Theory CPSUtils

section  ‹Syntax tree helpers›

theory CPSUtils
imports CPSScheme

text ‹
This theory defines the sets lambdas p›, calls p›, calls p›, vars p›, labels p› and prims p› as the subexpressions of the program p›. Finiteness is shown for each of these sets, and some rules about how these sets relate. All these rules are proven more or less the same ways, which is very inelegant due to the nesting of the type and the shape of the derived induction rule.

It would be much nicer to start with these rules and define the set inductively. Unfortunately, that approach would make it very hard to show the finiteness of the sets in question.

fun lambdas :: "lambda  lambda set"
and lambdasC :: "call  lambda set"
and lambdasV :: "val  lambda set"
where "lambdas  (Lambda l vs c) = ({Lambda l vs c}  lambdasC c)"
    | "lambdasC (App l d ds) = lambdasV d   (lambdasV ` set ds)"
    | "lambdasC (Let l binds c') = ((_, y)set binds. lambdas y)  lambdasC c'"
    | "lambdasV (L l) = lambdas l"
    | "lambdasV _     = {}"

fun calls :: "lambda  call set"
and callsC :: "call  call set"
and callsV :: "val  call set"
where "calls  (Lambda l vs c) = callsC c"
    | "callsC (App l d ds) = {App l d ds}  callsV d  ((callsV ` (set ds)))"
    | "callsC (Let l binds c') = {call.Let l binds c'}  (((_, y)set binds. calls y)  callsC c')"
    | "callsV (L l) = calls l"
    | "callsV _     = {}"

lemma finite_lambdas[simp]: "finite (lambdas l)" and "finite (lambdasC c)" "finite (lambdasV v)"
by (induct rule: lambdas_lambdasC_lambdasV.induct, auto)

lemma finite_calls[simp]: "finite (calls l)" and "finite (callsC c)" "finite (callsV v)"
by (induct rule: calls_callsC_callsV.induct, auto)

fun vars :: "lambda  var set"
and varsC :: "call  var set"
and varsV :: "val  var set"
where "vars (Lambda _ vs c) = set vs  varsC c"
    | "varsC (App _ a as) = varsV a  (varsV ` (set as))"
    | "varsC (Let _ binds c') = ((v, l)set binds. {v}  vars l)  varsC c'"
    | "varsV (L l) = vars l"
    | "varsV (R _ v) = {v}"
    | "varsV _  = {}"

lemma finite_vars[simp]: "finite (vars l)" and "finite (varsC c)" "finite (varsV v)"
by (induct rule: vars_varsC_varsV.induct, auto)

fun label :: "lambda + call  label"
where "label (Inl (Lambda l _ _)) = l"
    | "label (Inr (App l _ _)) = l"
    | "label (Inr (Let l _ _)) = l"

fun labels :: "lambda  label set"
and labelsC :: "call  label set"
and labelsV :: "val  label set"
where "labels (Lambda l vs c) = {l}  labelsC c"
    | "labelsC (App l a as) = {l}  labelsV a  (labelsV ` (set as))"
    | "labelsC (Let l binds c') = {l}  ((v, y)set binds. labels y)  labelsC c'"
    | "labelsV (L l) = labels l"
    | "labelsV (R l _) = {l}"
    | "labelsV _  = {}"

lemma finite_labels[simp]: "finite (labels l)" and "finite (labelsC c)" "finite (labelsV v)"
by (induct rule: labels_labelsC_labelsV.induct, auto)

fun prims :: "lambda  prim set"
and primsC :: "call  prim set"
and primsV :: "val  prim set"
where "prims (Lambda _ vs c) = primsC c"
    | "primsC (App _ a as) = primsV a  (primsV ` (set as))"
    | "primsC (Let _ binds c') = ((_, y)set binds. prims y)  primsC c'"
    | "primsV (L l) = prims l"
    | "primsV (R l v) = {}"
    | "primsV (P prim) = {prim}"
    | "primsV (C l v) = {}"

lemma finite_prims[simp]: "finite (prims l)" and "finite (primsC c)" "finite (primsV v)"
by (induct rule: labels_labelsC_labelsV.induct, auto)

fun vals :: "lambda  val set"
and valsC :: "call  val set"
and valsV :: "val  val set"
where "vals (Lambda _ vs c) = valsC c"
    | "valsC (App _ a as) = valsV a  (valsV ` (set as))"
    | "valsC (Let _ binds c') = ((_, y)set binds. vals y)  valsC c'"
    | "valsV (L l) = {L l}  vals l"
    | "valsV (R l v) = {R l v}"
    | "valsV (P prim) = {P prim}"
    | "valsV (C l v) = {C l v}"

  fixes list2 :: "(var × lambda) list" and t :: "var×lambda"
  shows lambdas1: "Lambda l vs c  lambdas x  c  calls x"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasC y  c  callsC y"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  c  callsV z"
  and "z set list. Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  c  callsV z"
  and "x set list2. Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd x)  c  calls (snd x)"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd t)  c  calls (snd t)"
apply (induct rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (case_tac c, auto)[1]
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows lambdas2: "Lambda l vs c  lambdas x  l  labels x"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasC y  l  labelsC y"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  l  labelsV z"
  and "z set list. Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  l  labelsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd x)  l  labels (snd x)"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd (t:: var×lambda))  l  labels (snd t)"
apply (induct rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows lambdas3: "Lambda l vs c  lambdas x  set vs  vars x"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasC y  set vs  varsC y"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  set vs  varsV z"
  and "z set list. Lambda l vs c  lambdasV z  set vs  varsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd x)  set vs  vars (snd x)"
  and "Lambda l vs c  lambdas (snd (t:: var×lambda))  set vs  vars (snd t)"
apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x="((aa, ba), bb)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((aa, ba), bb)" in bexI, auto)

