Theory Stone_Cech
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Building on parts of HOL-Analysis, we provide mathematical components for work on the
Stone-{\v{C}}ech compactification. The main concepts covered are: $C^*$-embedding, weak topologies
and compactification, focusing in particular on the Stone-{\v{C}}ech compactification of an
arbitrary Tychonov space $X$. Many of the proofs given here derive from those of Willard
(\textit{General Topology}, 1970, Addison-Wesley) and Walker (\textit{The Stone-{\v C}ech
Compactification}, 1974, Springer-Verlag).
Using traditional topological proof strategies we define the evaluation and
projection functions for product spaces, and show that product spaces carry the weak
topology induced by their projections whenever those projections separate points both
from each other and from closed sets.
In particular, we show that the evaluation map from
an arbitrary Tychonov space $X$ into $\beta{X}$ is a dense $C^*$-embedding, and then verify the
Stone-{\v C}ech Extension Property: any continuous map from $X$ to a compact Hausdorff space $K$
uniquely to a continuous map from $\beta{X}$ to $K$.
theory Stone_Cech
imports "HOL.Topological_Spaces"
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Concrete definitions of finite intersections and arbitrary unions, and their
relationship to the Analysis.Abstract\_Topology versions.
definition finite_intersections_of :: "'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "finite_intersections_of S = { (⋂ F) | F . F ⊆ S ∧ finite' F }"
definition arbitrary_unions_of :: "'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "arbitrary_unions_of S = { (⋃ F) | F . F ⊆ S }"
lemma generator_imp_arbitrary_union:
shows "S ⊆ arbitrary_unions_of S"
unfolding arbitrary_unions_of_def by blast
lemma finite_intersections_container:
shows "∀ s ∈ finite_intersections_of S . ⋃S ∩ s = s"
unfolding finite_intersections_of_def by blast
lemma generator_imp_finite_intersection:
shows "S ⊆ finite_intersections_of S"
unfolding finite_intersections_of_def by blast
lemma finite_intersections_equiv:
shows "(finite' intersection_of (λx. x ∈ S)) U ⟷ U ∈ finite_intersections_of S"
unfolding finite_intersections_of_def intersection_of_def
by auto
lemma arbitrary_unions_equiv:
shows "(arbitrary union_of (λ x . x ∈ S)) U ⟷ U ∈ arbitrary_unions_of S"
unfolding arbitrary_unions_of_def union_of_def arbitrary_def
by auto
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Supplementary information about topological bases and the topologies they generate
definition base_generated_on_by :: "'a set ⇒ 'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "base_generated_on_by X S = { X ∩ s | s . s ∈ finite_intersections_of S}"
definition opens_generated_on_by :: "'a set ⇒ 'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "opens_generated_on_by X S = arbitrary_unions_of (base_generated_on_by X S)"
definition base_generated_by :: "'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "base_generated_by S = finite_intersections_of S"
definition opens_generated_by :: "'a set set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "opens_generated_by S = arbitrary_unions_of (base_generated_by S)"
lemma generators_are_basic:
shows "S ⊆ base_generated_by S"
unfolding base_generated_by_def finite_intersections_of_def
by blast
lemma basics_are_open:
shows "base_generated_by S ⊆ opens_generated_by S"
unfolding opens_generated_by_def arbitrary_unions_of_def
by blast
lemma generators_are_open:
shows "S ⊆ opens_generated_by S"
using generators_are_basic basics_are_open
by blast
lemma generated_topspace:
assumes "T = topology_generated_by S"
shows "topspace T = ⋃S"
using assms by simp
lemma base_generated_by_alt:
shows "base_generated_by S = base_generated_on_by (⋃S) S"
unfolding base_generated_by_def base_generated_on_by_def
using finite_intersections_container[of S]
by auto
lemma opens_generated_by_alt:
shows "opens_generated_by S = arbitrary_unions_of (finite_intersections_of S)"
unfolding opens_generated_by_def base_generated_by_def
by simp
lemma opens_generated_unfolded:
shows "opens_generated_by S = {⋃ A | A . A ⊆ { ⋂ B | B . finite' B ∧ B ⊆ S}}"
apply (simp add: opens_generated_by_alt)
unfolding finite_intersections_of_def arbitrary_unions_of_def
by blast
lemma opens_eq_generated_topology:
shows "openin (topology_generated_by S) U ⟷ U ∈ opens_generated_by S"
proof -
have "openin (topology_generated_by S) = arbitrary union_of finite' intersection_of (λx. x ∈ S)"
by (metis generate_topology_on_eq istopology_generate_topology_on topology_inverse')
also have "… = arbitrary union_of (λ U . U ∈ finite_intersections_of S)"
using finite_intersections_equiv[of S] by presburger
also have "… = (λ U . U ∈ arbitrary_unions_of (finite_intersections_of S))"
using arbitrary_unions_equiv[of "finite_intersections_of S"] by presburger
finally show ?thesis
using opens_generated_by_alt by auto
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abbreviation continuous_from_to
:: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set" (‹cts[ _, _]›)
where "continuous_from_to X Y ≡ { f . continuous_map X Y f }"
abbreviation continuous_from_to_extensional
:: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set" (‹cts⇩E[ _, _ ]›)
where "continuous_from_to_extensional X Y ≡ (topspace X →⇩E topspace Y) ∩ cts[X,Y]"
abbreviation continuous_maps_from_to_shared_where ::
"'a topology ⇒ ('b topology ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set ⇒ bool" (‹cts'_on _ to'_shared _›)
where "continuous_maps_from_to_shared_where X P
≡ (λ fs . (∃ Y . P Y ∧ fs ⊆ cts[X,Y]))"
definition dense_in :: "'a topology ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ bool"
where "dense_in T A B ≡ T closure_of A = B"
lemma dense_in_closure:
assumes "dense_in T A B"
shows "dense_in (subtopology T B) A B"
by (metis Int_UNIV_right Int_absorb Int_commute assms closure_of_UNIV closure_of_restrict
closure_of_subtopology dense_in_def topspace_subtopology)
abbreviation dense_embedding :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ bool"
where "dense_embedding small big f ≡ (embedding_map small big f)
∧ dense_in big (f`topspace small) (topspace big)"
lemma continuous_maps_on_dense_subset:
assumes "(cts_on X to_shared Hausdorff_space) {f,g}"
and "dense_in X D (topspace X)"
and "∀ x ∈ D . f x = g x"
shows "∀ x ∈ topspace X . f x = g x"
proof -
obtain Y where "continuous_map X Y f ∧ continuous_map X Y g ∧ Hausdorff_space Y"
using assms(1) by auto
thus ?thesis using assms dense_in_def forall_in_closure_of_eq by fastforce
lemma continuous_map_on_dense_embedding:
assumes "(cts_on X to_shared Hausdorff_space) {f,g}"
and "dense_embedding D X e"
and "∀ d ∈ topspace D . (f o e) d = (g o e) d"
shows "∀ x ∈ topspace X . f x = g x"
using assms continuous_maps_on_dense_subset[of f g X "e ` topspace D"]
unfolding dense_in_def by fastforce
definition range' :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real set"
where "range' X f = euclideanreal closure_of (f ` topspace X)"
abbreviation fbounded_below :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ 'a topology ⇒ bool"
where "fbounded_below f X ≡ (∃ m . ∀ y ∈ topspace X . f y ≥ m)"
abbreviation fbounded_above :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ 'a topology ⇒ bool"
where "fbounded_above f X ≡ (∃ M . ∀ y ∈ topspace X . f y ≤ M)"
abbreviation fbounded :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ 'a topology ⇒ bool"
where "fbounded f X ≡ (∃ m M . ∀ y ∈ topspace X . m ≤ f y ∧ f y ≤ M)"
lemma fbounded_iff:
shows "fbounded f X ⟷ fbounded_below f X ∧ fbounded_above f X"
by auto
abbreviation c_of :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) set" (‹ C( _ ) ›)
where "C(X) ≡ { f . continuous_map X euclideanreal f }"
abbreviation cstar_of :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) set" (‹ C*( _ ) ›)
where "C* X ≡ { f | f . f ∈ c_of X ∧ fbounded f X }"
definition cstar_id :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
where "cstar_id X = (λ f ∈ C* X . f)"
abbreviation c_embedding :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ bool"
where "c_embedding S X e ≡ embedding_map S X e ∧
(∀ fS ∈ C(S) . ∃ fX ∈ C(X) . ∀ x ∈ topspace S . fS x = fX (e x))"
abbreviation cstar_embedding :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ bool"
where "cstar_embedding S X e ≡ embedding_map S X e ∧
(∀ fS ∈ C*(S) . ∃ fX ∈ C*(X) . ∀ x ∈ topspace S . fS x = fX (e x))"
definition c_embedded :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ bool"
where "c_embedded S X ≡ (∃ e . c_embedding S X e)"
definition cstar_embedded :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ bool"
where "cstar_embedded S X ≡ (∃ e . cstar_embedding S X e)"
lemma bounded_range_iff_fbounded:
assumes "f ∈ C X"
shows "bounded (f ` topspace X) ⟷ fbounded f X"
(is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then obtain x e where "∀ y ∈ f ` topspace X . dist x y ≤ e"
using bounded_def[of "f ` topspace X"] by auto
hence "∀ y ∈ f ` topspace X . y ∈ { (x-e) .. (x+e) }"
using dist_real_def by auto
thus ?rhs by auto
assume ?rhs
then obtain m M where "∀ y ∈ f ` topspace X . y ∈ {m..M}" by auto
thus ?lhs using bounded_closed_interval[of m M] subsetI bounded_subset
by meson
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Combinations of functions in $C(X)$ and $C^*(X)$
abbreviation fconst :: "real ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
where "fconst v ≡ (λ x . v)"
definition fmin :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real)"
where "fmin f g = (λ x . min (f x) (g x))"
definition fmax :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real)"
where "fmax f g = (λ x . max (f x) (g x))"
definition fmid :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
where "fmid f m M = fmax m (fmin f M)"
definition fbound :: "('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
where "fbound f m M = fmid f (fconst m) (fconst M)"
lemma fmin_cts:
assumes "(f ∈ C X) ∧ (g ∈ C X)"
shows "fmin f g ∈ C X"
using assms continuous_map_real_min[of X f g] fmin_def[of f g] by auto
lemma fmax_cts:
