Theory Public_Coin_Proofs


  Project: Sumcheck Protocol

  Authors: Azucena Garvia Bosshard <>
           Christoph Sprenger, ETH Zurich <>
           Jonathan Bootle, IBM Research Europe <>


section ‹Generic Public-coin Interactive Proofs›

theory Public_Coin_Proofs
  imports Probability_Tools 

subsection ‹Generic definition›

type_synonym ('i, 'r, 'a, 'resp, 'ps) prv = "'i  'a  'a list  'r  'ps  'resp × 'ps" 

locale public_coin_proof =
  fixes ver0 :: "'i  'vs  bool"
    and ver1 :: "'i  'resp  'r  'a  'a list  'vs  bool × 'i × 'vs"

fun prove :: "'vs  ('i, 'r, 'a, 'resp, 'ps) prv  'ps  'i  'r  ('a × 'r) list  bool" where
  "prove vs prv ps I r []  ver0 I vs" |
  "prove vs prv ps I r ((x, r')#rm)  
     (let (resp, ps') = prv I x (map fst rm) r ps in 
      let (ok, I', vs') = ver1 I resp r' x (map fst rm) vs in 
        ok  prove vs' prv ps' I' r' rm)"

text ‹
The parameters are
\item @{term "(ver0, ver1)"} and @{term "vs"} are the verifier and its current state,
\item @{term "prv"} and @{term "ps"} are the prover and its current state,
\item @{term "I  S"} is the problem instance,
\item @{term "r"} is the verifier's randomness for the current round.
\item @{term "rs"} is the (list of) randomness for the remaining rounds, and
\item @{term "xs"} is a list of public per-round information/
We assume that @{term "rs"} and @{term "xs"} have the same length.


subsection ‹Generic soundness and completeness›

locale public_coin_proof_security = 
  public_coin_proof ver0 ver1
  for ver0 :: "'i  'vs  bool" 
  and ver1 :: "'i  'resp  'r  'a  'a list  'vs  bool × 'i × 'vs" + 
  fixes S :: "'i set"            ― ‹problem specification›
    and honest_pr :: "('i, 'r, 'a, 'resp, 'ps) prv"
    and compl_err :: "'i  real"
    and sound_err :: "'i  real"
    and compl_assm :: "'vs  'ps  'i  'a list  bool"
    and sound_assm :: "'vs  'ps  'i  'a list  bool"
       " I  S; compl_assm vs ps I xs  
            (pmf_of_set (tuples UNIV (length xs)))
            {rs. prove vs honest_pr ps I r (zip xs rs)}  1 - compl_err I" and

       " I  S; sound_assm vs ps I xs   
            (pmf_of_set (tuples UNIV (length xs)))
            {rs. prove vs pr ps I r (zip xs rs)}  sound_err I" 

locale public_coin_proof_strong_props = 
  public_coin_proof ver0 ver1 
  for ver0 :: "'i  'vs  bool" 
  and ver1 :: "'i  'resp  'r::finite  'a  'a list  'vs  bool × 'i × 'vs" + 
  fixes S :: "'i set"            ― ‹problem specification›
    and honest_pr :: "('i, 'r, 'a, 'resp, 'ps) prv"
    and sound_err :: "'i  real"
    and compl_assm :: "'vs  'ps  'i  'a list  bool"
    and sound_assm :: "'vs  'ps  'i  'a list  bool"
       " I  S; compl_assm vs ps I (map fst rm)   prove vs honest_pr ps I r rm" and

       " I  S; sound_assm vs ps I xs   
            (pmf_of_set (tuples UNIV (length xs)))
            {rs. prove vs pr ps I r (zip xs rs)}  sound_err I" 

text ‹Show that this locale satisfies the weaker assumptions of @{locale public_coin_proof_security}.›

sublocale pc_props: 
  public_coin_proof_security ver0 ver1 S honest_pr "λ_. 0" sound_err compl_assm sound_assm
  by (unfold_locales)
     (fastforce simp add: prob_pmf_of_set_geq_1 tuples_Suc completeness, 
      clarsimp simp add: soundness)

