Theory Resolution

section ‹More Terms and Literals›

theory Resolution imports TermsAndLiterals Tree begin

fun complement :: "'t literal  't literal" (‹_c [300] 300) where
  "(Pos P ts)c = Neg P ts"  
| "(Neg P ts)c = Pos P ts"

lemma cancel_comp1: "(lc)c = l" by (cases l) auto   

lemma cancel_comp2:
  assumes asm: "l1c = l2c"
  shows "l1 = l2"
proof -
  from asm have "(l1c)c = (l2c)c" by auto
  then have "l1 = (l2c)c" using cancel_comp1[of l1] by auto
  then show ?thesis using cancel_comp1[of l2] by auto

lemma comp_exi1: "l'. l' = lc" by (cases l) auto 

lemma comp_exi2: "l. l' = lc"
  show "l' = (l'c)c" using cancel_comp1[of l'] by auto

lemma comp_swap: "l1c = l2  l1 = l2c" 
proof -
  have "l1c = l2  l1 = l2c" using cancel_comp1[of l1] by auto
  have "l1 = l2c  l1c = l2" using cancel_comp1 by auto
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma sign_comp: "sign l1  sign l2  get_pred l1 = get_pred l2  get_terms l1 = get_terms l2  l2 = l1c"
by (cases l1; cases l2) auto

lemma sign_comp_atom: "sign l1  sign l2  get_atom l1 = get_atom l2  l2 = l1c"
by (cases l1; cases l2) auto

section ‹Clauses›

type_synonym 't clause = "'t literal set"

abbreviation complementls :: "'t literal set  't literal set" (‹_C [300] 300) where 
  "LC  complement ` L"

lemma cancel_compls1: "(LC)C = L"
apply (auto simp add: cancel_comp1)
apply (metis imageI cancel_comp1) 

lemma cancel_compls2:
  assumes asm: "L1C = L2C"
  shows "L1 = L2"
proof -
  from asm have "(L1C)C = (L2C)C" by auto
  then show ?thesis using cancel_compls1[of L1] cancel_compls1[of L2] by simp

fun varst  :: "fterm  var_sym set" where
  "varst (Var x) = {x}"
| "varst (Fun f ts) = (t  set ts. varst t)"

abbreviation varsts :: "fterm list  var_sym set" where 
  "varsts ts  (t  set ts. varst t)"

definition varsl :: "fterm literal  var_sym set" where 
  "varsl l = varsts (get_terms l)"

definition varsls :: "fterm literal set  var_sym set" where 
  "varsls L  lL. varsl l"

lemma ground_varst:
  assumes "groundt t"
  shows "varst t = {}" 
using assms by (induction t) auto

lemma groundts_varsts: 
  assumes "groundts ts"
  shows "varsts ts = {}"
using assms ground_varst by auto

lemma groundl_varsl:
  assumes "groundl l"
  shows "varsl l = {}" 
  unfolding varsl_def using assms ground_varst by auto

lemma groundls_varsls: 
  assumes "groundls L"
  shows "varsls L = {}" unfolding varsls_def using assms groundl_varsl by auto

lemma ground_comp: "groundl (lc)  groundl l" by (cases l) auto

lemma  ground_compls: "groundls (LC)  groundls L" using ground_comp by auto

(* Alternative - Collect variables with vars and see if empty set *)

section ‹Semantics›

type_synonym 'u fun_denot  = "fun_sym   'u list  'u"
type_synonym 'u pred_denot = "pred_sym  'u list  bool"
type_synonym 'u var_denot  = "var_sym   'u"

fun evalt  :: "'u var_denot  'u fun_denot  fterm  'u" where
  "evalt E F (Var x) = E x"
| "evalt E F (Fun f ts) = F f (map (evalt E F) ts)"

abbreviation evalts :: "'u var_denot  'u fun_denot  fterm list  'u list" where
  "evalts E F ts  map (evalt E F) ts"

fun evall :: "'u var_denot  'u fun_denot  'u pred_denot  fterm literal  bool" where
  "evall E F G (Pos p ts)   G p (evalts E F ts)"
| "evall E F G (Neg p ts)  ¬G p (evalts E F ts)"

definition evalc :: "'u fun_denot  'u pred_denot  fterm clause  bool" where
  "evalc F G C  (E. l  C. evall E F G l)"

definition evalcs :: "'u fun_denot  'u pred_denot  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "evalcs F G Cs  (C  Cs. evalc F G C)"

subsection ‹Semantics of Ground Terms›

lemma ground_var_denott: 
  assumes "groundt t"
  shows "evalt E F t = evalt E' F t"
using assms proof (induction t)
  case (Var x)
  then have "False" by auto
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Fun f ts)
  then have "t  set ts. groundt t" by auto 
  then have "t  set ts. evalt E F t = evalt E' F t" using Fun by auto
  then have "evalts E F ts = evalts E' F ts" by auto
  then have "F f (map (evalt E F) ts) = F f (map (evalt E' F) ts)" by metis
  then show ?case by simp

lemma ground_var_denotts: 
  assumes "groundts ts"
  shows "evalts E F ts = evalts E' F ts"
  using assms ground_var_denott by (metis map_eq_conv)

lemma ground_var_denot: 
  assumes "groundl l"
  shows "evall E F G l = evall E' F G l"
using assms proof (induction l)
  case Pos then show ?case using ground_var_denotts by (metis evall.simps(1) literal.sel(3))
  case Neg then show ?case using ground_var_denotts by (metis evall.simps(2) literal.sel(4))

section ‹Substitutions›

type_synonym substitution = "var_sym  fterm" 

fun sub  :: "fterm  substitution  fterm" (infixl t 55) where
  "(Var x) t σ = σ x"
| "(Fun f ts) t σ = Fun f (map (λt. t t σ) ts)"

abbreviation subs :: "fterm list  substitution  fterm list" (infixl ts 55) where
  "ts ts σ  (map (λt. t t σ) ts)"

fun subl :: "fterm literal  substitution  fterm literal" (infixl l 55) where
  "(Pos p ts) l σ = Pos p (ts ts σ)"
| "(Neg p ts) l σ = Neg p (ts ts σ)"

abbreviation subls :: "fterm literal set  substitution  fterm literal set" (infixl ls 55) where
  "L ls σ  (λl. l l σ) ` L"

lemma subls_def2: "L ls σ = {l l σ|l. l  L}" by auto

definition instance_oft :: "fterm  fterm  bool" where
  "instance_oft t1 t2  (σ. t1 = t2 t σ)"

definition instance_ofts :: "fterm list  fterm list  bool" where
  "instance_ofts ts1 ts2  (σ. ts1 = ts2 ts σ)"

definition instance_ofl :: "fterm literal  fterm literal  bool" where
  "instance_ofl l1 l2  (σ. l1 = l2 l σ)"

