Theory Distributivity
section ‹Distributivity and Factorisability›
text ‹This section corresponds to Section 2.4 and Figure 4 of the paper~\<^cite>‹"UnboundedSL"›.›
theory Distributivity
imports UnboundedLogic
context logic
subsection DotPos
lemma DotPos:
"A, Δ ⊢ B ⟷ (Mult π A, Δ ⊢ Mult π B)" (is "?A ⟷ ?B")
show "?A ⟹ ?B"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) entails_def sat.simps(1))
show "?B ⟹ ?A"
using can_divide entails_def sat.simps(1)
by metis
text ‹Only one direction holds with a wildcard›
lemma WildPos:
"A, Δ ⊢ B ⟹ (Wildcard A, Δ ⊢ Wildcard B)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) entails_def sat.simps(12))
subsection DotDot
lemma dot_mult1:
"Mult p (Mult q A), Δ ⊢ Mult (smult p q) A"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Mult q A)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult (smult p q) A"
using double_mult by auto
lemma dot_mult2:
"Mult (smult p q) A, Δ ⊢ Mult p (Mult q A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult (smult p q) A"
then obtain a where "a, s, Δ ⊨ A" "σ = (smult p q) ⊙ a"
by auto
then have "q ⊙ a, s, Δ ⊨ Mult q A" by auto
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Mult q A)"
by (metis ‹σ = smult p q ⊙ a› double_mult sat.simps(1))
lemma DotDot:
"Mult p (Mult q A), Δ ≡ Mult (smult p q) A"
by (simp add: dot_mult1 dot_mult2 equivalent_def)
lemma can_factorize:
"∃r. q = smult r p"
by (metis sinv_inverse smult_asso smult_comm sone_neutral)
lemma WildDot:
"Wildcard (Mult p A), Δ ≡ Wildcard A"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Mult p A) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
using double_mult by fastforce
fix σ s
assume asm0: "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
then obtain q a where "σ = q ⊙ a" "a, s, Δ ⊨ A"
using sat.simps(12) by blast
then obtain r where "q = smult r p"
using can_factorize by blast
then have "σ = r ⊙ (p ⊙ a)"
by (simp add: ‹σ = q ⊙ a› double_mult)
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Mult p A)"
using ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ A› sat.simps(1) sat.simps(12) by blast
lemma DotWild:
"Mult p (Wildcard A), Δ ≡ Wildcard A"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Wildcard A) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
using double_mult by fastforce
fix σ s
assume asm0: "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
then obtain q a where "σ = q ⊙ a" "a, s, Δ ⊨ A"
by force
then obtain r where "q = smult p r"
using can_factorize smult_comm by presburger
then have "σ = p ⊙ (r ⊙ a)"
by (simp add: ‹σ = q ⊙ a› double_mult)
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Wildcard A)"
using ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ A› by auto
lemma WildWild:
"Wildcard (Wildcard A), Δ ≡ Wildcard A"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Wildcard A) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
using double_mult by fastforce
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Wildcard A)"
by (metis one_neutral sat.simps(12))
subsection DotStar
lemma dot_star1:
"Mult p (Star A B), Δ ⊢ Star (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Star A B)"
then obtain a b x where "σ = p ⊙ x" "Some x = a ⊕ b" "a, s, Δ ⊨ A" "b, s, Δ ⊨ B"
by auto
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Star (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
using plus_mult by auto
lemma dot_star2:
"Star (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Star A B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Star (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
then obtain a b where "Some σ = (p ⊙ a) ⊕ (p ⊙ b)" "a, s, Δ ⊨ A" "b, s, Δ ⊨ B"
by auto
then obtain x where "Some x = a ⊕ b"
by (metis plus_mult unique_inv)
then have "σ = p ⊙ x"
by (metis ‹Some σ = p ⊙ a ⊕ p ⊙ b› option.sel plus_mult)
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Star A B)"
using ‹Some x = a ⊕ b› ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ A› ‹b, s, Δ ⊨ B› by auto
lemma DotStar:
"Mult p (Star A B), Δ ≡ Star (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
by (simp add: dot_star1 dot_star2 equivalent_def)
lemma WildStar1:
