Theory Substitutions_Lambda_Free

theory Substitutions_Lambda_Free
  imports "Lambda_Free_RPOs.Lambda_Free_RPOs" "HOL-Library.LaTeXsugar" "Well_Quasi_Orders.Minimal_Elements"

no_notation (latex)
  Cons  ("_ / _" [66,65] 65)

declare [[syntax_ambiguity_warning = false, names_short = true]]

section ‹Introduction›

text ‹
This theory is based on J. Blanchette's Formalization of Recursive Path Orders
for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms \cite{Lambda_Free_RPOs} which defines $\lambda$-free
higher-order terms.

subsection ‹Preliminary lemmas›
The following lemma and definitions would be worth adding in the theory
@{theory Lambda_Free_RPOs.Lambda_Free_Term}.

lemma sub_trans: sub x y  sub y z  sub x z
  by (induction z arbitrary: x y, blast, elim sub_AppE; simp add: sub_arg sub_fun)

definition subterms :: ('s, 'v) tm  ('s, 'v) tm set where
  subterms t  {u. sub u t}

definition proper_subterms :: ('s, 'v) tm  ('s, 'v) tm set where
  proper_subterms t  {u. proper_sub u t}

The following lemmas are also helpful in the following and could be easily lifted
higher in the hierarchy of theories.

lemmas mult_Suc_left =
  mult_Suc_right[unfolded add.commute[of m m*n for m n]]
―‹Although this result is immediate, it might be worth adding it to Nat symmetrically.›

lemma inject_nat_in_fset_ninj:
  finite S  (range (f::nat_)  S)  ( x y. x  y  f x = f y)
  apply (induction S rule: finite_induct, fast)
  subgoal for x FS
      finite_insert[of x FS]
      infinite_UNIV_char_0 inj_on_finite[of f UNIV {x}  FS]
    unfolding inj_def by blast.

lemma wfPD: wfP P  wfp_on P A
―‹This destruction rule for @{term wfP} could be added to the theory
@{theory Open_Induction.Restricted_Predicates}
  by (simp add: wfp_eq_minimal wfp_on_iff_minimal)

lemma set_decr_chain_empty:
  fixes u :: nat  'a set
  assumes pord: n. u n    u (n+1)  u n
    and fin: n. finite (u n)
  shows  k. u k = 
  This lemma could easily be generalized to any partial order and any minimal
  element and integrated to the theory @{theory Well_Quasi_Orders.Minimal_Elements}.
  have wfp_on (in_rel finite_psubset) (range u)
    using wf_finite_psubset wfPD wf_in_rel
    by blast
  with fin have wfpon: wfp_on (⊂) (range u)
    unfolding finite_psubset_def in_rel_def wfp_on_def
    by (auto iff: image_iff, metis)
  then interpret minimal_element (⊂) range u
    by (unfold_locales; simp add: po_on_def)

  show ?thesis
    using pord wf
    unfolding wfp_on_def[simplified, unfolded Suc_eq_plus1]
    using rangeI[of u]
    by meson

lemma distinct_in_fset:
  finite E  card E = n  distinct xs  set xs  E  length xs  n
  by (induction n, simp, metis card_mono distinct_card)

section ‹Substitutions›

text ‹
This section embeds substitutions in a proper type, lifting basic operations like
substitution application (i.e. \emph{substitution} as an operation on terms) and

subsection ‹Substitutions for terms›

text ‹
Substitutions in @{theoryLambda_Free_RPOs.Lambda_Free_RPOs}
\cite{Lambda_Free_RPOs} are not defined as a type, they are implicitly used
as functions from variables to terms.
However, not all functions from variables to terms are substitutions, which
motivates the introduction of a proper type \emph{subst} fitting the
specification of a substitution, namely that only finitely many variables are
not mapped to themselves.

abbreviation 𝒱 where 𝒱  Hd  Var

lemma inj_𝒱: inj 𝒱
  by (intro injI, simp)

lemma fin_var_restr:finite (𝒱 ` E)  finite E
  using inj_𝒱 finite_imageI image_inv_f_f
  by metis

definition is_subst :: ('v  ('s, 'v) tm)  bool where
  is_subst σ  finite {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst σ t  t}

If type-checking on terms was enforced in @{term is_subst}, the above
definition could be expressed as follows in a more concise way:

@{term is_subst σ  finite {subst σ t  t}}

Without type-checking, the definition must range over variables and not over
terms since @{term App x x} is a valid term, even though it does not type check.
If $x\sigma = x$, then $(x(x))\sigma = x(x)$. This inductively allows infinitely many
fixpoints of the substitution @{term σ}.