assumes "(f ∈ C X) ∧ (g ∈ C X)"
shows "fmax f g ∈ C X"
using assms continuous_map_real_max[of X f g] fmax_def[of f g] by auto
lemma fmid_cts:
assumes "(f ∈ C X) ∧ (m ∈ C X) ∧ (M ∈ C X)"
shows "fmid f m M ∈ C X"
unfolding fmid_def using assms fmin_cts[of f X M] fmax_cts[of m X "(fmin f M)"]
by auto
lemma fconst_cts:
shows "fconst v ∈ C X"
by simp
lemma fbound_cts:
assumes "f ∈ C X"
shows "fbound f m M ∈ C X"
unfolding fbound_def
using assms fmid_cts[of f X "fconst m" "fconst M"] fconst_cts[of m X] fconst_cts[of M X]
by auto
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Bounded and bounding functions
lemma fconst_bounded:
shows "fbounded (fconst v) X"
by auto
lemma fmin_bounded_below:
assumes "fbounded_below f X ∧ fbounded_below g X"
shows "fbounded_below (fmin f g) X"
proof -
obtain mf mg where "∀ y ∈ topspace X . f y ≥ mf ∧ g y ≥ mg" using assms by auto
hence "∀ y ∈ topspace X . fmin f g y ≥ min mf mg" unfolding fmin_def min_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma fmax_bounded_above:
assumes "fbounded_above f X ∧ fbounded_above g X"
shows "fbounded_above (fmax f g) X"
proof -
obtain mf mg where "∀ y ∈ topspace X . f y ≤ mf ∧ g y ≤ mg" using assms by auto
hence "∀ y ∈ topspace X . fmax f g y ≤ max mf mg" unfolding fmax_def max_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma fmid_bounded:
assumes "fbounded m X ∧ fbounded M X"
shows "fbounded (fmid f m M) X"
proof -
obtain mmin mmax Mmin Mmax
where "∀ y ∈ topspace X . mmin ≤ m y ∧ m y ≤ mmax ∧ Mmin ≤ M y ∧ M y ≤ Mmax"
using assms by blast
hence "∀ y ∈ topspace X . min mmin Mmin ≤ (fmid f m M y) ∧ (fmid f m M y) ≤ max mmax Mmax"
unfolding fmid_def fmax_def fmin_def max_def min_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma fbound_bounded:
shows "fbounded (fbound f m M) X"
using fmid_bounded[of X "fconst m" "fconst M"] fconst_bounded[of X m] fconst_bounded[of X M]
unfolding fbound_def by simp
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Members of $C^*(X)$
lemma fconst_cstar:
shows "fconst v ∈ C* X"
using fconst_cts[of v X] fconst_bounded[of X v]
by auto
lemma fbound_cstar:
assumes "f ∈ C X"
shows "fbound f m M ∈ C* X"
using assms fbound_cts[of f X m M] fbound_bounded[of X f m M]
by auto
lemma cstar_nonempty:
shows "{} ≠ C* X"
using fconst_cstar by blast
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Weak topologies
definition funcset_types :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ bool"
where "funcset_types S F T I = (∀ i ∈ I . F i ∈ S → topspace (T i))"
lemma cstar_types:
shows "funcset_types (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (λf ∈ C* X . euclideanreal) (C* X)"
unfolding funcset_types_def
by simp
lemma cstar_types_restricted:
shows "funcset_types (topspace X) (cstar_id X)
(λf ∈ C* X. (subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f))) (C* X)"
proof -
have "∀ f ∈ C* X . f ` topspace X ⊆ range' X f" using range'_def[of X]
by (metis closedin_subtopology_refl closedin_topspace closure_of_subset
thus ?thesis unfolding funcset_types_def
by (simp add: image_subset_iff cstar_id_def)
definition inverse' :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a set"
where "inverse' f source target = { x ∈ source . f x ∈ target }"
lemma inverse'_alt:
shows "inverse' f s t = (f -` t) ∩ s"
using inverse'_def[of f s t] by auto
definition open_sets_induced_by_func :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ 'a set set"
where "open_sets_induced_by_func f source T
= { (inverse' f source V) | V . openin T V ∧ f ∈ source → topspace T}"
definition weak_generators :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "weak_generators source funcs tops index
= ⋃ { open_sets_induced_by_func (funcs i) source (tops i) | i. i ∈ index }"
definition weak_base :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "weak_base source funcs tops index = base_generated_by (weak_generators source funcs tops index)"
definition weak_opens :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a set set"
where "weak_opens source funcs tops index = opens_generated_by (weak_generators source funcs tops index)"
definition weak_topology :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a topology"
where "weak_topology source funcs tops index
= topology_generated_by (weak_generators source funcs tops index)"
lemma weak_topology_alt:
shows "openin (weak_topology S F T I) U ⟷ U ∈ weak_opens S F T I"
using weak_topology_def[of S F T I] weak_opens_def[of S F T I]
opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators S F T I" U]
by auto
lemma weak_generators_exist_for_each_point_and_axis:
assumes "x ∈ S"
and "funcset_types S F T I"
and "i ∈ I"
and "b = inverse' (F i) S (topspace (T i))"
and "F i ∈ S → topspace (T i)"
shows "x ∈ b ∧ b ∈ weak_generators S F T I"
proof -
have xprops: "x ∈ {r ∈ S . F i r ∈ topspace (T i)}"
using assms(2) funcset_types_def[of S F T I] assms(3) assms(1)
by blast
hence part1: "x ∈ b" using assms(4) inverse'_def[of "F i" S "topspace (T i)"]
by auto
have "openin (T i) (topspace (T i))" by simp
hence "b ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) S (T i)"
using open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of "F i" S "T i"] assms(4) assms(5)
inverse'_def[of "F i" S "topspace (T i)"] xprops
by auto
thus ?thesis using part1 weak_generators_def[of S F T I] assms(3) by auto
lemma weak_generators_topspace:
assumes "W = weak_topology S F T I"
shows "topspace W = ⋃ (weak_generators S F T I)"
using weak_topology_def[of S F T I] assms by simp
lemma weak_topology_topspace:
assumes "W = weak_topology S F T I"
and "funcset_types S F T I"
shows "(I = {} ⟶ topspace W = {}) ∧ (I ≠ {} ⟶ topspace W = S)"
proof (cases "I = {}")
case True
hence "weak_generators S F T I = {}" using assms(1) weak_generators_def[of S F T I] by auto
hence "topspace W = {}" using assms(1) weak_generators_topspace[of W S F T I] by simp
then show ?thesis using True by simp
case False
then obtain i where iprops: "i ∈ I" by auto
hence "(F i) ` S ⊆ topspace (T i)"
using assms(2) unfolding funcset_types_def by auto
hence "inverse' (F i) S (topspace (T i)) = S"
using inverse'_def[of "F i" S "topspace (T i)"] by auto
moreover have "openin (T i) (topspace (T i))" using weak_generators_def by simp
ultimately have "S ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) S (T i)"
using open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of "F i" S "T i"] assms(2) iprops unfolding funcset_types_def
by auto
hence "S ∈ weak_generators S F T I"
using weak_generators_def[of S F T I] iprops by auto
hence "S ⊆ topspace W"
using weak_generators_topspace[of W S F T I] assms by auto
moreover have "topspace W ⊆ S"
proof -
have "openin W (topspace W)" by auto
hence "topspace W ∈ opens_generated_by (weak_generators S F T I)"
using assms(1) unfolding weak_topology_def
using opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators S F T I" "topspace W"]
by simp
then obtain A where "topspace W = ⋃ A ∧ A ⊆ {⋂ B |B. finite' B ∧ B ⊆ weak_generators S F T I}"
using opens_generated_unfolded[of "weak_generators S F T I"]
by auto
thus ?thesis using assms(2)
unfolding weak_generators_def open_sets_induced_by_func_def inverse'_def funcset_types_def
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using False by auto
lemma weak_opens_nhood_base:
assumes "W = weak_topology S F T I"
and "openin W U"
and "x ∈ U"
shows "∃ b ∈ weak_base S F T I . x ∈ b ∧ b ⊆ U"
proof -
define G where "G = weak_generators S F T I"
hence Wprops: "U ∈ opens_generated_by G"
using weak_topology_def[ of S F T I] opens_eq_generated_topology[of G] assms(1) assms(2)
by presburger
then obtain B where Bprops: "B ⊆ base_generated_by G ∧ U = ⋃B"
unfolding opens_generated_by_def arbitrary_unions_of_def by auto
then obtain b where "b ∈ base_generated_by G ∧ x ∈ b"
using assms(3) by blast
thus ?thesis using G_def weak_base_def[of S F T I]
by (metis Union_iff Bprops assms(3) subset_eq)
lemma opens_generate_opens:
assumes "∀ b ∈ S . openin T b"
shows "∀ U ∈ opens_generated_by S . openin T U"
by (metis assms generate_topology_on_coarsest istopology_openin openin_topology_generated_by
lemma weak_topology_is_weakest:
assumes "W = weak_topology S F T I"
and "funcset_types S F T I"
and "topspace X = topspace W"
and "∀ i ∈ I . continuous_map X (T i) (F i)"
and "openin W U"
shows "openin X U"
proof -
{ fix b assume bprops: "b ∈ weak_generators S F T I"
then obtain i where iprops: "i ∈ I ∧ b ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) S (T i)"
using weak_generators_def[of S F T I] by auto
hence Sprops: "S = topspace X"
using assms(1) assms(2) weak_topology_topspace[of W S F T I]
unfolding funcset_types_def assms(3)
by auto
obtain V where Vprops: "openin (T i) V ∧ b = inverse' (F i) S V"
using iprops open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of "F i" S "T i"] by auto
have cts: "continuous_map X (T i) (F i)" using iprops assms(4) by auto
hence "∀U. openin (T i) U ⟶ openin X {x ∈ topspace X. F i x ∈ U}"
unfolding continuous_map_def by simp
hence "openin X {x ∈ topspace X. F i x ∈ V}" using Vprops by auto
hence "openin X b" using Vprops Sprops unfolding inverse'_def by auto
hence "∀ b ∈ weak_generators S F T I . openin X b" by auto
hence "∀ c ∈ weak_opens S F T I . openin X c"
using assms(5) weak_opens_def[of S F T I] opens_generate_opens[of "weak_generators S F T I" X]
by auto
moreover have "U ∈ weak_opens S F T I"
using assms(1) weak_topology_def[of S F T I] weak_opens_def[of S F T I]
opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators S F T I" U] assms(5)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma weak_generators_continuous:
assumes "W = weak_topology S F T I"
and "funcset_types S F T I"
and "i ∈ I"
shows "continuous_map W (T i) (F i)"
proof -
have "S = topspace W" using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) weak_topology_topspace[of W S F T I]
unfolding funcset_types_def by auto
hence "F i ∈ topspace W → topspace (T i)"
using assms funcset_types_def[of S F T I] by auto
moreover have "∀ V . openin (T i) V ⟶ openin W {x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}"
proof -
