Theory NominalSequents

(* Author : Peter Chapman *)
(* License: LGPL *)
section "First Order Sequents" 
theory NominalSequents
imports "HOL-Library.Multiset" "HOL-Nominal.Nominal"

atom_decl var

\section{First-Order Calculi \label{isafirstorder}}
To formalise first-order results we use the package \textit{Nominal Isabelle}.  The details, for the most part, are the same as in \S\ref{isadefs}.  However, we lose one important feature: that of polymorphism.

Recall we defined formulae as being indexed by a type of connectives.  We could then give abbreviations for these indexed formulae.  Unfortunately this feature (indexing by types) is not yet supported in \textit{Nominal Isabelle}.  Nested datatypes are also not supported.  Thus, strings are used for the connectives (both propositional and first-order) and lists of formulae are simulated to nest via a mutually recursive definition:


nominal_datatype form = At "nat" "var list" 
                                  | Cpd0 "string" "form_list"
                                  | Cpd1 "string" "«var»form" (‹_ ( [_]._) (*<*)[100,100,100]100(*>*))
                                  | ff
and form_list = FNil
                   | FCons "form" "form_list"

abbreviation multiset_abbrev (\<LM> _  \<RM> [75]75) where
   "\<LM> A \<RM>  {# A #}"

abbreviation multiset_empty (\<Empt> 75) where
  "\<Empt>  {#}"

datatype sequent = Sequent "form multiset" "form multiset" ((_) ⇒* (_) [6,6] 5)

(* We have that any step in a rule, be it a primitive rule or an instance of a rule in a derivation
   can be represented as a list of premisses and a conclusion.  We need a list since a list is finite
   by definition *)
type_synonym rule = "sequent list * sequent"

type_synonym deriv = "sequent * nat"

multiset_plus (infixl  80) where
   "(Γ :: form multiset)  (A :: form)  Γ + \<LM>A\<RM>"
multiset_minus (infixl  80) where
   "(Γ :: form multiset)   (A :: form)  Γ - \<LM>A\<RM>" 

  (* extend a sequent by adding another one.  A form of weakening.  Is this overkill by adding a sequent? *)
  extend :: "sequent  sequent  sequent"
  extendRule :: "sequent  rule  rule"

  (* Unique conclusion Property *)
  uniqueConclusion :: "rule set  bool"

  (* functions to get at components of sequents *)
primrec antec :: "sequent  form multiset" where "antec (Sequent ant suc) = ant"
primrec succ :: "sequent  form multiset" where "succ (Sequent ant suc) = suc"
primrec mset :: "sequent  form multiset" where "mset (Sequent ant suc) = ant + suc"
primrec seq_size :: "sequent  nat" where "seq_size (Sequent ant suc) = size ant + size suc"
primrec set_of_seq :: "sequent  form set" where "set_of_seq (Sequent ant suc) = set_mset (mset (Sequent ant suc))"
primrec set_of_prem :: "sequent list  form set" where
  "set_of_prem Nil = {}"
| "set_of_prem (p # ps) = set_of_seq p  set_of_prem ps"

(* Extend a sequent, and then a rule by adding seq to all premisses and the conclusion *)
  extend  extend
  extendRule  extendRule
  uniqueConclusion  uniqueConclusion

definition extend
  where "extend forms seq  (antec forms + antec seq) ⇒* (succ forms + succ seq)"

definition extendRule
  where "extendRule forms R  (map (extend forms) (fst R), extend forms (snd R))"

(* The unique conclusion property.  A set of rules has unique conclusion property if for any pair of rules,
   the conclusions being the same means the rules are the same*)
definition uniqueConclusion :: "rule set  bool"
  where "uniqueConclusion R   r1  R.  r2  R. (snd r1 = snd r2)  (r1 =r2)"


primrec sequentMinus :: "sequent  form  sequent" (‹_ - _› [100,100]100) where
  "(Γ ⇒* Δ) - A = (Γ  A ⇒* Δ  A)"

primrec listMinus :: "sequent list  form  sequent list" (‹ _ - _ › [100,100]100) where
  "[] - A = []"
| "(P # Ps) - A = (P - A) # (Ps - A)"

(* The formulation of various rule sets *)

(* idRules is the set containing all identity RULES *)
inductive_set "Ax" where
   id[intro]: "([], \<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>)  Ax"
|  LBot[intro]: "([], \<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)  Ax"

(* upRules is the set of all rules which have a single conclusion.  This is akin to each rule having a 
   single principal formula.  We don't want rules to have no premisses, hence the restriction
   that ps ≠ [] *)
inductive_set "upRules" where
   I[intro]: " mset c  \<LM> Cpd0 R Fs \<RM> ; ps  []   (ps,c)  upRules"

\noindent Formulae are quantified over a single variable at a time.  This is a restriction imposed by \textit{Nominal Isabelle}.  

There are two new \SC rule sets in addition to the propositional rule set: first-order rules without a freshness proviso and first-order rules with a freshness proviso.  Freshness provisos are particularly easy to encode in \textit{Nominal Isabelle}.  We also show that the rules with a freshness proviso form a subset of the first-order rules.  The function \texttt{set-of-prem} takes a list of premisses, and returns all the formulae in that list:

(* provRules is the set of rules where we have a freshness proviso *)
inductive_set "provRules" where
  (*<*) I[intro]:(*>*) " mset c = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ; ps  [] ; x  set_of_prem (ps - A)
                       (ps,c)  provRules"

(* nprovRules is the set of rules where we do not have a freshness proviso, but we have
   a first order formula *)
inductive_set "nprovRules" where
   (*<*)I[intro]:(*>*) " mset c = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ; ps  [] 
                    (ps,c)  nprovRules"

(* provRules are a subset of nprovRules *)
lemma nprovContain:
shows "provRules  nprovRules"
{fix ps c
 assume "(ps,c)  provRules"
 then have "(ps,c)  nprovRules" by (cases) auto
then show ?thesis by auto
primrec subst :: "var  var  var list  var list" ([_;_]_› [100,100,100] 100) where
  Empt:"[z;y][] = []"
| NEmpt:"[z;y](x#ys) = (if x=y then (z#([z;y]ys)) else (x#([z;y]ys)))"

lemma subst_var_list_eqvt[eqvt]:
  fixes pi::"var prm"
  and   y::"var list"
  shows "pi([z;x]y) = [(piz);(pix)](piy)"
by (induct y) (auto simp add: eqvts)

\noindent Substitution is defined in the usual way:›

    subst_form  :: "var  var  form  form" ([_,_]_›(*<*) [100,100,100] 100(*>*))
and subst_forms :: "var  var  form_list  form_list" ([_,_]_›(*<*) [100,100,100] 100(*>*))
   "[z,y](At P xs) = At P ([z;y]xs)"
|  "x(z,y)  [z,y](F  [x].A) = F  [x].([z,y]A)"
|  "[z,y](Cpd0 F Fs) = Cpd0 F ([z,y]Fs)"
|  "[z,y]ff = ff"
|  "[z,y]FNil = FNil"
|  "[z,y](FCons f Fs) = FCons ([z,y]f) ([z,y]Fs)"
apply(rule TrueI)+
apply(simp add: abs_fresh)+
apply(fresh_guess add: fresh_string)+

text‹\noindent Substitution is extended to multisets in the obvious way.

To formalise the condition ``no specific substitutions'', an inductive predicate is introduced.  If some formula in the multiset $\Gamma$ is a non-trivial substitution, then \texttt{multSubst} $\Gamma$:

definition multSubst :: "form multiset  bool" where
multSubst_def: "multSubst Γ  ( A  (set_mset Γ).  x y B. [y,x]B = A  yx)"

\noindent The notation $[z;y]xs$ stands for substitution of a variable in a variable list.  The details are simple, and so are not shown.

