tg2' show ?thesis by simp
with h show "(s ⊨ F) = (t ⊨ F)" by (simp add: stutinv_def)
subsubsection "Properties of @{term stutinv}"
text ‹
This subsection proves stuttering invariance, preservation of stuttering invariance
and introduction of stuttering invariance for different formulas.
First, state predicates are stuttering invariant.
theorem stut_before: "STUTINV $F"
proof (clarsimp simp: stutinv_def)
fix s t :: "'a seq"
assume a1: "s ≈ t"
hence "(first s) = (first t)" by (rule sim_first)
thus "(s ⊨ $F) = (t ⊨ $F)" by (simp add: before_def)
lemma nstut_after: "NSTUTINV F$"
proof (clarsimp simp: nstutinv_def)
fix s t :: "'a seq"
assume a1: "tail s ≈ tail t"
thus "(s ⊨ F$) = (t ⊨ F$)" by (simp add: after_def tail_sim_second)
text‹The always operator preserves stuttering invariance.›
theorem stut_always: assumes H:"STUTINV F" shows "STUTINV □F"
proof (clarsimp simp: stutinv_def)
fix s t :: "'a seq"
assume a2: "s ≈ t"
show "(s ⊨ (□ F)) = (t ⊨ (□ F))"
assume a1: "t ⊨ □ F"
show "s ⊨ □ F"
proof (clarsimp simp: always_def)
fix n
from a2[THEN sim_step] obtain m where m: "s |⇩s n ≈ t |⇩s m" by blast
from a1 have "(t |⇩s m) ⊨ F" by (simp add: always_def)
with H m show "(s |⇩s n) ⊨ F" by (simp add: stutinv_def)
assume a1: "s ⊨ (□ F)"
show "t ⊨ (□ F)"
proof (clarsimp simp: always_def)
fix n
from a2[THEN seqsim_sym, THEN sim_step] obtain m where m: "t |⇩s n ≈ s |⇩s m" by blast
from a1 have "(s |⇩s m) ⊨ F" by (simp add: always_def)
with H m show "(t |⇩s n) ⊨ F" by (simp add: stutinv_def)
text ‹
Assuming that formula @{term P} is nearly suttering invariant
then ‹□[P]_v› will be stuttering invariant.
lemma stut_action_lemma:
assumes H: "NSTUTINV P" and st: "s ≈ t" and P: "t ⊨ □[P]_v"
shows "s ⊨ □[P]_v"
proof (clarsimp simp: action_def)
fix n
assume "¬ ((s |⇩s n) ⊨ Unchanged v)"
hence v: "v (s (Suc n)) ≠ v (s n)"
by (simp add: unch_defs first_def second_def suffix_def)
from st[THEN sim_step] obtain m where
a2': "s |⇩s n ≈ t |⇩s m
∧ (s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s Suc m ∨ s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s m)" ..
hence g1: "(s |⇩s n ≈ t |⇩s m)" by simp
hence g1'': "first (s |⇩s n) = first (t |⇩s m)" by (simp add: sim_first)
hence g1': "s n = t m" by (simp add: suffix_def first_def)
from a2' have g2: "s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s Suc m ∨ s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s m" by simp
from P have a1': "((t |⇩s m) ⊨ P) ∨ ((t |⇩s m) ⊨ Unchanged v)" by (simp add: action_def)
from g2 show "(s |⇩s n) ⊨ P"
assume "s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s m"
hence "first (s |⇩s Suc n) = first (t |⇩s m)" by (simp add: sim_first)
hence "s (Suc n) = t m" by (simp add: suffix_def first_def)
with g1' v show ?thesis by simp
assume a3: "s |⇩s Suc n ≈ t |⇩s Suc m"
hence "first (s |⇩s Suc n) = first (t |⇩s Suc m)" by (simp add: sim_first)
hence a3': "s (Suc n) = t (Suc m)" by (simp add: suffix_def first_def)
from a1' show ?thesis
assume "(t |⇩s m) ⊨ Unchanged v"
hence "v (t (Suc m)) = v (t m)"
by (simp add: unch_defs first_def second_def suffix_def)
with g1' a3' v show ?thesis by simp
assume a4: "(t |⇩s m) ⊨ P"
from a3 have "tail (s |⇩s n) ≈ tail (t |⇩s m)" by (simp add: tail_def suffix_plus)
with H g1'' a4 show ?thesis by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
theorem stut_action: assumes H: "NSTUTINV P" shows "STUTINV □[P]_v"
proof (clarsimp simp: stutinv_def)
fix s t :: "'a seq"
assume st: "s ≈ t"
show "(s ⊨ □[P]_v) = (t ⊨ □[P]_v)"
assume "t ⊨ □[P]_v"
with H st show "s ⊨ □[P]_v" by (rule stut_action_lemma)
assume "s ⊨ □[P]_v"
with H st[THEN seqsim_sym] show "t ⊨ □[P]_v" by (rule stut_action_lemma)
text ‹
The lemmas below shows that propositional and predicate operators
preserve stuttering invariance.
