Theory Hash_Table

section "Hash-Tables"
theory Hash_Table

subsection ‹Datatype›

subsubsection ‹Definition›

datatype ('k, 'v) hashtable = HashTable "('k × 'v) list array" nat

primrec the_array :: "('k, 'v) hashtable  ('k × 'v) list array"
  where "the_array (HashTable a _) = a"

primrec the_size :: "('k, 'v) hashtable  nat"
  where "the_size (HashTable _ n) = n"

subsubsection ‹Storable on Heap›

fun hs_encode :: "('k::countable, 'v::countable) hashtable  nat"
  where "hs_encode (HashTable a n) = to_nat (n, a)"

instance hashtable :: (countable, countable) countable
proof (rule countable_classI[of "hs_encode"])
  fix x y :: "('a, 'b) hashtable"
  assume "hs_encode x = hs_encode y"
  then show "x = y" by (cases x, cases y) auto

instance hashtable :: (heap, heap) heap ..

subsection ‹Assertions›

subsubsection ‹Assertion for Hashtable›

definition ht_table :: "('k::heap × 'v::heap) list list  ('k, 'v) hashtable  assn"
  where "ht_table l ht = (the_array ht) a l"

definition ht_size :: "'a list list  nat  bool"
  where "ht_size l n  n = sum_list (map length l)"

definition ht_hash :: "('k::hashable × 'v) list list  bool" where
  "ht_hash l  i<length l. xset (l!i).
    bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) (fst x) = i"

definition ht_distinct :: "('k × 'v) list list  bool" where
  "ht_distinct l  i<length l. distinct (map fst (l!i))"

definition is_hashtable :: "('k::{heap,hashable} × 'v::heap) list list
     ('k, 'v) hashtable  assn"
  "is_hashtable l ht =
  (the_array ht a l) *
  (ht_size l (the_size ht)
     ht_hash l
     ht_distinct l
     1 < length l)"

lemma is_hashtable_prec: "precise is_hashtable"
  apply (rule preciseI)
  unfolding is_hashtable_def
  apply (auto simp add: preciseD[OF snga_prec])

text ‹These rules are quite useful for automated methods, to avoid unfolding
  of definitions, that might be used folded in other lemmas,
  like induction hypothesis. However, they show in some sense a possibility for
  modularization improvement, as it should be enough to show an implication
  and know that the nth› and len› operations do not change
  the heap.›
lemma ht_array_nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
    "i<length l  <is_hashtable l ht>
      Array.nth (the_array ht) i
      <λr. is_hashtable l ht * (r = l!i)>"
  unfolding is_hashtable_def
  by sep_auto

lemma ht_array_length_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
    "<is_hashtable l ht>
      Array.len (the_array ht)
      <λr. is_hashtable l ht * (r = length l)>"
  unfolding is_hashtable_def
  by sep_auto

subsection ‹New›

subsubsection ‹Definition›

definition ht_new_sz :: "nat  ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_new_sz n  do { let l = replicate n [];
  a  Array.of_list l;
  return (HashTable a 0) }"

definition ht_new :: "('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable Heap"
  where "ht_new  ht_new_sz (def_hashmap_size TYPE('k))"

subsubsection ‹Complete Correctness›

lemma ht_hash_replicate[simp, intro!]: "ht_hash (replicate n [])"
  apply (induct n)
  apply (auto simp add: ht_hash_def)
  apply (case_tac i)
  apply auto

lemma ht_distinct_replicate[simp, intro!]: "ht_distinct (replicate n [])"
  apply (induct n)
  apply (auto simp add: ht_distinct_def)
  apply (case_tac i)
  apply auto

lemma ht_size_replicate[simp, intro!]: "ht_size (replicate n []) 0"
  by (simp add: ht_size_def)

 ― ‹We can't create hash tables with a size of zero›
lemma complete_ht_new_sz: "1 < n  <emp> ht_new_sz n <is_hashtable (replicate n [])>"
  apply (unfold ht_new_sz_def)
  apply (simp del: replicate.simps)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule of_list_rule)
  apply (rule return_cons_rule)
  apply (simp add: is_hashtable_def)

lemma complete_ht_new:
     ht_new::('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable Heap
   <is_hashtable (replicate (def_hashmap_size TYPE('k)) [])>"
  unfolding ht_new_def
  by (simp add: complete_ht_new_sz[OF def_hashmap_size])