Extending the rule sets with passive parts depends upon which kind of active part is being extended.  The active parts with freshness contexts have additional constraints upon the multisets which are added:

(* We need to be careful now about how to extend a rule, since we have binding *)
inductive_set extRules :: "rule set  rule set"   (‹ _* )
   for R :: "rule set"
  id(*<*)[intro](*>*):   " r  R ; r  Ax   extendRule S r  R*"
| sc(*<*)[intro](*>*):   " r  R ; r  upRules   extendRule S r  R*"
| np(*<*)[intro](*>*):   " r  R ; r  nprovRules   extendRule S r  R*"
| p(*<*)[intro](*>*):     " (ps,c)  R ; (ps,c)  provRules ; mset c = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ; x  set_of_seq S 
                           extendRule S (ps,c)  R*"

(* A formulation of what it means to be a principal formula for a rule.  Note that we have to build up from
   single conclusion rules.   *)

inductive leftPrincipal :: "rule  form  bool"
  sc[intro]: " C = (\<LM>A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) ; A  ff    
                   leftPrincipal (Ps,C) A"

inductive rightPrincipal :: "rule  form  bool"
  sc[intro]: "C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>A\<RM>)  rightPrincipal (Ps,C) A"

(* What it means to be a derivable sequent.  Can have this as a predicate or as a set.
   The two formation rules say that the supplied premisses are derivable, and the second says
   that if all the premisses of some rule are derivable, then so is the conclusion. *)

inductive_set derivable :: "rule set  deriv set"
  for R :: "rule set"
   base[intro]: "([],C)  R  (C,0)  derivable R"
|  step[intro]: " r  R ; (fst r)[] ;  p  set (fst r).  n  m. (p,n)  derivable R  
                        (snd r,m + 1)  derivable R"

(* Characterisation of a sequent *)
lemma characteriseSeq:
shows " A B. (C :: sequent) = (A ⇒* B)"
apply (rule_tac x="antec C" in exI, rule_tac x="succ C" in exI) by (cases C) (auto)

(* Helper function for later *)
lemma nonEmptySet:
shows "A  []  ( a. a  set A)"
by (auto simp add:neq_Nil_conv)

(* Lemma which says that if we have extended an identity rule, then the propositional variable is
   contained in the extended multisets *)
lemma extendID:
assumes "extend S (\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
shows "At i xs ∈# Γ  At i xs ∈# Δ"
using assms
  from assms have " Γ' Δ'. Γ = Γ'  At i xs  Δ = Δ'  At i xs" 
     using extend_def[where forms=S and seq="\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>"]
     by (rule_tac x="antec S" in exI,rule_tac x="succ S" in exI) auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma extendFalsum:
assumes "extend S (\<LM> ff \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
shows "ff ∈# Γ"
  from assms have " Γ'. Γ = Γ'  ff" 
     using extend_def[where forms=S and seq="\<LM> ff \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>"]
     by (rule_tac x="antec S" in exI) auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

(* Lemma that says if a propositional variable is in both the antecedent and succedent of a sequent,
   then it is derivable from idscRules *)
lemma containID:
assumes a:"At i xs ∈# Γ  At i xs ∈# Δ"
    and b:"Ax  R"
shows "(Γ ⇒* Δ,0)  derivable R*"
from a have "Γ = Γ  At i xs  At i xs  Δ = Δ  At i xs  At i xs" by auto
then have "extend ((Γ  At i xs) ⇒* (Δ  At i xs)) (\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ)" 
     using extend_def[where forms="Γ  At i xs ⇒* Δ  At i xs" and seq="\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>"] by auto
have "([],\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>)  R" using b by auto
have "([],Γ ⇒* Δ)  extRules R" 
     using[where R=R and r="([],  \<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)" and S="Γ  At i xs ⇒* Δ  At i xs"] 
       and extendRule_def[where forms="Γ  At i xs ⇒* Δ  At i xs" and R="([],  \<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)"] by auto
then show ?thesis using derivable.base[where R="R*" and C="Γ ⇒* Δ"] by auto

lemma containFalsum:
assumes a: "ff ∈# Γ"
   and  b: "Ax  R"
shows "(Γ ⇒* Δ,0)  derivable R*"
from a have "Γ = Γ  ff  ff" by auto
then have "extend (Γ  ff ⇒* Δ) (\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
     using extend_def[where forms="Γ  ff ⇒* Δ" and seq="\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>"] by auto 
have "([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)  R" using b by auto
ultimately have "([],Γ ⇒* Δ)  R*"
     using[where R=R and r="([],  \<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" and S="Γ  ff ⇒* Δ"]
       and extendRule_def[where forms="Γ  ff ⇒* Δ" and R="([],  \<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"] by auto
then show ?thesis using derivable.base[where R="R*" and C="Γ ⇒* Δ"] by auto

(* Lemma which says that if r is an identity rule, then r is of the form
   ([], P ⇒* P) *)
lemma characteriseAx:
shows "r  Ax  r = ([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)  ( i xs. r = ([], \<LM> At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs\<RM>))"
apply (cases r) by (rule Ax.cases) auto

(* A lemma about the last rule used in a derivation, i.e. that one exists *)
lemma characteriseLast:
assumes "(C,m+1)  derivable R"
shows " Ps. Ps  [] 
             (Ps,C)  R  
             ( p  set Ps.  nm. (p,n)  derivable R)"
using assms
proof (cases)
  case base
  then show " Ps. Ps  [] 
    (Ps,C)  R  
    ( p  set Ps.  nm. (p,n)  derivable R)" using assms by simp
  case (step r n)
  then obtain Ps where "r = (Ps,C)" and "m=n" by (cases r) (auto)
  then have "fst r = Ps" and "snd r = C" by auto
  then show " Ps. Ps  [] 
    (Ps,C)  R  
    ( p  set Ps.  nm. (p,n)  derivable R)" 
    using r  R and m=n and step(4,5)
    by (rule_tac x=Ps in exI) (auto)

lemma propRuleCharacterise:
assumes "(Ps,C)  upRules"
shows " F Fs. C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 F Fs\<RM>)  C = (\<LM>Cpd0 F Fs\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
using assms
proof (cases)
  case (I F Fs)
  then obtain Γ Δ where "C = (Γ ⇒* Δ)" using characteriseSeq[where C=C] by auto
  then have "(Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ)  upRules" using assms by simp
  then show " F Fs. C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 F Fs\<RM>)  C = (\<LM>Cpd0 F Fs\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" 
    using mset C  \<LM>Cpd0 F Fs\<RM> and C = (Γ ⇒* Δ)
      and mset.simps[where ant=Γ and suc=Δ] and union_is_single[where M=Γ and N=Δ and a="Cpd0 F Fs"]
    by auto

lemma provRuleCharacterise:
assumes "(Ps,C)  provRules"
shows " F x A. (C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>)  C = (\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>))  x  set_of_prem (Ps - A)"
using assms
proof (cases)
  case (I F x A)
  then obtain Γ Δ where "C = (Γ ⇒* Δ)" using characteriseSeq[where C=C] by auto
  then have "(Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ)  provRules" using assms by simp
  then show " F x A. (C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>)  C = (\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>))  x  set_of_prem (Ps - A)" 
    using mset C = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> and C = (Γ ⇒* Δ) and x  set_of_prem (Ps - A)
      and mset.simps[where ant=Γ and suc=Δ] and union_is_single[where M=Γ and N=Δ and a="F  [x].A"]
    by auto

lemma nprovRuleCharacterise:
assumes "(Ps,C)  nprovRules"
shows " F x A. C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>)  C = (\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
using assms
proof (cases)
  case (I F x A)
  then obtain Γ Δ where "C = (Γ ⇒* Δ)" using characteriseSeq[where C=C] by auto
  then have "(Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ)  nprovRules" using assms by simp
  then show " F x A. C = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>)  C = (\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" 
    using mset C = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> and C = (Γ ⇒* Δ)
      and mset.simps[where ant=Γ and suc=Δ] and union_is_single[where M=Γ and N=Δ and a="F  [x].A"]
    by auto