{ fix V assume Vprops: "openin (T i) V"
{ assume hyp: "inverse' (F i) (topspace W) V ≠ {}"
have "{x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V} = inverse' (F i) (topspace W) V"
using inverse'_def[of "F i" "topspace W" V] by simp
moreover have "(inverse' (F i) (topspace W) V) ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) S (T i)"
using Vprops assms weak_topology_topspace[of W S F T I] hyp
unfolding open_sets_induced_by_func_def funcset_types_def
by fastforce
ultimately have "{x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V} ∈ weak_generators S F T I"
using weak_generators_def[of S F T I] assms(3) by auto
hence "openin W {x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}"
using assms(1) weak_topology_def[of S F T I]
generators_are_open[of "weak_generators S F T I"]
opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators S F T I" "{x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}"]
by auto
hence "inverse' (F i) (topspace W) V ≠ {} ⟶ openin W {x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}"
by auto
moreover have "inverse' (F i) (topspace W) V = {} ⟶ openin W {x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}"
by (metis openin_empty inverse'_def)
ultimately have "openin W {x ∈ topspace W. (F i) x ∈ V}" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using continuous_map_def by blast
lemma funcset_types_on_empty:
shows "funcset_types {} F T I"
unfolding funcset_types_def by simp
lemma weak_topology_on_empty:
assumes "W = weak_topology {} F T I"
shows "∀ U . openin W U ⟷ U = {}"
proof -
have "topspace W = {}"
using assms(1) weak_topology_topspace[of W "{}" F T I] funcset_types_on_empty[of F T I]
by blast
thus ?thesis by simp
subsection ‹
Tychonov spaces carry the weak topology induced by $C^*(X)$
abbreviation tych_space :: "'a topology ⇒ bool"
where "tych_space X ≡ t1_space X ∧ completely_regular_space X"
abbreviation compact_Hausdorff :: "'a topology ⇒ bool"
where "compact_Hausdorff X ≡ compact_space X ∧ Hausdorff_space X"
lemma compact_Hausdorff_imp_tych:
assumes "compact_Hausdorff K"
shows "tych_space K"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_imp_t1_space assms compact_Hausdorff_or_regular_imp_normal_space
lemma tych_space_imp_Hausdorff:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "Hausdorff_space X"
proof -
have "Hausdorff_space euclideanreal" by auto
moreover have "(0::real) ≠ (1::real)" by simp
moreover have "(0::real) ∈ topspace euclideanreal ∧ (1::real) ∈ topspace euclideanreal" by simp
ultimately have "∃ U V . openin euclideanreal U ∧ openin euclideanreal V ∧ (0::real) ∈ U ∧ (1::real) ∈ V ∧ disjnt U V"
using Hausdorff_space_def[of euclideanreal] by blast
then obtain U V
where UVprops: "openin euclideanreal U ∧ openin euclideanreal V ∧ (0::real) ∈ U ∧ (1::real) ∈ V ∧ disjnt U V"
by auto
{ fix x y assume xyprops: "x ∈ topspace X ∧ y ∈ topspace X ∧ x ≠ y"
hence "closedin X {y} ∧ x ∈ topspace X - {y}"
using assms(1) by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_finite)
then obtain f
where fprops: "continuous_map X (top_of_set {0..1}) f ∧ f x = (0::real) ∧ f y ∈ {1::real}"
using assms(1) completely_regular_space_def[of X] by blast
hence freal: "continuous_map X euclideanreal f ∧ f x = 0 ∧ f y = 1"
using continuous_map_into_fulltopology by auto
define U' where "U' = { v ∈ topspace X . f v ∈ U }"
define V' where "V' = { v ∈ topspace X . f v ∈ V }"
have "openin X U' ∧ openin X V'"
using U'_def V'_def UVprops freal continuous_map_def[of X euclideanreal f]
by auto
moreover have "U' ∩ V' = {}" using UVprops U'_def V'_def disjnt_def[of U V] by auto
moreover have "x ∈ U' ∧ y ∈ V'" using UVprops U'_def V'_def fprops xyprops by auto
ultimately have "∃ U' V' . openin X U' ∧ openin X V' ∧ x ∈ U' ∧ y ∈ V' ∧ disjnt U' V' "
using disjnt_def[of U' V'] by auto
hence "∀ x y . x ∈ topspace X ∧ y ∈ topspace X ∧ x ≠ y
⟶ (∃ U' V' . openin X U' ∧ openin X V' ∧ x ∈ U' ∧ y ∈ V' ∧ disjnt U' V' )"
by auto
thus ?thesis using Hausdorff_space_def[of X] by blast
lemma cstar_range_restricted:
assumes "f ∈ C* X"
and "U ⊆ topspace euclideanreal"
shows "inverse' f (topspace X) U = inverse' f (topspace X) (U ∩ range' X f)"
proof -
define U' where "U' = U ∩ range' X f"
hence "inverse' f (topspace X) U' ⊆ inverse' f (topspace X) U"
unfolding inverse'_def U'_def by auto
moreover have "inverse' f (topspace X) U ⊆ inverse' f (topspace X) U'"
proof -
{ fix x assume hyp: "x ∈ inverse' f (topspace X) U"
hence "f x ∈ U ∩ (f ` topspace X)" unfolding inverse'_def by auto
hence "f x ∈ U ∩ range' X f"
unfolding range'_def
by (metis Int_iff closure_of_subset_Int inf.orderE inf_top_left topspace_euclidean)
hence "x ∈ inverse' f (topspace X) U'"
unfolding inverse'_def
using U'_def hyp inverse'_alt by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: subsetI)
ultimately show ?thesis using U'_def by simp
lemma weak_restricted_topology_eq_weak:
shows "weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (λ f ∈ C* X . euclideanreal) (C* X)
= weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (λ f ∈ C* X . subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f)) (C* X)"
proof -
define T where "T = (λ f ∈ C* X . euclideanreal)"
define T' where "T' = (λ f ∈ C* X . subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f))"
define W where "W = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)"
define W' where "W' = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
have "∀ f ∈ C* X . f ∈ topspace X → topspace (T f)"
using T_def unfolding continuous_map_def T_def by auto
have generators: "weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)
= weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
proof -
have "weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)
⊆ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
proof -
have "weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)
⊆ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
proof -
{ fix U assume Uprops: "U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)"
then obtain f where fprops: "f ∈ (C* X) ∧ U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func f (topspace X) (T f)"
unfolding weak_generators_def using cstar_id_def[of X]
by (smt (verit) Union_iff mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
then obtain V where Vprops: "U = inverse' f (topspace X) V ∧ openin (T f) V"
unfolding open_sets_induced_by_func_def by blast
hence "U = inverse' f (topspace X) V" by auto
hence rtp1: "U ⊆ topspace X" unfolding inverse'_def by auto
have rtp2: "openin (T' f) (V ∩ range' X f)"
proof -
have "openin euclideanreal V" using fprops Vprops T_def by auto
hence "openin (subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f)) (V ∩ range' X f)"
by (simp add: openin_subtopology_Int)
thus ?thesis using fprops T'_def by auto
have rtp3: "f ∈ topspace X → topspace (T' f)"
proof -
have "f ` topspace X ⊆ topspace euclideanreal" using fprops by auto
hence "f ` topspace X ⊆ range' X f" unfolding range'_def
by (meson closure_of_subset)
thus ?thesis using T'_def fprops by auto
hence rtp4: "U = inverse' f (topspace X) (V ∩ range' X f)"
proof -
have "inverse' f (topspace X) (V ∩ range' X f) ⊆ U"
using Vprops fprops unfolding inverse'_def by auto
moreover have "U ⊆ inverse' f (topspace X) (V ∩ range' X f)"
proof -
{ fix u assume uprops: "u ∈ U"
hence "f u ∈ V" using Vprops unfolding inverse'_def by auto
moreover have "f u ∈ range' X f" using uprops rtp1 unfolding range'_def
by (metis closure_of_subset_Int imageI inf_top_left subset_iff topspace_euclidean)
ultimately have "u ∈ inverse' f (topspace X) (V ∩ range' X f)"
unfolding inverse'_def range'_def using rtp1 uprops by force
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
have "U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func f (topspace X) (T' f)"
using rtp1 rtp2 rtp3 rtp4 unfolding open_sets_induced_by_func_def
by blast
hence "U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
using fprops weak_generators_def[of "(topspace X)" "(cstar_id X)" T' "(C* X)"] cstar_id_def[of X]
by (smt (verit, best) Sup_upper in_mono mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
thus ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)
⊆ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)"
proof -
{ fix U assume Uprops: "U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T' (C* X)"
then obtain f where fprops: "f ∈ (C* X) ∧ U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func f (topspace X) (T' f)"
unfolding weak_generators_def using cstar_id_def[of X]
by (smt (verit) Union_iff mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
then obtain V where Vprops: "U = inverse' f (topspace X) V ∧ openin (T' f) V"
unfolding open_sets_induced_by_func_def by blast
have "T' f = subtopology (T f) (topspace (T' f))"
using T_def T'_def fprops unfolding range'_def by auto
moreover have "openin (T' f) V" using Vprops by simp
ultimately obtain Vbig where Vbigprops: "openin (T f) Vbig ∧ V = Vbig ∩ (topspace (T' f))"
using openin_subtopology[of "T f" "topspace (T' f)"]
by auto
have Vrestrict: "Vbig ∩ topspace (T' f) = Vbig ∩ range' X f"
using T'_def fprops by auto
have Vrange: "inverse' f (topspace X) (Vbig ∩ range' X f) = inverse' f (topspace X) Vbig"
proof -
{ fix x assume "x ∈ inverse' f (topspace X) Vbig"
hence "x ∈ topspace X ∧ f x ∈ Vbig ∩ range' X f"
using range'_def[of X f]
by (metis Int_iff closure_of_subset image_subset_iff inverse'_alt subset_UNIV
topspace_euclidean vimage_eq)
hence "x ∈ inverse' f (topspace X) (Vbig ∩ range' X f)" unfolding inverse'_def by auto
hence "inverse' f (topspace X) Vbig ⊆ inverse' f (topspace X) (Vbig ∩ range' X f)" by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding inverse'_def by auto
hence "U = inverse' f (topspace X) Vbig ∧ openin (T f) Vbig"
by (simp add: Vbigprops Vprops Vrestrict)
moreover have fcstar: "f ∈ C* X" using fprops by simp
ultimately have "U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func f (topspace X) (T f)"
using open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of f "topspace X" euclideanreal] T_def
by auto
