Theory FourSquares
section ‹Lagrange's four-square theorem›
theory FourSquares
imports "HOL-Number_Theory.Number_Theory"
fixes sum4sq_nat :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat"
defines "sum4sq_nat a b c d ≡ a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2"
fixes is_sum4sq_nat :: "nat ⇒ bool"
defines "is_sum4sq_nat n ≡ (∃ a b c d. n = sum4sq_nat a b c d)"
private lemma best_division_abs: "(n::int) > 0 ⟹ ∃ k. 2 * ¦a - k*n¦ ≤ n"
proof -
assume a: "n > 0"
define k where "k = a div n"
have h: "a - k * n = a mod n" by (simp add: div_mult_mod_eq algebra_simps k_def)
thus ?thesis
proof (cases "2 * (a mod n) ≤ n")
case True
hence "2 * ¦a - k*n¦ ≤ n" using h pos_mod_sign a by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
case False
hence "2 * (n - a mod n) ≤ n" by auto
have "a - (k+1)*n = a mod n - n" using h by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "2 * ¦a - (k+1)*n¦ ≤ n" using h pos_mod_bound[of n a] a False by fastforce
thus ?thesis by blast
text ‹Shows that all nonnegative integers can be written as the sum of four squares. The proof consists of the following steps:
\begin{itemize}\item For every prime $p=2n+1$ the two sets of residue classes $$\{x^2 \bmod p\mid 0\le x\le n\} ~{\rm and}~ \{-1-y^2 \bmod p \mid 0 \le y \le n\}$$ both contain $n+1$ different elements and therefore they must have at least one element in common.
\item Hence there exist $x,y$ such that $x^2+y^2+1^2+0^2$ is a multiple of $p$.
\item The next step is to show, by an infinite descent, that $p$ itself can be written as the sum of four squares.
\item Finally, using the multiplicity of this form, the same holds for all positive numbers.
private definition
sum4sq_int :: "int × int × int × int ⇒ int" where
"sum4sq_int = (λ(a,b,c,d). a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2)"
private definition
is_sum4sq_int :: "int ⇒ bool" where
"is_sum4sq_int n ⟷ (∃ a b c d. n = sum4sq_int(a,b,c,d))"
private lemma mult_sum4sq_int: "sum4sq_int(a,b,c,d) * sum4sq_int(p,q,r,s) =
sum4sq_int(a*p+b*q+c*r+d*s, a*q-b*p-c*s+d*r,
a*r+b*s-c*p-d*q, a*s-b*r+c*q-d*p)"
by (unfold sum4sq_int_def, simp add: eval_nat_numeral field_simps)
private lemma sum4sq_int_nat_eq: "sum4sq_nat a b c d = sum4sq_int (a, b, c, d)"
unfolding sum4sq_nat_def sum4sq_int_def by simp
private lemma is_sum4sq_int_nat_eq: "is_sum4sq_nat n = is_sum4sq_int (int n)"
unfolding is_sum4sq_nat_def is_sum4sq_int_def
assume "∃a b c d. n = sum4sq_nat a b c d"
thus "∃a b c d. int n = sum4sq_int (a, b, c, d)" using sum4sq_int_nat_eq by force
assume "∃a b c d. int n = sum4sq_int (a, b, c, d)"
then obtain a b c d where "int n = sum4sq_int (a, b, c, d)" by blast
hence "int n = sum4sq_int (int (nat ¦a¦), int (nat ¦b¦), int (nat ¦c¦), int (nat ¦d¦))"
unfolding sum4sq_int_def by simp
hence "int n = int (sum4sq_nat (nat ¦a¦) (nat ¦b¦) (nat ¦c¦) (nat ¦d¦))"
using sum4sq_int_nat_eq by presburger
thus "∃a b c d. n = sum4sq_nat a b c d" by auto
private lemma is_mult_sum4sq_int: "is_sum4sq_int x ⟹ is_sum4sq_int y ⟹ is_sum4sq_int (x*y)"