lemma extendEmpty:
shows "extend (\<Empt> ⇒* \<Empt>) C = C"
apply (auto simp add:extend_def) by (cases C) auto

lemma extendContain:
assumes "r = (ps,c)"
    and "(Ps,C) = extendRule S r"
    and "p  set ps"
shows "extend S p  set Ps"
from p  set ps have "extend S p  set (map (extend S) ps)" by auto
moreover from (Ps,C) = extendRule S r and r = (ps,c) have "map (extend S) ps = Ps" by (simp add:extendRule_def) 
ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma finSeqSet:
fixes S :: "sequent"
shows "finite (set_of_seq S)"
obtain Γ Δ where "S = (Γ ⇒* Δ)" by (cases S) auto
then show ?thesis by (auto simp add:finite_set_mset)

lemma finPremSet:
fixes Ps :: "sequent list"
shows "finite (set_of_prem Ps)"
by (induct Ps) (auto simp add:finSeqSet)

lemma finSupp:
fixes A :: "form" and As :: "form_list"
shows "finite ((supp A) :: var set)" and "finite ((supp As) :: var set)"
proof (nominal_induct A and As rule:form_form_list.strong_inducts)
case (At n xs)   
   have "finite (set xs :: var set)" by (induct xs) auto
   moreover have "set xs = (supp xs :: var set)" by (induct xs) (auto simp add:supp_list_nil supp_set_empty supp_list_cons supp_atm)
   ultimately have "finite (supp xs :: var set)" by auto
   moreover have "supp (At n xs) = supp n  (supp xs :: var set)" using form.supp(1)[where ?x2.0=n and ?x1.0=xs] by auto
   then have "supp (At n xs) = (supp xs :: var set)" using supp_nat[where n=n] by force
   ultimately show ?case by auto
case FNil
   have "supp FNil = ({} :: var set)" using form_list.supp by auto
   then show ?case by auto
case (FCons F Fs)
   then show ?case using form_list.supp by auto
case (Cpd0 Str Fs)
   then show ?case using form.supp(2)[where ?x2.0="Str" and ?x1.0=Fs] and supp_string[where s=Str] by auto
case (Cpd1 F x B)
   from finite (supp B) have "supp ([x].B) = supp B - {x}" using abs_fun_supp[OF pt_var_inst, OF at_var_inst] by auto
   then show ?case using form.supp(3)[where ?x3.0=F and ?x1.0=x and ?x2.0=B] and supp_string[where s=F]
                   and finite (supp B) by force
case ff
   then show ?case using form.supp by auto

lemma getFresh:
fixes x :: "var" and A :: "form" and S :: "sequent" and Ps :: "sequent list"
shows " (y :: var). y  x  y  A  y  set_of_seq S  y  set_of_prem Ps"
have "finite ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)" using finSeqSet and finPremSet by auto
then have "finite (supp ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps) :: var set)"
     using finSupp(1) and supp_of_fin_sets[OF pt_var_inst, OF at_var_inst, OF fs_var_inst,
                                           where X="({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)"] 
     by auto
then have "finite (supp ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)  supp x :: var set)" using supp_atm by auto
then obtain y where "y  (supp ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)  supp x :: var set)" 
     using ex_in_inf[OF at_var_inst,where A="supp ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)  supp x"] by auto
then have "y  supp x  y  supp ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)" by auto
then have "y  ({A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)  y  x" using fresh_def[where a=y and x=x]
     and fresh_def[where a=y and x="{A}  set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps"] by auto
then have "y  A  y  (set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps)  y  x" 
     using fresh_fin_insert[OF pt_var_inst, OF at_var_inst, OF fs_var_inst,where X="set_of_seq S  set_of_prem Ps" and x=A]
       and finSeqSet and finPremSet by auto
then have "y  A  y  set_of_seq S  y  set_of_prem Ps  y  x"
     using fresh_fin_union[OF pt_var_inst,OF at_var_inst, OF fs_var_inst, where X="set_of_seq S" and Y="set_of_prem Ps"]
       and finSeqSet and finPremSet by auto
then show ?thesis by auto

lemma switchAux:
fixes Xs :: "var list"
assumes "y  Xs"
shows "[y;x]Xs = [(y,x)]Xs"
using assms
proof (induct Xs)
case Nil
   then show ?case using nil_eqvt by auto
case (Cons a As)
   then have "y  a  y  As" and "[y;x]As = [(y,x)]As" 
        using fresh_list_cons[where a=y and x=a and xs=As] by auto
   then show ?case using NEmpt[where z=y and y=x and x=a and ys= As] 
                 and cons_eqvt[where pi="[(y,x)]" and x=a and xs=As] by (perm_simp add:fresh_atm)

lemma switch:
fixes A :: "form" and As :: "form_list"
shows "y  A  [y,x]A = [(y,x)]A" and "y  As  [y,x]As = [(y,x)]As"
proof (nominal_induct A and As avoiding: x y rule:form_form_list.strong_inducts)
  case (At n xs s t)
  then have "t  xs" using form.fresh by auto
  then show ?case using perm_nat_def[where pi="[(t,s)]" and i=n] and switchAux[where y=t and Xs=xs]
    by auto
  case FNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (FCons B Bs s t)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cpd0 Str Bs s t)
  then show ?case using Cpd0.hyps[where ba=t and b=s] and form.fresh
    and perm_string[where s="Str" and pi="[(t,s)]"] by auto
  case (Cpd1 F a B s t)
  then have "t  B" using form.fresh(3)[where ?x3.0=F and ?x1.0=a and ?x2.0=B and a=t] 
    and fresh_atm[where a=a and b=t] and fresh_string[where a=t and s=F] 
    and fresh_abs_funE[OF pt_var_inst, OF at_var_inst,where x=B and b=t and a=a]
    and finSupp(1)[where A=B] by auto
  then show ?case using Cpd1(4)[where ba=t and b=s] and form.fresh and Cpd1(1,2)
    and perm_string[where pi="[(t,s)]" and s=F] and fresh_atm by perm_simp
  case ff
  then show ?case by auto

\noindent The final clause says we can only use an $S$ which is suitable fresh.

The only lemma which is unique to first-order calculi is the Substitution Lemma.  We show the crucial step in the proof; namely that one can substitute a fresh variable into a formula and the resultant formula is unchanged.  The proof is not particularly edifying and is omitted:

lemma formSubst:
shows "y  x  y  A  F  [x].A = F  [y].([y,x]A)"
assume "y  x  y  A" then have "[x].A = [y].([y,x]A)" 
  using abs_fun_eq3[OF pt_var_inst, OF at_var_inst,where x="[y,x]A" and y=A and a=y and b=x]
  and switch(1)[where y=y and A=A and x=x] and fresh_atm[where a=y and b=x] by (perm_simp)
then show ?thesis using form.inject(3) by auto