subsection ‹Lookup›

subsubsection ‹Definition›

fun ls_lookup :: "'k  ('k × 'v) list  'v option"
  "ls_lookup x [] = None" |
  "ls_lookup x ((k, v) # l) = (if x = k then Some v else ls_lookup x l)"

definition ht_lookup :: "'k  ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable  'v option Heap"
  "ht_lookup x ht = do {
    m  Array.len (the_array ht);
    let i = bounded_hashcode_nat m x;
    l  Array.nth (the_array ht) i;
    return (ls_lookup x l)

subsubsection ‹Complete Correctness›

lemma complete_ht_lookup:
  "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_lookup x ht
     <λr. is_hashtable l ht *
        (r = ls_lookup x (l!(bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) x))) >"
  apply (cases ht)
  apply (clarsimp simp: is_hashtable_def)
  apply (simp add: ht_lookup_def)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule length_rule)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule nth_rule)
  apply (simp add: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule return_cons_rule)
  apply simp

text ‹Alternative, more automatic proof›
lemma complete_ht_lookup_alt_proof:
  "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_lookup x ht
    <λr. is_hashtable l ht *
      (r = ls_lookup x (l!(bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) x)))>"
  unfolding is_hashtable_def ht_lookup_def
  apply (cases ht)
  apply (sep_auto simp: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)

subsection ‹Update›

subsubsection ‹Definition›

fun ls_update :: "'k  'v  ('k × 'v) list  (('k × 'v) list × bool)"
  "ls_update k v [] = ([(k, v)], False)" |
  "ls_update k v ((l, w) # ls) = (
    if k = l then
      ((k, v) # ls, True)
      (let r = ls_update k v ls in ((l, w) # fst r, snd r))

definition abs_update
  :: "'k::hashable  'v  ('k × 'v) list list  ('k × 'v) list list"
  "abs_update k v l =
    l[bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k
      := fst (ls_update k v (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))]"

lemma ls_update_snd_set: "snd (ls_update k v l)  k  set (map fst l)"
  by (induct l rule: ls_update.induct) simp_all

lemma ls_update_fst_set: "set (fst (ls_update k v l))  insert (k, v) (set l)"
  apply (induct l rule: ls_update.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_update_fst_map_set: "set (map fst (fst (ls_update k v l))) = insert k (set (map fst l))"
  apply (induct l rule: ls_update.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_update_distinct: "distinct (map fst l)  distinct (map fst (fst (ls_update k v l)))"
proof (induct l rule: ls_update.induct)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case (2 k v l w ls) show ?case
  proof (cases "k = l")
    case True
    with 2 show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with 2 have d: "distinct (map fst (fst (ls_update k v ls)))"
      by simp
    from 2(2) have "l  set (map fst ls)" by simp
    with False have "l  set (map fst (fst (ls_update k v ls)))"
      by (simp only: ls_update_fst_map_set) simp
    with d False show ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_update_length: "length (fst (ls_update k v l))
  = (if (k  set (map fst l)) then length l else Suc (length l))"
  by (induct l rule: ls_update.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_update_length_snd_True:
  "snd (ls_update k v l)  length (fst (ls_update k v l)) = length l"
  by (simp add: ls_update_length ls_update_snd_set)

lemma ls_update_length_snd_False:
  "¬ snd (ls_update k v l)  length (fst (ls_update k v l)) = Suc (length l)"
  by (simp add: ls_update_length ls_update_snd_set)

definition ht_upd
  :: "'k  'v
     ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable
     ('k, 'v) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_upd k v ht = do {
      m  Array.len (the_array ht);
      let i = bounded_hashcode_nat m k;
      l  Array.nth (the_array ht) i;
      let l = ls_update k v l;
      Array.upd i (fst l) (the_array ht);
      let n = (if (snd l) then the_size ht else Suc (the_size ht));
      return (HashTable (the_array ht) n)

subsubsection ‹Complete Correctness›

lemma ht_hash_update:
  assumes "ht_hash ls"
  shows "ht_hash (abs_update k v ls)"
  unfolding ht_hash_def abs_update_def
  apply (intro allI ballI impI)
  apply simp
  subgoal premises prems for i x
  proof (cases "i = bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k")
    case True
    note i = True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst x = k")
      case True
      with i show ?thesis by simp
      case False
      with prems i
        "x  set (fst (ls_update k v
                         (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k)))"
        by auto
          of k v "ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k"]
      have "x  insert (k, v)
                  (set (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k))"
        by auto
      with False have "x  set (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k)"
        by auto
      with i prems assms[unfolded ht_hash_def] show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with prems have "x  set (ls ! i)" by simp
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_hash_def] show ?thesis by simp