definition instance_ofls :: "fterm clause  fterm clause  bool" where
  "instance_ofls C1 C2  (σ. C1 = C2 ls σ)"

lemma comp_sub: "(lc) l σ=(l l σ)c" 
by (cases l) auto

lemma compls_subls: "(LC) ls σ=(L ls σ)C" 
using comp_sub apply auto
apply (metis image_eqI)

lemma subls_union: "(L1  L2) ls σ = (L1 ls σ)  (L2 ls σ)" by auto

  Alternative: apply a substitution that is a bijection between the set of variables in C1 and some other set.
definition var_renaming_of :: "fterm clause  fterm clause  bool" where
  "var_renaming_of C1 C2  instance_ofls C1 C2  instance_ofls C2 C1"

subsection ‹The Empty Substitution›

abbreviation ε :: "substitution" where
  "ε  Var"

lemma empty_subt: "(t :: fterm) t ε = t" 
by (induction t) (auto simp add: map_idI)

lemma empty_subts: "ts ts ε = ts" 
using empty_subt by auto

lemma empty_subl: "l l ε = l" 
using empty_subts by (cases l) auto

lemma empty_subls: "L ls ε = L" 
using empty_subl by auto

lemma instance_oft_self: "instance_oft t t"
unfolding instance_oft_def
  show "t = t t ε" using empty_subt by auto

lemma instance_ofts_self: "instance_ofts ts ts"
unfolding instance_ofts_def
  show "ts = ts ts ε" using empty_subts by auto

lemma instance_ofl_self: "instance_ofl l l"
unfolding instance_ofl_def
  show "l = l l ε" using empty_subl by auto

lemma instance_ofls_self: "instance_ofls L L"
unfolding instance_ofls_def
  show "L = L ls ε" using empty_subls by auto

subsection ‹Substitutions and Ground Terms›

lemma ground_sub: 
  assumes "groundt t"
  shows "t t σ = t"
using assms by (induction t) (auto simp add: map_idI)

lemma ground_subs: 
  assumes "groundts ts "
  shows " ts ts σ = ts" 
using assms ground_sub by (simp add: map_idI)

lemma groundl_subs: 
  assumes "groundl l "
  shows " l l σ = l" 
using assms ground_subs by (cases l) auto

lemma groundls_subls:
  assumes ground: "groundls L"
  shows "L ls σ = L"
proof -
    fix l
    assume l_L: "l  L"
    then have "groundl l" using ground by auto
    then have "l = l l σ" using groundl_subs by auto
    then have "l l σ  L ls σ" using l_L by auto
    have "l  L ls σ" by auto
    fix l
    assume l_L: "l  L ls σ"
    then obtain l' where l'_p: "l'  L  l' l σ = l" by auto
    then have "l' = l" using ground groundl_subs by auto
    from l_L l'_p this have "l  L" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

subsection ‹Composition›

definition composition :: "substitution  substitution  substitution"  (infixl  55) where
  "(σ1  σ2) x = (σ1 x) t σ2"

lemma composition_conseq2t:  "(t t σ1) t σ2 = t t (σ1  σ2)" 
proof (induction t)
  case (Var x) 
  have "((Var x) t σ1) t σ2 = (σ1 x) t σ2" by simp
  also have " ... = (σ1  σ2) x" unfolding composition_def by simp
  finally show ?case by auto
  case (Fun t ts)
  then show ?case unfolding composition_def by auto

lemma composition_conseq2ts: "(ts ts σ1) ts σ2 = ts ts (σ1  σ2)"
  using composition_conseq2t by auto

lemma composition_conseq2l: "(l l σ1) l σ2 = l l (σ1  σ2)" 
  using composition_conseq2t by (cases l) auto 

lemma composition_conseq2ls: "(L ls σ1) ls σ2 = L ls (σ1  σ2)" 
using composition_conseq2l apply auto
apply (metis imageI) 

lemma composition_assoc: "σ1  (σ2  σ3) = (σ1  σ2)  σ3" 
  fix x
  show "(σ1  (σ2  σ3)) x = ((σ1  σ2)  σ3) x"
    by (simp only: composition_def composition_conseq2t)

lemma empty_comp1: "(σ  ε) = σ" 
  fix x
  show "(σ  ε) x = σ x" unfolding composition_def using empty_subt by auto 

lemma empty_comp2: "(ε  σ) = σ" 
  fix x
  show "(ε  σ) x = σ x" unfolding composition_def by simp

lemma instance_oft_trans : 
  assumes t12: "instance_oft t1 t2"
  assumes t23: "instance_oft t2 t3"
  shows "instance_oft t1 t3"
proof -
  from t12 obtain σ12 where "t1 = t2 t σ12" 
    unfolding instance_oft_def by auto
  from t23 obtain σ23 where "t2 = t3 t σ23" 
    unfolding instance_oft_def by auto
  have "t1 = (t3 t σ23) t σ12" by auto
  then have "t1 = t3 t (σ23  σ12)" using composition_conseq2t by simp
  then show ?thesis unfolding instance_oft_def by auto

lemma instance_ofts_trans : 
  assumes ts12: "instance_ofts ts1 ts2"
  assumes ts23: "instance_ofts ts2 ts3"
  shows "instance_ofts ts1 ts3"
proof -
  from ts12 obtain σ12 where "ts1 = ts2 ts σ12" 
    unfolding instance_ofts_def by auto
  from ts23 obtain σ23 where "ts2 = ts3 ts σ23" 
    unfolding instance_ofts_def by auto
  have "ts1 = (ts3 ts σ23) ts σ12" by auto
  then have "ts1 = ts3 ts (σ23  σ12)" using composition_conseq2ts by simp
  then show ?thesis unfolding instance_ofts_def by auto

lemma instance_ofl_trans : 
  assumes l12: "instance_ofl l1 l2"
  assumes l23: "instance_ofl l2 l3"
  shows "instance_ofl l1 l3"
proof -
  from l12 obtain σ12 where "l1 = l2 l σ12" 
    unfolding instance_ofl_def by auto
  from l23 obtain σ23 where "l2 = l3 l σ23" 
    unfolding instance_ofl_def by auto
  have "l1 = (l3 l σ23) l σ12" by auto
  then have "l1 = l3 l (σ23  σ12)" using composition_conseq2l by simp
  then show ?thesis unfolding instance_ofl_def by auto

lemma instance_ofls_trans : 
  assumes L12: "instance_ofls L1 L2"
  assumes L23: "instance_ofls L2 L3"
  shows "instance_ofls L1 L3"
proof -
  from L12 obtain σ12 where "L1 = L2 ls σ12" 
    unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto
  from L23 obtain σ23 where "L2 = L3 ls σ23" 
    unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto
  have "L1 = (L3 ls σ23) ls σ12" by auto
  then have "L1 = L3 ls (σ23  σ12)" using composition_conseq2ls by simp
  then show ?thesis unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto

