Theory List_Util
theory List_Util
imports Main
section ‹General Lists›
lemma list_cases_3:
"T = [] ∨ (∃x. T = [x]) ∨ (∃a b xs. T = a # b # xs)"
proof (cases T)
case Nil
then show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases list)
case Nil
with ‹T = a # list›
show ?thesis
by simp
case (Cons a' list')
with ‹T = a # list›
show ?thesis
by simp
lemma length_cons_cons:
"T = a # b # xs ⟹ ∃n. length T = Suc (Suc n)"
by simp
lemma length_Suc_Suc:
"length T = Suc (Suc n) ⟹ ∃a b xs. T = a # b # xs"
by (metis length_Suc_conv)
lemma length_Suc_0:
"length xs = Suc 0 ⟹ ∃x. xs = [x]"
by (simp add: length_Suc_conv)
lemma map_eq_replicate:
"∀x ∈ set xs. f x = k ⟹ map f xs = replicate (length xs) k"
by (metis map_eq_conv map_replicate_const)
lemma map_upt_eq_replicate:
"∀x ∈ set [i..<j]. f x = k ⟹ map f [i..<j] = replicate (j - i) k"
by (metis length_upt map_eq_replicate)
lemma in_set_list_update:
"⟦x ∈ set xs; xs ! k ≠ x⟧ ⟹ x ∈ set (xs[k := y])"
by (metis in_set_conv_nth length_list_update nth_list_update_neq)
lemma Max_greD:
"i < length s ⟹ Max (set s) ≥ s ! i"
by clarsimp
lemma list_neq_rc1:
"(∃z zs. xs = ys @ z # zs) ⟹ xs ≠ ys"
by fastforce
lemma list_neq_rc2:
"(∃z zs. ys = xs @ z # zs) ⟹ xs ≠ ys"
by fastforce
lemma list_neq_rc3:
"(∃x y as bs cs. xs = as @ x # bs ∧ ys = as @ y # cs ∧ x ≠ y) ⟹ xs ≠ ys"
by fastforce
lemma list_neq_rc:
"(∃z zs. xs = ys @ z # zs) ∨
(∃z zs. ys = xs @ z # zs) ∨
(∃x y as bs cs. xs = as @ x # bs ∧ ys = as @ y # cs ∧ x ≠ y) ⟹
xs ≠ ys"
by (elim disjE conjE list_neq_rc1 list_neq_rc2 list_neq_rc3)
lemma list_neq_fc:
"xs ≠ ys ⟹
(∃z zs. xs = ys @ z # zs) ∨
(∃z zs. ys = xs @ z # zs) ∨
(∃x y as bs cs. xs = as @ x # bs ∧ ys = as @ y # cs ∧ x ≠ y)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis append_Nil list.exhaust)
case (Cons a xs ys)
note IH = this
then show ?case
proof (cases ys)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
by simp
case (Cons b ys')
assume "ys = b # ys'"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "a = b")
assume "a ≠ b"
with ‹ys = b # ys'›
show ?thesis
by blast
assume "a = b"
with IH(2) ‹ys = b # ys'›
have "xs ≠ ys'"
by simp
with IH(1)[of ys']
show ?thesis
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI ‹a = b› local.Cons)
lemma list_neq_cases:
"xs ≠ ys ⟷
(∃z zs. xs = ys @ z # zs) ∨
(∃z zs. ys = xs @ z # zs) ∨
(∃x y as bs cs. xs = as @ x # bs ∧ ys = as @ y # cs ∧ x ≠ y)"
using list_neq_fc list_neq_rc by blast
section ‹Find›
lemma findSomeD:
"find P xs = Some x ⟹ P x ∧ x ∈ set xs"
by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma findNoneD:
"find P xs = None ⟹ ∀x ∈ set xs. ¬P x"
by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm)
section ‹Filter›
lemma filter_update_nth_success:
"⟦P v; i < length xs⟧ ⟹
filter P (xs[i := v]) = (filter P (take i xs)) @ [v] @ (filter P (drop (Suc i) xs))"
by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop)
lemma filter_update_nth_fail:
"⟦¬P v; i < length xs⟧ ⟹
filter P (xs[i := v]) = (filter P (take i xs)) @ (filter P (drop (Suc i) xs))"
by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop)
lemma filter_take_nth_drop_success:
"⟦i < length xs; P (xs ! i)⟧ ⟹
filter P xs = (filter P (take i xs)) @ [xs ! i] @ (filter P (drop (Suc i) xs))"