With type-checking, the second definition would only add finitely many terms,
namely type-correct applied terms of the form @{term (App y x)} where @{term x}
and @{term y} are substitutable variables.

lemma subst_𝒱: is_subst 𝒱
unfolding is_subst_def
proof -
    fix t::('s, 'v) tm
    assume asm: is_Hd t is_Var (head t)
    define v where v = var (head t)
    hence t_eq:t = Hd (Var v)
      by (simp add: asm(1) asm(2))
    hence subst 𝒱 t = t
      by simp
  thus finite {t. (is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst (Hd  Var) t  t)}
    using not_finite_existsD by blast

typedef ('s, 'v) subst = {σ::('v  ('s, 'v) tm). is_subst σ}
  using subst_𝒱 by blast

setup_lifting type_definition_subst

lift_definition 𝒱' :: ('s, 'v) subst is 𝒱
  using subst_𝒱 by blast

text ‹
Informally, @{term 𝒱} is almost the identity function since it casts variables
to themselves (as terms), but it has the type 'v ⇒ ('s, 'v) tm›. @{term 𝒱}
is thus lifted to @{term 𝒱'} that applies on substitutions. The fact that
@{term 𝒱'} leaves ground terms unchanged follows from the definition of @{term subst}
and is obtained by lifting. @{term 𝒱'} \emph{is} the identity substitution.

  subst_app :: ('s, 'v) tm  ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) tm (‹__› [56,55] 55) is (* previsouly infixl, but this prevents linebreaks *)
  λ x σ. subst σ x.

lemma sub_subst': sub x t  sub (xσ) (tσ)
―‹This lemma is a lifted version of @{thm sub_subst}.›
  by (simp add: subst_app.rep_eq sub_subst)

text ‹
Application for substitutions (i.e.\ \emph{substitution}) is lifted from the
function @{term subst} and denoted as usual in the literature with a post-fix
notation: @{term subst σ x} is denoted by @{term xσ}.

lemma subst_alt_def:finite {t. (𝒱 t)σ  𝒱 t}
proof (transfer)
  fix σ :: 'v  ('s, 'v) tm
  assume asm: is_subst σ
  {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst σ t  t} = 𝒱 ` {t. subst σ (𝒱 t)  𝒱 t}
    apply (standard; clarsimp)
    subgoal for x
      apply (cases x)
      subgoal for hd by (cases hd; simp)
      subgoal by simp
  then show finite {t. subst σ (𝒱 t)  𝒱 t}
    using fin_var_restr asm unfolding is_subst_def
    by simp

text ‹
The lemma above provides an alternative definition for substitution. Yet, there is
a subtlety since Isabelle does not provide support for dependent types:
one shall understand this lemma as the meta-implication "if
@{term σ::(_,_) subst} is of type @{term subst} then the aforementioned set is
A true alternative definition should state an equivalence, however the converse
implication makes no sense in Isabelle.

lemma subst_eq_sub:sub s t  tσ = tθ  sσ = sθ
  by (transfer fixing: s t, induction t arbitrary: s; fastforce)

text ‹
Composition for substitutions is also lifted as follows.

  rcomp :: ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) subst
  (infixl  55) is λ σ θ. subst θ  (subst σ  𝒱)
proof (transfer)
  fix σ::'v  ('s, 'v) tm and θ::'v  ('s, 'v) tm

  assume asm: is_subst σ is_subst θ

  define S where S  {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst σ t  t}
  define T where T  {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst θ t  t}
  define TS where TS 
    {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst (λx. subst θ (subst σ (𝒱 x))) t  t}

  note fin =
    asm(1)[unfolded is_subst_def, folded S_def]
    asm(2)[unfolded is_subst_def, folded T_def]

  have TS_simp:
  TS = {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst (subst θ  (subst σ  𝒱)) t  t} 
  proof -
    have eq:(λx. subst θ (subst σ (Hd (Var x)))) = subst θ  (subst σ  𝒱)
      by (standard, simp)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: TS_def[simplified eq])

  have TS  S  T
    unfolding S_def T_def TS_def
    apply (intro subsetI, simp)
    subgoal for t
      apply (cases t; simp)
      subgoal for x by (cases x; auto)

  from finite_subset[OF this finite_UnI[OF fin], simplified TS_simp]
  show is_subst (subst θ  (subst σ  𝒱))
  unfolding is_subst_def .

lemma rcomp_subst_simp:
  (x::('s, 'v) tm)(σ  θ) = (xσ)θ
  by (transfer fixing: x, induction x; simp add: hd.case_eq_if)

  set_image_subst :: ('s, 'v) tm set  ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) tm set
  (infixl  90) is λ S σ. subst σ ` S .

lemma set_image_subst_collect:
  Sσ = {xσ | x. x  S}
  by (transfer, blast)

subsection ‹Substitutions as a monoid›

text ‹
First, we state two introduction lemmas for allowing extensional reasoning on
substitutions. The first one is on terms and the second one is for terms that are

lemma subst_ext_tmI:
  fixes σ::('s, 'v) subst and θ::('s, 'v) subst
  shows  (x::('s, 'v) tm). (xσ) = (xθ)  σ = θ
proof (transfer, rule ccontr)
  fix σ::'v  ('s, 'v) tm and θ::'v  ('s, 'v) tm
  assume asm:is_subst σ is_subst θ x. subst σ x = subst θ x σ  θ
  from asm(4) obtain v where v_def:σ v  θ v
    by fast
  hence subst σ (Hd (Var v))  subst θ (Hd (Var v))
    by simp

  with asm(3) show False
    by blast

lemma subst_ext_tmI':
  fixes σ::('s, 'v) subst and θ::('s, 'v) subst
  shows  x. (𝒱 x)σ = (𝒱 x)θ  σ = θ
  by (transfer, simp, blast)

lemmas subst_extI = subst_ext_tmI subst_ext_tmI'

text ‹
The three following lemmas state that @{term 𝒱'} is the neutral element for composition.
Although uniqueness follows from the definition of a neutral element, the proof
of this claim is given below.