subsection ‹Merging substitutions›

lemma project_sub:
  assumes inst_C:"C ls lmbd = C'" 
  assumes L'sub: "L'  C'"
  shows "L  C. L ls lmbd = L'  (C-L) ls lmbd = C' - L'"
proof -
  let ?L = "{l  C. l'  L'. l l lmbd = l'}"
  have "?L  C" by auto
  have "?L ls lmbd = L'"
    proof (rule Orderings.order_antisym; rule Set.subsetI)
      fix l'
      assume l'L: "l'  L'"
      from inst_C have "{l l lmbd|l. l  C} = C'" unfolding subls_def2 by -
      then have "l. l' = l l lmbd  l  C  l l lmbd  L'" using L'sub l'L by auto
      then have " l'  {l  C. l l lmbd  L'} ls lmbd" by auto
      then show " l'  {l  C. l'L'. l l lmbd = l'} ls lmbd" by auto
    qed auto
  have "(C-?L) ls lmbd = C' - L'" using inst_C by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast    

lemma relevant_vars_subt:
  assumes "x  varst t. σ1 x = σ2 x"
  shows " t t σ1 = t t σ2"
using assms proof (induction t)
  case (Fun f ts)
  have f: "t. t  set ts  varst t  varsts ts" by (induction ts) auto
  have "tset ts. t t σ1 = t t σ2" 
      fix t
      assume tints: "t  set ts"
      then have "x  varst t. σ1 x = σ2 x" using f Fun(2) by auto
      then show "t t σ1 = t t σ2" using Fun tints by auto
  then have "ts ts σ1 = ts ts σ2" by auto
  then show ?case by auto
qed auto

lemma relevant_vars_subts: (* similar to above proof *)
  assumes asm: "x  varsts ts. σ1 x = σ2 x"
  shows "ts ts σ1 = ts ts σ2" 
proof -
   have f: "t. t  set ts  varst t  varsts ts" by (induction ts) auto
   have "tset ts. t t σ1 = t t σ2" 
      fix t
      assume tints: "t  set ts"
      then have "x  varst t. σ1 x = σ2 x" using f asm by auto
      then show "t t σ1 = t t σ2" using relevant_vars_subt tints by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma relevant_vars_subl:
  assumes "x  varsl l. σ1 x = σ2 x "
  shows "l l σ1 = l l σ2"
using assms proof (induction l)
  case (Pos p ts)
  then show ?case using relevant_vars_subts unfolding varsl_def by auto
  case (Neg p ts)
  then show ?case using relevant_vars_subts unfolding varsl_def by auto

lemma relevant_vars_subls: (* in many ways a mirror of relevant_vars_subts  *)
  assumes asm: "x  varsls L. σ1 x = σ2 x"
  shows "L ls σ1 = L ls σ2"
proof -
  have f: "l. l  L  varsl l  varsls L" unfolding varsls_def by auto
  have "l  L. l l σ1 = l l σ2"
      fix l
      assume linls: "lL"
      then have "xvarsl l. σ1 x = σ2 x" using f asm by auto
      then show "l l σ1 = l l σ2" using relevant_vars_subl linls by auto
  then show ?thesis by (meson image_cong) 

lemma merge_sub:
  assumes dist: "varsls C  varsls D = {}"
  assumes CC': "C ls lmbd = C'"
  assumes DD': "D ls μ = D'"
  shows "η. C ls η = C'  D ls η = D'"
proof -
  let  = "λx. if x  varsls C then lmbd x else μ x"
  have " xvarsls C.  x = lmbd x" by auto
  then have "C ls  = C ls lmbd" using relevant_vars_subls[of C  lmbd] by auto
  then have "C ls  = C'" using CC' by auto
  have " x  varsls D.  x = μ x" using dist by auto
  then have "D ls  = D ls μ" using relevant_vars_subls[of D  μ] by auto
  then have "D ls  = D'" using DD' by auto
  show ?thesis by auto

subsection ‹Standardizing apart›

abbreviation std1 :: "fterm clause  fterm clause" where
  "std1 C  C ls (λx. Var (''1'' @ x))"

abbreviation std2 :: "fterm clause  fterm clause" where
  "std2 C  C ls (λx. Var (''2'' @ x))"

lemma std_apart_apart'': 
  assumes "x  varst  (t t (λx::char list. Var (y @ x)))"
  shows "x'. x = y@x'"
using assms by (induction t) auto

lemma std_apart_apart':
  assumes "x  varsl (l l (λx. Var  (y@x)))" 
  shows "x'. x = y@x'"
using assms unfolding varsl_def using std_apart_apart'' by (cases l) auto

lemma std_apart_apart: "varsls (std1 C1)  varsls (std2 C2) = {}"
proof -
    fix x
    assume xin: "x  varsls (std1 C1)  varsls (std2 C2)"
    from xin have "x  varsls (std1 C1)" by auto
    then have "x'. x=''1'' @ x'" 
      using std_apart_apart'[of x _ "''1''"] unfolding varsls_def by auto
    from xin have "x  varsls (std2 C2)" by auto
    then have "x'. x= ''2'' @x' " 
      using std_apart_apart'[of x _ "''2''"] unfolding varsls_def by auto
    ultimately have "False" by auto
    then have "x  {}" by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto 

lemma std_apart_instance_ofls1: "instance_ofls C1 (std1 C1)"
proof -
  have empty: "(λx. Var (''1''@x))  (λx. Var (tl x)) = ε" using composition_def by auto         

  have "C1 ls ε = C1" using empty_subls by auto
  then have "C1 ls ((λx. Var (''1''@x))  (λx. Var (tl x))) = C1" using empty by auto
  then have "(C1 ls (λx. Var (''1''@x))) ls (λx. Var (tl x)) = C1" using composition_conseq2ls by auto
  then have "C1 = (std1 C1) ls (λx. Var (tl x))" by auto
  then show "instance_ofls C1 (std1 C1)" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto

lemma std_apart_instance_ofls2: "instance_ofls C2 (std2 C2)"  
proof -
  have empty: "(λx. Var (''2''@x))  (λx. Var (tl x)) = ε" using composition_def by auto

  have "C2 ls ε = C2" using empty_subls by auto
  then have "C2 ls ((λx. Var (''2''@x))  (λx. Var (tl x))) = C2" using empty by auto
  then have "(C2 ls (λx. Var (''2''@x))) ls (λx. Var (tl x)) = C2" using composition_conseq2ls by auto
  then have "C2 = (std2 C2) ls (λx. Var (tl x))" by auto
  then show "instance_ofls C2 (std2 C2)" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto

section ‹Unifiers›

definition unifierts :: "substitution  fterm set  bool" where
  "unifierts σ ts  (t'. t  ts. t t σ = t')"

definition unifierls :: "substitution  fterm literal set  bool" where
  "unifierls σ L  (l'. l  L. l l σ = l')"