\noindent  Using the above lemma, we can change any sequent to an equivalent new sequent which does not contain certain variables.  Therefore, we can extend with any sequent:

lemma extend_for_any_seq:
fixes S :: "sequent"
assumes rules: "R1  upRules  R2  nprovRules  R3  provRules"
    and rules2: "R = Ax  R1  R2  R3"
    and rin: "r  R"
shows "extendRule S r  R*"
from rin and rules2 have "r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" by auto
    {assume "r  Ax"
     then have "extendRule S r  R*" using[where r=r and R=R and S=S] and rin by auto
    {assume "r  R1"
     then have "r  upRules" using rules by auto
     then have "extendRule S r  R*" using[where r=r and R=R and S=S] and rin by auto
    {assume "r  R2"
     then have "r  nprovRules" using rules by auto
     then have "extendRule S r  R*" using[where r=r and R=R and S=S] and rin by auto

txt‹\noindent  We only show the interesting case: where the last inference had a freshness proviso:›
  assume "r  R3" 
  then have "r  provRules" using rules by auto
  obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
  then have r1: "(ps,c)  R" 
          and r2: "(ps,c)  provRules" using r  provRules and rin by auto
  with r = (ps,c) obtain F x A 
       where "(c = ( \<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM>)  
                 c = ( \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>))  x  set_of_prem ( ps - A )"
         using provRuleCharacterise(*<*)[where Ps=ps and C=c](*>*) and r  provRules by auto
  then have "mset c = \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  x  set_of_prem (ps - A)" (*<*)using mset.simps(*>*) by auto
  moreover obtain y where fr:  "y  x  
                                  y  A  
                                  y  set_of_seq S  
                                 (y :: var)  set_of_prem (ps-A)"
         using getFresh(*<*)[where x=x and A=A and S=S and Ps="ps-A"](*>*) by auto
  then have fr2: "y  set_of_seq S" by auto 
  ultimately have "mset c = \<LM> F  [y].([y,x]A) \<RM>  y  set_of_prem (ps - A)" 
         using formSubst and fr by auto
  then have "mset c = \<LM> F  [y].([y,x]A) \<RM>" by auto
  then have "extendRule S (ps,c)  R*" using r1 and r2 and fr2
         and extRules.p(*<*)[where ps=ps and c=c and R=R and F=F and x=y and A="[y,x]A" and S=S](*>*) by auto
  then have "extendRule S r  R*" using r = (ps,c) by simp
   (*<*) }

ultimately show ?thesis by blast

(* Constructing the rule set we will use.  It contains all axioms, but only a subset
   of the possible logical rules. *)
lemma ruleSet:
assumes "R1  upRules" and "R2  nprovRules" and "R3  provRules"
    and "R = Ax  R1  R2  R3"
    and "(Ps,C)  R*"
shows " S r. extendRule S r = (Ps,C)  (r  R1  r  R2  r  R3  r  Ax)"
from (Ps,C)  R* have " S r. extendRule S r = (Ps,C)  r  R" by (cases) auto
then obtain S r where "(Ps,C) = extendRule S r" and "r  R" apply auto 
                by (drule_tac x=S in meta_spec,drule_tac x=a in meta_spec, drule_tac x=b in meta_spec) auto
moreover from r  R and R = Ax  R1  R2  R3 have "r  R1  r  R2  r  R3  r  Ax" by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule_tac x=S in exI,rule_tac x=r in exI) (auto)