hence "U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (cstar_id X f) (topspace X) (T f) ∧ f ∈ C* X"
using fcstar cstar_id_def[of X] by auto
hence "U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) T (C* X)"
using fcstar unfolding weak_generators_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis by (simp add: T_def T'_def weak_topology_def cstar_id_def)
subsection ‹
A topology is a weak topology if it admits a continuous function set that separates
points from closed sets
definition funcset_separates_points :: "'a topology ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ bool"
where "funcset_separates_points X F I
= (∀ x ∈ topspace X . ∀ y ∈ topspace X . x ≠ y ⟶ (∃ i ∈ I . F i x ≠ F i y))"
definition funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets ::
"'a topology ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c topology) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ bool"
where "funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets X F T I
= (∀ x . ∀ A . closedin X A ∧ x ∈ (topspace X - A)
⟶ (∃ i ∈ I . F i x ∉ (T i) closure_of (F i ` A)))"
lemma funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets_imp_weak:
assumes "funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets X F T I"
and "∀ i ∈ I . continuous_map X (T i) (F i)"
and "W = weak_topology (topspace X) F T I"
and "funcset_types (topspace X) F T I"
shows "X = W"
proof -
{ fix U assume Uhyp: "openin X U"
{ fix x assume xhyp: "x ∈ U"
define A where "A = (topspace X) - U"
have xinX: "x ∈ topspace X" using Uhyp xhyp openin_subset by auto
moreover have Aprops: "closedin X A ∧ x ∉ A" using Uhyp xhyp A_def by auto
ultimately obtain i where iprops: "i ∈ I ∧ F i x ∉ (T i) closure_of (F i ` A)"
using assms(1) funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets_def[of X F T I] by auto
define V where "V = topspace (T i) - (T i) closure_of (F i ` A)"
define R where "R = { p ∈ (topspace X) . F i p ∈ V }"
have Vopen: "openin (T i) V ∧ F i x ∈ V" using iprops xinX V_def
by (metis DiffI Int_iff assms(2) closedin_closure_of continuous_map_preimage_topspace
openin_diff openin_topspace vimage_eq)
hence "x ∈ R" using R_def assms(2) xinX by simp
moreover have "R ⊆ U"
proof -
have "F i ` R ⊆ V" using R_def by auto
hence "F i ` R ∩ (T i) closure_of (F i ` A) = {}" using V_def by auto
moreover have "F i ` A ⊆ (T i) closure_of (F i ` A)"
by (metis Aprops assms(2) closure_of_eq continuous_map_subset_aux1 iprops)
ultimately have "F i ` R ∩ (F i `A) = {}" by auto
hence "R ∩ A = {}" by auto
thus ?thesis using A_def R_def by auto
moreover have "openin W R"
proof -
have "R = inverse' (F i) (topspace X) V"
by (simp add: R_def inverse'_def)
hence "R ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) (topspace X) (T i)"
using open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of "F i" "topspace X" "T i"] Vopen
assms(2) continuous_map_funspace iprops by fastforce
hence "R ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) F T I"
using weak_generators_def[of "topspace X" F T I] iprops by auto
thus ?thesis using generators_are_open[of "weak_generators (topspace X) F T I"]
opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators (topspace X) F T I" R] assms(3)
by (simp add: topology_generated_by_Basis weak_topology_def)
ultimately have "x ∈ R ∧ R ⊆ U ∧ openin W R" by auto
hence "∃ R . x ∈ R ∧ R ⊆ U ∧ openin W R" by auto
hence "∀ x . x ∈ U ⟶ (∃ R . x ∈ R ∧ R ⊆ U ∧ openin W R)"
by auto
hence "openin W U" by (meson openin_subopen)
hence XimpW: "∀ U . openin X U ⟶ openin W U" by auto
moreover have "∀ U . openin W U ⟶ openin X U"
proof -
have "topspace X = topspace W"
using assms(3) assms(4) weak_topology_topspace[of W "topspace X" F T I]
by (metis XimpW openin_topspace openin_topspace_empty subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_empty)
thus ?thesis
using assms(3) assms(4) assms(2) weak_topology_is_weakest[of W "topspace X" F T I X]
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (meson topology_eq)
text ‹
The canonical functions on a product space: evaluation and projection
definition evaluation_map :: "'a topology ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c"
where "evaluation_map X F I = (λ x ∈ topspace X . (λ i ∈ I . F i x))"
definition product_projection :: "('a ⇒ 'b topology) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'b"
where "product_projection T I = (λ i ∈ I . (λ p ∈ topspace (product_topology T I) . p i))"
lemma product_projection:
shows "∀ i ∈ I . ∀ p ∈ topspace (product_topology T I) . product_projection T I i p = p i"
using product_projection_def[of T I] by simp
lemma evaluation_then_projection:
assumes "∀ i ∈ I . F i ∈ topspace X → topspace (T i)"
shows "∀ i ∈ I . ∀ x ∈ topspace X . ((product_projection T I i) o (evaluation_map X F I)) x = F i x"
proof -
{ fix i assume iprops: "i ∈ I"
{ fix x assume xprops: "x ∈ topspace X"
have Fix: "(λ i ∈ I . F i x) ∈ topspace (product_topology T I)" using xprops assms(1) by auto
have "((product_projection T I i) o (evaluation_map X F I)) x
= (product_projection T I i) ((λ x ∈ topspace X . (λ i ∈ I . F i x)) x)"
unfolding evaluation_map_def by auto
moreover have "… = (product_projection T I i) (λ i ∈ I . F i x)" using xprops by simp
moreover have "… = (λ p ∈ topspace (product_topology T I) . p i) (λ i ∈ I . F i x)"
unfolding product_projection_def using iprops by auto
moreover have "… = F i x" using Fix iprops by simp
ultimately have "((product_projection T I i) o (evaluation_map X F I)) x = F i x" by auto
hence "∀ x ∈ topspace X . ((product_projection T I i) o (evaluation_map X F I)) x = F i x"
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹
A product topology is the weak topology induced by its projections if the projections
separate points from closed sets.
lemma projections_continuous:
assumes "P = product_topology T I"
and "F = (λ i ∈ I . product_projection T I i)"
shows "∀i∈I. continuous_map P (T i) (F i)"
using assms(1) assms(2) product_projection_def[of T I]
by fastforce
lemma product_topology_eq_weak_topology:
assumes "P = product_topology T I"
and "F = (λ i ∈ I . product_projection T I i)"
and "W = weak_topology (topspace P) F T I"
and "funcset_types (topspace P) F T I"
and "funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets P F T I"
shows "P = W"
using assms product_projection_def[of T I] projections_continuous
funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets_imp_weak[of P F T I W]
by simp
text ‹
Reducing the domain and minimising the range of continuous functions,
and related results concerning weak topologies.
lemma continuous_map_reduced:
assumes "continuous_map X Y f"
shows "continuous_map (subtopology X S) (subtopology Y (f`S)) (restrict f S)"
using assms continuous_map_from_subtopology continuous_map_in_subtopology by fastforce
lemma inj_on_imp:
assumes "inj_on f S"
shows "∀ y . (y ∈ f ` S) ⟷ (∃ x ∈ S . y = f x)"
by (simp add: image_iff)
lemma injection_on_intersection:
assumes "inj_on f S"
and "B ≠ {}"
and "∀ b ∈ B . b ⊆ S"
shows "f ` (⋂B) = ⋂{ f ` b | b . b ∈ B }"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?lhs ⊆ ?rhs" by auto
moreover have "?rhs ⊆ ?lhs"
proof -
{ fix y assume rhs: "y ∈ ?rhs"
then obtain b where bprops: "y ∈ f ` b ∧ b ∈ B"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Inter_iff assms(2) ex_in_conv mem_Collect_eq)
then obtain x where xprops: "x ∈ b ∧ b ∈ B ∧ y = f x" by auto
have "∀ b ∈ B . y ∈ f ` b" using rhs by auto
hence "∀ b ∈ B . f x ∈ f ` b" using xprops by auto
hence "∀ b ∈ B . x ∈ b" using assms(1)
by (meson assms(3) in_mono inj_on_image_mem_iff xprops)
hence "x ∈ ⋂B" by auto
hence "y ∈ ?lhs" using xprops by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹
Evaluation is an embedding for weak topologies
lemma evaluation_is_embedding:
assumes "X = weak_topology (topspace X) F T I"
and "P = product_topology T I"
and "funcset_types (topspace X) F T I"
and "funcset_separates_points X F I"
shows "embedding_map X P (evaluation_map X F I)"
proof -
define ev where "ev = evaluation_map X F I"
define proj where "proj = product_projection T I"
define R where "R = ev ` topspace X"
define Rtop where "Rtop = subtopology P R"
have injective: "inj_on ev (topspace X)"
proof -
have sigs: "∀ i ∈ I . F i ∈ (topspace X) → (topspace (T i))"
using assms(3) funcset_types_def[of "topspace X" F T I]
by blast
{ fix x y assume xyprops: "x ∈ topspace X ∧ y ∈ topspace X"
{ assume hyp: "x ≠ y"
then obtain i where iprops: "i ∈ I ∧ F i x ≠ F i y"
using assms(4) funcset_separates_points_def[of X F I] hyp xyprops
by blast
hence "(proj i) (ev x) ≠ (proj i) (ev y)"
using evaluation_then_projection[of I F X T] proj_def ev_def
by (simp add: sigs xyprops)
hence "ev x ≠ ev y" by auto
hence "ev x = ev y ⟶ x = y" by auto
thus ?thesis using inj_on_def by blast
moreover have ev_cts: "continuous_map X Rtop ev"
proof -
have main: "∀ i ∈ I . ∀ x ∈ topspace X . (proj i o ev) x = F i x"
using proj_def ev_def product_projection_def[of T I] evaluation_then_projection[of I F X T]
evaluation_map_def[of X F I]
by (metis assms(1) assms(3) continuous_map_funspace weak_generators_continuous)
moreover have "∀ i ∈ I . continuous_map X (T i) (F i)"
using weak_generators_continuous[of X "topspace X" F T I] assms by auto
moreover have "∀ i ∈ I . ∀ x ∈ topspace X . F i x = ev x i"
using product_projection_def[of T I] main ev_def
by (simp add: evaluation_map_def[of X F I])
moreover have "ev ` topspace X ⊆ extensional I"
using ev_def extensional_def assms evaluation_map_def[of X F I]
by fastforce
ultimately have "continuous_map X P ev"
using assms proj_def ev_def Rtop_def continuous_map_componentwise[of X T I ev]
continuous_map_eq by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using Rtop_def R_def continuous_map_in_subtopology by blast
moreover have "open_map X Rtop ev"
proof -
have open_map_on_gens: "∀ U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) F T I . openin Rtop (ev ` U)"
proof -
{ define Rs where "Rs = (λ i ∈ I . (F i ` topspace X))"
define Rtops where "Rtops = (λ i ∈ I . subtopology (T i) (Rs i))"
fix U assume "U ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) F T I"