lemma unif_sub:
  assumes unif: "unifierls σ L"
  assumes nonempty: "L  {}"
  shows "l. subls L σ = {subl l σ}"
proof -
  from nonempty obtain l where "l  L" by auto
  from unif this have "L ls σ = {l l σ}" unfolding unifierls_def by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma unifiert_def2: (*  (λt. sub t σ) ` ts could have some nice notation maybe *)
  assumes L_elem: "ts  {}"
  shows "unifierts σ ts  (l. (λt. sub t σ) ` ts ={l})"
  assume unif: "unifierts σ ts"
  from L_elem obtain t where "t  ts" by auto
  then have "(λt. sub t σ) ` ts = {t t σ}" using unif unfolding unifierts_def by auto
  then show "l. (λt. sub t σ) ` ts = {l}" by auto
  assume "l. (λt. sub t σ) ` ts ={l}"
  then obtain l where "(λt. sub t σ) ` ts = {l}" by auto
  then have "l'  ts. l' t σ = l" by auto
  then show "unifierts σ ts" unfolding unifierts_def by auto

lemma unifierls_def2: 
  assumes L_elem: "L  {}"
  shows "unifierls σ L  (l. L ls σ = {l})"
  assume unif: "unifierls σ L"
  from L_elem obtain l where "l  L" by auto
  then have "L ls σ = {l l σ}" using unif unfolding unifierls_def by auto
  then show "l. L ls σ = {l}" by auto
  assume "l. L ls σ ={l}"
  then obtain l where "L ls σ = {l}" by auto
  then have "l'  L. l' l σ = l" by auto
  then show "unifierls σ L" unfolding unifierls_def by auto

lemma groundls_unif_singleton:
  assumes groundls: "groundls L" 
  assumes unif: "unifierls σ' L"
  assumes empt: "L  {}"
  shows "l. L = {l}"
proof -
  from unif empt have "l. L ls σ' = {l}" using unif_sub by auto
  then show ?thesis using groundls_subls groundls by auto

definition unifiablets :: "fterm set  bool" where
  "unifiablets fs  (σ. unifierts σ fs)"

definition unifiablels :: "fterm literal set  bool" where
  "unifiablels L  (σ. unifierls σ L)"

lemma unifier_comp[simp]: "unifierls σ (LC)  unifierls σ L"
  assume "unifierls σ (LC)" 
  then obtain l'' where l''_p: "l  LC. l l σ = l''" 
    unfolding unifierls_def by auto
  obtain l' where "(l')c = l''" using comp_exi2[of l''] by auto
  from this l''_p have l'_p:"l  LC. l l σ = (l')c" by auto
  have "l  L. l l σ = l'"
      fix l
      assume "lL"
      then have "lc  LC" by auto
      then have "(lc) l σ = (l')c" using l'_p by auto
      then have "(l l σ)c = (l')c" by (cases l) auto
      then show "l l σ = l'" using cancel_comp2 by blast
  then show "unifierls σ L" unfolding unifierls_def by auto
  assume "unifierls σ L"
  then obtain l' where l'_p: "l  L. l l σ = l'" unfolding unifierls_def by auto
  have "l  LC. l l σ = (l')c"
      fix l
      assume "l  LC"
      then have "lc  L" using cancel_comp1 by (metis image_iff)
      then show "l l σ = (l')c" using l'_p comp_sub cancel_comp1 by metis
  then show "unifierls σ (LC)" unfolding unifierls_def by auto

lemma unifier_sub1: 
  assumes "unifierls σ L"
  assumes "L'  L"
  shows "unifierls σ L' " 
  using assms unfolding unifierls_def by auto

lemma unifier_sub2: 
  assumes asm: "unifierls σ (L1  L2)"
  shows "unifierls σ L1  unifierls σ L2 "
proof -
  have "L1  (L1  L2)  L2  (L1  L2)" by simp
  from this asm show ?thesis using unifier_sub1 by auto

subsection ‹Most General Unifiers›

definition mguts :: "substitution  fterm set  bool" where
  "mguts σ ts  unifierts σ ts  (u. unifierts u ts  (i. u = σ  i))"

definition mguls :: "substitution  fterm literal set  bool" where
  "mguls σ L  unifierls σ L  (u. unifierls u L  (i. u = σ  i))"

section ‹Resolution›

definition applicable :: "   fterm clause  fterm clause 
                           fterm literal set  fterm literal set 
                           substitution  bool" where
  "applicable C1 C2 L1 L2 σ  
       C1  {}  C2  {}  L1  {}  L2  {}
      varsls C1  varsls C2 = {} 
      L1  C1  L2  C2 
      mguls σ (L1  L2C)"

definition mresolution :: "   fterm clause  fterm clause 
                           fterm literal set  fterm literal set 
                           substitution  fterm clause" where
  "mresolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ = ((C1 ls σ)- (L1 ls σ))  ((C2 ls σ) - (L2 ls σ))"

definition resolution :: "   fterm clause  fterm clause 
                           fterm literal set  fterm literal set 
                           substitution  fterm clause" where
  "resolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ = ((C1 - L1)  (C2 - L2)) ls σ"

inductive mresolution_step :: "fterm clause set  fterm clause set  bool" where
    "C1  Cs  C2  Cs  applicable C1 C2 L1 L2 σ  
       mresolution_step Cs (Cs  {mresolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ})"
| standardize_apart:
    "C  Cs  var_renaming_of C C'  mresolution_step Cs (Cs  {C'})"

inductive resolution_step :: "fterm clause set  fterm clause set  bool" where
    "C1  Cs  C2  Cs  applicable C1 C2 L1 L2 σ  
       resolution_step Cs (Cs  {resolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ})"
| standardize_apart: (* renaming *)
    "C  Cs  var_renaming_of C C'  resolution_step Cs (Cs  {C'})"

definition mresolution_deriv :: "fterm clause set  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "mresolution_deriv = rtranclp mresolution_step"

definition resolution_deriv :: "fterm clause set  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "resolution_deriv = rtranclp resolution_step"

section ‹Soundness›

definition evalsub :: "'u var_denot  'u fun_denot  substitution  'u var_denot" where
  "evalsub E F σ = evalt E F  σ"

lemma substitutiont: "evalt E F (t t σ) = evalt (evalsub E F σ) F t"
apply (induction t)
 unfolding evalsub_def apply auto
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) comp_apply map_cong)

lemma substitutionts: "evalts E F (ts ts σ) = evalts (evalsub E F σ) F ts"
using substitutiont by auto

lemma substitution: "evall E F G (l l σ)  evall (evalsub E F σ) F G l"
apply (induction l) 
 using substitutionts apply (metis evall.simps(1) subl.simps(1)) 
using substitutionts apply (metis evall.simps(2) subl.simps(2))