lemma 𝒱'_id_tm [simp]:
  fixes x::(_,_) tm
  shows (x𝒱') = x
  by (transfer fixing: x, induction x; simp add: hd.case_eq_if)

lemma 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp[simp]:
  σ  𝒱' = σ
  𝒱'  σ = σ
  by (intro subst_ext_tmI allI, simp add: rcomp_subst_simp)+

lemma unique_𝒱':
  (σ. σ  η = σ)  η = 𝒱'
  (σ. η  σ = σ)  η = 𝒱'
proof -
  assume σ  η = σ for σ
  from 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp(2)[of η, symmetric, simplified this]
  show η = 𝒱'.
  assume η  σ = σ for σ
  from 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp(1)[of η, symmetric, simplified this]
  show η = 𝒱'.

lemma 𝒱'_iff:σ = 𝒱'  ( x. (𝒱 x)σ = (𝒱 x))
  by (intro iffI; simp add: 𝒱'.rep_eq subst_app.rep_eq subst_ext_tmI') 

lemma rcomp_assoc[simp]:
  fixes σ::('s, 'v) subst
    and θ::('s, 'v) subst
    and γ::('s, 'v) subst
  shows (σ  θ)  γ = σ  (θ  γ)
  by (intro subst_extI, simp add: rcomp_subst_simp)

text ‹
Knowing that the composition of substitutions @{term (∘) :: (_,_) subst  _}
is associative and has a neutral element @{term 𝒱'}, we may embed substitutions
in an algebraic structure with a monoid structure and enjoy Isabelle's lemmas on

global_interpretation subst_monoid: monoid rcomp 𝒱'
  by (unfold_locales; simp)

section ‹Acyclic substitutions›
subsection ‹Definitions and auxiliary lemmas›

text ‹
The iteration on substitutions is defined below and is followed by several
algebraic properties.

In order to show these properties, we give three different definitions for
iterated substitutions. In short, the first one is simply the iteration of
composition using Isabelle's @{term (^^)} operator. This can be understood as
  \sigma^n \triangleq (\underset{n\ \text{times}}{\underbrace{\sigma \circ (\sigma \circ (\dots(\sigma}} \circ \mathcal{V}')\dots))

Using properties from the monoid structure, this can be written as
  \sigma^n \triangleq \underset{n\ \text{times}}{\underbrace{\sigma \circ \dots \circ \sigma}}

The two other definitions are inductively defined using those two schemes:

  \sigma^{n+1} &= \sigma \circ \sigma^n\\
  \sigma^{n+1} &= \sigma^n \circ \sigma

We prove that these three definitions are equivalent and use them in the proofs
of the properties that follow.

definition iter_rcomp :: ('s, 'v) subst  nat  ('s, 'v) subst
  (‹__ [200, 0] 1000) where σn ((∘) σ ^^ n) 𝒱'

lemma iter_rcomp_Suc_right:σSuc n= σn σ
  unfolding iter_rcomp_def funpow_Suc_right comp_def 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp
  by (induction n; simp)

lemma iter_rcomp_Suc_left:σSuc n= σ  σn⇖›
  unfolding iter_rcomp_def funpow_Suc_right comp_def 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp
  by (induction n; simp)

fun iter_rcomp' :: ('s, 'v) subst  nat  ('s, 'v) subst
  iter_rcomp' σ 0 = 𝒱'
| iter_rcomp' σ (Suc n) = σ  (iter_rcomp' σ n)
lemma iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp':σn= iter_rcomp' σ n
  by (induction n; simp add: iter_rcomp_def)

fun iter_rcomp'' :: ('s, 'v) subst  nat  ('s, 'v) subst
  iter_rcomp'' σ 0 = 𝒱'
| iter_rcomp'' σ (Suc n) = (iter_rcomp'' σ n)  σ

lemma iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'':σn= iter_rcomp'' σ n
  by (induction n, simp add: iter_rcomp_def, simp add: iter_rcomp_Suc_right)

lemmas iter_rcomp'_eq_iter_rcomp'' =
  iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'[symmetric, simplified iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'']

The following lemmas show some algebraic properties on iterations of
substitutions, namely that for any @{term σ}, the function $n~\mapsto~\sigma^n$
i.e.\ @{term iter_rcomp σ} is a magma homomorphism between $(\mathbb{N}, +)$
and $(subst, \circ)$.
Since @{thm iter_rcomp_def[of σ 0, simplified]}, it is even a (commutative) monoid homomorphism.

