Theory SNF_Algorithm_HOL_Analysis
section ‹The Smith normal form algorithm in HOL Analysis›
theory SNF_Algorithm_HOL_Analysis
subsection ‹Transferring the result from JNF to HOL Anaylsis›
definition Smith_mxn_HMA :: "(('a::comm_ring_1^2) ⇒ (('a^2) × ('a^2^2)))
⇒ (('a^2^2) ⇒ (('a^2^2) × ('a^2^2) × ('a^2^2))) ⇒ ('a⇒'a⇒'a) ⇒ ('a^'n::mod_type^'m::mod_type)
⇒ (('a^'m::mod_type^'m::mod_type)× ('a^'n::mod_type^'m::mod_type) × ('a^'n::mod_type^'n::mod_type))"
"Smith_mxn_HMA Smith_1x2 Smith_2x2 div_op A =
(let Smith_1x2_JNF = (λA'. let (S',Q') = Smith_1x2 (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩v (Matrix.row A' 0))
in (mat_of_row (Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩v S'), Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q'));
Smith_2x2_JNF = (λA'. let (P', S',Q') = Smith_2x2 (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A')
in (Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m P', Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m S', Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q'));
(P,S,Q) = Smith_Impl.Smith_mxn Smith_1x2_JNF Smith_2x2_JNF div_op (Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m A)
in (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m P, Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m S, Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m Q)
definition "is_SNF_HMA A R = (case R of (P,S,Q) ⇒
invertible P ∧ invertible Q
∧ Smith_normal_form S ∧ S = P ** A ** Q)"
subsection ‹Soundness in HOL Anaylsis›
lemma is_SNF_Smith_mxn_HMA:
fixes A::"'a::comm_ring_1 ^ 'n::mod_type ^ 'm::mod_type"
assumes PSQ: "(P,S,Q) = Smith_mxn_HMA Smith_1x2 Smith_2x2 div_op A"
and SNF_1x2_works: "∀A. let (S',Q) = Smith_1x2 A in S' $h 1 = 0 ∧ invertible Q ∧ S' = A v* Q"
and SNF_2x2_works: "∀A. is_SNF_HMA A (Smith_2x2 A)"
and d: "is_div_op div_op"
shows "is_SNF_HMA A (P,S,Q)"
proof -
let ?A = "Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m A"
define Smith_1x2_JNF where "Smith_1x2_JNF = (λA'. let (S',Q')
= Smith_1x2 (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩v (Matrix.row A' 0))
in (mat_of_row (Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩v S'), Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q'))"
define Smith_2x2_JNF where "Smith_2x2_JNF = (λA'. let (P', S',Q') = Smith_2x2 (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A')
in (Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m P', Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m S', Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q'))"
obtain P' S' Q' where P'S'Q': "(P',S',Q') = Smith_Impl.Smith_mxn Smith_1x2_JNF Smith_2x2_JNF div_op ?A"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have PSQ_P'S'Q': "(P,S,Q) =
(Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m P', Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m S', Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m Q')"
using PSQ P'S'Q' Smith_1x2_JNF_def Smith_2x2_JNF_def
unfolding Smith_mxn_HMA_def Let_def by (metis case_prod_conv)
have SNF_1x2_works': "∀(A::'a mat) ∈ carrier_mat 1 2. is_SNF A (1⇩m 1, (Smith_1x2_JNF A))"
proof (rule+)
fix A'::"'a mat" assume A': "A' ∈ carrier_mat 1 2"
let ?A' = "(Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩v (Matrix.row A' 0))::'a^2"
obtain S2 Q2 where S'Q': "(S2,Q2) = Smith_1x2 ?A'"
by (metis surjective_pairing)
let ?S2 = "(Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩v S2)"
let ?S' = "mat_of_row ?S2"
let ?Q' = "Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q2"
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_V ?S2 S2"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_V_def by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M ?Q' Q2"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_I 1 (1::2)"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_I_def by (simp add: to_nat_1)
have c[transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_V ((Matrix.row A' 0)) ?A'"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_V_def
by (rule from_hma_to_hma⇩v[symmetric], insert A', auto simp add: Matrix.row_def)
have *: "Smith_1x2_JNF A' = (?S', ?Q')" by (metis Smith_1x2_JNF_def S'Q' case_prod_conv)
show "is_SNF A' (1⇩m 1, Smith_1x2_JNF A')" unfolding *
proof (rule is_SNF_intro)
let ?row_A' = "(Matrix.row A' 0)"
have w: "S2 $h 1 = 0 ∧ invertible Q2 ∧ S2 = ?A' v* Q2"
using SNF_1x2_works by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) S'Q' fst_conv prod.case_eq_if snd_conv)