lemma stut_and: "⟦STUTINV F;STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F ∧ G)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_or: "⟦STUTINV F;STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F ∨ G)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_imp: "⟦STUTINV F;STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F ⟶ G)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_eq: "⟦STUTINV F;STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F = G)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_noteq: "⟦STUTINV F;STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F ≠ G)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_not: "STUTINV F ⟹ STUTINV (¬ F)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_all: "(⋀x. STUTINV (F x)) ⟹ STUTINV (∀ x. F x)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_ex: "(⋀x. STUTINV (F x)) ⟹ STUTINV (∃ x. F x)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_const: "STUTINV #c"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_fun1: "STUTINV X ⟹ STUTINV (f <X>)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_fun2: "⟦STUTINV X;STUTINV Y⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (f <X,Y>)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_fun3: "⟦STUTINV X;STUTINV Y;STUTINV Z⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (f <X,Y,Z>)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
lemma stut_plus: "⟦STUTINV x;STUTINV y⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (x+y)"
by (simp add: stutinv_def)
subsubsection "Properties of @{term nstutinv}"
text ‹
This subsection shows analogous properties about near stuttering
If a formula @{term F} is stuttering invariant then ‹○F› is
nearly stuttering invariant.
lemma nstut_nexts: assumes H: "STUTINV F" shows "NSTUTINV ○F"
using H by (simp add: stutinv_def nstutinv_def nexts_def)
text ‹
The lemmas below shows that propositional and predicate operators
preserves near stuttering invariance.
lemma nstut_and: "⟦NSTUTINV F;NSTUTINV G⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (F ∧ G)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_or: "⟦NSTUTINV F;NSTUTINV G⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (F ∨ G)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_imp: "⟦NSTUTINV F;NSTUTINV G⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (F ⟶ G)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_eq: "⟦NSTUTINV F; NSTUTINV G⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (F = G)"
by (force simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_not: "NSTUTINV F ⟹ NSTUTINV (¬ F)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_noteq: "⟦NSTUTINV F; NSTUTINV G⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (F ≠ G)"
by (simp add: nstut_eq nstut_not)
lemma nstut_all: "(⋀x. NSTUTINV (F x)) ⟹ NSTUTINV (∀ x. F x)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_ex: "(⋀x. NSTUTINV (F x)) ⟹ NSTUTINV (∃ x. F x)"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_const: "NSTUTINV #c"
by (auto simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_fun1: "NSTUTINV X ⟹ NSTUTINV (f <X>)"
by (force simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_fun2: "⟦NSTUTINV X; NSTUTINV Y⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (f <X,Y>)"
by (force simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_fun3: "⟦NSTUTINV X; NSTUTINV Y; NSTUTINV Z⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (f <X,Y,Z>)"
by (force simp: nstutinv_def)
by (force simp: nstutinv_def)
lemma nstut_plus: "⟦NSTUTINV x;NSTUTINV y⟧ ⟹ NSTUTINV (x+y)"
by (simp add: nstut_fun2)
subsubsection "Abbreviations"
text ‹
We show the obvious fact that the same properties holds for abbreviated
lemmas nstut_before = stut_before[THEN stutinv_strictly_stronger]
lemma nstut_unch: "NSTUTINV (Unchanged v)"
proof (unfold unch_def)
have g1: "NSTUTINV v$" by (rule nstut_after)
have "NSTUTINV $v" by (rule stut_before[THEN stutinv_strictly_stronger])
with g1 show "NSTUTINV (v$ = $v)" by (rule nstut_eq)
Formulas ‹[P]_v› are not \tlastar{} formulas by themselves,
but we need to reason about them when they appear wrapped
inside ‹□[-]_v›. We only require that it preserves nearly
stuttering invariance. Observe that ‹[P]_v› trivially holds for
a stuttering step, so it cannot be stuttering invariant.
lemma nstut_actrans: "NSTUTINV P ⟹ NSTUTINV [P]_v"
by (simp add: actrans_def nstut_unch nstut_or)
lemma stut_eventually: "STUTINV F ⟹ STUTINV ◇F"
by (simp add: eventually_def stut_not stut_always)
lemma stut_leadsto: "⟦STUTINV F; STUTINV G⟧ ⟹ STUTINV (F ↝ G)"
by (simp add: leadsto_def stut_always stut_eventually stut_imp)
lemma stut_angle_action: "NSTUTINV P ⟹ STUTINV ◇⟨P⟩_v"
by (simp add: angle_action_def nstut_not stut_action stut_not)
lemma nstut_angle_acttrans: "NSTUTINV P ⟹ NSTUTINV ⟨P⟩_v"
by (simp add: angle_actrans_def nstut_not nstut_actrans)
lemmas stutinvs = stut_before stut_always stut_action
stut_and stut_or stut_imp stut_eq stut_noteq stut_not
stut_all stut_ex stut_eventually stut_leadsto stut_angle_action stut_const
stut_fun1 stut_fun2 stut_fun3 stut_fun4
lemmas nstutinvs = nstut_after nstut_nexts nstut_actrans
nstut_unch nstut_and nstut_or nstut_imp nstut_eq nstut_noteq nstut_not
nstut_all nstut_ex nstut_angle_acttrans stutinv_strictly_stronger
nstut_fun1 nstut_fun2 nstut_fun3 nstut_fun4 stutinvs[THEN stutinv_strictly_stronger]
lemmas bothstutinvs = stutinvs nstutinvs