Theory More_Relation_Algebra

(* Title:      (More) Relation Algebra
   Author:     Walter Guttmann, Peter Hoefner
   Maintainer: Walter Guttmann <walter.guttmann at>
               Peter Hoefner <peter at>

section ‹(More) Relation Algebra›

text ‹
This theory presents fundamental properties of relation algebras, which are not present in the AFP entry on relation algebras but could be integrated there cite"ArmstrongFosterStruthWeber2014".
Many theorems concern vectors and points.

theory More_Relation_Algebra

imports Relation_Algebra.Relation_Algebra_RTC Relation_Algebra.Relation_Algebra_Functions


unbundle no trancl_syntax

context relation_algebra

  converse ((_T) [102] 101)

abbreviation bijective
  where "bijective x  is_inj x  is_sur x"

abbreviation reflexive
  where "reflexive R  1'  R"

abbreviation symmetric
  where "symmetric R  R = RT"

abbreviation transitive
  where "transitive R  R;R  R"

text ‹General theorems›

lemma x_leq_triple_x:
  "x  x;xT;x"
proof -
  have "x = x;1'  1"
    by simp
  also have "...  (x  1;1'T);(1'  xT;1)"
    by (rule dedekind)
  also have "... = x;(xT;1  1')"
    by (simp add: inf.commute)
  also have "...  x;(xT  1';1T);(1  (xT)T;1')"
    by (metis comp_assoc dedekind mult_isol)
  also have "...  x;xT;x"
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma inj_triple:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "x = x;xT;x"
by (metis assms order.eq_iff inf_absorb2 is_inj_def mult_1_left mult_subdistr x_leq_triple_x)

lemma p_fun_triple:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "x = x;xT;x"
by (metis assms comp_assoc order.eq_iff is_p_fun_def mult_isol mult_oner x_leq_triple_x)

lemma loop_backward_forward:
  "xT  -(1') + x"
by (metis conv_e conv_times inf.cobounded2 test_dom test_domain test_eq_conv galois_2 inf.commute

lemma inj_sur_semi_swap:
  assumes "is_sur z"
      and "is_inj x"
    shows "z  y;x  x  yT;z"
proof -
  assume "z  y;x"
  hence "z;xT  y;(x;xT)"
    by (metis mult_isor mult_assoc)
  hence "z;xT  y"
    using is_inj x unfolding is_inj_def
    by (metis mult_isol order.trans mult_1_right)
  hence "(zT;z);xT  zT;y"
    by (metis mult_isol mult_assoc)
  hence "xT  zT;y"
    using is_sur z unfolding is_sur_def
    by (metis mult_isor order.trans mult_1_left)
  thus ?thesis
    using conv_iso by fastforce

lemma inj_sur_semi_swap_short:
  assumes "is_sur z"
      and "is_inj x"
    shows "z  yT;x  x  y;z"
proof -
  assume as: "z  yT;x"
  hence "z;xT  yT"
    using z  yT;x is_inj x unfolding is_inj_def
    by (metis assms(2) conv_invol inf.orderI inf_absorb1 inj_p_fun ss_422iii)
  hence "xT  zT;yT"
    using is_sur z unfolding is_sur_def
    by (metis as assms inj_sur_semi_swap conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso)
  thus "x  y;z"
    using conv_iso by fastforce

lemma bij_swap:
  assumes "bijective z"
      and "bijective x"
    shows "z  yT;x  x  y;z"
by (metis assms inj_sur_semi_swap conv_invol)

text ‹The following result is cite‹Proposition 4.2.2(iv)› in "SchmidtStroehlein1993".›

lemma ss422iv:
  assumes "is_p_fun y"
      and "x  y"
      and "y;1  x;1"
    shows "x = y"
proof -
  have "y  (x;1)y"
    using assms(3) le_infI maddux_20 order_trans by blast
  also have "...  x;xT;y"
    by (metis inf_top_left modular_1_var comp_assoc)
  also have "...  x;yT;y"
    using assms(2) conv_iso mult_double_iso by blast
  also have "...  x"
    using assms(1) comp_assoc is_p_fun_def mult_isol mult_1_right
    by fastforce
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: assms(2) order.antisym)

text ‹The following results are variants of cite‹Proposition 4.2.3› in "SchmidtStroehlein1993".›

lemma ss423conv:
  assumes "bijective x"
    shows "x ; y  z  y  xT ; z"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_iso inj_p_fun is_map_def ss423 sur_total)

lemma ss423bij:
  assumes "bijective x"
    shows "y ; xT  z  y  z ; x"
by (simp add: assms is_map_def p_fun_inj ss423 total_sur)