have "?S2 $v 1 = 0" using w[untransferred] by auto
thus "Smith_normal_form_mat ?S'" unfolding Smith_normal_form_mat_def isDiagonal_mat_def
by (auto simp add: less_2_cases_iff)
have S2_Q2_A: "S2 = transpose Q2 *v ?A'" using w transpose_matrix_vector by auto
have S2_Q2_A': "?S2 = transpose_mat ?Q' *⇩v ((Matrix.row A' 0))" using S2_Q2_A by transfer'
show "1⇩m 1 ∈ carrier_mat (dim_row A') (dim_row A')" using A' by auto
show "?Q' ∈ carrier_mat (dim_col A') (dim_col A')" using A' by auto
show "invertible_mat (1⇩m 1)" by auto
show "invertible_mat ?Q'" using w[untransferred] by auto
have "?S' = A' * ?Q'"
proof (rule eq_matI)
show "dim_row ?S' = dim_row (A' * ?Q')" and "dim_col ?S' = dim_col (A' * ?Q')"
using A' by auto
fix i j assume i: "i < dim_row (A' * ?Q')" and j: "j < dim_col (A' * ?Q')"
have "?S' $$ (i, j) = ?S' $$ (0, j)"
by (metis A' One_nat_def carrier_matD(1) i index_mult_mat(2) less_Suc0)
also have "... =?S2 $v j" using j by auto
also have "... = (transpose_mat ?Q' *⇩v ?row_A') $v j" unfolding S2_Q2_A' by simp
also have "... = Matrix.row (transpose_mat ?Q') j ∙ ?row_A'"
by (rule index_mult_mat_vec, insert j, auto)
also have "... = Matrix.col ?Q' j ∙ ?row_A'" using j by auto
also have "... = ?row_A' ∙ Matrix.col ?Q' j"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_V_def Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m_def
Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩v_def c col_def comm_scalar_prod dim_row_mat(1) vec_carrier)
also have "... = (A' * ?Q') $$ (0, j)" using A' j by auto
finally show "?S' $$ (i, j) = (A' * ?Q') $$ (i, j)" using i j A' by auto
thus "?S' = 1⇩m 1 * A' * ?Q'" using A' by auto
have SNF_2x2_works': "∀(A::'a mat) ∈ carrier_mat 2 2. is_SNF A (Smith_2x2_JNF A)"
fix A'::"'a mat" assume A': "A' ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
let ?A' = "Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A'::'a^2^2"
obtain P2 S2 Q2 where P2S2Q2: "(P2, S2, Q2) = Smith_2x2 ?A'"
by (metis prod_cases3)
let ?P2 = "Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m P2"
let ?S2 = "Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m S2"
let ?Q2 = "Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q2"
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M ?Q2 Q2"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M ?P2 P2"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M ?S2 S2"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M A' ?A'"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def using A' by auto
have "is_SNF A' (?P2,?S2,?Q2)"
proof -
have P2: "?P2 ∈ carrier_mat (dim_row A') (dim_row A')" and
Q2: "?Q2 ∈ carrier_mat (dim_col A') (dim_col A')" using A' by auto
have "is_SNF_HMA ?A' (P2,S2,Q2)" using SNF_2x2_works by (simp add: P2S2Q2)
hence "invertible P2 ∧ invertible Q2 ∧ Smith_normal_form S2 ∧ S2 = P2 ** ?A' ** Q2"
unfolding is_SNF_HMA_def by auto
from this[untransferred] show ?thesis using P2 Q2 unfolding is_SNF_def by auto
thus "is_SNF A' (Smith_2x2_JNF A')" using P2S2Q2 by (metis Smith_2x2_JNF_def case_prod_conv)
interpret Smith_Impl Smith_1x2_JNF Smith_2x2_JNF div_op
using SNF_2x2_works' SNF_1x2_works' d by (unfold_locales, auto)
have A: "?A ∈ carrier_mat CARD('m) CARD('n)" by auto
have "is_SNF ?A (Smith_Impl.Smith_mxn Smith_1x2_JNF Smith_2x2_JNF div_op ?A)"
by (rule is_SNF_Smith_mxn[OF A])
hence inv_P': "invertible_mat P'"
and Smith_S': "Smith_normal_form_mat S'" and inv_Q': "invertible_mat Q'"
and S'_P'AQ': "S' = P' * ?A * Q'"
and P': "P' ∈ carrier_mat (dim_row ?A) (dim_row ?A)"
and Q': "Q' ∈ carrier_mat (dim_col ?A) (dim_col ?A)"
unfolding is_SNF_def P'S'Q'[symmetric] by auto
have S': "S' ∈ carrier_mat (dim_row ?A) (dim_col ?A)" using P' Q' S'_P'AQ' by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M P' P"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M S' S"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M Q' Q"
and [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M ?A A"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def using PSQ_P'S'Q'
using from_hma_to_hma⇩m[symmetric] P' A Q' S' by auto
have inv_Q: "invertible Q" using inv_Q' by transfer
moreover have Smith_S: "Smith_normal_form S" using Smith_S' by transfer
moreover have inv_P: "invertible P" using inv_P' by transfer
moreover have "S = P ** A ** Q" using S'_P'AQ' by transfer
thus ?thesis using inv_Q inv_P Smith_S unfolding is_SNF_HMA_def by auto