lemma iter_comp_add_morphism: (σn)  (σk) = σn+k⇖›
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp' iter_rcomp'_eq_iter_rcomp''
  by(induction k; simp add:
    rcomp_assoc[of iter_rcomp'' σ n iter_rcomp'' σ k σ for k, symmetric])

lemmas iter_comp_com_add_morphism =
    of σ n k for σ n k,
    simplified add.commute,
    unfolded iter_comp_add_morphism[of σ k n, symmetric]]

text ‹
There is a similar property with multiplication, stated as follows:
\forall \sigma,n,k. (\sigma^n)^k = \sigma^{n\times k}
This is shown by the following lemma. The next one shows commutativity.

lemma iter_comp_mult_morphism: (σn)k= σn*k⇖›
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp' iter_rcomp'_eq_iter_rcomp''
  by (induction k; simp only:
    mult_Suc_left iter_comp_add_morphism[
      unfolded iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp' iter_rcomp'_eq_iter_rcomp'']
    iter_rcomp''.simps mult_0_right)

lemmas iter_comp_com_mult_morphism =
    of σ n k for σ k n,
    simplified mult.commute,
    unfolded iter_comp_mult_morphism[of σ k n, symmetric]]

Some simplification rules are added to the rules to help automatize subsequent

lemma iter_rcomp_𝒱'[simp]: 𝒱'n= 𝒱'
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
  by (induction n; simp)

lemma iter_rcomp_0[simp]: σ0= 𝒱'
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp' by simp

lemma iter_rcomp_1[simp]: σSuc 0= σ
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp' by simp

definition dom :: ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) tm set where
  dom σ  {𝒱 x | x. (𝒱 x)σ  𝒱 x}

definition ran :: ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) tm set where
  ran σ  (λx. xσ) ` dom σ

lemma no_sub_in_dom_subst_eq: ( x  dom σ. ¬ sub x t)  t = tσ
  unfolding dom_def
  by (induction t)
    ((simp add: subst_app.rep_eq split: hd.split, metis sub_refl),
    (simp add: subst_app.rep_eq, metis sub_arg sub_fun))

lemma subst_eq_on_domI:
  (x. x  dom σ  x  dom θ  xσ = xθ)  σ = θ
  by (intro subst_ext_tmI' allI)
    (metis comp_apply no_sub_in_dom_subst_eq sub_HdE)

lemma subst_finite_dom:finite (dom σ)
  unfolding dom_def using subst_alt_def[of σ] by simp

lemma 𝒱'_emp_dom: dom 𝒱' = 
  unfolding dom_def by simp

lemma var_not_in_dom [simp]: 𝒱 x  dom σ  ((𝒱 x)σn) = 𝒱 x
  unfolding dom_def
  by (induction n; simp add: iter_rcomp_Suc_left rcomp_subst_simp)

lemma ran_alt_def:ran σ = {(𝒱 x)σ | x. (𝒱 x)σ  𝒱 x}
  unfolding ran_def dom_def
  by blast

definition is_ground_subst :: ('s, 'v) subst  bool where
  is_ground_subst σ  (ground ` ran σ) = {True}

lemma is_ground_subst_alt_def:
  is_ground_subst σ  (ran σ  )  (x. (𝒱 x)σ  𝒱 x  ground ((𝒱 x)σ))
  unfolding is_ground_subst_def ran_def dom_def
  by (standard, auto)

lemma ground_subst_grounds:is_ground_subst σ  x  dom σ  ground (xσ)
  unfolding dom_def
  by (induction x) (auto simp add: is_ground_subst_alt_def)

lemma iter_on_ground:ground (xσ)  n > 0  xσn= xσ
  using ground_imp_subst_iden 
  unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
  by (induction n, blast)
    (simp add: rcomp_subst_simp, simp add: subst_app.rep_eq)

lemma true_subst_nempty_vars:
  σ  𝒱  {t. is_Hd t  is_Var (head t)  subst σ t  t}  {}
proof -
  assume σ  𝒱
  then obtain t where σ t  𝒱 t
    by blast
  moreover have is_Hd (𝒱 t) is_Var (head (𝒱 t))
    by simp+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by fastforce

lemma true_subst_nemp_im:ran σ = {}  σ = 𝒱'
  unfolding ran_def dom_def
  by (transfer, auto simp add: is_subst_def dest: true_subst_nempty_vars)

lemma ground_subst_imp_no_var_mapped_on_var:
  is_ground_subst σ  (x y. x  y  (𝒱 x)σ  (𝒱 y))
proof -
  have ¬ ( x y. x  y  (𝒱 x)σ  (𝒱 y))  ¬ is_ground_subst σ
  proof -
    assume ¬ ( x y. x  y  (𝒱 x)σ  (𝒱 y))
    then obtain x y where xy_def:x  y (𝒱 x)σ = (𝒱 y)
      by blast
      (𝒱 x)σ(𝒱 x)
      𝒱 x  {x. is_Var (head x)  x  σ  x}
      ¬ ground ((𝒱 x)σ)
      by fastforce+

    then show ¬ is_ground_subst σ
      unfolding is_ground_subst_def ran_def dom_def
      by blast

  from contrapos_pp[
    of  x y. x  y  (𝒱 x)σ  (𝒱 y) is_ground_subst σ,
    OF this]
  show is_ground_subst σ  ( x y. x  y  (𝒱 x)σ  (𝒱 y)).