lemma ht_distinct_update:
  assumes "ht_distinct l"
  shows "ht_distinct (abs_update k v l)"
  unfolding ht_distinct_def abs_update_def
  apply (intro allI impI)
  apply simp
  subgoal premises prems for i
  proof (cases "i = bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k")
    case True
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_distinct_def]
    have "distinct (map fst (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))"
      by simp
    from ls_update_distinct[OF this, of k v] True prems
    show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_distinct_def] show ?thesis by simp

lemma length_update:
  assumes "1 < length l"
  shows "1 < length (abs_update k v l)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: abs_update_def)

lemma ht_size_update1:
  assumes size: "ht_size l n"
  assumes i: "i < length l"
  assumes snd: "snd (ls_update k v (l ! i))"
  shows "ht_size (l[i := fst (ls_update k v (l!i))]) n"
proof -
  have "(map length (l[i := fst (ls_update k v (l ! i))]))
    = (map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))]"
    by (simp add: map_update) also
  from sum_list_update[of i "map length l", simplified, OF i,
    of "length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))"]
    ls_update_length_snd_True[OF snd]
    "sum_list ((map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))])
    = sum_list (map length l)" by simp
  finally show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: ht_size_def assms)

lemma ht_size_update2:
  assumes size: "ht_size l n"
  assumes i: "i < length l"
  assumes snd: "¬ snd (ls_update k v (l ! i))"
  shows "ht_size (l[i := fst (ls_update k v (l!i))]) (Suc n)"
proof -
  have "(map length (l[i := fst (ls_update k v (l ! i))]))
    = (map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))]"
    by (simp add: map_update) also
  from sum_list_update[of i "map length l", simplified, OF i,
    of "length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))"]
    ls_update_length_snd_False[OF snd]
    "sum_list ((map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_update k v (l ! i)))])
    = Suc (sum_list (map length l))" by simp
  finally show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: ht_size_def assms)

lemma complete_ht_upd: "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_upd k v ht
  <is_hashtable (abs_update k v l)>"
  unfolding ht_upd_def is_hashtable_def
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule length_rule)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule nth_rule)
  apply (simp add: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule upd_rule)
  apply (simp add: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)
  apply (rule return_cons_rule)
  apply (auto
    simp add: ht_size_update1 ht_size_update2 bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds
              is_hashtable_def ht_hash_update[unfolded abs_update_def]
              ht_distinct_update[unfolded abs_update_def] abs_update_def)

text ‹Alternative, more automatic proof›
lemma complete_ht_upd_alt_proof:
  "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_upd k v ht <is_hashtable (abs_update k v l)>"
  unfolding ht_upd_def is_hashtable_def Let_def
  (* TODO: Is this huge simp-step really necessary? *)
  apply (sep_auto
    simp: ht_size_update1 ht_size_update2 bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds
              is_hashtable_def ht_hash_update[unfolded abs_update_def]
              ht_distinct_update[unfolded abs_update_def] abs_update_def)

subsection ‹Delete›

subsubsection ‹Definition›

fun ls_delete :: "'k  ('k × 'v) list  (('k × 'v) list × bool)" where
  "ls_delete k [] = ([], False)" |
  "ls_delete k ((l, w) # ls) = (
    if k = l then
      (ls, True)
      (let r = ls_delete k ls in ((l, w) # fst r, snd r)))"

lemma ls_delete_snd_set: "snd (ls_delete k l)  k  set (map fst l)"
  by (induct l rule: ls_delete.induct) simp_all

lemma ls_delete_fst_set: "set (fst (ls_delete k l))  set l"
  apply (induct l rule: ls_delete.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_delete_fst_map_set:
  "distinct (map fst l) 
  set (map fst (fst (ls_delete k l))) = (set (map fst l)) - {k}"
  apply (induct l rule: ls_delete.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_delete_distinct: "distinct (map fst l)  distinct (map fst (fst (ls_delete k l)))"
proof (induct l rule: ls_delete.induct)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case (2 k l w ls) show ?case
  proof (cases "k = l")
    case True
    with 2 show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with 2 have d: "distinct (map fst (fst (ls_delete k ls)))"
      by simp
    from 2 have d2: "distinct (map fst ls)" by simp
    from 2(2) have "l  set (map fst ls)" by simp
    with False 2 ls_delete_fst_map_set[OF d2, of k]
    have "l  set (map fst (fst (ls_delete k ls)))"
      by simp
    with d False show ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_delete_length:
  "length (fst (ls_delete k l)) = (
    if (k  set (map fst l)) then
      (length l - 1)
      length l)"
proof (induct l rule: ls_delete.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 k l w ls)
  then show ?case by (cases ls) (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma ls_delete_length_snd_True:
  "snd (ls_delete k l)  length (fst (ls_delete k l)) = length l - 1"
  by (simp add: ls_delete_length ls_delete_snd_set)