by (unfold is_sum4sq_int_def, auto simp only: mult_sum4sq_int, blast)
private lemma is_mult_sum4sq_nat: "is_sum4sq_nat x ⟹ is_sum4sq_nat y ⟹ is_sum4sq_nat (x*y)"
using is_mult_sum4sq_int is_sum4sq_int_nat_eq by simp
private lemma mult_oddprime_is_sum4sq: "⟦ prime (nat p); odd p ⟧ ⟹
∃ t. 0<t ∧ t<p ∧ is_sum4sq_int (p*t)"
proof -
assume p1: "prime (nat p)"
then have p0: "p > 1" and "prime p"
by (simp_all add: prime_int_nat_transfer prime_nat_iff)
assume p2: "odd p"
then obtain n where n: "p = 2*n+1" using oddE by blast
with p1 have n0: "n > 0" by (auto simp add: prime_nat_iff)
let ?C = "{0 ..< p}"
let ?D = "{0 .. n}"
let ?f = "%x. x^2 mod p"
let ?g = "%x. (-1-x^2) mod p"
let ?A = "?f ` ?D"
let ?B = "?g ` ?D"
have finC: "finite ?C" by simp
have finD: "finite ?D" by simp
from p0 have AsubC: "?A ⊆ ?C" and BsubC: "?B ⊆ ?C"
by auto
with finC have finA: "finite ?A" and finB: "finite ?B"
by (auto simp add: finite_subset)
from AsubC BsubC have AunBsubC: "?A ∪ ?B ⊆ ?C" by (rule Un_least)
from p0 have cardC: "card ?C = nat p" using card_atLeastZeroLessThan_int by blast
from n0 have cardD: "card ?D = 1+ nat n" by simp
have cardA: "card ?A = card ?D"
proof -
have "inj_on ?f ?D"
proof (unfold inj_on_def, auto)
fix x fix y
assume x0: "0 ≤ x" and xn: "x ≤ n" and y0: "0 ≤ y" and yn: " y ≤ n"
and xyp: "x^2 mod p = y^2 mod p"
with p0 have "[x^2 = y^2] (mod p)" using cong_def by blast
hence "p dvd x^2-y^2" using cong_iff_dvd_diff by blast
hence "p dvd (x+y)*(x-y)" by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
hence "p dvd x+y ∨ p dvd x-y" using ‹prime p› p0
by (auto dest: prime_dvd_multD)
{ assume "p dvd x+y"
moreover from xn yn n have "x+y < p" by auto
ultimately have "¬ x+y > 0" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
with x0 y0 have "x = y" by auto }
{ assume ass: "p dvd x-y"
have "x = y"
proof (rule ccontr, case_tac "x-y ≥ 0")
assume "x-y ≥ 0" and "x ≠ y" hence "x-y > 0" by auto
with ass have "¬ x-y < p" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
with xn y0 n p0 show "False" by auto
assume "¬ 0 ≤ x-y" hence "y-x > 0" by auto
moreover from x0 yn n p0 have "y-x < p" by auto
ultimately have "¬ p dvd y-x" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
moreover from ass have "p dvd -(x-y)" by (simp only: dvd_minus_iff)
ultimately show "False" by auto
qed }
ultimately show "x=y" by auto
with finD show ?thesis by (simp only: inj_on_iff_eq_card)
have cardB: "card ?B = card ?D"
proof -
have "inj_on ?g ?D"
proof (unfold inj_on_def, auto)
fix x fix y
assume x0: "0 ≤ x" and xn: "x ≤ n" and y0: "0 ≤ y" and yn: " y ≤ n"
and xyp: "(-1-x^2) mod p = (-1-y^2) mod p"
with p0 have "[-1-y^2 = -1-x^2] (mod p)" by (simp only: cong_def)
hence "p dvd (-1-y^2) - (-1-x^2)" by (simp only: cong_iff_dvd_diff)
moreover have "-1-y^2 - (-1-x^2) = x^2 - y^2" by arith
ultimately have "p dvd x^2-y^2" by simp
hence "p dvd (x+y)*(x-y)" by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
with p1 have "p dvd x+y ∨ p dvd x-y" using ‹prime p› p0