then obtain i where iprops: "i ∈ I ∧ U ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func (F i) (topspace X) (T i)"
using assms weak_generators_def[of "topspace X" F T I] by auto
then obtain V
where Vprops: "openin (T i) V ∧ U = inverse' (F i) (topspace X) V"
using open_sets_induced_by_func_def[of "F i" "topspace X" "T i"]
by blast
hence Uprops: "openin (T i) V ∧ U = { x ∈ topspace X . F i x ∈ V }"
using inverse'_def[of "F i" "topspace X" V] by auto
moreover have "∀ x ∈ topspace X . F i x = ((proj i) o ev) x"
using evaluation_then_projection[of I F X T] assms(3)
funcset_types_def[of "topspace X" F T I] iprops
proj_def ev_def
by auto
hence "U = { x ∈ topspace X . ((proj i) o ev) x ∈ V }" using Uprops by auto
hence "ev ` U = { y ∈ R . (proj i) y ∈ V }" using R_def by auto
moreover have "{ y ∈ R . (proj i) y ∈ V } = R ∩ ((proj i) -` V )"
by auto
moreover have "continuous_map P (T i) (proj i)"
using continuous_map_product_projection[of i I T] iprops proj_def
product_projection_def[of T I] assms(2) by auto
ultimately have summary: "openin (T i) V ∧ continuous_map P (T i) (proj i)
∧ (ev ` U) = R ∩ ((proj i) -` V )" by auto
hence "∀U. openin (T i) U ⟶ openin P {x ∈ topspace P. proj i x ∈ U}"
using continuous_map_def[of P "T i" "proj i"] by auto
hence "openin P ((proj i -` V) ∩ topspace P)"
using summary by blast
moreover have "R ⊆ topspace P"
using R_def ev_def evaluation_map_def[of X F I] assms(3)
funcset_types_def[of "topspace X" F T I]
by (metis Rtop_def ev_cts continuous_map_image_subset_topspace
ultimately have "openin Rtop ((proj i -` V) ∩ R)"
using Rtop_def
by (metis inf.absorb_iff2 inf_assoc openin_subtopology)
hence "openin Rtop (ev ` U)" using summary
by (simp add: inf_commute)
thus ?thesis by auto
have open_map_on_basics: "∀ U ∈ weak_base (topspace X) F T I . openin Rtop (ev ` U)"
proof -
have Ugens: "⋃ (weak_generators (topspace X) F T I) = topspace X"
using assms(1) weak_generators_topspace by blast
{ fix U assume bprops: "U ∈ weak_base (topspace X) F T I"
hence "U ∈ finite_intersections_of (weak_generators (topspace X) F T I)"
by (simp add: base_generated_by_def weak_base_def)
then obtain b where bprops: "b ⊆ weak_generators (topspace X) F T I ∧ finite' b ∧ U = ⋂b"
unfolding finite_intersections_of_def
by auto
hence "finite' b ∧ (∀ g ∈ b . openin Rtop (ev ` g))" using open_map_on_gens by auto
hence "openin Rtop (⋂ { (ev ` g) | g . g ∈ b })" by auto
hence "openin Rtop (ev ` ⋂b)"
using injection_on_intersection[of ev "topspace X" b] bprops
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Ugens Union_upper in_mono injective)
hence "openin Rtop (ev ` U)" using bprops by metis
thus ?thesis by auto
hence open_map_on_opens: "∀ U ∈ weak_opens (topspace X) F T I . openin Rtop (ev ` U)"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) image_iff image_mono openin_subopen weak_opens_nhood_base
thus ?thesis
using opens_eq_generated_topology[of "weak_generators (topspace X) F T I"] assms(1)
unfolding weak_topology_def using open_map_def[of X Rtop]
by (simp add: weak_opens_def)
ultimately have "homeomorphic_map X Rtop ev"
by (metis R_def Rtop_def bijective_open_imp_homeomorphic_map continuous_map_image_subset_topspace
continuous_map_into_fulltopology topspace_subtopology_subset)
thus ?thesis using embedding_map_def[of X P ev] ev_def R_def Rtop_def
by auto
section ‹
subsection ‹ Definition ›
lemma embedding_map_id:
assumes "S ⊆ topspace X"
shows "embedding_map (subtopology X S) X id"
using assms embedding_map_def topspace_subtopology_subset
by fastforce
definition compactification_via :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ bool"
where "compactification_via f X K ≡ compact_space K ∧ dense_embedding X K f"
definition compactification :: "'a topology ⇒ 'b topology ⇒ bool"
where "compactification X K = (∃ f . compactification_via f X K)"
lemma compactification_compactification_via:
assumes "compactification_via f X K"
shows "compactification X K"
using assms unfolding compactification_def by fastforce
subsection ‹
Example: The Alexandroff compactification of a non-compact locally-compact Hausdorff space
lemma Alexandroff_is_compactification_via_Some:
assumes "¬ compact_space X ∧ Hausdorff_space X ∧ locally_compact_space X"
shows "compactification_via Some X (Alexandroff_compactification X)"
using assms compact_space_Alexandroff_compactification
by (metis dense_in_def)
subsection ‹
Example: The closure of a subset of a compact space
lemma compact_closure_is_compactification:
assumes "compact_space K"
and "S ⊆ topspace K"
shows "compactification_via id (subtopology K S) (subtopology K (K closure_of S))"
proof -
define big where "big = subtopology K (K closure_of S)"
define small where "small = subtopology K S"
have "dense_in big (id ` topspace small) (topspace big)"
by (metis dense_in_def big_def small_def assms(2) closedin_topspace closure_of_minimal
closure_of_subset closure_of_subtopology_open id_def image_id inf.orderE
openin_imp_subset openin_subtopology_refl topspace_subtopology_subset)
moreover have "embedding_map small big id"
by (metis assms(2) big_def closure_of_subset_Int embedding_map_in_subtopology id_apply
embedding_map_id image_id small_def topspace_subtopology)
ultimately have "dense_embedding small big id" by blast
moreover have "compact_space big"
by (simp add: big_def assms(1) closedin_compact_space compact_space_subtopology)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding compactification_via_def using small_def big_def by blast
subsection ‹
Example: A compact space is a compactification of itself
lemma compactification_of_compact:
assumes "compact_space K"
shows "compactification_via id K K"
using compact_closure_is_compactification[of K "topspace K"]
by (simp add: assms)
subsection ‹
Example: A closed non-trivial real interval is a compactification of its interior
lemma closed_interval_interior:
shows "{a::real <..< b} = interior {a..b}"
by auto
lemma open_interval_closure:
shows "(a < (b::real)) ⟶ {a .. b} = closure {a <..< b}"
using closure_greaterThanLessThan[of a b] by simp
lemma closed_interval_compactification:
assumes "(a::real) < b"
and "open_interval = subtopology euclideanreal {a<..<b}"
and "closed_interval = subtopology euclideanreal {a..b}"
shows "compactification open_interval closed_interval"
proof -
have "compact_space closed_interval" using assms(3)
using compact_space_subtopology compactin_euclidean_iff by blast
moreover have "Hausdorff_space closed_interval"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_subtopology assms(3))
moreover have "{a<..<b} ⊆ topspace closed_interval"
by (simp add: assms(3) greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff)
ultimately have "compactification_via id open_interval closed_interval"
using compact_closure_is_compactification[of closed_interval "{a<..<b}"]
open_interval_closure[of a b]
by (metis assms closedin_self closedin_subtopology_refl closure_of_subtopology
euclidean_closure_of subtopology_subtopology subtopology_topspace
thus ?thesis using
compactification_compactification_via[of id open_interval closed_interval]
by auto
section ‹ The Stone-{\v C}ech compactification of a Tychonov space ›
lemma compact_range':
assumes "f ∈ C* X"
shows "compact (range' X f)"
proof -
obtain m M where mM: "∀ y ∈ topspace X . f y ∈ {m..M}" using assms by auto
hence "f ` topspace X ⊆ {m..M}" by auto
hence "range' X f ⊆ euclideanreal closure_of {m..M}"
unfolding range'_def by (meson closure_of_mono)
moreover have "compact {m..M}" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis closed_Int_compact closed_atLeastAtMost closed_closedin closedin_closure_of
closure_of_closedin inf.order_iff range'_def)
lemma c_range_nonempty:
assumes "f ∈ C(X)"
and "topspace X ≠ {}"
shows "range' X f ≠ {}"
proof -
have "f ` topspace X ≠ {}" using assms by blast
thus ?thesis unfolding range'_def by simp
lemma cstar_range_nonempty:
assumes "f ∈ C* X"
and "topspace X ≠ {}"
shows "range' X f ≠ {}"
using assms c_range_nonempty[of f X]
by auto
lemma cstar_separates_tych_space:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets X (cstar_id X) (λf ∈ C* X. euclideanreal) (C* X)
∧ funcset_separates_points X (cstar_id X) (C* X)"
proof -
{ fix x S assume "closedin X S ∧ x ∈ topspace X - S"
then obtain f
where fprops: "continuous_map X (top_of_set {0..(1::real)}) f ∧ f x = 0 ∧ f ` S ⊆ {1}"
using assms completely_regular_space_def[of X]
by presburger
hence "f ∈ C X"
using continuous_map_into_fulltopology[of X euclideanreal "{0..(1::real)}" f]
by auto
moreover have "fbounded f X"
proof -
have "∀ x ∈ topspace X . 0 ≤ f x ∧ f x ≤ 1" using fprops
by (simp add: continuous_map_in_subtopology image_subset_iff)
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have f_in_cstar: "f ∈ (C* X)" by auto
moreover have f_separates: "f x ∉ (euclideanreal closure_of (f ` S))"
proof -
have "closedin euclideanreal (f ` S)"
by (metis closed_closedin closed_empty closed_singleton fprops subset_singletonD)
moreover have "f x ∉ f ` S" using fprops by auto
thus ?thesis using calculation by auto
ultimately have "∃ f ∈ C* X . f x ∉ euclideanreal closure_of (f ` S)" by auto
hence rtp1: "funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets X (cstar_id X) (λf ∈ C* X. euclideanreal) (C* X)"
using cstar_id_def[of X] unfolding funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets_def by auto
moreover have "funcset_separates_points X (cstar_id X) (C* X)"
proof -
{ fix x y assume "{x,y} ⊆ topspace X ∧ x ≠ y"
hence "closedin X {y} ∧ x ∈ topspace X - {y}"
using assms by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_finite)
hence "∃f ∈ C* X . cstar_id X f x ∉ (λf∈ C* X . euclideanreal) f closure_of cstar_id X f ` {y}"
using funcset_separates_points_from_closed_sets_def[of X "cstar_id X" "λ f ∈ C* X . euclideanreal" "C* X"]
rtp1 by presburger
hence "∃ f ∈ C* X . f x ≠ f y"
using cstar_id_def[of X] t1_space_closedin_finite[of euclideanreal] by auto
thus ?thesis using cstar_id_def[of X] unfolding funcset_separates_points_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
text ‹
The product topology induced by $C^*(X)$ on a Tychonov space.
