Theory Environment

section‹Environment and State›
theory Environment
imports Accounts Storage StateMonad

subsection ‹Environment›

datatype Type = Value Types
              | Calldata MTypes
              | Memory MTypes
              | Storage STypes
datatype Denvalue = Stackloc Location
                  | Storeloc Location

record Environment =
  address :: Address (*address of executing contract*)
  contract :: Identifier
  sender :: Address (*address of calling contract*)
  svalue :: Valuetype (*money send*)
  denvalue :: "(Identifier, Type × Denvalue) fmap"
fun identifiers :: "Environment  Identifier fset"
  where "identifiers e = fmdom (denvalue e)"
definition emptyEnv :: "Address  Identifier  Address  Valuetype  Environment"
  where "emptyEnv a c s v = address = a, contract = c, sender = s, svalue = v, denvalue = fmempty"

declare emptyEnv_def [solidity_symbex]

lemma emptyEnv_address[simp]:
  "address (emptyEnv a c s v) = a"
  unfolding emptyEnv_def by simp

lemma emptyEnv_members[simp]:
  "contract (emptyEnv a c s v) = c"
  unfolding emptyEnv_def by simp

lemma emptyEnv_sender[simp]:
  "sender (emptyEnv a c s v) = s"
  unfolding emptyEnv_def by simp

lemma emptyEnv_svalue[simp]:
  "svalue (emptyEnv a c s v) = v"
  unfolding emptyEnv_def by simp

lemma emptyEnv_denvalue[simp]:
  "denvalue (emptyEnv a c s v) = {$$}"
  unfolding emptyEnv_def by simp

definition eempty :: "Environment"
  where "eempty = emptyEnv (STR '''') (STR '''') (STR '''') (STR '''')"

declare eempty_def [solidity_symbex]

fun updateEnv :: "Identifier  Type  Denvalue  Environment  Environment"
  where "updateEnv i t v e = e  denvalue := fmupd i (t,v) (denvalue e) "

fun updateEnvOption :: "Identifier  Type  Denvalue  Environment  Environment option"
  where "updateEnvOption i t v e = (case fmlookup (denvalue e) i of 
              Some _  None
            | None  Some (updateEnv i t v e))"

lemma updateEnvOption_address: "updateEnvOption i t v e = Some e'  address e = address e'"
by (auto split:option.split_asm)

fun updateEnvDup :: "Identifier  Type  Denvalue  Environment  Environment"
  where "updateEnvDup i t v e = (case fmlookup (denvalue e) i of 
              Some _  e
            | None  updateEnv i t v e)"

lemma updateEnvDup_address[simp]: "address (updateEnvDup i t v e) = address e"
  by (auto split:option.split)

lemma updateEnvDup_sender[simp]: "sender (updateEnvDup i t v e) = sender e"
  by (auto split:option.split)

lemma updateEnvDup_svalue[simp]: "svalue (updateEnvDup i t v e) = svalue e"
  by (auto split:option.split)

lemma updateEnvDup_dup:
  assumes "ii'" shows "fmlookup (denvalue (updateEnvDup i t v e)) i' = fmlookup (denvalue e) i'"
proof (cases "fmlookup (denvalue e) i = None")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using assms by simp
  case False
  then obtain e' where "fmlookup (denvalue e) i = Some e'" by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms by simp

lemma env_reorder_neq:
  assumes "xy"
  shows "updateEnv x t1 v1 (updateEnv y t2 v2 e) = updateEnv y t2 v2 (updateEnv x t1 v1 e)"
proof -
  have "address (updateEnv x t1 v1 (updateEnv y t2 v2 e)) = address (updateEnv y t2 v2 (updateEnv x t1 v1 e))" by simp
  moreover from assms have "denvalue (updateEnv x t1 v1 (updateEnv y t2 v2 e)) = denvalue (updateEnv y t2 v2 (updateEnv x t1 v1 e))" using Finite_Map.fmupd_reorder_neq[of x y "(t1,v1)" "(t2,v2)"] by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma uEO_in:
  assumes "i |∈| fmdom (denvalue e)"
  shows "updateEnvOption i t v e = None"
  using assms by auto

lemma uEO_n_In:
  assumes "¬ i |∈| fmdom (denvalue e)"
  shows "updateEnvOption i t v e = Some (updateEnv i t v e)"
  using assms by auto

fun astack :: "Identifier  Type  Stackvalue  Stack * Environment  Stack * Environment"
  where "astack i t v (s, e) = (push v s, (updateEnv i t (Stackloc (ShowLnat (toploc s))) e))"