lemma subst_sound:
 assumes asm: "evalc F G C"
 shows "evalc F G (C ls σ)"
unfolding evalc_def proof
  fix E
  from asm have "E'. l  C. evall E' F G l" using evalc_def by blast
  then have "l  C. evall (evalsub E F σ) F G l" by auto
  then show "l  C ls σ. evall E F G l" using substitution by blast

lemma simple_resolution_sound:
  assumes C1sat:  "evalc F G C1"
  assumes C2sat:  "evalc F G C2"
  assumes l1inc1: "l1  C1"
  assumes l2inc2: "l2  C2"
  assumes comp: "l1c = l2"
  shows "evalc F G ((C1 - {l1})  (C2 - {l2}))"
proof -
  have "E. l  (((C1 - {l1})  (C2 - {l2}))). evall E F G l"
      fix E
      have "evall E F G l1  evall E F G l2" using comp by (cases l1) auto
      then show "l  (((C1 - {l1})  (C2 - {l2}))). evall E F G l"
          assume "evall E F G l1"
          then have "¬evall E F G l2" using comp by (cases l1) auto
          then have "l2' C2. l2'  l2  evall E F G l2'" using l2inc2 C2sat unfolding evalc_def by auto
          then show "l(C1 - {l1})  (C2 - {l2}). evall E F G l" by auto
          assume "evall E F G l2" (* Symmetric *)
          then have "¬evall E F G l1" using comp by (cases l1) auto
          then have "l1' C1. l1'  l1  evall E F G l1'" using l1inc1 C1sat unfolding evalc_def by auto
          then show "l(C1 - {l1})  (C2 - {l2}). evall E F G l" by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding evalc_def by simp

lemma mresolution_sound:
  assumes sat1: "evalc F G C1"
  assumes sat2: "evalc F G C2"
  assumes appl: "applicable C1 C2 L1 L2 σ"
  shows "evalc F G (mresolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ)"
proof -
  from sat1 have sat1σ: "evalc F G (C1 ls σ)" using subst_sound by blast
  from sat2 have sat2σ: "evalc F G (C2 ls σ)" using subst_sound by blast

  from appl obtain l1 where l1_p: "l1  L1" unfolding applicable_def by auto

  from l1_p appl have "l1  C1" unfolding applicable_def by auto
  then have inc1σ: "l1 l σ  C1 ls σ" by auto
  from l1_p have unified1: "l1  (L1  (L2C))" by auto

  from l1_p appl have l1σisl1σ: "{l1 l σ} = L1 ls σ"  
    unfolding mguls_def unifierls_def applicable_def by auto

  from appl obtain l2 where l2_p: "l2  L2" unfolding applicable_def by auto
  from l2_p appl have "l2  C2" unfolding applicable_def by auto
  then have inc2σ: "l2 l σ  C2 ls σ" by auto

  from l2_p have unified2: "l2c  (L1  (L2C))" by auto

  from unified1 unified2 appl have "l1 l σ = (l2c) l σ" 
    unfolding mguls_def unifierls_def applicable_def by auto
  then have comp: "(l1 l σ)c = l2 l σ" using comp_sub comp_swap by auto 

  from appl have "unifierls σ (L2C)" 
    using unifier_sub2 unfolding mguls_def applicable_def by blast
  then have "unifierls σ L2" by auto
  from this l2_p have l2σisl2σ: "{l2 l σ} = L2 ls σ" unfolding unifierls_def by auto

  from sat1σ sat2σ inc1σ inc2σ comp have "evalc F G ((C1 ls σ) - {l1 l σ}  ((C2 ls σ) - {l2 l σ}))" using simple_resolution_sound[of F G "C1 ls σ" "C2 ls σ" "l1 l σ" " l2 l σ"]
    by auto
  from this l1σisl1σ l2σisl2σ show ?thesis unfolding mresolution_def by auto

lemma resolution_superset: "mresolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ  resolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ"
 unfolding mresolution_def resolution_def by auto

lemma superset_sound:
  assumes sup: "C  C'"
  assumes sat: "evalc F G C"
  shows "evalc F G C'"
proof -
  have "E. l  C'. evall E F G l"
      fix E
      from sat have "E. l  C. evall E F G l" unfolding evalc_def by -
      then have "l  C . evall E F G l" by auto
      then show "l  C'. evall E F G l" using sup by auto
  then show "evalc F G C'" unfolding evalc_def by auto
theorem resolution_sound:
  assumes sat1: "evalc F G C1"
  assumes sat2: "evalc F G C2"
  assumes appl: "applicable C1 C2 L1 L2 σ"
  shows "evalc F G (resolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ)"
proof -
  from sat1 sat2 appl have "evalc F G (mresolution C1 C2 L1 L2 σ)" using mresolution_sound by blast
  then show ?thesis using superset_sound resolution_superset by metis

lemma mstep_sound: 
  assumes "mresolution_step Cs Cs'"
  assumes "evalcs F G Cs"
  shows "evalcs F G Cs'"
using assms proof (induction rule: mresolution_step.induct)
  case (mresolution_rule C1 Cs C2 l1 l2 σ)
  then have "evalc F G C1  evalc F G C2" unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  then have "evalc F G (mresolution C1 C2 l1 l2 σ)" 
    using mresolution_sound mresolution_rule by auto
  then show ?case using mresolution_rule unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  case (standardize_apart C Cs C')
  then have "evalc F G C" unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  then have "evalc F G C'" using subst_sound standardize_apart unfolding var_renaming_of_def instance_ofls_def by metis
  then show ?case using standardize_apart unfolding evalcs_def by auto

theorem step_sound: 
  assumes "resolution_step Cs Cs'"
  assumes "evalcs F G Cs"
  shows "evalcs F G Cs'"
using assms proof (induction rule: resolution_step.induct)
  case (resolution_rule C1 Cs C2 l1 l2 σ)
  then have "evalc F G C1  evalc F G C2" unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  then have "evalc F G (resolution C1 C2 l1 l2 σ)" 
    using resolution_sound resolution_rule by auto
  then show ?case using resolution_rule unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  case (standardize_apart C Cs C')
  then have "evalc F G C" unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  then have "evalc F G C'" using subst_sound standardize_apart unfolding var_renaming_of_def instance_ofls_def by metis
  then show ?case using standardize_apart unfolding evalcs_def by auto

lemma mderivation_sound: 
  assumes "mresolution_deriv Cs Cs'"
  assumes "evalcs F G Cs"
  shows "evalcs F G Cs'" 
using assms unfolding mresolution_deriv_def
proof (induction rule: rtranclp.induct)
  case rtrancl_refl then show ?case by auto
  case (rtrancl_into_rtrancl Cs1 Cs2 Cs3) then show ?case using mstep_sound by auto