lemma inj_distr:
  assumes "is_inj z"
    shows "(xy);z = (x;z)(y;z)"
apply (rule order.antisym)
 using mult_subdistr_var apply blast
using assms conv_iso inj_p_fun p_fun_distl by fastforce

lemma test_converse:
  "x  1' = xT  1'"
by (metis conv_e conv_times inf_le2 is_test_def test_eq_conv)

lemma injective_down_closed:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "y  x"
    shows "is_inj y"
by (meson assms conv_iso dual_order.trans is_inj_def mult_isol_var)

lemma injective_sup:
  assumes "is_inj t"
      and "e;tT  1'"
      and "is_inj e"
    shows "is_inj (t + e)"
proof -
  have 1: "t;eT  1'"
    using assms(2) conv_contrav conv_e conv_invol conv_iso by fastforce
  have "(t + e);(t + e)T = t;tT + t;eT + e;tT + e;eT"
    by (metis conv_add distrib_left distrib_right' sup_assoc)
  also have "...  1'"
    using 1 assms by (simp add: is_inj_def le_supI)
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding is_inj_def .

text ‹Some (more) results about vectors›

lemma vector_meet_comp:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "is_vector w"
    shows "v;wT = vwT"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_one inf_top_right is_vector_def vector_1)

lemma vector_meet_comp':
  assumes "is_vector v"
    shows "v;vT = vvT"
using assms vector_meet_comp by blast

lemma vector_meet_comp_x:
  "x;1;xT = x;11;xT"
by (metis comp_assoc inf_top.right_neutral is_vector_def one_idem_mult vector_1)

lemma vector_meet_comp_x':
  "x;1;x = x;11;x"
by (metis inf_commute inf_top.right_neutral ra_1)

lemma vector_prop1:
  assumes "is_vector v"
    shows "-vT;v = 0"
by (metis assms compl_inf_bot inf_top.right_neutral one_compl one_idem_mult vector_2)

text ‹The following results and a number of others in this theory are from cite"Guttmann2017a".›

lemma ee:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "e  v;-vT"
    shows "e;e = 0"
proof -
  have "e;v  0"
    by (metis assms annir mult_isor vector_prop1 comp_assoc)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(2) annil order.antisym bot_least comp_assoc mult_isol)

lemma et:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "e  v;-vT"
      and "t  v;vT"
    shows "e;t = 0"
      and "e;tT = 0"
proof -
  have "e;t  v;-vT;v;vT"
    by (metis assms(2-3) mult_isol_var comp_assoc)
  thus "e;t = 0"
    by (simp add: assms(1) comp_assoc le_bot vector_prop1)
  have "tT  v;vT"
    using assms(3) conv_iso by fastforce
  hence "e;tT  v;-vT;v;vT"
    by (metis assms(2) mult_isol_var comp_assoc)
  thus "e;tT = 0"
    by (simp add: assms(1) comp_assoc le_bot vector_prop1)

text ‹Some (more) results about points›

definition point
  where "point x  is_vector x  bijective x"

lemma point_swap:
  assumes "point p"
      and "point q"
    shows "p  x;q  q  xT;p"
by (metis assms conv_invol inj_sur_semi_swap point_def)

text ‹Some (more) results about singletons›

abbreviation singleton
  where "singleton x  bijective (x;1)  bijective (xT;1)"

lemma singleton_injective:
  assumes "singleton x"
    shows "is_inj x"
using assms injective_down_closed maddux_20 by blast

lemma injective_inv:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "singleton e"
      and "e  v;-vT"
      and "t  v;vT"
      and "is_inj t"
    shows "is_inj (t + e)"
by (metis assms singleton_injective injective_sup bot_least et(2))

lemma singleton_is_point:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "point (p;1)"
by (simp add: assms comp_assoc is_vector_def point_def)

lemma singleton_transp:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "singleton (pT)"
by (simp add: assms)

lemma point_to_singleton:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "singleton (1'p;pT)"
using assms dom_def_aux_var dom_one is_vector_def point_def by fastforce

lemma singleton_singletonT:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "p;pT  1'"
using assms singleton_injective is_inj_def by blast

text ‹Minimality›

abbreviation minimum
  where "minimum x v  v  -(xT;v)"

text ‹Regressively finite›

abbreviation regressively_finite
  where "regressively_finite x  v . is_vector v  v  xT;v  v = 0"

lemma regressively_finite_minimum:
  "regressively_finite R  is_vector v  v  0  minimum R v  0"
using galois_aux2 by blast