lemma ran_𝒱'_empty:ran 𝒱' = 
  unfolding ran_def dom_def using 𝒱'_iff
  by fast

lemma non_ground_𝒱': ¬ is_ground_subst 𝒱'
  using is_ground_subst_alt_def ran_𝒱'_empty by blast

subsection ‹Acyclicity›

text ‹
A substitution is said to be \emph{acyclic} if no variable @{term x::(_,_) tm}
in the domain of @{term σ} occurs as a subterm of @{term (x::(_,_) tm)σn⇖›}
for any @{term n > 0}.

definition is_acyclic :: ('s, 'v) subst  bool where
  is_acyclic σ  ( x  dom σ.  n > 0. x  subterms (xσn))

lemma is_acyclicE:is_acyclic σ  x  dom σ  n > 0  x  subterms (xσn)
  unfolding is_acyclic_def by blast

lemma non_acyclic_𝒱': is_acyclic 𝒱'
  using 𝒱'_emp_dom is_acyclic_def by fast

lemma acyclic_iter_dom_eq:is_acyclic σ  dom σ = dom σn⇖› if n > 0 for n
    using that unfolding dom_def is_acyclic_def subterms_def
    by (induction n, fast, simp)
    (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG)
    (* TODO *)

lemma acyclic_iter: is_acyclic σ  n > 0  is_acyclic σn⇖›
  unfolding is_acyclic_def subterms_def
  by (auto simp add: iter_comp_mult_morphism dom_def dest: CollectD,
    use var_not_in_dom[unfolded dom_def] in fastforce)

subsection ‹Fixed-point substitution›

text ‹
We define the fixed-point substitution of a substitution @{term σ} as the substitution @{term σi⇖›} where $\displaystyle{i = \inf \{k \in \mathbb{N} \mid \sigma^k = \sigma^{k+1}\}}$.

definition fp_subst :: ('s, 'v) subst  ('s, 'v) subst (‹_ 1000) where
  σ  iter_rcomp σ (LEAST n . σn= σn+1)

lemma ground_subst_is_fp:is_ground_subst σ  σ = σ
―‹Ground substitutions have no effect and are therefore fixed-points substitutions.
The converse is not true.›
proof -
  assume asm:is_ground_subst σ
  have eq:σ1= σ2⇖›
    apply (simp only: one_add_one[symmetric],
      simp, intro subst_ext_tmI' allI, simp)
    subgoal for x
      unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
      by (cases 𝒱 x  dom σ,
        simp add: rcomp_subst_simp,
          ground_subst_grounds[OF asm, THEN ground_imp_subst_iden]
        simp add: dom_def rcomp_subst_simp).

  note least_le1=Least_le[of λn. σn= σn + 1⇖› 1, unfolded nat_1_add_1, OF this]
  have neq:σ0 σ1⇖›
    using asm non_ground_𝒱'
    unfolding iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
    by auto
  have (LEAST n. σn= σn + 1)  0
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (LEAST n. σn= σn + 1)  0
    hence (LEAST n. σn= σn + 1) = 0 by blast
      LeastI[of λn. σn= σn + 1⇖› 1, simplified one_add_one, OF eq,
        simplified add_0 this]
    show False by blast
  moreover have (LEAST x. σx= σx + 1) = 0  (LEAST x. σx= σx + 1) = 1
    using least_le1 by linarith
  ultimately have (LEAST n. σn= σn + 1) = 1
    by sat
  then show σ = σ
    unfolding fp_subst_def iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
    by simp

text ‹
In the following, we prove that fixed-point substitutions are well-defined for
acyclic substitutions. To help visualise how the proofs are carried out, for any
terms @{term x} and @{term y} and any substitution @{term σ}, we denote the fact 
that x› is substituted by y› after one application of σ›, i.e.\ that @{term sub y (xσ)}, by x →σ y›.

In fact, automata could be used to model substitutions with variables in the domain as the initial states and variables outside of the domain and constants as final
states. The transitions would be given by the successive substitutions.
Acyclic substitutions would be represented by a DAG.

lemma dom_sub_subst: x  dom σ  sub x (tσ)  y  dom σ. sub x (yσ)
If x →σ t› for x ∈ dom σ› and a term t›, then there is a variable y ∈ dom σ›
such that x →σ y›.
  apply (induction t)
  subgoal for t0
    apply (cases t0)
    unfolding dom_def apply fastforce
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) hd.set(4) tm.set(3) ground_imp_subst_iden subst_app.rep_eq sub_HdE)
  subgoal for t1 t2
    by (simp add: dom_def) (metis subst.simps(2) tm.distinct(1) subst_app.rep_eq sub_AppE)

lemma dom_sub_subst_contrapos:
―‹For x› in the domain, if there is no z› in the domain such that x →σ z›,
then there is not term t› such that x →σ t›.›
  x  dom σ  z  dom σ. ¬ sub x (zσ)  t. ¬ sub x (tσ)
  using dom_sub_subst by blast

lemma dom_sub_subst_iter:
  x  dom σ  z  dom σ. ¬ sub x (zσn)  ¬ sub x (tσn)
  by (induction n arbitrary: x σ,
    simp, use sub_refl in blast,
    smt (verit, ccfv_threshold)
  (* TODO *)