by (metis filter_update_nth_success list_update_id)
lemma filter_take_nth_drop_fail:
"⟦i < length xs; ¬P (xs ! i)⟧ ⟹
filter P xs = (filter P (take i xs)) @ (filter P (drop (Suc i) xs))"
by (metis filter_update_nth_fail list_update_id)
lemma filter_nth_1:
"⟦i < length xs; P (xs ! i)⟧ ⟹
∃i'. i' < length (filter P xs) ∧ (filter P xs) ! i' = xs ! i"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: i)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons a xs i)
note IH = this
show ?case
proof (cases i)
case 0
with IH(3)
show ?thesis
by fastforce
case (Suc n)
with IH(1)[of n] IH(2,3)
have "∃i'<length (filter P xs). filter P xs ! i' = xs ! n"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using Suc by auto
lemma filter_nth_2:
"⟦i < length (filter P xs)⟧ ⟹
∃i'. i' < length xs ∧ (filter P xs) ! i = xs ! i'"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: i)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons a xs i)
note IH = this
then show ?case
proof (cases i)
case 0
then show ?thesis
using Cons.hyps Cons.prems by force
case (Suc n)
with IH(1)[of n] IH(2)
have "∃i'<length xs. filter P xs ! n = xs ! i'"
by (metis filter.simps(2) length_Cons not_less_eq not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (metis Cons.hyps Cons.prems Suc filter.simps(2) length_Cons not_less_eq nth_Cons_Suc)
lemma filter_nth_relative_1:
"⟦i < length xs; P (xs ! i); j < i; P (xs ! j)⟧ ⟹
∃i' j'. i' < length (filter P xs) ∧ j' < i' ∧ (filter P xs) ! i' = xs ! i ∧
(filter P xs) ! j' = xs ! j"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: i j)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons a xs i j)
note IH = this
show ?case
proof (cases i)
case 0
then show ?thesis
using IH(4) by blast
case (Suc n)
assume "i = Suc n"
show ?thesis
proof (cases j)
case 0
with filter_nth_1[of n xs P] IH(2,3) ‹i = Suc n› IH(4-)
show ?thesis
by (metis filter.simps(2) length_Cons not_less_eq nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc zero_less_Suc)
case (Suc m)
with IH(1)[of n m] IH(2-) ‹i = Suc n›
show ?thesis
by fastforce
lemma filter_nth_relative_neq_1:
assumes "i < length xs" "P (xs ! i)" "j < length xs" "P (xs ! j)" "i ≠ j"
shows "∃i' j'. i' < length (filter P xs) ∧ j' < length (filter P xs) ∧ (filter P xs) ! i' = xs ! i ∧
(filter P xs) ! j' = xs ! j ∧ i' ≠ j'"
proof (cases "i < j")
assume "i < j"
with filter_nth_relative_1[where P = P, OF assms(3,4) _ assms(2)]
show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) nat_neq_iff order_less_trans)
assume "¬ i < j"
with assms(5)
have "j < i"
by auto
with filter_nth_relative_1[where P = P, OF assms(1,2) _ assms(4)]
show ?thesis
using order_less_trans by blast
lemma filter_nth_relative_2:
"⟦i < length (filter P xs); j < i⟧ ⟹
∃i' j'. i' < length xs ∧ j' < i' ∧ (filter P xs) ! i = xs ! i' ∧ (filter P xs) ! j = xs ! j'"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: i j)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons a xs i j)
note IH = this
let ?goal = "∃i' j'. i' < length (a # xs) ∧ j' < i' ∧ filter P (a # xs) ! i = (a # xs) ! i' ∧
filter P (a # xs) ! j = (a # xs) ! j'"
show ?case
proof (cases i)
case 0
then show ?goal
using IH(3) by blast
case (Suc n)
assume "i = Suc n"
show ?thesis
proof (cases j)
case 0
