Theory Fun_Util

theory Fun_Util
  imports Main

section ‹Monotonic Functions›

lemma strict_mono_leD: "strict_mono r  m  n  r m  r n"
  by (erule (1) monoD [OF strict_mono_mono])

definition map_to_nat :: "('a :: linorder list)  ('a  nat)"
"map_to_nat xs = (λx. card {y|y. y  set xs  y < x})"

lemma map_to_nat_strict_mono_on:
  "strict_mono_on (set xs) (map_to_nat xs)"
  unfolding strict_mono_on_def map_to_nat_def
proof safe
 fix x y :: 'a
  assume "x < y" "x  set xs" "y  set xs"
  have "finite {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
    by auto
  have "{a |a. a  set xs  a < x}  {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
  proof (intro psubsetI subsetI notI)
    fix k
    assume "k  {a |a. a  set xs  a < x}"
    hence "k < x" "k  set xs"
      by simp_all
    hence "k < y" "k  set xs"
      using x < y by auto
    then show "k  {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
      by simp
    assume "{a |a. a  set xs  a < x} = {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
    have "x  {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
      using x < y `x  set xs` by auto
    have "x  {a |a. a  set xs  a < x}"
      by auto
    ultimately show False
      by simp
  ultimately show "card {a |a. a  set xs  a < x} < card {a |a. a  set xs  a < y}"
    using psubset_card_mono[of "{a |a. a  set xs  a < y}" "{a |a. a  set xs  a < x}"]
    by blast

lemma strict_mono_on_map_set_ex:
  "(f :: ('a :: linorder  nat)). strict_mono_on (set xs) f"
  using map_to_nat_strict_mono_on by blast

locale Linorder_to_Nat_List =
  fixes map_to_nat :: "'a :: linorder list  'a  nat"
  and   xs :: "'a :: linorder list"
  assumes map_to_nat_strict_mono_on: "strict_mono_on (set xs) (map_to_nat xs)"

context Linorder_to_Nat_List begin

lemma strict_mono_on_Suc_map_to_nat:
  "strict_mono_on (set xs) (λx. Suc (map_to_nat xs x))"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Suc_mono ord.strict_mono_on_def map_to_nat_strict_mono_on)

end (* of context *)

lemma Linorder_to_Nat_List_ex:
  "α. Linorder_to_Nat_List α xs"
  by (meson Linorder_to_Nat_List.intro strict_mono_on_map_set_ex)