(* Non-principal rule lemma *)
lemma nonPrincipalInvertRight:
assumes "R1  upRules" and "R2  nprovRules" and "R3  provRules"
    and "R = Ax  R1  R2  R3" and "r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" and "r = (ps,c)"
    and IH: "m<n. Γ Δ. ( Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A, m)  derivable R* 
              (r'  R. rightPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  ( Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')) 
              (¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ') 
              (m'm. ( Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ', m')  derivable R*)"
    and a': "(Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A,n)  derivable R*" 
    and b': " r'  R. rightPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
    and c': "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
    and np: "¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
    and ext: "extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)"
    and num: "n = n' + 1"
    and all: " p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*"
    and nonempty: "Ps  []"
shows " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
from ext obtain Φ Ψ where "S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ)" by (cases S) (auto)
from r = (ps,c) obtain G H where "c = (G ⇒* H)" by (cases c) (auto)
then have "\<LM> F  [x].A  \<RM>  H" using r  R1  r  R2  r  R3
     {assume "r  R1" then have "r  upRules" using R1  upRules by auto
      with r = (ps,c) obtain T Ts where "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM>)  c = (\<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
        {assume "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM>)"
         with c = (G ⇒* H) have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  H" by auto
        {assume "c = (\<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
         then have "\<LM>F  [x].A \<RM>  H" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
      ultimately have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  H" by blast
     {assume "r  R2  r  R3" 
      then have "r  provRules  r  nprovRules" using R2  nprovRules and R3  provRules by auto
      with r = (ps,c) obtain T y B where "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> T  [y].B \<RM>)  c = (\<LM> T  [y].B\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            using provRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
            and nprovRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
        {assume "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> T  [y].B\<RM>)"
         then have "rightPrincipal r (T  [y].B)" using r = (ps,c) by auto
         with ¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have "T  [y].B  F  [x].A" by auto
         with c = (G ⇒* H) have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  H" using c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> T  [y].B \<RM>) by auto
        {assume "c = (\<LM>T  [y].B \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
         then have "\<LM>F  [x].A \<RM>  H" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
      ultimately have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  H" by blast
     ultimately show ?thesis using r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 by blast
moreover have "succ S + succ (snd r) = (Δ  F  [x].A)" 
         using ext and extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r]
                   and extend_def[where forms=S and seq="snd r"] by auto
then have "Ψ + H = Δ  F  [x].A" using S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) and r = (ps,c) and c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
moreover from r = (ps,c) and r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 and R1  upRules and R2  nprovRules
              and R3  provRules have "(ps,c)  upRules  (ps,c)  nprovRules  (ps,c)  provRules" by auto
then have " A. c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>A\<RM>)  c = (\<LM>A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
     using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
       and nprovRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
       and provRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
then have "H = \<Empt>  ( A. H = \<LM>A\<RM>)" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
ultimately have "F  [x].A ∈# Ψ"
    have "H = \<Empt>  ( A. H = \<LM>A\<RM>)" by fact
    {assume "H = \<Empt>"
     then have "Ψ = Δ  F  [x].A" using Ψ + H = Δ  F  [x].A by auto
     then have "F  [x].A ∈# Ψ" by auto
    {assume " A. H = \<LM>A\<RM>"
     then obtain T where "H = \<LM>T\<RM>" by auto
     then have "Ψ  T = Δ  F  [x].A" using Ψ + H = Δ  F  [x].A by auto
     then have "set_mset (Ψ  T) = set_mset (Δ  F  [x].A)" by auto
     then have "set_mset Ψ  {T} = set_mset Δ  {F  [x].A}" by auto
     moreover from H = \<LM>T\<RM> and \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM>  H have "F  [x].A  T" by auto
     ultimately have "F  [x].A  set_mset Ψ" by auto
     then have "F  [x].A ∈# Ψ" by auto
    ultimately show "F  [x].A ∈# Ψ" by blast
then have " Ψ1. Ψ = Ψ1  F  [x].A" 
     by (rule_tac x="Ψ  F  [x].A" in exI) (auto simp add:multiset_eq_iff)
then obtain Ψ1 where "S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A)" using S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) by auto
have "Ps = map (extend S) ps" 
     using extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A) and extendRule_def and r = (ps,c) by auto
then have " p  set Ps. ( p'. p = extend S p')" using ex_map_conv[where ys=Ps and f="extend S"] by auto
then have " p  set Ps. (F  [x].A ∈# succ p)" 
     using F  [x].A ∈# Ψ and S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) 
     by (drule_tac x=xa in spec) (auto simp add:extend_def)
then have a1:" p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ'. p = (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)" using characteriseSeq
     apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec,simp) 
     apply (rule_tac x="antec xa" in exI,rule_tac x="succ xa  F  [x].A" in exI) 
     by (drule_tac x=xa in meta_spec) (auto simp add:multiset_eq_iff)
with all have " p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ' n. nn'  (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A,n)  derivable R*  p = (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)"
                 by (auto simp add:Ball_def)
then have a2: " p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ' m. mn'  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ',m)  derivable R*  p = (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)"
                 using num and b' and IH and c'
                 apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec) apply simp
                 apply hypsubst_thin
                 apply (elim exE conjE) apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) apply simp
                 apply (drule_tac x=Φ' in spec,drule_tac x=Ψ' in spec)
                 apply (simp) apply (elim exE conjE) by (rule_tac x=m' in exI) (arith)
obtain Ps' where eq: "Ps' = map (extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ')) ps" by auto
have "length Ps = length Ps'" using Ps' = map (extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ')) ps
                              and Ps = map (extend S) ps by auto
then have "Ps'  []" using nonempty by auto
from r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 have "r  R" using R = Ax  R1  R2  R3 by auto
then have "extendRule (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') r  R*" using R = Ax  R1  R2  R3
     and extend_for_any_seq[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and r=r and S="Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ'"]
     and R1  upRules and R2  nprovRules and R3  provRules by auto
moreover have "extendRule (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') r = (Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')"
         using S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) and extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
         and r = (ps,c) and eq
         by (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def union_ac)
ultimately have "(Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  R*" by simp
have c1:" p  set ps. extend S p  set Ps" using Ps = map (extend S) ps by (simp add:Ball_def)           
have c2:" p  set ps. extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') p  set Ps'" using eq by (simp add:Ball_def)
then have eq2:" p  set Ps'.  Φ' Ψ'. p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')" using eq
          by (auto simp add: extend_def) 
have d1:" p  set Ps.  p'  set ps. p = extend S p'" using Ps = map (extend S) ps by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
then have " p  set Ps.  p'. p'  set Ps'" using c2 by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
moreover have d2: " p  set Ps'.  p'  set ps. p = extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') p'" using eq
            by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
then have " p  set Ps'.  p'. p'  set Ps" using c1 by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
have " Φ' Ψ'. (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)  set Ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'"
                 {fix Φ' Ψ'
                 assume "(Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)  set Ps"  
                 then have " p  set ps. extend (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) p = (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)"
                      using Ps = map (extend S) ps and S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) and a1 and d1
                           apply (simp only:Ball_def Bex_def) apply (drule_tac x=" Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A" in spec)
                           by (drule_tac x="Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A" in spec) (auto)
                 then obtain p where t:"p  set ps  (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A) = extend (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) p"
                      apply auto by (drule_tac x=p in meta_spec) (simp)
                 then obtain D B where "p = (D ⇒* B)" by (cases p) 
                 then have "(D ⇒* B)  set ps  (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A) = extend (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) (D ⇒* B)"
                      using t by auto
                 then have ant: "Φ' = Φ + D" and suc: "Ψ'  F  [x].A = Ψ1  F  [x].A + B" using extend_def by auto
                 from ant have "Φ' + Γ' = (Φ + Γ') + D" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 from suc have "Ψ' = Ψ1 + B" by auto
                 then have "Ψ' + Δ' = (Ψ1 + Δ') + B" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 ultimately have "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') (D ⇒* B)" using extend_def by auto
                 moreover have "extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') (D ⇒* B)  set Ps'" using p = (D ⇒* B) and t and c2 by auto
                 ultimately have "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'" by simp
                 thus ?thesis by blast
            have " Φ' Ψ'. (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'  (Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)  set Ps"
                 {fix Φ' Ψ'
                 assume "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'"  
                 then have " p  set ps. extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')"
                      using eq and eq2 and d2
                           apply (simp only:Ball_def Bex_def) apply (drule_tac x="Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ'" in spec)
                           by (drule_tac x="Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ'" in spec) (auto)
                 then obtain p where t:"p  set ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') p"
                      apply auto by (drule_tac x=p in meta_spec) (simp)
                 then obtain D B where "p = (D ⇒* B)" by (cases p) 
                 then have "(D ⇒* B)  set ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ + Γ' ⇒* Ψ1 + Δ') (D ⇒* B)"
                      using t by auto
                 then have ant: "Φ' + Γ' = Φ + Γ' + D" and suc: "Ψ' + Δ' = Ψ1 + Δ' + B" using extend_def by auto
                 from ant have "Φ' + Γ' = (Φ + D) + Γ'" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 then have "Φ' = Φ + D" by simp
                 from suc have "Ψ' + Δ' = (Ψ1 + B) + Δ'" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 then have "Ψ' = Ψ1 + B" by simp
                 then have "Ψ'  F  [x].A = (Ψ1  F  [x].A) + B" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 ultimately have "(Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A) = extend (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) (D ⇒* B)" 
                      using extend_def by auto
                 moreover have "extend (Φ  ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) (D ⇒* B)  set Ps" using p = (D ⇒* B) and t and c1
                      and S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ1  F  [x].A) by auto
                 ultimately have "(Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)  set Ps" by simp
                 thus ?thesis by blast
have " Φ' Ψ'. ((Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A)  set Ps) = ((Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps')" by auto
then have " p  set Ps'.  Φ' Ψ' n. nn'  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ',n)  derivable R*
                 p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')" using eq2 and a2
     apply (simp add:Ball_def) apply (intro allI impI) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec) apply simp
     apply (elim exE) apply (drule_tac x=Φ' in spec,drule_tac x=Ψ' in spec)  
     by (drule_tac x="Φ' ⇒* Ψ'  F  [x].A" in spec) (simp)
then have all:" p  set Ps'.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*" by auto
then show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using num
     and (Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  R* and Ps'  []
     and derivable.step[where r="(Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')" and R="R*"]
     by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)