lemma regressively_finite_irreflexive:
  assumes "regressively_finite x"
    shows "x  -1'"
proof -
  have 1: "is_vector ((xT  1');1)"
    by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_assoc)
  have "(xT  1');1 = (xT  1');(xT  1');1"
    by (simp add: is_test_def test_comp_eq_mult)
  with 1 have "(xT  1');1 = 0"
    by (metis assms comp_assoc mult_subdistr)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis conv_e conv_invol conv_times conv_zero galois_aux ss_p18)

end (* relation_algebra *)

subsection ‹Relation algebras satisfying the Tarski rule›

class relation_algebra_tarski = relation_algebra +
  assumes tarski: "x  0  1;x;1 = 1"

text ‹Some (more) results about points›

lemma point_equations:
  assumes "is_point p"
  shows "p;1=p"
    and "1;p=1"
    and "pT;1=1"
    and "1;pT=pT"
   apply (metis assms is_point_def is_vector_def)
  using assms is_point_def is_vector_def tarski vector_comp apply fastforce
 apply (metis assms conv_contrav conv_one conv_zero is_point_def is_vector_def tarski)
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_one is_point_def is_vector_def)

text ‹The following result is cite‹Proposition 2.4.5(i)› in "SchmidtStroehlein1993".›

lemma point_singleton:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_vector v"
      and "v  0"
      and "v  p"
    shows "v = p"
proof -
  have "1;v = 1"
    using assms(2,3) comp_assoc is_vector_def tarski by fastforce
  hence "p = 1;v  p"
    by simp
  also have "...  (1  p;vT);(v  1T;p)"
    using dedekind by blast
  also have "...  p;vT;v"
    by (simp add: mult_subdistl)
  also have "...  p;pT;v"
    using assms(4) conv_iso mult_double_iso by blast
  also have "...  v"
    by (metis assms(1) is_inj_def is_point_def mult_isor mult_onel)
  finally show ?thesis
    using assms(4) by simp

lemma point_not_equal_aux:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
    shows "pq  p  -q  0"
  show "p  q  p  - q  0"
  proof (rule contrapos_nn)
    assume "p  -q = 0"
    thus "p = q"
     using assms galois_aux2 is_point_def point_singleton by fastforce
  show "p  - q  0  p  q"
    using inf_compl_bot by blast

text ‹The following result is part of cite‹Proposition 2.4.5(ii)› in "SchmidtStroehlein1993".›

lemma point_not_equal:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
    shows "pq  p-q"
      and "p-q  p;qT  -1'"
      and "p;qT  -1'  pT;q  0"
proof -
  have "p  q  p  - q"
    by (metis assms point_not_equal_aux is_point_def vector_compl vector_mult point_singleton
              inf.orderI inf.cobounded1)
  thus "pq  p-q"
    by (metis assms(1) galois_aux inf.orderE is_point_def order.refl)
  show "(p  - q) = (p ; qT  - 1')"
    by (simp add: conv_galois_2)
  show "(p ; qT  - 1') = (pT ; q  0)"
    by (metis assms(2) compl_bot_eq conv_galois_2 galois_aux maddux_141 mult_1_right

lemma point_is_point:
  "point x  is_point x"
apply (rule iffI)
 apply (simp add: is_point_def point_def surj_one tarski)
using is_point_def is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def sur_def_var1 tarski by fastforce

lemma point_in_vector_or_complement:
  assumes "point p"
      and "is_vector v"
    shows "p  v  p  -v"
proof (cases "p  -v")
  assume "p  -v"
  thus ?thesis
    by simp
  assume "¬(p  -v)"
  hence "pv  0"
    by (simp add: galois_aux)
  hence "1;(pv) = 1"
    using assms comp_assoc is_vector_def point_def tarski vector_mult by fastforce
  hence "p  p;(pv)T;(pv)"
    by (metis inf_top.left_neutral modular_2_var)
  also have "...  p;pT;v"
    by (simp add: mult_isol_var)
  also have "...  v"
    using assms(1) comp_assoc point_def ss423conv by fastforce
  finally show ?thesis ..