theorem derivation_sound: 
  assumes "resolution_deriv Cs Cs'"
  assumes "evalcs F G Cs"
  shows"evalcs F G Cs'" 
using assms unfolding resolution_deriv_def
proof (induction rule: rtranclp.induct)
  case rtrancl_refl then show ?case by auto
  case (rtrancl_into_rtrancl Cs1 Cs2 Cs3) then show ?case using step_sound by auto
theorem derivation_sound_refute: 
  assumes deriv: "resolution_deriv Cs Cs'  {}  Cs'"
  shows "¬evalcs F G Cs"
proof -
  from deriv have "evalcs F G Cs  evalcs F G Cs'" using derivation_sound by auto
  from deriv have "evalcs F G Cs'  evalc F G {}" unfolding evalcs_def by auto
  then have "evalc F G {}  False" unfolding evalc_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

section ‹Herbrand Interpretations›

text @{const HFun} is the Herbrand function denotation in which terms are mapped to themselves.›
term HFun

lemma eval_groundt: 
  assumes "groundt t"
  shows "(evalt E HFun t) = hterm_of_fterm t"
  using assms by (induction t) auto

lemma eval_groundts: 
  assumes "groundts ts"
  shows "(evalts E HFun ts) = hterms_of_fterms ts" 
  unfolding hterms_of_fterms_def using assms eval_groundt by (induction ts) auto

lemma evall_groundts:
  assumes asm: "groundts ts"
  shows "evall E HFun G (Pos P ts)  G P (hterms_of_fterms ts)"
proof -
  have "evall E HFun G (Pos P ts) = G P (evalts E HFun ts)" by auto
  also have "... = G P (hterms_of_fterms ts)" using asm eval_groundts by simp 
  finally show ?thesis by auto

section ‹Partial Interpretations›

type_synonym partial_pred_denot = "bool list"

definition falsifiesl :: "partial_pred_denot  fterm literal  bool" where
  "falsifiesl G l 
        groundl l
      (let i = nat_of_fatom (get_atom l) in
          i < length G  G ! i = (¬sign l)

text ‹A ground clause is falsified if it is actually ground and all its literals are falsified.›
abbreviation falsifiesg :: "partial_pred_denot  fterm clause  bool" where
  "falsifiesg G C  groundls C  (l  C. falsifiesl G l)"

abbreviation falsifiesc :: "partial_pred_denot  fterm clause  bool" where
  "falsifiesc G C  (C'. instance_ofls C' C  falsifiesg G C')"

abbreviation falsifiescs :: "partial_pred_denot  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "falsifiescs G Cs  (C  Cs. falsifiesc G C)"  

abbreviation extend :: "(nat  partial_pred_denot)  hterm pred_denot" where
  "extend f P ts  (
     let n = nat_of_hatom (P, ts) in
       f (Suc n) ! n

fun sub_of_denot :: "hterm var_denot  substitution" where
  "sub_of_denot E = fterm_of_hterm  E"

lemma ground_sub_of_denott: "groundt (t t (sub_of_denot E))" 
  by (induction t) (auto simp add: ground_fterm_of_hterm)

lemma ground_sub_of_denotts: "groundts (ts ts sub_of_denot E)"
using ground_sub_of_denott by simp 

lemma ground_sub_of_denotl: "groundl (l l sub_of_denot E)"
proof -
  have "groundts (subs (get_terms l) (sub_of_denot E))" 
    using ground_sub_of_denotts by auto
  then show ?thesis by (cases l)  auto

lemma sub_of_denot_equivx: "evalt E HFun (sub_of_denot E x) = E x"
proof -
  have "groundt (sub_of_denot E x)" using ground_fterm_of_hterm by simp
  have "evalt E HFun (sub_of_denot E x) = hterm_of_fterm (sub_of_denot E x)"
    using eval_groundt(1) by auto
  also have "... = hterm_of_fterm (fterm_of_hterm (E x))" by auto
  also have "... = E x" by auto
  finally show ?thesis by auto

lemma sub_of_denot_equivt:
    "evalt E HFun (t t (sub_of_denot E)) = evalt E HFun t"
using sub_of_denot_equivx  by (induction t) auto

lemma sub_of_denot_equivts: "evalts E HFun (ts ts (sub_of_denot E)) = evalts E HFun ts"
using sub_of_denot_equivt by simp

lemma sub_of_denot_equivl: "evall E HFun G (l l sub_of_denot E)  evall E HFun G l"
proof (induction l)
  case (Pos p ts)
  have "evall E HFun G ((Pos p ts) l sub_of_denot E)  G p (evalts E HFun (ts ts (sub_of_denot E)))" by auto
  also have " ...  G p (evalts E HFun ts)" using sub_of_denot_equivts[of E ts] by metis
  also have " ...  evall E HFun G (Pos p ts)" by simp
  show ?case by blast
 case (Neg p ts)
  have "evall E HFun G ((Neg p ts) l sub_of_denot E)  ¬G p (evalts E HFun (ts ts (sub_of_denot E)))" by auto
  also have " ...  ¬G p (evalts E HFun ts)" using sub_of_denot_equivts[of E ts] by metis
  also have " ... = evall E HFun G (Neg p ts)" by simp
  show ?case by blast

text ‹Under an Herbrand interpretation, an environment is equivalent to a substitution.›
lemma sub_of_denot_equiv_ground': 
  "evall E HFun G l = evall E HFun G (l l sub_of_denot E)  groundl (l l sub_of_denot E)"
    using sub_of_denot_equivl ground_sub_of_denotl by auto

text ‹Under an Herbrand interpretation, an environment is similar to a substitution - also for partial interpretations.›
lemma partial_equiv_subst:
  assumes "falsifiesc G (C ls τ)"
  shows "falsifiesc G C"
proof -
  from assms obtain C' where C'_p: "instance_ofls C' (C ls τ)  falsifiesg G C'" by auto
  then have "instance_ofls (C ls τ) C" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto
  then have "instance_ofls C' C" using C'_p instance_ofls_trans by auto
  then show ?thesis using C'_p by auto

text ‹Under an Herbrand interpretation, an environment is equivalent to a substitution.›
lemma sub_of_denot_equiv_ground:
  "((l  C. evall E HFun G l)  (l  C ls sub_of_denot E. evall E HFun G l))
            groundls (C ls sub_of_denot E)"
  using sub_of_denot_equiv_ground' by auto

lemma std1_falsifies: "falsifiesc G C1  falsifiesc G (std1 C1)"
  assume asm: "falsifiesc G C1"
  then obtain Cg where "instance_ofls Cg C1   falsifiesg G Cg" by auto
  then have "instance_ofls Cg (std1 C1)" using std_apart_instance_ofls1 instance_ofls_trans by blast
  show "falsifiesc G (std1 C1)" by auto
  assume asm: "falsifiesc G (std1 C1)"
  then have inst: "instance_ofls (std1 C1) C1" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto

  from asm obtain Cg where "instance_ofls Cg (std1 C1)   falsifiesg G Cg" by auto
  then have "instance_ofls Cg C1" using inst instance_ofls_trans by blast
  show "falsifiesc G C1" by auto