"Wildcard (Star A B), Δ ⊢ Star (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s assume asm0: "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Star A B)"
then obtain p ab a b where "σ = p ⊙ ab" "Some ab = a ⊕ b" "a, s, Δ ⊨ A" "b, s, Δ ⊨ B"
by auto
then have "Some σ = (p ⊙ a) ⊕ (p ⊙ b)"
using plus_mult by blast
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Star (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B)"
using ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ A› ‹b, s, Δ ⊨ B› by auto
subsection DotWand
lemma dot_wand1:
"Mult p (Wand A B), Δ ⊢ Wand (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Wand A B)"
then obtain x where "σ = p ⊙ x" "x, s, Δ ⊨ Wand A B"
by auto
show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wand (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule sat_wand)
fix a σ'
assume "a, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A ∧ Some σ' = σ ⊕ a"
then obtain aa where "aa, s, Δ ⊨ A" "a = p ⊙ aa"
by auto
then obtain b where "Some b = x ⊕ aa"
by (metis ‹σ = p ⊙ x› ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A ∧ Some σ' = σ ⊕ a› compatible_def compatible_iff option.exhaust_sel)
then have "b, s, Δ ⊨ B"
using ‹aa, s, Δ ⊨ A› ‹x, s, Δ ⊨ Wand A B› by auto
then show "σ', s, Δ ⊨ Mult p B"
by (metis ‹Some b = x ⊕ aa› ‹σ = p ⊙ x› ‹a = p ⊙ aa› ‹a, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A ∧ Some σ' = σ ⊕ a› can_divide option.inject plus_mult sat_mult)
lemma dot_wand2:
"Wand (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Wand A B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume asm: "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wand (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Wand A B)"
proof (rule sat_mult)
fix a assume "σ = p ⊙ a"
show "a, s, Δ ⊨ Wand A B"
proof (rule sat_wand)
fix aa σ'
assume "aa, s, Δ ⊨ A ∧ Some σ' = a ⊕ aa"
then have "p ⊙ aa, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A" by auto
then have "Some (p ⊙ σ') = σ ⊕ p ⊙ aa"
by (simp add: ‹σ = p ⊙ a› ‹aa, s, Δ ⊨ A ∧ Some σ' = a ⊕ aa› plus_mult)
then have "p ⊙ σ', s, Δ ⊨ Mult p B"
using ‹p ⊙ aa, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A› asm by force
then show "σ', s, Δ ⊨ B"
by (metis can_divide sat.simps(1))
lemma DotWand:
"Mult p (Wand A B), Δ ≡ Wand (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
by (simp add: dot_wand1 dot_wand2 equivalent_def)
subsection DotOr
lemma dot_or1:
"Mult p (Or A B), Δ ⊢ Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Or A B)"
then obtain x where "σ = p ⊙ x" "x, s, Δ ⊨ A ∨ x, s, Δ ⊨ B"
by auto
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (cases "x, s, Δ ⊨ A")
case True
then show ?thesis
using ‹σ = p ⊙ x› by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using ‹σ = p ⊙ x› ‹x, s, Δ ⊨ A ∨ x, s, Δ ⊨ B› by auto
lemma dot_or2:
"Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Or A B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Or A B)"
proof (cases "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p A")
case True
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using ‹σ, s, Δ ⊨ Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B)› by auto
lemma DotOr:
"Mult p (Or A B), Δ ≡ Or (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
by (simp add: dot_or1 dot_or2 equivalent_def)
lemma WildOr:
"Wildcard (Or A B), Δ ≡ Or (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B)"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Or A B) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Or (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B)"
by auto
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Or (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Or A B)"
by auto
subsection DotAnd
lemma dot_and1:
"Mult p (And A B), Δ ⊢ And (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (And A B)"
then obtain x where "σ = p ⊙ x" "x, s, Δ ⊨ A" "x, s, Δ ⊨ B"
by auto
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ And (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
by auto
lemma dot_and2:
"And (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ⊢ Mult p (And A B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ And (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (And A B)"