subsubsection ‹Examples›
abbreviation "myenv::Environment  eempty denvalue := fmupd STR ''id1'' (Value TBool, Stackloc STR ''0'') fmempty"
abbreviation "mystack::Stack  mapping = fmupd (STR ''0'') (KValue STR ''True'') fmempty, toploc = 1"

abbreviation "myenv2::Environment  eempty denvalue := fmupd STR ''id2'' (Value TBool, Stackloc STR ''1'') (fmupd STR ''id1'' (Value TBool, Stackloc STR ''0'') fmempty)"
abbreviation "mystack2::Stack  mapping = fmupd (STR ''1'') (KValue STR ''False'') (fmupd (STR ''0'') (KValue STR ''True'') fmempty), toploc = 2"

lemma "astack (STR ''id1'') (Value TBool) (KValue (STR ''True'')) (emptyStore, eempty) = (mystack,myenv)" by solidity_symbex
lemma "astack (STR ''id2'') (Value TBool) (KValue (STR ''False'')) (mystack, myenv) = (mystack2,myenv2)" by solidity_symbex

subsection ‹Declarations›

text ‹This function is used to declare a new variable: decl id tp val copy cd mem sto c m k e
  \item[id] is the name of the variable
  \item[tp] is the type of the variable
  \item[val] is an optional initialization parameter. If it is None, the types default value is taken.
  \item[copy] is a flag to indicate whether memory should be copied (from mem parameter) or not (copying is required for example for external method calls).
  \item[cd] is the original calldata which is used as a source
  \item[mem] is the original memory which is used as a source
  \item[sto] is the original storage which is used as a source
  \item[c] is the new calldata which is updated
  \item[m] is the new memory which is updated
  \item[k] is the new calldata which is updated
  \item[e] is the new environment which is updated
fun decl :: "Identifier  Type  (Stackvalue * Type) option  bool  CalldataT  MemoryT  (Address  StorageT)
     CalldataT × MemoryT × Stack × Environment  (CalldataT × MemoryT × Stack × Environment) option"
(* Declaring stack variables *)
  "decl i (Value t) None _ _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) = Some (c, m, (astack i (Value t) (KValue (ival t)) (k, e)))"
| "decl i (Value t) (Some (KValue v, Value t')) _ _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
   Option.bind (convert t' t v)
    (λv'. Some (c, m, astack i (Value t) (KValue v') (k, e)))"
| "decl _ (Value _) _ _ _ _ _ _ = None"

(* Declaring calldata variables *)
| "decl i (Calldata (MTArray x t)) (Some (KCDptr p, _)) True cd _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
    (let l = ShowLnat (toploc c);
         (_, c') = allocate c
     in Option.bind (cpm2m p l x t cd c')
      (λc''. Some (c'', m, astack i (Calldata (MTArray x t)) (KCDptr l) (k, e))))"
| "decl i (Calldata (MTArray x t)) (Some (KMemptr p, _)) True _ mem _ (c, m, k, e) =
    (let l = ShowLnat (toploc c);
         (_, c') = allocate c
     in Option.bind (cpm2m p l x t mem c')
      (λc''. Some (c'', m, astack i (Calldata (MTArray x t)) (KCDptr l) (k, e))))"
| "decl i (Calldata _) _ _ _ _ _ _ = None"

(* Declaring memory variables *)
| "decl i (Memory (MTArray x t)) None _ _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
    (let m' = minit x t m
      in Some (c, m', astack i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (KMemptr (ShowLnat (toploc m))) (k, e)))"
| "decl i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (Some (KMemptr p, _)) True _ mem _ (c, m, k, e) =
   Option.bind (cpm2m p (ShowLnat (toploc m)) x t mem (snd (allocate m)))
    (λm'. Some (c, m', astack i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (KMemptr (ShowLnat (toploc m))) (k, e)))"
| "decl i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (Some (KMemptr p, _)) False _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
   Some (c, m, astack i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (KMemptr p) (k, e))"
| "decl i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (Some (KCDptr p, _)) _ cd _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
   Option.bind (cpm2m p (ShowLnat (toploc m)) x t cd (snd (allocate m)))
    (λm'. Some (c, m', astack i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (KMemptr (ShowLnat (toploc m))) (k, e)))"
| "decl i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (Some (KStoptr p, Storage (STArray x' t'))) _ _ _ s (c, m, k, e) =
   Option.bind (cps2m p (ShowLnat (toploc m)) x' t' (s (address e)) (snd (allocate m)))
    (λm''. Some (c, m'', astack i (Memory (MTArray x t)) (KMemptr (ShowLnat (toploc m))) (k, e)))"
| "decl _ (Memory _) _ _ _ _ _ _ = None"