lemma std2_falsifies: "falsifiesc G C2  falsifiesc G (std2 C2)"
  assume asm: "falsifiesc G C2"
  then obtain Cg where "instance_ofls Cg C2   falsifiesg G Cg" by auto
  then have "instance_ofls Cg (std2 C2)" using std_apart_instance_ofls2 instance_ofls_trans by blast
  show "falsifiesc G (std2 C2)" by auto
  assume asm: "falsifiesc G (std2 C2)"
  then have inst: "instance_ofls (std2 C2) C2" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto

  from asm obtain Cg where "instance_ofls Cg (std2 C2)   falsifiesg G Cg" by auto
  then have "instance_ofls Cg C2" using inst instance_ofls_trans by blast
  show "falsifiesc G C2" by auto

lemma std1_renames: "var_renaming_of C1 (std1 C1)"
proof -
  have "instance_ofls C1 (std1 C1)" using std_apart_instance_ofls1 by auto
  moreover have "instance_ofls (std1 C1) C1" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto
  ultimately show "var_renaming_of C1 (std1 C1)" unfolding var_renaming_of_def by auto

lemma std2_renames: "var_renaming_of C2 (std2 C2)"
proof -
  have "instance_ofls C2 (std2 C2)" using std_apart_instance_ofls2 by auto
  moreover have "instance_ofls (std2 C2) C2" unfolding instance_ofls_def by auto
  ultimately show "var_renaming_of C2 (std2 C2)" unfolding var_renaming_of_def by auto

section ‹Semantic Trees›

abbreviation closed_branch :: "partial_pred_denot  tree  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "closed_branch G T Cs  branch G T  falsifiescs G Cs"

abbreviation(input) open_branch :: "partial_pred_denot  tree  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "open_branch G T Cs  branch G T  ¬falsifiescs G Cs"

definition closed_tree :: "tree  fterm clause set  bool" where
  "closed_tree T Cs  anybranch T (λb. closed_branch b T Cs) 
                   anyinternal T (λp. ¬falsifiescs p Cs)" 

section ‹Herbrand's Theorem›

lemma maximum:
  assumes asm: "finite C"
  shows "n :: nat. l  C. f l  n"
  from asm show "lC. f l  (Max (f ` C))" by auto

lemma extend_preserves_model: (* only for ground *)
  assumes f_infpath: "wf_infpath (f :: nat  partial_pred_denot)" 
  assumes C_ground: "groundls C"
  assumes C_sat: "¬falsifiesc (f (Suc n)) C"
  assumes n_max: "lC. nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)  n"
  shows "evalc HFun (extend f) C"
proof -
  let ?F = "HFun" 
  let ?G = "extend f"
    fix E
    from C_sat have "C'. (¬instance_ofls C' C  ¬falsifiesg (f (Suc n)) C')" by auto
    then have "¬falsifiesg (f (Suc n)) C" using instance_ofls_self by auto
    then obtain l where l_p: "lC  ¬falsifiesl (f (Suc n)) l" using C_ground by blast
    let ?i = "nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)"
    from l_p have i_n: "?i  n" using n_max by auto
    then have j_n: "?i < length (f (Suc n))" using f_infpath infpath_length[of f] by auto
    have "evall E HFun (extend f) l"
      proof (cases l)
        case (Pos P ts)
        from Pos l_p C_ground have ts_ground: "groundts ts" by auto

        have "¬falsifiesl (f (Suc n)) l" using l_p by auto
        then have "f (Suc n) ! ?i = True" 
          using j_n Pos ts_ground empty_subts[of ts] unfolding falsifiesl_def by auto
        moreover have "f (Suc ?i) ! ?i = f (Suc n) ! ?i" 
          using f_infpath i_n j_n infpath_length[of f] ith_in_extension[of f] by simp
        have "f (Suc ?i) ! ?i = True" using Pos by auto
        then have "?G P (hterms_of_fterms ts)" using Pos by (simp add: nat_of_fatom_def) 
        then show ?thesis using evall_groundts[of ts _ ?G P] ts_ground Pos by auto
        case (Neg P ts) (* Symmetric *)
        from Neg l_p C_ground have ts_ground: "groundts ts" by auto

        have "¬falsifiesl (f (Suc n)) l" using l_p by auto  
        then have "f (Suc n) ! ?i = False" 
          using j_n Neg ts_ground empty_subts[of ts] unfolding falsifiesl_def by auto
        moreover have "f (Suc ?i) ! ?i = f (Suc n) ! ?i" 
          using f_infpath i_n j_n infpath_length[of f] ith_in_extension[of f] by simp
        have "f (Suc ?i) ! ?i = False" using Neg by auto
        then have "¬?G P (hterms_of_fterms ts)" using Neg by (simp add: nat_of_fatom_def) 
        then show ?thesis using Neg evall_groundts[of ts _ ?G P] ts_ground by auto
    then have "l  C. evall E HFun (extend f) l" using l_p by auto
  then have "evalc HFun (extend f) C" unfolding evalc_def by auto
  then show ?thesis using instance_ofls_self by auto

lemma extend_preserves_model2: (* only for ground *)
  assumes f_infpath: "wf_infpath (f :: nat  partial_pred_denot)" 
  assumes C_ground: "groundls C"
  assumes fin_c: "finite C"
  assumes model_C: "n. ¬falsifiesc (f n) C"
  shows C_false: "evalc HFun (extend f) C"
proof -
  ― ‹Since C is finite, C has a largest index of a literal.›
  obtain n where largest: "l  C. nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)  n" using fin_c maximum[of C "λl. nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)"] by blast
  then have "¬falsifiesc (f (Suc n)) C" using model_C by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using model_C f_infpath C_ground extend_preserves_model[of f C n ] by blast

lemma extend_infpath: 
  assumes f_infpath: "wf_infpath (f :: nat  partial_pred_denot)"
  assumes model_c: "n. ¬falsifiesc (f n) C"
  assumes fin_c: "finite C"
  shows "evalc HFun (extend f) C"
unfolding evalc_def proof 
  fix E
  let ?G = "extend f"
  let  = "sub_of_denot E"
  from fin_c have fin_cσ: "finite (C ls sub_of_denot E)" by auto
  have groundcσ: "groundls (C ls sub_of_denot E)" using sub_of_denot_equiv_ground by auto