  shows app1: "App l d ds  calls x  d  vals x"
  and "App l d ds  callsC y  d  valsC y"
  and "App l d ds  callsV z  d  valsV z"
  and "z set list. App l d ds  callsV z  d  valsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . App l d ds  calls (snd x)  d  vals (snd x)"
  and "App l d ds  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  d  vals (snd t)"
apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (case_tac d, auto)
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows app2: "App l d ds  calls x  set ds  vals x"
  and "App l d ds  callsC y  set ds  valsC y"
  and "App l d ds  callsV z  set ds  valsV z"
  and "z set list. App l d ds  callsV z  set ds  valsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . App l d ds  calls (snd x)  set ds  vals (snd x)"
  and "App l d ds  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  set ds  vals (snd t)"
apply (induct  x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (case_tac x, auto)
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows let1: "Let l binds c'  calls x  l  labels x"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsC y  l  labelsC y"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsV z  l  labelsV z"
  and "z set list. Let l binds c'  callsV z  l  labelsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Let l binds c'  calls (snd x)  l  labels (snd x)"
  and "Let l binds c'  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  l  labels (snd t)"
apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows let2: "Let l binds c'  calls x  c'  calls x"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsC y  c'  callsC y"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsV z  c'  callsV z"
  and "z set list. Let l binds c'  callsV z  c'  callsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Let l binds c'  calls (snd x)  c'  calls (snd x)"
  and "Let l binds c'  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  c'  calls (snd t)"
apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (case_tac c', auto)
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

  shows let3: "Let l binds c'  calls x  fst ` set binds  vars x"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsC y  fst ` set binds  varsC y"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsV z  fst ` set binds  varsV z"
  and "z set list. Let l binds c'  callsV z  fst ` set binds  varsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Let l binds c'  calls (snd x)  fst ` set binds  vars (snd x)"
  and "Let l binds c'  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  fst ` set binds  vars (snd t)"
       apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
             apply auto
  apply fastforce

  shows let4: "Let l binds c'  calls x  snd ` set binds  lambdas x"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsC y  snd ` set binds  lambdasC y"
  and "Let l binds c'  callsV z  snd ` set binds  lambdasV z"
  and "z set list. Let l binds c'  callsV z  snd ` set binds  lambdasV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . Let l binds c'  calls (snd x)  snd ` set binds  lambdas (snd x)"
  and "Let l binds c'  calls (snd (t:: var×lambda))  snd ` set binds  lambdas (snd t)"
apply (induct x and y and z and list and list2 and t rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)
apply (case_tac ba, auto)
apply (erule_tac x="((aa, bb), bc)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((aa, bb), bc)" in bexI, auto)

shows vals1: "P prim  vals p  prim  prims p"
  and "P prim  valsC y  prim  primsC y"
  and "P prim  valsV z  prim  primsV z"
  and "z set list. P prim  valsV z  prim  primsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . P prim  vals (snd x)  prim  prims (snd x)"
  and "P prim  vals (snd (t:: var×lambda))  prim  prims (snd t)"
apply (induct rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

shows vals2: "R l var  vals p  var  vars p"
  and "R l var  valsC y  var  varsC y"
  and "R l var  valsV z  var  varsV z"
  and "z set list. R l var  valsV z  var  varsV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . R l var  vals (snd x)  var  vars (snd x)"
  and "R l var  vals (snd (t:: var×lambda))  var  vars (snd t)"
apply (induct rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)

shows vals3: "L l  vals p  l  lambdas p"
  and "L l  valsC y  l  lambdasC y"
  and "L l  valsV z  l  lambdasV z"
  and "z set list. L l  valsV z  l  lambdasV z"
  and "x set (list2 :: (var × lambda) list) . L l  vals (snd x)  l  lambdas (snd x)"
  and "L l  vals (snd (t:: var×lambda))  l  lambdas (snd t)"
apply (induct rule:mutual_lambda_call_var_inducts)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in ballE)
apply (rule_tac x="((a, b), ba)" in bexI, auto)
apply (case_tac l, auto)

definition nList :: "'a set => nat => 'a list set"
where "nList A n  {l. set l  A  length l = n}"

lemma finite_nList[intro]:
  assumes finA: "finite A"
  shows "finite (nList A n)"
proof(induct n)
case 0 thus ?case by (simp add:nList_def) next
case (Suc n) hence finn: "finite (nList (A) n)" by simp
  have "nList A (Suc n) = (case_prod (#)) ` (A × nList A n)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof(rule subset_antisym[OF subsetI subsetI])
  fix l assume "l  ?lhs" thus "l  ?rhs"
    by (cases l, auto simp add:nList_def)
  fix l assume "l  ?rhs" thus "l  ?lhs"
    by (auto simp add:nList_def)
  thus "finite ?lhs" using finA and finn
    by auto

definition NList :: "'a set => nat set => 'a list set"
where "NList A N   n  N. nList A n"

lemma finite_Nlist[intro]:
  " finite A; finite N   finite (NList A N)"
unfolding NList_def by auto

definition call_list_lengths
  where "call_list_lengths p = {0,1,2,3}  (λc. case c of (App _ _ ds)  length ds | _  0) ` calls p"

lemma finite_call_list_lengths[simp]: "finite (call_list_lengths p)"
  unfolding call_list_lengths_def by auto