  assumes x  dom σ y  dom σ. sub y t  ¬ sub x (yσ)
  shows not_sub_subst_if:¬ sub x (tσ)
―‹For x› in the domain and any term t›, if there is no variable y› occurring
in t› such that x →σ y›, then $x \not\rightarrow_\sigma t$.›
  using assms
  by (induction t)
    ((smt (verit, ccfv_threshold)
    (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold)
  (* TODO *)

lemma dom_sub_subst_iter_Suc:
  x  dom σ  sub x (tσn+1) 
    y z. y  dom σ  z  dom σ  sub x (zσ)  sub z (yσn)
―‹If $x \rightarrow_{\sigma}^{n+1} t$, then there are variables y› and z› such
that $y \rightarrow_{\sigma}^{n} z \rightarrow_{\sigma} x$.›
proof (induction n arbitrary: x t)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    unfolding add_0 One_nat_def iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp
      iter_rcomp_0 𝒱'_neutral_rcomp 𝒱'_id_tm
    using dom_sub_subst sub_refl by blast
  case (Suc n)
  then obtain t' where t'_def: sub t' (tσn+1) sub x (t'σ) 
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp sub_refl)
  have w  dom σ. sub w t'  sub x (wσ)
    using not_sub_subst_if Suc.prems(1) t'_def(2) by blast
  then obtain w where w_def: w  dom σ sub w t' sub x (wσ)
    by blast

  then obtain y where y  dom σ sub w (yσn+1)
    apply (fold Suc_eq_plus1, unfold iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp)
    using sub_subst' sub_trans Suc.IH t'_def by meson

  with w_def show ?case
    by auto

lemma sub_Suc_n_sub_n_sub:
  ( x  dom σ. sub z (xσn+1)) 
  ( x y. x  dom σ  y  dom σ  sub z (yσ)  sub y (xσn)) if z  dom σ
  using that
proof (intro iffI)
  show z  dom σ  xdom σ. sub z (xσn + 1) 
    x y. x  dom σ  y  dom σ  sub z (yσ)  sub y (xσn)
    assume xdom σ. sub z (xσn + 1) z  dom σ
    then obtain x where xdom σ sub z (xσn+1)
      by blast

    then obtain y where y  dom σ sub z (yσ) sub y (xσn)
      by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 z  dom σ iter_rcomp_Suc_right
        not_sub_subst_if rcomp_subst_simp) (* TODO *)

    then show x y. x  dom σ  y  dom σ  sub z (yσ)  sub y (xσn)
      using x  dom σ by blast
  show z  dom σ 
    x y. x  dom σ  y  dom σ  sub z (yσ)  sub y (xσn) 
    xdom σ. sub z (xσn + 1)
  proof -
    assume  x y. x  dom σ  y  dom σ  sub z (yσ)  sub y (xσn)
    then obtain x y where xy_def:
      x  dom σ y  dom σ sub z (yσ) sub y (xσn)
      by blast
    then have sub (yσ) (xσn+1)
      unfolding Suc_eq_plus1[symmetric] iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp
      using sub_subst' by blast
    with xy_def(3) have sub z (xσn+1)
      using sub_trans by blast
    with xy_def(1) show xdom σ. sub z (xσn + 1)
      by fast

The following theorem is the main result of this theory and states that for acyclic
substitutions, the fixed-point substitution exists and is well defined. The main
idea of the proof is to define a non-negative quantity and show that successively
applying the substitution makes it decrease.

For any such iteration $n$, we define the set of variables that will be
substituted by the next iteration of the substitution and denote it by $S_n$.
Formally, $S_n$ is defined as follows:

  S_n :=  \{z \in \text{dom}\ \sigma \mid \exists x \in \text{dom}\ \sigma.\ x \rightarrow_{\sigma}^n z\}

There is a clear recurrence relation between $S_{n+1}$ and $S_n$, namely that
the variables in $S_{n+1}$ are exactly the variables in $S_n$ that are not sources
in $S_n$, i.e.\ that have a predecessor -- for the subterm relation -- in $S_n$.
This is formalized as follows: 

  S_{n+1} = S_n - \{z \in S_n \mid \forall x \in S_n.\ x \not\rightarrow_\sigma z \}

This implies that the sequence $(S_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is strictly monotone
for inclusion.
Since it is bounded and has its values in finite sets, it is convergent and there
is a rank $k$ from which it is constant and equal to the infimum of the range,
the empty set.