lemma ls_delete_length_snd_False:
  "¬ snd (ls_delete k l)  length (fst (ls_delete k l)) = length l"
  by (simp add: ls_delete_length ls_delete_snd_set)

definition ht_delete
  :: "'k
     ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable
     ('k, 'v) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_delete k ht = do {
      m  Array.len (the_array ht);
      let i = bounded_hashcode_nat m k;
      l  Array.nth (the_array ht) i;
      let l = ls_delete k l;
      Array.upd i (fst l) (the_array ht);
      let n = (if (snd l) then (the_size ht - 1) else the_size ht);
      return (HashTable (the_array ht) n)

subsubsection ‹Complete Correctness›

lemma ht_hash_delete:
  assumes "ht_hash ls"
  shows "ht_hash (
    ls[bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k
      := fst (ls_delete k
               (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k)
  unfolding ht_hash_def
  apply (intro allI ballI impI)
  apply simp
  subgoal premises prems for i x
  proof (cases "i = bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k")
    case i: True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst x = k")
      case True
      with i show ?thesis by simp
      case False
      with prems i
        "x  set (fst (ls_delete k
                        (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k)))"
        by auto
          of k "ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k"]
      have "x  (set (ls ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length ls) k))" by auto
      with i prems assms[unfolded ht_hash_def] show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with prems have "x  set (ls ! i)" by simp
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_hash_def] show ?thesis by simp

lemma ht_distinct_delete:
  assumes "ht_distinct l"
  shows "ht_distinct (
    l[bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k
      := fst (ls_delete k (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))])"
  unfolding ht_distinct_def
  apply (intro allI impI)
  apply simp
  subgoal premises prems for i
  proof (cases "i = bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k")
    case True
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_distinct_def]
    have "distinct (map fst (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))"
      by simp
    from ls_delete_distinct[OF this, of k] True prems
    show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with prems assms[unfolded ht_distinct_def] show ?thesis by simp

lemma ht_size_delete1:
  assumes size: "ht_size l n"
  assumes i: "i < length l"
  assumes snd: "snd (ls_delete k (l ! i))"
  shows "ht_size (l[i := fst (ls_delete k (l!i))]) (n - 1)"
proof -
  have "(map length (l[i := fst (ls_delete k (l ! i))]))
    = (map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))]"
    by (simp add: map_update) also
  from sum_list_update[of i "map length l", simplified, OF i,
    of "length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))"]
    ls_delete_length_snd_True[OF snd] snd
  have "sum_list ((map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))])
    = sum_list (map length l) - 1"
    by (cases "length (l ! i)") (simp_all add: ls_delete_snd_set)
  finally show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: ht_size_def assms)

lemma ht_size_delete2:
  assumes size: "ht_size l n"
  assumes i: "i < length l"
  assumes snd: "¬ snd (ls_delete k (l ! i))"
  shows "ht_size (l[i := fst (ls_delete k (l!i))]) n"
proof -
  have "(map length (l[i := fst (ls_delete k (l ! i))]))
    = (map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))]"
    by (simp add: map_update) also
  from sum_list_update[of i "map length l", simplified, OF i,
    of "length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))"]
    ls_delete_length_snd_False[OF snd]
  have "sum_list ((map length l)[i := length (fst (ls_delete k (l ! i)))])
    = sum_list (map length l)" by simp
  finally show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: ht_size_def assms)

lemma complete_ht_delete: "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_delete k ht
  <is_hashtable (l[bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k
    := fst (ls_delete k (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))])>"
  unfolding ht_delete_def is_hashtable_def
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule length_rule)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule nth_rule)
  apply (simp add: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)
  apply (rule norm_pre_pure_rule)
  apply (rule bind_rule)
  apply (rule upd_rule)
  apply (simp add: bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds)
  apply (rule return_cons_rule)
  apply (auto
    simp add: ht_size_delete1 ht_size_delete2 bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds
              is_hashtable_def ht_hash_delete ht_distinct_delete)
  using ht_size_delete1[OF _ bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds[of "length l" k], of "the_size ht"]
  apply simp