using logic.can_divide logic_axioms by fastforce
lemma DotAnd:
"And (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ≡ Mult p (And A B)"
by (simp add: dot_and1 dot_and2 equivalent_def)
lemma WildAnd:
"Wildcard (And A B), Δ ⊢ And (Wildcard A) (Wildcard B)"
using entails_def by fastforce
subsection DotImp
lemma dot_imp1:
"Imp (Mult p A) (Mult p B), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Imp A B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Imp (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Imp A B)"
using sat_mult by force
lemma dot_imp2:
"Mult p (Imp A B), Δ ⊢ Imp (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Imp A B)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Imp (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
using can_divide by auto
lemma DotImp:
"Mult p (Imp A B), Δ ≡ Imp (Mult p A) (Mult p B)"
by (simp add: dot_imp1 dot_imp2 equivalent_def)
subsection DotPure
lemma pure_mult1:
assumes "pure A"
shows "Mult p A, Δ ⊢ A"
using assms entails_def logic.pure_def logic_axioms by fastforce
lemma pure_mult2:
assumes "pure A"
shows "A, Δ ⊢ Mult p A"
using assms entailsI pure_def sat_mult
by metis
lemma DotPure:
assumes "pure A"
shows "Mult p A, Δ ≡ A"
by (simp add: assms equivalent_def pure_mult1 pure_mult2)
lemma WildPure:
assumes "pure A"
shows "Wildcard A, Δ ≡ A"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ A"
using assms pure_def sat.simps(12) by blast
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ A ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard A"
by (metis one_neutral sat.simps(12))
subsection DotFull
lemma mult_one_same1:
"Mult one A, Δ ⊢ A"
by (simp add: entails_def one_neutral)
lemma mult_one_same2:
"A, Δ ⊢ Mult one A"
by (simp add: entailsI one_neutral)
lemma DotFull:
"Mult one A, Δ ≡ A"
using equivalent_def mult_one_same1 mult_one_same2 by blast
subsection DotExists
lemma dot_exists1:
"Mult p (Exists x A), Δ ⊢ Exists x (Mult p A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Exists x A)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Exists x (Mult p A)"
by auto
lemma dot_exists2:
"Exists x (Mult p A), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Exists x A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Exists x (Mult p A)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Exists x A)" by auto
lemma DotExists:
"Mult p (Exists x A), Δ ≡ Exists x (Mult p A)"
by (simp add: dot_exists1 dot_exists2 equivalent_def)
lemma WildExists:
"Wildcard (Exists x A), Δ ≡ Exists x (Wildcard A)"
proof (rule equivalentI)
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Exists x A) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Exists x (Wildcard A)"
by auto
show "⋀σ s. σ, s, Δ ⊨ Exists x (Wildcard A) ⟹ σ, s, Δ ⊨ Wildcard (Exists x A)"
by auto
subsection DotForall
lemma dot_forall1:
"Mult p (Forall x A), Δ ⊢ Forall x (Mult p A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Forall x A)"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Forall x (Mult p A)"
by auto
lemma dot_forall2:
"Forall x (Mult p A), Δ ⊢ Mult p (Forall x A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s Δ
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Forall x (Mult p A)"
obtain a where "σ = p ⊙ a"
using sat.simps(1) sat_mult by blast
have "a, s, Δ ⊨ Forall x A"
proof (rule sat_forall)
fix v show "a, s(x := v), Δ ⊨ A"
using ‹σ = p ⊙ a› ‹σ, s, Δ ⊨ Forall x (Mult p A)› can_divide by auto
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult p (Forall x A)"
using ‹σ = p ⊙ a› by auto
lemma DotForall:
"Mult p (Forall x A), Δ ≡ Forall x (Mult p A)"
by (simp add: dot_forall1 dot_forall2 equivalent_def)
lemma WildForall:
"Wildcard (Forall x A), Δ ⊢ Forall x (Wildcard A)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) entailsI sat.simps(12) sat.simps(9))
subsection Split
lemma split:
"Mult (sadd a b) A, Δ ⊢ Star (Mult a A) (Mult b A)"
proof (rule entailsI)
fix σ s
assume "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Mult (sadd a b) A"
then show "σ, s, Δ ⊨ Star (Mult a A) (Mult b A)"
using distrib_mult by fastforce