by (auto dest: prime_dvd_multD)
{ assume "p dvd x+y"
moreover from xn yn n have "x+y < p" by auto
ultimately have "¬ x+y > 0" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
with x0 y0 have "x = y" by auto }
{ assume ass: "p dvd x-y"
have "x = y"
proof (rule ccontr, case_tac "x-y ≥ 0")
assume "x-y ≥ 0" and "x ≠ y" hence "x-y > 0" by auto
with ass have "¬ x-y < p" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
with xn y0 n p0 show "False" by auto
assume "¬ 0 ≤ x-y" hence "y-x > 0" by auto
moreover from x0 yn n p0 have "y-x < p" by auto
ultimately have "¬ p dvd y-x" by (auto simp add: zdvd_not_zless)
moreover from ass have "p dvd -(x-y)" by (simp only: dvd_minus_iff)
ultimately show "False" by auto
qed }
ultimately show "x=y" by auto
with finD show ?thesis by (simp only: inj_on_iff_eq_card)
have "?A ∩ ?B ≠ {}"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
assume ABdisj: "?A ∩ ?B = {}"
from cardA cardB cardD have "2 + 2*(nat n) = card ?A + card ?B" by auto
also with finA finB ABdisj have "… = card (?A ∪ ?B)"
by (simp only: card_Un_disjoint)
also with finC AunBsubC have "… ≤ card ?C" by (simp only: card_mono)
also with cardC have "… = nat p" by simp
finally have "2 + 2*(nat n) ≤ nat p" by simp
with n show "False" by arith
then obtain z where "z ∈ ?A ∧ z ∈ ?B" by auto
then obtain x y where xy: "x ∈ ?D ∧ y ∈ ?D ∧ z = x^2 mod p ∧ z = (-1-y^2) mod p" by blast
with p0 have "[x^2=-1-y^2](mod p)" by (simp add: cong_def)
hence "p dvd x^2-(-1-y^2)" by (simp only: cong_iff_dvd_diff)
moreover have "x^2-(-1-y^2)=x^2+y^2+1" by arith
ultimately have "p dvd sum4sq_int(x,y,1,0)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
then obtain t where t: "p * t = sum4sq_int(x,y,1,0)" by (auto simp only: dvd_def eq_refl)
hence "is_sum4sq_int (p*t)" by (unfold is_sum4sq_int_def, auto)
moreover have "t > 0 ∧ t < p"
have "x^2 ≥ 0 ∧ y^2 ≥ 0" by simp
hence "x^2+y^2+1 > 0" by arith
with t have "p*t > 0" by (unfold sum4sq_int_def, auto)
{ assume "t < 0" with p0 have "p*t < p*0" by (simp only: zmult_zless_mono2)
hence "p*t < 0" by simp }
{ assume "t = 0" hence "p*t = 0" by simp }
ultimately have "¬ t < 0 ∧ t ≠ 0" by auto
thus "t > 0" by simp
from xy have "x^2 ≤ n^2 ∧ y^2 ≤ n^2" by (auto simp add: power_mono)
hence "x^2+y^2+1 ≤ 2*n^2 + 1" by auto
with t have contr: "p*t ≤ 2*n^2+1" by (simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
{ assume "t > n+1"
with p0 have "p*(n+1) < p*t" by (simp only: zmult_zless_mono2)
with n have "p*t > (2*n+1)*n + (2*n+1)*1" by (simp only: distrib_left)
hence "p*t > 2*n*n + n + 2*n + 1" by (simp only: distrib_right mult_1_left)
with n0 have "p*t > 2*n^2 + 1" by (simp add: power2_eq_square) }
ultimately have "¬ t > n+1" by auto
with n0 n show "t < p" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
private lemma zprime_is_sum4sq: "prime (nat p) ⟹ is_sum4sq_int p"
proof (cases)
assume p2: "p=2"
hence "p = sum4sq_int(1,1,0,0)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: is_sum4sq_int_def)