text ‹Alternative, more automatic proof›
lemma "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_delete k ht
  <is_hashtable (l[bounded_hashcode_nat (length l)
    k := fst (ls_delete k (l ! bounded_hashcode_nat (length l) k))])>"
  unfolding ht_delete_def is_hashtable_def Let_def
  using ht_size_delete1[OF _ bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds[of "length l" k],
    of "the_size ht"]
  apply (sep_auto simp:
    ht_size_delete1 ht_size_delete2 bounded_hashcode_nat_bounds
    is_hashtable_def ht_hash_delete ht_distinct_delete)

subsection ‹Re-Hashing›

subsubsection ‹Auxiliary Functions›

text ‹\paragraph{Insert List}›
fun ht_insls
  :: "('k × 'v) list
     ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable
     ('k, 'v::heap) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_insls [] ht = return ht" |
  "ht_insls ((k, v) # l) ht = do { h  ht_upd k v ht; ht_insls l h }"

text "Abstract version"
fun ls_insls :: "('k::hashable × 'v) list
   ('k × 'v) list list  ('k × 'v) list list"
  "ls_insls [] l = l" |
  "ls_insls ((k, v) # ls) l =
    ls_insls ls (abs_update k v l)"

lemma ht_hash_ls_insls:
  assumes "ht_hash l"
  shows "ht_hash (ls_insls ls l)"
  using assms
  apply (induct l rule: ls_insls.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (simp add: ht_hash_update)

lemma ht_distinct_ls_insls:
  assumes "ht_distinct l"
  shows "ht_distinct (ls_insls ls l)"
  using assms
  apply (induct l rule: ls_insls.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (simp add: ht_distinct_update)

lemma length_ls_insls:
  assumes "1 < length l"
  shows "1 < length (ls_insls ls l)"
  using assms
proof (induct l rule: ls_insls.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 k v ls l)
  from 2(1)[OF length_update[OF 2(2), of k v]] show ?case
    by simp

lemma complete_ht_insls:
  "<is_hashtable ls ht> ht_insls xs ht <is_hashtable (ls_insls xs ls)>"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ls ht)
  case Nil
  show ?case by (auto intro: return_cons_rule)
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Pair k v)
    then show ?thesis
      apply simp
      apply (rule bind_rule)
      apply (rule complete_ht_upd)
      apply (simp add: Cons)

text ‹\paragraph{Copy}›
fun ht_copy :: "nat  ('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable
   ('k, 'v) hashtable  ('k, 'v) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_copy 0 src dst = return dst" |
  "ht_copy (Suc n) src dst = do {
    l  Array.nth (the_array src) n;
    ht  ht_insls l dst;
    ht_copy n src ht

text "Abstract version"
fun ls_copy :: "nat  ('k::hashable × 'v) list list
   ('k × 'v) list list  ('k × 'v) list list"
  "ls_copy 0 ss ds = ds" |
  "ls_copy (Suc n) ss ds = ls_copy n ss (ls_insls (ss ! n) ds)"

lemma ht_hash_ls_copy:
  assumes "ht_hash l"
  shows "ht_hash (ls_copy n ss l)"
  using assms
  apply (induct n arbitrary: l)
  apply simp
  apply (simp add: ht_hash_ls_insls)

lemma ht_distinct_ls_copy:
  assumes "ht_distinct l"
  shows "ht_distinct (ls_copy n ss l)"
  using assms
  apply (induct n arbitrary: l)
  apply simp
  apply (simp add: ht_distinct_ls_insls)

lemma length_ls_copy:
  assumes "1 < length l"
  shows "1 < length (ls_copy n ss l)"
  using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: l)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  from Suc(1)[OF length_ls_insls[OF Suc(2)]] show ?case by simp

lemma complete_ht_copy: "n  List.length ss 
  <is_hashtable ss src * is_hashtable ds dst>
  ht_copy n src dst
  <λr. is_hashtable ss src * is_hashtable (ls_copy n ss ds) r>"
proof (induct n arbitrary: ds dst)
  case 0
  show ?case by (auto intro!: return_cons_rule)
  case (Suc n)
  then have n: "n < length ss" by simp
  then have "n  length ss" by simp
  note IH = Suc(1)[OF this]
  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule bind_rule)
    apply (rule frame_rule)
    apply (subgoal_tac "<is_hashtable ss src>
      Array.nth (the_array src) n
      <λr. is_hashtable ss src * (r = ss ! n)>")
    apply simp
    apply (simp add: is_hashtable_def)
    apply (auto intro!: nth_rule simp add: n)[]
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule bind_rule)
    apply (rule frame_rule_left)
    apply (rule complete_ht_insls)
    apply (simp add: IH)