lemma point_in_vector_or_complement_iff:
  assumes "point p"
      and "is_vector v"
    shows "p  v  ¬(p  -v)"
by (metis assms annir compl_top_eq galois_aux inf.orderE one_compl point_def ss423conv tarski
          top_greatest point_in_vector_or_complement)

lemma different_points_consequences:
  assumes "point p"
      and "point q"
      and "pq"
    shows "pT;-q=1"
      and "-qT;p=1"
      and "-(pT;-q)=0"
      and "-(-qT;p)=0"
proof -
  have "p  -q"
    by (metis assms compl_le_swap1 inf.absorb1 inf.absorb2 point_def point_in_vector_or_complement)
  thus 1: "pT;-q=1"
    using assms(1) by (metis is_vector_def point_def ss423conv top_le)
  thus 2: "-qT;p=1"
    using conv_compl conv_one by force
  from 1 show "-(pT;-q)=0"
    by simp
  from 2 show "-(-qT;p)=0"
    by simp

text ‹Some (more) results about singletons›

lemma singleton_pq:
  assumes "point p"
      and "point q"
    shows "singleton (p;qT)"
using assms comp_assoc point_def point_equations(1,3) point_is_point by fastforce

lemma singleton_equal_aux:
  assumes "singleton p"
      and "singleton q"
      and "qp"
    shows "p  q;1"
proof -
  have pLp: "p;1;pT 1'"
    by (simp add: assms(1) maddux_21 ss423conv)

  have "p = 1;(qT;q;1)  p"
    using tarski
    by (metis assms(2) annir singleton_injective inf.commute inf_top.right_neutral inj_triple
              mult_assoc surj_one)
  also have "...  (1  p;(qT;q;1)T);(qT;q;1  1;p)"
    using dedekind by (metis conv_one)
  also have "...  p;1;qT;q;qT;q;1"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "...  p;1;pT;q;qT;q;1"
    using assms(3) by (metis comp_assoc conv_iso mult_double_iso)
  also have "...  1';q;qT;q;1"
    using pLp using mult_isor by blast
  also have "...  q;1"
    using assms(2) singleton_singletonT by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma singleton_equal:
 assumes "singleton p"
     and "singleton q"
     and "qp"
   shows "q=p"
proof -
  have p1: "p  q;1"
    using assms by (rule singleton_equal_aux)
  have "pT  qT;1"
    using assms singleton_equal_aux singleton_transp conv_iso by fastforce
  hence p2: "p  1;q"
    using conv_iso by force

  have "p  q;1  1;q"
    using p1 p2 inf.boundedI by blast
  also have "...  (q  1;q;1);(1  qT;1;q)"
    using dedekind by (metis comp_assoc conv_one)
  also have "...  q;qT;1;q"
    by (simp add: mult_isor comp_assoc)
  also have "...  q;1'"
    by (metis assms(2) conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one is_inj_def mult_assoc mult_isol
  also have "...  q"
    by simp
  finally have "p  q" .
  thus "q=p"
  using assms(3) by simp

lemma singleton_nonsplit:
  assumes "singleton p"
      and "xp"
    shows "x=0  x=p"
proof (cases "x=0")
  assume "x=0"
  thus ?thesis ..
  assume 1: "x0"
  have "singleton x"
  proof (safe)
    show "is_inj (x;1)"
      using assms injective_down_closed mult_isor by blast
    show "is_inj (xT;1)"
      using assms conv_iso injective_down_closed mult_isol_var by blast
    show "is_sur (x;1)"
      using 1 comp_assoc sur_def_var1 tarski by fastforce
    thus "is_sur (xT;1)"
      by (metis conv_contrav conv_one mult.semigroup_axioms sur_def_var1 semigroup.assoc)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms singleton_equal by blast

lemma singleton_nonzero:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "p0"
  assume "p = 0"
  hence "point 0"
    using assms singleton_is_point by fastforce
  thus False
    by (simp add: is_point_def point_is_point)

lemma singleton_sum:
  assumes "singleton p"
    shows "p  x+y  (px  py)"
  show "p  x + y  p  x  p  y"
  proof -
    assume as: "p  x + y"
    show "p  x  p  y"
    proof (cases "px")
      assume "px"
      thus ?thesis ..
      assume a:"¬(px)"
      hence "px  p"
        using a inf.orderI by fastforce
      hence "p  -x"
        using assms singleton_nonsplit galois_aux inf_le1 by blast
      hence "py"
        using as by (metis galois_1 inf.orderE)
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
  show "p  x  p  y  p  x + y"
    using sup.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI2 by blast

lemma singleton_iff:
 "singleton x  x  0  xT;1;x + x;1;xT  1'"
by (smt comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one is_inj_def le_sup_iff one_idem_mult
        sur_def_var1 tarski)

lemma singleton_not_atom_in_relation_algebra_tarski:
 assumes "p0"
     and "x . xp  x=0  x=p"
   shows "singleton p"
nitpick [expect=genuine] oops

end (* relation_algebra_tarski *)