(* Non-principal Left *)
lemma nonPrincipalInvertLeft:
assumes "R1  upRules" and "R2  nprovRules" and "R3  provRules"
    and "R = Ax  R1  R2  R3" and "r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" and "r = (ps,c)"
    and IH: "m<n. Γ Δ. ( Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ, m)  derivable R* 
              (r'  R. leftPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  ( Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')) 
              (¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ') 
              (m'm. ( Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ', m')  derivable R*)"
    and a': "(Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ,n)  derivable R*" 
    and b': " r'  R. leftPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
    and c': "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
    and np: "¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
    and ext: "extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)"
    and num: "n = n' + 1"
    and all: " p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*"
    and nonempty: "Ps  []"
shows " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
from ext obtain Φ Ψ where "S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ)" by (cases S) (auto)
from r = (ps,c) obtain G H where "c = (G ⇒* H)" by (cases c) (auto)
then have "\<LM> F  [x].A  \<RM>  G" using r  R1  r  R2  r  R3
     {assume "r  R1" then have "r  upRules" using R1  upRules by auto
      with r = (ps,c) obtain T Ts where "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM>)  c = (\<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
        {assume "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM>)"
         with c = (G ⇒* H) have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  G" by auto
        {assume "c = (\<LM>Cpd0 T Ts\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
         then have "\<LM>F  [x].A \<RM>  G" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
      ultimately have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  G" by blast
     {assume "r  R2  r  R3" 
      then have "r  provRules  r  nprovRules" using R2  nprovRules and R3  provRules by auto
      with r = (ps,c) obtain T y B where "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> T  [y].B \<RM>)  c = (\<LM> T  [y].B\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            using provRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
            and nprovRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
        {assume "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> T  [y].B\<RM>)"
         then have "\<LM>F  [x].A \<RM>  G" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto         
        {assume "c = (\<LM>T  [y].B \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
         then have "leftPrincipal r (T  [y].B)" using r = (ps,c) by auto
         with ¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have "T  [y].B  F  [x].A" by auto
         with c = (G ⇒* H) have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  G" using c = (\<LM> T  [y].B \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) by auto
      ultimately have "\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>  G" by blast
     ultimately show ?thesis using r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 by blast
moreover have "antec S + antec (snd r) = (Γ  F  [x].A)" 
         using ext and extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r]
                   and extend_def[where forms=S and seq="snd r"] by auto
then have "Φ + G = Γ  F  [x].A" using S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) and r = (ps,c) and c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
moreover from r = (ps,c) and r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 and R1  upRules and R2  nprovRules
              and R3  provRules have "(ps,c)  upRules  (ps,c)  nprovRules  (ps,c)  provRules" by auto
then have " A. c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>A\<RM>)  c = (\<LM>A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
     using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
       and nprovRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c]
       and provRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] by auto
then have "G = \<Empt>  ( A. G = \<LM>A\<RM>)" using c = (G ⇒* H) by auto
ultimately have "F  [x].A ∈# Φ"
    have "G = \<Empt>  ( A. G = \<LM>A\<RM>)" by fact
    {assume "G = \<Empt>"
     then have "Φ = Γ  F  [x].A" using Φ + G = Γ  F  [x].A by auto
     then have "F  [x].A ∈# Φ" by auto
    {assume " A. G = \<LM>A\<RM>"
     then obtain T where "G = \<LM>T\<RM>" by auto
     then have "Φ  T = Γ  F  [x].A" using Φ + G = Γ  F  [x].A by auto
     then have "set_mset (Φ  T) = set_mset (Γ  F  [x].A)" by auto
     then have "set_mset Φ  {T} = set_mset Γ  {F  [x].A}" by auto
     moreover from G = \<LM>T\<RM> and \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM>  G have "F  [x].A  T" by auto
     ultimately have "F  [x].A  set_mset Φ" by auto
     then have "F  [x].A ∈# Φ" by auto
    ultimately show "F  [x].A ∈# Φ" by blast
then have " Φ1. Φ = Φ1  F  [x].A" 
     by (rule_tac x="Φ  F  [x].A" in exI) (auto simp add:multiset_eq_iff)
then obtain Φ1 where "S = (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ)" using S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) by auto
have "Ps = map (extend S) ps" 
     using extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ) and extendRule_def and r = (ps,c) by auto
then have " p  set Ps. ( p'. p = extend S p')" using ex_map_conv[where ys=Ps and f="extend S"] by auto
then have " p  set Ps. (F  [x].A ∈# antec p)" 
     using F  [x].A ∈# Φ and S = (Φ ⇒* Ψ) apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) 
     by (drule_tac x=xa in spec) (auto simp add:extend_def)
then have a1:" p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ'. p = (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')" using characteriseSeq
     apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec,simp) 
     apply (rule_tac x="antec xa  F  [x].A" in exI,rule_tac x="succ xa" in exI) 
     by (drule_tac x=xa in meta_spec) (auto simp add:multiset_eq_iff)
with all have " p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ' n. nn'  (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ',n)  derivable R*  p = (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')"
                 by (auto simp add:Ball_def)
then have a2: " p  set Ps.  Φ' Ψ' m. mn'  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ',m)  derivable R*  p = (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')"
                 using num and b' and IH and c'
                 apply (auto simp add:Ball_def) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec) apply simp
                 apply hypsubst_thin
                 apply (elim exE conjE) apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) apply simp
                 apply (drule_tac x=Φ' in spec,drule_tac x=Ψ' in spec)
                 apply (simp) apply (elim exE conjE) by (rule_tac x=m' in exI) (arith)
obtain Ps' where eq: "Ps' = map (extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ')) ps" by auto
have "length Ps = length Ps'" using Ps' = map (extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ')) ps
                              and Ps = map (extend S) ps by auto
then have "Ps'  []" using nonempty by auto
from r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 have "r  R" using R = Ax  R1  R2  R3 by auto
then have "extendRule (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') r  R*" using R = Ax  R1  R2  R3
     and extend_for_any_seq[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and r=r and S="Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ'"]
     and R1  upRules and R2  nprovRules and R3  provRules by auto
moreover have "extendRule (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') r = (Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')"
         using S = (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) and extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
         and r = (ps,c) and eq
         by (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def)
ultimately have "(Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  R*" by simp
have c1:" p  set ps. extend S p  set Ps" using Ps = map (extend S) ps by (simp add:Ball_def)           
have c2:" p  set ps. extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') p  set Ps'" using eq by (simp add:Ball_def)
then have eq2:" p  set Ps'.  Φ' Ψ'. p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')" using eq
          by (auto simp add:Ball_def extend_def) 
have d1:" p  set Ps.  p'  set ps. p = extend S p'" using Ps = map (extend S) ps by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
then have " p  set Ps.  p'. p'  set Ps'" using c2 by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
moreover have d2: " p  set Ps'.  p'  set ps. p = extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') p'" using eq
            by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
then have " p  set Ps'.  p'. p'  set Ps" using c1 by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)
have " Φ' Ψ'. (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')  set Ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'"
                 {fix Φ' Ψ'
                 assume "(Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')  set Ps"  
                 then have " p  set ps. extend (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) p = (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')"
                      using Ps = map (extend S) ps and S = (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) and a1 and d1
                           apply (simp only:Ball_def Bex_def) apply (drule_tac x=" Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ'" in spec)
                           by (drule_tac x="Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ'" in spec) (auto)
                 then obtain p where t:"p  set ps  (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ') = extend (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) p"
                      apply auto by (drule_tac x=p in meta_spec) (simp)
                 then obtain D B where "p = (D ⇒* B)" by (cases p) 
                 then have "(D ⇒* B)  set ps  (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ') = extend (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) (D ⇒* B)"
                      using t by auto
                 then have ant: "Φ'  F  [x].A = Φ1  F  [x].A + D" and suc: "Ψ' = Ψ + B" using extend_def by auto
                 from suc have "Ψ' + Δ' = (Ψ + Δ') + B" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 from ant have "Φ' = Φ1 + D" by auto
                 then have "Φ' + Γ' = (Φ1 + Γ') + D" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 ultimately have "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') (D ⇒* B)" using extend_def by auto
                 moreover have "extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') (D ⇒* B)  set Ps'" using p = (D ⇒* B) and t and c2 by auto
                 ultimately have "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'" by simp
                 thus ?thesis by blast
            have " Φ' Ψ'. (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'  (Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')  set Ps"
                 {fix Φ' Ψ'
                 assume "(Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps'"  
                 then have " p  set ps. extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')"
                      using eq and eq2 and d2
                           apply (simp only:Ball_def Bex_def) apply (drule_tac x="Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ'" in spec)
                           by (drule_tac x="Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ'" in spec) (auto)
                 then obtain p where t:"p  set ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') p"
                      apply auto by (drule_tac x=p in meta_spec) (simp)
                 then obtain D B where "p = (D ⇒* B)" by (cases p) 
                 then have "(D ⇒* B)  set ps  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ') = extend (Φ1 + Γ' ⇒* Ψ + Δ') (D ⇒* B)"
                      using t by auto
                 then have ant: "Φ' + Γ' = Φ1 + Γ' + D" and suc: "Ψ' + Δ' = Ψ + Δ' + B" using extend_def by auto
                 from ant have "Φ' + Γ' = (Φ1 + D) + Γ'" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 then have "Φ' = Φ1 + D" by simp
                 then have "Φ'  F  [x].A = (Φ1  F  [x].A) + D" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 from suc have "Ψ' + Δ' = (Ψ + B) + Δ'" by (auto simp add:union_ac)
                 then have "Ψ' = Ψ + B" by simp
                 ultimately have "(Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ') = extend (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) (D ⇒* B)" 
                      using extend_def by auto
                 moreover have "extend (Φ1  F  [x].A  ⇒* Ψ) (D ⇒* B)  set Ps" using p = (D ⇒* B) and t and c1
                      and S = (Φ1  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ) by auto
                 ultimately have "(Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')  set Ps" by simp
                 thus ?thesis by blast
have " Φ' Ψ'. ((Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ')  set Ps) = ((Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')  set Ps')" by auto
then have " p  set Ps'.  Φ' Ψ' n. nn'  (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ',n)  derivable R*
                 p = (Φ' + Γ' ⇒* Ψ' + Δ')" using eq2 and a2
     apply (simp add:Ball_def) apply (intro allI impI) apply (drule_tac x=xa in spec) apply simp
     apply (elim exE) apply (drule_tac x=Φ' in spec,drule_tac x=Ψ' in spec)  
     by (drule_tac x="Φ'  F  [x].A ⇒* Ψ'" in spec) (simp)
then have all:" p  set Ps'.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*" by auto
then show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using num
     and (Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  R* and Ps'  []
     and derivable.step[where r="(Ps',Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')" and R="R*"]
     by (auto simp add:Ball_def Bex_def)