theorem fp_subst: is_acyclic σ  n. σn= σn+1⇖›
proof -
  assume acyc:is_acyclic σ
  define S where S  λ n. (subterms ` ran σn)  dom σ
  have S_alt_def: S n = {z  dom σ. x  dom σ. sub z (xσn)} if n > 0 for n
    unfolding S_def ran_def subterms_def
      acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF that acyc, symmetric]
    by blast
  have S_σ_unfold:
    S n  σ = {xσ | x. x  dom σ  (ydom σ. sub x (yσn))} if n > 0 for n
    unfolding set_image_subst_collect[of S n, unfolded S_def]
      S_def subterms_def
    unfolding ran_def acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF that acyc, symmetric]
    by blast
  have sources_charac:
    n > 0  S (n+1) = S n - {z  S n. x  S n. ¬ sub z (xσ)} for n
  proof (intro subset_antisym subsetI)
    fix z assume n > 0
    show z  S (n + 1)  z  S n - {z  S n. xS n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}
      assume z  S (n + 1)
      then obtain x where x_def: x  dom σ sub z (xσn+1)
        unfolding S_alt_def[OF zero_less_Suc[of n, unfolded Suc_eq_plus1]]
        by blast
      then have z  S n
        unfolding S_def ran_def
          acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF n > 0 acyc, symmetric]
        by (simp, metis IntE S_def Suc_eq_plus1 z  S (n + 1)
          dom_sub_subst_iter iter_rcomp_Suc_left rcomp_subst_simp)
      moreover have xS n. sub z (xσ)
          S_alt_def[OF n > 0]
          dom_sub_subst_iter_Suc[of z σ]
          x_def(2) z  S n
        by fast

      ultimately show z  S n - {z  S n. xS n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}
        by blast
    show z  S n - {z  S n. xS n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}  z  S (n + 1)
      assume z  S n - {z  S n. xS n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}
      hence z  S n yS n. sub z (yσ)
        by blast+
      then obtain x y w where
        x  dom σ sub z (xσn)
        y  dom σ w  dom σ sub z (yσ) sub y (wσn)
        unfolding S_def subterms_def ran_def
          acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF n > 0 acyc, symmetric]
        by blast
      show z  S (n+1)
        unfolding S_alt_def[OF zero_less_Suc[of n], unfolded Suc_eq_plus1]
        apply (simp, intro conjI, use z  S n[unfolded S_def] in simp)
          using sub_trans[OF sub z (yσ)
            sub_subst'[OF sub y (wσn), of σ]] w  dom σ
          unfolding iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp
        by (intro bexI[of _ w])

  have fin_Sn: finite (S n) for n
    unfolding S_def using subst_finite_dom
    by blast

  have decr: S n    S (n+1)  S n for n
    show S n    S (n+1)  S n
    proof (cases n > 0)
      case True
      assume S n  
      show ?thesis
      proof (intro subsetI, rule ccontr)
        fix x assume x  S(n+1) x  S n
        from this(1)[
          unfolded S_alt_def[OF zero_less_Suc[of n],
            unfolded Suc_eq_plus1],
          unfolded Suc_eq_plus1]
        obtain y where x  dom σ y  dom σ sub x (yσn+1)
          by blast
        with x  S n[unfolded S_alt_def[OF True], simplified]
        have zdom σ. ¬ sub x (zσn)
          by blast
          dom_sub_subst_iter[OF x  dom σ this, of yσ]
        show False
          using sub x (yσn+1)[
            folded Suc_eq_plus1,
            unfolded iter_rcomp_Suc_left rcomp_subst_simp] ..
      case False
      assume S n  
      moreover have S 0 = 
        unfolding S_def iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
        by (simp add: ran_𝒱'_empty)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using False by simp

    show S n    S (n+1)  S n
    proof (cases n)
      case (Suc m)
      hence n > 0 by simp
      assume S n   
      have {z  S n. x  S n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}  
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume ¬ {z  S n. xS n. ¬ sub z (xσ)}  {}
        hence ch: x. x  S n  (y  S n. sub x (yσ))
          by simp
        define E where E  λx. {y  S n. sub x (yσ)}
        have E_nemp: x  S n  E x   for x
          unfolding E_def using ch by fast
        have x  S n  x  E x for x
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume a: x  S n ¬ x  E x
          from this(1) have x  dom σ
            unfolding S_def by fast
          with conjunct2[OF a(2)[simplified, unfolded E_def, simplified]]
            unfolded is_acyclic_def subterms_def,
            OF this zero_less_Suc[of 0],
            unfolded iter_rcomp_Suc_right,
          show False
            by satx

        with ch S n    obtain x y where x  S n y  S n sub y (xσ)
          by blast
        with acyc have y  x
          unfolding S_def is_acyclic_def subterms_def
          by (metis IntE One_nat_def 𝒱'_id_tm iter_rcomp_0
            iter_rcomp_Suc_left mem_Collect_eq rcomp_subst_simp zero_less_one)

        let ?C = card (S n)
        have incl: E v  S n for v
          unfolding E_def by blast

        have k > 0 
           seq. k = length seq 
            seq!0  S n 
            ( m < length seq - 1. seq!(m+1)  E (seq!m)) 
            distinct seq
          for k
        proof (induction k rule: nat_induct_non_zero)
          case (Suc k)
          then obtain seq where seq_def: k = length seq seq!0  S n
            ( m < k-1. seq!(m+1)  E (seq!m)) distinct seq
            by blast
          hence l < k  seq!l  S n for l
            unfolding E_def
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) CollectD Suc_eq_plus1
              less_Suc_eq less_Suc_eq_0_disj less_diff_conv)
          with seq_def obtain v where v_def: v  E (seq!(k-1))
            using E_nemp Suc.hyps
            by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_pred' all_not_in_conv less_add_one)
          have seq_sub:
            i < length seq  j  i  sub (seq!j) ((seq!i)σi-j) for i j
          proof (induction i arbitrary: j)
            case (Suc l)
            with seq_def have seq!(Suc l)  E (seq!l)
              by simp
            hence sub (seq!l) ((seq!(Suc l))σ)
              unfolding E_def by blast
            with Suc show ?case
            by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG)
            (* TODO *)
          qed (simp add: sub_refl)