(* Declaring storage variables *)
| "decl i (Storage (STArray x t)) (Some (KStoptr p, _)) _ _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
    Some (c, m, astack i (Storage (STArray x t)) (KStoptr p) (k, e))"
| "decl i (Storage (STMap t t')) (Some (KStoptr p, _)) _ _ _ _ (c, m, k, e) =
   Some (c, m, astack i (Storage (STMap t t')) (KStoptr p) (k, e))"
| "decl _ (Storage _) _ _ _ _ _ _ = None" (* Uninitialized storage arrays/maps not allowed *)

lemma decl_env:
  assumes "decl a1 a2 a3 cp cd mem sto (c, m, k, env) = Some (c', m', k', env')"
  shows "address env = address env'  sender env = sender env'  svalue env = svalue env'  (x. x  a1  fmlookup (denvalue env') x = fmlookup (denvalue env) x)"
  using assms
proof (cases rule:decl.elims)
  case (1 t uu uv uw ux c m k env)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (2 t v t' uy uz va vb c m k e)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "convert t' t v")
    case None
    with 2 show ?thesis by simp
    case s: (Some a)
    with 2 s show ?thesis by simp
  case (3 vd ve vb vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (4 vd ve vb vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (5 vd ve vb vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (6 vd va ve vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (7 vd va ve vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (8 vd va ve vf vg vh vi vj)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (9 x t p vk cd vl vm c m k env)
  define l where "l = ShowLnat (toploc c)"
  obtain c' where c_def: "x. (x, c') = allocate c" unfolding allocate_def by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "cpm2m p l x t cd c'")
    case None
    with 9 l_def c_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
    case s2: (Some a)
    with 9 l_def c_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
  case (10 x t p vn vo mem vp c m k env)
  define l where "l = ShowLnat (toploc c)"
  obtain c' where c_def: "x. (x, c') = allocate c" unfolding allocate_def by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "cpm2m p l x t mem c'")
    case None
    with 10 l_def c_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
    case s2: (Some a)
    with 10 l_def c_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
  case (11 v vr vs vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (12 vq vs vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (13 vq vc vb vs vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (14 v vc vb vs vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (15 vq vc vb vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (16 vq vc vb vs vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (17 vq vr vt vu vv vw)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (18 x t vx vy vz wa c m k env)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (19 x t p wb wc mem wd c m k env)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases cp)
    case True
    define l where "l = ShowLnat (toploc m)"
    obtain m' where m'_def: "x. (x, m') = allocate m" unfolding allocate_def by simp
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "cpm2m p l x t mem m'")
      case None
      with 19 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
      case s2: (Some a)
      with 19 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
    case False
    with 19 show ?thesis by simp
  case (20 x t p we wf wg wh c m k env)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (21 x t p wi wj cd wk wl c m k env)
  define l where "l = ShowLnat (toploc m)"
  obtain m' where m'_def: "x. (x, m') = allocate m" unfolding allocate_def by simp
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "cpm2m p l x t cd m'")
    case None
    with 21 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
    case s2: (Some a)
    with 21 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
  case (22 x t p x' t' wm wn wo s c m k env)
  define l where "l = ShowLnat (toploc m)"
  obtain m' where m'_def: "x. (x, m') = allocate m" unfolding allocate_def by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "cps2m p l x' t' (s (address env)) m'")
    case None
    with 22 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
    case s2: (Some a)
    with 22 l_def m'_def show ?thesis unfolding allocate_def by simp
  case (23 v wr ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (24 va v ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (25 wq vc vb ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (26 v vc vb ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (27 v vc vb ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (28 wq vc v ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (29 wq vc v ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (30 wq vc v ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (31 wq vc va vd ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (32 wq vc va ws wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (33 va v wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (34 wq vc vb wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (35 v vc vb wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (36 v vc vb wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (37 wq vc v wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (38 wq vc v wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (39 wq vc v wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (40 wq vc va vd wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (41 wq vc va wt wu wv ww)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (42 x t p wx wy wz xa xb c m k env)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (43 t t' p xc xd xe xf xg c m k e)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (44 v va xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (45 v va ve vd xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (46 v va ve vd xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (47 v va ve vd xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (48 v xj xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (49 xi xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (50 xi vc vb xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (51 xi vc vb xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (52 xi vc vb xk xl xm xn xo)
  then show ?thesis by simp

declare decl.simps[simp del, solidity_symbex add]