definition scT :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real topology"
where "scT X = (λ f ∈ C* X . subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f))"
definition scT_full :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real topology"
where "scT_full X = (λ f ∈ C* X . euclideanreal)"
definition scProduct :: "'a topology ⇒ (('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real) topology"
where "scProduct X = product_topology (scT X) (C* X)"
definition scProject :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ (('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real) ⇒ real"
where "scProject X = product_projection (scT X) (C* X)"
definition scEmbed :: "'a topology ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real"
where "scEmbed X = evaluation_map X (cstar_id X) (C* X)"
lemma scT_images_compact_Hausdorff:
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . compact_Hausdorff (scT X f)"
proof -
have T: "∀ f ∈ C* X . scT X f = subtopology euclideanreal (range' X f)"
unfolding scT_def by simp
thus ?thesis using range'_def[of X f]
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_subtopology compact_range' compact_space_subtopology)
lemma scT_images_bounded:
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . bounded (topspace (scT X f))"
using scT_images_compact_Hausdorff[of X] scT_def[of X]
by (simp add: compact_imp_bounded compact_range')
lemma scProduct_compact_Hausdorff:
shows "compact_Hausdorff (scProduct X)"
unfolding scProduct_def using scT_images_compact_Hausdorff[of X]
using compact_space_product_topology
by (metis (no_types, lifting) compact_Hausdorff_imp_regular_space regular_space_product_topology
regular_t0_eq_Hausdorff_space t0_space_product_topology)
text ‹
The Stone-{\v C}ech compactification of a Tychonov space and its extension properties
lemma tych_space_weak:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "X = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT X) (C* X)"
proof (cases "topspace X = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
using weak_topology_on_empty[of "weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT X) (C* X)"]
topology_eq by fastforce
case False
define W where "W = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT X) (C* X)"
hence "topspace W = topspace X"
using cstar_types_restricted[of X] scT_def[of X] W_def cstar_nonempty[of X]
weak_topology_topspace[of W "topspace X" "cstar_id X" "scT X" "C* X"]
by auto
moreover have "∀f∈ C* X . continuous_map X (scT X f) f"
unfolding scT_def range'_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) closure_of_subset continuous_map_image_subset_topspace
continuous_map_in_subtopology mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
ultimately have "∀ U . openin W U ⟶ openin X U"
using W_def cstar_types_restricted[of X] scT_def[of X] cstar_id_def[of X]
weak_topology_is_weakest[of W "(topspace X)" "(cstar_id X)" "(scT X)" "C* X" X]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) restrict_apply')
moreover have "∀ U . openin X U ⟶ openin W U"
proof -
{ fix U assume props: "openin X U"
{ fix x assume xprops: "x ∈ U"
hence x_in_X: "x ∈ topspace X"
using openin_subset props by fastforce
define S where "S = topspace X - U"
hence props': "x ∈ topspace X - S ∧ closedin X S"
using props openin_closedin_eq xprops by fastforce
then obtain f where fprops: "continuous_map X (top_of_set {0..1::real}) f ∧ f x = 0 ∧ f ` S ⊆ {1}"
using assms(1) completely_regular_space_def[of X]
by meson
then obtain ffull
where ffullprops: "(ffull ∈ C X) ∧ ffull x = (0::real) ∧ ffull ` S ⊆ {1}"
using continuous_map_into_fulltopology
by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
define F where "F = fbound ffull 0 1"
hence Fcstar: "F ∈ C* X" using ffullprops fbound_cstar[of ffull X 0 1] by auto
hence Ftype: "F ∈ topspace X → topspace euclideanreal"
unfolding continuous_map_def by auto
define I where "I = {(-1) <..< 1::real}"
hence Iprops: "openin euclideanreal I"
by (simp add: openin_delete)
define V where "V = inverse' F (topspace X) I"
have crprops: "F x = 0 ∧ F ` S ⊆ {1}"
using ffullprops F_def
unfolding fbound_def fmid_def fmin_def fmax_def min_def max_def
by auto
hence "V ⊆ U"
proof -
{ fix v assume "v ∈ V"
hence "v ∈ topspace X ∧ F v ∈ I" unfolding inverse'_def V_def by auto
hence "v ∈ U" using S_def crprops I_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "x ∈ V"
using crprops I_def x_in_X unfolding inverse'_def V_def by auto
moreover have "openin W V"
proof -
have "V ∈ open_sets_induced_by_func F (topspace X) euclideanreal"
unfolding open_sets_induced_by_func_def using Ftype V_def Iprops
by blast
moreover have "open_sets_induced_by_func F (topspace X) euclideanreal ⊆
weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT_full X) (C* X)"
using weak_generators_def[of "topspace X" "(cstar_id X)" "scT_full X" "C* X"]
scT_full_def[of X] cstar_id_def[of X] Fcstar
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Sup_upper mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
ultimately have "V ∈ weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT_full X) (C* X)"
by auto
hence "openin (topology_generated_by (weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT_full X) (C* X))) V"
using generators_are_open[of "weak_generators (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT_full X) (C* X)"]
topology_generated_by_Basis by blast
thus ?thesis
using W_def weak_restricted_topology_eq_weak[of X]
unfolding scT_def scT_full_def weak_topology_def
by simp
ultimately have "x ∈ V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ openin W V" by auto
hence "∃ V . x ∈ V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ openin W V" by auto
hence "∀ x ∈ U . ∃ V . x ∈ V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ openin W V" by blast
hence "openin W U" by (meson openin_subopen)
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "∀ U . openin X U ⟷ openin W U" by auto
hence "X = W" by (simp add: topology_eq)
thus ?thesis using W_def by simp
subsection ‹
Definition of $\beta{X}$
definition scEmbeddedCopy :: "'a topology ⇒ (('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real) set"
where "scEmbeddedCopy X = scEmbed X ` topspace X"
definition scCompactification :: "'a topology ⇒ (('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real) topology" (‹β _›)
where "scCompactification X
= subtopology (scProduct X) ((scProduct X) closure_of (scEmbeddedCopy X))"
lemma sc_topspace:
shows "topspace (β X) = (scProduct X) closure_of (scEmbeddedCopy X)"
using scCompactification_def[of X] closure_of_subset_topspace by force
lemma scProject':
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . ∀ p ∈ topspace (β X) . scProject X f p = p f"
proof -
have "topspace (β X) ⊆ topspace (scProduct X)" unfolding scCompactification_def by auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding scProject_def product_projection_def scProduct_def
by auto
text ‹
Evaluation densely embeds Tychonov $X$ in $\beta{X}$
lemma dense_embedding_scEmbed:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "dense_embedding X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
proof -
define W where "W = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (λf ∈ C* X. euclideanreal) (C* X)"
hence "X = W" using assms tych_space_weak[of X]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) scT_def weak_restricted_topology_eq_weak)
hence Xweak: "X = weak_topology (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT X) (C* X)"
using scT_def[of X] W_def cstar_id_def[of X]
weak_restricted_topology_eq_weak[where X ="X"] by auto
moreover have "scProduct X = product_topology (scT X) (C* X)" using scProduct_def[of X] by auto
moreover have "funcset_types (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (scT X) (C* X)"
unfolding scT_def using cstar_types_restricted[of X] by auto
moreover have "funcset_separates_points X (cstar_id X) (C* X)"
using cstar_separates_tych_space[of X] assms(1) by auto
moreover have "(C* X) ≠ {}" using cstar_nonempty by auto
ultimately have "embedding_map X (scProduct X) (scEmbed X)"
using evaluation_is_embedding[of X "cstar_id X" "scT X" "C* X" "scProduct X"]
unfolding scProduct_def scEmbed_def
by auto
hence embeds: "embedding_map X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
unfolding scCompactification_def
by (metis closure_of_subset embedding_map_in_subtopology scEmbeddedCopy_def subtopology_topspace)
moreover have "dense_in (β X) (scEmbed X ` topspace X) (topspace (β X))"
unfolding dense_in_def using scCompactification_def[of X] scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X]
by (metis Int_absorb1 closure_of_subset closure_of_subset_topspace closure_of_subtopology
embedding_map_in_subtopology embeds set_eq_subset subtopology_topspace
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹
$\beta{X}$ is a compactification of $X$
lemma scCompactification_compact_Hausdorff:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "compact_Hausdorff (β X)"
using scCompactification_def[of X] scProduct_compact_Hausdorff[of X]
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_subtopology closedin_compact_space compact_space_subtopology)
lemma scCompactification_is_compactification_via_scEmbed:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "compactification_via (scEmbed X) X (β X)"
using compactification_via_def[of "scEmbed X" X "β X"]
scCompactification_compact_Hausdorff[of X]
dense_embedding_scEmbed[of X] assms
by auto
lemma scCompactification_is_compactification:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "compactification X (β X)"
using assms compactification_compactification_via
by blast
lemma scEvaluation_range:
assumes "x ∈ topspace X"
and "tych_space X"
shows "(λ f ∈ C* X . f x) ∈ topspace (product_topology (scT X) C* X)"
proof -
have "funcset_types (topspace X) (cstar_id X) (λf∈ C* X . top_of_set (range' X f)) C* X"
using cstar_types_restricted[of X] by auto
hence "∀f∈ C* X . f ∈ topspace X → topspace (scT X f)"
unfolding funcset_types_def scT_def cstar_id_def[of X] by auto
thus ?thesis using topspace_product_topology[of "scT X" "C* X"] assms(1) by auto
lemma scEmbed_then_project:
assumes "f ∈ C* X"
and "x ∈ topspace X"
and "tych_space X"
shows "scProject X f (scEmbed X x) = f x"
proof -
have fequiv: "∀ y ∈ topspace X . (λ g ∈ C* X . (cstar_id X) g y) = (λ g ∈ C* X . g y)"
proof -
{ fix y assume yprops: "y ∈ topspace X"
hence "∀ g ∈ C* X . (cstar_id X) g y = g y" unfolding cstar_id_def by auto
hence "(λ g ∈ C* X . (cstar_id X) g y) = (λ g ∈ C* X . g y)"