\noindent We can then give the two inversion lemmata.  The principal case (where the last inference had a freshness proviso) for the right inversion lemma is shown:
lemma rightInvert:
fixes Γ Δ :: "form multiset"
assumes rules: "R1  upRules  R2  nprovRules  R3  provRules  R = Ax  R1  R2  R3"
    and   a: "(Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A,n)  derivable R*"
    and   b: " r'  R. rightPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
    and   c: "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
shows " mn. (Γ +Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: Γ Δ rule:nat_less_induct)
 case (1 n Γ Δ)
 then have IH:"m<n. Γ Δ. ( Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A, m)  derivable R* 
              (r'  R. rightPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  ( Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')) 
              (¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ') 
              (m'm. ( Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ', m')  derivable R*)" 
     and a': "(Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A,n)  derivable R*" 
     and b': " r'  R. rightPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
     and c': "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
       by auto
 show ?case
 proof (cases n)
     case 0
     then have "(Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A,0)  derivable R*" using a' by simp
     then have "([],Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)  R*" by (cases) (auto)
     then have " r S. extendRule S r = ([],Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)  (r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3)"
          using rules and ruleSet[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and Ps="[]" and C="Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A"]
           by auto
     then obtain r S where "extendRule S r = ([],Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)" and "r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" by auto
      {assume "r  Ax"
       then obtain i xs where "([], \<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>) = r  r = ([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" 
            using characteriseAx[where r=r] by auto
           {assume "r = ([],\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)"
            with extendRule S r = ([],Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
               have "extend S (\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)"
               using extendRule_def[where R="([],\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)" and forms=S] by auto
            then have "At i xs ∈# Γ  At i xs ∈# Δ" 
                 using extendID[where S=S and i=i and xs=xs and Γ=Γ and Δ="Δ  F  [x].A"] by auto
            then have "At i xs ∈# Γ + Γ'  At i xs ∈# Δ + Δ'" by auto
            then have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules
                 and containID[where Γ="Γ + Γ'" and i=i and Δ="Δ + Δ'" and R=R] by auto
           {assume "r = ([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            with extendRule S r = ([],Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
               have "extend S (\<LM> ff \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) = (Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)"
               using extendRule_def[where R="([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" and forms=S] by auto
            then have "ff ∈# Γ" 
                 using extendFalsum[where S=S and Γ=Γ and Δ="Δ  F  [x].A"] by auto
            then have "ff ∈# Γ + Γ'" by auto
            then have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules
                 and containFalsum[where Γ="Γ + Γ'" and Δ="Δ + Δ'" and R=R] by auto
       ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" by blast      
      {assume "r  R1  r  R2  r  R3"
       then have " Ps C. Ps  []  r = (Ps,C)"
            obtain y z where "r = (y,z)" by (cases r)
            with r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 have "(y,z)  R1  (y,z)  R2  (y,z)  R3" by simp
            then have "y  []"
                 {assume "(y,z)  R1"
                  then have "(y,z)  upRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 {assume "(y,z)  R2"
                  then have "(y,z)  nprovRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 {assume "(y,z)  R3"
                  then have "(y,z)  provRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 ultimately show "y  []" using (y,z)  R1  (y,z)  R2  (y,z)  R3 by blast
            then show " Ps C. Ps  []  r = (Ps,C)" using r = (y,z)  by blast
       then obtain Ps C where "Ps  []" and "r = (Ps,C)" by auto
       moreover from extendRule S r = ([], Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A) have " S. r = ([],S)"
            using extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r] by (cases r) (auto)
       then obtain S where "r = ([],S)" by blast
       ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules by simp
       ultimately show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using n=0 by blast
     case (Suc n')
     then have "(Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A,n'+1)  derivable R*" using a' by simp
     then obtain Ps where "(Ps, Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)  R*" and 
                          "Ps  []" and 
                       d':" p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*"
          using characteriseLast[where C="Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A" and m=n' and R="R*"] by auto
     then have " r S. (r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3)  extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)"
          using rules 
            and ruleSet[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and Ps=Ps and C="Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A"] by auto
     then obtain r S where "r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" 
                    and e':"extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)" by auto
        {assume "r  Ax"
         then have "fst r = []" apply (cases r) by (rule Ax.cases) auto
         moreover have "fst r  []" using Ps  [] and extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
                            and extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r]
                            and extend_def[where forms=S and seq="snd r"] by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by simp
        {assume "r  R1"
         obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
         then have "r  upRules" using rules and r  R1 by auto
         then obtain T Ts where sw:"c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> Cpd0 T Ts \<RM>)  c = (\<LM> Cpd0 T Ts \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
              using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] and r = (ps,c) by auto
         have "(rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A))  ¬(rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A))" by blast
            {assume "rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> F  [x].A \<RM>)" using r=  (ps,c) by (cases) auto
             with sw have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by auto
            {assume "¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertRight[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R1 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast         
        {assume "r  R2"
         obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
         then have "r  nprovRules" using rules and r  R2 by auto
         have "rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)  ¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)" by blast
            {assume "rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have "(Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set ps" using b' and r = (ps,c) and r  R2 and rules
                  by auto
             then have "extend S (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set Ps" using extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
                  and r = (ps,c) by (simp add:extendContain)
             moreover from rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM>)" 
                  using r = (ps,c) by (cases) auto
             with extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A) have "S = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
                  using r = (ps,c) apply (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def) by (cases S) auto
             ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  set Ps" by (simp add:extend_def)
             then have " mn'. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using  p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R* by auto
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using n = Suc n'
                  by (auto,rule_tac x=m in exI) (simp)
            {assume "¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertRight[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R2 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast

   assume "r  R3"
   obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
   then have "r  provRules" using rules and r  R3 by auto
   have "rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)  ¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)" by blast
      {assume "rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
       then have "(Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set ps" using(*<*) b' and(*>*) r = (ps,c) and r  R3 and rules
            by auto
       then have "extend S (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set Ps" using 
           extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A)
            and r = (ps,c) by (simp add:extendContain)
       moreover from rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have 
            "c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM>F  [x].A\<RM>)" 
            using r = (ps,c) by (cases) auto
       with extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ ⇒* Δ  F  [x].A) have "S = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
            using r = (ps,c) (*<*)apply (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def)(*>*) by (cases S) auto
       ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  set Ps" by (simp add:extend_def)
       then have " mn'. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
            using  p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R* by auto
       then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" 
            using n = Suc n' by (*<*)(auto,rule_tac x=m in exI)(*>*) (simp)
            {assume "¬ rightPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertRight[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R3 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast
     ultimately show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast

lemma leftInvert:
fixes Γ Δ :: "form multiset"
assumes rules: "R1  upRules  R2  nprovRules  R3  provRules  R = Ax  R1  R2  R3"
    and   a: "(Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ,n)  derivable R*"
    and   b: " r'  R. leftPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
    and   c: "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
shows " mn. (Γ +Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: Γ Δ rule:nat_less_induct)
 case (1 n Γ Δ)
 then have IH:"m<n. Γ Δ. ( Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ, m)  derivable R* 
              (r'  R. leftPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  ( Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')) 
              (¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ') 
              (m'm. ( Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ', m')  derivable R*)" 
     and a': "(Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ,n)  derivable R*" 
     and b': " r'  R. leftPrincipal r' (F  [x].A)  (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set (fst r')"
     and c': "¬ multSubst Γ'  ¬ multSubst Δ'"
       by auto
 show ?case
 proof (cases n)
     case 0
     then have "(Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ,0)  derivable R*" using a' by simp
     then have "([],Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)  R*" by (cases) (auto)
     then have " r S. extendRule S r = ([],Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)  (r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3)"
          using rules and ruleSet[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and Ps="[]" and C="Γ  F  [x].A ⇒*Δ"]
           by auto
     then obtain r S where "extendRule S r = ([],Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)" and "r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" by auto
      {assume "r  Ax"
       then obtain i xs where "r = ([],\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)  r = ([], \<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            using characteriseAx[where r=r] by auto
           {assume "r = ([],\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)"
            with extendRule S r = ([],Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
               have "extend S (\<LM> At i xs \<RM> ⇒* \<LM> At i xs \<RM>) = (Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)"
               using extendRule_def[where R="([],\<LM>At i xs\<RM> ⇒* \<LM>At i xs\<RM>)" and forms=S] by auto
            then have "At i xs ∈# Γ  At i xs ∈# Δ" 
                 using extendID[where S=S and i=i and xs=xs and Γ="Γ F  [x].A" and Δ=Δ] by auto
            then have "At i xs ∈# Γ + Γ'  At i xs ∈# Δ + Δ'" by auto
            then have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules
                 and containID[where Γ="Γ + Γ'" and i=i and Δ="Δ + Δ'" and R=R] by auto
           {assume "r = ([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
            with extendRule S r = ([],Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
               have "extend S (\<LM> ff \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>) = (Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)"
               using extendRule_def[where R="([],\<LM>ff\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" and forms=S] by auto
            then have "ff ∈# Γ" 
                 using extendFalsum[where S=S and Γ="ΓF  [x].A" and Δ=Δ] by auto
            then have "ff ∈# Γ + Γ'" by auto
            then have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules
                 and containFalsum[where Γ="Γ + Γ'" and Δ="Δ + Δ'" and R=R] by auto
       ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" by blast      
      {assume "r  R1  r  R2  r  R3"
       then have " Ps C. Ps  []  r = (Ps,C)"
            obtain y z where "r = (y,z)" by (cases r)
            with r  R1  r  R2  r  R3 have "(y,z)  R1  (y,z)  R2  (y,z)  R3" by simp
            then have "y  []"
                 {assume "(y,z)  R1"
                  then have "(y,z)  upRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 {assume "(y,z)  R2"
                  then have "(y,z)  nprovRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 {assume "(y,z)  R3"
                  then have "(y,z)  provRules" using rules by auto
                  then have "y[]" by (cases) auto
                 ultimately show "y  []" using (y,z)  R1  (y,z)  R2  (y,z)  R3 by blast
            then show " Ps C. Ps  []  r = (Ps,C)" using r = (y,z)  by blast
       then obtain Ps C where "Ps  []" and "r = (Ps,C)" by auto
       moreover from extendRule S r = ([], Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ) have " S. r = ([],S)"
            using extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r] by (cases r) (auto)
       then obtain S where "r = ([],S)" by blast
       ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',0)  derivable R*" using rules by simp
       ultimately show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using n=0 by blast
     case (Suc n')
     then have "(Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ,n'+1)  derivable R*" using a' by simp
     then obtain Ps where "(Ps, Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)  R*" and 
                          "Ps  []" and 
                       d':" p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R*"
          using characteriseLast[where C="Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ" and m=n' and R="R*"] by auto
     then have " r S. (r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3)  extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)"
          using rules 
            and ruleSet[where ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3 and R=R and Ps=Ps and C="Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ"] by auto
     then obtain r S where "r  Ax  r  R1  r  R2  r  R3" 
                    and e':"extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)" by auto
        {assume "r  Ax"
         then have "fst r = []" apply (cases r) by (rule Ax.cases) auto
         moreover have "fst r  []" using Ps  [] and extendRule S r = (Ps, Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
                            and extendRule_def[where forms=S and R=r]
                            and extend_def[where forms=S and seq="snd r"] by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by auto
        {assume "r  R1"
         obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
         then have "r  upRules" using rules and r  R1 by auto
         then obtain T Ts where sw:"c = (\<Empt> ⇒* \<LM> Cpd0 T Ts \<RM>)  c = (\<LM> Cpd0 T Ts \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)"
              using propRuleCharacterise[where Ps=ps and C=c] and r = (ps,c) by auto
         have "(leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A))  ¬(leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A))" by blast
            {assume "leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have "c = (\<LM> F  [x].A \<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" using r=  (ps,c) by (cases) auto
             with sw have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by auto
            {assume "¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertLeft[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R1 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast         
        {assume "r  R2"
         obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
         then have "r  nprovRules" using rules and r  R2 by auto
         have "leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)  ¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)" by blast
            {assume "leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have "(Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set ps" using b' and r = (ps,c) and r  R2 and rules
                  by auto
             then have "extend S (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set Ps" using extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
                  and r = (ps,c) by (simp add:extendContain)
             moreover from leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have "c = (\<LM>F  [x].A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" 
                  using r = (ps,c) by (cases) auto
             with extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ) have "S = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
                  using r = (ps,c) apply (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def) by (cases S) auto
             ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  set Ps" by (simp add:extend_def)
             then have " mn'. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using  p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R* by auto
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using n = Suc n'
                  by (auto,rule_tac x=m in exI) (simp)
            {assume "¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertLeft[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R2 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast
        {assume "r  R3"
         obtain ps c where "r = (ps,c)" by (cases r) auto
         then have "r  provRules" using rules and r  R3 by auto
         have "leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)  ¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)" by blast
            {assume "leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have "(Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set ps" using b' and r = (ps,c) and r  R3 and rules
                  by auto
             then have "extend S (Γ' ⇒* Δ')  set Ps" using extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A ⇒* Δ)
                  and r = (ps,c) by (simp add:extendContain)
             moreover from leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A) have "c = (\<LM>F  [x].A\<RM> ⇒* \<Empt>)" 
                  using r = (ps,c) by (cases) auto
             with extendRule S r = (Ps,Γ  F  [x].A⇒* Δ) have "S = (Γ ⇒* Δ)"
                  using r = (ps,c) apply (auto simp add:extendRule_def extend_def) by (cases S) auto
             ultimately have "(Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ')  set Ps" by (simp add:extend_def)
             then have " mn'. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using  p  set Ps.  nn'. (p,n)  derivable R* by auto
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" using n = Suc n'
                  by (auto,rule_tac x=m in exI) (simp)
            {assume "¬ leftPrincipal r (F  [x].A)"
             then have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*"
                  using nonPrincipalInvertLeft[where r=r and F=F and x=x and A=A and ps=ps and c=c and R=R
                                                and Γ'=Γ' and Δ'=Δ' and ?R1.0=R1 and ?R2.0=R2 and ?R3.0=R3
                                                and S=S and Ps=Ps and Γ=Γ and Δ=Δ and n=n and n'=n']
                  and n = Suc n' and Ps  [] and a' and b' and e'
                  and c' and rules and IH and r  R3 and d' and r = (ps,c) by auto
         ultimately have " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast
     ultimately show " mn. (Γ + Γ' ⇒* Δ + Δ',m)  derivable R*" by blast

\noindent In both cases, the assumption labelled $c$ captures the ``no specific substitution'' condition.  Interestingly, it is never used throughout the proof.  This highlights the difference between the object- and meta-level existential quantifiers.

Owing to the lack of indexing within datatypes, it is difficult to give an example demonstrating these results.  It would be little effort to change the theory file to accommodate type variables when they are supported in \textit{Nominal Isabelle}, at which time an example would be simple to write.  