subsection ‹Relation algebras satisfying the point axiom›

class relation_algebra_point = relation_algebra +
  assumes point_axiom: "x  0  (y z . point y  point z  y;zT  x)"

text ‹Some (more) results about points›

lemma point_exists:
  "x . point x"
by (metis (full_types) order.eq_iff is_inj_def is_sur_def is_vector_def point_axiom point_def)

lemma point_below_vector:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "v  0"
    shows "x . point x  x  v"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain y and z where 1: "point y  point z  y;zT  v"
    using point_axiom by blast
  have "zT;1 = (1;z)T"
    using conv_contrav conv_one by simp
  hence "y;(1;z)T  v"
    using 1 by (metis assms(1) comp_assoc is_vector_def mult_isor)
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 by (metis conv_one is_vector_def point_def sur_def_var1)

end (* relation_algebra_point *)

class relation_algebra_tarski_point = relation_algebra_tarski + relation_algebra_point

lemma atom_is_singleton:
  assumes "p0"
      and "x . xp  x=0  x=p"
    shows "singleton p"
by (metis assms singleton_nonzero singleton_pq point_axiom)

lemma singleton_iff_atom:
  "singleton p  p0  (x . xp  x=0  x=p)"
using singleton_nonsplit singleton_nonzero atom_is_singleton by blast

lemma maddux_tarski:
  assumes "x0"
  shows "y . y0  yx  is_p_fun y"
proof -
  obtain p q where 1: "point p  point q  p;qT  x"
    using assms point_axiom by blast
  hence 2: "p;qT0"
    by (simp add: singleton_nonzero singleton_pq)
  have "is_p_fun (p;qT)"
    using 1 by (meson singleton_singletonT singleton_pq singleton_transp is_inj_def p_fun_inj)
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 2 by force

text ‹Intermediate Point Theorem cite‹Proposition 2.4.8› in "SchmidtStroehlein1993"

lemma intermediate_point_theorem:
  assumes "point p"
      and "point r"
    shows "p  x;y;r  (q . point q  p  x;q  q  y;r)"
  assume 1: "p  x;y;r"
  let ?v = "xT;p  y;r"
  have 2: "is_vector ?v"
    using assms comp_assoc is_vector_def point_def vector_mult by fastforce
  have "?v  0"
    using 1 by (metis assms(1) inf.absorb2 is_point_def maddux_141 point_is_point mult.assoc)
  hence "q . point q  q  ?v"
    using 2 point_below_vector by blast
  thus "q . point q  p  x;q  q  y;r"
    using assms(1) point_swap by auto
  assume "q . point q  p  x;q  q  y;r"
  thus "p  x;y;r"
    using comp_assoc mult_isol order_trans by fastforce

end (* relation_algebra_tarski_point *)

The following shows that rtc can be defined with only 2 axioms.
This should eventually go into AFP/Relation_Algebra_RTC.relation_algebra_rtc.
There the class definition should be replaced with:

class relation_algebra_rtc = relation_algebra + star_op +
  assumes rtc_unfoldl: "1' + x ; x ≤ x"
      and rtc_inductl: "z + x ; y ≤ y ⟶ x ; z ≤ y"

and the following lemmas:

context relation_algebra

lemma unfoldl_inductl_implies_unfoldr:
  assumes "x. 1' + x;(rtc x)  rtc x"
      and "x y z. x+y;z  z  rtc(y);x  z"
    shows "1' + rtc(x);x  rtc x"
by (metis assms le_sup_iff mult_oner order.trans subdistl_eq sup_absorb2 sup_ge1)

lemma star_transpose_swap:
  assumes "x. 1' + x;(rtc x)  rtc x"
      and "x y z. x+y;z  z  rtc(y);x  z"
    shows "rtc(xT) = (rtc x)T"
apply(simp only: order.eq_iff; rule conjI)
  apply (metis assms conv_add conv_contrav conv_e conv_iso mult_1_right
             unfoldl_inductl_implies_unfoldr )
by (metis assms conv_add conv_contrav conv_e conv_invol conv_iso mult_1_right

lemma unfoldl_inductl_implies_inductr:
  assumes "x. 1' + x;(rtc x)  rtc x"
      and "x y z. x+y;z  z  rtc(y);x  z"
    shows "x+z;y  z  x;rtc(y)  z"
by (metis assms conv_add conv_contrav conv_iso star_transpose_swap)

end (* relation_algebra *)

context relation_algebra_rtc

abbreviation tc ((_+) [101] 100) where "tc x  x;x"