by (meson restrict_ext)
thus ?thesis by auto
have "scProject X f (scEmbed X x) = scProject X f (evaluation_map X (cstar_id X) (C* X) x)"
unfolding scEmbed_def by auto
also have "… = scProject X f (λg∈ C* X . g x)"
unfolding evaluation_map_def using assms(2) fequiv by auto
also have "… = (λg∈ C* X. λp∈topspace (product_topology (scT X) (C* X)). p g) f (λg∈ C* X . g x)"
unfolding product_projection_def scProject_def by auto
also have "… = (λp∈topspace (product_topology (scT X) (C* X)). p f) (λg∈ C* X . g x)"
using assms(1) by auto
also have "… = f x" using scEvaluation_range[of x X] assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹
Evaluation is a $C^*$-embedding of $X$ into $\beta{X}$
definition scExtend :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ (('a ⇒ real) ⇒ real) ⇒ real"
where "scExtend X = (λ f ∈ C* X . restrict (scProject X f) (topspace (β X)))"
proposition scExtend_extends:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . ∀ x ∈ topspace X . f x = (scExtend X f) (scEmbed X x)"
proof -
{ fix f assume fprops: "f ∈ C* X"
have "∀ x ∈ topspace X . (scProject X f) (scEmbed X x) = (scExtend X f) (scEmbed X x) "
proof -
{ fix x assume xprops: "x ∈ topspace X"
define p where pprops: "p = scEmbed X x"
hence "scExtend X f p = (restrict (scProject X f) (topspace β X)) p"
using xprops fprops unfolding scExtend_def by auto
moreover have "p ∈ topspace β X"
using assms(1) pprops dense_embedding_scEmbed[of X]
scCompactification_def[of X] scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) embedding_map_in_subtopology image_eqI
in_mono subtopology_topspace xprops)
ultimately have "scExtend X f p = scProject X f p"
using pprops scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X] scEmbed_def[of X] evaluation_map_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
hence "∀ x ∈ topspace X . f x = (scExtend X f) (scEmbed X x)"
using scEmbed_then_project[of f X] assms(1) fprops by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma scExtend_extends_cstar:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . (∀ x ∈ topspace X . f x = (scExtend X f) (scEmbed X x)) ∧ scExtend X f ∈ C* (β X)"
proof -
define e where "e = scExtend X"
{ fix f assume fprops: "f ∈ C* X"
hence "continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X f) (scProject X f)"
using scProduct_def[of X] scProject_def[of X]
projections_continuous[of "scProduct X" "scT X" "C* X" "scProject X"]
product_projection_def[of "scT X" "C* X"]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_extensional extensional_restrict)
hence "continuous_map (β X) (scT X f) (scProject X f)"
by (simp add: continuous_map_from_subtopology scCompactification_def)
hence c_embedded_f: "continuous_map (β X) (scT X f) (scExtend X f)"
using scExtend_def[of X] fprops by force
moreover have fbounded_f:"fbounded (scExtend X f) (β X)"
proof -
obtain m M where "f ` topspace X ⊆ {m..M}" using fprops by force
hence extend_on_embedded: "e f ` (scEmbeddedCopy X) ⊆ {m..M}"
using scExtend_extends[of X] e_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) fprops assms(1) image_cong image_image scEmbeddedCopy_def)
hence "e f ` (topspace (β X)) ⊆ {m..M}"
proof -
{ fix p assume pprops: "p ∈ e f ` (topspace (β X))"
then obtain v where vprops: "v ∈ topspace (β X) ∧ p = e f v" by auto
{ fix U assume Uprops: "openin (scT X f) U ∧ p ∈ U"
define V where "V = inverse' (e f) (topspace (β X)) U"
hence "openin (β X) V"
using c_embedded_f Uprops e_def unfolding continuous_map_def inverse'_def
by auto
moreover have "topspace (β X) = (β X) closure_of scEmbeddedCopy X"
using scCompactification_def[of X] closure_of_subset_topspace[of "β X" "scEmbeddedCopy X"]
dense_embedding_scEmbed[of X] scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X]
by (metis assms closure_of_subtopology_open embedding_map_in_subtopology
subtopology_topspace topspace_subtopology)
moreover have "v ∈ V ∧ v ∈ topspace (β X)"
using vprops V_def Uprops unfolding inverse'_def by auto
ultimately obtain x where xprops: "x ∈ scEmbeddedCopy X ∧ x ∈ V"
using in_closure_of[of v "β X" "scEmbeddedCopy X"]
by presburger
define w where "w = e f x"
hence "w ∈ {m..M}" using extend_on_embedded xprops by blast
moreover have "w ∈ U" using w_def xprops vprops V_def
by (simp add: inverse'_alt)
ultimately have "∃ w. w ∈ U ∩ {m..M}" by auto
hence "∀ U . openin (scT X f) U ∧ p ∈ U ⟶ (∃ w. w ∈ U ∩ {m..M})" by auto
moreover have "p ∈ topspace (scT X f)"
by (metis e_def Int_iff vprops c_embedded_f continuous_map_preimage_topspace vimageE)
ultimately have "p ∈ (scT X f) closure_of {m..M}"
using in_closure_of[of p "scT X f" "{m..M}"]
by auto
hence "p ∈ euclideanreal closure_of {m..M}"
using scT_def[of X] range'_def[of X f]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) closure_of_subtopology_subset fprops restrict_apply' subsetD)
hence "p ∈ {m..M}" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis by (metis e_def atLeastAtMost_iff image_subset_iff)
ultimately have "scExtend X f ∈ C* (β X)"
using scT_def[of X] continuous_map_into_fulltopology fprops by auto
hence "∀ f ∈ C* X . scExtend X f ∈ C* (β X)" by auto
thus ?thesis using assms scExtend_extends by blast
lemma cstar_embedding_scEmbed:
assumes "tych_space X"
shows "cstar_embedding X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
using assms scExtend_extends_cstar[of X] dense_embedding_scEmbed[of X]
by meson
text ‹
A compact Hausdorff space is its own Stone-Cech compactification
lemma scCompactification_of_compact_Hausdorff:
assumes "compact_Hausdorff X"
shows "homeomorphic_map X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
proof -
have dense: "dense_embedding X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
by (simp add: assms compact_Hausdorff_imp_tych dense_embedding_scEmbed)
moreover have closed: "closed_map X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
by (meson T1_Spaces.continuous_imp_closed_map assms compact_Hausdorff_imp_tych
continuous_map_in_subtopology embedding_map_def dense
homeomorphic_eq_everything_map scCompactification_compact_Hausdorff)
moreover have "open_map X (β X) (scEmbed X)"
by (metis closed closure_of_subset_eq dense_in_def embedding_imp_closed_map_eq
embedding_map_def homeomorphic_imp_open_map local.dense subtopology_superset)
thus ?thesis
by (metis closed closure_of_subset_eq dense_in_def embedding_imp_closed_map_eq
embedding_map_def local.dense subtopology_superset)
subsection ‹
The Stone-{\v C}ech Extension Property:
Any continuous map from $X$ to a compact Hausdorff space $K$ extends uniquely to a continuous map
from $\beta{X}$ to $K$.
proposition gof_cstar:
assumes "compact_Hausdorff K"
and "continuous_map X K f"
shows "∀ g ∈ C* K . (g o f) ∈ C* X"
proof -
have tych_K: "tych_space K"
using assms(1) compact_Hausdorff_imp_tych by auto
{ fix g assume gprops: "g ∈ C* K"
have "continuous_map K (scT K g) g"
using scT_def[of K] range'_def[of K g] cstar_types_restricted[of K] assms(2)
gprops weak_generators_continuous[of K "topspace K" "cstar_id K" "(scT K)" "(C* K)" g]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) closure_of_topspace continuous_map_image_closure_subset
continuous_map_in_subtopology mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
hence cts_scT: "continuous_map X (scT K g) (g o f)"
using assms by (simp add: continuous_map_compose)
hence gofprops: "(g o f) ∈ (C X)"
using scT_def[of K] range'_def[of K]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) continuous_map_in_subtopology gprops mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply')
moreover have "fbounded (g o f) X"
proof -
have "compact (g ` topspace K)" using assms(1) gprops
using compact_space_def compactin_euclidean_iff image_compactin by blast
hence "bounded (g ` topspace K)"
by (simp add: compact_imp_bounded)
moreover have "(g o f) ` topspace X ⊆ g ` topspace K"
by (metis assms(2) continuous_map_image_subset_topspace image_comp image_mono)
ultimately have "bounded ((g o f) ` topspace X)"
by (metis bounded_subset)
thus ?thesis using bounded_range_iff_fbounded[of "g o f" X] gofprops by auto
ultimately have "(g o f) ∈ C* X" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
proposition scEmbed_range:
assumes "tych_space X"
and "x ∈ topspace X"
shows "scEmbed X x ∈ topspace (β X)"
using assms(1) assms(2) dense_embedding_scEmbed embedding_map_in_subtopology by fastforce
proposition scEmbed_range':
assumes "tych_space X"
and "x ∈ topspace X"
shows "scEmbed X x ∈ topspace (scProduct X)"
using assms(1) assms(2) scEmbed_range[of X]
by (simp add: scCompactification_def)
proposition scProjection:
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X. ∀ p ∈ topspace (scProduct X) . scProject X f p = p f"
using scProject_def[of X] scProduct_def[of X] product_projection[of "C* X" "scT X"]
by simp
proposition scProjections_continuous:
shows "∀ f ∈ C* X . continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X f) (scProject X f)"
proof -
have "∀ f ∈ C* X . continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X f) (scProject X f)"
using scProduct_def[of X] scProject_def[of X]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) projections_continuous restrict_apply')
thus ?thesis using scCompactification_def[of X] by simp
proposition continuous_embedding_inverse:
assumes "embedding_map X Y e"
shows "∃ e' . continuous_map (subtopology Y (e ` topspace X)) X e' ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . e' (e x) = x)"
by (meson assms embedding_map_def homeomorphic_map_maps homeomorphic_maps_def)
lemma scExtension_exists:
assumes "tych_space X"
and "compact_Hausdorff K"
shows "∀ f ∈ cts[X,K] . ∃ F ∈ cts[β X, K] . (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
{ fix f assume fprops: "f ∈ cts[X,K]"
have tych_K: "tych_space K" using assms(2) compact_Hausdorff_imp_tych[of K] by simp
define Xspace where "Xspace = topspace (scProduct X)"
define Kspace where "Kspace = topspace (scProduct K)"
define H where "H = (λ p ∈ Xspace . λ g ∈ C* K . scProject X (g o f) p)"
have H_of_scEmbed: "∀ x ∈ topspace X . H (scEmbed X x) = scEmbed K (f x)"
proof -
{ fix x assume xprops: "x ∈ topspace X"
hence "H (scEmbed X x) = (λ p ∈ Xspace . λ g ∈ C* K . scProject X (g o f) p) (scEmbed X x)"
using H_def by auto
moreover have "(scEmbed X x) ∈ Xspace"
using Xspace_def assms(1) scEmbed_range'[of X x] xprops by auto
ultimately have "H (scEmbed X x) = (λ g ∈ C* K . scProject X (g o f) (scEmbed X x)) "
by auto
also have "… = (λ g ∈ C* K . (g o f) x)"
using assms(2) gof_cstar[of K X f] xprops fprops assms(1)