assume "¬ p =2" and prp: "prime (nat p)"
hence "¬ nat p = 2" by simp
with prp have "2 < nat p" using prime_nat_iff by force
moreover with prp have "odd (nat p)" using prime_odd_nat[of "nat p"] by blast
ultimately have "odd p" by (simp add: even_nat_iff)
with prp have "∃ t. 0<t ∧ t<p ∧ is_sum4sq_int (p*t)" by (rule mult_oddprime_is_sum4sq)
then obtain a b c d t where pt_sol: "0<t ∧ t<p ∧ p*t = sum4sq_int(a,b,c,d)"
by (unfold is_sum4sq_int_def, blast)
hence Qt: "0<t ∧ t<p ∧ (∃ a1 a2 a3 a4. p*t = sum4sq_int(a1,a2,a3,a4))"
(is "?Q t") by blast
have "?Q 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume nQ1: "¬ ?Q 1"
have "¬ ?Q t"
proof (induct t rule: infinite_descent0_measure[where V="λx. (nat x)- 1"], clarify)
fix x a b c d
assume "nat x - 1 = 0" and "x > 0" and s: "p*x=sum4sq_int(a,b,c,d)" and "x < p"
moreover hence "x = 1" by arith
ultimately have "?Q 1" by auto
with nQ1 show False by auto
fix x
assume "0 < nat x - 1" and "¬ ¬ ?Q x"
then obtain a1 a2 a3 a4 where ass: "1<x ∧ x<p ∧ p*x = sum4sq_int(a1,a2,a3,a4)"
by auto
have "∃ y. nat y - 1 < nat x - 1 ∧ ?Q y"
proof (cases)
assume evx: "even x"
hence "even (x*p)" by simp
with ass have ev1234: "even (a1^2+a2^2 + a3^2+a4^2)"
by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def ac_simps)
have "∃ b1 b2 b3 b4. p*x=sum4sq_int(b1,b2,b3,b4) ∧ even (b1+b2) ∧ even (b3+b4)"
proof (cases)
assume ev12: "even (a1^2+a2^2)"
with ev1234 ass show ?thesis by auto
assume "¬ even (a1^2+a2^2)"
hence odd12: "odd (a1^2+a2^2)" by simp
with ev1234 have odd34: "odd (a3^2+a4^2)" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases)
assume ev1: "even (a1^2)"
with odd12 have odd2: "odd (a2^2)" by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases)
assume "even (a3^2)"
moreover from ass have "p*x = sum4sq_int(a1,a3,a2,a4)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using odd2 odd34 ev1 by auto
assume "¬ even (a3^2)"
moreover from ass have "p*x = sum4sq_int(a1,a4,a2,a3)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using odd34 odd2 ev1 by auto
assume odd1: "¬ even (a1^2)"
with odd12 have ev2: "even (a2^2)" by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases)
assume "even (a3^2)"
moreover from ass have "sum4sq_int(a1,a4,a2,a3)=p*x" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using odd34 odd1 ev2 by force
assume "¬ even (a3^2)"
moreover from ass have "sum4sq_int(a1,a3,a2,a4)=p*x" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using odd34 odd1 ev2 by force
then obtain b1 b2 b3 b4
where b: "p*x = sum4sq_int(b1,b2,b3,b4) ∧ even (b1+b2) ∧ even (b3+b4)" by auto
then obtain c1 c3 where c13: "b1+b2 = 2*c1 ∧ b3+b4 = 2*c3"
using evenE[of "b1+b2"] evenE[of "b3+b4"] by meson
from b have "even (b1-b2) ∧ even (b3-b4)" by simp
then obtain c2 c4 where c24: "b1-b2 = 2*c2 ∧ b3-b4 = 2*c4"
using evenE[of "b1-b2"] evenE[of "b3-b4"] by meson
from evx obtain y where y: "x = 2*y" using evenE by blast
hence "4*(p*y) = 2*(p*x)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
also from b have "… = 2*b1^2 + 2*b2^2 + 2*b3^2 + 2*b4^2"