abbreviation is_acyclic
  where "is_acyclic x  x+  -1'"

text ‹General theorems›

lemma star_denest_10:
  assumes "x;y=0"
    shows "(x+y) = y;y;x+x"
using assms bubble_sort sup.commute by auto

lemma star_star_plus:
  "x + y = x+ + y"
by (metis (full_types) sup.left_commute star_plus_one star_unfoldl_eq sup.commute)

text ‹The following two lemmas are from cite"Guttmann2018b".›

lemma cancel_separate:
  assumes "x ; y  1'"
  shows "x ; y  x + y"
proof -
  have "x ; y = x + x ; y ; y"
    by (metis comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr distrib_left mult_oner)
  also have "...  x + y"
    by (metis assms join_isol star_invol star_plus_one star_subdist_var_2 sup.absorb2 sup.assoc)
  also have "...  x + y"
    using join_iso by fastforce
  finally have "x ; (x + y)  x + y"
    by (simp add: distrib_left le_supI1)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: rtc_inductl)

lemma cancel_separate_inj_converse:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "x ; xT = x + xT"
 apply (rule order.antisym)
  using assms cancel_separate is_inj_def apply blast
by (metis conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr le_supI mult_1_right mult_isol sup.cobounded1)

lemma cancel_separate_p_fun_converse:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "xT ; x = x + xT"
using sup_commute assms cancel_separate_inj_converse p_fun_inj by fastforce

lemma cancel_separate_converse_idempotent:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "(x + xT);(x + xT) = x + xT"
by (metis assms cancel_separate cancel_separate_p_fun_converse church_rosser_equiv is_inj_def

lemma triple_star:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "x;xT;x = x + xT"
by (simp add: assms cancel_separate_inj_converse cancel_separate_p_fun_converse)

lemma inj_xxts:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "x;xT  x + xT"
by (metis assms cancel_separate_inj_converse distrib_right less_eq_def star_ext)

lemma plus_top:
  "x+;1 = x;1"
by (metis comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldr_distr sup_top_left)

lemma top_plus:
  "1;x+ = 1;x"
by (metis comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldr_distr star_denest_var_2 star_ext star_slide_var
           sup_top_left top_unique)

lemma plus_conv:
  "(x+)T = xT+"
by (simp add: star_conv star_slide_var)

lemma inj_implies_step_forwards_backwards:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "x;(x+1');1  xT;1"
proof -
  have "(x+1');1  (xxT);(x(x)T);1"
    by (metis conv_contrav conv_e dedekind mult_1_right mult_isor star_slide_var)
  also have "...  (xxT);1"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
  finally have 1: "(x+1');1  (xxT);1" .

  have "x;(xxT);1  (x+x;xT);1"
    by (metis inf_idem meet_interchange mult_isor)
  also have "...  (x+1');1"
    using assms is_inj_def meet_isor mult_isor by fastforce
  finally have "x;(xxT);1  (xxT);1"
    using 1 by fastforce
  hence "x;(x+1');1  (xxT);1"
    using 1 by (simp add: comp_assoc rtc_inductl)
  thus "x;(x+1');1  xT;1"
    using inf.cobounded2 mult_isor order_trans by blast

text ‹Acyclic relations›

text ‹The following result is from cite"Guttmann2017c".›

lemma acyclic_inv:
  assumes "is_acyclic t"
      and "is_vector v"
      and "e  v;-vT"
      and "t  v;vT"
    shows "is_acyclic (t + e)"
proof -
  have "t+;e  t+;v;-vT"
    by (simp add: assms(3) mult_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "...  v;vT;t;v;-vT"
    by (simp add: assms(4) mult_isor)
  also have "...  v;-vT"
    by (metis assms(2) mult_double_iso top_greatest is_vector_def mult_assoc)
  also have "...  -1'"
    by (simp add: conv_galois_1)
  finally have 1: "t+;e  -1'" .
  have "e  v;-vT"
    using assms(3) by simp
  also have "...  -1'"
    by (simp add: conv_galois_1)
  finally have 2: "t+;e + e  -1'"
    using 1 by simp
  have 3: "e;t = e"
    by (metis assms(2-4) et(1) independence2)
  have 4: "e = 1' + e"
    using assms(2-3) ee boffa_var bot_least by blast
  have "(t + e)+ = (t + e);t;(e;t)"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc)
  also have "... = (t + e);t;(1' + e)"
    using 3 4 by simp
  also have "... = t+;(1' + e) + e;t;(1' + e)"
    by simp
  also have "... = t+;(1' + e) + e;(1' + e)"
    using 3 by simp
  also have "... = t+;(1' + e) + e"
    using 4 assms(2-3) ee independence2 by fastforce
  also have "... = t+ + t+;e + e"
    by (simp add: distrib_left)
  also have "...  -1'"
    using assms(1) 2 by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma acyclic_single_step:
  assumes "is_acyclic x"
    shows "x  -1'"
by (metis assms dual_order.trans mult_isol mult_oner star_ref)