scEmbed_then_project[where x="x" and X="X"]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq restrict_ext)
also have "… = (λ g ∈ C* K . g (f x))" by auto
finally have "H (scEmbed X x) = scEmbed K (f x)"
using scEmbed_def[of K] cstar_id_def[of K] evaluation_map_def[of K "cstar_id K" "C* K"]
by (smt (verit) continuous_map_image_subset_topspace fprops xprops image_subset_iff
mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply' restrict_ext xprops)
thus ?thesis by auto
hence H_on_embedded: "H ` scEmbeddedCopy X ⊆ scEmbeddedCopy K"
proof -
{ fix p assume "p ∈ H ` scEmbeddedCopy X"
then obtain q where qprops: "q ∈ scEmbeddedCopy X ∧ p = H q" by auto
then obtain x where xprops: "x ∈ topspace X ∧ q = scEmbed X x"
using scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X] by auto
hence "p = scEmbed K (f x)" using qprops H_of_scEmbed by auto
hence "p ∈ scEmbeddedCopy K"
using scEmbeddedCopy_def[of K] xprops qprops fprops
by (metis continuous_map_image_subset_topspace image_eqI in_mono mem_Collect_eq)
thus ?thesis by auto
have components_cts: "∀ g ∈ C* K . continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT K g) (λx ∈ Xspace . H x g)"
proof -
{ fix g assume gprops: "g ∈ C* K"
have "continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X (g o f)) ( λ x ∈ Xspace . H x g)"
proof -
have "∀f∈ C* X . continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X f) (scProject X f)"
using scProjections_continuous[of X] by simp
hence "continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT X (g o f)) (scProject X (g o f))"
using assms(2) fprops gprops gof_cstar[of K X f] by auto
moreover have "∀x ∈ Xspace. H x g = (scProject X (g o f)) x"
using gprops H_def Xspace_def
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using Xspace_def continuous_map_eq by fastforce
moreover have "scT X (g o f) = subtopology (scT K g) (range' X (g o f))"
proof -
have "(g o f) ` topspace X ⊆ g ` topspace K"
using gprops fprops unfolding continuous_map_def by auto
hence "range' X (g o f) ⊆ range' K g"
unfolding range'_def by (meson closure_of_mono)
hence "top_of_set (range' X (g o f))
= subtopology (top_of_set (range' K g)) (range' X (g o f))"
by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff2 subtopology_subtopology)
hence "scT X (g o f) = subtopology (scT K g) (range' X (g o f))"
using scT_def[of X] scT_def[of K] gprops assms(2) gof_cstar[of K X f] fprops by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "continuous_map (scProduct X) (scT K g) ( λ x ∈ Xspace . H x g)"
using continuous_map_in_subtopology by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
hence Hcts: "continuous_map (scProduct X) (scProduct K) H"
using continuous_map_coordinatewise_then_product[of "C* K" "scProduct X" "scT K" "H"]
scProduct_def[of X] scProduct_def[of K] H_def Xspace_def
by (smt (verit, del_insts) continuous_map_eq restrict_apply)
have H_on_beta: "H ` topspace (β X) ⊆ scEmbeddedCopy K"
proof -
have "H ` scEmbeddedCopy X ⊆ scEmbeddedCopy K" using H_on_embedded by auto
hence "H ` topspace (β X) ⊆ scProduct K closure_of scEmbeddedCopy K"
using scCompactification_def[of X] Hcts closure_of_mono
continuous_map_eq_image_closure_subset by fastforce
thus ?thesis using scEmbeddedCopy_def
by (metis assms(2) closure_of_subset_topspace homeomorphic_imp_surjective_map
scCompactification_def scCompactification_of_compact_Hausdorff topspace_subtopology_subset)
have embeds: "dense_embedding K (β K) (scEmbed K)" using dense_embedding_scEmbed[of K] tych_K by auto
have closed: "closedin (scProduct K) (scEmbeddedCopy K)"
using assms(2) scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X] scCompactification_def[of K]
scCompactification_compact_Hausdorff[of K]
by (metis closure_of_eq closure_of_subset_topspace closure_of_topspace dense_in_def embeds
homeomorphic_map_closure_of scCompactification_of_compact_Hausdorff scEmbeddedCopy_def
hence onto: "scEmbeddedCopy K = topspace (β K)"
using scCompactification_def[of K]
by (metis closure_of_closedin closure_of_subset_topspace topspace_subtopology_subset)
then obtain e'
where e'props: "continuous_map (β K) K e'
∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace K . e' (scEmbed K x) = x)"
by (metis continuous_embedding_inverse embeds scEmbeddedCopy_def subtopology_topspace)
define F where "F = e' o (λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . restrict H (topspace β X) p)"
have Fcts: "F ∈ cts[ β X, K ]"
proof -
have "(λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . restrict H (topspace β X) p) ∈ cts[β X, scProduct K]"
using Hcts Xspace_def continuous_map_from_subtopology scCompactification_def
by (metis closedin_subset closedin_topspace mem_Collect_eq restrict_continuous_map)
moreover have "H ` (topspace β X) ⊆ topspace (β K)"
using Xspace_def H_on_beta Xspace_def scCompactification_def[of K] onto by blast
ultimately have "(λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . restrict H (topspace β X) p) ∈ cts[β X, β K]"
using scCompactification_def[of K]
by (metis closed closure_of_closedin continuous_map_in_subtopology image_restrict_eq mem_Collect_eq onto)
moreover have "e' ∈ cts[ β K, K ]" using e'props by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using F_def continuous_map_compose[of "β X" "β K" "(λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . restrict H (topspace β X) p)"]
by auto
moreover have Fextends: "∀ x ∈ topspace X . (F o scEmbed X) x = f x"
proof -
{ fix x assume xprops: "x ∈ topspace X"
have "(F o scEmbed X) x = F (scEmbed X x)" by auto
moreover have "scEmbed X x ∈ topspace (β X)"
using assms(1) scEmbed_range[of X x] xprops by auto
ultimately have "(F o scEmbed X) x
= (e' o (λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . restrict H (topspace β X) p)) (scEmbed X x)"
using F_def by simp
also have "… = (e' o (λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . H p)) (scEmbed X x)" by auto
finally have step1: "(F o scEmbed X) x = e' ((λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . H p) (scEmbed X x))" by auto
have "(λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . H p) (scEmbed X x) = H (scEmbed X x)"
using scEmbed_range[of X x] assms(1) xprops by auto
also have "… = scEmbed K (f x)" using H_of_scEmbed xprops by auto
finally have step2: "(λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . H p) (scEmbed X x) = scEmbed K (f x)"
by auto
have "(F o scEmbed X) x = e' ((λ p ∈ topspace (β X) . H p) (scEmbed X x))"
using step1 by simp
also have "… = e' (scEmbed K (f x))" using step2 by auto
finally have "(F o scEmbed X) x = f x"
using e'props tych_K scEmbed_range[of K "f x"] xprops fprops
by (metis continuous_map_image_subset_topspace image_subset_iff mem_Collect_eq)
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "F ∈ cts[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
by auto
hence "∃ F ∈ cts[β X, K] . (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma scExtension_unique:
assumes "F ∈ cts[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
and "compact_Hausdorff K"
shows "(∀ G . G ∈ cts[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . G (scEmbed X x) = f x)
⟶ (∀ p ∈ topspace (β X) . F p = G p))"
proof -
{ fix G assume Gprops: "G ∈ cts[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . G (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
have "∀ p ∈ scEmbeddedCopy X . F p = G p"
proof -
{ fix p assume pprops: "p ∈ scEmbeddedCopy X"
then obtain x where xprops: "x ∈ topspace X ∧ p = scEmbed X x"
using scEmbeddedCopy_def[of X] by auto
hence "F p = G p" using assms Gprops by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "dense_in (β X) (scEmbeddedCopy X) (topspace (β X))"
by (metis closure_of_subset_topspace dense_in_closure dense_in_def scCompactification_def
moreover have "(cts_on β X to_shared Hausdorff_space) {F,G}"
proof -
have "Hausdorff_space K" using assms(2) by auto
moreover have "∀ g ∈ {F,G} . g ∈ cts[β X, K]"
using assms Gprops by auto
ultimately have "∃ K . Hausdorff_space K ∧ {F,G} ⊆ cts[β X,K]" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "(∀ p ∈ topspace (β X) . F p = G p)"
using continuous_maps_on_dense_subset[of F G "β X" "scEmbeddedCopy X"]
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma scExtension_property:
assumes "tych_space X"
and "compact_Hausdorff K"
shows "∀ f ∈ cts[X,K] . ∃! F ∈ cts⇩E[β X, K] . (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
proof -
{ fix f assume fprops: "f ∈ cts[X,K]"
define P where "P = (λg . g ∈ cts⇩E[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . g (scEmbed X x) = f x))"
then obtain F where Fprops: "F ∈ cts[β X, K] ∧ (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
using scExtension_exists[of X K] assms fprops by auto
define F' where "F' = restrict F (topspace β X)"
have "F ∈ (topspace β X) → topspace K" using Fprops continuous_map_def[of "β X" K F] by auto
hence F'ext: "F' ∈ (topspace β X) →⇩E topspace K"
using F'_def restrict_def[of F "topspace β X"] extensional_def[of "topspace β X"]
by auto
moreover have F'cts: "F' ∈ cts[ β X, K ]"
proof -
have "F' ∈ (topspace β X) → topspace K" using F'ext by auto
moreover have "∀ U . {x ∈ topspace β X. F x ∈ U} = {x ∈ topspace β X. F' x ∈ U}"
using F'_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using Fprops unfolding continuous_map_def by auto
ultimately have "F' ∈ cts⇩E[ β X, K ]" by auto
moreover have F'embed: "(∀ x ∈ topspace X . F' (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
proof -
have "∀ x ∈ topspace X . scEmbed X x ∈ topspace β X"
using assms(1) scEmbed_range[of X] by blast
thus ?thesis using F'_def Fprops by fastforce
ultimately have "P F'" using P_def by auto
moreover have "∀ G . P G ⟶ G = F'"
proof -
{ fix G assume Gprops: "P G"
{ fix p
have "F' p = G p"
proof (cases "p ∈ topspace β X")
case True
hence "F' ∈ cts[ β X, K] ∧ (∀x∈topspace X. F' (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
using F'cts F'embed by auto
moreover have "G ∈ cts[ β X, K] ∧ (∀x∈topspace X. G (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
using Gprops P_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(2) scExtension_unique[of F' X K f] "True" by blast
case False
hence "F' p = undefined" using F'_def by auto
moreover have "G p = undefined"
using Gprops P_def extensional_def[of "topspace β X"] "False" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
hence "∀ p . F' p = G p" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "∃! F' . P F'" by blast
hence "∃! F ∈ cts⇩E[β X, K] . (∀ x ∈ topspace X . F (scEmbed X x) = f x)"
using P_def by auto
thus ?thesis by auto