text ‹Alternative, more automatic proof›
lemma complete_ht_copy_alt_proof: "n  List.length ss 
  <is_hashtable ss src * is_hashtable ds dst>
  ht_copy n src dst
  <λr. is_hashtable ss src * is_hashtable (ls_copy n ss ds) r>"
proof (induct n arbitrary: ds dst)
  case 0
  show ?case by (sep_auto)
  case (Suc n)
  then have N_LESS: "n < length ss" by simp
  then have N_LE: "n  length ss" by simp
  note IH = Suc(1)[OF this]
  show ?case
    by (sep_auto simp: N_LESS N_LE heap: complete_ht_insls IH)

definition ht_rehash
  :: "('k::{heap,hashable}, 'v::heap) hashtable  ('k, 'v) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_rehash ht = do {
    n  Array.len (the_array ht);
    h  ht_new_sz (2 * n);
    ht_copy n ht h

text "Operation on Abstraction"
definition ls_rehash :: "('k::hashable × 'v) list list  ('k × 'v) list list"
  where "ls_rehash l = ls_copy (List.length l) l (replicate (2 * length l) [])"

lemma ht_hash_ls_rehash: "ht_hash (ls_rehash l)"
  by (simp add: ht_hash_ls_copy ls_rehash_def)

lemma ht_distinct_ls_rehash: "ht_distinct (ls_rehash l)"
  by (simp add: ht_distinct_ls_copy ls_rehash_def)

lemma length_ls_rehash:
  assumes "1 < length l"
  shows "1 < length (ls_rehash l)"
proof -
  from assms have "1 < length (replicate (2 * length l) [])" by simp
  from length_ls_copy[OF this, of "length l" l] show ?thesis
    by (simp add: ls_rehash_def)

lemma ht_imp_len: "is_hashtable l ht A is_hashtable l ht * (length l > 0)"
  unfolding is_hashtable_def
  by sep_auto

lemma complete_ht_rehash:
  "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_rehash ht
  <λr. is_hashtable l ht * is_hashtable (ls_rehash l) r>"
  apply (rule cons_pre_rule[OF ht_imp_len])
  unfolding ht_rehash_def
  apply (sep_auto heap: complete_ht_new_sz)
  apply (cases l; simp)
  apply (sep_auto heap: complete_ht_copy simp: ls_rehash_def)

definition load_factor :: nat ― ‹in percent›
  where "load_factor = 75"

definition ht_update
  :: "'k::{heap,hashable}  'v::heap  ('k, 'v) hashtable
   ('k, 'v) hashtable Heap"
  "ht_update k v ht = do {
    m  Array.len (the_array ht);
    ht  (if m * load_factor  (the_size ht) * 100 then
        ht_rehash ht
      else return ht);
    ht_upd k v ht

lemma complete_ht_update_normal:
  "¬ length l * load_factor  (the_size ht)* 100 
  <is_hashtable l ht>
  ht_update k v ht
  <is_hashtable (abs_update k v l)>"
  unfolding ht_update_def
  apply (sep_auto simp: is_hashtable_def)
  apply (rule cons_pre_rule[where P' = "is_hashtable l ht"])
  apply (simp add: is_hashtable_def)
  apply (simp add: complete_ht_upd)

lemma complete_ht_update_rehash:
  "length l * load_factor  (the_size ht)* 100 
  <is_hashtable l ht>
  ht_update k v ht
  <λr. is_hashtable l ht
    * is_hashtable (abs_update k v (ls_rehash l)) r>"
  unfolding ht_update_def
  by (sep_auto heap: complete_ht_rehash complete_ht_upd)

subsection ‹Conversion to List›

definition ht_to_list ::
  "('k::heap, 'v::heap) hashtable  ('k × 'v) list Heap" where
  "ht_to_list ht = do {
    l  (Array.freeze (the_array ht));
    return (concat l)

lemma complete_ht_to_list: "<is_hashtable l ht> ht_to_list ht
  <λr. is_hashtable l ht * (r = concat l)>"
  unfolding ht_to_list_def is_hashtable_def
  by sep_auto