lemma acyclic_reachable_points:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
      and "p  x;q"
      and "is_acyclic x"
    shows "pq"
  assume "p=q"
  hence "p  x;q  q"
    by (simp add: assms(3) order.eq_iff inf.absorb2)
  also have "... = (x  1');q"
    using assms(2) inj_distr is_point_def by simp
  also have "...  (-1'  1');q"
    using acyclic_single_step assms(4) by (metis abel_semigroup.commute inf.abel_semigroup_axioms
          meet_isor mult_isor)
 also have "... = 0"
  by simp
 finally have "p  0" .
 thus False
  using assms(1) bot_unique is_point_def by blast

lemma acyclic_trans:
 assumes "is_acyclic x"
   shows "x  -(xT+)"
proof -
 have "cx. c  - (x+)T"
  by (metis assms compl_mono conv_galois_2 conv_iso double_compl mult_onel star_1l)
 thus ?thesis
  by (metis dual_order.trans plus_conv)

lemma acyclic_trans':
 assumes "is_acyclic x"
   shows "x  -(xT+)"
proof -
 have "x  - (- (- (xT ; - (- 1'))) ; (x)T)"
  by (metis assms conv_galois_1 conv_galois_2 order_trans star_trans)
 then show ?thesis
  by (simp add: star_conv)

text ‹Regressively finite›

lemma regressively_finite_acyclic:
  assumes "regressively_finite x"
    shows "is_acyclic x"
proof -
  have 1: "is_vector ((x+  1');1)"
    by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_assoc)
  have "(x+  1');1 = (xT+  1');1"
    by (metis plus_conv test_converse)
  also have "...  xT;(1';xT  x);1"
    by (metis conv_invol modular_1_var mult_isor mult_oner mult_onel)
  also have "...  xT;(1'  x+);xT;1"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_invol modular_2_var mult_isol mult_isor star_conv)
  also have "... = xT;(x+  1');1"
    by (metis comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldr_distr inf.commute sup.cobounded1 top_le)
  finally have "(x+  1');1 = 0"
    using 1 assms by (simp add: comp_assoc)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: galois_aux ss_p18)

notation power (infixr  80)

lemma power_suc_below_plus:
  "x  Suc n  x+"
  apply (induct n)
 using mult_isol star_ref apply fastforce
by (simp add: mult_isol_var order_trans)

end (* relation_algebra_rtc *)

class relation_algebra_rtc_tarski = relation_algebra_rtc + relation_algebra_tarski

lemma point_loop_not_acyclic:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "p  x  Suc n ; p"
    shows "¬ is_acyclic x"
proof -
  have "p  x+ ; p"
    by (meson assms dual_order.trans point_def point_is_point ss423bij power_suc_below_plus)
  hence "p ; pT  x+"
    using assms(1) point_def point_is_point ss423bij by blast
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(1) order.trans point_not_equal(1) point_not_equal(2) by blast


class relation_algebra_rtc_point = relation_algebra_rtc + relation_algebra_point

class relation_algebra_rtc_tarski_point = relation_algebra_rtc_tarski + relation_algebra_rtc_point +

text ‹
Finite graphs: the axiom says the algebra has finitely many elements.
This means the relations have a finite base set.

class relation_algebra_rtc_tarski_point_finite = relation_algebra_rtc_tarski_point + finite

