Theory Cauchy_Binet_HOL_Analysis
section ‹The Cauchy--Binet formula in HOL Analysis›
theory Cauchy_Binet_HOL_Analysis
subsection ‹Definition of submatrices in HOL Analysis›
definition submatrix_hma :: "'a^'nc^'nr⇒nat set⇒nat set⇒('a^'nc2^'nr2)"
where "submatrix_hma A I J = (χ a b. A $h (from_nat (pick I (to_nat a))) $h (from_nat (pick J (to_nat b))))"
context includes lifting_syntax
fixes I::"nat set" and J::"nat set"
assumes I: "card {i. i < CARD('nr::finite) ∧ i ∈ I} = CARD('nr2::finite)"
assumes J: "card {i. i < CARD('nc::finite) ∧ i ∈ J} = CARD('nc2::finite)"
lemma HMA_submatrix[transfer_rule]: "(HMA_M ===> HMA_M) (λA. submatrix A I J)
((λA. submatrix_hma A I J):: 'a^ 'nc ^ 'nr ⇒ 'a ^ 'nc2 ^ 'nr2)"
proof (intro rel_funI, goal_cases)
case (1 A B)
note relAB[transfer_rule] = this
show ?case unfolding HMA_M_def
proof (rule eq_matI, auto)
show "dim_row (submatrix A I J) = CARD('nr2)"
unfolding submatrix_def
using I dim_row_transfer_rule relAB by force
show "dim_col (submatrix A I J) = CARD('nc2)"
unfolding submatrix_def
using J dim_col_transfer_rule relAB by force
let ?B="(submatrix_hma B I J)::'a ^ 'nc2 ^ 'nr2"
fix i j assume i: "i < CARD('nr2)" and
j: "j < CARD('nc2)"
have i2: "i < card {i. i < dim_row A ∧ i ∈ I}"
using I dim_row_transfer_rule i relAB by fastforce
have j2: "j < card {j. j < dim_col A ∧ j ∈ J}"
using J dim_col_transfer_rule j relAB by fastforce
let ?i = "(from_nat (pick I i))::'nr"
let ?j = "(from_nat (pick J j))::'nc"
let ?i' = "Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat i)::'nr2)"
let ?j' = "Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat j)::'nc2)"
have i': "?i' = i" by (rule to_nat_from_nat_id[OF i])
have j': "?j' = j" by (rule to_nat_from_nat_id[OF j])
let ?f = "(λ(i, j).
B $h Bij_Nat.from_nat (pick I (Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat i)::'nr2))) $h
Bij_Nat.from_nat (pick J (Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat j)::'nc2))))"
have [transfer_rule]: "HMA_I (pick I i) ?i"
by (simp add: Bij_Nat.to_nat_from_nat_id I i pick_le HMA_I_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "HMA_I (pick J j) ?j"
by (simp add: Bij_Nat.to_nat_from_nat_id J j pick_le HMA_I_def)
have "submatrix A I J $$ (i, j) = A $$ (pick I i, pick J j)" by (rule submatrix_index[OF i2 j2])
also have "... = index_hma B ?i ?j" by (transfer, simp)
also have "... = B $h Bij_Nat.from_nat (pick I (Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat i)::'nr2))) $h
Bij_Nat.from_nat (pick J (Bij_Nat.to_nat ((Bij_Nat.from_nat j)::'nc2)))"
unfolding i' j' index_hma_def by auto
also have "... = ?f (i,j)" by auto
also have "... = Matrix.mat CARD('nr2) CARD('nc2) ?f $$ (i, j)"
by (rule index_mat[symmetric, OF i j])
also have "... = from_hma⇩m ?B $$ (i, j)"
unfolding from_hma⇩m_def submatrix_hma_def by auto
finally show "submatrix A I J $$ (i, j) = from_hma⇩m ?B $$ (i, j)" .
subsection ‹Transferring the proof from JNF to HOL Analysis›
lemma Cauchy_Binet_HOL_Analysis:
fixes A::"'a::comm_ring_1^'m^'n" and B::"'a^'n^'m"
shows "Determinants.det (A**B) = (∑I∈{I. I⊆{0..<ncols A} ∧ card I=nrows A}.
Determinants.det ((submatrix_hma A UNIV I)::'a^'n^'n) *
Determinants.det ((submatrix_hma B I UNIV)::'a^'n^'n))"
proof -
let ?A = "(from_hma⇩m A)"
let ?B = "(from_hma⇩m B)"
have relA[transfer_rule]: "HMA_M ?A A" unfolding HMA_M_def by simp
have relB[transfer_rule]: "HMA_M ?B B" unfolding HMA_M_def by simp
have "(∑I∈{I. I⊆{0..<ncols A} ∧ card I = nrows A}.
Determinants.det ((submatrix_hma A UNIV I)::'a^'n^'n) *
Determinants.det ((submatrix_hma B I UNIV)::'a^'n^'n)) =
(∑I∈{I. I⊆{0..<ncols A} ∧ card I=nrows A}. det (submatrix ?A UNIV I)
* det (submatrix ?B I UNIV))"
proof (rule sum.cong)
fix I assume I: "I ∈{I. I⊆{0..<ncols A} ∧ card I=nrows A}"
let ?sub_A= "((submatrix_hma A UNIV I)::'a^'n^'n)"
let ?sub_B= "((submatrix_hma B I UNIV)::'a^'n^'n)"
have c1: "card {i. i < CARD('n) ∧ i ∈ UNIV} = CARD('n)" using I by auto
have c2: "card {i. i < CARD('m) ∧ i ∈ I} = CARD('n)"
proof -
have "I = {i. i < CARD('m) ∧ i ∈ I}" using I unfolding nrows_def ncols_def by auto
thus ?thesis using I nrows_def by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "HMA_M (submatrix ?A UNIV I) ?sub_A"
using HMA_submatrix[OF c1 c2] relA unfolding rel_fun_def by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "HMA_M (submatrix ?B I UNIV) ?sub_B"
using HMA_submatrix[OF c2 c1] relB unfolding rel_fun_def by auto
show "Determinants.det ?sub_A * Determinants.det ?sub_B
= det (submatrix ?A UNIV I) * det (submatrix ?B I UNIV)" by (transfer', auto)
qed (auto)
also have "... = det (?A*?B)"
by (rule Cauchy_Binet[symmetric], unfold nrows_def ncols_def, auto)
also have "... = Determinants.det (A**B)" by (transfer', auto)
finally show ?thesis ..