Theory Set_Util

theory Set_Util
  imports Main

section ‹Sets›

lemma pigeonhole_principle_advanced:
  assumes "finite A"
  and     "finite B"
  and     "A  B = {}"
  and     "card A > card B"
  and     "bij_betw f (A  B) (A  B)"
shows " aA. f a  A"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬(aA. f a  A)"
  hence "a  A. f a  A"
    by blast
  hence "aA. f a  B"
    using assms(5) bij_betw_apply by fastforce
  hence "f ` A  B"
    by blast

  have "inj_on f A"
    by (meson assms(5) bij_betw_def inj_on_Un)
  hence "card (f ` A) = card A"
    using card_image by blast
  hence "f ` A = B"
    by (metis f ` A  B assms(2,4) card_mono leD)
  hence "card B = card A"
    using card (f ` A) = card A by blast
  then show False
    using assms(4) by linarith

lemma Suc_mod_n_bij_betw:
  "bij_betw (λx. Suc x mod n) {0..<n} {0..<n}"
proof (intro bij_betwI')
  fix x y
  assume "x  {0..<n}" "y  {0..<n}"
  then show "(Suc x mod n = Suc y mod n) = (x = y)"
    by (simp add: mod_Suc)
  fix x
  assume "x  {0..<n}"
  then show "Suc x mod n  {0..<n}"
    by clarsimp
  fix y
  assume "y  {0..<n}"
  then show "x{0..<n}. y = Suc x mod n"
    by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff bot_nat_0.extremum less_nat_zero_code mod_Suc_eq mod_less
              mod_less_divisor mod_self not_gr_zero old.nat.exhaust)

lemma subset_upt_no_Suc:
  assumes "A  {1..<n}"
  and     "xA. Suc x  A"
  shows "card A  n div 2"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ card A  n div 2"
  hence "n div 2 < card A"
    by auto

  have "aA. Suc a mod n  A"
  proof (rule pigeonhole_principle_advanced[of A "{0..<n} - A" "(λx. Suc x mod n)", simplified])
    show "finite A"
      using assms(1) finite_subset by blast
    from card_Diff_subset
    have "card ({0..<n} - A) = card {0..<n} - card A"
      by (metis Diff_subset assms(1) dual_order.trans ivl_diff less_eq_nat.simps(1)
    have "card {0..<n} - card A < card A"
      using ¬ card A  n div 2 assms by simp
    ultimately show "card ({0..<n} - A) < card A"
      by simp
    have "A  {0..<n} = {0..<n}"
      using assms(1) dual_order.trans by auto
    with Suc_mod_n_bij_betw[of n]
    show "bij_betw (λx. Suc x mod n) (A  {0..<n}) (A  {0..<n})"
      by simp
  then obtain x where
    "x  A"
    "Suc x mod n  A"
    by blast

  show False
  proof (cases n)
    case 0
    then show ?thesis
      using Suc x mod n  A x  A assms(2) by force
    case (Suc m)
    assume "n = Suc m"

    have "x = m  x < m"
      using Suc x  A assms(1) by auto
    then show ?thesis
      assume "x = m"
      then show False
        using Suc Suc x mod n  A assms(1) by auto
      assume "x < m"
      with mod_less[of "Suc x" "Suc m"]
      show False
        using Suc Suc x mod n  A x  A assms(2) by force

lemma in_set_mapD:
  "x  set (map f xs)  y  set xs. x = f y"
  by (simp add: image_iff)


subsection ‹From AutoCorres ›

lemma disjointI':
  assumes "x y.  x  A; y  B   x  y"
  shows " A  B = {}"
  using assms by fast

lemma disjoint_subset2:
  assumes "B'  B" and "A  B = {}"
  shows   "A  B' = {}"
  using assms by fast