assume "j = 0"
from filter_nth_2[of n P xs] IH(2)
have "∃i'<length xs. filter P xs ! n = xs ! i'"
using Suc order_less_trans by fastforce
show ?goal
proof (cases "P a")
assume "P a"
then show ?goal
by (metis "0" Suc ‹∃i'<length xs. filter P xs ! n = xs ! i'› filter.simps(2)
length_Cons not_less_eq nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc zero_less_Suc)
assume "¬ P a"
then show ?goal
using Cons.hyps IH(2,3) Suc_less_eq by fastforce
case (Suc m)
with IH(1)[of n m] IH(2-) ‹i = Suc n›
have "∃i' j'. i' < length xs ∧ j' < i' ∧ filter P xs ! n = xs ! i' ∧
filter P xs ! m = xs ! j'"
by (metis filter.simps(2) length_Cons not_less_eq not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
then obtain i' j' where
A: "i' < length xs" "j' < i'" "filter P xs ! n = xs ! i'" "filter P xs ! m = xs ! j'"
by blast
show ?goal
proof (cases "P a")
assume "P a"
then show ?goal
using A Suc ‹i = Suc n› by force
assume "¬ P a"
then show ?goal
using Cons.hyps IH(2,3) by fastforce
lemma filter_nth_relative_neq_2:
assumes "i < length (filter P xs)" "j < length (filter P xs)" "i ≠ j"
shows "∃i' j'. i' < length xs ∧ j' < length xs ∧ xs ! i' = (filter P xs) ! i ∧
xs ! j' = (filter P xs) ! j ∧ i' ≠ j'"
proof (cases "i < j")
assume "i < j"
with filter_nth_relative_2[OF assms(2), of i]
show ?thesis
by (metis dual_order.strict_trans exists_least_iff)
assume "¬ i < j"
with assms(3)
have "j < i"
by auto
with filter_nth_relative_2[OF assms(1), of j]
show ?thesis
by (metis nat_neq_iff order_less_trans)
lemma filter_find:
"filter P xs ≠ [] ⟹ find P xs = Some ((filter P xs) ! 0)"
by (induct xs; auto)
lemma filter_nth_update_subset:
"set (filter P (xs[i := v])) ⊆ {v} ∪ set (filter P xs)"
fix x
assume "x ∈ set (filter P (xs[i := v]))"
with filter_set member_filter
have "x ∈ set (xs[i := v])" "P x"
by auto
hence "∃k < length (xs[i := v]). (xs[i := v]) ! k = x"
by (simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
then obtain k where
"k < length (xs[i := v])"
"(xs[i := v]) ! k = x"
by blast
hence "k < length xs"
by simp
from ‹(xs[i := v]) ! k = x› ‹k < length (xs[i := v])›
have "k = i ⟹ x = v"
by simp
have "k ≠ i ⟹ x ∈ set (filter P xs)"
using ‹P x› ‹k < length xs› ‹xs[i := v] ! k = x› by auto
show "x ∈ {v} ∪ set (filter P xs)"
by blast
section ‹Upt›
lemma card_upt:
"card {0..<n} = n"
by simp
lemma bounded_distinct_subset_upt_length:
"⟦distinct xs; ∀i<length xs. xs ! i < length xs⟧ ⟹ set xs ⊆ {0..<length xs}"
by (intro subsetI; clarsimp simp: in_set_conv_nth)
lemma bounded_distinct_eq_upt_length:
assumes "distinct xs"
assumes "∀i < length xs. xs ! i < length xs"
shows "set xs = {0..<length xs}"
proof (intro card_subset_eq finite_atLeastLessThan
bounded_distinct_subset_upt_length[OF assms] )
from distinct_card[OF assms(1)] card_upt[of "length xs"]
show "card (set xs) = card {0..<length xs}"
by simp
lemma set_map_nth_subset:
assumes "n ≤ length xs"
shows "set (map (nth xs) [0..<n]) ⊆ set xs"
using assms by clarsimp
lemma set_map_nth_eq:
"set (map (nth xs) [0..<length xs]) = set xs"
by (intro equalityI set_map_nth_subset subsetI; simp add: map_nth)
lemma distinct_map_nth:
assumes "distinct xs"
assumes "n ≤ length xs"
shows "distinct (map (nth xs) [0..<n])"
using assms by (simp add: distinct_conv_nth)