by (auto simp: sum4sq_int_def)
also have "… = (b1 + b2)^2 + (b1 - b2)^2 + (b3 + b4)^2 + (b3 - b4)^2"
by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
also with c13 c24 have "… = 4*(c1^2 + c2^2 + c3^2 + c4^2)"
by (auto simp add: power_mult_distrib)
finally have "p * y = sum4sq_int(c1,c2,c3,c4)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
moreover from y ass have "0 < y ∧ y < p ∧ (nat y) - 1 < (nat x) - 1" by arith
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
assume xodd: "¬ even x"
with ass have "∃ c1 c2 c3 c4. 2*¦a1-c1*x¦≤x ∧ 2*¦a2-c2*x¦≤x ∧ 2*¦a3-c3*x¦≤x ∧ 2*¦a4-c4*x¦≤x"
by (simp add: best_division_abs)
then obtain b1 c1 b2 c2 b3 c3 b4 c4 where
bc_def: "b1 = a1-c1*x ∧ b2 = a2-c2*x ∧ b3 = a3-c3*x ∧ b4 = a4-c4*x"
and "2*¦b1¦≤x ∧ 2*¦b2¦≤x ∧ 2*¦b3¦≤x ∧ 2*¦b4¦≤x"
by blast
moreover have "2*¦b1¦≠x ∧ 2*¦b2¦≠x ∧ 2*¦b3¦≠x ∧ 2*¦b4¦≠x" using xodd by fastforce
ultimately have bc_abs: "2*¦b1¦<x ∧ 2*¦b2¦<x ∧ 2*¦b3¦<x ∧ 2*¦b4¦<x" by auto
let ?B = "b1^2 + b2^2 + b3^2 + b4^2"
let ?C = "c1^2 + c2^2 + c3^2 + c4^2"
have "x dvd ?B"
from bc_def ass have
"?B = p*x - 2*(a1*c1+a2*c2+a3*c3+a4*c4)*x + ?C*x^2"
unfolding sum4sq_int_def by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
thus "?B = x*(p - 2*(a1*c1+a2*c2+a3*c3+a4*c4) + ?C*x)"
by (auto simp add: ac_simps power2_eq_square
distrib_left right_diff_distrib)
then obtain y where y: "?B = x * y" by (auto simp add: dvd_def)
let ?A1 = "a1*b1 + a2*b2 + a3*b3 + a4*b4"
let ?A2 = "a1*b2 - a2*b1 - a3*b4 + a4*b3"
let ?A3 = "a1*b3 + a2*b4 - a3*b1 - a4*b2"
let ?A4 = "a1*b4 - a2*b3 + a3*b2 - a4*b1"
let ?A = "sum4sq_int(?A1,?A2,?A3,?A4)"
have "x dvd ?A1 ∧ x dvd ?A2 ∧ x dvd ?A3 ∧ x dvd ?A4"
proof (safe)
from bc_def have
"?A1 = (b1+c1*x)*b1 + (b2+c2*x)*b2 + (b3+c3*x)*b3 + (b4+c4*x)*b4"
by simp
also with y have "… = x*(y + c1*b1 + c2*b2 + c3*b3 + c4*b4)"
by (auto simp add: distrib_left power2_eq_square ac_simps)
finally show "x dvd ?A1" by auto
from bc_def have
"?A2 = (b1+c1*x)*b2 - (b2+c2*x)*b1 - (b3+c3*x)*b4 + (b4+c4*x)*b3"
by simp
also have "… = x*(c1*b2 - c2*b1 - c3*b4 + c4*b3)"
by (auto simp add: distrib_left right_diff_distrib ac_simps)
finally show "x dvd ?A2" by auto
from bc_def have
"?A3 = (b1+c1*x)*b3 + (b2+c2*x)*b4 - (b3+c3*x)*b1 - (b4+c4*x)*b2"
by simp
also have "… = x*(c1*b3 + c2*b4 - c3*b1 - c4*b2)"
by (auto simp add: distrib_left right_diff_distrib ac_simps)
finally show "x dvd ?A3" by auto
from bc_def have
"?A4 = (b1+c1*x)*b4 - (b2+c2*x)*b3 + (b3+c3*x)*b2 - (b4+c4*x)*b1"
by simp
also have "… = x*(c1*b4 - c2*b3 + c3*b2 - c4*b1)"
by (auto simp add: distrib_left right_diff_distrib ac_simps)
finally show "x dvd ?A4" by auto
then obtain d1 d2 d3 d4 where d:
"?A1=x*d1 ∧ ?A2=x*d2 ∧ ?A3=x*d3 ∧ ?A4=x*d4"
by (auto simp add: dvd_def)
let ?D = "sum4sq_int(d1,d2,d3,d4)"
from d have "x^2*?D = ?A"
by (auto simp only: sum4sq_int_def power_mult_distrib distrib_left)
also have "… = sum4sq_int(a1,a2,a3,a4)*sum4sq_int(b1,b2,b3,b4)"
by (simp only: mult_sum4sq_int)