          define seq' where seq'  seq @ [v]
          hence sub (seq!(k-1)) (vσ)
            using v_def unfolding E_def
            by blast

          have v  dom σ
            using incl v_def
            unfolding E_def S_def
            by fast

          have v  set seq
            assume v  set seq
            then obtain j where j < k v = seq!j
              unfolding in_set_conv_nth seq_def(1) by fast
            with seq_sub[of k-1 j, folded seq_def(1) this(2)] Suc.hyps
            have sub v (seq!(k-1)σk-1-j)
              by simp
            from sub_trans[OF
                sub_subst'[OF sub (seq!(k-1)) (vσ), of σk-1-j⇖›,
              folded rcomp_subst_simp iter_rcomp_Suc_left]]
            show False
              using acyc v  dom σ
              unfolding is_acyclic_def subterms_def
              by blast

          show ?case
            by (intro exI[of _ seq'] conjI, unfold seq'_def,
              simp add: seq_def(1),
              simp add:
                    of seq [v] 0,
                    folded seq_def(1),
                    unfolded if_split,
              intro allI,
              simp add: v  set seq seq_def(4))
        qed (intro exI[of _ [x]] conjI, (simp add: x  S n)+)

        then obtain seq where seq_def:
          ?C + 1 = length seq seq!0  S n distinct seq
          ( m < length seq - 1. seq!(m+1)  E (seq!m))
          by auto
        have set seq  S n
          fix x assume x  set seq
          then obtain i where seq!i = x i < length seq
            by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
          then show x  S n
            by (cases i, use seq_def(2) in simp)
              (metis seq_def(4) One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 in_mono incl less_diff_conv)

          distinct_in_fset[OF fin_Sn, of n ?C, simplified, OF seq_def(3) this]
        show False
          by simp
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding sources_charac[OF n > 0]
        by blast
      case 0 assume S n  
      moreover have S 0 = 
        unfolding S_def iter_rcomp_0 ran_𝒱'_empty
        by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using 0 by simp

  have subset_dom: n > 0  S n  dom σ for n
    by (induction n) (simp add: S_def)+

  have finite (S n) for n
    by (cases n)
      (simp add:
        S_def subst_finite_dom
        subset_dom[THEN finite_subset[OF _ subst_finite_dom[of σ]]])+
  moreover have S 0 = 
    unfolding S_def iter_rcomp_eq_iter_rcomp'
    by (simp add: ran_𝒱'_empty)
  ultimately obtain k where k > 0 S k = 
    using set_decr_chain_empty[where u=λn. S (Suc n)] decr
    by auto

  from this(2)[unfolded S_def subterms_def ran_def
    acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF this(1) acyc, symmetric], simplified]
  have f: {y. y  dom σ  (xdom σ. sub y (xσk))} = 
    by blast
  then have σk= σk+1⇖›
    by (intro subst_eq_on_domI allI impI)
    ((simp add:
        acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF k > 0 acyc, symmetric]
        acyclic_iter_dom_eq[OF zero_less_Suc[of k] acyc, symmetric]),
      unfold iter_rcomp_Suc_right rcomp_subst_simp,
      simp add: no_sub_in_dom_subst_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    by (intro exI[of _ k])

lemma fp_subst_comp_stable: is_acyclic σ  (σ)  (σ) = σ
  assume is_acyclic σ
  with fp_subst obtain m where m_def: σm= σm+1⇖›
    by blast
  define n where n  LEAST n. σn= σn+1⇖›
  have eq: σ = σn⇖›
    unfolding fp_subst_def n_def..
  from m_def have σn= σn+1⇖›
    unfolding n_def
    by (intro LeastI[of λn. σn= σn+1⇖› m])
  hence σn= σn+k⇖› for k
  proof (induction k)
    case (Suc k)
    show ?case
      unfolding add_Suc_right iter_rcomp_Suc_right
        Suc.IH[OF Suc.prems, symmetric]
      unfolding iter_rcomp_Suc_right[symmetric] Suc_eq_plus1
      using Suc.prems.
  qed simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding eq iter_comp_com_add_morphism
    by (induction n) presburger+

lemma fp_subst_stable_iter: is_acyclic σ  n > 0  (σ)n= σ
  by (induction n, simp,
    unfold iter_rcomp_Suc_right,
    use fp_subst_comp_stable in fastforce)

lemma fp_subst_stable_fp: is_acyclic σ  (σ) = σ
proof -
  assume is_acyclic σ
  define m where m  LEAST n. (σ)n= (σ)n+1⇖›
  show ?thesis
    unfolding fp_subst_def[of σ, folded m_def]
    using fp_subst_stable_iter[OF is_acyclic σ]
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) LeastI_ex Suc_eq_plus1 m_def zero_less_Suc)