text ‹For a finite acyclic relation, the powers eventually vanish.›

lemma acyclic_power_vanishes:
  assumes "is_acyclic x"
    shows "n . x  Suc n = 0"
proof -
  let ?n = "card { p . is_point p }"
  let ?p = "x  ?n"
  have "?p = 0"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "?p  0"
    from this obtain p q where 1: "point p  point q  p;qT  ?p"
      using point_axiom by blast
    hence 2: "p  ?p;q"
      using point_def ss423bij by blast
    have "n?n . (f. in . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x(?n-i) ; f i  f i  x(i-j) ; f j))"
      fix n
      show "n?n  (f. in . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x(?n-i) ; f i  f i  x(i-j) ; f j))"
      proof (induct n)
        case 0
        thus ?case
          using 1 2 point_is_point by fastforce
        case (Suc n)
        fix n
        assume 3: "n?n  (f . in . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; f i  f i  x  (i-j) ; f j))"
        show "Suc n?n  (f . iSuc n . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; f i  f i  x  (i-j) ; f j))"
          assume 4: "Suc n?n"
          from this obtain f where 5: "in . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; f i  f i  x  (i-j) ; f j)"
            using 3 by auto
          have "p  x  (?n-n) ; f n"
            using 5 by blast
          also have "... = x  (? ; x ; f n"
            using 4 by (metis (no_types) Suc_diff_le diff_Suc_1 diff_Suc_Suc power_Suc2)
          finally obtain r where 6: "point r  p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; r  r  x ; f n"
            using 1 5 intermediate_point_theorem point_is_point by fastforce
          let ?g = "λm . if m = Suc n then r else f m"
          have "iSuc n . is_point (?g i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; ?g i  ?g i  x  (i-j) ; ?g j)"
            fix i
            show "iSuc n  is_point (?g i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; ?g i  ?g i  x  (i-j) ; ?g j)"
            proof (cases "in")
              case True
              thus ?thesis
                using 5 by simp
              case False
              have "is_point (?g (Suc n))  (jSuc n . p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; ?g (Suc n)  ?g (Suc n)  x  (Suc n-j) ; ?g j)"
                show "is_point (?g (Suc n))"
                  using 6 point_is_point by fastforce
                show "jSuc n . p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; ?g (Suc n)  ?g (Suc n)  x  (Suc n-j) ; ?g j"
                  fix j
                  show "jSuc n  p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; ?g (Suc n)  ?g (Suc n)  x  (Suc n-j) ; ?g j"
                    assume 7: "jSuc n"
                    show "p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; ?g (Suc n)  ?g (Suc n)  x  (Suc n-j) ; ?g j"
                      show "p  x  (?n-Suc n) ; ?g (Suc n)"
                        using 6 by simp
                      show "?g (Suc n)  x  (Suc n-j) ; ?g j"
                      proof (cases "j = Suc n")
                        case True
                        thus ?thesis
                          by simp
                        case False
                        hence "f n  x  (n-j) ; f j"
                          using 5 7 by fastforce
                        hence "x ; f n  x  (Suc n-j) ; f j"
                          using 7 False Suc_diff_le comp_assoc mult_isol by fastforce
                        thus ?thesis
                          using 6 False by fastforce
              thus ?thesis
                by (simp add: False le_Suc_eq)
          thus "f . iSuc n . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; f i  f i  x  (i-j) ; f j)"
            by auto
    from this obtain f where 8: "i?n . is_point (f i)  (ji . p  x  (?n-i) ; f i  f i  x  (i-j) ; f j)"
      by fastforce
    let ?A = "{ k . k?n }"
    have "f ` ?A  { p . is_point p }"
      using 8 by blast
    hence "card (f ` ?A)  ?n"
      by (simp add: card_mono)
    hence "¬ inj_on f ?A"
      by (simp add: pigeonhole)
    from this obtain i j where 9: "i  ?n  j  ?n  i  j  f i = f j"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) inj_on_def mem_Collect_eq)
    show False
      apply (cases "i < j")
     using 8 9 apply (metis Suc_diff_le Suc_leI assms diff_Suc_Suc order_less_imp_le
    using 8 9 by (metis assms neqE point_loop_not_acyclic Suc_diff_le Suc_leI assms diff_Suc_Suc
    thus ?thesis
      by (metis annir power.simps(2))

text ‹Hence finite acyclic relations are regressively finite.›

lemma acyclic_regressively_finite:
  assumes "is_acyclic x"
    shows "regressively_finite x"
  have "is_acyclic (xT)"
    using assms acyclic_trans' compl_le_swap1 order_trans star_ref by blast
  from this obtain n where 1: "xT  Suc n = 0"
    using acyclic_power_vanishes by fastforce
  fix v
  show "is_vector v  v  xT;v  v = 0"
    assume 2: "is_vector v  v  xT;v"
    have "v  xT  Suc n ; v"
    proof (induct n)
      case 0
      thus ?case
        using 2 by simp
      case (Suc n)
      hence "xT ; v  xT  Suc (Suc n) ; v"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
      thus ?case
        using 2 dual_order.trans by blast
    thus "v = 0"
      using 1 by (simp add: le_bot)

lemma acyclic_is_regressively_finite:
  "is_acyclic x  regressively_finite x"
using acyclic_regressively_finite regressively_finite_acyclic by blast

end (* end relation_algebra_rtc_tarski_point_finite *)
