Theory Valuetypes

section‹Value Types›

theory Valuetypes
imports ReadShow

fun iter :: "(int  'b  'b)  'b  int  'b"
  "iter f v x = (if x  0 then v  
                 else f (x-1) (iter f v (x-1)))"

fun iter' :: "(int  'b  'b option)  'b  int  'b option"
  "iter' f v x = (if x  0 then Some v
                  else case iter' f v (x-1) of
                          Some v'  f (x-1) v'
                        | None  None)"

type_synonym Address = String.literal
type_synonym Location = String.literal
type_synonym Valuetype = String.literal

datatype Types = TSInt nat
               | TUInt nat
               | TBool
               | TAddr

definition createSInt :: "nat  int  Valuetype"
  "createSInt b v =
    (if v  0
      then ShowLint (-(2^(b-1)) + (v+2^(b-1)) mod (2^b))
      else ShowLint (2^(b-1) - (-v+2^(b-1)-1) mod (2^b) - 1))"

declare createSInt_def [solidity_symbex]

lemma upper_bound:
  fixes b::nat
    and c::int
  assumes "b > 0"
      and "c < 2^(b-1)"
    shows "c + 2^(b-1) < 2^b"
proof -
  have a1: "P. (b::nat. P b)  (b>0. P ((b-1)::nat))" by simp
  have b2: "b::nat. ((c::int)<2^b. (c + 2^b) < 2^(Suc b))" by simp
  show ?thesis using a1[OF b2] assms by simp

lemma upper_bound2:
  fixes b::nat
      and c::int
    assumes "b > 0"
      and "c < 2^b"
      and "c  0"
    shows "c - (2^(b-1)) < 2^(b-1)"
proof -
  have a1: "P. (b::nat. P b)  (b>0. P ((b-1)::nat))" by simp
  have b2: "b::nat. ((c::int)<2^(Suc b). c0  (c - 2^b) < 2^b)" by simp
  show ?thesis using a1[OF b2] assms by simp

lemma upper_bound3:
  fixes b::nat
    and v::int
      defines "x  - (2 ^ (b - 1)) + (v + 2 ^ (b - 1)) mod 2 ^ b"
    assumes "b>0"
    shows "x < 2^(b-1)"
  using upper_bound2 assms by auto

lemma lower_bound:
    fixes b::nat
  assumes "b>0"
    shows "(c::int)  -(2^(b-1)). (-c + 2^(b-1) - 1 < 2^b)"
proof -
  have a1: "P. (b::nat. P b)  (b>0. P ((b-1)::nat))" by simp
  have b2: "b::nat. (c::int)  -(2^b). (-c + (2^b) - 1) < 2^(Suc b)" by simp
  show ?thesis using a1[OF b2] assms by simp

lemma lower_bound2:
  fixes b::nat
    and v::int
      defines "x  2^(b - 1) - (-v+2^(b-1)-1) mod 2^b - 1"
    assumes "b>0"
    shows "x  - (2 ^ (b - 1))"
  using upper_bound2 assms by auto

lemma createSInt_id_g0:
    fixes b::nat
      and v::int
  assumes "v  0"
      and "v < 2^(b-1)"
      and "b > 0"
    shows "createSInt b v = ShowLint v"
proof -
  from assms have "v + 2^(b-1)  0" by simp
  moreover from assms have "v + (2^(b-1)) < 2^b" using upper_bound[of b] by auto
  ultimately have "(v + 2^(b-1)) mod (2^b) = v + 2^(b-1)" by simp
  moreover from assms have "createSInt b v=ShowLint (-(2^(b-1)) + (v+2^(b-1)) mod (2^b))" unfolding createSInt_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma createSInt_id_l0:
    fixes b::nat
      and v::int
  assumes "v < 0"
      and "v  -(2^(b-1))"
      and "b > 0"
    shows "createSInt b v = ShowLint v"
proof -
  from assms have "-v + 2^(b-1) - 1  0" by simp
  moreover from assms have "-v + 2^(b-1) - 1 < 2^b" using lower_bound[of b] by auto 
  ultimately have "(-v + 2^(b-1) - 1) mod (2^b) = (-v + 2^(b-1) - 1)" by simp
  moreover from assms have "createSInt b v= ShowLint (2^(b-1) - (-v+2^(b-1)-1) mod (2^b) - 1)" unfolding createSInt_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma createSInt_id:
    fixes b::nat
      and v::int
  assumes "v < 2^(b-1)"
      and "v  -(2^(b-1))"
      and "b > 0"
    shows "createSInt b v = ShowLint v" using createSInt_id_g0 createSInt_id_l0 assms unfolding createSInt_def by simp

definition createUInt :: "nat  int  Valuetype"
  where "createUInt b v = ShowLint (v mod (2^b))"

declare createUInt_def[solidity_symbex]

lemma createUInt_id:
  assumes "v  0"
      and "v < 2^b"
    shows "createUInt b v =  ShowLint v"
unfolding createUInt_def by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2))