also with y ass have "… = (p*x)*(x*y)" by (auto simp add: sum4sq_int_def)
also have "… = x^2*(p*y)" by (simp only: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
finally have "x^2*(?D - p*y) = 0" by (auto simp add: right_diff_distrib)
with ass have "p*y = ?D" by auto
moreover have y_l_x: "y < x"
proof -
have "4*b1^2 = (2*¦b1¦)^2 ∧ 4*b2^2 = (2*¦b2¦)^2 ∧
4*b3^2 = (2*¦b3¦)^2 ∧ 4*b4^2 = (2*¦b4¦)^2" by simp
with bc_abs have "4*b1^2<x^2 ∧ 4*b2^2<x^2 ∧ 4*b3^2<x^2 ∧ 4*b4^2<x^2"
using power_strict_mono [of "2*¦b¦" x 2 for b]
by auto
hence "?B < x^2" by auto
with y have "x*(x-y) > 0"
by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square right_diff_distrib)
moreover from ass have "x > 0" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using zero_less_mult_pos by fastforce
moreover have "y > 0"
proof -
have b2pos: "b1^2 ≥ 0 ∧ b2^2 ≥ 0 ∧ b3^2 ≥ 0 ∧ b4^2 ≥ 0" by simp
hence "?B = 0 ∨ ?B > 0" by arith
{ assume "?B = 0"
moreover from b2pos have
"?B-b1^2 ≥ 0 ∧ ?B-b2^2 ≥ 0 ∧ ?B-b3^2 ≥ 0 ∧ ?B-b4^2 ≥ 0" by arith
ultimately have "b1^2 ≤ 0 ∧ b2^2 ≤ 0 ∧ b3^2 ≤ 0 ∧ b4^2 ≤ 0" by auto
with b2pos have "b1^2 = 0 ∧ b2^2 = 0 ∧ b3^2 = 0 ∧ b4^2 = 0" by arith
hence "b1 = 0 ∧ b2 = 0 ∧ b3 = 0 ∧ b4 = 0" by auto
with bc_def have "x dvd a1 ∧ x dvd a2 ∧ x dvd a3 ∧ x dvd a4"
by auto
hence "x^2 dvd a1^2 ∧ x^2 dvd a2^2 ∧ x^2 dvd a3^2 ∧ x^2 dvd a4^2" by simp
hence "x^2 dvd a1^2+a2^2+a3^2+a4^2" by (simp only: dvd_add)
with ass have "x^2 dvd p*x" by (auto simp only: sum4sq_int_def)
hence "x*x dvd x*p" by (simp only: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
with ass have "nat x dvd nat p"
by (simp add: nat_dvd_iff)
moreover from ass prp have "x ≥ 0 ∧ x ≠ 1 ∧ x ≠ p ∧ prime (nat p)" by simp
ultimately have "False" unfolding prime_nat_iff by auto }
{ assume "?B > 0"
with y have "x*y > 0" by simp
moreover from ass have "x > 0" by simp
ultimately have ?thesis using zero_less_mult_pos by blast }
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover with y_l_x have "(nat y) - 1 < (nat x) - 1" by arith
moreover from y_l_x ass have "y < p" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
thus "∃ y. nat y - 1 < nat x - 1 ∧ ¬ ¬ ?Q y" by blast
with Qt show "False" by simp
thus "is_sum4sq_int p" by (auto simp add: is_sum4sq_int_def)
private lemma prime_is_sum4sq: "prime p ⟹ is_sum4sq_nat p"
using zprime_is_sum4sq is_sum4sq_int_nat_eq by simp
theorem sum_of_four_squares: "is_sum4sq_nat n"
proof (induction n rule: nat_less_induct)
case (1 n)
show ?case
proof (cases "n>1")
case False
hence "n = 0 ∨ n = 1" by auto
moreover have "0 = sum4sq_nat 0 0 0 0" "1 = sum4sq_nat 1 0 0 0" unfolding sum4sq_nat_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_sum4sq_nat_def by blast
case True
then obtain p m where dec: "prime p ∧ n = p * m" using prime_factor_nat[of n]
by (auto elim: dvdE)
moreover hence "m<n" using n_less_m_mult_n[of m p] prime_gt_Suc_0_nat[of p] True by linarith
ultimately have "is_sum4sq_nat m" "is_sum4sq_nat p" using 1 prime_is_sum4sq by blast+
thus ?thesis using dec is_mult_sum4sq_nat by blast