  ― ‹Here starts the proof›
  ― ‹We go from syntactic FO world to syntactic ground world:›
  from model_c have "n. ¬falsifiesc (f n) (C ls )" using partial_equiv_subst by blast
  ― ‹Then from syntactic ground world to semantic ground world:›
  then have "evalc HFun ?G (C ls )" using groundcσ f_infpath fin_cσ extend_preserves_model2[of f "C ls "] by blast
  ― ‹Then from semantic ground world to semantic FO world:›
  then have "E. l  (C ls ). evall E HFun ?G l" unfolding evalc_def by auto
  then have "l  (C ls ). evall E HFun ?G l" by auto
  then show "l  C. evall E HFun ?G l" using sub_of_denot_equiv_ground[of C E "extend f"] by blast

text ‹If we have a infpath of partial models, then we have a model.›
lemma infpath_model:
  assumes f_infpath: "wf_infpath (f :: nat  partial_pred_denot)"
  assumes model_cs: "n. ¬falsifiescs (f n) Cs" 
  assumes fin_cs: "finite Cs"
  assumes fin_c: "C  Cs. finite C"
  shows "evalcs HFun (extend f) Cs"
proof -
  let ?F = "HFun"
  have "C  Cs. evalc ?F (extend f) C"  
    proof (rule ballI)
      fix C
      assume asm: "C  Cs"
      then have "n. ¬falsifiesc (f n) C" using model_cs by auto
      then show "evalc ?F (extend f) C" using fin_c asm f_infpath extend_infpath[of f C] by auto
  then show "evalcs ?F (extend f) Cs" unfolding evalcs_def by auto

fun deeptree :: "nat  tree" where
  "deeptree 0 = Leaf"
| "deeptree (Suc n) = Branching (deeptree n) (deeptree n)"

lemma branch_length: 
  assumes "branch b (deeptree n)"
  shows "length b = n"
using assms proof (induction n arbitrary: b)
  case 0 then show ?case using branch_inv_Leaf by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then have "branch b (Branching (deeptree n) (deeptree n))" by auto
  then obtain a b' where p: "b = a#b' branch b' (deeptree n)" using branch_inv_Branching[of b] by blast
  then have "length b' = n" using Suc by auto
  then show ?case using p by auto

lemma infinity:
  assumes inj: "n :: nat. undiago (diago n) = n" 
  assumes all_tree: "n :: nat. (diago n)  tree"
  shows "¬finite tree"
proof -
  from inj all_tree have "n. n = undiago (diago n)  (diago n)  tree" by auto
  then have "n. ds. n = undiago ds  ds  tree" by auto
  then have "undiago ` tree = (UNIV :: nat set)" by auto
  then have "¬finite tree"by (metis finite_imageI infinite_UNIV_nat) 
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma longer_falsifiesl:
  assumes "falsifiesl ds l"
  shows "falsifiesl (ds@d) l"
proof - 
  let ?i = "nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)"
  from assms have i_p: "groundl l   ?i < length ds  ds ! ?i = (¬sign l)" unfolding falsifiesl_def by meson
  from i_p have "?i < length (ds@d)" by auto
  from i_p have "(ds@d) ! ?i = (¬sign l)" by (simp add: nth_append) 
  show ?thesis unfolding falsifiesl_def by simp

lemma longer_falsifiesg:
  assumes "falsifiesg ds C"
  shows "falsifiesg (ds @ d) C"
proof -
    fix l
    assume "lC"
    then have "falsifiesl (ds @ d) l" using assms longer_falsifiesl by auto
  } then show ?thesis using assms by auto

lemma longer_falsifiesc:
  assumes "falsifiesc ds C"
  shows "falsifiesc (ds @ d) C"
proof -
  from assms obtain C' where "instance_ofls C' C  falsifiesg ds C'" by auto
  then have "falsifiesg (ds @ d) C'" using longer_falsifiesg by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

text ‹We use this so that we can apply König's lemma.›
lemma longer_falsifies:  
  assumes "falsifiescs ds Cs"
  shows "falsifiescs (ds @ d) Cs"
proof -
  from assms obtain C where "C  Cs  falsifiesc ds C" by auto
  then have "falsifiesc (ds @ d) C" using longer_falsifiesc[of C ds d] by blast
  show ?thesis by auto

text ‹If all finite semantic trees have an open branch, then the set of clauses has a model.›
theorem herbrand':
  assumes openb: "T. G. open_branch G T Cs"
  assumes finite_cs: "finite Cs" "CCs. finite C"
  shows "G. evalcs HFun G Cs"
proof -
  ― ‹Show T infinite:›
  let ?tree = "{G. ¬falsifiescs G Cs}"
  let ?undiag = length
  let ?diag = "(λl. SOME b. open_branch b (deeptree l) Cs) :: nat  partial_pred_denot"

  from openb have diag_open: "l. open_branch (?diag l) (deeptree l) Cs"
    using someI_ex[of "λb. open_branch b (deeptree _) Cs"] by auto
  then have "n. ?undiag (?diag n) = n" using branch_length by auto
  have "n. (?diag n)  ?tree" using diag_open by auto
  have "¬finite ?tree" using infinity[of _ "λn. SOME b. open_branch b (_ n) Cs"] by simp
  ― ‹Get infinite path:›
  have "ds d. ¬falsifiescs (ds @ d) Cs  ¬falsifiescs ds Cs" 
    using longer_falsifies[of Cs] by blast
  then have "(ds d. ds @ d  ?tree  ds  ?tree)" by auto
  have "c. wf_infpath c  (n. c n  ?tree)" using konig[of ?tree] by blast
  then have "G. wf_infpath G  (n. ¬ falsifiescs (G n) Cs)" by auto
  ― ‹Apply above infpath lemma:›
  then show "G. evalcs HFun G Cs" using infpath_model finite_cs by auto

lemma shorter_falsifiesl:
  assumes "falsifiesl (ds@d) l"
  assumes "nat_of_fatom (get_atom l) < length ds"
  shows "falsifiesl ds l"
proof -
  let ?i = "nat_of_fatom (get_atom l)"
  from assms have i_p: "groundl l   ?i < length (ds@d)  (ds@d) ! ?i = (¬sign l)" unfolding falsifiesl_def by meson
  then have "?i < length ds" using assms by auto
  then have "ds ! ?i = (¬sign l)" using i_p nth_append[of ds d ?i] by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using assms unfolding falsifiesl_def by simp

theorem herbrand'_contra:
  assumes finite_cs: "finite Cs" "CCs. finite C"
  assumes unsat: "G. ¬evalcs HFun G Cs"
  shows "T. G. branch G T  closed_branch G T Cs"
proof -
  from finite_cs unsat have "(T. G. open_branch G T Cs)  (G. evalcs HFun G Cs)" using herbrand' by blast
  then show ?thesis using unsat by blast 

theorem herbrand:
  assumes unsat: "G. ¬evalcs HFun G Cs"
  assumes finite_cs: "finite Cs" "CCs. finite C"
  shows "T. closed_tree T Cs"
proof -
  from unsat finite_cs obtain T where "anybranch T (λb. closed_branch b T Cs)" using herbrand'_contra[of Cs] by blast
  then have "T. anybranch T (λp. falsifiescs p Cs)  anyinternal T (λp. ¬ falsifiescs p Cs)" 
    using cutoff_branch_internal[of T "λp. falsifiescs p Cs"] by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding closed_tree_def by auto