definition createBool :: "bool  Valuetype"
  "createBool b = ShowLbool b"

declare createBool_def [solidity_symbex]

definition createAddress :: "Address  Valuetype"
  "createAddress ad = ad"

declare createAddress_def [solidity_symbex]

definition checkSInt :: "nat  Valuetype  bool"
  "checkSInt b v = ((foldr (∧) (map is_digit (String.explode v)) True) (ReadLint v  -(2^(b-1))  ReadLint v < 2^(b-1)))"

declare checkSInt_def [solidity_symbex]

definition checkUInt :: "nat  Valuetype  bool"
  "checkUInt b v = ((foldr (∧) (map is_digit (String.explode v)) True)  (ReadLint v  0  ReadLint v < 2^b))"
declare checkUInt_def  [solidity_symbex]

fun convert :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype option"
  "convert (TSInt b1) (TSInt b2) v =
    (if b1  b2
      then Some v
      else None)"
| "convert (TUInt b1) (TUInt b2) v =
    (if b1  b2
      then Some v
      else None)"
| "convert (TUInt b1) (TSInt b2) v =
    (if b1 < b2
      then Some v
      else None)"
| "convert TBool TBool v = Some v"
| "convert TAddr TAddr v = Some v"
| "convert _ _ _ = None"

lemma convert_id[simp]:
  "convert tp tp kv = Some kv"
    by (metis Types.exhaust convert.simps(1) convert.simps(2) convert.simps(4) convert.simps(5) order_refl)

(*Covered informally*)
fun olift ::
  "(int  int  int)  Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "olift op (TSInt b1) (TSInt b2) v1 v2 =
    Some (createSInt (max b1 b2) (op v1 v2), TSInt (max b1 b2))"
| "olift op (TUInt b1) (TUInt b2) v1 v2 =
    Some (createUInt (max b1 b2) (op v1 v2), TUInt (max b1 b2))"
| "olift op (TSInt b1) (TUInt b2) v1 v2 =
    (if b2 < b1
      then Some (createSInt b1 (op v1 v2), TSInt b1)
      else None)"
| "olift op (TUInt b1) (TSInt b2) v1 v2 =
    (if b1 < b2
      then Some (createSInt b2 (op v1 v2), TSInt b2)
      else None)"
| "olift _ _ _ _ _ = None"

fun plift ::
  "(int  int  bool)  Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "plift op (TSInt b1) (TSInt b2) v1 v2 = Some (createBool (op v1 v2), TBool)"
| "plift op (TUInt b1) (TUInt b2) v1 v2 = Some (createBool (op v1 v2), TBool)"
| "plift op (TSInt b1) (TUInt b2) v1 v2 =
    (if b2 < b1
      then Some (createBool (op v1 v2), TBool)
      else None)"
| "plift op (TUInt b1) (TSInt b2) v1 v2 =
    (if b1 < b2
      then Some (createBool (op v1 v2), TBool)
      else None)" 
| "plift _ _ _ _ _ = None"

definition add :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "add = olift (+)"

(*Covered informally*)
definition sub :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "sub = olift (-)"

(*Covered informally*)
definition equal :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "equal = plift (=)"

(*Covered informally*)
definition less :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "less = plift (<)"

(*Covered informally*)
definition leq :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "leq = plift (≤)"

declare add_def sub_def equal_def leq_def less_def [solidity_symbex]

fun vtand :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "vtand TBool TBool a b =
    (if a = ShowLbool True  b = ShowLbool True then Some (ShowLbool True, TBool)
    else Some (ShowLbool False, TBool))"
| "vtand _ _ _ _ = None"

(*Covered informally*)
fun vtor :: "Types  Types  Valuetype  Valuetype  (Valuetype * Types) option"
  "vtor TBool TBool a b =
    (if a = ShowLbool False  b = ShowLbool False
      then Some (ShowLbool False, TBool)
      else Some (ShowLbool True, TBool))"
| "vtor _ _ _ _ = None"

definition checkBool :: "Valuetype   bool"
  "checkBool v = (if (v = STR ''True''  v = STR ''False'') then True else False)"

declare checkBool_def [solidity_symbex]

definition checkAddress :: "Valuetype   bool"
    "checkAddress v = (if (size v = 42  ((String.explode v !1) = CHR ''x'')) then True else False)"

declare checkAddress_def [solidity_symbex]

(*value "checkBool STR ''True''"*)
(*value "checkAddress STR ''0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000''"*)

(*Covered informally*)
primrec ival :: "Types  Valuetype"
  "ival (TSInt x) = ShowLint 0"
| "ival (TUInt x) = ShowLint 0"
| "ival TBool = ShowLbool False"
| "ival TAddr = STR ''0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000''"

declare convert.simps [simp del, solidity_symbex add]
declare olift.simps [simp del, solidity_symbex add]
declare plift.simps [simp del, solidity_symbex add]
declare vtand.simps [simp del, solidity_symbex add]
declare vtor.simps [simp del, solidity_symbex add]
